Как посмотреть все сохранённые пароли от Wi-Fi на iPhone или iPad при помощи твика WiFi Passwords List. Как посмотреть все сохранённые пароли от Wi-Fi на iPhone или iPad при помощи твика WiFi Passwords List Твик из cydia wifi password

Most of you probably use a Wi-Fi network on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and some of them may even require a password to gain access to.

Have you ever been in a predicament where you’ve needed to use someone’s Wi-Fi network and they wouldn’t tell you the password for it to your face, but they had no problem typing it in for you so you could use the network without knowing what the password was? Or, have you just plain forgotten the password to one of your most-used networks when you have a new machine or device you want to use to connect to it?

If you’ve been in either of these situations, then a called Wifi Passwords List , which is a free download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository, could be of use to you. It’ll show you the password of any secured Wi-Fi network you’ve ever used on your iOS device.

Never forget a Wi-Fi password again

With this app installed on your jailbroken iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, every password-protected Wi-Fi network you’ve ever joined (old and new) is logged. You’ll be able to launch the app at any time from your to see any of the passwords to any protected Wi-Fi networks you either forgot, or didn’t know from the start.

As you can see, the SSID for each secured Wi-Fi network is displayed in the list, and then the password is listed directly underneath the SSID. You can even tap on a network to view more information about that Wi-Fi network, including:

  • How long ago the device used the particular Wi-Fi network
  • The exact time and date that the network was last used on your device
  • Whether the network was joined manually or automatically

You’ll also see a cell labeled “View Other Info,” which includes some other interesting information when you tap on it.

Some of the information listed here, which is going to be difficult to understand for some regular users to make sense of, includes:

  • Wi-Fi channel
  • RSSI Signal strength
  • Length of time the network has been used
  • Amount of wireless noise
  • Security type
  • And more

This more advanced information is intended for wireless tinkerers who want to know more about the networks they’ve joined, but for the average user, just the ability to see the network name and password associated with it is going to be enough.

My thoughts on Wifi Passwords List

In a scenario where you’ve forgotten one of your passwords, you can use the app to refresh your memory and enter the same password on another one of your devices. But this app is also useful if someone entered the password for you and then refused to tell you what it was because now you’ll be able to look back on it and connect any other devices you may have to that same Wi-Fi network.

I can definitely see where the app could be useful in some situations, but you should be mindful that if you’re only going to be using it to get around someone’s wariness of letting you know their Wi-Fi network password, then you’re probably using the app for the wrong reasons. After all, the person may have had a good reason to keep the password from you.

On the other hand, I’ve joined plenty of secured Wi-Fi networks at my friends’ houses where they’ve given me their password and welcomed me to use it, but when I get a new device and don’t remember what the password is, I need a way to refresh my memory to log on with my new device. Although I could just ask them again, sometimes they don’t even remember their own passwords and don’t remember where their password book is.

The additional information you get to see, such as the last time you used a network, the signal strength, and the wireless channel all could be useful information too, but I feel these features are less useful for regular users and are far more useful for advanced users who actually do wireless surveys or want to configure their network so it doesn’t conflict with others.


When you forget the Wi-Fi password of a network you’ve joined before and need to remind yourself of what it was, Wifi Passwords List is a great tool for devices that can get the rest of your devices hooked up to a network you’re already using on your jailbroken device.

Remember to use this app responsibly and not to take advantage of the Wi-Fi network owner. They can easily change their password on you to revoke your access if they find you’re using too many devices on their network without their permission.

What are your thoughts on Wifi Passwords List? Share in the comments.

Last Updated on January 21, 2017 By Tim McCarthy

Wherever we go the first thing, we look out if for a WiFi connectivity whether it is a restaurant or your friends home. We keep on signing into Wifi networks now and then which make it complicated to remember each and every password of the networks. What if your friend asks the Wifi password? You can share it if you have access to the router but you can’t when you are in a public place.

It isn’t a quite easy job to find Wifi Passwords on iPhone when compared to Android devices. Rooting an Android device is quite easy when compared to iPhone jailbreak as it is quite easy to root an Android device and It is Open Source. If you are an iPhone user, then I bet that you may have searched for .

When we looked up the term How to Find WiFi Passwords on iPhone, we found that many people are searching for the same which made us write this tutorial. There are Cydia Tweaks which will help you to find Wifi Passwords on iPhone, but some devices can’t be jailbroken. There is a workaround to Find Wifi Passwords on iPhone without jailbreak as well.

How to Find Wifi Passwords on iPhone

You can’t directly access the Wifi Passwords from the settings as they can’t be retrieved and you need to jailbreak your device to do it. There are Cydia Tweaks which will do the hard work for you, and you can simply copy & share the Wifi password with your friends. We will be showing you a way to retrieve Wifi Passwords on iPhone without jailbreak using KeyChain and using third party applications.

Cydia Tweaks View WiFi Passwords on Jailbroken devices

If you have a jailbroken device, then you can easily find passwords on iPhone without much hard work. Cydia developers developed a few Cydia tweaks which will list out the passwords of all the connected networks. There are currently two Cydia tweaks which do the job. They are

  1. WiFi Passwords List
  2. WiFi Passwords &
  3. NetworkList.

As of now, only some devices can be jailbroken, and if you are using a non-jailbroken device, then you can skip this part. We are listing Cydia tweaks to make sure that if you have any issues with any tweak, then you can try the other one.

WiFi Password List, WiFi Passwords & NetworkList Cydia Tweaks to see WiFi Passwords on iPhone

Both the tweaks offers same functionalities and are from different developers. They are available for free in Cydia, and one can install them easily. After installing the tweaks, you can view WiFi Passwords stored on your device. So let’s see how you can install WiFi Password List, WiFi Passwords & NetworkList Cydia Tweaks.

  1. Unlock your device and Launch Cydia application.
  2. Now search for either “Wifi Password List ” or “WiFi Passwords ” or “NetworkList.
  3. Install any one of the above tweaks.
  4. Respring your device after installing the tweak.

That’s it you have successfully installed Cydia tweaks to view WiFi Passwords on iPhone. If you are searching for a non-jailbroken way to find the Wifi Passwords on iPhone, then you can follow below steps.

How to View Saved Wifi Passwords on iPhone using Keychain

If you are using Mac, then you might find an application called “Keychain Access ” which stores passwords in a secure manner. You need to enable “Keychain” on your device to sync all the passwords to icloud to access them from a Mac.If you don’t know how to turn on Keychain on iPhone, don’t worry we will help you out. You need to sign into icloud on your device. After syncing the passwords, you can able to view them on your Mac without any worries.

If you are not a tech savvy person, then there are applications like 1Password and other password management tools. They keep all types of passwords and can be viewed easily without any fuss. Password managers help to save all types of passwords do give it a try.

Hope you like our article on How to Find WiFi Passwords on iPhone and it helped you to retrieve passwords on your iPhone. If you know any other Cydia tweaks or methods then do let us know via comments.

Каждый пользователь, использующий доступ к сети Интернет на своём смартфоне или планшете, ежедневно – дома, на работе, в магазинах и кафе – сталкивается с возможностью подключения к Wi-Fi сетям. Часть из них открыта, другая же требует ввод пароля.

В последнем случае, если код известен, он вводится при первом подключении к сети и сохраняется в памяти гаджета. Однако, при повторных подсоединении к закрытой сети пароль отображается на устройстве в зашифрованном виде.

Избежать этого можно используя различные джейлбрейк-решения, самым оптимальным из которых является WiFi Passwords List . Данная утилита не только сохранит в памяти iPhone ключи для доступа к «запароленному» Wi-Fi, но и при необходимости предоставит их пользователю.

Как это работает. После того, как пользователь скачает и установит себе джейлбрейк-твик, на домашнем экране iPhone появится соответствующая иконка. Кликаем по ней, приложение запускается, и открывается простейший интерфейс, отображающий все беспроводные сети, к которым когда-либо подключался пользователь. При выборе одной из них на экран выводится искомый пароль.

Кроме того функционал утилиты дополнен возможностью просматривать информацию о различных технических аспектах подключения (тип шифрования, качество сигнала и т.п.), а также позволяет скопировать информацию в буфер или отправить по E-mail.

Единственным недостатком является отсутствие защиты всех имеющихся в памяти утилиты данных с помощью пароля.

Твик WiFi Passwords List доступен для работы на прошедших . Его можно скачать бесплатно в репозитории BigBoss магазина Cydia.

Despite some , the procedure for connecting to a secured WiFi remains the same on Windows, macOS, iOS or pretty much any platform- you name it. You just enter the correct password and the device remembers it so you do not have to enter the password manually every time you need to connect. But sometimes, we enter the password, connect to the WiFi and later seem to forget the password. So, what do you do when you have to connect a different device to the same WiFi network? Here’s when you’d be required to find WiFi passwords on iPhone and iPad. Apple is well known for the security infrastructure surrounding its iOS devices. So, obviously, it doesn’t make viewing the saved passwords on your iPhone and iPad apparent enough.

Fortunately, there are some workarounds you can use to view saved WiFi passwords on iPhone and iPad - using both, a jailbreak and a non-jailbreak method. First up, let’s see how to find WiFi passwords on iPhone without jailbreak :

1. Using iCloud Keychain Sync to Find WiFi Passwords on iPhone

Using the , you can seamlessly sync all your saved passwords and other iCloud data across all the Apple devices including the iPhone, iPad and the Mac. As its name indicates, we’ll be using this feature to sync the saved WiFi passwords on your iPhone with your Mac and display them in the Keychain app.

Note: Obviously, this procedure requires a Mac. If you’re using Windows, you should give this method a pass.

  • On your iPhone, navigate to Settings > iCloud > Keychain and turn on iCloud keychain .
  • Next, head back to Settings and turn on Personal Hotspot .
  • Now, on your Mac, connect to your iPhone’s personal hotspot .

Now that we are done with the setup, we can proceed to view the saved WiFi passwords. To do so, follow the procedure given below:

  • On your Mac, open Spotlight search (Cmd+Space), type in “Keychain Access ” and press enter.
  • Next, search and open the WiFi network for which you want to unveil the password.
  • Now click on the “show password ” option. If your Mac account is password protected, it may prompt you to enter your account password. Once you enter it, you can easily view the password of the WiFi network as shown below:

I know this may sound like a lot of steps, but this is the only native way of finding saved WiFi passwords on the iPhone. If the above method doesn’t work for you, make sure that you are signed in to the same iCloud account on both the devices and try again.

2. Login to Router Settings to View WiFi Password

Note : This is more of a workaround, and may or may not work depending on your situation.

Using this clever workaround, we are going to attempt to find the IP address of the and login to its settings section to view the router’s password. To find the IP address of the router,

  • Head over to Settings > WiFi and click on the circular “i” icon corresponding to the WiFi network you’re connected to.

  • From here, note down the IP address in the router section.

  • Open Safari, type in the IP address and press enter.
  • Now, you should be greeted with the login section of your router.

A lot of routers come with the username and password both set to “admin” by default. If “admin” doesn’t seem to do the trick, your best bet is to do a quick Google search for “router model default password ” where you replace the “router model” by the actual name of your router. Once you are in the router settings, you can easily navigate around to find the option to access the WiFi password in plain text. The location of the setting may vary depending on your router, but you can typically find this setting under something similar to “Wireless Setting ” or “Wireless Setup “.

As I have already mentioned, it’s completely possible that the administrator has changed the default credentials of the router settings, thus making this method more of a hit-or-a-miss. But there’s no harm in giving it a try, at least as a last resort, isn’t it?

So far, we’ve seen a couple of ways to view saved WiFi passwords on iPhone without jailbreak. But truth be told, none of them is convenient enough for the average user. But, if you’ve jailbroken your iPhone or iPad, you can easily find WiFi Passwords on iPhone with a single tap.

Now, I’ll show you how to view saved WiFi passwords on iPhone using a couple of jailbreak tweaks.

3. Using NetworkList Cydia Tweak

Note : This procedure is for jailbroken iPhones/iPad only and will not work on stock iPhone software.

  • Open on your iPhone/iPad and search for “NetworkList

  • If it prompts, tap on “Restart Springboard “. This will essentially restart the iOS home screen and shouldn’t take more than a few seconds.
  • Next, head over to Settings > WiFi . You should see a new option at the bottom of the screen called “Known Networks “.

Tapping this option will list all the WiFi networks you have previously connected to and also list down the corresponding passwords in plain text.

As you can see from the above image, the password for the WiFi named “Sanjeev” is “Sanjeev27”.

You can also tap on an entry to quickly copy the SSID (the WiFi’s name) or the WiFi’s password. There’s also a handy option to export this list and send it over an email. If you’ve jailbroken your iPhone/iPad, this is perhaps the simplest way you can use to view saved WiFi passwords on your iOS device.

4. Using the WiFiPasswords Cydia Tweak

Note : This procedure is also for jailbroken iPhones/iPad only and will not work on stock iPhone software.

  • Open Cydia on your iPhone/iPad and search for “WiFi Passwords List ” (without the quotes) and proceed to install it.

  • If it prompts, tap on “Restart Springboard “. The changes should be reflected and you should be back to the iOS home screen in a few seconds.
  • Now, you should see a new app called “WiFiPassword ” appear on your home screen.

Opening this stand-alone app will reveal all the WiFi networks you’ve connected to, and also display the corresponding stored WiFi passwords. Thus, this jailbreak tweak makes it super-easy to find WiFi Passwords on the iPhone.

As you can see from the above image, the password for the WiFi named “Sanjeev” is “Sanjeev27”.

Like the “NetworkList” tweak, it also provides you with an option to either copy all the data to the clipboard or share it over an email. It can also show some interesting stats, like how long it has been since you joined the oldest network.

I’ve personally tried out both of these jailbreak tweaks on my iPhone running the latest iOS 10.2 jailbreak. So, you can safely try them out on the latest version of jailbroken iOS without having to risk about crashing your iPhone or running into other potential issues.

Use These Ways to Find WiFi Passwords On Your iPhone and iPad

So, that was the exhaustive list of all the ways you can use to view saved passwords on your iPhone. As I’ve already said, Apple makes it extremely inconvenient to view the saved WiFi passwords. Using the first way, you can find WiFi passwords on iPhone without jailbreak. If you have a Mac, you can use the first method to breeze through the process. The second method may or may not work, but it’s worth giving a try. Finally, jailbreaking your iPhone/iPad, paired with a couple of Cydia tweaks, makes the entire procedure of viewing saved WiFi passwords hassle-free. So, give these above methods a try and let me know how it goes. If you experience any difficulty in any of the aforementioned procedures, just shoot me your doubts in the comments section below and I’ll try my best to answer it.

I have a Net gear wireless router; don"t know the model but it is probably their least expensive one. Anyway my iPhone 6 won"t remember the password. Is there a way to view Wi-Fi password on iPhone that I"ve already entered?"

Apple Community

Wi-Fi passwords are widely used to protect wireless networks around the world. Once you connected to a Wi-Fi network, it will be saved on your iPhone or iPad automatically. However, it doesn"t mean that you can get access to that network directly forever. Sometimes you may forget the passcode of your home network and fail to connect the internet, you would be urgent to know . Luckily this article will list you 3 easy methods for viewing wireless password on iPhone.

Part 1: How to Show iPhone Wi-Fi Password without Jailbreak iPhone 11/XR/XS/X

Although we cannot download Wi-Fi password hacking apps on non-jailbreak iPhones, there are some built-in features that also helps to restore lost password.

1. Find Wi-Fi Password with Router Settings

For people who are using the original iOS devices, they can easily view the saved Wi-Fi password with Router Settings. The steps are just simple like below:

2. Use iCloud Keychain Sync to View iPhone Wi-Fi Password

iCloud Keychain is also an alternative way to check and that is forgotten. This is because if you use the same iCloud account on iPhone and Mac, all the data will be synced between the devices. To use this feature:

Here is a related video guide on how to see Wi-Fi password on MacBook:

Part 2: How to Retrieve iPhone Wi-Fi Password with iOS Password Finder

If you still can"t view Wi-Fi password from above solutions, then is your another choice. This is a powerful, easy-to-use iOS password finder and manager to help you find password information that stored in your iPhone and iPad, such as Wi-Fi password, website and App login password, mail account password, Apple ID and credit card information. What"s more, you can even export password to other password manager like 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane, Keeper and Chrome browser by using this program. Now let"s see how to use it as below:

Bonus Tips: How to Remove iPhone Backup Password

We"ve heard too many users complain that they forgot the password for iTunes backups. If you are running iOS 11/12 on your device, they you can go to Settings – General – Reset to reset all settings. This will reset home screen layout and remove the backup password. However, you cannot use that backup anymore. With , you can easily remove the password from the previous iTunes backup and get access to the files. No matter you remember a part of the password or forgot it at all, this tool can always get back your password with high efficiency.

Part 3: How to Find Wi-Fi Password on Jailbroken iPhone iPhone 11/XR/XS/X

Jailbreaking iPhone will invalidate the warranty from Apple and is usually restricted. However, you really can do more things and make your digital life more convenient with jailbreak. Viewing Wi-Fi password on iPhone is just one of the benefits.

1. Using "WiFi Password" in Cydia

2. Showing Wi-Fi Password with NetworkList

  • Open Cydia app on your iPhone or iPad and type "NetworkList" from the search box, download and install it on your device.
  • Now you can tap "Restart Springboard" when the option is prompted. You"ll home screen will restart.
  • Then open "Settings" app, choose "WLAN" and you"ll see an option from the list called "Known Networks".
  • Tap on it and you"ll be able to see all the passwords for the Wi-Fi networks you"ve connected.

Apart from the 2 apps we mentioned above, there are also other Wi-Fi password hacking applications such as iSpeedTouch, WPA Tester, Speedssid, Dlssid and so forth. You can choose one of them to get back your lost Wi-Fi password on jailbroken iPhone or iPad without much effort.

Well, that"s all the tips we have to help you view or , hope it can work for you! If you have other network issues on iPhone, feel free to contact us.