Abuja is the capital of which country. Abuja is the capital of Nigeria

Abuja has been the capital of Nigeria since December 12, 1991. Before this, the capital was Lagos. Abuja is located 800 km north of the former capital. The population of the city is 778,567 inhabitants (2006), the population of the agglomeration is approximately 1.4 million people (2005). Abuja is located in a picturesque steppe valley in central Nigeria, on the Jos Plateau. This area is relatively underdeveloped and ethnically neutral. In choosing the site for the new capital, Nigerian President Murtala Mohammed sought to create a city that would not be dominated by any one ethnic, social or religious group.


  • A country
  • Based: 1828
  • First mention: 1700
  • Square: 609 km²
  • Population: 778,567 people (2006)
  • National composition: Nigerians
  • Timezone: UTC+1

Abuja was founded in 1828 by Abu Ja, the brother and successor of the ruler of the Zaria state of the Hausan dynasty. Initially it was a fortified camp, which over time turned into a city named after the founder. In 1976, a decision was made to
transferring the capital of the state from Lagos to this city. A significant stimulus for the development of Abuja was the demographic explosion in Lagos, which resulted in overcrowding and deteriorating living conditions. The new capital was designed by the Japanese architect Kenzo Tange. Construction began in 1980. Abuja became the current capital in December 1991, after completion first three construction phases, which included the relocation of key government agencies. The last, ninth, stage should be completed by 2020. The Nigerian authorities spent about $4.8 billion on the implementation of the first three stages, while construction was accompanied by corruption, giving rise to the euphemism “Abuja contracts.”


According to the Köppen climate classification, Abuja is located in the Aw zone (savannah climate). There are three distinct climatic seasons - a warm and humid rainy season (from April to October), a very hot dry season and the separating short period harmattan - the northeastern trade wind, bringing dryness and dusty haze.

The main attraction of Abuja is Aso Rock, which is a kind of landmark of the city. At the foot of the cliff there are such important buildings as: the Presidential Complex, the Supreme Court and the National Assembly. For local residents Aso means victory.

An important attraction is the National Mosque. This is a very beautiful building in a great location. The interior of the temple uses many stained glass windows in red, yellow and green colors. The mosque is decorated with columns on all sides, and a gilded dome glitters at the top.

You can get acquainted with the local flora in the Millennium Park, opened in 2003. The park has large area, so it will take more than one hour to overcome it.

Every November, Abuja hosts a truly national event - Carnival Week. People dress in colorful costumes and dance.

Other attractions include: the National Church of Nigeria, the velodrome, the Abuja National Stadium (2003), the Millennium Tower (2006–2011), the zoo, the Presidential Palace, and the National Library.

Source. placename.ru, wikipedia.org

The city of Abuja became the capital of Nigeria relatively recently, just in 1991; before it, the city of Lagos performed this role. Today, Abuja has a population of approximately 1,400,000 people. Abuja is eight hundred kilometers away from Lagos. Therefore, this young capital of Nigeria began its operations as a capital city after several years of reconstruction and planning. Abuja is located in a picturesque valley in the heart of Nigeria. Abuja was chosen precisely because it is not dominated by any religious, social or ethnic group.

Today, Abuja is a region with its own highway network, its own airport and many administrative buildings. Every year the city continues to be actively built up, today it is a real construction site. Which .

Sights of Abuja

Abuja's special attractions include Aso Rock, which is located not far from the city itself. Let's say more - he is his guide. The name Aso translates as "victory", and famous buildings such as the Presidential Complex, the National Assembly and the Supreme Court were built next to it. Interestingly, the locals call it Asokoro, which translates to “victorious people.”

The indigenous population takes pride in Abuja's cultural, natural and historical attractions. They are of interest not only to ecologists, archaeologists, historians and architects, but, of course, also to tourists. In November, the famous carnival week takes place in Abuja, where about two hundred thousand people take part.

City infrastructure

It is worth traveling around the city of Abuja by bus, this will allow you to get to the most interesting places from your place of residence. After all, the city has many ancient buildings that are worth seeing during a walk and excursion. It's also worth checking out the local shops and restaurants. To choose the right hotel, you should check the list of services provided in advance, because there are quite a variety of hotels here. And local restaurants serve fried bananas, beef in nut butter and excellent smoked fish.

Currency: Naira

Official language: English

Abuja became the capital of Nigeria on December 12, 1991. Before this, the capital was Lagos. The city of Abuja is divided into six districts and Central region The residence of the President is located.

Nigeria is a country that annually attracts tourists from different corners peace. Everyone should take the time to visit Abuja and see the sights of the capital. In reality, not in photos, Abuja looks even better! That is why the capital of Nigeria has been attracting tourists for many years.

Sights of Abuja

- Abuja National Mosque was built in 1984. The square structure is framed on four sides by magnificent high-rise columns with spiers, and the main gilded dome crowns the mosque. The mosque's premises include: a main prayer hall, a library, a conference room and a religious school.

Built for followers of a new religious movement in 2004. After completion of construction, the church became a landmark in Nigeria for its interesting architectural design.

central bank Federal Republic Nigeria. Until 1959, Nigeria was part of the area of ​​activity of the Office established in 1913 in London money circulation British West Africa, which issued the common currency of the British colonies in West Africa- West African pound. The Central Bank of Nigeria was established in March 1958 and began operations on July 1, 1959.

Abuja is the new capital of Nigeria. The city's population is 778,567 people (according to the 2006 census). Coordinates: 9°05′00″ N. w. 7°32′00″ E. d. Time zone: UTC+1.

History of Abuja

The city was founded in 1818 by a representative of the Hausan dynasty, Abu Ja. The capital received its name in honor of its founder. Initially it was a small town, more like a fortified camp. Over time, the city began to grow and attract more and more attention.

In 1976, the head of state of Nigeria decided on the need to move the capital to another location. The city of Abuja, located in a steppe valley, was very well suited for this purpose. An important factor was the ethnic neutrality of the city.

The city's design was created by a Japanese architect named Kenzo Tange. In 1980 they began construction works to prepare Abuja as the future capital. On December 12, 1991, the city was proclaimed the new capital of Nigeria.

Abuja today

Abuja is the political center of the country. Here are the central government bodies Nigeria. The headquarters of the international organization Economic Community of West African Countries is based in the capital.

Public transport includes buses and taxis. There is a train station and Ngamdi Azikiwe International Airport.

Abuja Map

Sights of Abuja

The main attraction of Abuja is Aso Rock, which is a kind of landmark of the city. At the foot of the cliff there are such important buildings as: the Presidential Complex, the Supreme Court and the National Assembly. For the locals, Aso means victory.

An important attraction is the National Mosque. This is a very beautiful building in a great location. The interior of the temple uses many stained glass windows in red, yellow and green colors. The mosque is decorated with columns on all sides, and a gilded dome glitters at the top.

You can get acquainted with the local flora in the Millennium Park, opened in 2003. The park has a large area, so it will take more than one hour to overcome it.

Every November, Abuja hosts a truly national event - Carnival Week. People dress in colorful costumes and dance.

Other attractions include: the National Church of Nigeria, the velodrome, the Abuja National Stadium (2003), the Millennium Tower (2006–2011), the zoo, the Presidential Palace, and the National Library.

In the corner located inside the African continent, there is a beautiful African state - Nigeria.
This state consists of as many as 36 states. Each state has not only its own name, but also local climatic and territorial characteristics.
Nigeria's capital, Abuja, replaced Lagos in 1991. It was decided to move the capital from Lagos to Abuja in 1976.
Abuja is located in the very center of Nigeria in a picturesque steppe valley. There is also an international airport here, from where tourists are transported to beautiful hotels that are scattered throughout the resort cities.
The city's population consists of 298 thousand people, which is significantly less than the population of the country's largest metropolis - Lagos, which occupies most of the territory of the state of the same name.
In Russia, travel companies make extremely sparse reviews of African countries, and our tourists, not knowing that in these African countries you can also see local attractions, do not strive to get there.
In principle, Lagos is a united area intersected by modern highways.
Of all the countries in Africa, Nigeria is the most populous country. It is home to over 110 million people of various nationalities.
Climatically, Nigeria has two main zones.
It is a hot and humid climate along the entire coast of Nigeria and a dry climate extending inland.
In southern Nigeria they grow rainforests, closer to the north they turn into shrouds. In the savannas, among the dense grass cover, the famous tamarind and baobab trees grow.
The region of northern Nigeria is dominated by desert terrain.
Some of Nigeria's fauna include snakes, crocodiles, antelopes, hyenas and camels.
The main attractions for tourists in the country can rightfully be considered its museums.
One such museum is the National Museum of Nigeria, located in Lagos.
Among the countless exhibits of this museum there is an invaluable collection for world culture, consisting of rare objects of art, covering almost all periods of the development of Nigeria as a country.
In museums such major cities Nigeria, like Jos, Ibadan, Benin City and Ilorin, also has very rich museum collections.
Nigerian government in last years It was important to pursue a policy to prevent the illegal export of national art objects from the country. Also, the country’s leadership is fighting for the return to the country of already exported exhibits that are of interest for study colonial history Nigeria.
Nigeria's main developing tourism infrastructure is located in the country's largest metropolis, Lagos.
And the main attraction of Lagos can rightfully be considered its countless markets.
Markets in Lagos are primarily located in open areas, although there may also be indoor markets.
Once in the Nigerian markets, a tourist coming to Nigeria on a visa seems to be entering some kind of fairy tale, the market structure of Nigeria is so intricately intertwined.
Nigerian markets attract buyers and sellers not only from all over the country, but also from countries neighboring Nigeria, as well as from Europe and America. Often, a person who can and likes to bargain can buy on these markets expensive thing at a very reasonable price.
Among the currencies, the national currency in Nigeria is the Naira. In the Nigerian market, 1 American dollar is equal to 100 naira.
The hotel chain in Nigeria is still poorly developed, but according to experts, it will soon become one of the most developed in Africa.
For example, the first African business resort was recently opened in the city of Calabar, which is located on the banks of the Calabar River. Adjacent to this resort is a shopping area that promises to transform the resort into Africa's largest shopping center.
It is planned to develop auto tourism in the same region.