General biology

The earliest, ancient and first modern people

The earliest, ancient and first modern people


Main stages of human evolution

Main stages of human evolution

The main feature separating apes from humans is brain mass. The brain mass of great apes does not exceed 450 g. With...

Variation in biology is

Variation in biology is

Variation in biology is the occurrence of individual differences between individuals of the same species. Thanks to variability, the population becomes heterogeneous,...

Examples of the formation of organic and inorganic substances

Examples of the formation of organic and inorganic substances

August 27, 2017 As you know, all substances can be divided into two large categories - mineral and organic. You can give a big...

Inorganic substances of the cell

Inorganic substances of the cell

Chemical substances were first classified at the end of the 9th century by the Arab scientist Abu Bakr al-Razi. Based on the origin of the substances, he distributed...

The main result of evolution is the improvement of the adaptability of organisms to living conditions

The main result of evolution is the improvement of the adaptability of organisms to living conditions

There are not many people left in the world who continue to believe in the biblical story of the creation of all life on our planet. Everyone is familiar with...

What are gametes and zygotes: structural features

What are gametes and zygotes: structural features

From our article you will learn what a gamete is. This is a special cell whose functions are strictly specialized. What are they? Let's find out...

Chemical synthesis of DNA

Chemical synthesis of DNA

Chemical synthesis of DNACurrently, it is possible to quickly synthesize artificial fragments of nucleic acids of different lengths and any composition...

A gamete in biology is... The essence of the concept

A gamete in biology is... The essence of the concept

In biology, a gamete is a sex cell of an organism that carries a single set of chromosomes. Gametes play a key role in fertilization and intrauterine...

Increasing the level of plant organization

Increasing the level of plant organization

The diversity of all previously and currently living plants on our planet is the result of evolutionary processes. Classification of all existing types...

10 theories about human evolution

10 theories about human evolution

Drug theory. Terence Kemp McKenna, a philosopher and expert on psychedelics, once suggested that people gained consciousness by eating special psychogenic...
