American camps for children. Summer camp in the USA

Children's camp in America is a unique opportunity to plunge into a linguistic atmosphere, into a world of new experiences and exciting adventures.

Camp in the USA is stress-free development and learning in one breath. At the same time, children will be able to expand their horizons, make a significant leap in mastering spoken English and simply make new friends. A lot of vivid impressions and intense emotions complement this program automatically.

The program lasts 17 days, but during this time your child will be able to live a whole life and gain impressions for the year ahead. Children will spend a week in a classic American camp: comfortable living conditions will be complemented by a rich program of active recreation. Moreover, each child will be able to choose activities to suit their own taste: from swimming and paintball to learning to ride.

All intense adventures will be accompanied by full adult supervision. In all programs, children will be supervised by professional counselors who have passed special certification. Any camp in the USA puts the safety and comfort of children above all else, so every child here receives maximum care and opportunities to live an active life in absolutely safe conditions.

The development program will continue with a trip to Washington and New York. Children will visit the most famous museums in the country, including the wax figures Madame Tussaud. The educational program will smoothly transition into entertainment: children will visit one of the most famous amusement parks, Hershey Park. Here, young travelers can experience the fastest roller coaster for themselves.

The combination of educational and entertaining elements is the main key to a child's development. And traveling around the USA is distinguished by the most successful combination of active recreation, educational activities and vivid impressions. The program is structured so that all 17 days are full for the child, but without excessive fatigue.

At certain stages of the program, it is possible to choose from several activity options. For example, while staying in New York, a child can watch a musical on Broadway, visit a planetarium, or go to a jazz club. This will take into account the individual preferences of each child, providing him with exactly what is most suitable for development (or entertainment).

Our camp will give children invaluable experience that they could not get in any other conditions. New impressions develop better than any rich ones educational programs. Children are naturally inclined to learn through direct experience. And the camp in the USA will give them a new, extraordinary experience that will help them rise to a new level of development.

The issue of organizing children's holidays falls on the shoulders of most parents every year, especially on the eve of the school holidays.

And before looking for an answer to it, you need to consider how old your child is and what he needs - just rest and a change of scenery, or new impressions and active pastime.

Children's camps in Russia and abroad

In general, a family vacation is convenient if the child is still small and cannot take care of himself. Middle-aged and older children are interested in new experiences and discoveries. They strive to communicate with people. In addition, it is useful to give your child some kind of complete freedom from parental attention. And the holidays are the best time for this.

If you have come to this conclusion, then it is quite possible to send your child to a children’s camp.

You can choose among different types of children's camps the one that is suitable for your child. Children's camps in Russia are currently very popular. There are several reasons for this:

  • relatively close to home;
  • there is no process of adaptation to the new climate, mentality;
  • Accommodation in a Russian camp is cheaper: you don’t need to spend money on travel or flights. However, it should be noted here that staying in a children’s camp on the Black Sea can be equal in cost to a foreign vacation.

The advantages of a children's camp abroad are:

  • a lot of new knowledge and impressions;
  • new friends from different countries;
  • practice of speaking a foreign language.

You should also not forget that you need to take care of an individual passport for your child for his independent trip abroad.

Camps abroad, as a rule, are directly for children, youth and language. Children are not left alone in an unfamiliar language environment: while living in the camp, there will be a person nearby who speaks the language the child speaks.

In youth camps, in addition to entertainment activities, you can visit water parks, dolphinariums, ride a horse, play your favorite sport, or learn a new one, such as windsurfing.

Modern children's camps offer truly high-quality service and a variety of educational and entertainment activities. Parents can only choose the option that is most suitable for them and their child.

Every summer, parents are looking for an opportunity to send their child to a camp where he can improve his health, have fun, and make new acquaintances. There is also an opinion that during the holiday period children should study and improve their knowledge. A chance to combine business with pleasure is a vacation in the USA. Here your child will be able to spend an unforgettable time with benefit.

Firstly, summer in the states will provide an opportunity to improve your English skills and gain valuable language practice. Secondly, the child will have the chance to visit a wide variety of places in the country and look with his own eyes at legendary objects that he had previously seen only in pictures. So, what do summer camps for children in the USA offer and how much will the vacation cost for students and schoolchildren?

Summer camp in the USA as an opportunity to improve English

Absolutely all camps offer English courses for children in America. Programs may vary in intensity, but institutions will offer a minimum of 15 lessons per week. Standard Study in English in such institutions there are 20 lessons weekly. Classes are held in groups of no more than 15 people. By age, they are divided into several types depending on the age of the student.

The minimum age of a child who can be accepted into a children's camp in America is practically unlimited. Some institutions take from 8 years old, and sometimes there are programs even from 5 years old. However, in most cases, summer camps for children in the United States work with teenagers from 12-13 years old.

At the first lesson, teachers conduct a test to determine the level of knowledge of students. If the group the child is in does not suit him, a transfer to “stronger” or “weaker” students is possible. This is possible after agreement with the teacher.

School holidays in the USA will help seriously improve your child's communication skills. Once in an English-speaking environment, he will be able to improve the auditory perception of the language and eliminate the language barrier. In addition, teachers will do everything to ensure that the child is not afraid to speak English, does not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable due to possible difficulties in forming or perceiving sentences.

Language learning methods are selected depending on the age of the students. In camps hosting junior high school students, training is conducted in game form. Preferred for teenagers academic uniform. The program is structured in such a way that children improve their knowledge not only in vocabulary and phrase construction, but also in grammar. Knowledge is consolidated through various quizzes, games, excursions, competitions, and meetings with interesting personalities.

15-20 classes per week are left sufficient quantity free time for children, which allows them to improve by communicating in English with each other. After completing the program and passing the exams, children are given certificates of completion of English language courses for children in America. This can be a serious advantage for further admission and employment.

When are the camps open?

In most cases, language centers offer schoolchildren to go to study in the summer. The holiday period is long enough for children to get good knowledge and have a good rest. First visit to summer schools for children in the US, usually occurs at the end of July. The last children arrive there in the second ten days of August.

In addition to summer courses for schoolchildren, in America there is the opportunity to conduct the winter vacation. The first check-in takes place from the first days of January, the last one - approximately in mid-February. However, parents do not always agree to let their child go during this period due to the fact that he will miss a lot of time at school. Another important nuance is that at the educational institution the child only receives English language training, but has to live with a family. Few camps offer winter residential programs.

What types of language camps are there? Where can children live?

Most often, summer camps for children in America offer 24-hour stay for children on site. Since most of these institutions operate on the basis of universities or colleges, accommodation is provided in residences on campus. Guys can live, for example, at Boston University in Boston, Saint Peters University in New York, Georgetown University in Washington, etc.

If the child does not want to live in a residence, you can choose an alternative solution - English language courses for children in the USA with family accommodation. The camps offer options that last for a long time. The children's lives are under constant control of the language school staff. The family provides not only accommodation, but also food for the child. It can be full (three times a day) or half board.

In addition, there are camps offering summer courses for schoolchildren in America in a full-time format. Children are on school grounds during the day, undergo training, and attend various events (this can also be excluded if parents wish). This format is best suited for children who come to the USA with their parents. Some summer schools for children also offer courses for adults, so such a trip can be not only interesting, but also a useful pastime for the whole family.

What excursions are offered for schoolchildren and students? What activities does the camp offer?

Summer holidays in the USA are not only about studying, but also about relaxation. When going to a language school in America, the child also gets the opportunity to attend daily sports and entertainment events. The camp organizes discos, parties, trips to the beaches, and excursion trips of various durations for children. For example, summer camps in Los Angeles offer visits to the Universal film studio, trips to Hollywood, etc. For children who prefer New York, trips to the Statue of Liberty, tours of Manhattan, a walk along the Brooklyn Bridge and much more are offered. Language schools in Miami, students will have the opportunity to visit the Art Deco Historic District, take a tour of the historical museum, visit the largest water park in South Florida - Rapids Water Park, etc.

Cost of a language camp in the USA

It may vary and depends on the length of stay, accommodation, food format, location of the host institution, as well as the educational and cultural program.

Typically, summer camps for children in the USA provide various options accommodations, which are already included in the price. Accommodation is available in homestays, on campus and in apartments. So you can easily choose the preferred option for your child.

The cost of your stay also includes the use of public infrastructure. These could be swimming pools, tennis courts, fitness rooms, libraries, computer clubs, as well as areas for team and team sports.

Cost of staying in the camp

However, if the cost of room and board is not included in the summer camp fees, then you may want to consider the following options. Homestay accommodation is one of the most affordable. The child is provided with a double room with one other student or a separate room. Single occupancy rates will be higher. When staying with a family, full meals are provided on weekends and half board on weekdays.

The disadvantage of this accommodation option is the need to travel to the building educational institution in the morning and back in the evening. If the child is sufficiently independent, he can use public transport. The costs for it should be included in total budget trips. Children under 14 years of age will be able to get to school with a parent of the host family or with the transport of the educational institution. However, such services will be paid separately.

Campus accommodation will cost more. However, the child will be under the constant supervision of school staff. In addition, the residence is located next to the academic building, which allows reducing transportation costs to a minimum. In addition, such placement will allow you to meet students from different countries and practice spoken language.

Cost of living

The cost of the camp also depends on curriculum. For example, if it includes sporting events and excursions, it will be higher than usual.

If your child, in addition to the usual language courses, preparation is required for passing a standard English proficiency exam or for entering a university, this will significantly increase the cost of staying at the camp.

Some summer camps in America offer long excursions for children. For example, a tour along the California coast will be included in the price of the trip. However, during the excursion the child will need additional pocket money for food.

It is also worth saying that some camps set registration fees, a deposit and a separate payment for transfer from the airport. Additionally, you will have to pay for accompanying your child on the way to school and back.

It is also worth considering pocket expenses for shopping, entertainment and transport on weekends and free time.

Before sending a child to a summer camp in the USA, it is necessary to ensure the availability of medical insurance: it can solve many problems in the event of a child’s illness. The visa fee and the purchase of tickets for round-trip air travel are paid separately.

Additional expenses

Every summer, parents are looking for an opportunity to send their child to a camp where he can improve his health, have fun, and make new acquaintances. There is also an opinion that during the holiday period children should study and improve their knowledge. A chance to combine business with pleasure is a vacation in the USA. Here your child will be able to spend an unforgettable time with benefit.

Firstly, summer in the states will provide an opportunity to improve your English skills and gain valuable language practice. Secondly, the child will have the chance to visit a wide variety of places in the country and look with his own eyes at legendary objects that he had previously seen only in pictures. So, what do summer camps for children in the USA offer and how much will the vacation cost for students and schoolchildren?

Summer camp in the USA as an opportunity to improve English

Absolutely all camps offer English courses for children in America. Programs may vary in intensity, but institutions will offer a minimum of 15 lessons per week. Standard English language learning in such institutions includes 20 lessons weekly. Classes are held in groups of no more than 15 people. By age, they are divided into several types depending on the age of the student.

The minimum age of a child who can be accepted into a children's camp in America is practically unlimited. Some institutions take from 8 years old, and sometimes there are programs even from 5 years old. However, in most cases, summer camps for children in the United States work with teenagers from 12-13 years old.

At the first lesson, teachers conduct a test to determine the level of knowledge of students. If the group the child is in does not suit him, a transfer to “stronger” or “weaker” students is possible. This is possible after agreement with the teacher.

School holidays in the USA will help seriously improve your child's communication skills. Once in an English-speaking environment, he will be able to improve his auditory perception of the language and eliminate the language barrier. In addition, teachers will do everything to ensure that the child is not afraid to speak English, does not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable due to possible difficulties in forming or perceiving sentences.

Language learning methods are selected depending on the age of the students. In camps hosting primary schoolchildren, training is carried out in a playful way. For teenagers, academic uniform is preferred. The program is structured in such a way that children improve their knowledge not only in vocabulary and phrase construction, but also in grammar. Knowledge is consolidated through various quizzes, games, excursions, competitions, and meetings with interesting personalities.

15-20 lessons per week leave enough free time for children, which allows them to improve while communicating in English with each other. After completing the program and passing the exams, children are given certificates of completion of English language courses for children in America. This can be a serious advantage for further admission and employment.

When are the camps open?

In most cases, language centers offer schoolchildren to go to study in the summer. The vacation period is long enough for children to gain good knowledge and have a good rest. The first enrollment in summer schools for children in the United States is usually at the end of July. The last children arrive there in the second ten days of August.

In addition to summer courses for schoolchildren, America also has the opportunity to spend winter holidays. The first check-in takes place from the first days of January, the last one - approximately in mid-February. However, parents do not always agree to let their child go during this period due to the fact that he will miss a lot of time at school. Another important nuance is that at the educational institution the child only receives English language training, but has to live with a family. Few camps offer winter residential programs.

What types of language camps are there? Where can children live?

Most often, summer camps for children in America offer 24-hour stay for children on site. Since most of these institutions operate on the basis of universities or colleges, accommodation is provided in residences on campus. Guys can live, for example, at Boston University in Boston, Saint Peters University in New York, Georgetown University in Washington, etc.

If the child does not want to live in a residence, you can choose an alternative solution - English language courses for children in the USA with family accommodation. The camps offer options that last for a long time. The children's lives are under constant control of the language school staff. The family provides not only accommodation, but also food for the child. It can be full (three times a day) or half board.

In addition, there are camps offering summer courses for schoolchildren in America in a full-time format. Children are on school grounds during the day, undergo training, and attend various events (this can also be excluded if parents wish). This format is best suited for children who come to the USA with their parents. Some summer schools for children also offer courses for adults, so such a trip can be not only interesting, but also a useful pastime for the whole family.

What excursions are offered for schoolchildren and students? What activities does the camp offer?

Summer holidays in the USA are not only about studying, but also about relaxation. When going to a language school in America, the child also gets the opportunity to attend daily sports and entertainment events. The camp organizes discos, parties, trips to the beaches, and excursion trips of various durations for children. For example, summer camps in Los Angeles offer visits to the Universal film studio, trips to Hollywood, etc. For children who prefer New York, trips to the Statue of Liberty, tours of Manhattan, a walk along the Brooklyn Bridge and much more are offered. Language schools in Miami will give students the opportunity to visit the Art Deco Historic District, take a tour of the historical museum, visit the largest water park in South Florida - Rapids Water Park, etc.

Cost of a language camp in the USA

It may vary and depends on the length of stay, accommodation, food format, location of the host institution, as well as the educational and cultural program.

Typically, summer camps for children in the USA provide a variety of accommodation options, which are already included in the price. Accommodation is available in homestays, on campus and in apartments. So you can easily choose the preferred option for your child.

The cost of your stay also includes the use of public infrastructure. These could be swimming pools, tennis courts, fitness rooms, libraries, computer clubs, as well as areas for team and team sports.

Cost of staying in the camp

However, if the cost of room and board is not included in the summer camp fees, then you may want to consider the following options. Homestay accommodation is one of the most affordable. The child is provided with a double room with one other student or a separate room. Single occupancy rates will be higher. When staying with a family, full meals are provided on weekends and half board on weekdays.

The disadvantage of this accommodation option is the need to travel to the building of the educational institution in the morning and back in the evening. If the child is sufficiently independent, he can use public transport. The costs for this should be included in the overall budget of the trip. Children under 14 years of age will be able to get to school with a parent of the host family or with the transport of the educational institution. However, such services will be paid separately.

Campus accommodation will cost more. However, the child will be under the constant supervision of school staff. In addition, the residence is located next to the academic building, which allows reducing transportation costs to a minimum. In addition, such placement will allow you to meet students from different countries and practice spoken language.

Cost of living

The cost of the camp also depends on the curriculum. For example, if it includes sporting events and excursions, it will be higher than usual.

If your child, in addition to regular language courses, needs preparation for passing a standard English proficiency exam or for entering a university, this will significantly increase the cost of staying at the camp.

Some summer camps in America offer long excursions for children. For example, a tour along the California coast will be included in the price of the trip. However, during the excursion the child will need additional pocket money for food.

It is also worth saying that some camps set registration fees, a deposit and a separate payment for transfer from the airport. Additionally, you will have to pay for accompanying your child on the way to school and back.

It is also worth considering pocket expenses for shopping, entertainment and transport on weekends and free time.

Before sending a child to a summer camp in the USA, it is necessary to ensure the availability of medical insurance: it can solve many problems in the event of a child’s illness. The visa fee and the purchase of tickets for round-trip air travel are paid separately.

Additional expenses

What sports can you do at a summer camp in the USA?

Among the sports offered at camps in the USA, there are traditional, beloved football and tennis, and extreme and exotic sports. The higher the popularity of a sport, the more options and places there are in the corresponding programs.

Sports offered by sports camps in America

At what age should you go to a sports camp in the USA?

If your child is 6 years old, you can safely send him to a summer sports camp in America. The participants are closely monitored by counselors, and professional trainers are responsible for the quality of training. As a rule, children younger age The trip is accompanied by parents who relax nearby while the young athlete is in training. Please note that some programs have a higher age limit. Check with your manager for details before booking.

At what level do children train in sports camps in America?

Summer camps in the USA are open to everyone, regardless of the level of participants. If your child is just getting acquainted with football or, on the contrary, already plays for the national team, you can choose a program that will suit his level.

Where do sports camps take place?

Most summer sports camps are organized at high schools or universities in America. In both cases, these are excellent conditions for training: equipment, renovated gyms, sports fields, locker rooms, recreation areas - the entire infrastructure is available to children.

Meals at a US sports camp

The menu in children's camps in the USA is developed taking into account the load and amount of training. Children are offered the most suitable food options, and there is always a choice: vegetables, meat, fish, salads, flour, freshly squeezed juices. On weekends, participants are taken to restaurants and everyone's favorite pizzerias.

Approximate daily schedule at a US sports camp

Nike Tennis Camp Florida Schedule

Nike Tennis Camp Florida Schedule.

Sports plus English programs in the USA

In some summer sports camps for children, participants attend English, math and reading classes after training. For example, World Sports Camp offers math classes in English for an additional $375, while Rennert offers English as a compulsory morning class. You can read more about classes on the school subjects in America page.

Accommodation and accommodation in summer camps in America

As a rule, participants live on the territory of the school or university where the training takes place. This is convenient, as it allows you to avoid spending extra time on the road to the training base, and the schedule of classes in sports camps is quite dense.