How do sounds differ from letters? Sounds and letters. Reading sound patterns of words

When learning a language, several tasks are solved simultaneously: it is necessary to master the correct pronunciation of words, acquire speech skills, thanks to which you can freely express your thoughts, and learn to write.
To avoid difficulties associated with spelling, you should distinguish between oral and written speech. And to do this, you need to understand how sounds differ from letters.
Sounds represent a wave vibration that is perceived by human hearing in a certain range. Of the huge variety of sounds, there is only a small part that we can reproduce in the form of speech.
It is this part that makes up the phonetic structure of the language. It consists of sounds that are divided into vowels and consonants, distinguished by the method of formation, sonority and deafness, hardness and softness. To record sounds in the form of words, a special sign system is needed. Graphic representations of sounds are letters. They are perceived visually and cannot sound.
The letter composition of a language is called the alphabet. The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters. Ten of them indicate vowel sounds, 21 letters serve to graphically represent consonants, and the letters b b do not have an independent sound expression. determined that the difference between letters and sounds is as follows:

The wave nature of sounds makes it possible to hear and reproduce the minimal indivisible sound units that make up the speech stream. Unlike sounds, it is impossible to pronounce or hear a letter.
Letters are graphic representations of sounds. Fixed in the sign system, sounds take the form of written speech.
The phonetic appearance of a word can fully correspond to its graphic image, for example: table - [table]. However, in the Russian language such a correspondence is quite rare due to the fact that its sound structure consists of 44 units, and its alphabet consists of 33 letters.

In this task you need to determine how the first sounds in the following words differ: grandfather, firewood.

Complete the task in the following order

  • Determine what sounds there are.
  • Parse the given words.
  • Answer the question asked.

Determine how the sounds at the beginning of given words differ

In the Russian language there is a concept of letters and sounds. Letters are what we use to write words. We use sounds when speaking, that is, what we say.

We can distinguish 43 basic sounds, of which 6 are vowels and 37 consonants. While there are 33 letters in the alphabet. Letters do not represent soft signs and hard signs. The soft sign, in turn, gives the consonants softness.

For example.

Shadow, salt, stump, day.

Sounds can be divided into vowels and consonants.

The main sounds include the following: a, o, u, e, s. Consonant sounds include the following: k, n, g, l, m, shch, sh, f, t, zh, etc.

Let's look at the word grandfather.

[d"] - consonant, soft, voiced.

[e] - vowel, soft.

[u] - vowel, hard.

[w] - consonant, deaf, hard.

[k] - consonant, hard, deaf.

[d] - consonant, hard, sonorous.

[p] - consonant, hard, sonorous.

[o] - vowel, hard.

[f] - consonant, hard, deaf.

Therefore, the first sound in these words is the sound d. This sound is similar in that it is a consonant and it is voiced. But it differs in that in the word grandfather the sound d is soft. And in the word firewood the sound d is hard.

Let's consider the same example. Let's look at the words seeds and sun.

[s"] - consonant, deaf, soft.

[e] - vowel, hard.

[m"] - consonant, soft, voiced.

[e] - vowel, hard.

[h"] - consonant, soft, deaf.

[k"] - consonant, soft, deaf.

[i] - vowel, soft.

Phrases sun.

[s] - consonant, hard, deaf.

[o] - vowel, hard.

[n] - consonant, hard, sonorous.

[ts] - consonant, deaf, hard.

[e] - vowel, hard.

Consequently, the first sound differs in that in the word sunflower seeds the sound c is soft, in the word sun the sound c is hard.

When learning a language, several tasks are solved simultaneously: it is necessary to master the correct pronunciation of words, acquire speech skills, thanks to which you can freely express your thoughts, and learn to write.
To avoid difficulties associated with spelling, you should distinguish between oral and written speech. And to do this, you need to understand how sounds differ from letters.
Sounds represent a wave vibration that is perceived by human hearing in a certain range. Of the huge variety of sounds, there is only a small part that we can reproduce in the form of speech.
It is this part that makes up the phonetic structure of the language. It consists of sounds that are divided into vowels and consonants, distinguished by the method of formation, sonority and deafness, hardness and softness. To record sounds in the form of words, a special sign system is needed. Graphic representations of sounds are letters. They are perceived visually and cannot sound.
The letter composition of a language is called the alphabet. The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters. Ten of them indicate vowel sounds, 21 letters serve to graphically represent consonants, and the letters b b do not have an independent sound expression.

ImGist has determined that the differences between letters and sounds are as follows:

The wave nature of sounds makes it possible to hear and reproduce the minimal indivisible sound units that make up the speech stream. Unlike sounds, it is impossible to pronounce or hear a letter.
Letters are graphic representations of sounds. Fixed in the sign system, sounds take the form of written speech.
The phonetic appearance of a word can fully correspond to its graphic image, for example: table - [table]. However, in the Russian language such a correspondence is quite rare due to the fact that its sound structure consists of 44 units, and its alphabet consists of 33 letters.

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There are a lot of different voices in the world; almost everything, maybe except the vacuum, can be heard. In the process, humanity has created a system of conditioned signals, the combination of which can be perceived by the consciousness of each individual as a certain image implying a specific semantic meaning.

In contact with

So, what are sounds in Russian? These are meaningless in their essence, the smallest elements of words or that help convey a thought from one person to another. For example, a combination of the consonants “d” and “m” and one vowel “o” can create the word “house”, which in turn has a very specific meaning. Such “building blocks” of the Russian language are vowels and consonants, hard and soft, hissing and sonorous.

What's the difference?

When wondering how to distinguish between sounds and letters, it is worth knowing that the second is specific symbols with the help of which graphically record what we hear, for example, there is an “a” that we can pronounce out loud, mentally, whisper or shout, however, until it is written down on paper in the required form, it will not become a letter. From this it is clear that it is very simple to distinguish between these two concepts - what is on paper, a written symbol is a letter, what we hear or say is a sound.

Attention! How do sounds differ from their written symbols? In Russian there are 33 graphic elements, but they consist of 43 vocal signals, with 10 vowels and 6 sounds, and vice versa, 21 and 37 consonants, respectively. From this we can draw a simple conclusion - not all letters and sounds coincide with each other and are heard the way they are written.

What are vowels?

This is the name for elements of language that can be sung. How are they different from their opposite – consonants? They consist only of voice, when they are pronounced, air is easily drawn into the lungs and passed through the mouth. What are vowels? These are graphic symbols written on paper or a combination of them.

table of correspondence


Which letters make two sounds? Some are formed by two elements - a consonant (s) and a vowel corresponding to the sound. These are iotized elements of the alphabet that are needed to perform the following functions:

  1. If you need to put a vowel after a vowel, for example, the word “my”.
  2. After the dividing sign - “hug”.
  3. In cases where the vowel must be at the beginning of the phonetic word - “yama”.
  4. If you need to soften the consonant in front - “chalk”.
  5. If you need to reproduce a foreign word.

If such an iotized symbol comes after an unpaired one in terms of hardness or softness, then it means a regular one, for example, “silk” is read as “sholk”.

Yotated vowels

What are consonants?

Consonants are the smallest linguistic units that cannot be sung when pronounced. the air exhaled from the lungs encounters an obstacle, for example, on the tongue. They are divided into pairs, hissing, as well as hard and soft. Let's deal with everything in order.

Voiced, voiceless and hissing

What types of consonants are there? The table will help you see clearly:

An apostrophe denotes softened elements. This applies to all of the listed pairs, except for “f”, since it cannot be soft. In addition, there are consonants that have not been paired. This:

In addition to the listed voiceless and voiced ones, there are also hissing ones. These include “zh”, “sh”, “sch” and “h”. They necessarily belong to the deaf when pronouncing them the tongue presses against the palate in different ways. They sound a little like the hiss of a snake if you stretch them out a little.


Hard and soft

Soft ones differ from hard ones in the way they are pronounced. When a person pronounces them, he presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth, which makes them less rude. As in the previous case, they are divided into pairs, with some exceptions. Almost all elements of the Russian alphabet can be both hard and soft. How many of them do not have such a pair?


It turns out that the pairs are not all sibilants, “sh” and Y, which are also present in several vowels. All others can be mitigated under certain conditions.

This difference between the number of consonant sounds in the Russian language is justified precisely by the last division by softness. The fact is that such a softened form is not reflected graphically in the letter - we learn about softness by the softening vowel that follows it. This almost doubles the number of sound units compared to letters.

Hard and soft consonants

How are vowels different from consonants?

The division into two types of sounds occurs depending on their pronunciation techniques. Melodious and “light” vowels, unlike consonants, are easy to pronounce, draw, and sing. If you listen to any melodic song, you can hear that they are stretching like marshmallows.

Consonants, in turn, imply some kind of obstacle, that is, the flow of air does not come out of the mouth easily and smoothly, but bumping into the tongue, lips, teeth, and so on. Such elements are difficult to draw; they seem to have a sharp ending, regardless of whether they are voiced or dull, hard or soft.

Interesting! With graphic symbols, everything happens exactly the same way, because despite the fact that they are written on paper, belonging to one or another group is determined precisely by their sound.

“Special” elements of the Russian language

There are two characters in the Russian alphabet, under which no audible signals are implied. These are the hard sign “Ъ” and the soft sign “b”. They are needed:

  1. In order to share. The presence of one of these signs in a word indicates that the vowel following it must be iotated.
  2. A non-separating soft sign can inform the reader that the consonant preceding it is soft, or perform a grammatical function, for example, indicating the gender of the word - “oven”.

Russian lessons Sounds and letters

Vowels and consonants. Designating them with letters


Knowing the correct interaction of these basic elements helps you write many Russian words correctly. Sound and writing provide the key to the melody of speech and writing, its beauty and euphony.

Creating a collaborative environment

(TO) Check it out, buddy.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything okay?

A book, pen and notebook?

Have you checked? Sit down!

Work hard!

Updating life experience. Goal setting.

(The teacher takes a rubber inflatable balloon with a tube inserted into it. The balloon is inflated, and then the air is allowed to come out of the balloon freely. There is no sound.

Covering the tube a little with your finger, the air is released, making noise when it comes out.)

(K) Together with the children, we find out what they hear.

He is not visible

Can't take it in your hands

But you can hear it (sound)

    What sounds are there? (speech and non-speech)

    Give examples of speech sounds.

Hey hooks and dots

Dashes, circles,

Get together

Get in line.

And walk together

On a sheet of paper, (letters) E. Izmailova

Let me conclude that today in the lesson they will study sounds and letters.

Work on summarizing knowledge on the topic.

Work according to the textbook.

(K) Assignment1. Think about how sounds differ from letters.

(TO) Watching a video (educational cartoon “Sounds and Letters”),

What do we say when we speak? (sounds) When do we write? (letters)

(TO) Guess what sounds the children make.

What are these sounds called? (vowels) Why?

What letters can we use to write them?

(K) Assignment No. 2. Listen or read a poem about the alphabet. Name the letters you know.

(K) Assignment No. 3. Blind any of them and tell your friend what kind of letter it is.

Can we see, blind the sound?

Work in copybook.

(I) Assignment1. Remember what you told about your school, and list, How does a modern school differ from an ancient one? School coloring.

Prescribing the “large oval” elements (on the lines of the previous lesson).

Dynamic pause.

(D, TO) I name the sound, and you show it with your hands: A - hands to the sides, O - hands above your head in a ring, U - hands in a tube, I - hands up, index fingers protruding, E - hands in front of you, Y - hands folded in front of you

Work according to the textbook.

(D) Task No. 4. Game "Guess the word according to the diagram."

A wild animal with valuable fur is a fox.

Pet - dog, cow.

Confectionery product - cake.

Vegetable - cucumber.

An item from school supplies - a pencil case.

Students divide words into syllables and emphasize them, explaining each word.

(G) Tell us about each sound of the guess word.

(K) Task No. 5. R Look at the pictures in the textbook and use your hands to show how you will do these steps.

Dad takes a book from the table.

Grandmother picks up the ball.

Mom rearranges the vase.

Questions for children: Is it possible to catch the sound? Can you do it?

I lead children to the idea that sounds are invisible and intangible, but letters can be seen, molded, made from various materials and written.

(D) Task No. 6 I invite the children to create a “talking wall” in the classroom, draw a picture for each letter and sign their name.