Cherepovets, Vologda region. A group of educational psychologists led by L.M.

Our brains are somewhat like muscles. In order for them to work well, they need to be trained regularly. And if the load for the muscles can be obtained in the gym, then to warm up the brain, you need to solve different problems from time to time.

Today we offer you another logical riddle. Look at the picture and answer what else you can fill in the cell. Just do not rush to answer “six”, but try to go beyond the usual thinking and come up with an original, but logical answer.

Well, have you come up with your own version? Then check your answer with the correct one, or rather, with the correct ones.

In fact, the original answer to this riddle was supposed to be the Latin letter R. The author of the riddle implied that the picture illustrates the shift pattern of a manual gearbox, and the empty space means reverse.

But the author was unaware that there are many different gear shift patterns, and reverse does not have to be under fifth gear. What can we say about cars with "6-mortars", or "automatic machines". Therefore, do not lose heart and come up with new versions!

Let's take a closer look at the numbers on the table. Among them, there is not a single one in the outline of which a circle would be used. So, judging from an aesthetic point of view, the number 7 would also be the correct answer!

If you look at the picture from the point of view of mathematics, you can see that the sum of the top numbers is nine (1 + 3 + 5 = 9). And in order for the sum of the numbers in the lower cells to also equal nine, you need to enter a three in the lower right corner.

Fans of Douglas Adams and his masterpiece The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy can safely write in cell 42, which is the answer to the main question of life, the universe and all that.

The prejudice against tables has its deep roots. To be honest, a dozen years ago, tables could not boast of convenience due to the imperfection of the program as a whole. But a lot of time has passed since then. Microsoft did a great job on their mistakes and did everything possible for the convenience of users. It is a pity, of course, that many of those very users do not know about this and are still working in the 2003 edition of the office suite. Doesn't it remind you of the story about hedgehogs and cacti? :)

To all those stuck in the past, I simply humanly recommend upgrading to at least the 2013 version of Microsoft Office, or better, immediately to the fresh 2016. Believe me, it only seems to you that you are working in an environment that has become a classic, in fact, it has long been overgrown with moss and mold.

Use Templates

Office everyday life is full, including tables. We take one electronic piece of paper, cut out a part of it, paste it into a new document and correct the details. good technique, but it seems to me that working with templates is a little easier and faster. By the way, in Word itself, templates are called express tables.

Click on the "Insert" tab, click on "Table" and go to "Speed ​​Tables". Pay attention to the item "Save selection to collection".

Here you will find several quite useful options and, most importantly, you can save any other table or its fragment as a template, including your own.

draw tables

Remember the bear that walked over your ears and arms in a wild gypsy dance as a child? Since then, you do not like singing and brushes, and since then you have stubbornly ignored the "Draw Table" option in Word. Shake it up, grown man! It's time to crush the furry monster! It's easier than it looks.

Click on the "Insert" tab, click on "Table" and go to "Draw Table".

And do not be afraid to make a mistake: there is always an eraser at hand. Sometimes a pencil and an eraser make it much easier to create complex tables with small elements.

Insert rows and columns quickly

Starting with Word 2013, adding rows and columns has gone from being a pain in the ass to an addictive fun. Don't think, the archaic "Insert Columns Left/Right" and "Insert Rows Top/Bottom" have not gone away, but now you can forget about them.

Hover over the space between rows or columns outside the table and click on the plus that appears.

In the future, I would like to see something similar for the delete function.

Use a ruler

Every person has favorite and repulsive numbers that they indiscriminately use or avoid in their lives. Even in parameters of the tables. I know those. :)

If you are accustomed to accurately setting the indentation values, width and height of cells through the table properties, try an alternative - a ruler.

Hover over the border of columns or rows, grab it, hold down the Alt key and use the convenience of a centimeter ruler.

You can do the same trick with indent and overhang markers. Hover over them and hold down the same Alt key.

Use hotkeys

If I were a software developer, I would call hotkeys soul buttons. After all, sometimes you just want to cuddle with a laptop just because they are. As for Word tables, I most often use three combinations:

  1. Alt + Shift + Up/Down quickly moves the current line one position up or down (just an irreplaceable thing).
  2. Ctrl+Shift+A instantly converts uppercase letters to uppercase, which is very useful for headings.
  3. Ctrl+Tab adds a tab to the cell, while a normal Tab moves the cursor to the next cell.

Convert text to table

A bit of magic to show off in front of an astonished audience. Instead of creating tables in the usual way, try a couple of other, more sophisticated options:

  • Cell arrays copied from Excel are pasted into Word as a table with invisible borders.
  • Well-structured text is easily converted into a table by standard Word tools.

Select the text, click on the "Insert" tab, click on "Table" and select "Convert to Table".

Pay attention to the auxiliary parameters: the quality of the conversion directly depends on them.

Control Cell Sizes

If you want to know a person, throw him a table with the text-tyrant. A slightly free interpretation of a well-known opinion, of course, but hits the mark. Just take a look at the screenshot, or rather at the first column and the word "philological" - an ugly thorn.

According to my observations, in such cases, people first express themselves indecently, and then resort to a less than optimal solution - reduce the font size. But it is better to fit the text in another way.

Right-click in the cell, select "Table Properties", switch to the "Cell" tab, go to "Options" and check the "Fit Text" box.

Word will tighten up and return the runaway letter to its place, and peace will reign in the world again. By the way, for clarity, the “inscribed” text will be underlined with a blue line.

And also, it happens that you borrow someone's table and quite sing under your breath: “Only you, the fish of my dreams”! Good job by someone else's hands! You start flooding it with your data, and then uncontrollable devilry happens: some columns are spreading due to the slimming of others. The head sobers up, and reality ceases to please. How to be?

Jokes aside, but it happens that you are sent a table of a strict format, with which you cannot blunder. At least do not be too lazy to send it back with the same dimensions. So the recipient will see what he expects to see. And to do this, turn off auto-sizing by content.

Right-click in any of the cells, select "Table Properties", go to "Options" and uncheck the box "Auto-size to content".

The same option will save your table from collapsing if you need to fill some cells with images: they will fit in as a thumbnail instead of full size.

Have something to add? Write in the comments.


Great psychological game for high school students

A child's play is his life
he is an independent, free person in it,
developing its powers. For real life
the child still has too little spiritual material,
few established ideas.
He has enough of them just for the GAME.

V. Shelgunov

And the famous French scientist Louis de Broll argued that the game, even the simplest one, has much in common with the work of a scientist. In both cases, the task at hand, the difficulty that needs to be overcome, is first attracted, then the joy of discovery appears, the feeling of the obstacle overcome. That is why all people, regardless of age, are attracted to the game.

Based on this, we decided to psychological preparation 11th grade students to passing the exam in the form of a game. Using the well-known algorithm for developing the script psychological game(author - M.R. Bityanova), we compiled a questionnaire for 11th grade students. We needed to find out:

Do students need psychological help?

What kind of problems and difficulties do they experience in preparing for the exams;

What are the main preferences when spending free time (watching TV, reading books, computer).

The following results were obtained:

89% of students need the help of a psychologist in preparing for exams;

The main difficulties in preparing for the exam: emotional stress, fear of the exam, high level anxiety;

70% of students in free time are doing on the computer.

Based on these results, it was decided to prepare a game for the 11th grade in the form of immersion in the virtual world. Moreover, knowing the features of the procedure conducting the exam, where the situation is quite strict, tense, excluding the help of teachers working on the exam, we decided to make the game situation “tough”. This is how the plot of the game “Parallel World” arose, where in order to save your “world” you need to use all the possibilities and activate all the abilities, where you can get help only from the “guardian”, and even that is insignificant, where the Council of Elders very strictly evaluates the results, and time tasks are strictly limited.

To reduce emotional stress, fear of the exam, the level of anxiety, we have selected following tasks :

"Encryption" (based on "Correction test");

"Mysteries of Amthauer" (from the intelligence test);

Creating a world project (project method), which will allow high school students not to be afraid to work with tests (this is important in the exam).

In doing so, students must:

Show independence in the exam;

Take responsibility for the result of the exam;

Strictly follow the instructions;

Control and check your work.

Expected Result - acquisition of new experience and formation of the following skills:

Adapt to a new situation;

Mobilize your forces to unlock your personal potential;

Take responsibility;

Work in limited time mode;

Show your creative and intellectual potential;

Interact with other group members.

If some tasks seem to the organizers of the game difficult or unsuitable for the contingent of students, then they can be replaced by the following ones.

Instead of "Encryption":

Bourdon correction test;

Toulouse-Pieron test;

Landolt rings.

It should be noted that when replacing, the accompanying task “keywords” will drop out.

Instead of Amthauer's Riddles:

Brief selection test(CAT);

Eysenck test for determining IQ;

Cattell's intelligence test;

Features of the game

1. Students do not know why they are invited to a psychologist. This is necessary to create the effect of surprise.

2. Participants are not warned about the beginning of the game. After everyone is freely seated in the classroom (without desks), the lights go out and the text begins to sound. At this point, the Council of Elders puts on their costumes, dimmed lights turn on, and the students find themselves in a computer world.

3. The exit from the game is as follows: the lights go out, the costumes are removed, the attributes are removed, the students return to the real world.

4. It is necessary to prepare quite a lot of materials, but they are all on a diskette and can be easily copied.

5. The facilitators need to be prepared for the fact that the students do not want to save their world in the final (get the last pieces of the map), they must be given such an opportunity. This is provided in the script.

6. The Council of Elders has a lot of tasks to check, so we have provided special "keys" that make it easier to check.

Game time: 2 hours.

Game features: The game is designed for children aged 15-17. Conducted to prepare students for exams.

Game objectives:

reduce the level of anxiety, emotional stress;

remove the fear of exams;

learn to act in an unexpected situation;

create conditions for self-realization of students, disclosure of creative potential.

Participants enter computer game"Parallel world", where their world is on the verge of destruction.

game goal - each player and each team needs to score as many points as possible at each stage of the game in order to save their world. When you save yourself, you save everyone.

Necessary materials

Sheets of colored paper, cardboard, colored cardboard, gray paper.

3 sheets of drawing paper, large paper.

Colour pencils.

Felt pens, markers, wax crayons.

Glue, scissors, tape.

Sheets of A4 paper.

Waste material: old magazines, pictures, fabric.

Leaders need to prepare:

Musical accompaniment;

Badges according to the number of participants;

A3 world map, cut into 60 pieces;

"magic boxes" or pouches for storing pieces of the world earned;

Tables for entering individual results;

Individual diplomas according to the number of participants;

General certificate for "owning the world";

Sheets with the task "Encryption";

Sheets with "Mysteries of Amthauer":

Questionnaires for each participant for reflection;

Riddles for finding tasks "Encryption".



3 teams;

Keeper (for each team);

Council of Elders, including:

– three people for scoring;

- one person to observe, evaluate, hand over pieces of the map;

- one person - the Keeper of Time.

With a shortage of people, only three people can be entered into the Council of Elders.

Game progress

1. In the room where the game will be held, it is necessary:

Set up 3 tables for teams and 1 table for the Council of Elders;

Hang dark curtains;

Decorate the room by creating an imitation of the computer world;

Install lighting equipment (spotlights, backlight lamps, etc.);

Hide the task "Encryption" in special places;

Lay out all the cards in a certain order, that is, as they enter the game;

2. The council of elders needs to sort out the grading system and the “keys” to the tasks in advance in order to work quickly.

3. Keepers need to take cards with the mottos "Human", "Hero", "Superhero" to help students quickly and in an organized way break into teams.

4. The participants in the game must write their names on the badges.

Evaluation system for tasks at different stages of the game

Tasks Criteria for evaluation Time
1. The choice of the complexity of the game (breakdown into teams). Creating your union and presentation 2 points for:
originality of the idea;
originality of presentation.
25 min. (preparation of the presentation - 10-12 minutes, presentation - 2-3 minutes for each team)
2. Competition "Keywords" When calculating, the individual result is recorded separately for each participant, the team result is the average percentage of completion: if 75% is completed, 6 points are counted; 50% - 4 points; 25% - 2 points. Points are added for the level of difficulty: "Man" - 0 points; "Hero" - 1 point; "Superhero" - 2 points 5 minutes.
(2 min. - for task 1,
3 min. - for task 2)
3. Intellectual stage - "Mysteries of Amthauer" When calculating, the individual result is recorded separately for each participant, the team result - the average percentage: 75% - 6 points; 50% - 4 points; 25% - 2 points. Points are added for the level of difficulty: "Man" - 0 points; "Hero" - 1 point; "Superhero" - 2 points 10 min.
(1st task - 2 min. 6 sec.,
2nd task - 2 min. 6 sec.,
3rd task - 2 min. 48 sec.)
4. “My future world” (remember the keywords, create the project “My future world and present it) 2 points for:
project originality;
technical ideas;
development of the idea;
use of keywords.
Possible additional points (DB)
20 minutes.


Stage 1. Immersion in the game situation

The lights go out, running lights and other lighting effects turn on, music sounds, text sounds.

Leading. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! You are in virtual mode. This is a parallel world, and you are its inhabitants. Many centuries ago, your world was on the verge of extinction, but the heroes defended its right to exist. But now you have disappointed us, your world is cruel, unfair and not very smart. You are divided. Your map of the world has fallen to pieces. The Council of Elders decided to destroy the parallel world. Only a feat can save him, the time and place of which are named, determined by fate, but if a hero does not come, there will be no feat. You have a chance to escape and collect the map. When you save yourself, you save others! It's time to show yourself, your personal achievements work for the union.

With the help of a projector, the "destruction" of the world map is depicted on the screen. At this time, members of the Council of Elders appear. They put on red hats and sit down at the table.

Leading. Decide for yourself who you are, what potential you have. If you live by the principle: “less is better, but better,” you are a person; if you are closer to the idea that “the smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain”, then you are a hero; if you are convinced of the correctness of the principle "only forward and not a step back" - you are a superhero. Find your own kind. Organize an alliance. The Council of Elders wants to know who you are. It's not all bad, you're not alone. The Guardian will help you. The countdown has begun!

Stage 2. Representation of unions

A dim, dim light turns on. The participants of the game are divided into three unions: "people", "heroes", "superheroes". Each union must prepare and present itself in 12 minutes. Presentation time - 3 minutes.

Leading. Time is over. Now you need to introduce your team. The Council of Elders awaits! Who will be the first? (If necessary, hold a draw) . Thank you. The Council will appreciate your work... But this is only the beginning. Fate is in the hands of one representative from each union. Who is he, you decide. Elected, messages await you.

One representative per team comes out. Receive cards indicating the location of the "Encryption" task.

Stage 3. Competition "Keywords"

Having opened the packages, the chosen ones receive tasks that differ for representatives of different unions.

Job Sample
for the representative of the union "Man"







1. Write down all the underlined letters ________________

2. Find and write out the words __________________________

Key #1: House, light, sound, pirate, road, milk, hall, snowmobile, monarch, drying, envelope.

Job Sample
for the representative of the union "Hero"

Participant name ______________________








2. Write down all the underlined letters ________________

3. Find and write out the words __________________________

Key #2: Fur, signal, darkness, ringing, roar, steamer, nose, planet, spring, bowl, nature.

Job Sample
for the representative of the union "Superhero"

Member Name: _____________________________________









2. Write down all the underlined letters __________________

3. Find and write out the words ___________________________

Key #3: Pyramid, bush, fox, sofa, cow, radio, earth, border, pen, commotion, map.

Five minutes later, representatives of the unions hand over their cards to the Council of Elders. The results are calculated according to the above scoring system. The Council of Elders gives out map pieces for the 1st competition.

Stage 4. "Mysteries of Amthauer"

Leading. And now it's time to show your intellectual potential. Riddles will put everything in its place ...

Selected individuals are given special forms to fill out.

Name _______________

level ___________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Leading. Our next challenge is called Amthauer's Riddles. So, the first riddle. You will be offered seven logical puzzles. Each is formulated as a judgment in which part of the text or a single word is omitted. For each task below five answers are given in the form of short judgments or single words. They are marked with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You need to read the problem, read all the answers and choose the one that seems right, the most appropriate in meaning to restore the sentence.

Example 1

The rabbit is most similar to: 1) a cat; 2) protein; 3) hare; 4) a fox; 5) hedgehog. Answer: 3) on a hare.

Example 2

The opposite of hope is: 1) sadness 2) anger, 3) tenderness, 4) despondency,
5) despair. Answer:5) despair.

In the empty cells of form I, you must enter the answer (selected number).

You need to work in the following way. If in the 1st task you choose the answer "3", then in the plate of the form I in an empty cell under the number " 1 ” you enter “3”. If in the 2nd problem you choose the fifth answer, then in the empty cell under the number " 2 » put down the number «5». And so on: under the number of each problem, you put down the number of your chosen answer. Sometimes you may think that two or even three answers are appropriate. Must select only one answer and enter only one number in the empty cell under the corresponding problem number.

So, get started!

The chosen ones work with the forms received from the Council of Elders for ten minutes.



1. The condition for the existence of living beings is ...

1) movement; 2) metabolism; 3) air; 4) light; 5) nervous system.

2. Workshops mostly associated with (co)...

1) intellect; 2) penetration into the essence of the issue; 3) experience; 4) production work; 5) knowledge of the matter.

3. A stone in free fall falls to the ground from a height of 10 meters in ... seconds

1) 0,3; 2) 0,5; 3) 1,4; 4) 2,0; 5) 3,0.

4. Each firm has...

1) building; 2) warehouse; 3) profiles; 4) title; 5) products.

5. He who works needs (o) ...

1) ambition; 2) task; 3) chief; 4) tool; 5) intelligence.

6. Most common cause flood is...

1) dam break; 2) rain; 3) ice melting; 4) bad weather; 5) disaster.

7. Mercury is...

1) metal; 2) mineral; 3) solution; 4) chemical compound; 5) alloy.


1. ... has nothing to do with the weather.

1) hurricane; 2) earthquake; 3) hail; 4) thunderstorm; 5) fog.

2. The plane is ... a means of transport

1) the largest; 2) the most expensive; 3) the most unreliable; 4) the easiest; 5) the fastest.

3. Decisions in the end...

1) are considering; 2) are planned; 3) are accepted; 4) are observed; 5) are discussed.

4. Study is first of all ...

5. Analysis is...

1) result; 2) decomposition into parts; 3) planning; 4) systematization; 5) development.

6. Life is...

1) activity; 2) state; 3) occupation; 4) development; 5) ability.

7. Most quadrupeds are...

1) mammals; 2) pets; 3) predators; 4) carnivores; 5) herbivores.


1. ... It has greatest length coastline.

1) Ireland; 2) Norway; 3) France; 4) Bulgaria; 5) Italy.

2. The aircraft always has (have) ...

1) motor; 2) chassis; 3) radio; 4) passengers; 5) planes (wings).

3. The smallest area (in sq. km) has ...

1) Sardinia; 2) Crete; 3) Malta; 4) Sicily; 5) Cyprus.

4. The problem is best solved by...

1) experience; 2) concentration; 3) mind; 4) reflections; 5) getting used to the essence.

5. A movie is unthinkable without...

6. ... serves to prevent accidents.

1) a box with dressings; 2) barrier; 3) emergency exit; 4) life buoy;
5) fire extinguisher.

7. With the help of a ruler, ...

1) segments; 2) length; 3) area; 4) distances; 5) corners.

Key to the first riddle

(the same for the riddles of all unions)