What if I'm at 6 am. Getting up early: what are the benefits and how to train yourself

Starting tomorrow, you should make a promise to yourself to wake up at 6 am and here's why...

We all know the popular saying, “The early bird catches the worm.” Moreover, we all know its meaning. And we know that by waking up and getting out of a warm bed early, we can somehow improve our lives. But knowing it and doing it are two completely different things.

But know that there are no obstacles for those who really want to succeed. Yes, forcing yourself to get up early in the morning in order, figuratively speaking, to grab that very worm, is not easy, and few people do it... But in the last two years I have been one of these few people. What started out as a promise to myself New Year, changed my whole life. So I can give you six reasons why you should make this promise to yourself too - starting tomorrow:

1. This is a time to remind yourself of your purpose in life.

Many people wander aimlessly through life precisely because they cannot understand what they actually want, and even if they do understand, they remember it only from time to time. But if you remind yourself of your life purpose every morning, it will remain in your mind until the evening.

By the way, you can go further - in addition to reminding you of your life goal, you can also give yourself a certain amount of time to achieve it. And finally, the morning is a great time to remember what you have already achieved and how you did it.

2. This is the time to create a daily routine.

The early bird not only catches the worm, but also gives himself the opportunity to create a proper daily routine.

The better and more complete your daily routine is, the more effective and productive you become. Well, since a little earlier you remembered your life goals, you may well include actions to achieve them in your daily routine.

3. This is time to warm up before work.

If you ask a random person why he doesn’t exercise, he will usually answer that he doesn’t have time for it. Indeed, after a long and stressful day at work, often all we can do is crawl home. What kind of gym is this...

But if you wake up before 6 o’clock in the morning, then who will stop you from carving out half an hour or an hour to run to the gym before work?

Among other things, such a morning warm-up causes your body to produce chemical substances, called endorphins, which promote good mood and well-being. By running to the gym in the morning, you fill your body with energy for the whole day.

4. This is the time to eat properly.

All our lives we hear that breakfast is the most important technique food for the whole day. This is true, and if you start waking up early in the morning, you will no longer have to miss it and run to work, quickly grabbing a sandwich and coffee.

A study conducted by nutritionist John Hopkins of the Bloomberg School of Public Health shows that how nutritious your breakfast is ultimately determines the health of your digestive system and overall well-being.

Just like your car needs quality fuel and regular maintenance, your body needs to eat right - especially in the morning - to function properly.

5. Many successful people live exactly in this rhythm!

In an article published in New York Magazine, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, said that he wakes up at exactly 5:30 every day. Waking up early in the morning, he usually meditates or goes for a run in the park.

Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive, is known for launching official Email already at 4:30 am.

Let's not forget about Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group. He also turned out to be a fan of early awakening.

During an interview with Business Insider, Branson mentioned that he wakes up around 5:45 a.m. so he can stretch and have a proper breakfast before getting down to business.

6. This way you will always stay half a step ahead of everyone else.

Starting your day earlier makes you more confident and creative. I can judge this from my own experience - waking up every morning at the crack of dawn, I experience an incredible surge of strength.

Why? Yes, simply because I am already making my dream come true, while my rivals are still snoring in their beds.

I always try to deal with the most urgent and important matters before 8 o’clock - because if I succeed, I charge myself with positivity until the evening - because I don’t guess, but I know that I am able to achieve the tasks set for myself.

In addition, starting with the most important things, even small ones, I significantly reduce my level of stress and anxiety. No wonder the poet J. A. Carney once said: “The smallest drops of water and grains of sand are exactly what the mighty oceans and great deserts are made of.”

Well, by training yourself to wake up two and a half hours earlier, you will live longer! Just by waking up earlier, you will gain 17.5 additional hours of active life per week, 70 hours per month, and 840 per year. So the choice is yours...

Eghosa Aihie
Early Bird Gets The Worm: 6 Reasons
To Start Your Day Before 6 AM via Kluber

Friends! Please note: in order to correctly correct the lyrics of the song, you need to highlight at least two words

Gray fog and rain.
It's dawn, 6 am.

[Verses, Roma Beast]:
And the stars in the sky go out.
And the stars of Rock and Roll go to bed -
And I, I'm coming home all night
We had fun again.

And the perception is extremely heightened.
Everything is interesting, everything is not just like that.
I look at myself, I look around
And my head is a complete mess.

Oh, the city is a funny place.
It's like a circus, it's like a zoo.
It has its own jesters and its own heroes,
Their Oscar Wilds, their Joan of Arc.

It has its own villains and its own heroes.
Here ordinary people and they are the majority.
I love them all, well let's say almost all of them;
But I want them all to feel good.

[The final]:
Gray fog and rain.
It's dawn, 6 am.
So tomorrow has come,
Which I heard something about yesterday.

About the song

  • We are releasing the songs of the ZOOPARK group performed by the ZVERI group in a collection. ⠀ These are not all the soundtracks for the film “Summer”, for which Roma Zver and guitarist of the ZVERI group German Osipov received the Cannes Soundtrack Award, but the most dear to our hearts. In memory of the legendary ZOO and Mike Naumenko, with gratitude to the bygone era - “ANIMALS IN THE ZOO”.

The cycle of the Sun affects every inhabitant of our planet Earth. Despite the fact that we have become hostages of technogenic civilization, we are still influenced by the rhythms of the daylight. In this article I will talk about the pros and cons of getting up early.

What is early rising? This is waking up before 6 am. Our ancestors woke up at sunrise. This habit has been preserved in many countries located on the equator, where the rhythm of the day is strictly defined. The night always lasts about 12 hours, as does daylight.

For residents of northern latitudes, the topic of early rise is not so close and understandable, because in winter the Sun rises around 9 am or even later. However, it is not without reason that most successful people from all over the world practice waking up at 5-6 am. This means there are certain advantages to this.

The benefits of waking up early

Let's find out what benefits early rises bring.

  1. Your productivity increases significantly. If you've tried working early in the morning, you already know this secret. A task that usually takes two to three hours can be done in an hour in the morning. This seems fantastic. But you just need to start practicing waking up early in the morning to see for yourself.
  2. You will have extra time for yourself. Imagine how great it will be if in the morning you can devote time only to your favorite things. Perhaps you will finally realize your dream of being creative, read books that have been put aside for later, or start your own project. In any case, morning inspiration will help you.
  3. To get up early, you need to establish the right daily routine. If you start going to bed no later than 10 pm, you will get better sleep. And your morning well-being will delight you: a feeling of vigor and clarity of thoughts for the whole day.


It is impossible not to mention the disadvantages. By unknown reason this topic is often silent. However, to make an informed decision, you must be aware of them.

  1. If you don’t follow your daily routine and go to bed late, then instead of vigor and inspiration, you will feel tired, weak and desire lie down for an hour or two.
  2. It won't be easy at first. Few people manage to introduce the practice of getting up early in the morning. daily life without body resistance. Especially if you used to be a night owl.
  3. In some cases, this can lead to disharmony in the family. A classic example: a wife who gets up at 5 in the morning and goes to bed at ten in the evening. In this case, the husband comes home from work, has dinner at 8-9 pm, then rests for an hour in front of the TV. And only after 22 hours is he ready for tenderness. But at this time the wife falls off her feet. She has to wake up again at five!

How to learn?

The most important thing is to wake up not just like that, but for the sake of something. Important, interesting, inspiring.

Let's think together what it could be.

  • A favorite hobby for which there is not enough time in the bustle of the day. For example, learning a foreign language.
  • Reading interesting book or spiritual literature.
  • - It is in the early morning that they pass especially blissfully.
  • Yoga or sports classes. Perhaps you have long set yourself the goal of losing a few kilograms of weight. In this case, morning time is ideal for jogging or doing a set of exercises.
  • Your project. Perhaps you have created your own blog or YouTube channel. Or maybe you decided to provide private services as a hairdresser or makeup artist. In the morning, you can think about a plan to bring your idea to life and begin implementing it.
  • A quiet time for relaxation and self-care. I have a friend who wakes up at 6 am every day, although she could sleep until seven. She uses her free hour to take a hot bath with aromatic foam in the morning, immerse herself in pleasant thoughts and recharge her energy for the whole day. By the way, this friend is a very positive and open person.

Another secret is not to give up and not give up practice. Having received a feeling of euphoria in the first days, after some time you will notice treacherous thoughts in your head: “Maybe I should sleep for another hour?” or “I’ll take a break for a week and continue to practice waking up early.”

Don't give in. This is the body's natural resistance. It is necessary to use willpower and discipline. Without them - nowhere.

Another important point that I have already mentioned is maintaining a daily routine. You should sleep at least 7 hours. If you sleep for 6 hours, then be sure to lie down and take a nap during the day.

Before I started writing this article, I studied what my colleagues were saying. There are a lot of tips on the Internet about how to start waking up early. But not all of them are useful. And some are even harmful. Now I’ll tell you more.

  • If you go to bed early, you need less time to sleep.

There is a grain of truth in this. However, you should not reduce your sleep time in the initial stages of practice. You should sleep at least 7 hours or more depending on your body's needs. Otherwise, instead of optimism, goodness and inspiration, you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

  • Set several alarms so that you are sure to wake up on the second or third.

This doesn't make any sense. You either wake up or you don't. Why torture yourself? If the body is unable to recover from sleep, then you need to think about the duration of sleep and the general condition of the body. If it is weakened, if you have a cold or reduced immunity, then you need to sleep longer than usual. In this case, it is better to wake up at 7 am (or later).

  • Bring your body and health to world standard.

In my opinion, this is absurd advice. For one simple reason - for most people this is unattainable. After all, getting up early is often one of the first steps on the path to internal growth. And you can get closer to the ideal only when you have already progressed along the way.

What do we have to do? Just get joy from the morning, from the dawn, from the feeling of mystery when you are the only one in the family who gets up so early.

This time is so quiet, calm and harmonious, but at the same time charged with the positive energy of awakening the world from sleep, that just contemplating it will help your health.

  • Don't eat before bed or after 7 pm.

Of course, having dinner at 6 pm and not eating anything at night is best. But if you are hungry, then you should not deny yourself food. It’s better to eat something than toss and turn half the night, dreaming of refreshment. So you definitely won't get enough sleep.

Just in the evening, give preference to lighter foods, reducing the amount of sweets. It is better to eat several dates along with a cake or cupcake.

What does the Vedas say?

In the Vedas - a collection of ancient scriptures— talks about the importance of following a daily routine. So, in the period from 23:00 to 03:00 a person must sleep. Otherwise, fatigue, a feeling of apathy and a decrease in mental abilities occur.

Awakening is described in the Vedas by the hour:

  1. From 3 to 4 am - at this time enlightened and highly spiritual people get up. This watch is only suitable for spiritual practices and prayers, as well as reading sacred texts. You should not solve worldly issues.
  2. From 4 to 5 am - those who wake up at such a time are full of lightness and positivity. The morning inspires them and gives them energy. Strong leadership skills and creativity.
  3. From 5 to 6 am - those who awaken at this time can also achieve a lot in life, but the results will not be outstanding. Such a person has few problems in life, but he cannot achieve any significant transformation.
  4. From 6 to 7 am - time has already been lost, you should have woken up earlier. People's vitality decreases and they have less vigor. They are often late.
  5. From 7 to 8 am - vitality is even lower. A person fails to fully realize himself in life.
  6. From 8 to 9 am - among other things, those who wake up at this time often suffer from some kind of addiction: coffee, alcohol, tobacco.
  7. Later than 9 am - even worse than in the previous paragraph, I won’t describe all the horrors.

You've probably already come across similar information. But did you know that the Vedas give hours based on solar time? However, in most of the CIS, local time does not correspond to it.

In most regions, local time is 1 hour ahead of actual solar time. Therefore, if the Vedas speak of the interval “from 3 to 4 o’clock in the morning,” then in our countries this usually means “from 4 to 5 o’clock in the morning.”

You can check for yourself how different the time in your city is from the true solar one. To do this, find data on sunrise and sunset for the current day. Calculate the midpoint between sunrise and sunset.

Ideally it should be 12:00 (noon). If you get, say, 12:55, then the time in your region is 55 minutes faster than the sun.

Alternative ideas about the daily routine

Research by historian Roger Ekirch, which lasted more than 15 years, indicates amazing fact. In Europe, at a time when electric lighting had not yet been invented, our ancestors slept completely differently than we do now.

The night's sleep was divided into two parts: the first dream and the second. People fell asleep at about 21 o'clock, then slept for 3-4 hours. After which there was a period of night wakefulness. A few hours later they went to bed again and got up with the sunrise.

The historian studied various historical documents and evidence, thanks to which he came to such an amazing conclusion. Ekirch published his thoughts and evidence in the book “At the End of the Day. History of the Night", released in 2006.

The night hours could be devoted to reflection, prayer, creative pursuits or lovemaking.

Nowadays, an experiment was carried out. 15 volunteers were invited to spend 4 weeks without artificial light. For the first three weeks, they slept - they were active for about 10 hours during daylight hours, and during dark times they slept or dozed in a dark room. The participants' previous lack of sleep had an effect.

When they got enough sleep, the volunteers miraculously began to switch to biphasic sleep. First, sleep lasting 4-5 hours, then a period of wakefulness, and then sleep again until the morning. A total of no more than 8 hours.

They described their free night hours as very quiet. They talked about crystal clear consciousness, something similar to meditation. This condition could not be called insomnia. On the contrary, participants experienced a surge of energy.

Thus, if a very early rise beckons you with a desire to feel the magic of that very time when night gives way to morning, but you are not ready to become an extreme early riser, then take note of the described option of biphasic sleep.

Some of our contemporaries also sleep intermittently, considering it harmful and unable to get rid of the habit. However, don't rush to conclusions. Perhaps this is more natural than continuous 7 or 8 hour sleep.


I suggest you watch a video that talks about the benefits of waking up early.

To sum up, we can conclude that amazing opportunities, opening before a person in the early morning hours. Even a convinced night owl will be able to appreciate them if he tries.

People often associate waking up early with success in life.

Blogger Egoza Eikhi has been waking up at 6:00 am for the past two years. He believes this habit has changed his life. Here are his six reasons why you, too, should make an effort to become a morning person.

1. You will have time to understand yourself
Many people fail to achieve their goals simply because they lack focus. If you don't start the day by figuring out what you should focus on first, you're less likely to remember your big goals throughout the day.
As you know, it is in the first half of the day that your brain works most efficiently. Use this time to take control of your life with your mind, not your emotions.

2. You will have time to plan your day.

Larks have the opportunity to plan their day in advance - before going to work. The earlier your plan for the day is made, the more efficient and productive you will spend your time.
Planning for tomorrow in the evening is counterproductive. It's stupid to make plans when your brain is stale and wants only one thing - rest.

3. Morning is a great time to work on yourself

Who said you have to rush to the office immediately after waking up? At the same time, many of us complain that we constantly lack time for family, entertainment or the gym.
If you start waking up at 6am, you'll have a few more hours before your workday starts to get to the gym. When you exercise in the morning, your body is saturated with endorphins. These are hormones that are released during active physical activity and give us a feeling of joy and euphoria. The charge of endorphins received in the morning may well be enough to keep you energetic and alert throughout the working day.

4. You will start eating breakfast

You've heard all your life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you wake up a couple of hours before the start of the working day, you definitely won’t be able to miss it.
A study from the Hopkins-Bloomberg School of Public Health found that eating a nutritious breakfast has huge health benefits. Just like your car needs gas to run, your body needs food to function properly. Especially in the morning.

5. Many successful people do this!

New York Magazine, in its article about Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, told readers that he starts his day at 5:30 in the morning. Dorsey uses the time before his work day to meditate and go for a 10-kilometer run.
Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, begins answering partner emails at 4:30 every morning.
Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, is also a big proponent of waking up early. In one of his interviews with Business Insider, he admitted that he wakes up at 5:45 and immediately gets to work. First, he sits at the computer for a while, and only then has breakfast.

6. You will be two steps ahead of everyone

Waking up early, research shows, can help you unleash your creativity. Plus, it develops your self-confidence: you start working even when all your competitors are sleeping.

People often associate the habit of waking up early with success in life. If you are skeptical about this statement, try reconsidering your daily routine. Within two years, your life can change dramatically. Here are just six incredible reasons why your morning should start with the first roosters.

You will have time to discover hidden resources

Many people are far from success in life only because of a lack of attention to their own person. When you lose concentration during the day, it's so easy to get distracted from completing your tasks. As you know, the brain works more efficiently in the morning. By getting out of bed two hours earlier, you can use the new time to search internal resources. This will help keep all routine processes under control.

You can plan your day effectively

Early birds have the unique opportunity to plan for the day ahead long before heading to work. The sooner you think about things, the more efficiently and effectively they will be completed. Psychologists advise abandoning the idea of ​​making a task list the night before. Before going to bed, the human brain is tired and aims for a quick rest.

You will have time for self-improvement

Who came up with the idea that people should rush to the office immediately after waking up? Many people work until late in the evening and complain that they do not have enough time to go to the Gym, jogging, reading or having fun with family. Now you can easily find an extra two hours for any of these things. If the morning is devoted to physical exercise, the body is saturated with endorphins. Therefore, a charge of vigor and good mood will be provided for a long time.

Finally, you will start having breakfast

Throughout your life, you have heard so often about the benefits of a full breakfast, but you only had time in the morning for a cup of coffee. Now you will never miss the most important meal. Scientific research clearly demonstrate the importance of breakfast for human health. If your car needs fuel before driving, your body needs energy before working.

Successful people are early birds

Take a look at the habits of successful people and you will definitely find the pattern you are looking for. They are all early birds. So, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, says that he gets up every morning at 5:30. Then the businessman meditates and goes for a 10-kilometer run. Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up even earlier - at half past four in the morning. The tycoon devotes extra time to correspondence with business partners. British businessman Richard Branson gets up at 5:45 and immediately starts working on the computer in his office, then he allows himself to have breakfast.

You will be two steps ahead of your competitors

This healthy habit will help you discover your hidden creative potential. This will develop powerful self-confidence: it’s nice to think that you’ve already done a lot of work while your competitors are having their tenth dream. If you learn to solve the most unpleasant and difficult issues before eight o'clock in the morning, you will be able to maintain high energy throughout the day. Awareness of the completed task will give you a feeling of lightness and freedom, and this will reduce the level of stress and anxiety.