What is the OGE - the rules for taking the exam and the scale for transferring points. Converting exam points in mathematics How many points do you need to pass the exam for?

Exams are always a very difficult time for any person. Be it a parent, a negligent student or a student. Nowadays the role of exams is highly valued. Therefore, in this article we will look at them in more detail.

Exam Forms

Every ninth grader must take exams in the form of the OGE. But there is another form of certification - GVE. It differs from the first in that it is not standard, that is, depending on the individual capabilities and characteristics of the student, test and measurement materials are created. These could be tickets, tests, or an oral response. This was created for children with health problems, disabilities, studying in specialized correctional schools or staying in places of imprisonment by a court verdict.


Previously, it was necessary to pass 2 compulsory subjects to obtain a certificate of completion of studies in basic school. In 2016, the number of compulsory ones increased to 4. Among them, the Russian language and mathematics remained (mathematics is not divided into specialized and basic, as is the case when passing the exam in the form of the Unified State Examination in 11th grade), and the remaining 2 exams can be chosen by a ninth-grader independently from the list items for delivery:

  • literature;
  • story;
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • physics;
  • biology;
  • foreign languages ​​(English, French, German and Spanish);
  • social science;
  • Informatics;

But choosing 2 subjects is a necessary condition. In 2016, the innovation was a trial, so grades received in 2 additional subjects were not included in the certificate. And in 2017, they will influence the formation of the final grade in the certificate at the end of 9th grade.

The final application for participation in the exam must be submitted no later than March 1. Until this time, previous applications can be withdrawn and your decision changed more than once. But it’s better not to do this, but to decide on a set of exams already in September and start preparing for them in order to get a good result. And the result in this type of exam is points. So how many points do you need to score on the OGE to get good grades on your certificate?

Russian language

The Russian language exam consists of 3 parts (15 tasks). In the first part, students must listen to an audio recording, which is played by the organizers in the classroom (the recording is played 2 times), and then write a concise summary based on the passage they heard, the volume of which should be at least 70 words.

The second part consists of 13 tasks. All of them are carried out on the basis of the proposed text, the answers are recorded on a special form. Part 3 involves writing an essay-argument, again based on the text read in part 2.

To write an essay, you are asked to choose one of three proposed topics. The exam takes 3 hours 55 minutes. Each student should be provided with a spelling dictionary. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 39. How many points do you need to score on the OGE to get a grade of “3”? At least 15 points. A “4” rating starts at 25 points, and a “5” starts at 34.


The exam consists of 3 modules:

  1. The first part consists of eight tasks and is focused on solving problems in algebra.
  2. There are only 5 tasks in the second part. All of them are based on the "Geometry" block: 4 tasks represent problems, and the last one is the choice of correct judgments.
  3. The third module assesses the student's abilities in the "Real Mathematics" block. There are 7 tasks in this module. In addition, in the mathematics exam there is a second part where there is no choice of answer. All assignments must be completed with a complete solution. The second part is divided into algebra and geometry.

The question remains unresolved: how many points do you need to score in mathematics? The OGE implies that in order to get a satisfactory mark, you need to score at least 8 points. Provided that 3 of them are in algebra, 2 in geometry and 2 in real mathematics. A score of “4” is given from 15 points, and “5” from 22. The maximum score is 32. The points obtained are then divided into final grades in geometry and algebra.


The exam consists of 2 parts. The first is a test, the second implies a complete design of the solution. Students must be provided with the required basic tables and calculator for the exam. You will be given 2 hours to complete the exam tasks.

How many points do you need to score on the OGE in chemistry? At least 9 points for a satisfactory grade, for a grade of “4” - 28 points, and “5” - 29 points. Their maximum number is 38.


Biology, like chemistry, consists of 2 parts. For completing the exam you can get 33 points, this is the maximum. It is known how many points you need to score on the OGE in biology to get a “3” - 13. A score of “4” - 26, “5” can be obtained if you score more than 37 points.


In geography you can get no more than 32 points. A student who receives more than 12 applies for a grade of “3”. When passing the threshold of 20 points, a mark of “4” is given, and a high score is given from 27 points.

Social science

Those who choose social studies are also concerned about how many points they need to score. The 2016 OGE demonstrated, by the way, that this subject is chosen much more often than others. And here, to obtain a certificate, it is enough to score 15 points.

The main subjects that in most cases are chosen by ninth-graders to take exams were considered. But there are others, they can also be selected as being tested. In order to successfully pass them, you need to find out how many points you need to score to pass the exam and receive a certificate, and try to get the maximum result.

The Unified State Exam is a very serious and responsible test for all graduates. It is the results that directly determine whether an applicant can apply for a place at a university.

Due to the fact that the Unified State Examination system is relatively new, its conditions are constantly changing. One of the most important issues is the minimum scores.

They determine how much knowledge a student must have to obtain a certificate and further admission to a higher education institution.

Entering a university is one of the most important goals for teenagers. Therefore, most schoolchildren begin to prepare for the exam a long time in advance. Preparation includes a very serious process of reviewing topics already studied and learning new ones.

However, in addition to this, you need to monitor changes in the conditions of the Unified State Examination and the requirements for applicants. Analysis of last year's exams will make it possible not only to understand how well you can pass a particular subject, but also to decide on the specialty and university where you can realistically enroll.

And one of the most important parameters that you need to know for successful admission is the minimum scores.

How many points do you need to get to get a certificate?

The Unified State Exam is a mandatory event, regardless of whether the student plans to enroll anywhere in the future. You must pass the exam at least in order to receive a certificate. The Ministry of Education and Science does not require high grades from students to obtain this document.

You just need to pass two - Russian language and basic mathematics. In Russian you need to score at least 24 points, in mathematics - 23.

With these scores, the teenager will officially receive secondary education. However, he shouldn’t count on more - no university will accept documents with such scores.

How many points do you need to get to enter a university?

This category of minimum scores already entitles the applicant to apply to higher educational institutions and participate in the competition for a place. How high a student’s rating will be depends on the number of his points and the competition in the chosen specialty.

From year to year these figures change only slightly, so the level of knowledge required of students remains approximately the same.

Thus, in 2018 the following standards apply:

  • when taking the Russian language test, you need to score at least 36 points;
  • when passing basic or specialized mathematics - 27 points;
  • when passing physics – 36 points;
  • when passing chemistry – 36 points;
  • when passing social studies – 42 points;
  • when passing literature – 32 points;
  • when passing history – 29 points;
  • when passing a foreign language, the minimum score will be 22;

  • in geography you need to score at least 40 points;
  • in biology – 36 points;
  • in computer science – 40 points.

Having collected the required number of points in the selected subjects, the student can safely apply to universities for the chosen specialties. However, this is far from an indication that admission will be simple.

With minimal scores, the chance to enter a good educational institution or get a place in a sought-after specialty is a very difficult task. Due to competition, an applicant may simply not pass the competitive selection based on points.

It will also be difficult to enter on a budget. To do this, you will have to submit documents to the least rated universities, while choosing specialties that are not currently prestigious.

Therefore, it is necessary to balance your strengths with your ambitions. It is better to think through several options in advance, including in the list both a good university and a spare one, where it will be easier to enroll.

How many points do you need to score to be admitted to the budget?

The situation with budget revenues is not so clear. Firstly, a lot of the admissions process for each university is decided by competition.

Secondly, each higher education institution indicates the minimum points that must be scored in each subject to obtain a budget place in a particular specialty.

The minimum scores are determined by the specialty - each of them has its own specialized subject, which upon admission you need to know better than the others.

Naturally, prestigious educational institutions that are in great demand require very high Unified State Exam scores from applicants. To enter them on a budget, you need to have more than 80 points in relevant disciplines.

  • In the Russian language you need to score around 45-70 points to qualify for the budget. Prestigious universities raise this bar and require 75 in some specialties.
  • Mathematics must be passed with at least 45-65 points. In-demand educational institutions consider students with scores above 65 points.
  • Biology must be passed with 45-75 points. In ranking universities you need to have at least 80 points.
  • In social studies you need to score from 45 to 70 points. Ranking universities may require a score of 75 points or more.
  • History must be passed with a score of 45 to 75 points. Educational institutions in the capital will consider documents with a score of 75 points or more.
  • In foreign languages, universities expect results in the region of 55-80 points. Over 80 points may be the minimum for prestigious institutions.
  • The following standards apply for physics: 45-65 for a regular university and from 65 for a prestigious one.
  • Chemistry for a budget place must be passed with 45-80 points. To qualify for a rating institution, you need to earn at least 81 points.

Video news

Unlike the Unified State Examinations, the results of which are presented in primary and test scores, which do not imply their translation into regular grades, the Unified State Examination results for ninth-graders are translated into school grades. A ninth grade graduate taking the exams must pass a minimum of four exams: in two predefined subjects and two elective subjects. The points scored on these exams are then transferred to the usual five-point system and affect the final grades in the certificate. Converting 2018 OGE points into a grade on a five-point scale - what the official table for converting points into grades from Rosobrnadzor looks like.

Minimum OGE scores in 2018

First of all, it is worth starting with the minimum threshold of points that a ninth grade graduate must score in order to receive a satisfactory grade on the exam. The minimum OGE scores for each subject in 2018 are as follows:

  • Russian language - 15 points.
  • Mathematics - 8 points (of which at least 2 must be earned in the Geometry module).
  • Physics - 10 points.
  • Chemistry - 9 points (for any of the two models).
  • Biology - 13 points.
  • Geography - 12 points.
  • Social studies - 15 points.
  • History - 13 points.
  • Literature - 12 points.
  • Computer science - 5 points.
  • Foreign language - 29 points.

If a ninth-grader scores fewer points in any of the subjects, he can go to retake the OGE on the 20th of June this year.

However, if a student fails to pass more than two exams, retaking the exam will not be possible—the student will remain in ninth grade for another year.

Table for converting OGE points into grades in 2018

The minimum OGE scores presented above are the lower threshold of “three”. The full scale for converting OGE scores into grades in 2018 looks like this:

Item Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Rating 5
Russian language 0-14 15-24 25-33 34-39
Mathematics 0-7 8-14 15-21 22-32
Physics 0-9 10-19 20-30 31-40
Chemistry (no experiment) 0-8 9-17 18-26 27-34
Chemistry (with experiment) 0-8 9-18 19-28 29-38
Biology 0-12 13-25 26-36 37-46
Geography 0-11 12-19 20-26 27-32
Social science 0-14 15-24 25-33 34-39
Story 0-12 13-23 24-34 35-44
Literature 0-11 12-19 20-26 27-33
Computer science 0-4 5-11 12-17 18-22
Foreign language 0-28 29-45 46-58 59-70

Regarding the Russian language discipline, it is worth keeping in mind that the grade is influenced not only by the total number of points scored, but also by the number of points for literacy (criteria GK1-GK4).

So, in order to receive a grade of 4, a graduate must score at least four points for literacy, otherwise he will receive a grade of 3, even if he scored more than 25 points. To get an excellent grade in the Russian language, you need at least six points for literacy, otherwise the grade will only be 4, even if the total score is 34 points or more.

Minimum OGE score in 2018 for admission of graduates to specialized classes

If a student who has completed the ninth grade wants to enroll in one or another specialized class, Rosobrnadzor also indicates as a guideline the minimum score for each of the subjects that the student must score at the OGE.

The minimum OGE scores for admission to specialized classes in 2018 are as follows:

  • Russian language - 31 points.
  • Mathematics:
    • natural science profile - 18 points, of which at least 6 in geometry,
    • economic profile - 18 points, of which at least 5 in geometry,
    • physics and mathematics profile - 19 points, of which at least 7 in geometry.
  • Physics - 30 points.
  • Chemistry (exam without real experiment) - 23 points.
  • Chemistry (exam with a real experiment) - 25 points.
  • Biology - 33 points.
  • Geography - 24 points.
  • Social studies - 30 points.
  • History - 32 points.
  • Literature - 22 points.
  • Computer science - 15 points.
  • Foreign language - 56 points.

Thus, in all cases, in order to get into specialized classes, a ninth grade graduate needs to get at least a solid B in the required OGE.

Table 1

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire OGE exam paper in chemistry (without a real experiment) is 34 points.

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. The guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 23 points.

Scale for converting the primary score for completing an examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale (working with a real experiment, demo version 2)

table 2

A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 25 points.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper (with a real experiment) is 38 points.

A system for assessing the completion of individual tasks and the OGE 2018 exam paper in chemistry as a whole.

Students' answers to tasks in Part 1 are checked by experts or using a computer. Correct completion of each of tasks 1–15 is scored 1 point. Correct completion of each of tasks 16–19 is assessed with a maximum of 2 points.

Tasks 16 and 17 are considered completed correctly if two answer options are correctly selected in each of them. For an incomplete answer - one of two answers is correctly named or three answers are named, of which two are correct - 1 point is given. The remaining answer options are considered incorrect and are scored 0 points.

Tasks 18 and 19 are considered completed correctly if three correspondences are correctly established. An answer in which two out of three matches are established is considered partially correct; it is worth 1 point. The remaining options are considered an incorrect answer and are scored 0 points.

The tasks of Part 2 (20–23) are checked by a subject commission. When assessing each of the three tasks, the expert, based on comparing the graduate’s answer with the sample answer given in the assessment criteria, identifies elements in the student’s answer, each of which is worth 1 point. Maximum score for a correctly completed task: for tasks 20 and 21 - 3 points each; in model 1 for task 22 – 5 points; in model 2 for task 22 - 4 points, for task 23 - 5 points.

Tasks with a detailed answer can be completed by students in different ways. Therefore, the sample solutions given in the evaluation criteria should be considered only as one of the possible answer options. This applies, first of all, to methods for solving calculation problems.

The time for final exams has already begun. Every summer, after the final bell rings and before graduation is celebrated, students in grades 9 and 11 take exams.

OGE - what it is, and how students prepare for such a responsible period of life - this is what our article is about.

What is OGE - transcript

What is OGE? This abbreviation stands for Main State Exam. Absolutely all ninth grade graduates are required to take it, regardless of whether the graduate will continue their studies or not.

How to pass the OGE

Graduates are required to take four subjects. Russian language and mathematics are compulsory, and the student chooses two more subjects himself.

March 1 is the deadline for selecting items to submit. Students with disabilities have the right not to take additional subjects.

To pass the OGE, the graduate is given the opportunity to choose an additional course. items. The school administration enters the student’s choice into the general register, in which the results are compiled. Based on them, a certain number of packages with tasks will be sent.

Schoolchildren write exams in their schools, with their teachers as examiners. Having written the exam, students can only wait for the results, which are announced within a week.

What do they take in 9th grade?

Required subjects for 9th grade are mathematics and Russian language. If a student does not plan to enter 10th grade, then these two subjects will be enough for him.

If, after all, a graduate wants to continue his studies in grades 10 and 11, he needs to pass not only mathematics and Russian, but also two additional subjects of his choice.

The easiest subjects to pass the OGE

The easiest subject to pass in the humanities is social studies. More than half of graduates take it.

This subject is the easiest to understand and remember. The science of social science is aimed at studying life, therefore the student can take part of the information from life experience.

In the technical direction, the easiest, according to graduates, is computer science and ICT. This, like social studies, is passed by the majority of students.

Computer science is simple due to the monotony of its tasks. But no one cancels the fact that you need to know the school base. On the contrary, you need to understand and learn it, and together with it, be able to solve many options.

How many points do you need to score to pass the OGE?

Each subject has its own passing scores. In the Russian language, the passing minimum is 15 points, and for mathematics it is enough to score 8.

Is it difficult to get that amount? It’s better to ask the graduates themselves about this.

OGE grading system - scoring by subjects

Behind Russian language if you receive from 0 to 14 points, a score of “2” is given. From 15 to 24 – score “3”. From 25 to 33 – score “4”. From 34 to 39 the mark “5” is put.

Behind mathematics when receiving from 0 to 7 points, the mark “2” is given. From 8 to 14 points – score “3”. From 15 to 21 – mark “4”. From 22 to 32 - the graduate receives a grade of “5”.

By physics The following scale is adopted: if there are from 0 to 9 points, a score of “2” is given. From 10 to 19 points – score “3”. From 20 to 30 – score “4”. If there are more than 30 points, the graduate receives a “5” mark.

By typing biology less than 13 points, the graduate receives a “2”. From 13 to 25 - the score is “3”. If there are 26 – 36 points, the graduate will receive a “4” mark. If a graduate scores over 36, he will receive a “5”.

By geography To pass the threshold, you must score more than 11 points. To get a “4” you need to get from 20 to 26. To get the highest mark, you need to score more than 26 points.

Passing minimum computer science and ICT- 5 points. To get a “4” you need to score from 12 to 17. To get a “5” you need above 17 points.

To be enrolled in grade 10, you need to score 31 points in Russian, 19 in mathematics, 24 in geography, 15 points in computer science and ICT, 30 in physics, and 33 points in biology.

What is the difference between the OGE and the Unified State Exam?

These two methods of testing knowledge are very similar. The significant difference lies in two aspects:

  1. The first is how the knowledge test is administered. Students take the OGE at their schools. And the examination committee is the teachers of the given school. To write the Unified State Exam, students are invited to other schools in the city, where other teachers will be the supervisors. The work of graduates is checked by an independent commission, organized by the district education committee.
  2. The second difference is admission to the exam. In 9th grade, anyone who does not have a failure in the subjects taken is allowed to take the exam. In the 11th grade, admission to the exam is not only positive grades, but also, more recently, the final essay. His students write in early December. It is assessed according to five criteria, for each of which you can score a maximum of five points. The evaluation criterion is the correspondence of the written essay to the given topic. The criteria also include the presence of argumentation, and one of the arguments must be taken from literary sources.

The third evaluation criterion is the composition of the essay and the presence of logic in the text.

The fourth is the quality of writing. The student must clearly and clearly express his thoughts using different grammatical structures.

The fifth criterion is literacy. If five or more errors are made, 0 points are given for this item. If points 1 and 2 are given 0 points, then the essay is not checked further and the graduate receives a “failure”.

What happens if you don’t pass the OGE

If a student fails the exam and receives an unsatisfactory grade in the core subjects, he is given the opportunity to retake these exams on reserve days.

But if the graduate does not score the required points the second time, then instead of a certificate he will receive a certificate of completion of training.

Retaking these subjects is possible only next year.

How to pass the OGE well in 9th grade

To successfully prepare for the OGE, you can turn to tutors for help. For a very expensive fee, the student will be purposefully prepared to pass a certain subject.

  1. If, after all, the student decides to prepare for the upcoming exams on his own, he should follow some tips:
  2. It is necessary to determine what form of memorization the graduate has. Perhaps visual, then you should take more notes on the material, highlight information with all kinds of markers, and divide it into blocks. If the student has a more developed auditory form of memorization, then he should read more and speak out loud the information he has read.
  3. It is better to spend one or two hours preparing every day than to spend the whole day studying textbooks.

To prepare, you need to organize self-discipline. It is very important to start preparing at least six months in advance. If a student cannot organize his work independently, parents need to help and try to control the preparation.


In turn, the Unified State Exam, called the Unified State Exam. exam, tests the knowledge of 11th grade graduates and opens the way for them to obtain higher education.