Dragon age inquisition open map. High resolution map of Thedas

Website Game Informer continues to share information with us about Dragon Age 2. This time there is a high resolution map of Thedas.

High resolution map of Thedas. Short description territories

High resolution map of Thedas. Brief description of the territories

The map itself has already been published in the form of official wallpaper, but now it is laid out simply in incredible resolution: 6680x5010!

Open this picture with caution. ;)

Par Vollen

Little is known of the jungle-drenched islands of Par Vollen before the Qunari settled there, and even less is known today. Ships passing coastal fortress cities must contend with a mighty Qunari fleet, each warship armed with explosives that only a mage can hope to master. From where the Qunari sailed to Par Vollen and who were driven from these places is unknown.


Llomerinn is an island at the southern end of the exotic Rivain, once well known as the site of the first truce with the Qunari. Today, the city of Llomerinn is a haven of wickedness and debauchery. Looted treasures from all over Thedas flock to its chaotic markets. They say that there everyone can fulfill their innermost desire - for the appropriate price.


Once the capital of the Tevinter Empire, it was the heart of the world. He was battered by countless wars, but he never gave up. However, the glory of Minrathous has faded with the passage of time. Now only the towering palaces of Archon and the Magisters' Court rise above the crumbling city, flooded by a sea of ​​refugees from the endless wars with the Qunari.

Sundermount (Sundermount, "split mountain")

The oldest of the ancient elves rested in graves, many of which are said to cover the slopes of Thundermount in the Free Marches. However, this place is no longer peaceful. Legends say that in desperation, the elves called upon terrifying demons to defend their sacred mountain, and these demons are still there, although the elves have long been forgotten.


Kirkwall was the last great city to emerge during the Golden Age of the Tevinter Empire, nestled at the strategic mouth of the Waking Sea. For centuries, this formidable fortress, built on sweat and blood, was the center of the elves' slave trade. A massive slave uprising eventually excommunicated it from the Empire, and since then the city has changed owners more than once. Only recently, Kirkwall has its own ruler - Viscount (Viscount), ruling it with the tacit consent of the powerful Order of the Templars.

Val Royeaux

Val Royo - the majestic capital of Orlais and one of largest cities Thedas. Many consider it the center of the world. Here the Divine gives orders to the flock of the Chantry from the Grand Cathedral, and the Empress Celene rules amid the treacherous and intriguing Imperial Court.


Freed from centuries of slavery, the elves established their new home in the Dales. The new capital was Halamshiral, where the elves were able to restore their lost culture. Unfortunately, their new home was ravaged after a holy war against humans, and now the once-grand city is crumbling and a bitter reminder of what it could have become.


The kingdom of the gnome dwarves once stretched across Thedas. Countless teigs - underground city-fortresses - contacted Deep Paths(Deep Roads). But the sea changed everything. The Dwarf dwarves sealed the thaigs one by one in an attempt to hold back the onslaught of the darkspawn. Now only the capital, Orzammar, remains. The rest of the vast kingdom is lost and forgotten in the bowels of the earth.


Lothering was completely defenseless against the onset of the darkspawn during the blight. The peasants were left to protect their families themselves and seek refuge in the north. Most of them perished there, and the few survivors have to return to their home, stained with the corruption of the creatures of darkness.


Years after the death of the archdemon, Denerim has almost completely recovered from the pestilence. The ports are seething again, and pilgrims are heading in droves to the birthplace of Andraste. And only the elfinage trails behind - its war-torn buildings are still in ruins.

The large size of the game world - distinguishing feature BioWare projects. Thedas is no exception. In the new part of the Dragon Age series, DA: Inquisition, the world turned out to be not only big, but also truly alive. Locations no longer freeze in serene calm when the player leaves them.

But here this liveliness is felt especially. Dragons prey on giants, robbers rob people, and politicians plot intrigues. It is difficult to predict what to expect when returning to a location that has not been visited for a long time.

Purposefully walking and opening cards does not make sense. The main storyline and side quest chains will take the hero through all the lands. In addition, this is Dragon Age: Inqisition, this is not Skyrim, although parallels can be drawn. It does not make sense to score on the main storyline and go to clear the dungeons on guild quests.

Video review of the world in the game Dragon Age: Inquisition from the developers, excellent graphics, technologies:

All the beauty and diversity of the world is revealed during the passage of the main quest line. At the same time, the amount of playing time does not suffer in any way. For easy implementation of basic and additional tasks it will take approximately 150 hours.

At any moment, you can forget about important matters and go for a walk in a clean field or forest or even a desert. Traveling across vast territories is accompanied by an awareness of the importance of the mission of the protagonist. After all, it is he who will have to save this whole big and beautiful world.

A faithful horse will help you explore spaces. In DA: I, for the first time in the history of the series, the opportunity to travel on horseback is presented. This is a justified decision, because sometimes you have to go a long way. The lack of the ability to teleport to key points also adds running around, with a horse it is much easier to overcome distances.

Enjoy the game from the very first minutes, use the recommendations of more experienced players to avoid mistakes. Registering in the War Thunder game is also sometimes difficult for beginners.

Games can be useful in education -. There are games that develop attention, memory and thinking.

How the world works

To open new locations in the game, you will have to earn influence points. It was this stage that caused the initial wave of angry reviews. After the passions subsided so much, it became clear that the developers have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bzen. Because while some gamers scribbled angry comments, others purposefully explored the world.

Get rid of the routine will help cheat codes. There are several special programs that help increase required amount experience, points and influence and specialization. It's still worth going through the game at least once without any cheating.

Most likely, BioWare assumed the existence of such grievances. After all, they were the result of a special organization of the free world. Only thanks to routine quests to collect magical ficus, deliver an archival letter, is it possible to wander through the villages and taverns, listen to songs and conversations and feel the world.

Carrying out affairs of national importance or hiding in anticipation of the tenth fox, the hero is always surrounded by an extremely beautiful landscape. The clarity of the picture is amazing. Forest, the ruins of an old temple, frosty mountain peaks or gloomy coastline - all this is drawn with amazing detail and beauty.

Yes, many players absolutely do not like to engage in obscure tasks, but this is the only way to fully experience the essence of the wide and large-scale Thedas. The whole is made up of parts. Only in the real world is it possible to get out of a grandiose battle when capturing a fortress or defeating a dragon and die in the teeth of a hungry bear who decided to hunt the same prey.

No need to expect something grandiose from routine postal-collective tasks. They are needed to accumulate experience before the next plot breakthrough. Settlements are scattered around the map, but nothing serious happens there.

Full world map of the game Dragon Age: Inquisition (click to enlarge):

Even so, the simple contemplation of the world around us is a pleasure. Especially impressive are the chance encounters with dragons. When a huge serpent majestically takes off from a rock rising on the horizon, emitting a formidable roar, at first you have to retreat. Retreat, build up combat power and certainly return.

Dragon Age: Inquisition its Single Player (with Multiplayer Option) Role-Playing Video Game released on November 18th 2014, for PC Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4.

Starting Tips & Hints for beginning of Dragon Age: Inquisition

  • Use "Search" button ("V" on PC) very often, It shows the hidden secrets, resources and loot.
  • You need at last one Rogue in your team all the time to open closed doors.
  • You need at last one Warrior in your team to Bash things and Walls.
  • To unlock complex doors locks you have to rise "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition Perk
  • Setup Inquisitions Camps ASAP to acquire fast travel to visited locations.
  • Use Ocularums ASAP to uncover Shard locations.
  • Targeting with Area Effect Spells like Blizzard is good for lighting dark interiors.
  • Locations got various difficulty levels. For example The Hinterlands starts with 4 lvl and ends with 12 lvl so if you feel its too hard just adventure somewhere else and come back later.
  • You don "t have to pickup every herb you see. Some merchant sells them with infinite inventory.
  • Mage and Range DPS are much easier to play than melee warriors because of running from target to target (there are some grappling hook later), but warriors are significantly harder to kill.
  • Your team should include Warrior, Rogue, and two Mages. Or Mage, Rogue and two Warriors.
  • You will got your first mount in The Hinterlands, its with Horsemaster Quest.
  • You will not be able to find (discover) certain objects and locations until your quest will reveal them for you.
  • The game is quite long so it is no hurry, it should take you over a dozen days, have a fun:)

Dragon Age: Inquisition game box cover

Video Game Dragon Age System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements

  • Windows 7/8 64bit
  • 2.0 GHz Quad Core Processor
  • 4GB RAM
  • ATI HD3650 / Nvidia 8800 GT (512 MB VRAM) or better
  • 26 GB hard drive space

Recommended System Requirements

  • Windows 7/8 64bit
  • 3.0 GHz Quad Core Processor
  • 8GB RAM
  • GeForce GTX 660/Radeon R9 270 (2 GB VRAM) or better
  • 26 GB hard drive space

Dragon Age: Inquisition Map Legend

location- This is in game location. The sequence of numbers shows suggested order of visiting locations.

Starting Quest Location This is location with quest giver. It can be item, person or place.

Inquisition Camp- Heals, restock potion, place to rest, change party members, use it to fast travel. Setup camps as fast as you can.

Landmark- POIs (Points of Interest). Visit and claim to complete collections.

shop Traders & Merchants, to buy / sell items.

Craft Station- Here you can create or modify Weapons, Armor, Accesories, Runes and Potions.

Fade Rift- You can close Rifts using your ability. Rifts grows in difficulties in the following locations. Closing a Fade Rift rewards with amount of Power. There are a total of 81 rifts in Thedas.

Astrarium- Astrariums are ancient relics of Tevinter origin that allow the viewing of constellations in the stars. Solve Astrarium puzzles to reveal secret location with treasure.

ocularum- Use Ocularums to reveal locations of magical Shards. Shards can be used in Forbidden Oasis Location.

Dungeon Entrance- Entrence to Cave, Dungeon, Crypt, Underground.

Locked door- This kind of Locked Doors require Special Key or "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition Perk

fast travel- You can travel to this points pointing on the world map.

area exit This is Exit to main map

Mosaic Piece Collect mosaic for Collections. Mosaic sets are Sacrifice, Invasion, The Fall, Archdemon and Freed Are Slaves. Each Mosaic set has 12 pieces.

Bottle of Thedas Collect Bottles for Collections. There are 29 bottles that can be collected.

Inquisition Agent Here you can hire new Inquisition Agent.

Party Member Here you can recruit new Party Member

secret- Use Search ("V" on PC) to reveal secrets. Sometimes you need to use search key few times.

Code Entry It can be book, letter, place, item. After you collect 250 codex entries you become Loremaster.