Ancient people had a very superficial representation. Primitive people

Arrange all punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

Ancient people had a very superficial idea of \u200b\u200bthe laws of the Universe (1) and (2) When something inexplicable (3) occurred in nature (4), it was inclined to be (4) that this is the result of the impact on the world of supernatural forces.

Explanation (see also a rule below).

We give the right writing.

Ancient people had a very superficial idea of \u200b\u200bthe laws of the universe and, when something inexplicable happened in nature, were inclined to considerThis is the result of the impact on the world of supernatural forces.

In this offer, there is a so-called union butt (and when), so before putting commas need:

1) see what connects the union and: parts of a complex offer, and then put a comma; or homogeneous members And then you do not need commas. In our case, the homogeneous members, therefore, do not put the comma.

2) Make sure that the second part of the union is not there on the spot number 3. Since it is not, we put the comma.

[1 Ancient people had a very superficial idea of \u200b\u200bthe laws of the universe and, (2 when something inexplicable occurred in nature), were inclined to consider], (3 What is the result of the impact on the world of supernatural forces.)

The commas should stand in the field 2, 3 and 4.

Answer: 234.

Rule: Task 20. Proinition signs in a proposal with different types of communication

Task 20 ege. Punctuation marks in a sentence with different types of communication

In the task, 20 students should be able to arrange punctuation marks in a complex sentence consisting of 3-5 simple.

it fine task Checks the ability of a graduate to apply the following knowledge in practice:

1) at a simple sentence level:

Understanding that no offerings do not happen;

Knowledge of the features of the foundation of single-maintenance proposals (impersonal, etc.)

Understanding that in the simple proposal there may be homogeneous fadies and subject to the punctuation marks between which are put according to the rules of homogeneous members.

2) at the level of complex proposal:

The ability to determine the main and additive as part of the NGN on the issue;

The ability to see unions (allied words) in the appropriate sentence;

The ability to see the indicative words in the main

The ability to see homogeneous appendages in which punctuation marks are as well as homogeneous members.

3) at the level of a complex sentence:

The ability to see parts of the SSP and split their comma. The general secondary member does not happen in this task.

4) at the level of the entire supply as a whole:

The ability to see those places in the proposal in which two unions met: maybe there are two subordinate or cooking and subordinate.

We collect all the basic punctuation rules, important when performing the task and correct them for convenience.

BP 6.

If in the complex sentence, the compound and submission of alliances (and although, and both, and, and even if, but also, and also, and others), then it is necessary to find out if there is no co-cost of correlation words, so or Another written union (A, but, however, etc.). The comma is placed only when these words are missing after the prescript part. For example:

[Curtain rose], and, (as soon as The public saw his pet), [Theater shrewd from the applause and enthusiastic screams]


[Curtain rose], and (as soon as The public saw his pet), so The theater triggered from applause and enthusiastic screams].

and, thoughher words were familiar to Saburov), [from them suddenly he had a heart].

[Woman said everything and spoke about her misfortunes] and (althoughher words were familiar to Saburov), but [they suddenly suffered a heart].

As can be seen, the rules 5 and 6 are very similar: choose or write something (but ...), or put a comma.

Consider suggestions from the Svezhegé base and the algorithm of work on the proposal.

[Approve] (1) What? ( what Brazilian carnivals admire and fascinate) (2) and(3) (when(4) When? that They themselves convinced (5) what? ( aside The right was eyewitnesses).

1. Select the foundations.

1- Approve (single-main, fault)

2-carnavaly admire and fascinate

3- We saw

4- Sami themselves

5- right eyewitnesses

2. Allocate alliances and correlate words. We pay attention to what is near and when it is that there is something.

3. We note put supply offers: All offers, in which there are subordinate unions, take into parentheses.

(what Brazilian carnivals admire and fascinate)

(whenwe first saw his unique bright beauty)

(aside The right was eyewitnesses).

4. We establish how the main points are apparent. To do this, set questions from the main to the alleged appendage.

[Approve] What? ( what Brazilian carnivals admire and fascinate). 1 component found. The comma 1 is placed according to rule 4 [\u003d], (as- \u003d and \u003d).

There were two apparent and one without a subordinate union. We check whether it is possible to put questions from it.

[that They themselves convinced] when? ( whenwe first saw his unique bright beauty)

[Malsed themselves] What? ( aside The right was eyewitnesses). The second component is found. The commas 4 and 5 are put according to rule 4.

(When - \u003d), [here- \u003d], (how much - \u003d) two different apparent to one main thing, the pressing time is very often before the main thing.

1 and 2 components are linked to the writing union and in one complex offer. This is a comma 2.

Scheme: | [\u003d], (as- \u003d and \u003d) |, and | (when - \u003d), [then- \u003d], (how much - \u003d) |

It remains to find out whether the comma is needed 3. Between and when the comma is not needed according to rule 6, since after the appropriate it is going on.

Moscow, 6 dec - RIA Novosti. The authors of the rock paintings in the caves were better understood in the anatomy of four-legged animals than most of the modern artists, and did less mistakes in the drawings of the walking mammoths and other mammals, is approved in the article published in the Plos One magazine.

It is believed that the artists had a very superficial idea of \u200b\u200bhow animals use their limbs for movement, until 1887. This year, the famous American photographer Edward Meibridge has released multi-volume work on the movement of animals, where they systematized the data obtained when studying photographs of walking or running four-legged. This work has become a starting point for a variety of textbooks for artistic art and biomechanics.

A group of scientists under the leadership of Gabor Horvath (Gabor Horvath) from the University named after Loorend Etvash in Budapest (Hungary) checked how well prehistoric painters disassembled in the device of the extremities of animals, which they painted.

For this, Croat and his colleagues have gathered over thousands of photographs of rock painting and modern drawings and analyzed them from the point of view of the movement of four-legged mammals.

As scientists explain, almost all mammals, except for primates, have developed a special strategy of movement when walking. As a rule, the legs of the animals concern and come off from the ground in a strict sequence - first the step makes the left back leg, then the left front, and only after that - the right back and right front. Such a sequence ensures the maximum body stability during the movement and does not give four side.

It turned out that the ancient artists were well understood in the anatomy and the mechanics of the movement of those four-legged, which were painted. According to Croat and his colleagues, cave painters correctly painted mammoths and other animals by 54% of rock paintings.

On the other hand, their "competitors" are artists of the Middle Ages and the new time - made much worse. According to scientists, errors were present at 83.5% of images. After the release of Malebridge's multi-digit, the number of errors decreased to 58%. Nevertheless, this was not enough - modern artists still make a 12% more mistakes than the authors of rock paintings.

As scientists believed, a similar difference in the skill of modern and prehistoric artists can be explained by the fact that the latter had to hunt the animals they had painted.

Apparently, the ancient painters had to watch the manner of movement and the anatomy of their future victims, the knowledge of which they transferred to their drawings. Most modern artists are not burdened with such a necessity, which explains a large number of errors in their work.

As the scientific data say, primitive people appeared about 4 million years ago. For many millennia, they evolved, that is, they were improved not only in terms of development but also externally. Historical anthropology divides primitive people into several species that consistently replaced each other. What is the anatomical features of each type of primitive people, and at what period of time did they exist? All this is read further.

Primitive people - who are they?

The most ancient people lived in Africa more than 2 million years ago. This is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds. However, it is known for certain that for the first time, human-like creatures confidently moving on the hind limbs (namely, this sign is the most important in the definition of a primitive man), have appeared much earlier - 4 million years ago. Such a characteristic of ancient people, like snapshot, was first revealed at the creatures that scientists gave the name "Australopitets".

As a result of the centuries-old evolution, they replaced their more perfect Homo Habls, also known as "Skill Man." He came to replace human creatures, whose representatives were named Homo Erectus, which translated from Latin means "Straightened Man". And only after almost one and a half million years, a more perfect kind of primitive man appeared, who most of all resembled the modern reasonable population of the Earth - Homo Sapiens or "Reasonable Man." As can be seen from all foregoing, primitive people slowly, but at the same time developing very effectively, mastering new opportunities. Let us consider in more detail that they were all the ancestors of a person, which was their activity and what they looked.

Australopitseki: external features and lifestyle

Historical anthropology belongs to Australopitheka to the very first monkeys moving on the hind limbs. The birth of this kind of primitive people began on the territory of East Africa more than 4 million years ago. For almost 2 million years, these creatures spread through the continent. Ancient man whose growth amounted to an average of 135 cm, had a weight of no more than 55 kg. Unlike monkeys of Australopitet, they had a more pronounced sexual dimorphism, however, the structure of the fangs in male and female individuals was almost the same. The cranial box of this species was relatively small and had no more than 600 cm 3. The main activity of Australopithek was practically no difference from the one that modern monkeys are engaged and boiled down to mining and protection against natural enemies.

Man skillful: features anatomy and lifestyle

(Translated from Latin "Skill") as a separate independent view of humiliaries appeared 2 million years ago on the African continent. This ancient man whose height often reached 160 cm, had a more developed than that of Australopithek, the brain is about 700 cm 3. The teeth and the fingers of the upper limbs at Homo Habilis had almost complete similarity with human, however, large abnormal arcs and jaws did it look like monkeys. In addition to the gathering, the person skidded was engaged in hunting with the use of stone blocks, and for the cutting of animals, it was able to use the treated trash. This suggests that Homo Habilis is the first human-like being having labor skills.

Man Student: Exterior

Anatomical characteristic of ancient people known as Homo Erectus is a pronounced increase in the volume of the skull, which allowed scientists to argue that their brain is comparable in size with a contemporary brain. And the jaw of a person skillful remained massive, but were not so pronounced, as their predecessors. The physique was practically the same as a modern person. Judging by the archaeological finds, Homo Erectus led and knew how to extract the fire. The representatives of this species lived quite large groups in the caves. The main occupation of a person skillful was gathering (mainly in women and children), hunting and fishing, clothing manufacture. Homo Erectus One of the first began to realize the need to create food reserves.

appearance and lifestyle

Neanderthals appeared much later than their predecessors - about 250 millennia ago. What was this ancient man? Its growth reached 170 cm, and the scope of the skull is 1200 cm 3. In addition to Africa and Asia, these ancestors of man have been settled in Europe. The maximum number of Neanderthals in one group reached 100 people. Unlike its predecessors, they had the incharmed form of speech, which allowed the tribesmen to exchange information and more simply interact with each other. The main occupation of this was hunting. Success in food mining them provided a variety of guns: spears, pointed long fragments of stones, which were used as knives, and traps dug in the ground with stakes. The resulting materials (skins, skin) Neanderthal used for the manufacture of clothes and shoes.

Cryanonians: the final stage of the evolution of primitive man

Homo Sapiens - this is the last famous science Ancient man whose growth has already reached 170-190 cm. The external similarity of this type of primitive people with monkeys was almost unnoticed, since there was no abnormal arcs, and the lower jaw had no longer issued ahead. The tools of labor Grounds were made not only of stone, but also from wood and bones. In addition to hunting, these ancestors of man were engaged in agriculture and initial forms of animal husbandry (tamed wild animals).

The level of thinking in Kroanonians was significantly higher than the predecessors. This allowed them to create cohesive social groups. The generic system and the creation of adventures of socio-economic law came to replace the old principle of existence.

Now we can go to yourself an interesting object Our research is a prehistoric person. What he did on the shores of Somma, Thames or UEI; How did he mining food for himself, his wife and children? Or did he first care about himself, and the relatives inspired that everyone should count on their strength? Perhaps before we take for the assessment of his actions, it will be more correct to first examine his simple Skarb.

For greater clarity, we make a look of a visual sample. The artist uses a mannequin in the work, the likeness of a person who is dressing and gives the right position for the picture. In our case, for the image of a prehistoric person, a visual sample will have to be sought in the wild tribes that exist and so on, "people who use stone weapons live on Earth, as they do not know how to process the iron. But they are few, they are extremely rare and, in touching with modern civilization, lose its former importance. But if we go back a little back, to travelers-discovers, we can learn something about people who led the same simple, primitive life, like prehistoric people.

So, since stone tools are almost always the only testimonies of the first people of the Stone Age, let's talk about them for a start.

In fig. 5 shows a prehistoric person, manufacturing a tool from flint. The guns placed in the drawing have a length of about 3.5 inches. IN right hand A man holds a stone using it as a hammer that he attaches to a tool shape. Flowing flint decenses is real art, and you can easily be convinced about it, trying to carry into a gun yourself. Sliste a piece of flint relatively simply, but give it the necessary form - this is not an easy task. The idea of \u200b\u200bsymmetry marks a big step forward and is the beginning of the concept of proportionality, in other words, the feeling of the fact that, if you give an instrument shape, it will be not only as sharp as untreated flint, but also more pleasant in appearance and convenient in circulation.

Flint can be made sharp as a razor, and in those days the silicon was cut instead of a knife, the beast was filled, cut off the bones, dug up earth chestnuts and sharpened sticks. Flint is an extraordinarily solid material and until the most recent times, it was used together with a fire and a crunch for the extraction of fire. If a piece of silica hit the fire, then the smallest fragments are bouncing from it, which are heated from the blow to such an extent that the sparkles light up in the air. Probably, prehistoric man mined the fire in this way, taking instead of the fire marcitis - an iron cchedan, occurring in nature next to the silicon, or mined the fire with friction - ter by a chopstick done in a piece of wood until a wooden pipe was lighting up (Fig. 6).

Also, prehistoric people used treated flint in order to separate fat from the skins of killed animals and a bark from pieces. Surely they had wooden spears.

However, our readers will agree that a person could not immediately take and make the first flint tools (Fig. 9, 10), the artificial origin of which is no doubt. In all likelihood, thousands of years have passed before the first people thought to process material. At first they probably took the first stick, a stone or sink under the arm. Apparently, a happy accident came to the aid; One of them broke the flint and found that a sharp edge of a fragment can be cut. When, like this case, a rough tool came to mind to the primitive man, giving him a form, he took the first step towards civilization.

When a person opened fire, he could already prepare for himself food and warm up and at the same time make a solid and acute wooden stick, so it could be used as a spear. Put any wood on fire; When the end burns out, scold the charred parts, it turns out the edge.

However, nothing tells us that the person used fire to the late Ashhelian period. So, the first people seem to eat animal meat and plants with raw and after each use on the new ones sharpened their wooden spears.

The first known stone weapons were found on the second river terrace in the Summa Valley, which we described in the first chapter (Fig. 3), and in other as ancient sediments in different parts World. Some of these guns are made very rude. This is a hand cut from a major river pebble, from which one or two tackles are broken to get a sharp edge. There are still small deducts of 3-4 inches long. They were found in England, in the former Roll of Thames, and in South Africa. It is very difficult to believe that this is the fruit of conscious human efforts, but found in large quantities in places of primitive person and in late sediments along with other, more skilled tools, they suggest that these were the very first managing of a person.

However, we, in France and England, were lucky, for on the second terrace of Somma, as well as on the terrace of the Thames of the same period, archaeologists discovered the first stone implements in which it is easy to learn the works of human labor, called manual rubble. The first choke (Fig. 7) found on Grees-Inn Lane in London at the end of the 18th century. Now it is exhibited in the British Museum 2. Our wonderful engraving is taken from the old edition. It chopped a relatively late period (Ashhelsky). Since these tools turned out to be a very useful invention, they were continued to produce for 200 thousand years with superfluous, starting from the second interledstial period and further throughout the following glacier and intergreic periods until the beginning of the last glaciation. The earliest challenges of the second interledstial period are known as Abbevillery on excavations from the city of Abbeville in the Summa Valley. Rubil was made by chopping from cobblestones, silica chips or some other stone, if the silica did not turn out at hand. Usually they are frown from all sides, except for one, where the surface of the stone was left untouched so that he could be kept in his hand.

Later Ashhelsk Rubil is frown on both sides, they are made much thinner and more artistic. In fig. 8 shows Ashhelian manual chopper and just a sloping piece of flint. Why is Ashhel's guns skillful? The fact is that Abbeville man in the manufacture of Rubila hit the harvesting by a hard stone, which kept in the other hand. Ashhelsky man discovered that, if you beat the silicon with a wooden stick, then it works so more convenient, and the gun turns out more subtle.

In fig. 9 and 10 show two Abbevillels, in fig. 11 and 12 - two Ashhelsk Rubil. When compared, the superiority of the Ashhelian guns is obvious. Experiments show that they can be made in a couple of minutes. By the way, they are blunting with the same ease. In Oborgeselyli, in Kenya, archaeologists opened the Ashhel parking lot brought by sand. It has been preserved so well that you can go there and look at the bones of animals killed by Ashhelian man, surrounded by Rubil, which he used for freshness and caring.

And if you truly go there, you will see that around the skeletons of animals can be scattered two dozen chop and flint fragments. All of them were used for freshness and cutting carcasses. They were thrown away when they were fascinated or cleaned, or simply because it was too hard to carry them with them. If necessary, it was easier to make a new cut.

Such guns often find thousands of one and the same gravel career, it is believed that this proves the existence of large primitive parking with a large number of people. This causes doubts, because food was not enough. Of course, it does not immediately come to mind that the interleden period lasted more than ten thousand years, so if the river bank was a favorite parking place, then the guns were accumulated there for a year after year, covering the tilenk and sand during a flood, and if these guns were so simple In the manufacture, then one person could make them several thousand for his life. In addition, it is necessary to remember that all parking of a prehistoric person, about which we mentioned so far, were near the reservoirs.

Primitive people had to settle on the banks of the river or lake, because they did not have water storage vessels. Thousands of years passed before a person learned to handle clay.

As we already know, the first hand cuts are called Abbeville, and later - Ashhelsk. In the previous chapter, it was described as determined by the age of these chosen on deposits in the Summa Valley, where they were discovered. However, people of a later period, as well as the people of Ashhelian culture, also knew how to manufacture and other guns are a heavy scraper from a large flint tank. In our illustration, you see a woman who cuts the bone with such a scraper to get bone marrow from it. In the course of its studies, archaeologists discovered that the people of the hand-held period lived in many parts of the world: on the territory of all Africa and India, in Western Europe, but in our book we will only write about those who lived in England and France. During the second interledstial period, when the people of Abbeville culture settled on the shores of the French Summa, they had satellites: huge elephants of two species, E. Meridionalisand E. Antiquus, Hippos, rhinos, saber-toothed tigers and horses, Equus Stenonis. Naturalists argue that teeth E. Antiquus. Fixed for eating small branches and foliage. This allows us to make interesting conclusions about the climate. So that these heat-loving animals spread, the climate should have been warm and soft.

But how did a person have extracted food, armed only with a fence, maybe attached to a wooden pouch as a tip?

Saber-toothed tiger Machairodus (Fig. 14) Widely common in England, probably was a bloodthirsty beast. Judging by his mind, with such a beast, a person could only cope with cunning; Its weapon were fire and the Western, and it is possible that he did not begged to dine residues from the extraction of a tiger. In fig. 16 shows a pit trap, which is still used in East Africa. Drop the pit - the prehistoric man would have enough of the mind, and the stakes could be sharpened with the help of fire. Such a trap pit can be considered the beginning of a long battle between the mind and strength. This is one of the ways that a prehistoric person could produce meat needed to feed. Of course, he was the same carnivny, like his opponent Tiger. The man did not bother either the cattle, nor poultry, he also did not grow.

Darwin tells us that "Gaucho's pampas for several months in a row feed only beef. But I noticed that they eat a large amount of fat in food. "

Also Darwin draws a magnificent picture in front of us, telling about the methods of mining, when you can not run into the grocery store. Before you cook lunch, you first need to catch it. At one time, Darwin visited Falkland Islands. The gaucho bellows described by him were chosen in the herd of wild animals a cow eagerly, separated it from the rest and caught with Lasso. Then she cut the drop-down tendon and killed, pushing the "spinal cord" with a knife. Then from the back cut a large round piece of meat along with the skin; It was roasted on coals, putting in the form of a plate with a skin down, so that no drop of juice was lost.

Despite the wet weather, Gaucho managed to regret the fire. At first, with the help of a silica and the fire, they carved the sparks and set fire to a bunch of vessels or a cloud. Then "They found a few dry branches under the bushes and beams and separated them to fibers; Then, having laid thicker branches in the form of a bird nest, put the smoldering rag in the middle and covered. Then the "nest" was raised to the wind, it began to smooth and smoke more and more, until finally flashed fire. "

As a fuel, Gaucho "found that, to my surprise, the burned was almost as hot as coals, namely the skeleton of the newly killed bull, from which the birds were predatory and the pads of the flesh."

Huge Elephas Antiquus. I remained a problem for hunters, and it was necessary to somehow decide. It is likely to catch an elephant, they resorted to the western people - Australians still catch an emu in the same way - or perhaps invented another trick that the Aboriginal tribes still use. It is that a large, heavy wooden patch is suspended above the animal path with edge down on a rope from vegetable fibers. In fig. 16 shows how the animal, going along the path, tears the rope, and rub falls on the ridge.

To get the concept of the appearance of savages, we can turn to Darwin again. That's what he wrote about the inhabitants of the fire land: "The only robe consists of capes from Hanako skins; She is worn to the fur outside, throwing on the shoulders. " But, apparently, the fur cape worked only in solemn cases and did not use as casual wear. Darwin watched how these people sailed into the shoon, and wet snow fell on their bare back and melted. That's how he wrote about the fire-skewers: "In size and shape, they resemble a sane shop. The chalas consists of several broken branches, stuck in the ground and very casually covered on one side with beams of grass and cane ... Once I saw, as one of these naked natives slept in such a place, which defended him from bad weather no better than a holy hole. "

Tasmanian Dikari built almost the same housing, using bark trees instead of grass and cane, and in Fig. 17 shows an image of a shag of a similar type. Tasmannians were also enlivened by almost bare, occasionally throwing cape from the animal skins on the shoulders. And the firemen and Tasmanians were thickly lubricated the body and head with fat, mixed with Okhotlik. This to a certain extent protected them from the severity of the climate and helped observe purity. Clay is an excellent deodorant. There is an interesting story about how a few people from the Tasmanian tribe treated the soup on the surface of which floated fat; They crossed out the fat and smeared their heads them, and there were no soup. Primitive people, as a rule, ate meat in fried or baked.

Later, we will give examples of burials, in which there were a red okhru next to the human remains, which was supposed to use in the afterlife. This suggests that body lubrication with fat and okra has turned from a protective measure to the decoration.

"One old man," wrote Darwin about firemen, "a braid with white feathers were tied around his head, which partly tied his black, hard, tangled hair. Through all his face, there were two wide transverse stripes, one red, from the ear to the ear through the upper lip, the other white as chalk, parallel to the first and higher, so even the eyelids were covered with paint. "

We have just mentioned that in the burials next to the human skeletons found paint to decorate the body and guns for use in the world of perfume. Such burials indicate faith in the afterlife. But Abbeville people, we still do not find traces of such faith. The captain "Bug" 3 Fitzo did not manage to establish whether the firewood had any clearly pronounced beliefs in the afterlife. When, having tormented from a strong hunger, they first killed and ate the old women, and then there were already dogs, they explained it like this: "The dogs catch the outdresses, the old women do not catch."

In the previous chapter, we described subaeral deposits on SOMMU terraces. It should be noted that the earliest Ashiel tools are found in the sands and alert at the very bottom of the ancient lesse, and the late guns are in the upper layer. This ancient Lessa lies three layers. Scientists suggest that it was formed during glaciation; It seems that the climate gradually became colder. This opinion is supported by the remains of animals and guns found in the layers of the lesse. In the sand and alert of early Ashhelian periods at the base of an ancient lesse, we find the bones of our old buddy E. Antiquus. and maral, both of these species belong to the southern; But in the layer of the most ancient lesse, we first meet E. Primigenius. (Mammoth), Rhinoceros Tichorhinus. (shaggy rhino), lion and horse. These northern animals came to the south, when the climate became colder due to the onset of the fourth ice age.

Mammoth was somewhat less E. Antiquus. And reminded the modern Indian Elephant, except for the beer, the mammoth is very long and curved. His teeth are more adapted to chewing coarse grass than leaves. The terrain became all colder and deserted, the trees have met less and less. Warm wool and thick skin with a layer of subcutaneous fat protected it from a low temperature. We know everything about Mammoth, because in the frosty Arctic areas there were whole masters of mammoths with flesh, leather and wool, for many centuries they persist under the layer of ice and snow. In fig. 18 is shown how this animal looked around, and in fig. 19 shows a shaggy rhinoceros.

Next, you will see that in the Ashhelial period the climate in England and France became colder, the land was covered with an ice cap, and these animals had to leave the northern regions due to frost. For the same reason, a person, as can be seen, began to look for a warmer shelter than the open-air parking, and moved to the cave.

Now that we have learned about the people of Abbeville and Ashhelsk culture, it would be good if we were able to understand how they looked. Unfortunately, very few human remains belonging to this period have been found. In 1891, on the banks of the Solo River in Seryenia Trinil, that on the island of Java, Professor E. Dubua found a cranial arch, two rooted tooth and femured bone. The location of the find is of interest due to communication with Australia and Tasmania. The remains were discovered in river nansions of the late Pliocene or early Pleistocene, and next to them the bones of many lower animals of the same period, but no tools.

The cranial box of the Javanese man - Peteitrope - surpasses the size of the skull of any human monkey and is about two thirds of the skull of a modern person. Peteitretrope was a dolikhacephalus, in other words, had a head of an extended form. According to Professor D. Elliot Smith, the proportions of his skulls argue that he belonged to the Homo family and had a similar speech skills. "According to our concepts, Darwin wrote about firemen," the language of these people hardly deserves that he was considered ai-part. Captain Cook compared him with a cough, but, of course, no European feuds in such a variety of hoarse, germing and clicking sounds. " The femoral bone of Petecanthrope indicates that he was spinning, but his teeth are rather similar to monkey than human. Petecantrop is a link between the long-term monkey and man. Probably, in case of danger, he climbed on the trees and knew how to build gross shelters or nests there, but, of course, there can be no confidence in it. Scientists went to Java, because in Early Pliocene, man-shaped monkeys left Europe because of cooling. This znow of evolution, who had to tie them with us not only by the structure of bones and muscles, but also the brain, a softer climate was needed for development.

It is said that Professor Dubupa could not find any instruments or tools associated with Peteitrop.

Skull Peteitrock Scientists are called mesocephalic, its cefalic index is 78, and since we will constantly meet with this and other terms, speaking about the turtles, here our explanation. The cefalic index is the percentage of the width of the head to the length, and the length is taken equal to 100.

Skulls with index 70-75 - Dolichecephalic (long).

Skulls with an index 75-80 - mesocephalic (medium).

Skulls with an index of 80-85 - brachycephalosis (short).

Suppose, for example, that the skull has a width of 135 millimeters and 180 millimeters of length, then we obtain (135 x 100) / 180 \u003d cefalic index 75.

Several teeth and fragments of the skulls belonging to Petecanthropou were also found in China, but this person, apparently, did not use Rubil, although it belongs to the same period as these guns. The only remains of the remains of the man who manufactured Rubila is the remains found in Germany, in Heidelberg, and England, in Svansky.

As for the bones and teeth, only the jaw was found at a depth of 80 feet in a sandy career in Mauer, near Heidelberg. The jaw makes the impression of incredible strength, is issued ahead, like the nose of the ship of the vessel, and has no signs of the chin. Human teeth, without protruding fangs.

In Kent Svansky, the old river terrace mined a pebble for construction and other purposes. In the middle layer of the pebble, at different times, weed, similar to those found in Saint Ashle, and the collector of antiquities A. T. Marston Zorko watched how the working day after day were increasingly split this promising layer. He hoped to meet the remains of man there. In June 1935, he was rewarded by the find of a fragment of the occipital part of the skull. Oh, if I just found another fragment, which would give the missing link! And he found in March 1936 - it turned out to be part of the same skull. Its confidence can be attributed to the Ashhelian period, and, most importantly, it is very close to the modern man. It is just amazing that he is ahead of the Millennium for many millennia a more monkey and completely unlike the Neanderthal person of the Mustier period, with whom we will get to know the next chapter.

Before we proceed to cave people, let's summarize what we have already learned about the primitive person, and try to spend several comparisons. We are aware that the prehistoric man was a nomad, a wanderer, because he had to extract himself a hunt; What if he was not hunting, he died of hunger. But it is truly difficult for us to imagine that all the property of a person could consist only from a piece of silf, stone chop, weapons in the form of a wooden spear and the skins for protection from the cold. Yet people lived in such conditions even relatively recently. Abel Janzzon Tasman opened Tasmania in 1642 and called her Wang Dimenal Earth in honor of Anthony Wang Dimemen, the governor of the Dutch East Indian Islands. Later, the island was renamed in honor of his discoverer. After Tasman, there were other travelers on the island, one of whom, Captain Cook, visited Tasmania in 1777, and there they met Tasmanians, whom in all respects can be attributed to the people of Paleolithic. Apparently, in distant epochs, when Asia and Europe had other outlines, Tasmanians came from the mainland to Australia and, retreating before stronger tribes, eventually found themselves in Tasmania in those days when it was not so sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the rest Peace, as now. Perhaps through the Strait of the Bass, separating Tasmania from Australia, then passed the experiencing, as in Europe through Pa de Calais. In later times, he went under water, and when Europeans opened Tasmania, they saw primitive tribes in front of them.

Tasmanians did not know the iron, their very primitive guns were made of flint. Mostly, Tasmanians went naked, but in some cases put on cape from the animal skins. Kangaroo skins were used as seating litters. As can be seen, the rain and cold did not harm them, and the Tasmanian dwellings (Fig. 17) were no more than the wretched shelter from the wind. When in 1831, the pitiful remains of the native tribes were sent to the island of Flinders and settled in the huts, it turned out that they began to sharpen much more often than at a time when they lived almost under the open sky. Like fire grounders in their natural state, they lubricated the bodies with fat and painted with a red ocher; It to some extent protected them. They also loved necklaces from seashells and decorated their bodies with scars patterns, for this they did on the skin cuts with sharp fragment of the silica. These were nomads, wandering from place to place in search of food; This meant that in difficult times the oldest and weak left to die, sometimes had to sacrifice young children.

Having hunting on wild animals, such as a kangaroo, they took simple spears made of solid wood. However, their spears are not so simple, as it seems at first glance. It may happen in such a way that Peteitront picked up the first stick of sufficient length, and she slipped out of his hands. Then he discovered that if the spear had one end heavier than the other, it flies much straight; They can be knocked down the bird, but you can not pierce the edge of the animal skin. So over the past centuries developed Tasmanian spear. It was cut out, processed and sharpened by the silicon. The end was charred on fire, why he became more solid, then sharpened with a cutter from a heavy end. At a distance of 20 inches from the tip Spear's circumference was 3 inches, in the middle - 2 and a half inches, and 2 inches from the end - only half. The length of the spear was 11 feet of 11 inches. Tasmannians were able to throw it and kill the animal at a distance of 40 to 50 yards, not using fixtures for throwing a spear shown in Fig. 27. Unlike Australians, they did not owners neither boomerangs nor shields. Another weapon was a wooden club for about 2 feet of 6 inches, and besides, they knew how to throw stones very much.

Wooden Tasmanian Spear has its own English analogue from the ancient century. It is, apparently, a broken front of a wooden spear is about 15 inches long, sharpened from one end, a diameter of about one and a half inches at the opposite end. If you break away half of the Tasmanian spear, it would look like the same. Found a chip in Claekton, Essex county, in a layer with the remains E. Antiquus. and flint tools of early type. This chip spear is currently exposed to the Museum of Natural History in South Kensington.

Tasmanians were excellent trailings and possessed extremely acute vision, hearing and smell. They were fed by animals and birds, which they managed to catch. Without any pretreatment, the prey threw into a fire, which quarreled feathers and wool and half roared meat. Then the carcass was cut by a flint fragment, and trembled and under the end of a piece of meat were embraced on an acute stick and fried over fire. Instead of salt there was a pinch of wood ash. Meat ate only fried, because it was simply not worth to cook it.

Also, Tasmannians were used to eat mollusks and crustaceans, women dived behind them in the sea and crushed underwater rocks. They did not have neither networks, no hooks, no fishing rods. We treated women in the tribe without special respect, and until the men hunted, they had to do all the rest of the work. During the meal, the women were sitting behind their masters, which, leaning on one elbow, like the Romans, passed more stringent pieces of submissive spouses.

Tasmanians had one wonderful thing: rafts. Their rafts were not hollow inside, like boats, but were made from a very light bark, similar to the Lubyan vegetable fabric, twisted into cigar-like rolls. One large "cigar" was put in the middle and herbal rope tied two rolls to her smaller, so that the raft would be swollen (see Fig. 21), so a raft was obtained in the form of canoe. At such rafts, Tasmanians swam from Cape to Cape, and perhaps these were descendants of ancient boats, in which the ancestors of Tasmanians arrived from the continent and traveled between the islands, if the above-mentioned endings in the Bass straight did not really exist.

Such a raft is of great interest, because at one time it was an outstanding invention. Peteitront, if suddenly he had to go on something on the water, for sure they would have poured on any in the vicinity of the log. To his chagrin, he would find that the log need to sharpen, so that you could row, and still you need to come up with how to prevent him from swinging on the water and force the row to take forced baths. Approximately this was the beginning of the construction of boats. One option was a hollow shuttle: some kind of prehistoric person with the help of fire and silica burned out and hollowed his log, giving him the necessary shape.

Tasmanians used a simpler method. At their roofs, they went to catch fish, they were calmly placed in three or four people; Spear, which was the only equipment for fishing, also served as a pole to repulsion. At one end, they made a clay platform, which served to breed a fire.

Always having a match at hand, it's hard for us to understand what jewel is the fire for primitive people. They mined it in the way Darwin spied at Taitians. "The fire was mined that they were rubbed with a stupid end of a groove carved in a wooden bar, as if wishing to deepen him, while the wooden tube did not light up." Fig. 6). It must have been a difficult thing for which a dry moss was needed or a fibrous bark to ignite the fire from tanning tuchi. After that, the Tasmanians moved the fire with them as a cloud, which was telling with a clock, and it was possible to bloat the fire.

They made herbal ropes and twine, twisting the long fibers of grass or wood bark (Fig. 22). This illustration is interesting in what brings us to the appearance of the spindle depicted in fig. 32. Of course, instead of ropes, primitive people used the tendons of animals and belts sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the skins. They also selected coarse baskets from the cane. With the help of herbal rope, they climbed into high trees. Wrapped around the tree around the tree and your body, they cut holes in the crust for large fingers, first on the one hand, then on the other, and, leaning on a tree, a jerk was intercepted by the rope and moved it up the trunk, thus climbing above and higher.

Ancient people did not grow any plants and domesticated animals. If they felt ailment, they did an incision on the body to release pain. Sometimes deceased tribesmen were burned, and sometimes put in the woven wooden decks. After burning, the remains could be buried, but the skull was left and wore with them into memory or burned later separately from the body. Tasmannians believed in the afterlife on the beautiful island along with their ancestors.

Let us finish the description of Tasmanians a curious story about how they settled conflicts: "The arcing parties converged face to face, folding their hands on his chest, and began to swap their heads (which sometimes came into contact with each other in front of the nose, at the same time loud and I shout angrily, until someone from them tired or the anger did not pass it. " Extremely reasonable and funny method for viewers, which cannot be said about civilized dispute resolution methods.

Not to the honor of civilized white peoples will be said that the Tasmanians were forced to live in terrible conditions and by now they are extinct. Trunigni, the last of Tasmanians died in 1877, and we hope that his dream of a beautiful island with good ancestors came true. The whole people, like a separate person, can die from the broken heart; Or, if you can put it, the people fall in spirit, loses courage. Just imagine, people try to survive, without having other guns, except for copies, clubs and flint fragments, and suddenly, other people have wonderful devices on ships, which have wonderful devices compared with which sticks and stones seem stupid and primitive. So the ancient people loses interest in life and falls in spirit, becomes a dependent and gradually dying.

We wrote enough to prove that the people of Abbeville and Ashhelian cultures with the help of their flint challenges could make the necessary to hunt a spear; Their lifestyle was probably very similar to the lifestyle of Tasmanians. Now let's try to imagine England to Abbeville and Ashhelian periods and understand how primitive people mined the livelihood.

In those days, the tribes were like big families. At the head of the genus, perhaps the leader stood, the most coughing of hunters, but they hardly had an ordered power system. Women were performed all the economic work, they also looked after the children and mean more for them than fathers engaged in hunting. Such an order was so common that in the tribes of savages, the origin was traced on the maternal line.

It is unlikely that the tribe of the savages was very militant if only the neighboring tribes did not invade those places where they hunted and considered themselves the owners. War is the invention of a later time, based on it, as a rule, lies the desire to take someone else's property to the hands. Prehistoric people did not experience such temptations. It is possible that our tribe settled on the shore of Hay in the summer. At that time, the river was much complete, and there it was possible to correct well. In any case, for fishing from the primitive tribes there were only wooden ostrog and flint chucks to catch and then cut the fish. Surely in the fall they collected edible berries, roots of fern and nuts, the fruits of wild apple trees, cherries and plums. Yes, and the bees gave their reserves in the greedy hands of the savages who broke the honey and devoured them without losing time to squeeze honey. Even in food, snails, mollusks, larvae, beetles and fat caterpillars.

In the early era of climatic changes, the biggest joy for the tribe was a dead elephant, hippopotamus or, say, rhino; Then the tribe sat down and climbed the skeleton.

But this abundance continued not long; There were harsh times with frost, and the tribes had to go to the distant edges in search of food. People trampled and celebrated, as if wolves. Hunger forced them to attack living prey, and in a fight with a wild beast, some died, while others survived. The member of the member of the tribe, who remained alive, was hardly a pleasant spectacle; They ruined the beast on the part and eaten it raw.

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