Optional lesson: spelling prefixes. Lesson “Spelling the prefixes PRE and PRI”

Public lesson-game on the topic “Spelling prefixes pre- and pre-.”

Lesson objectives:

  • create conditions for the development of cognitive independence, communicative and intellectual abilities of students;
  • repeat previously studied material about spelling prefixes;
  • learn the dependence of the spelling of vowels in the prefixes PRE- and PRI- on their meaning;
  • distinguish between the prefixes PRE- and PRI- in writing;
  • develop students' thinking by organizing non-traditional lessons.

The spelling of a word is the biography of the word.


Hello guys! Today we have an unusual lesson; guests are present. They will find out with great interest how much you can quickly and easily cope with the tasks received, and I will support you in this.

There are cards on the desks that determine your mood at the beginning of our lesson, show what mood you came to the lesson with.

At the beginning of our lesson we will conduct game "Make a proposal"

I read you the lexical meaning of the word, and you determine the name of this term

· The science that studies spelling is called? (Spelling)

· What makes up a person's vocabulary? (words)

· Synonym of the word eat?(There is)

· A person’s life path? (biography)

· IN nominative case- (word),

IN genitive case- ? (words)

Let's read the epigraph of the lesson.

How do you understand the words of V.P. Sheremetevsky?

The topic of today's lesson is “Repetition of what has been learned.” You can repeat the material in different ways. So you and I will go on a journey through a country that is not on the map, although we meet its inhabitants in every lesson. This is the country of Spelling. What are the names of the inhabitants of this magical country? (answer - spellings)

That's right, spellings. Of course, we will not be able to visit all spelling systems. Today we will visit only those that we studied in the “Word Formation” section. What spellings have we studied in this section? (students' answer)

1. Read the sentences written on the board.

A) Dubrovsky and his coachman caught two and brought them tied up in their yard.

B) We've arrived they're going to town. Brought They went to the well, where there was a jelly mixture, and they scooped them up with a bucket and poured them into pots.

Teacher: - Where do these lines come from? Why are the words highlighted?

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

3. Work in a notebook.

Number, great job.

Topic: gnice in the prefixes pre- and pr-.

Write out the highlighted words: brought, came, brought.

Teacher: - In unstressed prefixes, vowels are pronounced the same. Among these prefixes there are those whose spelling depends on the meaning in the word.

What meaning do you think the prefix pri- gives to these words? That's right, approaching.

4. Add words for approximations:

Person, plane, boat;

To the train station, to the surface of the Earth;

Hare, turtle.

Teacher: Let's write these words down at the board and in a notebook in a column, and highlight the prefixes in them.

Remember the cases of writing the prefix pre- and pri-.

Let's fix the spelling of these spellings

1 task “Catch mistakes”

You guys and I received a letter yesterday from Klava Oshibkina, she tells us a fairy tale.

Let's read it. And the letter with errors! Correct the letters in the prefixes and check with the original

The ball rolled and stopped. Ivanushka took a closer look and saw that the terrain was unfamiliar. He shouted at the ball, but it lay calmly in place. Ivanushka was pretty. He is not afraid of any obstacles. I wanted to lie down, but I just touched the grass, and the grass was covered in dew. He sat down on a roadside stone. I thought about it.

Based on the number of errors made in the letter, mark the work on your achievement sheet.

2 task

Game "One Word".

Express the phrase in one word with the prefix PRI- or PRE-.

1)Located near the shore. ( Coastal). 2) Think for a while. (Think about it). 3) An area near the school. ( Prishkolny). 4) Very diligent. ( Diligent). 5)Chase someone. ( Chase). 6) A person with great whims. ( Fastidious). 7) Lightly touch something. ( Touch). 8) Admirable, beautiful. ( Beautiful). 9) Open the window a little. ( Open slightly). 10) Located by the road. ( Roadside).

Check it out!

Write the result of your work on your sheet.

Task 3 “Add a word”

Remember and write down the missing words, explaining the spelling of the vowels in the prefixes.

Lunch hour (...),

There was a stomping sound in the yard.

Someone is towering (...)

Yes, he was waiting for the owners.

Hello, my prince (...)!

Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?

Only the priest doesn’t like Balda,

Never (...).

(...) the fish asked him:

And now I ask you to do an exercise to develop attention. Being attentive is very important to us. I suggest game "Mindfulness"

Exercise: Cross out all the E's and underline all the I's.

October is the first harsh month of the cold northeast wind - leaf blower. Visible and invisible, day and night, in flocks and alone, from river to river, from bush to bush, from field to field they fly migratory birds north to the equator, to the Nile, to the Ganges, to the rice fields of India and Burma.

(Explanation: this is a test for determining volume and switching attention “proof test”. The attention coefficient is determined by dividing the number of lines by the number of errors. If there are no errors, the number of lines is divided by 1. The exercise allows students to focus on the letters I-E, which further work will allow them to be more attentive and remember the material better.)

You worked for 50 seconds and focused your attention on the letters

The teacher suggests composing a fairy tale using as many words as possible with the prefixes PRI- and PRE-. Students take turns coming up with sentences, linking them into a text. And here is the result of joint creativity:

ON A BEAUTIFUL evening, Vasilisa the Wise had a bizarre dream. VERY funny and VERY pretty little bunnies were jumping and jumping across the clearing. Suddenly the sun was covered by a HUGE cloud. This is the evil, Evil Snake Gorynych ARRIVED. He landed, sat down on the grass and thought. Kashchei ordered him to find Vasilisa the Wise, to intimidate him, and to BRING him to him. But insurmountable obstacles arose on the way of the Serpent Gorynych.

For those students who liked our idea, we invite you to continue the fairy tale at home.

Next task -(at the blackboard)


Root of the word believe, prefix from the word application, suffix from a word exclamatory, ending from the word numeral.


Take my first syllable from the squeak of birds.

The second is from a ram's head.

Open the oven and find there

What you have eaten more than once.


Prefix from the word came, root of the word mallet, suffix from the word treated, ending from the word washed.


Fine! Well done!

Listen to the verses related to these findings:


Screwed the screw, screwed the wheel,

Glued, sewed skillfully,

We write at, talking about everything,

What good hands did.


Has the train arrived, has the ship arrived,

An astronaut arrived from the Universe.

In the word it will come, it will fly, it will sail

It is written at certainly.

Being near something, around:

Near or near something

AND Be sure to write in the prefixes.

Incomplete action :

Look, if it’s a little bit, it’s written AND.

Dictation game "Fourth odd".

  • extol, surpass, belong, transform;
  • adapt, lean in, attract, hinder;
  • humbled, flattened, unquestioning, affectionate;
  • overcome, take aim, stop, neglect.

Distributive dictation.

Row 1 writes words with the prefix PRI

Row 2 writes words with the prefix PRE

Row 3 writes words in which PR and PR are part of the root, as well as words with unclear meaning.

Interesting story, stick to the edge of the table, station hotel, arrive by car, unexpected obstacle, cute child, lift a heavy cabinet, rush headlong, old radio, Natural resources, overcome obstacles, diligent student, invite to visit, very grateful, transform inequality.

Let's check!

Hold on to the edge of the table, the station hotel, arrive by car, lift a heavy cabinet, rush headlong.

Spelling of vowels in prefixes pre and at

(lesson summary)


Golovko Maria Sergeevna,

Russian language teacher and

Literature MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

Mariinsk, 2014


1. Introduction.

2. Lesson summary.

3. Conclusion.

4. List of used literature.


The lesson notes for the 6th grade Russian language are compiled according to the model of a problem-dialogical lesson in learning new material. Lesson goals are set with a tendency to transfer functions from teacher to student. Productive and problematic forms of work are combined.

During the lesson, criteria for self-control and self-assessment are set. Forms and methods of teaching are used that increase the level of activity of students.

The lesson is structured in such a way as to teach children reflexive action to assess readiness for knowledge and discover ignorance and the causes of difficulty.

The lesson creates an atmosphere of cooperation and comfort.

Spelling of vowels in prefixes pre and pr.

Lesson objectives:

Introduce students to the spelling “Spelling of vowels e and i in the prefixes pre, pr” and their graphic designation on the letter;

Train students in determining the basic meanings of the prefixes pre and at;

Improve spelling skills.


    organize an understanding of the value of the activities performed,

    form a value-based attitude towards joint cognitive activity.

Cognitive and regulatory:

    develop the skills to plan, control, regulate and analyze one’s own educational activities;

    goal setting, ability to structure knowledge (building a diagram);

    develop students' speech, enrich lexicon children;

    develop intelligence, thinking, memory.


    create positive motivation in students for the Russian language lesson by involving everyone in active activities;

    cultivate the need to evaluate one’s activities.

    to cultivate a culture of speech, a love of words and native language.

During the classes:

    Organizing time (self-determination for activities, checking the class’s readiness for the lesson. Greetings.)

    Updating knowledge. (10 minutes), (cognition, regulation, communication UUD).

Words are written on the board, the class is given the task to insert the missing vowels.

Right..living, right..runs, right..flattering, right..wise, right..school, right..drive, right..open, right..sew, right..grad, right..write.

What connects these words? (prefixes pre and at).

Define a prefix (a morpheme that comes before a root and serves to form new words).

What types of consoles are there? (mutable and immutable)

What problem arose while completing the task? (problem of writing vowels in the prefixes pre and pr).

So, what is the topic of today's lesson? (vowels in the prefixes pre, at).

Think about what the spelling of vowels in prefixes may depend on? (the spelling of vowels in prefixes depends on the lexical meaning).

Determine the meaning of words? (approximation, accession, addition, proximity, incompleteness of action, meanings “very”, “re”).

The tide will come running, come - approaching;


Charming, wise - meaning “very”;

Open slightly - incomplete action;

Sew, attribute - accession;

Block-meaning “over”.

3 . As a result of the work done, we will draw up a reference diagram . (15 minutes), (reg., learning UUD).

I've arrived


Galloped up








Lay down



1. kind, wise = very

2.interrupt, block=reverse

So, what determines the spelling of vowels in the prefixes pre and at? (from lexical meaning).

The student gives a detailed answer according to the diagram on new topic(organization of primary consolidation of knowledge according to a constructed scheme, pronunciation of new knowledge in speech).

4. Consolidation of knowledge in practice.

Task No. 1. (5 minutes), (communication, learning).

Replace the expression with one word with a prefix to indicate graphically.

Lie down for a while (lie down), sit on the edge (sit down), get not very sick (get sick), break the law (crime), come close to something (get closer), follow in the footsteps of someone (pursue), very beautiful (wonderful) ), very boring (very boring), teach children (teach).

Task No. 2 .(5 minutes), (communication, learning).

Work in groups. Sort words by meaning. Add your own examples.

1st group - approaching,

2nd group - accession,

Group 3 - “over, very”

Group 4 – proximity,

Group 5 – incomplete action.

Ride up, roll up, nail down, attach, coastal, extol, calm, overcome, stop, exaggerate, most unpleasant, sit down, run up, nasty, downplay, rush over, move up, add, infield, very good, station square, sail up, screw in.

5. Reflection on the lesson. (5 minutes), (personal, communicative).

What did you find difficult?

What new did you learn?

What do you remember most?

- I worked actively, I understood everything, I was in a good mood

- I understood everything, but I was embarrassed to work actively in class

- Attended the lesson

Glue the selected “faces” onto a sheet of Whatman paper located on the board. You will get a “portrait” of the class.

D/z by groups .

Group 1: use the spelling dictionary to find spellings of vowels in the prefixes pre and at that were not studied in class. Prepare a story for the class about these cases (for strong ones). - prefixes pre and pre- complex cases.

Group 2: learn the rule, compose a story using all cases of writing the prefixes pre and when according to the diagram drawn up in the lesson.

6. Lesson results.


Problem-dialogical lesson in learning new material. During the lesson, a problematic situation is created - contradictions that give rise to students' desire to solve the problem on their own. By entering into a dialogue with the teacher, they identify a contradiction - they articulate it and become aware of it.

As a result of the work done, students form a value attitude towards joint cognitive activity, the ability to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the ability to structure knowledge, as well as the ability to reveal new material according to a compressed scheme, algorithm.

As well as the formation and development of experience in assessment and practical activities V life situations, the ability to evaluate the work done in class independently.

List of used literature:

1. Russian language: textbook. For 6th grade. general education institutions/(M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova and others; scientific editor N.M. Shansky). - 27th ed. - M.: Education, 2007. - 239 p.

2. orthographic dictionary Russian language/Russian language institute.; Editorial team: V.V. Lopatin, B.Z. Bookchina, L.P. Kalakutskaya and others - 30th ed., ster.-m.: Rus. Yaz., 2004.-516 p.

3. Skok, G. B. How to design the educational process for a course [Text]: textbook, manual for teachers / G. B. Skok, N. I. Lygina, N. I. Kolesnikova, E. V. Nizovskikh. - Novosibirsk: NSTU Publishing House, 1999. - 83 p.

4. Samolova, T.N. Russian language. 5th grade. Collection of exercises.-Novosibirsk-2000-104 p.

Spelling of prefixes pre-/pri-
Goals: mastering the method of action when choosing vowels e – and in prefixes.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational:

    identify the conditions for choosing vowels e – and in prefixes;

    develop the skill of writing pre-/pri- prefixes;

    repeat morpheme parsing words;

    develop the ability to formulate definitions of concepts;

    enrich students' vocabulary;

    improve spelling and skills.

2. Developmental:

    implementation of a systemic activity approach;

    development critical thinking; · development of attention;

    formation of UUD (personal, regulatory, cognitive):

    developing the ability to formulate and prove one’s point of view;

    development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;

    develop the ability to apply new knowledge;

    development of creative and speech abilities of students;

    formation of logical skills;

    developing the ability to rely on what is already known, on one’s subjective experience;

    developing the ability to formulate a problem.

3. Educational:

    fostering interest and respect for the native language;

    education of a value attitude towards words;

    development of communicative UUD:

    creating a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation.

Planned results:


    respect for the native language;

    desire for speech self-improvement;

    vocabulary replenishment;

    criterion-based self-assessment ability


1) the ability to freely and correctly express one’s thoughts orally;
2) interaction with surrounding people in the process of jointly performing a task and participating in a discussion.

1) development of creative independence;
2) possession different types speech activity;
3) the ability to freely and correctly express one’s thoughts orally
4) the ability to participate in verbal communication in compliance with the norms of speech etiquette
5) conducting morphemic analysis of words.

Basic concepts: prefix, morpheme, spelling

Lesson type:
"discovery" of new knowledge

Equipment: laptop, projector, multimedia presentation "Pre- and pre-set-top boxes" (http://www.prodlenka.org/metodichka/viewlink/15058.html), handouts Educational and methodological support: Russian language. Theory. Practice. 5th grade. Speech development. Educational complex edited by V.V. Babaytseva. During the classes

I. Checking homework
Selective oral verification of the exercise.

II. Update background knowledge
1. Tell us about the spelling of prefixes ending in -з/-с.
2. Name the unpaired voiceless consonant sounds.
3. Restored dictation.

Extract from the text words with the spelling “Spelling of prefixes ending in –з, -с” and reconstruct the text from them, conveying it concisely. It is difficult to imagine a hundred-voice forest choir without the participation of blackbirds. But blackbirds are not only masters of singing songs, they are also very good defenders of our forests. They eat 77 species of different invertebrates. During the period of feeding chicks, thrushes destroy especially many caterpillars of harmful insects. From arrival to departure, blackbirds check branches and leaves of trees and look for food. And on the ground they rake the litter with their paws. (63 words) (According to I. Zayanchkovsky)

III. Setting lesson goals and objectives

IV. Explanation of new material. Working with presentation materials (slides 2 – 7).
1. Analysis of examples.
Teacher. Read the examples and determine what meaning the prefix gives to the word.
1) a very large watermelon a very nice kitten a very good mood Correct: the prefix PRE- in these words has a VERY meaning
2) barrier to interrupt In these words the prefix is ​​close in meaning to the prefix PERE-
3) sew a pocket come to the house add speed attach to the roof Attachment, approach, addition
4) cover up, sit down, embellish, calm down, think about Incompleteness of action
5) suburban area schoolyard seaside shore coastal lighthouse Spatial proximity
6) come up with accustom get used to tame Bring the action to the end.

Teacher. What conclusions did you draw about the spelling of the prefixes PRE- and PRI- by analyzing the examples? In what cases is the prefix pre- written? And under what conditions – at-?

2. Acquaintance with the spelling "Vowels in prefixes pre- and pr-". Prefixes -PRE- and -PRI-

Take a closer look.
We are pre- and pre- prefixes.
Learn to tell us apart
To distinguish from each other.
Remember four values ​​first:
Incomplete action and approach,
The proximity of something to something
Don't forget to join.
Our hands can do everything,
The nail will be nailed, sewn, glued,
Everything will be done as needed
Fast, fun and friendly.
The hare galloped to his neighbor,
He shouted: “I will come to you!
In the school garden
There’s already a carrot.”
Open the window quickly -
The cat cannot get into the house.
Oh, the cutlets BURNED!
It doesn’t matter, they’ve already been eaten.
PRE is a great console.
She needs extra in everything.
We check with the word “VERY”
Or RE-replace.

3. Introducing words to remember. Slide 8.

Teacher. Guys, you should know that there are words with prefixes pre- and pre-, in which the choice of vowel in the prefix is ​​determined by the context. abide (be present) – arrive (arrive) despise (disrespect) – despise (care) betray (give someone up) – give (add) implement (realize) – pretend (close) bow (respect) – bow (bend over) transgress (violate) – begin (begin) successor (continuator) – receiver (apparatus, institution) transient (temporary) – coming (one who comes) multiply (multiply greatly) – multiply (add)

4. "Spelling notebook." Slide 9.
Teacher. There are words (most often borrowed) with the prefixes pre-/pri-, the meaning of which is lost and the spelling needs to be remembered. Write these words down in your dictionaries and try to remember their spelling.
pursue obstacle stumbling perverse deceive neglect

5. Algorithm for applying the rule. Slide 10. Teacher. Now let's get acquainted with the algorithm for applying the rule. PRE- or PRI-?
Determine which morpheme the spelling is in -> Determine the meaning of the prefix
-> PRE- : 1. Highest degree qualities, actions (= “very”) 2. Close in meaning to the prefix re-
-> ATTACHMENT: 1. Accession, approximation, addition 2. Incompleteness of action 3. Spatial proximity 4. Bringing action to completion

V. Physical education minute.

VI. Reinforcing the material learned

1. Indicate the meaning of the prefix in words (slide 11)
meaning "very" wrong
meaning "re-" to cover
approaching gatekeeper
move the connection
incompleteness of the action of bowing down
close location stop
belong to something

2. Insert the missing letters, highlight the spellings (slide 12)

Pr..enough, pr..sident, successor, pr..hail, pr..jump, pr..road, pr..red, pr..touch, pr..privilege, pr..close, pr..cut, pr..think, pr..give, pr..tear, pr..zent, pr..look, pr..possible, pr..sidium, pr..habit, pr..rotation, pr..noke, pr..high, pr..facilitate, pr..look (take care). 3. Write down the words with missing letters and explain their spelling. (Students work with handouts printed for the lesson for each student). Cinderella had a lot of fun, and she completely forgot about what the sorceress told her. She thought that it was not yet eleven o'clock, when suddenly the clock began to strike midnight. Cinderella jumped up and flew away like a bird. The prince rushed after her, but could not catch up. He picked up the shoe that she had lost on the stairs in her haste. The prince asked the gatekeepers if anyone had seen where the princess had gone. But at twelve o'clock all the magic stopped: the carriage turned into an ordinary pumpkin, the coachman and horses - into mice and a rat, running around the yard, and the gatekeepers answered that they saw her run out of the palace a poorly dressed girl, more like a peasant woman than a princess. Cinderella ran home out of breath and barely had time to catch her breath when her sisters and stepmother came in. The sisters said that the red stranger was coming to the ball again, but at midnight she started running, so quickly that she dropped the glass slipper from her foot. The prince ordered to announce throughout the kingdom that he would marry the girl who had a glass slipper on her foot.

First, the shoe was tried on for the princesses, then for all the court ladies in a row. But she was no good for anyone. (According to Ch. Perrault)

4. Game "One Word".

Replace the phrases with one word with the prefix pre-, pere- or at-. (Working with an audio recording prepared by the teacher and checking the work: slide 13) 1) Located near the shore. 2) Ask again. 3) Add a little salt. 4) think for a while. 5) Give a new name. 6) Finish something. 7) Give a new assessment. 8) A plot of land near a school, the sea, a road. 9) Exchange a few words, talk briefly. 10) Amazing plant. 11) Arguing over little things. 12) Temporary success. 13) Deeply respect. 14) Get famous. 15) Spend time waiting for something to end. 16) Chasing someone. 17) Bring it to life. 18) A person with great whims and caprices. 19) Lightly touch something. 20) Hypocritical, insincere person. 21) Admirable, beautiful. 22) Open the window a little. 23) To be abundantly satisfied with something. 24) Exclusive right. 25) Cheat on someone. 5. Execution test tasks(slides 14 – 16). 1) Indicate a number of words in which the prefix does not mean “attachment, approximation”. 1. screw, glue, stick 2. attach, moor, screw 3. lie down, shout, stand up 4. moor, come, lie down 2) Indicate a number of words in which the prefix means “closeness to something.” 1. seaside, cover, suspend 2. coastal, homestead, school 3. roadside, screw, take a closer look 4. Volga, attach, aim 3) Indicate a series of words in which in all words the prefix is ​​equal in meaning to the word “very”.

1. pr..think, pr..stop, pr..date
2. pr..calm, pr..red, pr..funny
3. cr..criminal, pr..jumpy, pr..limping
4. pr..stop, pr..hail, pr..suppress

VII. Lesson summary. Reflection.
– What goal did we set at the beginning of the lesson?
– Have we achieved our goal? Have you learned to write words using this rule?
– Did we manage to achieve our goals? Why? – What was the most interesting thing in the lesson? The most difficult? – Those who are satisfied with their work in class, take a red flag. And whoever is not happy, show the blue flag.

VIII. Homework.

1. Run tests from the site http://www.saharina.ru/tests/test.php?name=test90.xml

Internet sources
"Fun Grammar" Basic rules of Russian spelling in poetic form to facilitate understanding and memorization educational material. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/519529/

Russian language lesson in 6th grade on the topic: “Spelling of prefixes -pre- and -pri-”, conducted by Russian language teacher I.V. Yurkevich.

Goals: mastering the method of action when choosing vowels e – and in prefixes.
Lesson objectives:

  1. Identify the conditions for choosing vowels e – and in prefixes;
  2. To develop the skill of writing pre-/pri- prefixes;
  3. Repeat morphemic analysis of words;
  4. Develop the ability to formulate definitions of concepts;
  5. Enrich students' vocabulary;
  6. Improve spelling and skills.


  1. Implementation of a systemic activity approach;
  2. Development of attention;
  3. Formation of UUD (personal, regulatory, cognitive):
  • developing the ability to formulate and prove one’s point of view;
  • development of skills to analyze, compare, generalize;
  • develop the ability to apply new knowledge;
  • development of creative and speech abilities of students;
  • formation of logical skills;
  • developing the ability to rely on what is already known, on one’s subjective experience;
  • developing the ability to formulate a problem.


  1. Fostering interest and respect for the native language;
  2. Fostering a value-based attitude to words;
  3. Development of communicative UUD:
  • creating a favorable atmosphere of support and interest, respect and cooperation.

Planned results:


  1. Respect for the native language;
  2. The desire for speech self-improvement;
  3. Replenishment of vocabulary;
  4. The ability to self-assess based on success criteria.

1. The ability to freely and correctly express one’s thoughts orally;
2. Interaction with people around you in the process of jointly performing a task and participating in a discussion.

1. Development of creative independence;
2. Proficiency in different types of speech activity;
3. The ability to freely and correctly express one’s thoughts orally;
4. The ability to participate in verbal communication in compliance with the norms of speech etiquette;
5. Conducting morphemic analysis of words.

Basic concepts:prefix, morpheme, spelling
Lesson type: "discovery" of new knowledge
Technology: natural learning

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment. Definition of the topic. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Today you and I unusual lesson. Today you will acquire knowledge yourself and teach yourself. And I will help if necessary. Let's try to figure out what you will study and how.

There is a story written on the board (and on small printouts on the table). Read it.

1) On a beautiful evening, Vasilisa the Wise had a bizarre dream. VERY funny and VERY pretty little bunnies were jumping and jumping across the clearing. Suddenly the sun was covered by a HUGE cloud. This is the evil, Evil Snake Gorynych ARRIVED. He landed, sat down on the grass and thought. Kashchei ordered him to find Vasilisa the Wise, to intimidate him, and to BRING him to him. But insurmountable obstacles arose on the way of the Serpent Gorynych.

2) On a...red evening, Vasilisa the...wise...had a...wonderful dream. Aw...funny and so on...cute little bunnies galloped like...jumping across the clearing. Suddenly the sun was covered by a huge cloud. This is flying... the evil, pr... evil Serpent Gorynych flew. He just…landed, sat down on the grass and…thought. Kashchei told him to find Vasilisa Pr...wise, to frighten him, to lead him to him. But insurmountable obstacles arose on the way of the Serpent Gorynych.

What do all the words with missing letters have in common? (omitted letters e-i in attachments).

Try to formulate the topic of the lesson. (Spelling of prefixes pre and at).

Could you insert the missing letters correctly? What do you need to know to spell these words correctly? (rule)

You're right. So what is the purpose of our lesson? (learn to correctly write words with such prefixes).

When you learn to use the rule for writing these prefixes, you can easily insert all the missing letters in the fairy tale, so this fairy tale will be your homework. For those students who liked the idea, I suggest continuing the fairy tale at home.

A special card with a working algorithm will help you, get it. You don't need to read everything at once. Read step by step. Read it and do it.

Work algorithm

1.After receiving card No. 1, read the task. Get started. Keep all records on a card. It takes no more than 5 minutes to complete the first card.

2. Having finished working with card No. 1, decide whether you will approach the teacher for an interview or discuss it with your neighbor at your desk.

3. If you have any controversial questions about the correctness of completing the task, you can take ready-made answers from the teacher and compare them with your work.

4.Take card No. 2. All tasks are completed together with other students sitting nearby (groups of 4 people). All records are kept on a card. No more than 15 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks. If you have any difficulties, use the card with ready-made answers.

5.After working through and checking all the tasks, signal to the teacher that you are ready to begin completing the next card No. 3.

6.Go to individual card No. 3. Choose a task that is feasible for yourself.

You can confer with those who perform the same card. Use theoretical material. If you have any difficulties, use the card with ready-made answers. No more than 15 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks.

7.After completing all the cards, proceed to filling out the evaluation sheet. Please read carefully.

8.Take your homework sheet. Please read it carefully. Ask questions to the teacher if necessary.

2.Independent work with cards

Card no. 1. Acquaintance with the spelling "Vowels in prefixes pre- and pr-".

Read the poem.

Take a closer look.
We are pre- and pre- prefixes.
Learn to tell us apart
To distinguish from each other.
Remember four values ​​first:
Incomplete action and approach,
Proximity something to something
Don't forget to join.
Our hands can do everything,
The nail will be nailed, sewn, glued,
Everything will be done as needed
Fast, fun and friendly.
The hare galloped to his neighbor,
He shouted: “I will come to you!
In the school garden
There’s already a carrot.”
Open the window quickly -
The cat cannot get into the house.
Oh, the cutlets BURNED!
It doesn’t matter, they’ve already been eaten.
PRE is a great console.
She needs extra in everything.
We check with the word “VERY”
Or RE-replace.

Fill out the table. Look for information in the poem.

Check your work: consult with a neighbor (if you have any difficulties or doubts, then take the card with the answer in the folder)



Prefix meaning


Prefix meaning












Incomplete action


Card No. 2. Let's learn to apply the rule.

1. Find the "fourth wheel" and underline it green. Verbally explain to your neighbor why.

  • extol, surpass, belong, transform;
  • adapt, adhere, attract, hinder;
  • humiliated, flattened, unquestioning, affectionate;
  • overcome, aim, stop, neglect.


  • extol, surpass, belong, transform;
  • adapt, lean in, attract, hinder;
  • humbled, flattened,unquestioning, affectionate;
  • overcome, aim , stop, neglect.

2. Distributors of phrases into the required column.

An interesting story, stick to the edge of a table, a station hotel, stick it on cardboard, arrive by car, a school site, an unexpected obstacle, a cute child, lift a heavy cabinet, sew on a button, rush headlong, overcome obstacles.

Check yourself.







incompleteness of action



come by car

sew a button

station hotel

stick to the edge of the table

very interesting story

unexpected obstacle

rush headlong

glue on cardboard

school site

lift a heavy cabinet

cute baby

overcome obstacles

3. Replace the phrase with one word with the prefix PR- or PR-.Write this word next to the phrase, highlight the prefix and write down its meaning.

  1. Located near the coast.
  2. Area near the school.
  3. Chasing someone.
  4. Lightly touch something.
  5. Admirable, beautiful.
  6. Open the window a little.
  7. Located by the road
  8. Descend from heaven to earth.
  9. Very long.


  1. Located near the coast. ( Coastal).
  2. Think about it for a while.(Think about it).
  3. Area near the school. ( Prishkolny).
  4. Chasing someone. ( Chase ).
  5. Lightly touch something. ( Touch ).
  6. Admirable, beautiful. ( Beautiful ).
  7. Open the window a little. ( Open slightly).
  8. Located by the road(Roadside).
  9. Descend from heaven to earth. ( To land ).
  10. Very long. (Extremely long).

Check yourself. Consult with your neighbors (if you have any difficulties or doubts, then take the card with the answer in the folder).

Card number 3. Testing your knowledge

Creative dictation. The task is differentiated.

Choose one card to work with.

The card with the red title is difficult.

The card with the green heading is of medium difficulty.

The card with the blue title is simple.

1 group (difficult, red cards)

1. Insert words with prefixes PRE- and PRI- according to their meaning.
2. Determine the type of speech (narration). Prove.

2nd group (medium, green cards)

1. Replace the words in brackets with words with the prefixes PRE- and PRI-.
2. Determine the topic of the text.(About boa constrictors. About an interesting case from the life of reptiles.)

3. Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of the word “enormous”.

Two (very huge boa constrictors) were (delivered) to the zoo from abroad. It was late in the winter evening, and the staff decided to leave the snakes in the isolation ward. In the morning they discovered that the boa constrictors had disappeared. The lid of the box turned out to be (not completely closed): it was poorly secured (secured with nails). We rushed to look. There are two wide zigzag stripes in the snow - traces of the fugitives. We found them (about) fifteen meters from the window. The boas are frozen. (Delivered) to the room - no (signs) of life. The snakes were placed in water. About ten minutes later they began to move. (Added) warm water- boa constrictors (changed), came to life.

3 group (simple, blue cards)

1. Insert words with the prefixes PRE- and PRI-, using the words for reference.
Words for reference: arrive, enormous, ajar, nail, approximately, bring, sign, add, transform.
2. Title the text.

3. Perform morphemic and word-formation analysis of the word “enormous”.

There are () two () boa constrictors coming to the zoo from abroad. It was late in the winter evening, and the staff decided to leave the snakes in the isolation ward. In the morning they discovered that the boa constrictors had disappeared. The lid of the box turned out to be (): its bad (). We rushed to look. There are two wide zigzag stripes in the snow - traces of the fugitives. They were found () fifteen meters from the window. The boas are frozen. () into the room - no () life. The snakes were placed in water. About ten minutes later they began to move. () warm water - the boas () came to life.

The final version.

Two enormous boa constrictors arrived at the zoo from abroad. It was late in the winter evening, and the staff decided to leave the snakes in the isolation ward. In the morning they discovered that the boa constrictors had disappeared. The lid of the box turned out to be ajar: it was not nailed down well. We rushed to look. There are two wide zigzag stripes in the snow - traces of the fugitives. They were found about fifteen meters from the window. The boas are frozen. They brought him into the room - no signs of life. The snakes were placed in water. About ten minutes later they began to move. We added warm water - the boas were transformed and came to life.


Evaluation paper

Rate the difficulty level of the tasks on a 5-point scale (1 – very easy, 3 – medium, 5 – very difficult)

Job No.


Did you use the hint (put + or -)


Card No. 1

Continue the sentence:


Today in class I realized……..

Card No. 2

2. if it can be replaced with a prefix re-

pre red - very beautiful

pre big - very big

stop breaking - interrupt breaking,

break - break

The attachment is used in the meaning:

1. approximation

2. accessions

3. proximity to something

4. incomplete action

when approaching, when being, having arrived

with glued, with pressure, with connection

at school, at seaside, at coastal

when sitting down, when rising

Additional material

Pri-: reason, example, hello, diligent, adventure, nature, privilege (exclusive right), priority (primacy), primitive (simple, uncomplicated), prima donna (actress in the leading roles), fastidious (a person is too picky, with whims and whims), coercion.

Pre-: presidium, president, premiere, preparation, claim, contender, prevail (prevail), present (donate), prestige (authority), legend, stumbling block (interference).

Remember the meanings of the prefixes, compare columns A and B.

A. The meaning of the prefix pre-

B. Meaning of the prefix at-

1. The highest degree of quality or action, "very":good, most skillful, wonderful, prosper.

2. Value close to the value of the prefix re-: cessation, crime, stop, overcome, transformation.

3. Something new resulting from change, transformation

1. Accession, addition:sew; communion; involved.

2. Approximation: come, move.

3. Proximity to something:suburb, coastal.

4. Incomplete quality or action:open, suspend, hide, fancy, fastidious.

5. Bringing the action to completion:cook, come up with.

6. Related action:whistle, stamp.

7. Adaptation to something:pretense, addiction, habit, get used to, get used to