Fallout 3 spaceship mission. Mothership Zeta Walkthrough

Your Pip-Boy, as always, picked up a strange signal. Therefore, move to its source, but the trouble is, at the place of arrival you find yourself captured by aliens. Get ready for them to start opening you up. After which, you will find yourself in a room with a prisoner named Soma. But unlike you, she will be fully dressed and even equipped. As you probably already understood, you are undressed.

And now she will tell you her escape plan. To do this, you must start a fight so that you can attract local security. Therefore, you are forced to hit the lady. As soon as the aliens pay attention to you and come to you, you can immediately and safely clean their dirty faces. After this, you will have an electronic baton, so go ahead to freedom. You can start collecting records, or you can free prisoners like you, but everyone else, practically the majority, has simply gone crazy. But there is one girl who is quite normal and can help you somehow. You will need to blow up special structures to release her from prison. To do this, you need to turn on three cooling systems at once and hit them with your baton. Once you free her, you will be able to continue moving through the unknown ship.

Next there will be a door behind which you can find your equipment and other junk. Take them, if you still need them, of course, and move to the engineering part of the ship. Along the way, Sally will help you quietly and unnoticed to make your way through the engineering compartment. Of course, it’s up to you, you can either follow the advice or not, that is, bring down everyone in your path. Once you find yourself in the engineering part of the ship, it turns out that the elevator that was once there has simply disappeared. But it doesn’t matter, because Sally knows another way, so follow her ahead.

Among the stars

Next you will find a cryogenic room where you can free each person and chat with them. As it turns out later, people are completely different and from different periods of time. One is an astronaut, the other is a corpse. The third was actually present at Operation Anchorage. The fourth is a Western hero. And the fifth one is just a shock - he is a samurai. When you get through this amazing introduction, you will need to destroy three generators. Once you finish all the work with the generators, you will need to put on the spacesuit that you received and fly into space. All this is done so that you can teleport. On the surface of this spaceship, you will need to turn on three panels. Once you do this, move to the center of the ship.

And the whole galaxy is not enough

You must activate the portal again, but this time in the engineering bay. Once you do this, all your new friends will be able to join you and you will be able to move on. Next you will find a room where your planet will be displayed. You will see a bright beam begin to hit the Earth, so you need to knock it out. To begin with, you need to turn on the panel on the right side, followed by the panel on the left side once. After this, move to the active part of the death ray and turn on the coolers near it. You need to do this several times in a row. And now, you need to go to the bridge of these aliens. On it you need to kill the captain of this space transport. Once you defeat him, your entire team will appear before you. But only one will be missing - the samurai. Next, very interesting events will unfold, you will have to take control of the ship, and then fight with the enemy ship. A samurai will help you in this battle. After victory, you will become the captain of this ship and will be able to accept various commands. Next, the choice is yours; you can either stay or return back to the Wasteland.

For F3, 5 official addons and countless amateur mods were released. Some of the addons are just for fun (Pitt, Mothership Zeta), some are important content that expands the main world (Broken Steel). But, for example, Anchorage is needed for " quick start" and goes through the force.

Operation Anchorage

Description :

The first official addon for F3. The hero catches a radio signal asking for help (later this will become the main plot of the “Addon” quests) and finds its source. Next he plunges into virtual reality, simulating the events of 200 years ago - the confrontation between Chinese and American troops in Alaska. The blue filter gives a feeling of coldness and at the same time the virtuality of what is happening. The passage through Anchorage itself is quite dull. You need to move along a clear route, destroying enemies along the way. You can't walk left or right. Back too. Here you can remember the shooter Call of Duty, but in terms of the entertainment value of the battles, they are not even worth comparing - the battles in F3 are crooked, boring and monotonous. There will be no epic battles here, everything is as usual. Can be completed without problems even at level 1. The only problem may be the final boss, but not because of its coolness, but because of the game crashes. At the end, the hero will receive very valuable and even cheating items for the beginning of the game - power armor, a gauss rifle and a special stealth suit. And this despite the fact that when passing the game without an addon, you can only put on power armor towards the end of the game. This armor is made in a winter version, which does not look very good in the wastelands (the hero must sweat a lot in this). Also, the addon makes it possible to easily and quickly upgrade a low-level character.

The Pitt


DC the driving addon is completely different from Anchorage. Here the hero goes on a handcar to the city of Pittsburgh, through a long dark tunnel. Here you will have to turn into a slave for a while and gradually strive to improve your position. The location is quite interesting and atmospheric, although it feels like they tried to shrink it. There is little freedom of movement here, although this is probably how slaves should have it. Hard work in foundries, dangerous forays outside, where frightening creatures run around - trogs, similar to snorks from Stalker. They are sure to unnerve (or even frighten) anyone. On low levels It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to pass Pitt - so come here after leveling up. But cool weapons and armor will be of no use here - everything will be taken away at the entrance (you can return it back at the exit). Knowledgeable people note the similarity of the plot and some names with TES4 Oblivion. Perhaps there is a connection. After the release of Pitt, players complained about critical bugs, but I didn’t notice any bugs in the 1C version. Apparently, it was fixed by this time. Although this story does not fit into the plot of F3 and kind of breaks the player, it is quite interesting. It's like an exciting adventure that absorbs the player for a while. There is a variety of passages. After the uprising that you have to organize there, you will need to make a choice. At the same time, even the most ideological paladins and villains will think about their choice.

Broken Steel


First of all, this addon is important because it eliminates the unfinished ending of the main plot of the game - with the death of the main character in the water station for the benefit of the entire Capital Wasteland. Now you can sacrifice not yourself or the paladin, but use the help of one of the satellites that are not affected by radiation. However, now even if you get into the radiation yourself, you can survive. But the paladin still dies. After completing the quest, you can continue playing - there will be a continuation and an increase in the level ceiling. You need to become a minion of the paladins again and continue to participate in their confrontation with the Enclave. There is no point in talking about the battles - banal invasions, assaults, infiltrates, etc. You need to break through the defenses of the enclaves, then get to their airfield with a huge thing on tracks, where the defeat of the enemy is completed. Here you can pick up the “fat” Gehenna power armor, which I liked, although I usually use light armor. At the end there will be a chance to launch an orbital strike on the Citadel, the headquarters of the Brotherhood. Good lesson on the subject “the essence of the wasteland” for arrogant paladins, isn’t it? The crater formed after the explosion will contain the entrance to their arsenal. Well, if the player chooses the light side, then an additional quest can be started there. But what about the changes in the wasteland after the launch of the water station? The Brotherhood of Steel has transformed from a closed and indifferent organization into a source of humanitarian aid in the form of water for all who are thirsty. Water caravans and those who steal water and even poison with radiation appear. Connected to this is a chain of quests, also related to the Brotherhood. Many believe that all this should have been in the original game, but was specially included in a separately purchased add-on in order to prolong sales. But you can also get it from torrents. Although Broken Steel does not contain interesting quests (it is still the largest addon), it is necessary for completing the game after completing the main one storyline. Otherwise it is difficult to fully explore the world. In addition, a couple more side quests and cool monsters appear. True, these monsters can kill some NPCs who roam the wasteland or sit in poorly protected places. This addon can be considered the most useful for the game.

Point Lookout

Described no:

The addon quest begins on the small ship "Duchess Gambit", which is located on the banks of the Potomac River behind the Arlington Library. To set sail, you need to buy a ticket and lie down on a bunk in the cabin. The captain refuses to carry the group - he takes only one player without companions. At first, all that is known about this area is that it is swampy and quite dangerous. From the very moment of arrival, the player is surrounded by a rather oppressive and uncomfortable atmosphere. There are no people at the landing site, but somewhere nearby you can see smoke - the estate is on fire. There are no ordinary residents here, just as there are no traders, bars, beds, guards, tramps, caravans, etc. Instead, there are wild sectarians and a parody of the characters from the game "Redneck Rampage" - here they are presented in the form of ordinary mobs that can be freely shot. However, if you look hard enough, you can also find traders. The crazy environment will not only have a moral impact on the character's (and the player's) psyche, but will even leave a mark on his brain. You will have to wander around the gloomy place quite a lot - the addon’s territory is large. It’s just a problem with quests here. The main one is too short, and additional ones still need to be found. At the end there will be a boss battle (not difficult), and the hero is not the main one here actor. The part of the quest where you need to collect panga seeds is reminiscent of the Oasis quest with the tree. Also plants, swamp, swamp people, rituals and glitches. Only everything is a little larger. If your character is very dear to you, then think about whether it’s worth going there at all. After all, the reward for completing it will not be valuable things, but a jar with a piece of your own brains. But if you still decide to complete this quest to the end and deal with the boss (and he will be here), then do not forget to fix the beacon - its light is a little more fun.

Mothership Zeta

Description :

At first glance, the adventure on the alien ship seems far from the Fallout universe. But there is a connection, starting from the first parts of the game, where you can stumble upon alien bodies, a flying saucer and pick up their blaster. In the original F3, you could find a flying saucer in the wasteland. Now it will become the starting point of the addon's plot. As usual, the hero will be led here by a radio signal. When he approaches the plate, he will be sucked upward into the huge mother ship. Then all the player’s efforts will be aimed at getting back. It all starts with a banal forceful escape from the cell, and ends with a bloody (or whatever the aliens say) meat grinder and space battle. Towards the middle of the game, the monotonous destruction of enemies gets boring, but at the end there will be more variety. In addition to the main character, there will be several more kidnapped in different time people who will be needed for passage. The problem here is the inability to sleep to replenish health. If there are no first aid kits/biogel left, you will have to walk like this. The atmosphere manifests itself only in the form of scenery, objects and unearthly weapons. But the plot and dialogues... they simply don’t exist. The aliens do not want to communicate, and the NPC people, apparently, never recovered after being frozen. Humor is also difficult here. Almost the only “joke” is the sound recordings of the kidnapped Brahmin and other captives. What then, after returning to Earth? All that will remain is an alien gun with a limited supply of ammunition and... that's it. Impression? No, it’s better not to remember this painfully long rescue. Is it worth installing this addon at all? If you are not going to write a review of it, then no.

From another world: 04.11.2274

So! Why bother today? I'll go and look for where the strange radio signals are coming from. On North!

The closest point to the desired location that I have explored is Power Station MDPL-13. That's where we fly.

We are walking right under the former power line.

Power lines in the north

Yao-gai's attack

Here it is! They've arrived already!

Fallen UFO

Wow! What to yourself! I just wanted to come a little closer!

Complete blast! Failed...

I'm starting to see something. It would be better not to look...

Awakening to Aliens

Oh damn! The guts are being taken out!..

I woke up in... Well, it's probably a camera. I'm not alone. Soma Girl. She's been here for a long time.

Now the problem is: how to get out of here?

Soma offers an option - to pretend that we are fighting, the aliens will enter, and then we will finish them off. And the doors will be open. Primitive. But with aliens, I think it will work. I agree with this option.

It worked! Four were killed. They are weaklings. I have a Taser in my hand. Yeah! And besides the shocker, it turns out I don’t have anything at all!

Naked like a falcon...

Luckily for me, there is a dead Enclave officer in the next cell. At least she covered her shame...

I'm in the uniform of an Enclave officer

In the large hall I listened to the recordings of the prisoners. Everyone was kidnapped. It seems like I'm the only fool who got involved in this bad business...

Big hall

To the left is the door. There are also cameras there. One of them is a girl. Sally. I destroyed the generator by opening it and ruining the cooling system. The cameras opened.

Sally is a sneak. She's been here for a long time too. And he knows a lot about the ship. She crawled through hidden passages that I couldn’t get through, and opened the door for us to other compartments of the spaceship.

Let's go. Killed another alien. And about! Joy! One of the containers contains all my junk!

I'm getting ready. Yes! Now the devil himself is not scary to me! I'm wearing T-51b armor. Like in a tank!

Let's go to the generator room. She gave Sally a grenade, and she thought about how to outwit the next aliens looming behind the partition. Sally again, through some holes known only to her, sneaked in from the rear and blew up three aliens at once.

Sally's feat. Three corpses

This is a feat for her. Of course, this trinity is like a couple of fingers on the asphalt to me.

Delicacies... Alien squid dish, alien worm dish. Yummy. One serving satisfies 6% of hunger.

I'm going forward. I can handle this myself. I go and shoot, shoot, shoot. Dozens of corpses. Or maybe hundreds...

That's what they are, aliens. Until they were hit by a bullet from my machine gun.


We enter the Engineering compartment. We've arrived.

Engineering bay

Sally tells me to defrost everyone in the compartment. Especially an astronaut. He has a spacesuit. He should help us get to the upper levels.

This completes the mission “From Another World”. Continuation of the task "Among the Stars".

We are not in the boat that I found broken on Earth. We are in a huge interstellar ship in orbit of our planet.

Three people woke up: Elliott Terkorien, a medical officer, Paulson, an incomprehensible silent man, full of hatred for aliens, and Toshiro Kago, a samurai, probably from the distant past. Colonel Hartigan, the astronaut, alas, did not wake up. I took the spacesuit from him.

Sally says that three generators need to be destroyed. I'm starting with the cryogenic laboratory. I take Elliott to help me.

After rummaging around the laboratory a little, undoubtedly shooting at the aliens while doing so, they found two frozen friends of Elliott. Elliott tinkered with the equipment, and we managed to unfreeze the soldiers without loss of memory. Our regiment has arrived!

Elliott and his friends

Then they found a generator, and “in three clicks” it was blown up. Easily destroyed. Click on the main button. Click on each of the three cooling systems, move away. After some time, the generator explodes due to overheating.

This is what the generators look like:


I immediately turned on the teleporter, which took us to the exit from the cryogenic laboratory.

The next generator is in the robot assembly shop. I found an electronics panel on one of the containers. Set it to energy overload. Bang, the conveyor stopped, and in place of the panel a hole appeared, into which I slipped through without any problems.

In one of the aliens I found a droid control device. After working some magic with the robots sealed in the balls, you can get yourself an assistant. Only one. You need to choose a security droid. There is still some sense in it...

The third generator is in the hangars.

The door to the generator is closed by a protective field. On the other hand, the aliens and their droids keep pushing and turning. By controlling five buttons that are right in front of your nose, you can quite easily repel all attacks from below.

And don't forget to look around. Sometimes, however, some alien will leak through the stairs. And soon the door to the generator opens, and aliens jump out. Now, I’m destroying the last, third generator.

Now Sally sends me to open space. I put on my spacesuit and enter the decompression chamber.

In a spacesuit

Decompression takes a damn long time. Yeah. I would have waited a month if I hadn’t thought of going around the compartment in a circle. Here's the switch. I activate it. The airlock door opens.

In outer space

And here I am in outer space. They found three barrels, or maybe four, sticking out incorrectly, hid them, and the teleporter came to life.

Teleporter from space

Stepped onto it, and up!

I'm upstairs! "Among the Stars" has ended. It's time for "Our galaxy isn't that big..."

Activated the Technical Center teleporter. Now you need to turn off the Death Ray. And get to the captain's bridge.

The Death Ray was turned off. First, of course, we had to get to him. I turned it off by activating all the generators with the leftmost button. And then blowing up all these generators.

Death ray

The door to the teleport to the living quarters also opened. Teleported there. The wall covering the entrance. I shoot, it disappears with an explosion. Go-go! I shoot, I shoot. For aliens, droids, turrets. And now I’m on the bridge.

I kill the captain. I clear the bridge of the remaining aliens.

That seems to be it! But no. Another spaceship attacks. I turn on the ship's defenses at full power. She sat on the Death Ray button and pressed it when ready. Sting, sting. Once the generators went out. I ran around in a circle and turned it on again. All four. And again the Death Ray. I'm shooting, shooting. That's it! The attacking ship exploded!

Perfect hit

Our galaxy really isn't that big...

Pressed the communication control button. Received an unknown signal.

Once upon a time, it was hard to believe that there would be as many as five additions to Fallout 3; in any case, it seemed that the process would drag on for long years. However, then somehow everything quickly “gelled”, and in almost six months all the planned supplements came out. Now the journey in the Capital Wasteland is officially completed.

Not all additions have taken pride of place in our personal registries. Operation Anchorage attracted us with its new products, but disappointed us with its monotonous and not very exciting gameplay. The Pitt forced their bowed heads to rise, and Broken Steel was late and thus disappointed the licking players. Then there was another experiment - Point Lookout, which sent us into the swamps. The experiment is interesting, but a little alien to the usual universe.

This time the new extreme is space. The alien theme was present in Fallout from the very beginning. I remember that I once found a broken plate in the desert... The Lord and his entire army remember this to this day. In Fallout 2, paranormal phenomena were also mentioned, but somehow in passing, leaving only questions. Maybe Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta will provide answers?

Passed by

There were no signs of trouble. Except for the radiation and the dead alien.

Some mysterious signal has appeared in the Wasteland! This is not the first time that a pop-up window, better than any rumors, directs us towards a new, unknown addition, just downloaded from the Internet. The green mark points to an already familiar place - there I once found a broken tub of alien origin, and there I also profited from a blaster and cartridges for it. What mystery can there be, everything here has been explored and explored! But there is no point in arguing with a marker. The journey to plate #2 has begun.

In appearance, nothing has changed. We take two steps forward, the ground disappears from under our feet, a blue light shines. Main character slowly ascending to the heavens. Then the screen goes dark - along with the consciousness of the savior of the Wasteland...

We wake up in a cell with another lucky girl who stuck her nose in someone else's business. We learn that the aliens came to pick up the wrecked ship, and at the same time grabbed everyone who was nearby. This is such a simple premise. No hidden great goal no - the aliens frankly don’t care that we single-handedly stopped the Enclave and generally saved the world (excuse me, how many times already?). They just want... to do something to us. Something bad, of course. So we have to escape (really?)! And for this you need to kill everyone. The plot doesn't even try... no, that's wrong, there's simply no plot. There is a set of cliches and a well-worn escape story, flavored with Fallout themes and a bit of humor.

Green metal compartments

Aliens without shields - and they are in vain!

Compared to Point Lookout, where the atmosphere, although not typical of the world, is still There is, and the plot is based on a more or less interesting story, Mothership Zeta is faded and inexpressive. For mercy's sake, what hasn't been said about aliens abducting people? Nine seasons of The X-Files have exhausted this topic.

The lack of plot puts the addition on a par with Operation Anchorage (although there was some background there). In Mothership Zeta Same you just need to kill. It is impossible to talk with aliens, resolve the matter peacefully, fly to another galaxy, or do anything else. There is no ideological basis for choice and influence.

This is, in principle, no problem. Operation Anchorage, which was somewhat boring in terms of gameplay and lacked choice, turned out to be interesting - primarily because it showed an unknown war. Not in three lines of text (as in Fallout 2), but live. There is no need for alternatives here - all this already happened two hundred years ago.

In Mothership Zeta, interaction is lacking at times. The ship stores thousands of frozen individuals, abducted at different times - why not unfreeze them all, and then start a rebellion? Why can’t we save people, because we can escape from the ship? The scenery sometimes seems dead, saved only by recordings of interrogations of the abducted scattered throughout the levels. They somehow hold onto the imagination, identify voices with faceless capsules, create people inside them, create this piece of the world, but... this, frankly speaking, is not enough.

Frozen Samurai inspires and impresses.

It’s impossible to believe in aliens - they seem to be cut off from everything else, although they look authentic and correspond to the ideas of science fiction writers of the 50s. This is probably because apart from them there is nothing else interesting on the ship - you will not find any hints of flying saucers from previous parts here. You won't know why the aliens are doing research. Don't get this huge piece justifying information that will stimulate the imagination. Mothership Zeta is like a separate room. You need to leave the Wasteland to get into it. Quit completely, leaving all role-playing, life and imagination on the other side of the teleportation matrix. You can only take with you the question “why is all this necessary?”

It seems that the developers were unable to make this final push. The potential of the addition is enormous, but for some reason most of it remained “blank”, an empty gray corridor with red lights of enemies...

Gram of relief

Alien guns, alien food, alien everything - according to tradition, players received a whole heap of new weapons, armor and other items along with the expansion. And yes, some food for thought. Somewhere the connections between aliens and humanity are skillfully hidden. Evidence of centuries-old alien activity is scattered throughout the levels, and those abducted can tell interesting stories. Even in short recordings of interrogations, you can find references, riddles and jokes... but not enough. This word can perhaps briefly describe the entire game. “Not enough” - plot, meaning, background, atmosphere, information... And the duration is also not enough. Four hours will be enough for an attentive researcher, but an inattentive owner of an Alien blaster can do it in two. It turns out to be some kind of shameful “parting gift”.

But there were no more answers...

Curiosity is not a vice

    In entry No. 15, someone introducing himself as a US senator threatens the aliens, if they do not let him go, to bring down all the power on their heads. military power countries. At the end of the recording he says, “The U.S. doesn’t bargain with aliens,” that is, “The United States does not bargain with aliens.” George W. Bush, I remember, said something similar regarding the United States and negotiations with terrorists.

    In entry #17, someone gives out information about the composition of the US Army. He also says that thirty-eight intercontinental ballistic missiles are constantly on duty, and then... gives out access codes. Could it be that aliens caused the war?

    Entry #24 contains a reference to the film Destroy All Humans!. Instead of a human voice on the film, there is a moo - the aliens kidnapped a cow and decided to interrogate her. It was unlikely that it was a Brahmin, since it is obvious that aliens have been abducting people for more than a hundred years (the year 1697 is mentioned), so they could not confuse a Brahmin with a person even in the dark with their back to the window. But with the cow there could have been a misunderstanding.

    Entry #25 is a direct reference to two episodes of The Twilight Zone. The first is called To Serve Man (here is a play on words: “to serve a man” and “to prepare a man”), and the second is called People Are Alike All Over. The owner of the voice on the tape first suggests that he will be eaten (first episode), and then reports that, most likely, he will be put in some zoo (second episode). I wonder which prospect upset him more?

    If you don't put on a suit in the decompression room, your head will explode. This doesn't happen in real life, so this is most likely a wild hello to low-budget science fiction films.

    Don't go for a walk, children, into space. And if you already left, don’t cross the border magnetic field, otherwise you will be torn away from the hull of the ship and carried to the stars. Romantic, but deadly.

    After destroying the generators, the Death Ray... still fires. Most likely, there is a spare energy source hidden somewhere.

    Combat in space is a possible reference to the Star Trek series. The battles are very similar.

    People can eat alien food, and without unpleasant consequences, which indicates the similarity of metabolisms.

    The only surviving child's robot horse is hidden on an alien ship.

    Slowed down and played backwards, the SOS signal from the reconnaissance ship turns into... speech. The voice says, "The alien was never alive." This is true - the body is just an object, it cannot be resurrected even seditiously, through the console. In addition, if you remember, in many films only dead aliens were found in crashed ships.

    At the end of the expansion, the player becomes the captain of a spaceship. Fallout 2 and Highwayman blush shyly and turn away.

    You can fire the Death Ray at the Earth, but harmful developers do not allow you to see the consequences of the explosion. The beam hits somewhere in the Ontario region in Canada; the funnel reaches a respectable 550 kilometers in diameter.


Aliens are very dangerous opponents. Just remember the famous blaster, which was almost the most powerful weapon in Fallout 1-2 (we know that M72 Gauss is better). Of course, if all the green men without exception carried the above-mentioned blaster, it would become tasteless and uninteresting. Therefore, our dear alien friends use different, but still dangerous energy weapons. This, in fact, depends on whom and how to beat.

    Fancy a taste of your own medicine?

    Ordinary sailors on a spaceship are most often armed with electric batons, sprayers and disintegrators. Melee weapons, even if alien, are not too dangerous, but an energy pistol and rifle can easily take away the hard-earned health of the main character.

    The aliens “compensate” for the high damage of their weapons with their flimsy bodies. Most often, one shot is enough for them even from a plasma pistol, but not all extraterrestrial representatives so puny. Some are protected by special suppressor fields (the same fields you will find as barriers), which absorb more damage the higher the player’s level. For example, at the twentieth level the armor class is 25, at the twenty-fifth it is already 40, and at the thirtieth it is all 55. Holographic protection works even better than power armor. Aliens wearing it are very difficult to kill - they are about four times stronger than their regular counterparts.

    The question arises - what to do with these “plump” enemies? The answer is simple - select at least one sprayer, and then shoot their weapon in VATS mode. Alien blasters are small and difficult to hold in your hands. Without weapons, the aliens do not fight; they immediately run away.

    This is interesting: The most chic thing is to pick up a knocked-out cannon. Then the enemy will have no chance at all.

    Some aliens treat the player quite peacefully, although they are marked on the radar as hostile. They wear red robes and are strikingly unarmed. It is better not to touch them, since killing harmless creatures reduces karma. If you play as an evil character, then you need to kill everyone.


    This literal abomination is a cross between humans and aliens. In their scientific zeal, the little green men spare neither themselves nor others, but the goals of their research are not always clear. If these creatures were created out of pure interest, why are there so many of them? And if as combat units, then, excuse me, the idea clearly failed - the beasts are hostile not only to the player, but also to the aliens themselves.

    Abominations don't pose much of a threat. They fight only in close combat, and when you meet them, all the selected equipment will already be in the hero’s pockets. A double-barreled shotgun from Point Lookout or a Tesla gun can easily put the “nasties” out of their misery.

    Support Drone

    Mechanical assistants are almost the most harmless opponents on an alien ship. They are created for servicing mechanisms, cleaning and other not at all romantic activities. However, when the alarm is signaled, these faithful tins rush at the enemies of the green-skinned nation. They are deprived of weapons and do not cause problems.

    Guardian Drone

    A more dangerous type of robotic troops on an alien ship. They carry a large and scary gun, which is called very banally - Drone Cannon. However, what the developers lacked in imagination, they more than made up for with the enormous damage that this large energy slingshot causes.

    In order not to turn into a cloud of hot plasma, our post-apocalyptic messiah would do well to take better aim and knock the terrible weapon out of the tenacious clutches of a mechanical idiot. Therein lies the big trick - robots, unlike people or aliens, do not know how to pick up lost property. Therefore, having lost his weapon, the fool will rush at the offender with his fists. And this is not scary at all.

    This is interesting: even extraterrestrial robots are still robots. And an expert on them easily turns them off. If it gets close enough, of course.

    Experimental Drone

    Progress does not stand still, so alien invaders Research is in full swing. Experimental robots can be found in the weapons laboratory. There are only two of them, and they are notable for the fact that they are equipped with the latest Ex-B cannon. Apart from this, however, they are no different from their brothers - they drop their weapons in the same way, they can’t move if they shoot at the rocket platform, they turn off just as easily and fail just as easily. The aliens' technology is very unreliable.

From a blaster to sparrows

Mothership Zeta brought only one ability, but a useful one!

    Xenotech Expert

    An expert in extraterrestrial technology, it is not surprising that he is better at shooting all types of alien weapons. An additional 20% is added to the damage, but you remember that most alien guns already have solid damage indicators. For example, an Alien blaster will deal not 100, but 120 points of damage (with its chance for a critical shot, this is very painful!), and a disintegrator in good shape will bite off 78 health points from an enemy.

Do you want that too? Well, in the weapons laboratory there is a kind of shooting gallery where you can test alien guns on earthly creatures. You just need to release a few targets, and killing, if, say, you are inclined to mercy today, is not necessary - they will still give you the ability.

This is interesting: In this tier, creatures are apparently inexhaustible. As is the experience with them. Do you know how to make extra money here?


The weapons in Mothership Zeta are smaller than in previous expansions (Point Lookout, for example), but all samples are unique. They even own view ammunition - Alien Power Module. Unfortunately, these batteries are not suitable for the blaster, so the withering retribution of all living things is postponed indefinitely.

Still, the collector has something to profit from. In addition to weapons, there are also very remarkable examples of armor.

    Alien Atomizer

    The Sprayer is the most common weapon used by aliens. Almost every self-respecting sailor has this fancy barrel (somewhat reminiscent of the weapon from the movie “Battlefield Earth”). It is found at every turn: in the pockets of killed aliens, in containers and even on shelves.

    Interestingly, this energy pistol is one of the most powerful in the game (35 - standard damage and 42 with the Xenotech Expert ability). Only the magnum and its unique versions can compare with it (we will not take into account the ultimate blasters and the unique Novasurge - these are full-fledged weapons, and pistols are auxiliary). Meanwhile, there are much more charges for the sprayer, and they are more common. There will be no problems with repairs either - Som and Sally will always have spare parts. They can also be taken from aliens in the Engineering Core compartment.

    Verdict: A great weapon if you decide to take to the stars at the beginning levels. In the end, it is almost useless, since there is a more powerful blaster, the Tesla or, at worst, the Gauss.

    Alien Desintegrator

    The Disintegrator is an advanced version of the Sprayer. The rifle is almost twice as powerful as a pistol, has 100 “cartridges” in a clip (reminiscent of air guns, which are also loaded with a hundred rounds), reloads in 3/4 seconds and looks stylish. The blue glow hints that the enemy will die a very futuristic death.

    Disintegrators are a common weapon most commonly carried by field-protected aliens. Due to its high damage, this gun is very dangerous, since no plasma rifle can even come close to its power. It makes sense to knock something like this out of the enemy’s hands, and only then calmly deal with him.

    Verdict: one of the best means murders in the game. There are no problems with cartridges and repairs - what more could you want?

    This is interesting: energy projectiles occasionally behave like ball lightning. The clumps of their own accord fly not into the crosshairs, but into the enemy.

    Captain's Sidearm

    This is probably what my favorite blaster once was - clean, shiny and beautiful. The captain's personal gun looks serious and solemn; it is difficult to guess that it is a type of energy shotgun. A shot from this weapon creates six independent clots of energy, each of which deals quite a lot of damage (35 in normal mode and 42 with the Xenotech Expert ability).

    This weapon is best used at short range. Dungeons and subway labyrinths are excellent training grounds.

    Verdict: An excellent weapon of extraordinary power, but it is pointless to shoot from it at long distances.

    This is a bug: The damage bonus from the Xenotech Expert ability for this weapon is not displayed on the Pipboy computer screen, although in fact it is.

    Shock Baton

    Electric cattle prod, alien design. It hits painfully and “delights” the victim with an electric shock upon contact. It is far from the effectiveness of the “shishkebab”, but it is suitable for beating off the organs of any raiders and low-level aliens. Does not require recharging, although it is often found together with the Alien Power Module.

    In a good way, this is not a weapon at all, but just a means of pacification. Aliens use these clubs to knock out victims, but not kill them.

    Verdict: better than fists, worse than everything else. However, it looks stylish.

    This is interesting: The Shock Baton may be a reference to Half-Life 2, as it closely resembles the harvester's electric batons.


    The Electric Jammer is a unique version of the regular baton. It may be interesting for a collection simply because it actually has nothing to do with electricity. Unique stick applies exclusively physical damage, and a critical hit knocks the victim down (much like Victory Rifle or "Gauss").

    Another interesting thing is that the Xenotech Expert ability does not increase damage for this weapon. And really, why would? There is nothing special about it - just a very heavy club that knocks you down.

    Verdict: only for collection, but in battle it is better to use sprays.

    Paulson's Revolver

    Our prayers have been answered! The 44-caliber revolver is so clumsy due to the huge scope (which is of little use), so frivolous, clumsy... But Paulson’s gun is the embodiment of cowboy aesthetics. Black metal, a comfortable wooden handle, a mesmerizing shape... And nine more simultaneous charges (surprisingly, but true - instead of one, nine bullets are fired at once), which in total can cause up to 2000 units of damage. Such high level damage makes it easy to knock the spirit out of not only robots, but even the most armored aliens.

    Due to its ability to fire nine rounds at once, the Paulson Revolver is the third most powerful weapon in the game (the Dread Shotgun does 2480 damage, the Point Lookout Double Barreled Shotgun does 2400, followed by the Revolver), but it cannot be obtained through normal means. It does not wait for the player somewhere in a secluded place, but travels with its owner, Paulson. You will meet him during the passage of Mothership Zeta. You cannot steal or knock out a weapon. There is only one way left - to kill the owner, fortunately this does not accrue bad karma, and your allies will not become hostile.

    Verdict: powerful and beautiful weapon. Looks great with Paulson's clothes. All that's missing is a horse...

    Samurai Sword

    A real katana for a real samurai... who, by the way, will appear in the story. The frozen Japanese warrior from the past will go to cut down the greenskins only if his weapon - the sword - is returned to him. You can find it in the Waste Disposal sector, not far from the medicine cabinet.

    You can simply keep such an exotic blade for yourself and do without the help of Toshiro (that’s the name of the samurai), but there is another option - give him the piece of iron, and then, after all the battles, steal it. For sadists, there is a more fun way - killing Toshiro does not give out bad karma, and the rest of the companions do not pay attention to it, so you can try some funny thing on him. Electro-Supressor, for example...

    The katana is a very good melee weapon, although it is completely inferior in damage to the shishkebabu. But among the real ones swords(not electric or fiery) it has no equal. Plus she's beautiful.

    Verdict: Of course, a katana versus a blaster is not very smart. But it is very impressive.

    This is a bug: don't kill Toshiro before you take the sword. The blade simply won't appear.

    This is interesting: The katana from Fallout 3 bears a striking resemblance to the ebony blade from TES IV: Oblivion.

    MPLX Novasurge

    This pistol is indirect evidence that Enclave technology is connected with aliens, although there is a possibility that this sample was simply stolen. Novasurge is a prototype plasma pistol that somehow ended up aboard the Zeta ship. You can find it in the cargo compartment. There is a safe there, locked with a Hard level lock. Open it - inside you will find a pistol and a handful of batteries for it.

    The Novasurge is more than twice as powerful as a regular plasma pistol (84 damage), but weighs almost as much as an assault rifle. Apparently, due to the heaviness, the design had to be greatly simplified, and this also affected the power. The prototype also differs from production samples in its increased energy consumption - it “eats” two batteries at a time.

    Verdict: a little heavy, of course, but very powerful - if you are comfortable with energy weapons, then this barrel will be very useful. Moreover, it can be repaired with any plasma pistols, of which there are plenty.

    This is interesting: MPLX could have been created with the participation of aliens, as evidenced by the fact that the sample was in a safe, under lock and key, and not somewhere else. True, this may also indicate that the aliens do not know anything about plasma.

    Cryo Grenade

    Freeze grenades are something new. But new does not mean effective. These chilling firecrackers do nothing more than immobilize opponents for a few seconds. Obviously, the best option is to kill the enemy rather than slow him down. And instead of cooling, it's best to use good old hot plasma.

    Verdict: useless.

    This is interesting: The textures and stuff for this grenade were already in Fallout 3 from the very beginning. This means that either they were cut out, or Bethesda was preparing in advance to sell pieces of the plot for $9.99.


    The Destabilizer is a unique version of the Alien Disintegrator. Its unusual feature is that this rifle can fire in automatic mode. Unfortunately, due to the speed of the shot, the gun does not have time to accumulate enough power, so single destabilizer charges are almost twice as weak as those of its serial counterpart.

    This weapon can be found in the weapons laboratory, next to the shooting range. There you can also get the Xenotech Expert ability. Approach the line, and then look to the right. The destabilizer will be on the bottom shelf.

    Verdict: cool gun - powerful and with blue backlight.

    General Chase's Overcoat

    Hello from the past! The aliens pulled off the cloak of General Chase himself (whom we met in the Operation Anchorage simulation). Officer's clothing is very good - it gives 20 DR, increases Charisma by 1, and the character shoots better (+10 to “small guns”) and selects convincing arguments (+5 to eloquence). In addition, the raincoat is impressive in appearance and is repaired by many types of pre-war clothing.

    Verdict: beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, although not very protective.

    Paulson's Outfit

    Paulson's outfit is obtained in the same way as his weapon - only from a corpse, but the suit is worth it. Boots with spurs, a blue shirt and a red bandana - Paulson, apparently, was a bandit and robbed postmen. And the way his revolver matches his suit is a delight to watch!

    But in terms of protection, the suit let us down - and what can you expect from a simple rag? Well, at least there are useful side effects - the same as General Chase's cloak: Charisma +1, “small guns” +10 and eloquence +5.

    Verdict: These things make the expansion worth playing.

    This is a bug: Don't throw away Paulson's hat. Otherwise it will turn into normal. Witchcraft!

    Samurai Armor

    Toshiro Kago's samurai armor is heavy, like all iron armor, but magically strengthens the wearer - he is better with melee weapons (+10 to the corresponding skill), and also deals more damage (+10 damage in melee). In combination with a katana or “shishkebab” you get a very serious alternative to almost any small arms and even energy weapons. The only negative is that the weight of the armor affects the speed of movement, and this is critical for a melee fighter.

    You can get this protective suit by stealing, but it is difficult and time-consuming. It's better to just kill Toshiro. Karma is not removed for this, and other inhabitants of the spaceship do not become hostile.

    Verdict: exotic, but heavy. Although for those who like to cut and chop, there’s no better way to do it.

    This is interesting: Judging by the mark on his armor, Toshiro belonged to the Oda clan, which existed during the Azuchi-Momoyama period in 1568-1603.

    Winterized Medic Armor

    Another hello from the past - doctors kidnapped from Anchorage. Field doctors in those years were equipped with special armored suits, which for some reason improve the effectiveness of any treatment (+10 to medicine). However, otherwise this armor is not much different from ordinary combat armor, so it is of no interest.

    Verdict: Not bad early on, but if you were at Pitt the value drops dramatically.

The saga of expansions is over - Mothership Zeta was the fifth and final one. Fallout 3 can be considered finished - now the fans will get down to business. More precisely, they have already taken it, but now they will not be hampered by all the new bugs, fixes and countless version changes. There's still a long way to go until Fallout: New Vegas, which means it's time to keep an eye on amateur developments - they often turn out to be head and shoulders above the original.

Now you will receive a message of incomprehensible content on your pip-boy. Go out to find out where it came from. But as soon as you take a couple of steps, you will be abducted by aliens who will begin experiments on you, but you will not see everything, only a white veil on the screen. Open your eyes in a room in which there will be another kidnapped Soma. Only she will be wearing clothes, and you will be without. Further Walkthrough Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta you need to talk to her and discuss an escape plan. Now you have to distract the guards, but just kill the interlocutor first, and then deal with the aliens. I advise you to destroy them in V.A.T.S. mode to deactivate their plum-colored protective field, and then shoot at their arms and legs. Don't forget to constantly enter the arc to replenish your health and combat arsenal.

Pick up the electric baton and move to the exit. Along the way, you can pick up records scattered everywhere and try to free people who have not yet gone crazy. Go into the room to your right and free, who will help you get out. To free it, you need to go to special devices and activate three coolers using an electric baton. After she is free, move around the alien ship together. Once in the room, look to the right and find the clothes you were wearing. After getting dressed, go to the technical compartment.

You won't be bored, because all the way Sally will constantly give you hints, including pointing out the most shortcut to the engineering compartment. You can listen to her advice or just go ahead. In the further passage of Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta, you will find yourself in a compartment, only Sally will say that there used to be an elevator here, but now there is none. She will think a little and say, she knows another way. Follow her.

Among the stars

Once you find yourself in a room where people have been cryogenically frozen, start defrosting them, and then talk to them. It turns out that one of those released is an astronaut, but he is already dead. You will learn about the second defrosted person that he was a participant in Operation Anchorage. The third man is a Western hero, and the fourth is a samurai. Now you need to go in search of a spacesuit. Once his suit is on, three generators will need to be disabled. To find them, move first to the hangar, then to the conveyor, and do not forget to deactivate the generator located in this laboratory. After you destroy them, put on a spacesuit and go into outer space. You can only activate the teleport from outside the ship. There are three panels that need to be activated. Then move to the center of the aircraft, which now shines with a multi-colored glow.

The galaxy was not enough

It is necessary to turn on the teleport located in the engineering compartment. The moment your friends join you by teleporting, you can move on with them. When you reach the room where you will see your planet on the floor, wait until Sally opens the door. Just be careful, because now you will see how the deadly ray will hit mother earth. In the further passage of Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta, you don’t need to stand still, move on. It turns out that the teleport is broken and you will need to move forward in splendid isolation. Go straight along the corridor to the stairs, go down them and go to the next staircase to go up it. You will see a marker that you need to follow to get to the experimental laboratory. Then go along the corridor, without turning anywhere, and break the generator. After you enter the sector biological research, climb up the stairs, thus ending up in the control room.

Now in the walkthrough of Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta the main goal will be to deactivate the death ray. It is worth noting that this is not a difficult task. Just activate the panel on the right side, and then the one on the left. Then you need to go to one of the activated parts of the deadly beam and activate the coolers, with the help of which part of the beam will be destroyed. Do these steps several times.

After you disable the beams, make your way to the captain's bridge to kill the ship's commander. Once the enemy is destroyed, your team will join you. It is worth noting that there will not be a samurai among them. Be prepared for the fact that in the further passage of Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta you will need to repel the attack of the enemy ship. Stand in front of the aircraft and look for the power panel on the left side. On it you will see buttons: using the one located on the right side, you can deploy the laser, using the left one, you can activate all generators, the far button can activate the laser. Once all generators are destroyed, the death ray will automatically turn off. If you look ahead, you will see the Start button. After this is done, move to the living rooms and follow the marker, simultaneously dealing with the aliens.

Now an enemy ship will appear on the horizon. In front of you you will see all the characteristics of the alien ship. I advise you to use the energy distributor as follows: activate the defense, after the enemy begins shelling, respond in kind. Fight your enemies and wait for the samurai to join you, and together with him continue to destroy the enemies. Having defeated your opponents, you will have the enemy ship at your disposal and will be able to control it. If you want to move to the teleport, then go to the captain's room. This completes the Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta add-on. But you can still stay at it aircraft and search it, and suddenly you find something interesting.