Empress Maria Fedorovna native language. What does native language for a person mean? The role of a native language for man

Permanent accommodation in the same environment does not allow to fully understand what the native language means for a person. When there are no difficulties in overcoming a linguistic barrier, few people think about the role of communication for the psychological, moral state of each individual. It is sometimes possible to shake confidence and peace can only be the arrival of foreigners. Even the slightest difference in languages \u200b\u200bwith residents of countries makes it possible to understand how difficult it is to have a person without understanding the speech of the interlocutor.

The significance of the spoken skill in a person's life

From birth, the child is vaccinated knowledge, skills that will help in life. And it is a question - this is one of the most important skills that the little man is mastered. Remember how you feel uncomfortable when you can not understand what the baby wants two years old from you. Test and porching words, he struggles to convey his point of view, desire, emotions. And if adult is just hard to understand such a "conversation", then the child is sometimes more difficult. Despite all his efforts, he remained unrelated. It is from such age that it is important to form in children an understanding of what the native language for a person means to instill love for the Word.

How to raise in to the native language?

It is very important to help children learning tongue. And this applies not only to the school program. In educational institutions, teachers are polished by the Basis already received by the Kid, expanding the vocabulary, correct some errors that are present in the child's speech and its environments. But you can not all hopes to place only on the school curriculum, which is limited by the framework, time and techniques. Teachers can not always convey to their students the role of a native language in a person's life. Discussions, reading, watching movies, listening to songs in a home relaxed atmosphere will become a key to not only a joint pastime, but also the safety of the native language.

The language of the people - the mirror of his soul, cultural heritage

Language is not only a tool for communicating between different people. The value of the native language in the human life is much deeper and important. It is a carrier of culture, mentality, traditions and the history of each people. There are more than 6 thousand different languages \u200b\u200bin the world. Some of them are similar, and representatives of the nearby countries can understand each other's oral speech in whole or in part, others are absolutely incomprehensible and have nothing similar to native to humans. Even within the same country, different dialects may be in the go.

Each of them is the raisin of the edge, his soul. After all, the language is a mapping of thought as one separately taken by humans and a group of people, a whole nation. This is a defining component of national unity, uniting different in spirit, a method of existence, social aspects of people. The statement of E. Sepir very characteristic describes the role of a language in the formation of a culture as a phenomenon and culture of a separate person: "Culture can be determined as something that this society does and thinks. The language is what they think. "

Visiting is good, but at home is better

The easier it is to realize what the native language means for a person, the farther he is from his home. Emigrants are very acute this problem, which, because of various circumstances, were forced to leave their homeland. The need for communication, which cannot be fully satisfied with the help of a conversation on someone else's adverbs, pushes people to create groups of interests, communities, diasporas. Very often such communities are stored for century-old traditions much more precisely and reliably than their compatriots who do not have difficulty in this nature.

It is very important to be able to hear daily, speak, to realize the native language. It is a kind of path connecting it with a house and close people. Not in vain, many, without causing separation from the native edge, suffering from nostalgia, and they cannot come in a foreign land. Often the reason for this is not only an economic aspect, different mentality and habits. The impossibility of free communication in the language that you think becomes an irresistible obstacle to the permanent accommodation abroad.

After all, the lack of spoken practice, letters, reading can lead to forgetting, distorting even the native language, which man uses from birth. Of course, some domestic phrases, filled with Mother's milk, will not disappear forever, but vocabulary, the ability to talk freely and without an accent. The more important to try to keep the part of your homeland, cherish and sing it through the word.

Do I need to teach the child with a native language, living abroad?

For each person, the native language is the language on which he is talking from birth, these are lullaby moms, the first questions and answers. However, how to be with children born in someone else's country for parents, or those who moved to a new locality at a very little baby? How to determine which language is native to them? How to explain the difference between two different ways to express your thoughts and feelings?

The trends of the modern world are such that knowledge of several foreign languages \u200b\u200bis no longer a whim or desire of parents. Most often it is a need, without which in adulthood it is difficult to navigate, get a good job. Psychologists and teachers argue that the baby is much easier to learn the language than an adult person. At the same time, the main base is laid at a very young age, even before school. The brain's ability to perceive information in this period of life is colossal. Children, living in a bilingual country or family, freely can communicate both in general and native language for themselves.

Parents are very important to pay a lot of attention to the native speech, because the school, communicating with peers will help the child competently and clearly express themselves on the language they need. But the complete absence or lack of practice will lead to the fact that the native language is completely erased from the memory, it will be forgotten and the invisible thread, connecting the person and his homeland.

How to overcome the language barrier

Often, problems in communication arise because of the inability of a person to solve this task. Extensive vocabulary, understanding of the foundations of grammar, ways to build proposals still do not allow free communication. Such difficulties occur due to the misunderstanding of the spoken language. The acquisition of the necessary skills occurs only during live communication, through reading fiction, periodicals, watching movies. It is important not to forget to improve the pronunciation of individual words and phrases. What does native language mean for a person will help to find out the possession of several adverbs. And only feeling the difference, you can really understand how much you love your country and her language.

Today we continue the story about the great Tatar poet and the enlightener Gabdulle Tukae, whose creativity is the most valuable cultural heritage of Tatarstan, but also all of Russia.

In the previous issue, we told that Tukai was an internationalist, at the same time, sincerely loving his people. Indeed, he proudly argued that the historical fate of the peoples of Russia is inseparable, in particular, inspired by friendship between the Russian and Tatar peoples. At the same time, Tukai rightly believed that the free development of the Tatar people is possible in free Russia and in a friendly interaction with other peoples. Therefore, when after the suppression of the revolution of 1905, the voices of the Black Hundreds, which argued, in particular, were to be heard from the St. Duma Tribunes, which, in particular, that the Tatars and other professioned Islam should be moved to Turkey, Tukay was clearly angry. His answer in poem "Will not leave!" (1907) was a whiskers and fair:

Here we were born, they grew here, here we are
meet the death hour
With this Russian land, fate itself tied us.
No, storms, not you, don't you embarrass dreams saints:

To a single goal, we go free we want Russia,
Our answer is clear and simple remember We ask forever:
Are you better in Turkey? Please yourself, gentlemen!

Secondly love Tuka to his people helped him to produce a revolution in Tatar poetry. He saved his works from outdated oriental rhetoric, enriching their lively popular speech. Modern scientists noted that the Tuquet Tatar literary language consisted of itself from the actual Tatar words by only 10%, and the language of its works is by more than 60%. The poet was convinced that the most truthfully reflects the spiritual wealth of the people of Aesthetics precisely popular poetry: "We must remember that folk songs - never fill, clean and transparent folk soul mirror." He himself studied to comprehend the historical and social experience of the people across the prism of folk art. On the basis of his own experience, Tukai argued that the National Tatar poetry would be understood and assimilated by the people only if it was created "in the People's Spirit, People's Form and Rhythm."

Tukai himself wrote a real ODE beauty of the Tatar language and love for him. This is a poem "Tugan Tel" ("Native language"), which has become a kind of anthem of the Tatar people:

Native language - Holy Language, Father and Mother Language,

How beautiful you are! The whole world in your wealth I am postig!

Swing the cradle, you opened my mother in the song,

And then I learned the tales of your grandmother.

Native language, native language, I boldly walked to the distance,

You joy towered my, you enlightened my sadness.

It was the creative heritage of Tuka that influenced the vocabulary, grammatical and lexical standards, as well as for the pronunciation adopted in the modern Tatar literary language.

At first glance, the answer to this question is simple: native language is the language of my people. But here is the interesting statement of a wonderful Russian poet, Decembrist, friend A. S. Pushkin Wilhelm Kuhehelbecker: "I am on the father and mother of the German, but not in the language: up to six years I did not know a word in German; Natural language is Russian. "
Then, maybe the state language of our Motherland is the country - countries where we are born and live? However, why, for example, in my native Ukraine so many people who are well-owning the Ukrainian language, love him, but at home, they speak Russian only in Russian? They prefer Russian films and television programs, and even all seven books about Harry Potter read in Russian translation, although Ukrainian usually appeared a couple of months earlier. And such examples can be found in any country, at any time ...
In search of a true answer to all these issues, we turn to one of the best connoisseurs of Russian and Ukrainian languages, the creator of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language" and the collector of the first Russian-Ukrainian dictionary Vladimir Ivanovich Gal. His father was in the origin of the Dane, and the mother is Frenchwoman.
Having considered the complex problem of scientific identification of the national personality of a person, the distance came to the conclusion: "Spirit, a man's soul - that's where it is necessary to look for it to someone or another people. What can I define the belonging of the Spirit? Of course, the manifestation of the Spirit is thought. Who thinks in what language is the people and belong to the people. I think in Russian. "
Modern linguists used Daly's insightful ideas to determine the concept of native language. So, native for this person is the language on which he usually thinks. As a rule, this is the language of the parents, which the baby hears and assimilates from the first hours of life.
Misgrim, we, of course, do not remember this, but our moms began to communicate with us immediately, as soon as they first took us to their hands. They talked to us when Pelenly, fed, stacked sleep. Not counting on at first to our verbal reaction, they still did in their speech the pauses necessary for a response replica, and sometimes themselves were responsible for us, showing an example that we unconsciously absorbed ... Many of our language knowledge and speech skills appeared, Thanks to this unilateral, at first glance, communicating with mom. That is why in some European and Asian languages \u200b\u200bthere is no such concept - a native language, and there is a maternal language.
"And I can also think in Russian, and in Ukrainian, and in English, and a little more French. So, I have four native languages? " Similar questions for sure many have arisen. Therefore, the definition should be clarified.
The fact is that there is a difference between speech communication and speech thinking. With a greater or less ease, we can silently, without opening your mouth, communicate with an imaginary interlocutor and even with yourself on any studied language (linguists call such an action internal speech). However, when we think about the life plan for the next month, we are trying to understand and appreciate the unexpected act of a friend, looking for arguments for a serious conversation with parents, write in a personal diary an important conclusion when we are very bad or, on the contrary, very good - we are usually thought in native language.
Why is this happening? Yes, because in your native language we have more vocabulary, and its grammar is familiar. Native language is like the right hand of our intelligence, well-handed shoes of our thoughts. In other words, the native for a person is the language in which he is easier, it is more convenient to think, think about, to invent, that is, to use your speech thinking in creative, productive, creative mode.
Having a true idea of \u200b\u200byour native language is also important for what reason. According to the international organization of applied psycholinguistics (ICPL), when learning in a non-standard, the mental and general mental development of the child slows down by 20 - 40 percent. Surely the above article caused other issues. And if the father and mother have different native languages \u200b\u200b- what will be the native language of the child? Is it a native language - is it always a parent language? But how to explain the examples of Dahl and Kyhehelbecker? Under what conditions can be seized in several languages \u200b\u200blike relatives? Can a person change his native language during his life? ..
Arguments and facts for these problematic issues can be found in another article on the same site - "How many people can be in humans?" (Online search: Svetosar - page Entertaining linguistics - rubric language and society).
However, the real teacher is a little to know the truth - it is necessary to convey it to students in a bright and commemorative form. We wish you, dear colleagues, inspiration, perseverance and good luck!

V. I. Kovalev,
Cand. Ped. Sciences, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature SSS No. 54, Lugansk

3 comments on "" V.I. Kovalev. What language to me native? ""

    Mr. Associate Professor, you so confidently said that "however, when we think about the life plan for the next month, we are trying to understand and evaluate the unexpected act of a friend, looking for arguments for a serious conversation with parents, write in a personal diary an important conclusion when we are very bad or , on the contrary, very good - we are usually (it will be fun "as a rule." So do you define my native language at any? This is not a rule, but as a rule? - user), thoughts in the native language. " But this can be approved only if you yourself are sufficiently owning a foreign language and have the experience of long-term communication on it. In this regard, the question. Please tell me, please, what foreign languages \u200b\u200bdo you own? For to argue that the native language is the one on which someone thinks about what can not think about a foreign one, you just need to be able to at least talk and think about this foreign. b) Knowing your answer to the first question, I will ask the second: and on the basis of what you still decided that a person who knows a foreign language cannot think about it about some high matters? Are there any laboratory research confirming this? The data of psycholinguists who are referred to, appeal not to their native language, but to the language on which a person communicates and thinks in everyday life, that is, to a functional first language. But our children, studying abroad, entering the linguistic environment, having learned the language, making it functionally first, are quickly acclimatized in this educational space. Moreover, hardly rebuild on learning in their native language. So, following your logic, they changed their native language? In short: "Something you did not come up with)))" (c)

    • And it is annoying that some modern scientists write articles not based on the results of personal research, but based on someone's opinion. And then, instead of looking for the truth and respond to the overall questions, try to rub the opponent in the mud, to tell that he is inadvertible, unlike the Great and terrible, who considers the quotation and reference to the authority to the most important argument. This is not a science, but a way of self-affirmation. I carefully read your article. And have fun. I have imagined how you, in order to determine what language a person has a native, it is concerned about him: "And what are you thinking about the intimate! Making entry into your diary! ". Do not cover out other people's names. Try to think)

    I, too, annoying that there are such "some modern scientists." Personally, I do not consider the quotation and link to the main argument. When I try to find the truth and respond to difficult questions, I reflect on classical research in this area and your own experience. In any case, glad your cheerful, cheerful reaction to my modest reasoning. After all, "Humor is a rescue circle on the waves of life."

Philological training of Russian monarchs

A special place in the educational practice of the Russian imperial family was held by philological training. In this process there were two counterflow. On the one hand, the wives of Russian emperors, as a rule, German princesses, had to urgently study the language of their new homeland. On the other hand, Russian great princes and princes studied an impressive block of foreign languages.

The need to study foreign languages \u200b\u200bdid not cause any questions. First, in the noblestry Russia, knowledge of French was simply necessary, since the St. Petersburg Bomobe used him as a language of everyday communication. Secondly, the Empress, being alone by the carriers of the language, passed it (German or Danish language) to his children. Thirdly, all numerous mutual relational or official visits required communication without translators in intermediary languages. It was the norm of diplomatic practice of the XVIII early XX centuries. Fourth, the multilingualism of the imperial court formed a multilayer structure of the perception of the world, when organically, in the language of the carrier, the European culture was assisted in all its diversity. Fifth, the level of knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bunder the imperial courtyard served as an almost official "indicator" who were given those present on "their own" (these are those who knew foreign languages \u200b\u200bas relatives) and "strangers" (that is, those who spoke on the mixture of Nizhny Novgorod With French "), and only those" Aliens ", who managed to rise to the very top of the hierarchical staircase, could neglect by this" indicator ", and the society aroused with it. Such "Alien" was A.A. Arakcheev, he studied on "copper money" and did not own languages.

Another important component of the philological block of the formation of royal children should be mentioned. Cesarevich and great princes should have been correct, without an accent, speak Russian. In the multilingual imperial yard, when the children began to speak English or French and only then in Russian, it seemed unusually important. All this is quite obvious, but little is known how, in fact, the educational process was built.

In the XVIII century The basis of philological education was the direct communication of children with native speakers, which were credited to the serving state of royal babies. British bonns not only raised babies, but also communicated with him. Children surrounded the courts of courtesy, for them the French language was more organic than their native language. Well, the grandmother Catherine II and all subsequent Germans on the throne always remembered their roots well. As a result of this "Babylonian" mixing of languages, children absorbed the start of foreign adverbs, organically roturable into a motley linguistic environment.

It is noteworthy that these traditions remained up to the beginning of the XX century. Children began to speak Russian at the same time, and in English, already at an early age they learned the foundations of French. So, about Great Prince Sergey Alexandrovich, who in 1865 it was the ninth year, his educator wrote: "From new languages, Sergey Alexandrovich was quite freely owned by the English language, which was learned, of course, extremely practically, almost simultaneously how he began to talk and In Russian, due to the fact that he was in the hands of the British-Nanny E.I. Stand. The great prince spoke and in French, having learned this language practically by part under the leadership of Remy, part of the hearing is constantly French and the parents, and in the Sister's society, when he was in the care of A.F. Tyutcheva ... Finally, in Germany, even before departure abroad, in the summer of 1864, Sergey Alexandrovich began to take lessons, but I did not know yet. "849. Thus, for Russian monarchs and great princes from the second half of the XVIII century. And before the beginning of the XX century. He was the norm knowledge of three to four foreign languages.

The beginning of this practice should be at the courtyard of Catherine II. About a four-year grandson, the future Alexandra I, Catherine II wrote in July 1781, that "he understands German very well, and even more French and in English ..." 850. In order to consolidate and systematize the language training of a grandson, in 1784, the French language teacher of the Swiss citizen Caesar Lagara was invited to him.

When the younger sons of Paul I were taught, they were also launched with tongues. The future of Nicholas I began to regularly learn French in 1802, at the age of 7 years. His teacher first was a mother - a widowing Empress Maria Fedorovna. The process then passed into the hands of the professional teacher du-smell. Subsequently, Nikolai I recalled that these lessons he did not particularly like.

Simultaneously with the French language in 1802, the lessons of the Russian language began, but the lessons of Russian, unlike foreign languages, were dealers. So, the first teacher of the Russian language of the future emperor was his teacher of Scotland Miss Lyon. He taught "Russian ABC" with her. Then the classes with the Russian language were under the control of the nameless "duty cavaliers." It is unlikely that these "duty" paid serious attention to the rules of the Russian language. But, one way or another, in 1806 Nikolai Pavlovich has already written essays in Russian.

In January 1804, the 9-year-old Great Prince Nikolai Pavlovich began to learn the German language, which he taught a professional teacher Atelaung. The same teacher taught the Grand Duke Latin and Greek Languages \u200b\u200b851. Ancient languages \u200b\u200bat that time were a mandatory part of good education. But in the aristocratic environment, the study of Latin and Greek languages \u200b\u200bdid not spread widespread. These languages \u200b\u200bwere introduced into the educational program of Nikolai Pavlovich at the insistence of their mother - Empress Maria Fedorovna. With the study of Latin and Greek, Nikolai I are associated with the most dark memories of 852.

When, in 1817, the Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich married the Prussian Princess Louise, who accepted the name of Alexandra Fedorovna in Orthodoxy, the new Great Princess had to urgently begin to study the Russian language. In the summer of 1817, Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was determined in Teachers to Alexander Fedorovna, while the poet already famous.

V.A. Zhukovsky was a poet, and not a teacher meto-dyst. Therefore, his lessons pursued the goals very high, but far from the utilitarian task - in the shortest possible time to teach the Prussian princess to speak Russian correctly. In the diary V.A. Zhukovsky formulated his pedagogical tasks as follows: "I hope with time to make lessons your very interesting. They will be useful not only from the part of the tongue, but they will give food to thinking and affect a benefactor's heart "853.

From his pupil, he, of course, heard only words of gratitude (November 6, 1817): "My lesson was very pleasant ... I had the pleasure of hearing from her that my lessons like her" 854. However, afterwards Alexander Fedorovna, although he recalled his lessons with gratitude, but it did not prevent her from seeing the methodical "flaws" of his teacher. With respect, belonging to Zhukovsky, she considered him too "poetic" to be a good teacher 855. According to her, "Instead of corpsing the study of grammar, some separate word gave birth to an idea, the idea forced to seek the poem, and the poem served as a subject for conversation; Thus passed lessons. Therefore, I fastened the Russian language badly, and despite my passionate desire to study it, he turned out to be so difficult that I continued for many years did not have a spirit to pronounce solid phrases "856.

Apparently, about one and a half years have continued relatively regular lessons. At least in the winter of 1819, Alexander Fedorovna continued to "take lessons from Zhukovsky" 857. However, the salon language of the Russian imperial court at that time was French, and there were few in Russian at the courtyard. It must be said that in the young Great Princess At the beginning of her life of Russia there were large philological difficulties, since in addition to the Russian language, she had to urgently close the gaps and in French, on which she also "made it difficult to speak" 858.

Of course, over time, all the problems were resolved, although the difficulties with the Russian language in Empress Alexandra Fedorovna remained throughout its 43-year-old life in Russia. To his first Russian language teacher, poet V.A. Zhukovsky, she retained a warm attitude for life and remembered his lessons well. They even had "their" anniversaries. So, on March 12, 1842, she found her duty to write a poet: "And here we will celebrate our silver lessons, seems to be in September. 25 years!!! My God, this is a whole life. "859.

On the level of ownership of foreign languages \u200b\u200bof Russian monarchs, evidence of foreigners themselves remained. So, the American Messenger D. Dallas under the Russian Imperial Court in 1837-1838. I mentioned that Empress Alexander Fedorovna "knew English quite well," and talked a lot about the American literature and especially about Phenimor Cooper, whose novels at that time were read all Europe 860. And if with the empress the American ambassador spoke English, then with Nikolai I - first in French. However, after the acquaintance took place, the emperor also switched to English. It should be borne in mind that the rules of the court etiquette were prescribed to speak in the language on which the highest people will speak. Apparently, at first Nikolai Pavlovich was not sure of his English. Subsequently, the emperor said the ambassador: "You are the first person who forced me to speak English with the public. I hope that you will not refuse more often to talk with me and teach me this language "861.

Apparently, Nicholas I remained in English, which is understandable, since the daily at the Russian imperial yard is French, and the emperor owned great. In English, he was actually not with whom. Therefore, during an official visit to England in 1844, Nicholas I communicated with the owners in French and, episodically, in German. Just before leaving England, he turned into English to one of the dignitaries 862.

Estimated the level of language training of Nicholas I and compatriots. Baron Corf, describing Maneru Nikolai Pavlovich to behave in palace receptions, mentions that the emperor talked with his guests "in Russian, then in French, then in German, then in English. And all the same free "863. At the table, Nikolai Pavlovich ordinary spoke Russian, and only turning to the Empress, or when others had a conversation with her, passed into French.

Freillina A.F. Tyutchev noted that the emperor Nikolai Pavlovich "had a gift of languages; He spoke not only in Russian, but also in French, and in German with a very pure accent and elegant pronunciation "864. On the level of knowledge of the English language, Nikolai I Tyutchev does not mention, because at that time it was practically not used at the courtyard. It should be noted that Corf and Tyutchev - the educated people of their time and were well understood in the philological nuances.

The children of Nicholas I got acquainted with foreign languages \u200b\u200bas well as their parents, through the English Bonn and Courtnic. According to the daughter of Nicholas I, the Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna, she already could read and write in three languages \u200b\u200bin three languages. 865. Apparently, she meant German, English and French.

When at the end of the 1820s. The poet V.A. Zhukovsky was a plan for the formation of Cesarevich Alexander Nikolayevich, in it, of course, much attention was paid to foreign languages. Gradually, a circle of philology teachers has developed around Cesarevich. The same teachers later led the classes and the daughters of Nikolai I. One of them gave the characteristics of each of the teachers. So, English led the "cheerful" verand. German taught Ertel. According to Olga Nikolaevna, he "climbing our terribly hard German phrases, in which the verbs need to wait until infinity. The girl even tried to lead her diary in German. The system of occupations of Ertel Knyazhna called "brilliant", but at the same time added, which she learned that in German, only coming out married and left 866 in Germany.

Although in French Olga Nikolaevna said and wrote from 5 years (according to her), but systematically learn French began on only 15 years. Apparently, it was just a grammatical grinding of already had knowledge. But she was engaged in this language princes longer than other languages. The Great Princess finished his formation in 1842. By this year she was engaged only by Russian and French reading "at the Pletnev and Kournoe" 867.

About the practice of everyday use of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the imperial family of Olga Nikolaevna wrote: "Mom read a lot in Russian ... but it was much more difficult for her. In the family, we, four senior, spoke among themselves, and also with parents are always in French. The youngest three brothers, on the contrary, spoke only in Russian. This corresponded to that national movement in the reign of dad, which gradually suppressed all the foreign "868.

Nikolai Pavlovich, following its nationally oriented scenario of power, laid the beginning of the "philological revolution" in his yard. Communicating with courtiers, he began to speak Russian. This immediately noted in his immediate surroundings. One of Freinin recorded in the diary: "The sovereign with me always speaks Russian. He first spoke in the Salon of the Empress in Russian. Alexander Pavlovich and his Lizetta always spoke French "869. It should be explained that it is about Alexandra I and his wife Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna. This is the same, with a sense of some surprise, recorded in the diary and A.S. Pushkin: "On February 28, 1834, Sunday on the ball, in a concert, the sovereign was talking to me for a long time: he speaks very well, without mixing both languages, without making ordinary mistakes and using real expressions" 870. However, despite all the efforts of Nikolai Pavlovich, the Russian imperial yard remained French-speaking. But the Russian language at the courtyard, at least ceased to be a movietone.

Russian Emperor Nicholas I owned in all his palette, especially in the male, officer environment. So, one day, after an unsuccessful review of the consolidated battalion of military schools, he called the Blanmange battalion 871.

Everyday communication between parents and daughters in French led to "Language Pumping". So, the youngest daughter of Nicholas I Alexander Nikolaevna, or Adini, as her name was his relatives, generally spoke in Russian, because she had not only Bonna-English woman, but also an English teacher. Therefore, she never learned to speak freely in his native language 872.

The study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bof Cesarevich Alexander Nikolayevich was given paramount importance. The course of his training included a "standard set" of three foreign languages. But in order to expand the horizons of children, they were periodically collected in the Library of Cesarevich, and the actors of the French theater read them French classics, especially the Moliere, of course, in the original 873.

Along with the study of the "standard set" of European languages, Cesarevich specially studied the Polish language, which happened with the filing of Nicholas I: he understood that Polish problems would not be limited to the time of his reign. The teacher of the first Cadet Corps Captain Yurevich was engaged in Polish with Cesarevich. Moreover, in order to give Cesarevich a certain language practice, Nikolai I ordered the teacher of Cesarevich K.K. Merderra In January 1829, to invite Gauca Flegene-Adjutant, and the Grand Duke several times "decided to talk to him in Polish" 874. It should be added that the Great Prince then came the 11th year. Literally a few days after that, the dinner took place the Cesarevich exam in Polish and English. Apparently, arranging a dining meeting with Pole, Nikolai I wanted to understand for myself how cesarevich mastered the conversational language, and give the Son the possibility of additional training before the exam. As a result, Nicholas I and Empress Alexander Fedorovna "were very satisfied with the successes made in both languages, especially in Polish. The Grand Duke translated from Russian to Polish and wrote in Polish without errors "875. In mature years, Alexander II spoke quite freely in Polish.

It must be said that the concerns of Nicholas I about Poland came true, and when in the early 1860s. There began a rebellion, the younger brother Alexander II, the great prince Konstantin Nikolayevich, had to urgently develop Polish. This was due to the fact that he was appointed a governor to the kingdom of Polish. In his diary in May 1862, he noted: "In the morning he had the first lesson of the Polish language" 876.

Returning to the language preparation of the future Alexander II at the turn of the 1820-1830s, there should be several features. So, from Alexander Nikolayevich's training plan, prepared by V.A. Zhukovsky in 1828, Nicholas I personally excluded Latin. It was the echo of the children's negative experience of Nicholas I, literally hated Latin. In the early 1850s. Nikolay Pavlovich will order to transfer all foliants in Latin from the library of the Imperial Hermitage to the Imperial Public Library, explaining it with its gloomy children's memories of studying Latin. Latin language was not taught by anyone of Children Nikolai I. Subsequently, this tradition remained for all subsequent Russian monarchs.

In 1856, over the eldest son, Alexander II "hung the threat" of studying ancient languages, as Diplomat Prince

A.M. Gorchakov in the Teaching Program compiled by him spoke for the resumption of their teaching: "Dead languages \u200b\u200bare a school syllable, taste and logic .... With a Russian national point of view, it would be necessary to give preference to the Greek language. But Latin language is easier and developing more logical. If the heir to learn Latin, then the Greek language could be taught one of his brothers "877. However, in 1857, the thought of learning the great princes to one of the classical languages \u200b\u200bis completely left. And although in the second half of the XIX century. In classical gymnasiums, Latin and Greek, royal children were rolled out of this time.

Starting with Vladimir, the younger brother Alexander III, the teaching of the Latin language for royal children is resumed. K.V. Kedarov taught the Latin language to the great princes Vladimir, Alexey, Sergey and Pavel Alexandrovicham. The memorarist testifies that Alexander II himself initiated the resumption of Latin's study, believing its scientific basis of all linguistics 878.

Along with the study of foreign languages, no less important was paid to the study of the Russian language. Educator Cesarevich K.K. Merder even during the holidays killed the Grand Duke correctly to talk in Russian and developed his reading skills in his native language 879.

When Alexander II married the German princess, in Orthodoxy, Empress Maria Alexandrovna, she, like her predecessors, had to do a thorough study of the Russian language. However, her teacher was not a poet or professional teacher, but the teacher of the great princess Olga Nikolaevna Freulin Anna Aleksandrovna Okulova. Apparently, the results were very good, because, according to the Great Princess Olga Nikolaevna, "After the Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, no German princess owned so well our tongue and did not know how our literature knew how Marie knew."

It should be noted that in the 1850s. Around the Empress Mary Alexandrovna there was a Slavophile circle. In her salon there were vessels worthy of representatives of Russian thought and words: Prince P.A. Vyazemsky, F.I. Tyutchev and Count AK Tolstoy. Tolstoy, the Empress of Maria Alexandrovna devoted the following lines:

Recalling the days when the Queen, Dolu

Inclined the thoughtful chapter

He listened to the Russian verb

His Russian soul ...

Alexander Fedorovna's foreigners, Empress Alexander Fedorovna and Maria Alexandrovna spoke German. But the teachers themselves can hear their Russian speech. And the fact that Maria Alexandrovna was preferably spoken in Russian and with a very good pronunciation.

It should be noted that the gallant "Western" Alexander II completely returned French to the court, and the Russian language at the court again became rare. And, oddly enough, the main carrier of "RUSSKIY" at the court of Alexander II became the Darm Stadian Princess - Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

It is noteworthy that the caregivers constantly noted the level of "correctness" of the Russian language in royal children, even when they were very small. So, in 1847, one of the educators wrote Alexander II that his four-year-old son Nikolai "is surprisingly as well expressed in Russian, and more accurately logically" 880.

Teachers (prof. Pogodin and Gott) pleasantly surprised that the Empress spoke with the children, and the children were responsible for her in Russian "Clear, purely, right" 881. When in December 1855, the older sons of the king took place "annual exams", then one day was dedicated to Russian and Slavic languages. 10-year-old Great Prince Alexander (future Alexander III) on the exam read "Borodino". At the philological training of young great princes also paid attention during leisure. Since 1856, for the boys in the Winter Palace, they began to lead to the games of the peers, and guests were strictly prescribed to talk among themselves only in Russian.

Over time, the results affected. Biographers noted that Zesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich "mastered the laws of Russian speech and over time he developed a clear, correct and elegant written syllable" 882. However, Zesarevich was hard for church-Slavic language.

Along with the Russian language of parents, the level of knowledge of the children of European languages \u200b\u200bwas very disturbed. It should be borne in mind that in the 1840s. Cesarevich's children, according to tradition, received their nanny-Englishmen and the foundations of the English language were learned from childhood. From the autumn of 1851, the two senior sons of Cesarevich, Nikolai (passed 8 years, from September 17) and Alexander (she walked the 7th year, from December 4), began to learn French. French taught Kuriar, getting for each of the disciples of 285 rubles. in year. Subsequently, the content was doubled for his extracurricular conversations with them 883.

The German language in children was weak not only because the classes lasted no more than two hours a week, but also because "none of the members of the royal family never spoke to German children."

Since education was home, then annually in December for boys arranged annual exams, including foreign languages. In December 1855, conducted exams in German and French. The teachers noted the success of children in German speech. Parents were satisfied with 884.

As the boys grow together, teachers changed, and they changed the "systems" of studying foreign languages. In order to somehow streamline their study, in 1856, Foreign Minister Chancellor A.M. Gorchakov at the request of Empress Mary Alexandrovna compiled an instruction on the upbringing of the heir. In this manual, there is a considerable place and strategies in the study of foreign languages. First of all, he stated that "no knowledge of many foreign languages \u200b\u200bdo not need. It would take too much time to devote to the facts and ideas. " According to Gorchakov, in addition to the Russian language, Zesarevich is enough to know two other live languages: first French, then German. According to the diplomat, the English language "has only a third-way importance, and without it you can do. Rarely, the sovereign benefits from direct negotiations with foreigners. The better if any of the brothers of the heir will learn to speak English. "

Since 1856, Zesarevich Nikolai began to learn separately, on a more solid program. His younger brothers Alexander and Vladimir studied together. All brothers were going only for lunch. Ruthless teachers prescribed them for lunch only in French, in German or in English. One who accidentally spoke in Russian, "penalized" with a penchant in favor of the poor. It is very amused by great princes. They were often mistaken by scattered and paid the established penalty 885.

Empress Maria Alexandrovna paid special attention to the eldest son Nicholas. At the end of 1860, when heir to Zesarevich turned 17 years old, the teaching of the English language, which he knew from the diaper, stopped, but the study of French and German literature continued 886.

The French language of the Emperor's children was grinding especially carefully. When the spring royal family went to the royal village, from all philologists teachers only took only French language teachers. In his presence from children demanded to talk only in French. The teacher, of course, paid clearance.

It should be noted that teachers with great princes Alexander and Vladimir accounted for very hard. There were no speech about any bodily punishments. It was necessary to influence the boys only verbally, but the great princes studied frankly badly. Their diaries for 1861-1862. Literally overflowed by examples of "school sabotage" of great princes: "Alexander Alexandrovich showed terrible perseverance in conversation in French; He all assured that on Sunday, he should speak Russian "; "In the class of Russian language, there was again the absence of all attention, and a lesson knew very badly. During this lesson, the sovereign came to us and made a reprimand the great princes for the lack of "; "French language exam was less successful. Alexander Alexandrovich made 18 mistakes in eight rows, and rather rude. All this is true, very weak, especially in the years, but that there are progress after the summer exam - there is no doubt about it. "; "The great princes are somehow particularly condescendingly on their ignorance in languages \u200b\u200b... English exam was below any criticism"; "From 12 to 2, Alexander Alexandrovich had the lessons for Russian literature and English; From the first he received "two" and "three", and for the English lesson "three" and "three". So, Alexander Alexandrovich received three times "three" "887.

Nevertheless, the Titanic efforts of teachers still brought their scarce fruits. In 1863, 18-year-old Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich could easily speak French. Even the father was connected to the pedagogical process - Emperor Alexander II, the case is unprecedented at all. In 1865, Alexander II asked his 20-year-old son to read him aloud French, spoke to him and encouraged him to write his letter in this language. 888.

Alexander II's younger sons, Sergey and Paul, studied more diligently. The first English language lesson took place at Sergey, when he was seven years old. Language base in the Grand Duke has already had. Thanks to its English Nyan E.I. Stand he knew the pronunciation of English letters and syllables 889.

Under Alexandra III, the philological side of the daily life of the imperial yard has again changed. And this again was associated with the return of the Russian king to the nationally oriented scenario of power. In fact, the situation of the 1830s was repeated. When Nicholas I spoke in Russian for the first time. After 50 years, in the 1880s, it repeated Alexander III. He again made Russian by the main language of communication under the imperial courtyard. Of course, French partly retained its importance, but now the French speech was heard only when applying to Empress Maria Fedorovna. With the emperor, everyone was talked only in Russian 890.

It should be especially noted that in Russian at the court Alexander Aleksandrovich spoke in the second half of the 1870s., Being still Zesarevich. And he spoke at the court of Alexander II, who used mostly French. Count S.D. Sheremetev recalled that Cesarevich was patiently withstand, "as if noticing hints and techniques, calmly turning to them in Russian and forcing them to answer the same, although they knew the language better than they wished to show" 891.

After becoming the emperor, Alexander III began to seriously affect the philological component of his yard, at which there was some "bilingualism" over time. Alexander III was talked primarily in Russian, and with Empress Maria Fedorovna - mostly in French.

It is noteworthy that "in the Russian half" Alexander III was not reborn not only the jargonisms, but also strong words. Somehow, on the court's meal, the refined aristocrat of Princess Kurakina is unknown why it was expressed about the sample of wines, which was speaking, remembering the well-known saying "go through sherry". Alexander III, and did this: "Princess! How do you know this expression? ". From this day, he, no longer ceasing, toured over her, all reminding: "How do you say, the princess, walk through the sherry?", And when the dinner was served, then, pouring wine, sentenced: "Princess, come across sherry!" 892.

It should be noted that, some of the members of their numerous relatives, Alexander III did not digest. Part of this relationship is connected with the philological component. For example, he could not tolerate the great princess Catherine Mikhailovna 893, she was "perfect German and hardly spoke in Russian. The sovereign did not recognize her kinship and her children called "poodles" "894.

But with all his "Russianhood", Alexander III did not miss the opportunity to practice in a conversation in a foreign language. Count S.D. Sheremetev mentions an episode associated with a travel in an English crew from the royal village to the Red Selo. Alexander III, being then Zesarevich, rules himself. With them there was an English-kucher, "with whom he willingly led the conversation in English, although far from the right" 895.

In a number of publications, it is mentioned that Alexander III owned the Danish language. It is hardly so. Of course, Alexander III repeatedly visited his wife's homeland, but his "knowledge" of the Danish language was most likely reduced to certain words or phrases. Of course, arriving in Denmark, he could say hello to the lower Danish 896 ranks.

Speaking of Empress Maria Fedorovna, it should be noted that she quickly mastered the Russian language. Its training notebooks have been preserved, in which it is hardworking and methodically engaged in Russian.

Of course, the emphasis persisted that memoirists noted. In Russian, she wrote worse than he said. All personal correspondence Maria Fedorovna led in European languages. Personal diary and letters to his beloved sister Alexandra throughout her life she wrote in his native Destiny. At the same time, Maria Fedorovna owned mandatory French and English. According to the memories of Americans, Fox, she "easefully supported the conversation and speaking freely in English, practically without making mistakes" 897.

When children were grown in the family of Alexander III, the traditions associated with their language preparation were reproduced completely. There were traditional Bonny Englishwomen. But at the same time, the Danish language entered the "gentlemensky set" of languages \u200b\u200bunder the Russian imperial courtyard. Specially did not teach it, but regular communication with Danish relatives and mother lessons led to the fact that Nicholas II on the household level knew the Danish language quite decently.

By the end of the XIX century. The role of English under the Russian imperial courtyard has changed. This language resolutely pushed German and partly French. At the beginning of the XX century. "The means of communication in the Petrograd society was English: it was invariably spoke at the court" 898. This was largely due to changes in both the dynastic and political situation. On the one hand, in 1901, the older sister of Empress Alexander became the English Queen. On the other hand, Alexander III and Maria Fedorovna did not sympathize with increased Germany. Therefore, Zesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich mastered the English very well. In many ways, this is the merit of teacher Cesarevich Carl Josefovich His 899.

Karl Josephovich His (Heath) was born in England in 1826 his happiness he went to Russia, where he arrived in 1850. The breakthrough in his pedagogical career occurred in 1856 (it was the year of the end of the Crimean War, in which Russia fought with England) when he took the position of teacher of English and literature in the prestigious imperial Alexandrovsky Lyceum, where he worked for more than 20 years. In 1878, Karl His took the position of the English language teacher at the 10-year-old Cesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich. By this, he provided his future, and Alexander II children entered the number of his students - Great Princes Sergey and Pavel Alexandrovichi, Maria Alexandrovna. He taught English to the future translator of Hamlet, the great prince Konstantin Konstantinovich, who entered the annals of Russian poetry under the pseudonym "K. R.". The most famous "student of His was the younger brother Nicholas II, the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich - who was failed Mikhail III. Karl His achieved a lot in life. He resigned in the rank of a valid Stat adviser and died in 1901.

It should be noted that the English "roll" in the language preparation of Cesarevich noticed many dignitaries and reacted to it without much delight. Here is one of the typical opinions about this: "The difference between meanwhile and the current one that was then the dominant language of the French, now it replaces English, who made huge successes in the king, pupil of the Pole and the British. The English teacher of the royal is the phenomenon of later times, like the English queen ... This is the phenomenon of the fatal ... Booking in front of many that he gave humanity to English culture, respecting individual English and in particular their moral sustainability in all his thoughts, I, nevertheless, I read the English Nation and English government are sworn and the cunning enemies of our. This is "Caino Great", as the aunt of my grandmother Maria Semenovna Bakhmetyeva said 900.

One of the results of pedagogical activities of a talented teacher was the brilliant knowledge of English Nikolai II. According to the testimony of the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich: "On the eve of the end of education, before entering the Life-Gusar regiment, the future emperor Nicholas II could mislead any Oxford professor who would take him for the knowledge of the English language for the real Englishman. Nikolay Alexandrovich French and German languages \u200b\u200bknew the same way. "901.

It should be emphasized that Nicholas II possessed a wonderful sense of style. The text of the renunciation, written by the emperor personally on March 2, 1917, demonstrates the beautiful, established syllable. However, in oral speech, Nicholas II was attended by the hardly distinguishable so-called "Guards accent". This was noted by many memoirists. So, General Yu.N. Danilov, closely communicating with the king from 1915 to 1917, noted: "In the speech of Emperor Nikolai, the barely caught foreign focus was heard, which became more visible in the pronunciation of words with the Russian letter" Yat "" 902. The deputy of the State Duma V.V. wrote about this. Schulgin: "The sovereign said quietly, but very clearly and clearly. His voice was low, rather thick, and the reprimand is barely with a flair of foreign languages. He defined a little "Kommersant", why did the last word sounded not as "kble", but almost as "fortified" "903.

The wife of Emperor Nicholas II, according to tradition, became the German princess, in Orthodoxy Empress Alexander Fedorovna. Her position under the Russian imperial yard from the very beginning turned out to be difficult. Partly this is connected with language problems.

First of all, it should be noted the bilinguality of Darmstadt Princess Alik. On the one hand, her father was the Darm Stadian Duke, and she was considered a natural German princess. On the other hand, her mother was the daughter of the British Queen Victoria. And since the mother Alik's mother died early, then the girl lived for a long time at the court of her grandmother - the English Queen of Victoria. Like all aristocrats, Alika received a home education. She also had a French teacher, but she said in this language it doesn't matter 904.

Native to her, it was English that she led all his personal correspondence and a diary. In English, Alexander Fedorovna talked to private life with her husband - Nikolai II. There was another important circumstance. Russian language Alexandra Fedorovna had to master urgently, literally "from the wheels". The fact is that she came to Russia literally a week before the death of Alexander III, who died on October 20, 1894. And she became an empress on November 14, 1894, coming out married Nicholas II.

It should be noted that the Russian language classes, Alexander Fedorovna, began to marriage. Future empress until 1894 attended Russia three times. For the first time, she visited Russia in 1884, having arrived at the senior sister - Elizabeth Fedorovna, who married the Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich.

The second time Alik visited Russia in 1889. For the first time, she first learned a few words in Russian, as the etiquette obliges to pronounce a few words in the host language. In January 1899, a record appeared in the diary of the princess: "I began to engage in Russian" 905. Alik and her father took the royal family in Peterhof. It was then that her novel with the heir to Nikolai rose. However, the girl did not like the Empress Maria Fedorovna, and she did not include "on the list" candidates for potential Zesarevich's wives. But Alike had their own plans ...

For the third time, she visited Russia in 1890. Alike again came to the older sister and lived in her in Moscow. However, the heir to the parents in Moscow did not let. Despite this, the German princess seriously expects the development of his novel with Zesarevich. Upon returning from Russia to England

Alik is accepted for learning the Russian language, meets Russian literature and even invites the priest of the Russian Embassy Church in London and leads long religious conversations with him, that is, in essence, meets the dogmas of the Orthodox faith 906. However, the dream of Alik came true only four years later, when in April 1894, the 26-year-old Zesarevich Nikolai and the 22-year-old Darmstadt Princess Alik were engaged in Koburg.

After the engagement, Ekaterina Adolfovna Schneider was immediately sent to England from Russia to teaching Alik Russian language. Selection of E.A. Schneider was not random. Back in 1884, the daughter of the surviving adviser E.A. Schneider taught Russian by the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna, an older sister Alik. Apparently, the teacher managed to find a common language with the student, and they were connected for life. Even after the services of E.A. Schneder was no longer required, she received the position of "Gof Leckerissa" at the courtyard and lived in winter, and then in the Alexander Palace of the Tsarist village. In the "family" it was called the Domestic name of Trina.

Near the imperial family, people were always located, who cannot be called servants in the direct meaning of this word. That one of the long traditions of landlocker Russia, when doctors, teachers, babysitters and others have turned over the years in family members. This situation with the family of Nikolai II occupied Ekaterina Adolfovna Schneider. She herself came from the Baltic family, being a daughter of the Schneider's supervisory adviser.

Classes Alexandra Fedorovna with Trina continued for several years. In a letter to the older sister of Victoria Battenberg (February 4, 1895), Alexandra Fedorovna mentioned that Trina, she for her eyes called Schnayderlyin, lives in the winter palace, that "she turned 38 or 39 other day. She comes every morning And we are working hard. And she reads me an hour before dinner "907.

E.A. Schneider did not marry, and her whole life was concentrated on the royal family. Schneider was constantly kept in the shadows, but near the empress. The magnitude of her "apartment" indirectly indicated her status. On the second floor of the "Sweet Half", the Alexander Palace in Trina's apartment included seven premises: the first person (room number 38), the second human (№ 39), corridor (No. 40), living room (No. 41), bedroom (No. 42), bathroom (No. 43) And even the gateway room (No. 44). She lived next to the Empress Alexander Fedorovna 23 years, until 1917, all this time occupying the official position of the corrugated lawcraft. E.A. Schneider went after his mistress in Siberia, and she was shot in September 1918

Most contemporaries, communicated with the empress, noted her level of ownership with Russian. Close to the royal family, the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich recalled that after marriage, "the young Empress hardly spoke in Russian .... Pinzessia Alik was supposed to study the language of his new homeland for a short time and get used to her life and the bushes" 908. During the coronation in May 1896, after the catastrophe at the Khodynsky field, Alexandra Fedorovna went around hospitals and "asked in Russian" 909. In 1902, one of the generals "spoke with the sovereign, and she also answered me in Russian, briefly, but rather correctly" 910. This satisfactoryity of Russian speech Alexandra Fedorovna memoirists celebrated later. So, one of the deputies of the State Duma recalled that the Empress spoke in Russian (in 1907) "quite satisfactorily for the German" 911. Baroness S.K. Buxhevden claimed (clearly exaggerating) that the Empress perfectly mastered the Russian language and "could speak on it without the slightest foreign accent, however, for many years she was afraid to conduct conversations in Russian, it was afraid of doing some error" 912. Another memoirovka, who also encountered Alexander Fedorovna in 1907, recalled that "in Russian she speaks with a noticeable English accent" 913. On the other hand, according to the approval of one of the closest to the empress, the captain of the 1st rank N.P. Sablin, "She spoke well in Russian, although with a noticeable German accent."

Despite some multi-beam memoirists, we can confidently state that Alexander Fedorovna coped with all the difficulties of the Russian language and confidently owned them. Nicholas II contributed to this considerable extent, for many years he has found time to read it out loud Russian classics. That is how she gained considerable knowledge in the field of Russian literature 914. Moreover, Empress Alexander Fedorovna took possession and Staroslavlyansky. The pious empress regularly visited church services, and the basis of its personal library in the Alexander Palace was the liturgical books.

When children appeared in the family of Nikolai II, to them, according to tradition, from England, Nurse-British invited, but the Russian teachers were also next to them. As a result, the eldest daughter of King Olga Nikolaevna, born in 1895, in 1897 spoke "equally in Russian and in English." Children of books read mainly in English.

In fact, Nicholas II family was bilingual. On the one hand, Nicholas II wanted his daughters and son to grow Russian in their nature and views on the world, so he spoke with children only in Russian, and Alexey Cesarevich began to train foreign languages \u200b\u200bquite late. On the other hand, with his wife Nicholas II talked and corresponded only in English. When the children have grown, among themselves they spoke only in Russian, the girls talked in English in English, they communicated in French with the teacher P. Zhilir. Olga and Tatiana versed a little bit in German, but they talked on it with difficulty. Maria, Anastasia and Alexey German did not know at all 915.

The main backbone of pedagogogs-philologists has developed around the royal daughters. In the 1908/09 school year, the language load for girls was determined by the following schedule:

Just a week, the training load was 31 lessons, that is, with a five-day mode of classes of 6 lessons per day.

Teachers were usually chosen on recommendations. Most often after the French language teacher P. Zhilir in the memoir literature mentioned a teacher of English, a graduate of Cambridge Sydney Gibbs. Provided him teacher of royal daughters Freilin S.I. Tyutchev. In October 1908, she sent the secretary of the Empress Count Rostovtsev's letter with a request to inform her, "What he will impress you" 916. The recommendations of Ms. Bobrian-Pushkin were attached to the letter, in whose educational institution Gibbs taught English. The director wrote about him as a "extremely talented" teacher working in the classes of a privileged school of legal education. As a result, "Schedule" in November 1908, 32-year-old S. Gibbs appointed teacher of the English tsarist children. Since the royal family constantly lived in the palace suburbs of St. Petersburg, then he paid money for transportation costs 917.

Speaking about learning foreign languages, it is necessary to once again notice that Alexei's heir began to train them quickly enough. On the one hand, it was associated with its constant malaise and long-term rehabilitation periods, and on the other hand, the royal family deliberately postponed the training of the heir to foreign languages. Nicholas II and Alexander Fedorovna believed that Alexei should, first of all, work out a net Russian reprimand 918.

In the 1909/10 academic year, the training burden for royal daughters increased significantly. Then the eldest daughter, the Great Princess Olga Nikolaevna, was the 15th year, and younger, Anastasia, 6th. The philological block was:

The weekly learning load increased from 31 lessons to 54 lessons, that is, with a five-day week more than 10 lessons per day. It is the language disciplines that were leading in terms of the number of allocated hours. However, it should be borne in mind that this schedule was not fixed, since the secular responsibilities and moving, of course, reduced the actual volume of classes, and the duration of one lesson was only 30 minutes 919.

As any mother Alexander Fedorovna paid attention to the linguistic training of his daughters. In a letter to the older sister (August 19, 1912), she wrote: "I read a lot to them, and they themselves have already begun to read into each other English books. They read a lot in French, and two younger wandered played in the play ... Four languages \u200b\u200bare very much, but they are just necessary for them ... I also insist that they have breakfast and having lunch together with us, because it is a good practice for They are "920. Language practice, as we have already mentioned, is related to the fact that Nicholas II and Alexander Fedorovna talked only in English.

When Tsearevich Alexey, the same teachers began to deal with him. French Tsearevich began to engage when he was the ninth year. The first lesson of the French language P. Bowl gave Cesarevich on October 2, 1912 in the spalle, but in connection with the disease, the occupation was interrupted for a long time. Relatively regular classes with Cesarevich resumed only from the second half of 1913. It should be emphasized that, according to tradition, foreign languages \u200b\u200bwere taught by the members of the house of Romanov, that is, foreigners were taught.

The pedagogical abilities of French and English teachers highly appreciated Celebov: "The first teachers were Swiss Mascue Goligar and the Englishman Mr. Gibbs. The best choice was hardly possible. It seemed completely wonderful how the boy changed under the influence of these two people, how his manners improved and how well he began to treat people "921. Over time, Pierre Zhilir took the position of the teacher at Cesarevic, and his name was at home - "holik".

In May 1913, the UK, Charles Sydney Gibbs, was awarded the Order of St. Anne III degree. In March 1914, he held the last lesson with seventeen-year-old Olga Nikolaevna. On this occasion, he pressed the Golden Cufflinks. As Aleksey enhanced, the attention of S. Gibbs focused on it, and in September 1916 "In connection ... with the strengthening of his classes with his imperial high-grade heir to Cesarevich," the payment of his occupations increased to 6,000 rubles. per year 922.

Good relations with teachers were preserved literally until the last days of the life of Cesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich.

After the February Revolution of 1917, S. Gibbs remained a teacher, and then in September, following the royal family, went to Tobolsk. In 1918, in a letter to the Ekaterinburg Executive Committee, Life-Medic E.S. Botkin asked to leave him near Zesarevich his guy boys and jigs, emphasizing that "they often bring more relief to the patient than medical remedies whose supply for such cases, unfortunately, is extremely limited" 923.

From the death of Gibbs saved the fact that he was not taken from Tobolsk to Ekaterinburg from Tobolsk. In the spring of 1918 Gibbs sent to Tyumen. After the execution of the royal family in August 1918, Gibbs returned to Yekaterinburg and helped Sokolov in the investigation of the destruction of the royal family. In 1919, at Admiral A.V. Kolchak Gibbs held the post of Secretary of the British Supreme Secretariat in Omsk. After the defeat of the armies of Kolchak S. Gibbs fled to China. In 1934, he accepted Orthodoxy and became Hieromonom about. Nikolai and then Archimandrite. In 1938 oh. Nikolai (S. Gibbs) returned to England. After the Second World War, he founded the Orthodox parish in Oxford, in 1963 he died, he was buried on Hadiston's cemetery in Oxford.

Pierre Giolir also managed to survive, being close to the royal family. Selecting from Russia through China, he married the "room girl" of the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, Alexander Alexandrovna Tegel, and settled in his native Switzerland. There he wrote memoirs about his service at a royal family and published numerous photos.

In the highest circles of Europe, knowledge of several languages \u200b\u200bhas always been welcomed. But what about actually?

Probably, no one will not surprise the knowledge of the English - international language of communication and business negotiations.

It is easier for this plan to children from the mixed marriages -birds from the wound of childhood, and sometimes trilingwam.

Who is the most modest connoisseurs, and who is due first place?

Unfortunately, the royal family of Britain is not famous for the knowledge of foreign languages. And the first place rightfully can belong to the ruling Duccian family of Luxembourg: children since Childhood Bilingva (Papin Luxembourg, Mamin Spanish), and moreover, they are freely expressing in English, French and German.

Of course, you should not forget. What is before any important visit, representatives of royal families are necessarily the intensive special course of the state language of a particular country.

If you have to meet any representative of the Royal Family of Europe or the World, in what language will you explain?

Below - useful information.

Queen of Denmark Margret speaks English

Great Britain

Traditionally, British aristocrats are studying French in school.

The Queen of Britain Elizabeth owns French well, her spouse Duke Edinburgh is expressing in German, French and English. The nee prince Greek and Danish, Philip later tried to study even Greek. Queen's children at school taught French, but none of them explicit well in this language. The late Diana foreign languages \u200b\u200balso did not have owned. She tried to teach French in the boarding house, but she threw it. Prince Welly learned on the beginning of the Welsh language. William and Harry took the French school, William also tried to teach Swahili. During the Canadian tour, William spoke with a French speech, on which he probably did not have expressed long ago. His wife Catherine, in rumors, owns the spoken level of French and Italian.

In the family of windsor, polyglotes, perhaps are representatives of the Kent branch of the dynasty. Prince Michael Kent owns the Russians, receiving a diploma diploma. His daughter Gabriella owns Spanish. In the family of the Elder Son of the Duke of Kent, children own several languages.

Prince William speaks French in Quebec (Quebecs expected more)


Queen Sonya, except his native Norwegian, owns well English and French.

So, besides the native Norwegian ...

King Harald - English

Kronprintz Hokon - English

Crownpringess MM - English

Princess Martha-Louise - Native Norwegian, English, a little Netherlands.

Crown Princess MM (English)


On the wrong, the first place belongs to the Queen of Sylvia, the translator by profession - Bilingv (Native Language of the Father German, the native language of Mother Portuguese, has grown in Brazil), as well as English, Swedish, Spanish, French. In addition, she owns a gesture.

King Karl Gustav - Native Swedish, English, German

Kronpringessa Victoria - Vidna Swedish, English, German, French

Prince Daniel - Native Swedish and English.

Princess Madelene - Native Swedish, German, Anlineian. A little french

Chris about Nile - Bilingv, owns English and German, but Swedish has not yet been able to master.

Prince Karl-Filipp -Kroma Swedish, English.

Princess Sofia - Native Swedish and English.

Kronprintsa Victoria speaks German

Kronpringessa Victoria, Princess Madeleine and Prince KF speak English


In addition to native Danish:

Queen Margret - Great English, French, German, Swedish

Crownprints Frederick and Prince Joakim - English, French (native language of their father Prince Henrick, Frenchman by origin), German

Kronprintsa Mary - Native English, Danish, by rumors after marriage learned French

Princess Alexander, Countess Frederiksborg, the former wife of Prince Joacima -angali, French, German, French, Danish, Cantonese, Japanese (3 years of study in Japan)

Princess Marie - Native French, English, Italian, Danish


Queen Matilda - French, Flemish, English, Italian, Spanish

King Philip - French, Flemish, German, Italian, French, Spanish

Kids Princess Astrid and Prince Lorenzo - French, Flemish, German, English

Queen Paola - French, English, Italian, German

King Belgium and his sister were accused of insufficient knowledge of the Flemish language.


Maxim Queen - Native Spanish, Netherlands, English, Italian, French

King Villem-Alexander - Nativeland Netherlands, excellent German, English, French, Spanish

Princess Beatrix - Native Netherlands, English, French, German, Italian, Little Danish

King Wa speaks German, and Maxim in English

French Queen Maxima


King Mohammed VI - Native Arabic, French (Moroccan Francophones), Spanish, English

Princess Lalala Salma - Native Arabic, excellent French, English, Spanish

English speech princesses Laly Salma


Princess Grace spoke to children in English, Prince Rainier in French, and among themselves the children spoke in French.

Prince Alber - Bilingv, Native French + English (American dialect), Italian, little German

Princess Charlene - Native English, a little Africaans, with French Charlin has difficult

Princess Carolina - Native French, English (Native Language of Mother), Italian, German

Andrea, Pierre and Charlotte Casiragi - French, English, Italian, a little German

Princess Stefania -Biging. Like her older brother and sister, owns French and English


Great Duchess Maria Teresa - Native Spanish, Luxembourg, German, French, Italian and a little English

Great Duke Henri - Native Luxembourg, German, French, English

Children couples also own several European languages. The Crown Duchess of Luxembourg Stephenia speaks Russian, there is little known about its level. But still this is official information. Native language of Stefania -Frantsuz.


Queen Sofia - Native Greek, Great English, Spanish, German (Higher Education), French

King Juan-Carlos - Native Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, English

Kristina Infanta - Native Spanish, English, French, Greek, Catalan

Infanta Elena - English, French, Catalan (and native Spanish, of course)

Queen Letia - Native Spanish, English

King Felipe - Native Spanish, Catalan, English, French

According to rumors, Infanta Leonor and Sofia taught in the Chinese school.

Future king Felipe (English speech)

Future Queen Letia (English speech)

In the family, Emir Qatar speak English and French, except the native Arabic.

Princess Maria Romanova and her son George also speak several foreign languages. Princess Maria Vladimirovna greatly owns Russian, English, French and Spanish. It also owns a lesser extent Arab, German and Italian. Prince George owns in varying degrees, Russian, English, German, French and Spanish.

English speech princess