As a confident person says. Confident speech technique

Unfortunately, not everyone has the gift of eloquence, but this does not mean that this skill cannot be developed in oneself. We all know that you can listen to a person who can speak beautifully for hours! And yet, it should be taken into account that there are a considerable number of different nuances that are important to take into account when developing the skill of rich conversational speech.

It is important to breathe correctly when speaking Surely, while listening to the smooth speech of an announcer or some charismatic presenter, you caught yourself thinking that you yourself would like to be able to speak like that. Of course, this can be achieved if you develop your speaking technique. However, first of all, for this you should learn to breathe correctly - deeply, calmly and imperceptibly. Please note that speech breathing differs from usual. It's about about a controlled process. As you know, diaphragmatic-costal breathing is considered the most convenient for speech. In this case, inhalation and exhalation are performed using the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The most capacious part of the lungs (lower) comes into activity. At the same time, the shoulders and upper chest remain practically motionless. You can learn to control your breathing on your own. Place your palm between your stomach and chest - on the diaphragm area. When you inhale, the abdominal wall will rise slightly and the lower part of the chest will expand. Exhalation will be accompanied by contraction of the abdominal and chest muscles. When speaking, the inhalation should be light and short, but the exhalation should be smooth and long (the ratio is approximately one to ten). When the process of speech occurs, the importance of exhalation increases to a large extent. Before speaking, you should take a quick and deep breath, which is taken both through your nose and mouth. Meanwhile, during speech exhalation, only the mouth is involved. Correct speech breathing can be called the basis for a beautiful sounding voice. If you breathe incorrectly, this will lead to instability of your voice. Speak confidently, clearly and clearly When speaking, try to avoid muttering - speak clearly, distinctly and confidently. Practice reading books out loud - do it slowly and with expression, sometimes speed it up, but continue to speak with expression. Gradually, you will develop the skill of speaking this way in everyday life. You need to constantly train your gestures and facial expressions Gesticulation and facial expressions can be called non-verbal means of speech, which should also be trained. Try speaking in front of a camera or mirror to see if you are gesturing too much and “out of line.” At times, this can greatly distract the interlocutor from the topic of conversation. It is also important to observe your facial expressions - both an indifferent facial expression and excessive expression of emotions are unacceptable. In the second case, it may simply look ugly. Your gestures and facial expressions should look harmonious, smooth and natural, and only sometimes emphasize the meaning of what was said. It is important that the listener still focuses on the meaning of the text, but not on your face or hands.

Learn to talk to people. Your ideas or your opinions may not always be accepted by others, but this is not unusual. Voice them, express your opinion! This will give you courage in the future.

Simple step-by-step instruction from one of the best speakers and motivators in the world, businessman and psychologist Tony Robbins. The difference between uncertainty and confidence is the difference between inaction and action, says Tony. So, how to become confident and speak so that you are heard.

8 Key Secrets of Public Speaking

1. Learn to talk to people.

Your ideas or your opinions may not always be accepted by others, but this is not unusual. Voice them, express your opinion! This will give you courage in the future.

2. Don't be afraid to speak up.

If you speak quietly, then the people around you will not only not hear what you say, but will also look at you with distrust due to your own uncertainty in your words.

3. Make eye contact while talking.

On the one hand, this is required by politeness. In addition, eye contact will help others listen to your thoughts more carefully and thoughtfully.

4. Praise yourself every day!

This way you will increase your level of confidence in yourself, and this is very important when you are performing because it gives you confidence. The more confident a person is, the more seriously people around him take him.

5. Don't be nervous if you make a mistake.

A mistake made by a person is not new. There are no people who would not make mistakes! If a person makes mistakes, that's okay. Just calm down and confidently continue your speech.

7. Once you gain confidence in yourself, try to make sure that you have good knowledge required topic.

Then go ahead and share your knowledge with your audience using a variety of effective ways communication.

8. Be aware of the fine line between confidence and arrogance.

Don't try to appear overly confident because people around you may think that you are arrogant and think that your ideas are better than anyone else's.
published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the specialists and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Learning to speak beautifully in our time is really important. I am often approached with the following questions: how to influence a person with speech?; “What should I do: no one hears me, no one loves me?”; “Nobody listens to me, what should I do?”; “People don’t hear me and people in the company don’t notice me, how can I improve the situation?” IN In general, all these questions can be reduced to one topic: how to speak beautifully in order to interest!

Don't miss these articles:

Intrigue with a phrase

Almost every person wants to speak in a way that intrigues and captivates any audience and that people listen attentively and even with delight; I want to intrigue listeners literally from the first words - with one phrase! And this is a normal desire. Good speaking skills will help and, most importantly, help her to be a valuable employee.

A young man who knows how to speak beautifully and convincingly will definitely attract and be able to negotiate with his superiors. And someone who cannot show off his intellect and ability to conduct a dialogue is unlikely to succeed, even with his superiors, even with his neighbor.

What is needed for this? Partially similar topic has already been discussed in the article, because a speaker, a teacher, and indeed any storyteller, must become an interlocutor for listeners. Continuing the topic, we will now figure out what should NOT be allowed in a conversation so that the listeners do not lose interest in you and what, on the contrary, you need to do to arouse this interest in the listeners.

P speaking correctly and beautifully means developing speech.

INTONATION There is nothing surprising if they do not listen to a person muttering something, muttering under his breath and stuttering. Have you ever paid attention to HOW you speak? How do you tell it? Can your intonation be described as enthusiastic, selfless, romantic, expressive, surprising, mysterious, bewitching, frightening or alarming? Listen to the emotional force with which you tell others something. If you find it difficult to evaluate, there are several ways to do it: ask others, record it, listen to yourself and compare with others (interesting storytellers).
WORKOUT. To learn how to speak soulfully, emotionally and impressively, you need to practice. How to develop speech? One of the simple and effective training is to repeat the actor or announcer’s intonation. Repeat, “imitate”, record on a tape recorder, listen to yourself from the outside and repeat again, record, listen... . Achieve maximum similarity in your training.

It would seem that the content of the speech should come first, but there is something no less important, and perhaps more so, in order for you to be listened to with interest... . The whole “but” is that listeners make conclusions about the subsequent content of your speech based on your intonation, since it is this that shows your attitude towards what What you speak. And then the “contagion” effect works; it is much faster than analysis. Bye-ah-ah, that’s it, you’ll finish your speech...! And you show your attitude to your story without even expressing the essence of your thoughts in words, at the very beginning of your speech: with intonation, facial expressions, gestures, tempo of speech and the sound of your voice! Therefore, talk without emotion, monotonously, in a hurry and illegible IMPOSSIBLE. They definitely won't listen.

How to learn to speak beautifully.


WHAT SHOULD I DO? Of course, we will not consider all speech technique exercises within the framework of this article. However, thanks to it you will know better what to look for in literature and the Internet. For example, you need to type phrases and look for books on speech techniques and rhetoric, as well as public speaking. Here we look at just some exercises, tips and common mistakes that prevent a person from speaking beautifully.

Exercises: Learn to speak with correct intonation and emotion. First, you need to include dialogue or monologue from a movie or show. After listening to a short episode, repeat it intonationally. Don't say the words. Only “La-La-La, na-na-na or there-there-taram.” In general, say what you want, it doesn't matter. It is important to speak with the same intonation as the artist you are following.

Pay close attention to pauses, breathing, voice timbre, logical stress, voice volume (its rise and fall) and the artist’s speed of speech. You will soon realize that people have certain reactions to certain intonations, regardless of what the speaker says. This is especially important when you make a request to someone. Half the success depends on HOW you do it.

How to make your voice beautiful.


The register in which you speak is very important. You may have noticed how unpleasant or, conversely, pleasant, some people's voices can be. In most cases, this is not some kind of given from birth. You can influence how your voice sounds. For example, n You don't need to speak in the upper voice register. This results in a squeaky, strained or nasal sound. The closer to your nose you place the sound output, the more unpleasant your voice will sound. About voice registers and sound formation you need to find Additional information in literature and the Internet. Try to make the sound at chest or diaphragm level. The lower the register, the more weighty your speech. From the lower register it is impossible to speak in jumps, quickly, indistinctly, squeaky, nasally. In addition, to speak in lower case you need to type sufficient quantity air and pause. Therefore, the voice will sound velvety, weighty and convincing.

To get used to speaking like this, practice every day in front of the mirror, slowly reading poems or long sentences (aphorisms, sayings). Place your palm on your chest or diaphragm and try to make the sound form under your palm when reciting. As you practice, you will notice that you will have more time to formulate your thoughts, your speech will sound more convincing and there will be no anxiety.

Record on a voice recorder how you spoke before training and how after... Let's summarize this point:

How to intrigue your interlocutor. How to speak to be heard

We often hear this question: how to intrigue a person in a dialogue? Ask yourself how you usually start to say something. What words do you start with? At what point are you entering? Do you pause in sentences?

A long time ago, I noticed an interesting pattern. Paradoxical. When it was important for me to ask, request, convince, people practically did not listen to me and quickly refused. “Here,” I think, “people don’t hear me and don’t want to listen, what should I do?” And when I simply spoke, reasoning with myself, stopping halfway through a word and becoming silent, they asked me what I wanted to say. Even the bosses were not lazy to jump out of the office and ask about the casual phrase.

“They really irritate me with their questions. I’ve already forgotten why I blurted this out, I’ve already switched my attention to something else, but they’re still trying to get me to do what I wanted to say?! It’s not important at all!” I thought.

“It’s true that when you come, you strain yourself, you try to achieve something, they get rid of you. And, when I didn’t want to say anything particularly valuable and important - on you! - “Take it out and put it down.” That is, “state your wishes, and we will listen with interest.” And then it dawned on me. That's the trick! People love understatement, mystery and secrecy. Information that is important to you, valuable advice or help, it turns out, can be easily obtained! You just need to blurt out any phrase and shut up.

How to intrigue any audience.


It is quite possible to quickly interest the audience, literally with one phrase. Start with anything at all: “this happened here...”, “I don’t know at all...”, “what to do...”, “oh, how could it be...”, “well, wow!” After this one (any of them) phrase, shut up and don’t say anything. Be patient! There is no need to say anything more. Or (if you see that you didn’t hear) add: “oh, okay, what’s that?” That's all! Don't say anything more. Continue with your business. Think of it as a game or exercise in which you can continue the conversation only if you are asked what you wanted to say. If you are in the company of several people, and the people who ask you what you wanted to say are not the ones you need, then answer: “No, only so-and-so can know this” (a little louder so that he can hear), and after that remain stubbornly silent again. If “so-and-so” turns out to be a tough nut to crack and doesn’t react, then say: “okay, I’ll ask Smirnov (name someone who is absent). These pauses and mysteries should be enough to spark the interest of any subject. And it doesn’t matter who your interlocutors are: friends, colleagues, students, co-workers. An intriguing pause is always followed by anticipation from the listeners. They want to know what should happen next. Of course, there are special cases (intelligence, workload and experience vary from person to person), but these are very rare instances. In such a (special) case, write about your situation here on the page. We will definitely help. So at this point we found out that:

  • Start a conversation with pressure, indignation, resentment, claims, etc.
  • It takes a long time and is boring to tell a person about your problems, testing his patience.
  • Talking without thinking in advance about exactly what you want.
  • Addressing a person, thinking that it is he and no one else who should solve your problem (because of this, an unpleasant intonation appears, characterized by tediousness, indignation, intrusiveness and other negative connotations). There are always other people, sources, areas of activity, structures and authorities to which you can turn or look for information.
  • Start speaking unobtrusively (as if by the way), briefly, mysteriously, from afar (an unsaid remark, the beginning of a question, or a question that is unclear to someone “ Well, why does this happen, how to understand it, solve it?”, “Well, what a problem (the matter)”, “Oh, that was mine”... etc.P). Any of these remarks will raise questions in your listeners if you stop talking after it.
  • Learn to stop and take thoughtful pauses after the first phrase!
  • Write down these phrases and add your own. I'll give you a few more off the top of my head: “Imagine!”, “Come on!”, “This is the number!”, “Did you know that?”, “Maybe I’ll say something stupid” (add to yourself “or maybe I won’t, ha-ha”) , “It turns out somehow interesting...”, “Have you noticed?”...

How to speak beautifully, learn to speak beautifully and convincingly

Has it ever happened to you that someone else tells you the same thing that you were just trying to tell? Or, even, he tells more meaningless things than you wanted to tell, but at the same time they listen to him with great interest, but not you? It was so?

You probably thought: “That’s it, I’m not interesting. The company doesn’t notice me and never will!” Then pay attention to what your phrases revolve around. " I not interesting", " Me don’t notice” - only personal pronouns! Focus exclusively on yourself personally! It turns out that instead of presenting an interesting story, you were thinking about: being liked, not going astray; so as not to be ridiculed or criticized; didn't think of anything; did not interfere with the agreement; didn’t run away about their business, and so on... Have you noticed how many of these “NOTs” there are? What does it mean? This means that you have a mindset of avoiding failure rather than achieving success. What is the right thing to think about when you tell something to others?

NECESSARY think about: - how interesting it is to convey the features of the object you are talking about: emotions, gait, gestures, appearance (if they are people), shapes and volumes, etc. (if these are things); did your listeners understand you? Observe their reaction: facial expressions, gestures, interjections, remarks. Please clarify to make it clearer for them. React to questions, exclamations, facial expressions, etc. by increasing or vice versa lowering your voice, facial expressions, gestures, or repeating thoughts on your part. Give a response and you will be a very interesting conversationalist.

Other important points in the speech of a good speaker and storyteller

A few more useful tips so that you never say again: “No one listens to me, no one loves me, no one respects me, no one understands me, no one hears me.

  • END THE PHRASE WITH THE NOTE BELOW (gives authority). This also requires training. You can only end with a note higher interrogative sentences- such intonation conveys doubts.
  • LEARN SEVERAL INTERESTING APHORISMS AND PHRASES LIKE: “Not every newborn girl grows up to be a peeper, becomes a dizzying woman, lives to be unfading and gains the wisdom of a smiling grandmother.”
  • USE OPEN GESTURES (this builds trust).

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Take a voice recorder or cell phone with a recording function and speak any text at your usual pace. For example, imagine being with your mother or retelling the content of a movie. Listen to the recording and objectively evaluate how fast the tempo of your voice is and how many speech errors you make. Answer yourself the question, is it easy? to a stranger understand your speech. As a result, decide whether you can learn to speak slowly and clearly on your own, or whether you will have to contact a speech therapist.

Try an exercise that has been known since the time of the orator Demosthenes. Namely: put pebbles in your mouth (if you don’t have any, dragees like chocolate raisins will help) and, standing in front of the mirror, slowly and clearly pronounce the text, for example, read or proverbs. Do the exercise daily, recording the results on a voice recorder, then listen to the recording and note your success.

Open a book and read it out loud for a while. It should take you at least two to three minutes to read one standard book page. At first, do the exercise out loud, after a few days, start reading to yourself, not forgetting to watch.

Sing out loud as much as possible, making sure to sing all the endings of the words clearly and distinctly. If you're not shy, go to a karaoke bar. Choose songs that are slow in rhythm, for example, folk songs, and get used to their measured tempo. If you have no opportunity or desire to sing, during the conversation, quietly beat out the rhythm with your foot, trying to speak in time with your movements and not stray from the given rhythm.

Video on the topic


If mistakes in speech are pointed out to you, do not be offended. In another situation, you will no longer allow them.

Helpful advice

If you are going to give a public speech, prepare thoroughly for it. Write down each word, put emphasis, underline those words on which you want to focus the attention of listeners, use vertical lines to place pauses. Read it to yourself, then to someone close to you. You must be well versed in the text so that during your speech you look into it as little as possible.


  • Speech development. Why learn to speak beautifully?
  • how to speak correctly and beautifully

Fast, confused and slurred speech is a frequent consequence of complexes and low self-esteem. Therefore, overcoming this defect is an important step to gain confidence. However, even if the issue is not psychological barriers, the ability to calmly and thoroughly express one’s thoughts will not be superfluous either in the sphere of work or in the sphere of personal life. Moreover, anyone who puts in a little effort can achieve this with the help of simple exercises.

You will need

  • A little patience, ability to write simple texts, Dictaphone


Of course, you can achieve the most impressive results if you turn to professionals in stage speech courses or rhetoric teachers. But this option is unacceptable for many due to lack of time. Besides, it’s quite possible without them.
You need to start from the very beginning simple exercise. Try writing short texts (for example, describe your day). In short sentences. From a few words. And read. Aloud.
If you can’t write texts, dot the existing ones (but “self-writing” is more effective). This is necessary in order to accustom yourself to breaking into parts complex verbal structures in which not only your interlocutor gets confused, but also you yourself. You will notice the effect within a few days. Now the main thing is to consolidate the result.

If you have devoted enough time to the first exercise, then the second step will not be difficult for you. The task remains the same in essence, but slightly more complex in execution. In everyday communication, you need to put mental periods after meaningful sentence fragments. For example: John Fowles. This is famous English writer. Feminist. And a natural philosopher.
The dots should not be noticeable to anyone, they should not be given more than a few fractions of a second. The main thing is that you do not try to “jump” to the end of the sentence, but rather “climb” the natural steps.

Consider the appropriateness of using professional or youth slang. At work or in a friendly company, you will be understood, but in an official speech or in a conversation with people from another social group, these expressions may be unsuccessful.

Related article


  • Synonym dictionary
  • how to learn to speak correctly

A well-delivered and competent speech can be classified as an undoubted advantage that has a significant impact on success in many matters. Although oratory is an excellent tool for influencing others and achieving many goals; only a few can take full advantage of it. However, learning to speak correctly is a completely feasible task.

You will need

  • - books;
  • - press;
  • - dictionary;
  • - notebook;
  • - Dictaphone.


Get into the good habit of reading regularly. Give preference to classic, high-quality business press and popular science publications. So you will constantly be faced with correct language, enrich your vocabulary with many new words and begin to understand new topics.

Try to speak out loud as much as possible. First of all, this is your everyday communication related to work or, as well as any public performance. Also, practice some monologues at home. Record your speech on a voice recorder, and then listen to the recording and monitor your mistakes.

Increase your knowledge level native language. Keep a notebook to write down words with complex spellings and accents. Learn the rules, because speech is not always intuitive or automatic. Study the meanings of individual words: it is quite possible that you will find that for a long time you did not know the exact semantics of some of them.

Train your articulatory apparatus, because without good diction it is extremely difficult to become a good speaker. Learn tongue twisters, perform breathing exercises, recite poems out loud as exercises.

Pay attention to the speech of socially recognized speakers, such as politicians, prominent businessmen or. Note the main features of their speech, the use of various turns of phrase, and ways of constructing phrases. Try delivering any monologues in the same manner.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

“Collect” interesting expressions and create your own signature figures of speech. If you have to speak a lot in public, you will be able to develop your own speaking style and be remembered by your listeners.

Creative, interesting speech, a well-spoken tongue, impeccable command of language, the gift of eloquence and oratory - all these qualities distinguish a person from the crowd. Moreover, nature rarely rewards someone with the talent of a fascinating storyteller. Most often, people purposefully develop the level of verbal communication. How can you learn to use words in a curious and intriguing way?

You will need

  • Books, audio and video materials on public speaking.


Discuss more often on all sorts of topics with talented and extraordinary people who are famous for their eloquence and the use of creative words and expressions in their vocabulary. Over time, you will adopt their way of speaking, and your speech will begin to transform.

In your free moments, read or listen to classical

They still meet the person appearance, but further communication is carried out using sounds and gestures. And the duration of further communication depends on how confidently and beautifully we speak. How to learn to speak so that you are heard?

Learning to speak confidently and correctly is easy. To do this, you should use simple tips, and most importantly, believe in yourself.

Communication skills

To learn to talk to people, you need to communicate with them. No matter how paradoxical it may sound. Express your opinion on the issue under discussion, share ideas, voice your thoughts. Perhaps they will disagree with them, criticize them, or consider worth attention. But you won't know this if you only play the role of an observer. Take courage and step out of the auditorium onto the stage.

Speech volume

Quiet speech is associated with the speaker's uncertainty. You can communicate quietly only in private, or in a small company of close people, where everyone listens to each other. But at a meeting, when speaking in public, you need to speak loudly and confidently so that the listener is interested. He will not agree with you and will begin to criticize, but your goal - to be heard - will be achieved. You will be interesting as an interlocutor.

A little trick to increase your speech volume: stand straight with your shoulders back, take a deep breath, fold your hands in the diaphragm area under your ribs, and start speaking as you exhale. After a little practice, you will be able to “turn up the volume” depending on the situation.


When you express your thoughts about the topic being discussed, you should appear confident in what you are saying. Of course, this requires a good knowledge of the topic being discussed. Read, watch interesting and educational programs, engage in self-development. Nothing gives you more confidence than knowing that there are topics you can talk about for hours.

Just don't try to appear too confident, otherwise you may be mistaken for an arrogant person who is not interested in other people's opinions.

Eye contact

When talking, you should look at the interlocutor, and not your shoes, or the wall, or out the window. Making eye contact helps people listen to you more attentively.

If it's difficult to maintain eye contact all the time, here's a little tip on how to do it: look at one person's eye for a couple of seconds, then at their nose for a couple of seconds, then the other eye, look away for a few seconds, then again. Result: you look at the interlocutor three quarters of the time of the conversation, there is no tension “ stare“, he doesn’t feel as if he’s being neglected by talking to the furniture and not to him. Just don’t look at the person’s forehead, it looks as if you are rolling your eyes out of hopelessness to explain something to him.


Make an effort to be heard. Shyness is good up to a point. More often than not it gets in the way. Therefore, force yourself to speak, draw attention to yourself. The more you communicate with people, the easier it will be for you to do this.

Inevitable mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. But further behavior depends on you. Made a mistake? Do not be nervous. Calmly continue talking. Or laugh with everyone else if it turns out funny. The main thing is not to perceive this as a tragedy and not to get hung up on it.

Praise yourself

When everyone looks at themselves in the mirror, they see little things that they don’t like about themselves. We inspire ourselves with the idea that this is a shortcoming. Remember that no people are perfect. Our imperfection is in our head. Praise yourself. Not for your appearance, but for your actions, for your achievements, for what you have. By increasing your self-esteem, you gain confidence that others see. This way you will increase the degree of confidence in yourself, which is important when speaking. After all, the more confident a person looks, the more seriously they take him.

So, in order to learn to speak confidently, beautifully and correctly, you need to read good books, develop as a person and, most importantly, communicate with people.