Like a red maiden the meaning of a phraseological unit. The meaning of the word "maiden"

This adjective seems to have two lives. In the former, the beginning of which is lost in the mists of time, the word “red” meant “beautiful” and went back to the Proto-Slavic root. This fact is confirmed in related languages. So, “beautiful” in Bulgarian will be “krasen”, in Serbo-Croatian - “krasan”; “beautiful” sounds like “krasny” in Czech, and “krasan” in Slovenian.

By the way, in Russian, “beautiful” is originally “very beautiful”, as well as “premily” - “very sweet”, “wise” - “very wise”.

The primary meaning of the adjective has been preserved in some stable expressions: “red maiden”, “red summer” and others. It is also enshrined in the name of the main square of the Russian capital - Red. Highest degree quality, positive assessment is also noted in such old phraseological units as “red sun”, “red product”, “red corner”.

A second life appeared for the word at the beginning of the 16th century. Now they denote a specific color. It should be noted that such a transformation occurred only in the Russian language.

The adjective began to be used especially actively during the Soviet period, when the color red became a symbol social order. This era contributed to both the emergence of new words with the stem “red” (“Red Armyman”, “Red Navy Man”, “Red Guardsman”), and the development of derivative meanings for the word, for example, “ceremonial, honorable”.

Today, when the time of red flags and banners has passed, the word has begun to sound less active in our speech.

The frequency of use of the adjective “red” in comparison with the designations of other colors is much higher, which contributed to the development of additional meanings for the word. “Red” is already “prohibiting” (red traffic light, Red Book), “main, main” (pass with a red thread) and even “timid, shy” (a girl is red if we're talking about about the guy).

During times Ancient Rus' the word “scarlet” was used to denote the color of blood and fire. It came from “worm”, because paint of this color was made from special worms - the Polish cochineal. The beneficial insect was collected at the beginning of summer. An important event for our ancestors was reflected in certain languages, for example, in Ukrainian the first summer month is called “cherven”.

People have used this method of obtaining dye since ancient times, which is proven by linguistic facts recorded among many Indo-European peoples.


  • >>An important event for our ancestors is reflected in certain languages, for example, in Ukrainian the first summer month is called “cherven”.
    Before the reform of Peter I, even in Russia, the first summer month was Cherven. And the calendar was different. And in general, the empire left a lot of things far in history, but what was preserved in the fraternal countries.
  • Thanks for the useful information.

. I was invited to dinner by one of my boarding house comrades, who in his youth was known as a pretty girl and later turned out to be not a shy person at all(Turgenev. Yakov Pasynkov).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.:


    Synonyms See what “Red Maiden” is in other dictionaries: red maiden

    - Cm … Synonym dictionary Red maiden

    - Cm …- (The Red Maiden Soul, more often in the form of the Red Maiden) typical character. songs. The epithet red, in addition to meaning beautiful, wonderful, in this combination includes a number of other meanings and connections. with the concepts of goodness and high morals. qualities, perfection... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Synonyms- The Red Maiden (foreigner) about a young man who is shy, inappropriately timid, bashful (a hint at the purity and modesty of the young girl). Wed. I was invited to dinner by one of my boarding house comrades, who in his youth was known as a pretty maiden... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    - Cm …- (foreign) about a shy young man, inappropriately timid, bashful (a hint of the purity and modesty of a young girl) Wed. I was invited to dinner by one of my boarding house comrades, who in his youth was known as a pretty girl and later turned out to be... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary- 1. Unlock Joking. iron. About a shy, timid, indecisive young man. FSRY, 130; F 1, 142; BMS 1998, 146; Mokienko 1986, 204. 2. Don. One of the participants in the game of “kite”. SDH 1, 125 ...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

    Zarya the lightning, a red maiden, walked through the forest, lost her keys; I saw the month, the sun disappeared.- (at dawn, after the first rain). See AGRICULTURE... Dawn, the red maiden, locked the gate, walked across the field, lost the keys, saw the moon, but stole the sun.

    - (dew). See WEATHER ELEMENTS...- Devitsa Characteristics Length 55 km Watercourse Source (T) near the village of Semidesyatnoye Height about 120 m ... Wikipedia

    GIRL Dictionary Ozhegova

    GIRL- GIRL, s and (in individual expressions and in folk literature) GIRL, s, female. (obsolete). Same as girl (1 value). Modest girl. Young girl. Red maiden (in folk literature, usually in affectionate terms). The girl is beautiful. … … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


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Maiden, — ы and (in certain expressions and in folk literature) GIRL, — ы, feminine gender. (obsolete). Same as (in 1 meaning). Modest girl. Young girl. Red maiden (in folk literature, usually in affectionate terms). Beautiful girl.
Beautiful maiden ( colloquial ironic) about an overly modest, shy man. He is a modest person, a beautiful girl.
adjective girlish, - ya, - ye, maiden, - ya, - ye and girlish, - aya, - oe. Girls' faces. Someone has a girlish memory (about someone who quickly forgets about something; humorous). Girlish gait.

Examples of using the word girl in the context

    . Addition girl She was impeccable, and the only defect in her appearance could be considered a purple scar on her neck.
    . Well, what are you acting like? girl marriageable?
    . I am so and so girl, accused of witchcraft, but I deny my guilt. - Shumilov P.R. A Word about the Dragon
    . In addition girl young and strong, she will defend herself.
    . “If only I were a queen,” says one girl, - then I would prepare a feast for the whole baptized world.”

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. and. people's poet Same as: girl (1).
  2. and. decomposition
    1. Same as: girl (1).
    2. Single woman.

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


In girls- before marriage

- Cm … -

1) folk beautiful girl

2) joking about a too timid, modest, shy young man

Ushakov's Dictionary


girl (official outdated decomposition) And ( people's poet) girl, girls, wives Same as in 1 meaning According to the passport, she is a girl. Beautiful girl. “Girls, beauties, darling friends.” Pushkin.

Toponyms of the Kemerovo region


With. Usmansky district, center of Devitsky village council. In 1645, simultaneously with the construction of a fortress on the river. Usman, which became the city of Usman, a stationary fort was erected nearby, which was named after the river. Devitsa - Devitsky and who later became s. A maiden. The name of the river, which gave its name to the village, was transferred from the Chernigov land in the 9th-12th centuries, when the Slavs were moving to the Don region. (About mass transfer geographical names from the Chernigov land, see Kozhemyakin. OPSV, 103; Zagorovsky. EFA, 57-66; Prokhorov. VVZ, 3, 88; Prokhorov. NNK, 44.) A.II. Yashchenko will give this explanation for the name of the river. Maiden flowing in the Kursk region: from the Indo-European dheuina, which means “source, stream, current”. (Yashchenko. GSP, 30). This explanation can also be applied to rivers with the name Devitsa, flowing in the Chernigov, Lipetsk and Voronezh regions.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

DEV AND target audience,ы и (in certain expressions and in folk literature) GIRL, s, and.(obsolete). The same as (in 1 value). Modest maiden itza. Young maiden itza. Red d girl(in folk literature, usually in affectionate address). D beautiful girl.

Beautiful maiden(colloquial irony) about an overly modest, shy man. He is a modest person, a beautiful girl.

| adj. maiden, ya, ye, maiden, ya, ya And girlish, oh, oh. Dev ich faces. Memory d evichya u kogon. (about someone who quickly forgets about something; joking). Girlish gait.

Sentences containing "maiden"

Long-legged girls are taken apart by the most daring fellows and a separate circle, boasting of flexible, sensitive and impetuous youth, walk, almost jerking out of themselves, in a passionate semi-animal dance.

All our girls with their deep necklines immediately began to seem sweet and pretty to me compared to Alina.

GIRL, -s and (in individual expressions and in folk literature) GIRL, -s, f. (obsolete). Same as girl (1 value). Modest girl. Young girl. Red maiden (in folk literature, usually in affectionate terms). Beautiful maiden.* Beautiful maiden (colloquial irony) - about an overly modest, shy man. With us, he is a modest, beautiful girl. Oh adj. girlish, -ya, -ye, girlish, -ya, -ye and girlish, -aya, -oe. Girls' faces. Someone has a girl's memory. (about someone who quickly forgets about something; joking). Girlish gait.

View value GIRL in other dictionaries

Maid- (official, obsolete colloquial) and (popular poet), girls, women. The same as the girl in 1 value. According to the passport, she is a girl. Beautiful girl. Girls, beauties, darling friends. Pushkin.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Maiden J. People's poet.— 1. Same as: girl (1).
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Maiden J. Razg.— 1. Same as: girl (1). 2. An unmarried woman.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Maid- -s; and. Outdated = Girl (1 digit). To wear maiden clothes (to be unmarried). Red D. (about a timid, shy young man).
◁ Maiden, -s; and. Trad.-poet. Krasna d. (permanent epithet........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Alexandrov, Cavalry Maiden- writer (Durova, Nadezhda Andreevna); R. 1793, † in Elabuga "in the 73rd year of life", March 23, 1866

Zander, Maiden- prima donna of the German troupe in Moscow 1806
Large biographical encyclopedia