Categorical meaning. Verb categorical meaning, morphological and syntactic features of the verb as a part of speech

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Today we will talk about... what a verb is as a part of speech; what is the meaning of the verb; what categories and forms the verb has; about what types of verbs exist in the Russian language.

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Aspect of a verb Aspect is the ratio of the action denoted by the verb to the internal limit. VIEW imperfect perfect (what to do?) (what to do?) write, read, teach write, read, learn

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Verb mood The mood of verbs in Russian is an inflectional grammatical feature of conjugated verbs. The mood category denotes the relationship of the process called by the verb to reality and expresses this meaning in the verbal forms of the indicative, imperative and subjunctive moods. Indicative mood - expresses the action of past, present or future time, which actually occurs in reality. (I will do homework on Tuesday). Imperative mood - expresses an order, motivation or request to perform an action. (Do your homework tomorrow). The subjunctive mood expresses an action that is conceived by the subject as possible, desirable, but dependent on something. (I would do my homework today, but I'm going for a walk).

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Forms of the verb depending on the mood Mood Grammatical categories inherent in the verb forms of the mood Examples of the mood of verbs Indicative mood Tense; Number; Genus; Face. Past tense: I ran, she ran, it ran, they ran; Present tense: I draw, you draw, he draws, we draw, you draw, they draw; Future tense: I will read/will read, you will read/will read, he will read/will read, we will read/will read, you will read/will read, they will read/will read. Imperative Mood Number; Face. 1st person plural numbers: Let's do it, let's go; 2nd person singular and many more numbers: You collect, you collect; 3rd person singular and many more numbers: Let him read, let them write. Subjunctive Mood Number; Genus. Singular: He would do it, she would remove it, it would be done; Plural: They would collect.

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Category of verb tense The category of tense is characteristic only for forms of the indicative mood. Traditionally, the Russian language distinguishes forms of three tenses - present, past and future. The imperative and subjunctive moods do not have tense forms. The basis for determining the time of the process is an abstract grammatical reference point, such a point is the moment of speech. A verb in the past tense shows that the action happened or happened before the moment of speech: did homework, solved equations; I did my homework and solved the equations. A verb in the present tense shows action at the moment of speech: doing homework, solving equations. A verb in the future tense shows that the action will be carried out or will be carried out after the moment of speech: I will do my homework, I will solve equations; I'll do my homework and solve equations. The category of tense reveals a close connection with the category of verb aspect. It is the type that determines the possibility of forming tense forms of the verb. Imperfect verbs form forms of all tenses: past (love - loved), present (love), future (will love). Perfective verbs form only the form of the past tense (to love - fell in love) and the simple future (I will love). There are no present tense forms.

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Person category of a verb Person category indicates the producer of the action in relation to the speaker. 1st person – the subject of the action is the speaker himself (singular), the speaker and others (plural); 2nd person – subject of action interlocutor (singular), interlocutor and others (plural); 3rd person – the subject of the action is someone not participating in the dialogue (singular), someone not participating in the dialogue, and others (plural). Formal indicators of the category of person are the personal endings of verbs.

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Categories of number and gender The category of gender denotes the characteristic of the gender of a pronoun or noun with which the verb agrees. In the absence of a subject of action, the gender form indicates the gender of a possible subject of action: The sun was shining. The grass was turning green. The cloud was floating. I would come today. The neuter gender can also indicate the impersonality of the verb: Svetalo. It was getting dark. Not all verb forms have a gender category. The past tense forms of the singular indicative mood and the forms have feminine, masculine and neuter meanings. singular conditional mood. The number indicates the singularity or plurality of the subject performing the action, while the meaning of the action itself does not change: the student came, the students came. This morphological characteristic is inherent in all personal verb forms.

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Relationship between verb categories Aspect and tense Verbs SV have 2 tense forms, no present tense form (the action is completed). The form of the future tense is simple (raised, will raise, gathered, will gather, headed, will lead). NSV verbs have 3 tense forms. The form of the future tense is complex (lifted, is raising, will be raising, was going, is going, will be going, headed, are heading, will be heading). Tense and mood Verbs in the indicative mood change according to time (raised, will raise, raised, raises, will raise). Verbs in the subjunctive and indicative moods do not have a tense category (would raise (yesterday, today, tomorrow?), get together, let him get together (now, in a year?)). Person and gender are mutually exclusive categories. Only forms of the verb in the common tense have gender. in the indicative mood and in the subjunctive mood (raised, raised, raised, would have raised, would have raised, would have raised, BUT raises, will raise (he, she, it)). Verbs in the present day change according to persons. and bud. vr. indicative mood. In forms imperative mood there is a 2nd person, a 3rd person and no 1st person (you can’t order yourself) (I lift, I’ll lift, you lift, you’ll lift, he lifts, he’ll lift, you lift, you lift, let him lift, let him lift). Transitivity and reflexivity All reflexive verbs are intransitive I raise (what?), but I rise (what?). Transitivity and voice Transitive verbs form passive constructions, intransitive ones do not. the banner is raised (by someone), the dust rises (by the wind) jump - jumped (an action that is not capable of directly transferring to an object).

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Formation of some personal forms of the verb 1. The verbs win, convince, find yourself, feel, wonder and some others, belonging to the so-called insufficient verbs (i.e. verbs limited in the formation or use of personal forms), do not form the 1st person form singular present-future tense. If it is necessary to use these verbs in the indicated form, a descriptive construction is used, for example: I will be able to win, I want (strive) to convince, I can find myself, I will try to feel, I will not be weird. Rarely or almost never used literary language due to the unusual sound of the form “bashu” (from bassit), “galzhu” (from to make noise), “gvozzhu” (to nail), “duzhu” (from dudet), “erunzhu” (from nonsense), “barrier” (from block), “vacuum” (from vacuum), “neighbor” (from neighbor), “shkozhu” (from mischief). Due to phonetic coincidence with forms from other verbs, such forms as “buzhu” (from buzz, cf.: buzhu from wake), “keep” (from derzhat, cf.: derzha from hold), “tug” ( from push, cf.: push from push) and some others. 2. The verb to honor in the 3rd person plural has equal forms honor - honor, as well as equal forms of the present participle honoring - honoring; Wed from Gorky: They both honor her memory with love. “They are respected and obeyed by thousands like him.” Wed. forms of the verb to honor in compatibility conditions: they will honor the memory by standing up, they will consider it an honor, but: they will honor by presence. 3. Some verbs (the so-called abundant) form double forms of the present tense, for example: rinse in the presence of normative forms rinsing, rinsing, rinsing, rinsing, rinsing has acceptable forms: rinsing, rinsing, rinsing, rinsing, rinsing. The same ratio of forms is found in the verbs splash, drip, cackle, sway, purr, wave, prowl, etc.

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Formation of some personal forms of the verb 4. The verb splash in the meaning “sprinkle, spray” has personal forms splashing, splashing (splashing water, splashing laundry); in the meaning of “scatter drops”, “sprinkle splashes” has the personal forms splash, splash (a fountain splashes, splashes with saliva). The verb move in the meanings “to move by pushing or dragging”, “to move, to make movements”, “to force to go forward, to direct” has personal forms move, moves (moves furniture, moves fingers, moves troops); meaning “to promote development of something.", "to be the cause of smb. actions" has personal forms moves, moves ( driving forces, what motivates him!); in the meaning of “to set in motion, to put into action” it has parallel personal forms moves - moves (the spring moves/moves the clock mechanism). The verb drip meaning “to fall in drops” has parallel personal forms dripping, dripping and drop, kaplet (tears are dripping, rain is dripping); in the meaning of “pour, pour in drops” it has the personal forms dripping, dripping (dripping the mixture). 5. Some verbs with the prefix you- form parallel forms of the imperative inclined singular: throw away - throw away, iron out - iron out, push out - push out, paint out - paint out, get out - get out, spit out - spit out, stick out - stick out, put out - put out, straighten - straighten, rash - rash, stare - stare. But the plural form has no variants and is formed from the second form of the singular, for example: push out, paint, spit out, etc. The same ratio of forms for verbs, etc. Some verbs in it: spoil, writhe, wrinkle, puff up , flatten have parallel forms in both numbers of the imperative mood: spoil, spoil - spoil, spoil; writhing, writhing - writhing, writhing, etc. The forms look, vyd in the presence of normative look, come out are colloquial, but in phraseological use only: take out and put down. The forms podi (instead of go), both (instead of embrace) also have a colloquial character; go (instead of go); the forms go and go are unacceptable.

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Variants of aspectual forms Variants of an imperfective verb with alternation in the root o - and to condition - to condition are equal; the options to concentrate, to manure are acceptable with the normative ones to concentrate, to manure; the options to suspect, to agree are obsolete with the normative ones to suspect, to agree; It is not recommended to use authorize instead of authorize. Species pairs slam - slam, preoccupy - preoccupy, disgrace - disgrace, discredit - discredit, delay - delay, time - time, legitimize - legitimize, etc. preserve the root o. In pairs, climb - climb, see - see, hear - hear, lift - lift the second option is colloquial. Parallel forms male past tense of verbs with the suffix - nu-vyal - withered, lip - stuck, blind - went blind, rejected - rejected, perished - perished, resorted - resorted, dissolved - dissolved, refuted - refuted, fluff - fluffed are equal; the forms dried, froze, got wet, went out, chilled, in the presence of the normative dry, froze, got wet, went out, and chilled are acceptable. Variants of the indefinite form of verbs of the perfect form to reach - to reach, to overtake - to overtake, to overtake - to overtake, to comprehend - to comprehend are equal; personal forms of parallel variants do not form and serve both indefinite forms.

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Practical work Using prefixes, form perfective verbs from imperfective verbs: believe (n.v.) - believe (n.v.). Feel, dine, share, knit, hide, carry, sew, try, melt, believe, see, do, joke, draw, drown, extinguish, learn, take, be scared, torment, remember, wish, be proud, cook.

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Practical work From perfective verbs, using suffixes, form imperfective verbs: to have time (s.v.) - to have time (n.v.). Open, conquer, prove, cure, withstand, educate, fold, weigh, take into account, point out, ask, rally, get, push out.

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Practical work Select an aspect pair for the indefinite form of verbs. From each of the verbs form the 1st person singular form, indicate the type: repeat - I repeat (n.v.); repeat - repeat (v.). Arrive, enter, take, enter, take out, hand over, find out, rise up, open, transfer, obtain, get sick, take possession, give, attract, fulfill, develop, lie down, disappear, invent, avoid, catch up, exit, move, clarify, destroy, make a mistake, strain, deprive, inflict, hit, repeat, publish, bring.

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Practical work Select an aspect pair for verbs, emphasize alternating consonants, indicate the aspect. Make up sentences with several species pairs: formalize (v.v.) - formalize (n.v.). invite (n.v.) – invite (n.v.). To invite, to protect, to supply, to see off, to reflect, to discuss, to compose, to appear, to be indignant, to meet, to thicken, to dress up, to visit, to formalize, to warn.

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Practical work Form aspect pairs from the following verbs. Make sentences with them. Talk, take, put, catch, sit, lie down, stand, find.

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Practical work Write the verbs in the indefinite form. They set, carry, run, bloom, cry, carry, smell, have breakfast, wander, do, introduce, rake, hang, weave, shake, get wet, croak.

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Practical work Replace these phrases with verbs in the indefinite form. Provide assistance Clear the floor of dust Make observations Give advice Cover yourself with flowers Make a decision

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Practical work Determine the form of verbs, select synonyms for them. Write them in indefinite form. They build, amaze, make noise, asked, beat, watch, guard, catch, fantasize, cry, said, burn, shine. Exalt, guard.

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Practical work Replace phraseological units with indefinite verbs. Beat your nose Hang your head in the clouds ask a puzzle hack on your nose wait by the sea for the weather give the word tremble like an aspen leaf write like a chicken paw walk on your head count crows keep in your head nod off talk to three boxes keep in your head nod off talk to three boxes hold tongue behind teeth

The meaning of objectivity, which is modified in different ways:

1) titles specific items living and nonliving world: pen, student, mountain;

2) plant names: rose, willow, poplar;

3) names of substances: oil, oxygen;

4) geographical names: Magas, Grozny;

5) qualities in abstraction from carriers: blue, green;

6) actions, processes in abstraction from action producers: thinking, jump.

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  • - a generalized form of imprinting by the subject of socio-historical experience acquired in the process joint activities and communication and existing in the form of concepts, objectified in patterns of action...

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  • - MEANING and concepts that define different shapes implementation of the basic linguistic connection ‘sign - signified’ in the processes of understanding and in the language system. The content of these concepts in logic, linguistics and semiotics is different...

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  • - A generalized meaning superimposed on the specific lexical meaning of a word: for nouns - the meaning of objectivity, for adjectives - the meaning of a sign, property, quality, for verbs - the meaning...

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  • - The meaning of a process inherent to a verb, regardless of its lexical meaning: actions, states, relationships are represented in verbs as a process occurring over time...
  • - Significance value. For example: evening ringing - the adjective evening denotes a non-procedural attribute of an object - this is its categorical meaning...

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  • - Significance of the sign: it blows quietly. In some cases, an adverb denotes a characteristic of an object: pilaf in Uzbek...

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  • - 1) word form in the text; 2) part of speech; categorical meaning of a noun; 3) the initial form of the noun; question to the initial form of a noun; question about the word form in the text...

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A verb as a part of speech combines words with the meaning of a procedural feature, or the action of an object. The procedural feature is part-speech, categorical semantics. All verbs have it. The features of this semantics are revealed when comparing verbs with nouns and adjectives.

Noun reading and word form I'm reading lexical meaning refers to the same action, but they call it differently: a noun - as an independent substance, a set of certain properties, and a verb - as the activity of an object (in this case a person), i.e. as a manifestation of a substance, as its sign . In sentences The grass is green under the window And Green grass under the window denotes one situation, which, however, is interpreted differently by the adjective and the verb: the adjective names the characteristic of grass as something given by the nature of things, and the verb depicts “greenness” as a manifestation of the properties of grass, as the realization of its potential.

The designation of a feature, in its existence conditioned by the object to which it is attributed, is a distinctive feature of the verbal meaning. Each verb includes an anaphoric subject seme, that is, it refers to an object as a source of action, which corresponds to the traditional definition: “a verb as a part of speech names the action of an object.” In the personal forms of the verb, this feature is manifested in the fact that the verb ending predetermines the type of the active subject and limits the possibilities of its morphemic expression (writingI'm writingyou, writeshe, she, it, person). In non-finite forms (infinitive, participle and gerund) - in syntactic connections and syntactic distribution.

The second specific feature of a procedural feature is its characterization in time. This property of verbal meaning is also inextricably linked with the morphological categories of the verb, namely the categories of tense and aspect. The meaning of a procedural feature is categorical because it is formed based on the grammatical structure of the verb.

Just as the meaning of grammatical subjectivity does not coincide with the lexical meaning of the subject, so the categorical semantics of an action (procedural feature) is not identical with the lexical semantics of verbs. Lexically, verbs can name both actions and non-actions: processes (rot), events (marry), state (get sick), relationship (border) etc. But no matter what the verb names, the verbal attribute is given in relation to its source and presupposes a temporal characteristic.

As in nouns, the meaning of the subject or is expressed twice, by the lexical meaning of the stem and grammatical categories (table, book), or depends only on the grammatical form of the word (singing, running, tenderness), so in verbs the meaning of an action can be conveyed both lexically and grammatically (run, saw, wash) or just grammatically (have, belong, consist, exist).

So, a verb as a part of speech denotes a feature of an object, obligatorily characterized in two dimensions:

1) the attribute is given as a result of the manifestation of the properties of the object (see the school question about the verbal predicate: What does – did – will do?),

2) the attribute has temporal parameters (the last property of the verb is sometimes defined by the word “dynamic”: the verb names a dynamic attribute of the object).

This is the semantic feature of the verb.

The verb is rich in morphological categories. Some of them - aspect, voice, mood, tense, person - are found only in the verb. Others - gender, number - are the same for verbs and names. From the morphological side, the verb is specifically characterized by the obligatory inflection. As already noted, there are no unchangeable verbs in the language, although the verb has unchangeable forms.

Morphological categories characterize different verbal word forms differently. Some categories are found in all verbal word forms. They are called constant verb categories. These are the categories of type and pledge. Other categories - mood, tense, person, number, gender - do not have all verbal word forms. They are called non-constant grammatical categories of the verb. Mood, tense, person in the conjugated verb are inextricably linked with the expression of syntactic predicativity, i.e. the grammatical meaning of the sentence. Therefore, they are also called predicative categories of the verb.

In the grammatical structure of the language, the verb as a part of speech is also formed by word-formation means. It is important that many suffixes form only verb stems: i-t (to whiten), e-t (to turn white), a-t (to groan), well-t (to groan), nich-t (to be lazy) and etc.

The primary syntactic function of a verb is the function of the predicate in a verbal sentence. There is a kind of symmetry between the inflectional forms of the verb (or what is called a finite, i.e. definite, verb) and their syntactic role. These forms are not other members of the sentence (we are talking about actual verbal use). The subject, object, modifier and circumstance of a verb can only be in the form of an infinitive, participle and gerund, in connection with which they could be called intra-clause syntactic derivatives.

The meaning of process (procedurality) inherent to the verb regardless of its lexical meaning: actions(run, saw), state(to love, to sleep), relationship(include, possess) are represented in verbs as a process that occurs over time.

  • - type of verb is a grammatical category that unites all verb forms. The general meaning of the verb type is the implementation of an event in time...

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  • - verb tense is an inflectional category of conjugated forms of a verb in the indicative mood...

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  • - a grammatical category of Verbs in many languages, generally reflecting certain types of action...

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  • Terms and concepts of linguistics: Vocabulary. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography

  • - A verbal category showing the nature of the course of action over time, expressing the relationship of the action to its internal limit. The category of aspect is inherent in all verbs of the Russian language in any form...
  • - A verbal category expressing the relationship of an action to the moment of speech, which is taken as a starting point. see future tense, present tense, past tense. see also absolute time, relative time...

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  • - A verbal category denoting various relationships between the subject and object of an action, which are expressed in the forms of the verb...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - A generalized meaning superimposed on the specific lexical meaning of a word: for nouns - the meaning of objectivity, for adjectives - the meaning of a sign, property, quality, for verbs - the meaning...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - A verbal category expressing the relationship of an action and its subject to the speaker. The subject of the action can be the speaker himself, his interlocutor, or a person not participating in the speech...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - A grammatical category of a verb, denoting special properties, the nature of a given process, i.e. in its relation to the internal limit, result, duration, repetition, etc. In russian language...
  • - A grammatical category that correlates an action with the moment of speech. This ratio may be violated in different styles...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Significance value. For example: evening ringing - the adjective evening denotes a non-procedural attribute of an object - this is its categorical meaning...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Significance of the sign: it blows quietly. In some cases, an adverb denotes a characteristic of an object: pilaf in Uzbek...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - The meaning of objectivity, which is modified in different ways: 1) names of specific objects of the living and inanimate world: pen, student, mountain; 2) names of plants: rose, willow, poplar; 3) names of substances: oil, oxygen...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - A meaning characteristic of verbs of the present tense and imperfect form, used in combination with adverbs always, usually in the evenings. For example: The train to Moscow usually leaves in the evening...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Inflectional category, characteristic of verb forms present. and future...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal


From the book The Emerald Plumage of Garuda (Indonesia, notes) author Bychkov Stanislav Viktorovich

5. DECLINATION OF THE VERB “TO STEAL” Cornelis de Hootman, a Dutchman by birth, an adventurer by nature, lived in Lisbon for many years. He took up trade, hired himself out on ships, worked in the field of usury, but all the time he waited for that very hour that, he believed, would turn him around

Regarding the verb "to lay down".

From the book Creatives of Old Semyon by the author

Regarding the verb "to lay down". Many remember the scene from “We’ll Live Until Monday,” the dialogue between V. Tikhonov’s character and a young teacher who complains about naughty students: “I tell them don’t lie, but they lie!” The teacher was played by actress Nina Emelyanova, who recently left


From the author's book

THREE FORMS OF THE VERB TO BE Fyodor Mikhailovich Zyavkin sat at the table, with his hands in front of him, with his usual firm, calm expression on his face, and only by the way he occasionally squinted his eyes and the edges of his lips trembled almost imperceptibly, Kalita guessed with what

Stages of the Solar Verb

From book Divine evolution. From the Sphinx to Christ author Shure Edward

Stages of the Solar Verb Brahmanic religion and civilization represent the first stage of post-Atlantean humanity. This stage is briefly summarized as follows: the conquest of the divine world by primordial wisdom. The great subsequent civilizations of Persia, Chaldea, Egypt, Greece and


From the book Words and Things [Archaeology humanities] by Foucault Michel

3. VERB THEORY In language, a sentence is the same as a representation in thinking: its form is at the same time the most general and the most elementary, since as soon as it is dissected, it is no longer discourse that is discovered, but its elements in a scattered form. Below are the offers

#39: Verb Voice

From the book 50 Writing Techniques author Clark Roy Peter

No. 39: Verb Voice Choose between active and passive voice depending on the meaning. The golden rule for writers is: “Use active verbs.” This phrase is repeated countless times in all seminars with such conviction that it must

XL. Use of verb forms

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XL. Use of verb forms § 171. Formation of some personal forms 1. Verbs win, convince, find yourself, feel, wonder and some others belonging to the so-called insufficient verbs (i.e. verbs limited in the formation or use of personal forms),


From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XL. USE OF VERB FORMS § 173. Formation of some personal forms 1. Verbs win, convince, find yourself, feel, wonder and some others belonging to the so-called insufficient verbs (i.e. verbs limited in formation or use of personal

Verb type

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(VI) of the author TSB

6.42. Meaning, morphological features and syntactic functions of the verb

author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.42. Meaning, morphological features and syntactic functions of a verb A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action or state of an object as a process. When they say that a verb denotes an action, they mean not only mechanical movement(walks, runs), but also

6.44. Indefinite form of the verb, its meaning, formation and syntactic use

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.44. Indeterminate form verb, its meaning, formation and syntactic use By origin, the infinitive is a form of the dative - the locative singular case of a verbal noun, which subsequently lost other case forms and

6.45. The concept of verb classes

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.45. The concept of verb classes Based on the relationship between the stems of the infinitive and the present tense, verbs are divided into several classes. A class is a group of verbs that have the same infinitive and present tense stems. The concept of class allows us to more economically characterize

II. History of the verb “to fade away”

From the book Notes on Russian Literature author Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich

II. History of the verb “to fade away”<…>In our literature there is one word: “to shy away”, used by everyone, although it was not born yesterday, but is also quite recent, existing no more than three decades; under Pushkin it was not known at all and was not used by anyone.

14. Categorical interaction of the national idea and the people

From the book Analysis of the Chechen Crisis author Meilanov Vazif Sirazhutdinovich

14. Categorical interaction of the national idea and the people “Gamsakhurdia opened an account of national leaders, atamans, Fuhrers on the territory of the former Union. The national idea inevitably leads to leaderism: “One nation - one party (one movement) - one Fuhrer,” said

Descendants of the Russian verb

From the book Literary Newspaper 6440 (No. 47 2013) author Literary Newspaper

Descendants of the Russian verb A wonderful idea from the descendants and heirs of great writers to convene a Russian literary meeting to discuss the problems of active inclusion cultural heritage in the context of life and activity of modern man finds deep and

A verb is a significant part of speech that denotes the action (attitude, state) of an object as a process and expresses it in the forms of aspect, voice, mood, tense, number, person or gender, acts as a predicate, (personal or conjugated forms) definition ( full communion), adverbials (adverbials) of any member of the sentence, starting with the subject and ending with the infinitive.

Process in grammar is understood broadly. This word refers to a wide variety of activities: action, state, movement, speech, manifestation and change of attribute, intellectual activity, perception, relationships. These groups are not exhaustive, but the bulk is given. A process involves an action that changes over time. The temporal reference of an action is the most important characteristic of words related to a verb. All phenomena (words) are capable in their grammatical forms of denoting changes that occur in time (read, read, will read). Morphological features of the verb: conjugation (change in persons and numbers), a large set of morphological features. The verb has the most extensive system grammatical categories. Type and pledge of appearance. universal categories. Minimum number of characteristic of the infinitive, participle; for the participle – aspect, voice, tense, case, gender, number. Personal or conjugated forms - 6 forms -> it is customary to distinguish 4 forms of the verb: conjugated (personal) in one of the moods, infinitive, participle, gerund. Personal ones form the core of the system, however, they are conjugated. And not conjugated. They are combined into a single form of the verb, because have a number of common features: community of lexical. Meanings (read, reading, reading), commonality of aspectual and voicing formations and meanings (read-read), commonality of control (reading a book, reading a book), commonality of adverbial distribution (EXPLANATIONS OF ADVERBS). Conjugation Forms of Ch. are used exclusively in syntax. The roles of the predicate or predicate. Proverbs, verb. They can act in a secondary role. The members of the preposition are called attributive forms. The infinitive has a special place. I-in (undefined form) phenomenon. An unconjugated, unchangeable form of the verb, but included in the s-mu verb. The shape, although different. A kind of structure. Semant-ki i-v analogue Im. n. existing. (catch-catch), but with general meaning action, the noun denotes the action as an object, and i-v denotes the process. The inextricable connection between i-va and ch. morphs and synths are supported: expresses aspectual and voice meanings, cross - non-cross, return - non-return. By its origin, i-v is closely connected with both the name and the verb: this is the form of dat-go, local case, singular. h. Verbal noun. Subsequently, the remaining forms were lost, and the form -> in the sth chapter. Indefinite is a generalized name for an action that is indefinite from the point of view. person, tense, inclination, therefore, etio generalized meaning makes and-in initial form ch.. The originality of i-va is especially manifested at the syntactic level. I-v, controlling a noun, combined with an adverb, can be any member in a sentence: learning is always useful (compound nominal predicate). Ira cry (compound verb) predicate and-in will definitely be!!!) We want to learn. It can also be a minor member: she has a great desire to study (definition), he forced her to study (objective complement), She came to study (purpose circumstance).