Brief information about the life path and activities of Maria Sharapova - the famous Russian tennis player, a well-deserved master of sports in Russia, the ex-first racket of the world, one of the ten women in history who won all the tournaments of the Grand Slam in different years.

Teacher Girko T.V.

Slide 2.

  • Know:
  • climate of Africa, major climate formation factors.
  • Be able to: work with climatic charts.
  • Slide 3.

    Solving the problem:

    • Why is Africa the hottest mainland on earth?
    • Why do the desert in Africa occupy such large square And are not only inside the continent, but also in the co-economy parts?
    • In what climatic belts Is Africa?
  • Slide 4.

    Slide 5.

    1. Annual precipitation.
    2. Climatic belts.
  • Slide 6.

    • Average winter and summer temperatures.
    • Annual precipitation.
    • Climatic belts.
    • In January:

    from +8 with north

    up to +24 s in the south.

    • In July:

    from +32 s in northern

    up to + 8 s in the south.

    • From 3000 mm precipitation on the west coast of Africa;
    • from 1000mm to 2000 mm in Equatorial Africa;
    • Less than 100 mm of precipitation in the area of \u200b\u200btropical Africa.


      • equatorial,
      • tropical;
      • Transitional:
      • subexvatorial
      • subtropical.
  • Slide 7.

    Climatogram Analysis Plan:

    • Carefully consider all the designations in the diagram (months of the year are indicated by letters). What can I find out?
    • Find out the annual temperature of temperatures. What are the average temperatures of July and January? What is the annual amplitude of temperatures?
    • What amount of precipitation is characteristic of this type of climate? What is the precipitation mode during the year?
    • Take a conclusion about the climate type.
  • Slide 8.

    Slide 9.

    Slide 10.

    Slide 11.

    Slide 12.

    Work with a climate card

    • What is isotherm?
    • What is the middle July temperature at Lake Chad?
    • What is the middle January temperature in the orange river basin?
    • What do the numbers of red and black color are denoted on the map near the city?
    • Where does the large amount of precipitation fall on the continent?
    • Where is the least precipitation?
  • Slide 13.

    • Check the answers
    • Name the climate of the territory that features such features:
    • Characterized seasonal change of air masses. Winter dry, summer wet. The temperature of January +24 C, July +30 C. The amount of precipitation is 600-1000 mm.
    • The territory is in the field of high atmospheric pressure, there is little precipitation (less than 100 mm). The average January air temperature here +10 C, July +38 S.
  • Slide 14.

    Well done!!!

    • Subexvatorial
    • Tropical
  • Slide 15.

    • Most of South Africa is north of 30 Yu.Sh. In the east, the Mozambique Strait separates from South Africa the largest on globe O. Madagascar. The South is the most sublime part of Africa, especially its southeastern tip, where the mountain dragons relatives are located. Here are a variety of minerals: in the foothills, sediment (gold, diamonds, copper), and at the yields of crystalline rocks - igneous (coal, oil, gas).
    • The following types of climate are presented in South Africa: desert tropical, wet tropical, subequatorial, subtropical Mediterranean and subtropical uniform moistening throughout the year.
  • Slide 16.

    Good weather.

    View all slides

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

    1 Slide

    Slide description:

    Africa Africa climate is the hottest mainland on Earth. It gets more solar heat and light. Than other continents. There always holds the sun above the horizon, and twice a year at any point it happens in the zenith.

    2 Slide

    Slide description:

    Remember! 1. What is called relief? The relief is a set of irregularities of the earth's surface, differing in size, origin and age. 2. Name the main forms of the surface of the sushi and their division in height. Mountains Height above the sea level of the plain 0-200 m 200-500 m 500-1000 m 1000-2000 m 2000-5000 m more than 5000 m Low average high high lowest lowlands of plane reniga

    3 Slide

    Slide description:

    The purpose of the lesson: to find out the features of the African climate 1. Give the definitions of the concepts "weather", "climate". 2. List the climatic belts of the Earth on the Atlas map 3. Determine in which climatic belts there is an Africa type of lesson: a lesson for studying a new material

    4 Slide

    Slide description:

    Climate-forming factors climate-forming factor What is the role of factor influence on the climate of Africa height of the sun over the horizon the farther from the equator, the more .... Located in warm latitudes, gets more heat, intersects the equator (winter - summer) underlying surface (relief) direction of mountain ranges than above, the following sediments fall on ...... slopes despite the fact that Africa gets a lot of heat in Africa, there are mountains, At the top of which it lies the snow. The dragons of the mountains prevent the Passat to penetrate away in Kalahari (deserted air flows (Passats of the Monsoon) Passats from the ocean bring all year .... Passats dominate. Dry Passats with Eurasia determine the dryness of air in sugar. In South Africa, the Passat is wet, but does not penetrate

    5 Slide

    Slide description:

    Africa is the hottest continent of the planet. The reason for this is in the geographical location of the continent: the whole territory of Africa is in hot climatic belts. It is in Africa that is the hottest place on Earth - Dullaol, and the highest temperature on Earth (+58.4 ° C) was recorded.

    6 Slide

    Slide description:

    7 Slide

    Slide description:

    Characteristics of climatic belts Climate belt Geographical position The air mass characteristic of the climate Equatorial belt pool of the Congo River and the Coast of the Guinean Bay of EV is hot-wet subequatorial belt to 15-20 degrees of latitude to the north and south of Equator EV-summer, TV-winter is hot-wet hot-dry tropical belt to 25- 30 degrees of the northern latitude and southern latitude of TV hot-dry subtropical belt of the extreme north and the extreme south of the continent TV-summer, Wel-Winter is hot-dry moderately

    8 Slide

    Slide description:

    Equatorial belt Central Africa and the coastal areas of the Gulf of Guinea are the equatorial belt, there are plenty of precipitation during the entire year and there is no change in the seasons. Here is the permanent climate. In the afternoon, the surface is very hot, and after noon there are storm rains. In the evening, clear weather comes again.

    9 Slide

    Slide description:

    The subequatorial belt reaches about 15-20 ° latitude to the north and south of the equator. Two seasons are dry winter and wet summer. The north and south of the subequatorial belts are the northern and southern tropical belts. For them are characteristic high temperatures With a small amount of precipitation, which leads to the formation of the desert.

    10 Slide

    Slide description:

    Tropical climatic belt. The average temperatures in winter is not lower than 10 ° C, in the summer 30-35 ° C. In the arid places there are deserts and semi-deserts, in more moisturized places - savanna and deciduous forests.

    11 Slide

    Slide 1.

    Climate Africa

    Slide 2.

    Africa is the hottest mainland on Earth. It gets more solar heat and light. Than other continents. There always holds the sun above the horizon, and twice a year at any point it happens in the zenith.

    Slide 3.

    The purpose of the lesson: to find out the features of the African climate, the study of the characteristics of the climate of Africa and the factors forming the climate of the mainland
    1. Give the definitions of the concepts "Weather", "Climate". 2. List the climatic belts of the Earth on the Atlas map 3. Determine in which climatic belts is located Africa
    Type of lesson: Lesson studying new material

    Slide 4.

    Africa is the hottest mainland of the earth
    Most of the mainland is located in a hot belt, where the sun happens in Zenith 2 times a year; The average monthly temperature does not fall below + 8 ° C; No cold winters marked the highest temperature on Earth + 58 ° C;

    Slide 5.

    Geographical Dictionary Climate Passat Isothermary Days of equinox days of solstice

    Slide 6.

    Slide 7.

    Climathoring factor What is the role of factor influence on the climate of Africa
    The height of the sun over the horizon the farther from the equator, the more .... Located in warm latitudes, gets more heat, intersects with an equator (winter - summer)
    The underlying surface (relief) direction of the mountain ranges The higher the one ... The sediments fall on ...... slopes despite the fact that Africa gets a lot of heat, there are mountains in Africa, on the top of which it lies snow. Dragons of the mountains prevent the Passat to penetrate far in Calahari (Namib Desert
    Air currents (Passats of the Monsoon) Passats from the ocean bring all year .... Passats dominate. Dry Passats with Eurasia determine the dryness of air in sugar. In South Africa, the Passat is wet, but does not penetrate
    Climate-forming factors

    Slide 8.

    Creating a card reader
    - warm flow
    - dominant winds of the Passat
    - Clear weather and
    - Zenital rains
    - Owned current
    - Warm flow
    - dominant winds of the Passat
    - abundant precipitation

    Slide 9.

    dry winds
    + 58 °

    Slide 10.

    1. Equatorial KP 2. Sub Escavatorial KP 3A Tropical KP (deserted) 3B Tropical KP (wet) 4B Subtropical KP (Mediterranean) 4g Subtropic KP (with uniform moisturizing)

    Slide 11.

    gets more solar heat than any other mainland due to GP (between the tropics); The highest temperature on Earth + 58O in Tripoli; In the winter months, the temperature does not fall below + 10th; Many precipitation B. equatorial latitudes, little in tropical; The large size of the mainland and dry trade winds from the Arabian Peninsula determines the dry climate in North Africa; The Prochanskaya Desert Namib formed under the influence of cold flow.

    Slide 12.

    Africa is the hottest continent of the planet. The reason for this is in the geographical location of the continent: the whole territory of Africa is in hot climatic belts. It is in Africa that is the hottest place on Earth - Dullaol, and the highest temperature on Earth (+58.4 ° C) was recorded.

    Slide 13.

    Equatorial belt Central Africa and the coastal areas of the Gulf of Guinea are the equatorial belt, there are plenty of precipitation during the entire year and there is no change in the seasons. Here is the permanent climate. In the afternoon, the surface is very hot, and after noon there are storm rains. In the evening, clear weather comes again.

    Slide 14.

    The subequatorial belt reaches about 15-20 ° latitude to the north and south of the equator. Two seasons are dry winter and wet summer. The north and south of the subequatorial belts are the northern and southern tropical belts. It is characterized by high temperatures with a small amount of precipitation, which leads to the formation of the desert.

    Slide 15.

    Tropical climatic belt. The average temperatures in winter is not lower than 10 ° C, in the summer 30-35 ° C. In the arid places there are deserts and semi-deserts, in more moisturized places - savanna and deciduous forests.

    Slide 16.

    Equatorial climatic belt

    Slide 17.

    Subscance belt

    Slide 18.

    Tropical climatic belt

    Slide 19.

    Subtropical climatic belt

    Slide 20.

    KP geographical position of VM T Summer T Summer T Winter Count - In precipitation in mm Mode of precipitation of precipitation Har-ka climate
    ECP basin of the Congo River and the coast of the Guinean Bay eV +24 +26 +24 +26 1000 - 3000 evenly hot-wet
    SubaCP to 15-20 0 latitude to the north and south of the Equator Ev - L, TV - Z +24 +16 +200 - 2000 in the summer is hot-wet hot-suho
    TKP up to 25-30 0 north latitude and southern tv +32 0 +16 0 - 1000 on Yu-in summer Hot-dry
    Subtkp extreme north and extreme south mainland TV - l, uv - z +29 +12 250 - 500 500 - 1000 winter is hot-dry but

    Slide 21.

    Task for intelligence
    In the north, the Sahara desert, in the south of Kalahari desert are at one distance from the equator. Why are these localities in these areas of different summer temperatures? Students must link it from the size of the territory of the Sahara, with marine currents and Passatam Northern Hemispherewalking through Arabia. - "Does the climate affect the height of the area above the sea level?" For example, on a mountain Kilimanjaro at an altitude of almost 6000 m, it lies snow, and on the volcano Cameroon Record For Africa, the amount of precipitation is 9000 mm - the Namib desert lies with the ocean, but there is very dry (drops 100 mm per year). Students should be linked to a cold course, which relates moisture, no precipitation, and only sometimes strong fogs.

    Slide 22.

    Compilation of synkewine. 1 line - the topic (one noun); 2 string - description of the theme (two adjectives); 3 Row - description of the topic of the topic (three verbs); 4 string - phrase of four meaningful wordsexpressing related to the topic; 5 Row - synonym, generalizing or expanding the meaning of the theme (one word). EXAMPLE: 1.Africa 2.Food, hot 3.Names, wash, live 4.Africa - this is a mystery! 5. Materick

    Slide 23.

    1. Installing scores for work on workshop. Given homework § 46-47 2. Large task: 1 Option: Prepare a trip to the rivers of Africa; 2 Option: Prepare a trip to the lakes of Africa 3.Dog the result of the lesson.