My family is small in English. Composition My family in English with translation

There is nothing more important in our life than family. In English, the family is translated as:

family [family] - family
my family [my family] - my family

I have a big family of 4 people [I have a big family of four people] - I have a big family of four.

Required family members are:
father [phaser] - dad
Husband [husband] - husband

mother [maser] - mother
wife [wife] - wife

And if we want to talk about them as one whole, then most often we use the word parents: parents [parents] - parents

I love my parents very much, because we are very close with them [Ai love may parents vari match, bicoz wi ar vari kloz viz zem] - I love my parents very much, because we are very close to them.

Also in the family may be:
daughter [doter] - daughter
son [san] - son
children [children] - children

My son is five years old and my daughter is 7 years old

sister [sister] - sister
brother [brother] - brother

my sister is very funny and smart, I love her very much

But there are also unusual cases:
twins [twins] - twins
twin-brother [twin brother] - twin brother
twin-sister [twin-sister] - twin sister

I have a twin-sister, and we are very much alike

Also, do not forget about the elderly family members: grandparents [grandparents] - grandfather and grandmother

I do not see my grandparents often but still I love them and miss them very much I still miss them and love them very much.

grandmother [grandmaser] - grandmother
grandfather [grandfather] - grandfather

Grandparents must have grandchildren:

grandchildren [grandchildren] - grandchildren
granddaughter [granddoter] - granddaughter
grandson [grandson] - grandson

From the window I saw grandfather with his granddaughter yesterday [From the window ai with grandfather visa hiz granddoter esterday] - Yesterday I saw grandfather with my granddaughter from the window.

Secondary family members are:
uncle [uncle] - uncle
aunt [ant] aunt
cousin [kazin] - cousin or sister

His uncle is a teacher and her aunt is a singer [Hiz uncle from e ticher and hyo ant from e singer] - His uncle is a teacher, and her aunt is a singer.

niece [niis] - niece
Nephew [nefiyu] - nephew

I have three nieces and five nephews in Moscow [Ai have free nieces and five nephews by Moscow] - I have three nieces and five nephews in.

Also, family members can be:
step-father [stepfazar] - stepfather
step-mother [stepmazer] - stepmother
step-con [stepsan] - adopted son
step-daughter [stepdoter] - stepdaughter

When I was five my father died and my mother remarried, that is why I had a step-father my father died and my mother remarried, that's why I had a stepfather.

Dialogue about family in English

  • Tell me how big is your family?
  • My family is very big. I have wife, one daughter and two sons. Also I have 3 nephews and 2 cousins. And what about you?
  • My family is not very big. I have a husband, one daughter and one son.
  • And are your grandparents alive?
  • Only my grandmother. I don't see her very often.

Family story in English

I have a big family.

Mom, dad, older brother and younger sister. There is also a grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt.

The eldest in our family is my great-grandfather. He is 90 years old. He is very smart and always fun to be around.

My grandfather is also very smart, he knows how to make a bow and arrow, he taught me to read and count, and in winter we go skating with him.

My grandmother used to read fairy tales to me, and now we often read poems by Pushkin, Blok, and our favorite poet, Lermontov, to each other.

With my mother, we walk a lot in parks, go to art galleries. Dad teaches me to play chess, and we also go to the pool with him: I have already learned to swim.

I really love big family holidays, when everyone gathers at the same table.

I have a big family.

Mom, dad, older brother and younger sister. There is grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt.

The eldest in our family - great-grandfather. He is 90 years old. He is very smart and he's always fun.

My grandfather is also very smart, he knows how to make a bow and arrow, taught me to read and count, and in the winter we skate.

My grandmother read me a story, and now we often read each other poems by Pushkin, Block, and our beloved poet Lermontov.

With mom we do a lot of walking in the parks, go to art galleries. Dad's teaching me to play chess, and we go with him to the pool: I learned to swim.

I love large family gatherings when everyone gathers at the table.

Any student sooner or later faces the task of writing an essay “My family” or making an oral statement about his family. I bring to your attention myfamilytopics, on the basis of which you can make your own statement about the family. Family Theme divided into several subsections with translation.

My family theme.

About my family

We are the family of five. I live with my parents, my brother and sister. We don "t have any family problems as we understand and love each other. I enjoy the honest and open relationship in my family. I like it when parents trust their children, give them enough freedom and respect them.

My mother's name is Nadezhda. She is 45 years old. She works as a nurse. She is a born nurse.

My Dad's name is Victor. He is 50 years old. He works as an engineer. Both my parents like their work very much.

My elder sister Natasha is eighteen, she goes to the University. She wants to be a designer. She is fond of painting and photography. My younger brother Sasha is only four years old. Sasha goes to the kindergarten. He is very funny, I like to spend my free time with him. Sasha likes to draw and watch cartoons.

I also have a granny and a granddad. They don't live with us, but I often visit them. My grandparents are retired. They like gardening and spend a lot of their time working in the garden. I love my family very much. Everyone in my family is my best friend.

The role of the family.

Belonging to a family is highly important to each of us. Our family gives us the sense of tradition, strength and purpose. Our families show us who we are. The things we need most of all - love, respect, and communication - have the beginning in the family.

Family is very important in our lives. Family is an emotional center of people "s life. You can always find help and support in your family. If you have any problems, you can consult your parents or relatives. You feel secure when there's a family behind you. In happy, parents are frank and honest with their children, they treat their children with respect without moralizing or bossing them.

The functions of the family.

Families serve many functions:

  • They provide conditions in which children are born and brought up.
  • They educate children, teach them family values ​​and daily skills.
  • They give us emotional support and security.

family pattern.

When we speak about family patterns we mean traditional and non-traditional families , but we must admit that family patterns vary from country to country.

When we speak about a traditional family, we mean a family with both parents living together. Usually there are two children in a traditional family. Today there is a tendency that families are getting smaller. Therefore, a family where there is only one child can also be called a traditional one.

In a traditional family the father goes out and works and the mother looks after the children, or both parents work. More and more women work today either to express themselves or to earn money to support the family.

Today there are many single-parent families, which are headed by only one parent, usually the mother. Many divorced men are required to help support the children by law.

family problems.

Families today face many difficulties – for example financial difficulties – low-income families are not rare today. It's a problem because children in families, which suffer from poverty, are likely to commit a crime one day.

Another family problem is connected with the relationship between the parents. More than a half of all marriages in well-developed countries end in divorce. Children suffer greatly during a divorce, but it’s better to live in a single-parent family, than with two parents who are unhappy.

The generation gap is also a problem in many families. Teenagers often consider their parents old-fashioned. And parents don't want to understand their children's needs. Our parents sometimes don't want to understand modern views, ideals and our system of values. They say that teenagers are cruel, brutal, heartless and rude. Sometimes when we talk to our parents, they listen only to their own point of view. They say that wisdom always comes with age and that they know better.

Do you have your own family traditions?

There are some family traditions in my family. For example, we always have dinner together. Every evening, when my parents come home from work, we have a family dinner. We discuss the important events of the day.

The second tradition is connected with household duties. Everyone in our family has his own duties. For example, my mum is responsible for cooking, while my dad always does the shopping. I’m responsible for the pets and plants, while my older sister is responsible for washing the dishes and vacuum-cleaning.

The third tradition is celebrating holidays together. We especially like celebrating New Year and Christmas. The traditional New Year dishes in our home are a roast chicken, a couple of salads and my mum's specialty - a vanilla cake. We always prepare postcards and gifts for one another.

What will you ask your British friend about his/her family?

  • How many members are there in your family?
  • What can you tell me about your parents?
  • Do you have brothers or sisters?
  • Do you have any family traditions?
  • Do you love your family?

What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?

To have a happy family people must love and respect one another. It's also a nice idea to do something together. You can discuss family plans together, go on trips and hikes together, visit museums, theaters, exhibitions and exchange opinions about them. Family traditions are also very important for those who want to have a close family.

Theme is my family

About my family

We are a family of five. I live with my parents, brother and sister. We don't have any family problems as we understand and love each other. I like honest and open relationships in our family. I like it when parents trust their children, give them enough freedom, and respect them.

My mother's name is Hope. She is 45 years old. She is a nurse. She is a nurse from God.

My dad's name is Victor. He's 50 years old. He works as an engineer. My parents love their job very much.

My older sister Natasha is eighteen, she is studying at the university. She wants to become a designer. She is interested in painting and photography. My younger brother Sasha is only four years old. Sasha goes to Kindergarten. He is very funny, I like to spend my free time with him. Sasha loves to draw and watch cartoons.

I also have a grandma and grandpa. They don't live with us, but I often visit them. My grandparents are retired. They love gardening and spend a lot of time gardening. I love my family very much. Every member of my family is my best friend.

The role of the family.

Belonging to a family is very important to all of us. Our family gives us a sense of tradition, strength and purpose. Our families tell us who we are. Everything we need most—love, respect, and fellowship—begins in the family.

Family is very important in our life. The family is the emotional center of people's lives. You can always find help and support in your family. If you have any problems, you can contact your parents or relatives. You feel safe when you have family behind you. In happy families, parents are frank and honest with their children, they treat their children with respect, without moralizing or commanding.

Family functions.

The family performs the following functions:

  • provides the conditions in which children are born and raised.
  • families raise children, teach them family values ​​and everyday skills.
  • family gives us emotional support and provides a sense of security.

family models.

When we talk about family models, we mean traditional and non-traditional families, but we must recognize that family models vary from country to country.

When we talk about a traditional family, we mean families where both parents live together. As a rule, a traditional family has two children. Today there is a tendency for families to become smaller. Therefore, a family with one child can also be called traditional.

In a traditional family, the father works and the mother takes care of the children; it happens that both parents work. More and more women today work to express themselves or earn money to support their families.

To date, there are many single-parent families where only one of the parents, usually the mother. Divorced men are required to help children by law.

Family problems.

Families today face numerous challenges – for example, financial difficulties – low-income families are not uncommon today. This is indeed a problem, because children in families suffering from poverty may one day commit a crime.

Another problem is related to the relationship between parents. More than half of all marriages in developed countries end in divorce. Children suffer greatly in divorce, however, it is better to live in a family with one parent than with two parents who are unhappy.

The problem of generations is a problem in many families. Teenagers often see their parents as old-fashioned. And parents do not want to understand the needs of their children. Our parents sometimes do not want to accept modern views, ideals and value systems. They say teenagers are cruel, heartless and rude. Sometimes, when we talk with parents, they take only their point of view. They say that wisdom always comes with age and that they know everything better.

Family traditions

My family has family traditions. For example, we always have dinner together. Every evening when my parents come home from work, we have a family dinner. We discuss important events day.

The second tradition is related to daily duties. In our family, everyone has responsibilities. For example, my mom is in charge of cooking while my dad is always shopping. I am in charge of pets and plants while my older sister is in charge of washing dishes and cleaning.

The third tradition is to celebrate holidays together. We especially like to celebrate New Year and Christmas. Traditional New Year's dishes of our house are fried chicken, salads and vanilla cake according to Mom's special recipe. We always prepare postcards and gifts for each other.

Ask a British friend about his/her family.

  • How many members are in your family?
  • What can you tell about your parents?
  • Do you have brothers or sisters?
  • Do you have family traditions?
  • Do you love your family?

To have a happy family, people must love and respect each other. It's a good idea to do something together. You can discuss family plans together, go on an excursion, go hiking together, visit museums, theaters, exhibitions and exchange opinions. Family traditions are very important for those who want to have a friendly family.

I hope the topic My family has helped you prepare your own essay or oral statement.

Family is one of the most popular topics for a story, not only at school and university, but also in language courses. Most often, this topic is offered to owners of an intermediate or below-intermediate level of the language. A story about a family in English or just a short text on the topic “My family” (My family) is very easy to write if you follow certain points.

How to talk about family point by point

To write a story on any topic was easier, it is best to use a narrative outline. Such a plan will tell you in what sequence to compose your story so that it is logical and understandable to listeners / readers. We have prepared a five-point plan for you:

  1. Greetings

  2. Presenting yourself

  3. Heading sentence leading to the topic

  4. Main part of the story:
    • Tell a large family or a small one.

    • Name all family members and tell about them.

    • A short description - you can talk about the positive features of the family.

    • Talk about a shared pastime.

  5. Final offer.

Useful phrases to start a story

The purpose of a head sentence is to explain to the listener/reader what topic you are going to talk about. When you are planning a story about a family, it is in this sentence that you need to report this. We have prepared for you several options for such a proposal with a translation:

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Useful phrases for the middle of the story

Of course, each storyteller will have their own unique story about the family. To make it easier to work with the main content, we have prepared for you 15 phrases that you can use in the story as is, or change it for yourself.

Phrase in English Translation into Russian
I have two parents. I have two parents.
I have only one parent. I have only one parent.
I am adopted. I was adopted/adopted.
My father is a pilot. My father is a pilot.
Every week we go to the theatre. We go to the theater every week.
Also I have grandfather and grandmother. I also have a grandfather and grandmother.
I am the only child. I am an only child.
I have a sister. I have a sister.
My brother is older than me. My brother is older than me.
My mother's name is Sara. My mother's name is Sarah.
Also we have a dog. We also have a dog.
I spend a lot of time with my family. I spend a lot of time with my family.
I see them only on holidays. I only see them on holidays.
My father Tim is 42 years old. My father Tim is 42 years old.
I have many cousins. I have many cousins.

Useful phrases for the end of the story

Any story needs to be able to finish beautifully and competently. To do this, there are many universal phrases, the knowledge of which will help you not to get lost at the right time. We have prepared for you some of these phrases with translation:

Example of a family story

Hello everyone. My name is Clara and i want to tell you about my family. I have a big family. I have two parents, sister, two twin-brothers and a cat. Also I have grandmother. My father Tim is 42 years old. He is a lawyer. My mother Ann is 40 years old and she is lawyer too. My grandmother is retired. All of my siblings are older than me.

I spend a lot of time with my family. Every day we have breakfast together and every weekend we do something together. Last weekend we were at the zoo.

I love my family so much.

Translation of the example

Hello. My name is Clara and I want to tell you about my family. I have a big family. I have two parents, a sister, two twin brothers and a cat. I also have a grandmother. My father Tim is 42 years old. He's a lawyer. My mother Ann is 40 and she is also a lawyer. My grandmother is retired. All my brothers and sister are older than me.

I spend a lot of time with my family. Every day we have breakfast together, and every weekend we do something together. We were at the zoo last weekend.

I love my family very much.

Video on the topic "My family":

If you were asked to write an essay in English on the topic "My family", use the texts below, changing the appropriate description of family members.

my family

There are six people in my family. My family includes: mother, father, my brother, grandmother, grandfather and me. We live in Odessa. All the members of our family are Ukrainian.

My father is fat and bald. His name is Alexey. He has got green eyes and short dark brown hair. My father is forty-five. He works as a computer programmer. I want to become a computer programmer too. I learn JavaScript programming language.

My father is very helpful, when I do my English homework. He speaks English fluently. My dad is the most intelligent in our family.

My mother is slim. Her name is Leena. She has got long brown hair, gray eyes and a white skin. She works as an economist. My mother is thirty-seven. She is a very attractive woman.

My grandfather is tall. His name is Ivan. He has got long hair, a gray beard, mustache and a big nose. My grandfather is seventy. He is a poet.

The oldest in my family is granny. Her name is Emilia. She is seventy-two. My granny cooks food. She likes to watch TV.

My younger brother is like me. His name is Nazar. We have got short brown hair and green eyes. But my brother is smaller than me. He is six. Nazar has got very long eyelashes. He is funny. I spend a big part of my time with him. He is my best friend. We like to watch on TV the same cartoons. I and Nazar like playing computer games.

My brother already goes to school. He is in the first class. I am in the fifth class now. We are good schoolboys. Nazar is clever for his age. He asks questions like ‘What is the biggest star in space?’ I ask my father and get the answer, then I say it to my brother.

I love my family!

Translating to Russian language

My family

There are six people in my family. My family includes my mom, dad, my brother, grandpa, grandma and me. We live in Odessa. All members of our family are Ukrainians.

My dad is fat and bald. His name is Alexei. Him green eyes and short dark brown hair. My father is forty-five years old. He works as a programmer. I also want to become a programmer. I am learning JavaScript programming language.

My father is very helpful when I do my English homework. He is fluent in English. My dad is the smartest in our family.

My mom is slim. Her name is Lina. She has long brown hair, gray eyes, and white skin. She works as an economist. My mother is thirty-seven years old. She is a very attractive woman.

My grandfather is tall. His name is Ivan. He has long hair, a gray beard, mustache and a big nose. My grandfather is seventy years old. He is a poet.

The oldest in my family is my grandmother. Her name is Emilia. She is seventy-two years old. My grandmother cooks food. She loves to watch TV.

My younger brother is like me. His name is Nazar. We have short brown hair and green eyes. But my brother is smaller than me. He is six years old. Nazar has very long eyelashes. He is cheerful. I spend most of my time with him. He is my best friend. We like to watch the same cartoons on TV. We like Nazar.

My brother is already in school. He's in first grade. I'm in fifth grade now. We are good students. Nazar is smart for his age. He asks questions like "What is the most big star in space? I ask my father and get an answer and then I tell it to my brother.

I love my family!

Essay with translation for students

About myself and my family

Let me introduce myself. My name is Inna. I live in Ukraine, in Odessa. I was born in 2000 in the family of workers. My family is large. I have got a father, a mother and two brothers. I am the youngest in our family. So my brothers are twenty-nine and twenty-seven years old. The young brother Pasha by name is an engineer and the elder brother Sasha is an electrician. My father Sergey Alexandrovich is fifty-eight and my mother Emilia Ivanovna is fifty-two. My father is a skilled worker at a plant and my mother is a housewife. I am like my mother.

After finishing a secondary school I entered the Odessa State Economic University. And now I am a first-year student of this university.

My hobby is needlework. I like to read magazines and newspapers. I am fond of historical novels, fantastic stories, fairy tales.

Translating to Russian language

About me and my family

Let me introduce myself. My name is Inna. I live in Ukraine, in Odessa. I was born in 2000 in a family of workers. My family is big. I have a father, mother and two brothers. I am the youngest in our family. So, my brothers are twenty-nine and twenty-seven years old. The younger brother named Pasha is an engineer, the older brother Sasha is an electrician. My father, Sergei Alexandrovich, is fifty-eight years old, and my mother, Emilia Ivanovna, is fifty-two years old. My father is a skilled factory worker and my mother is a housewife. I look like my mother.

After graduating from high school, I entered the Odessa State the University of Economics. And now I am a first-year student of this university.

my family

I have got a large family: a father, a mother, grandparents, a sister and a brother.

My grandfather is a retired officer. Now he and his wife, my grandmother, get pensions from the state and live happily with their children and grandchildren.

My father is fifty years old. He is a skilled worker. He works at a plant.

My mother is forty-four. She graduated from the Kiev University. She is a teacher of Biology. My sister Oksana is twenty-five. She is an evening student at the Mining University. Oksana is married. Her husband Boris is an engineer by profession. They have got two children, Nina and Sasha. My niece Nina is four and my nephew Sasha is two.

My elder brother Victor is nineteen. He serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We have got many relatives on my mother's side. My mother's brothers are my uncles. My mother's sisters are my aunts. My uncles and aunts are married and have got children. Their sons and daughters are my cousins.

My family

I have a big family: father, mother, grandparents, sister and brother.

My grandfather is a retired officer. Currently, he and his wife, my grandmother, receive pensions from the state and live happily with their children and grandchildren.

My father is fifty years old. He is a skilled worker. He works at the factory.

My mother is forty-four years old. She graduated from Kyiv University. She is a biology teacher. My sister Oksana is twenty five years old. She is an evening student at the Mining University. Oksana is married. Her husband Boris is an engineer by profession. They have two children, Nina and Sasha. My niece Nina is four years old and my nephew Sasha is two.

My elder brother Victor is nineteen years old. He serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We have many maternal relatives. My mother's brothers are my uncles. My mother's sisters are my aunts. My uncles and aunts are married and have children. Their sons and daughters are my cousins ​​and sisters.

See the other exercises / See other exercises:

Theme "My family" in English language with translation includes a general description of the family and relatives. AT topic "My family" on English language their appearance and place of work are affected. In this topic, attention is paid to the place of residence of the family and their relationships. Having studied the topic "My family" in English you will be able to tell about your family to your foreign friends.


my family

My family isn't large. We are a family of four: my mother, my father, my sister and I.
My name is Barbara, I am sixteen years old and I am a pupil of the 10th form. My younger sister Mary is eleven and she is also a pupil. She looks like our mother. She has blue eyes and blond hair. She is not very tall. Everybody says that I am the exact copy of my father. My eyes are brown, my hair is brown and curvy hair and I am very tall.

My family lives in a three-room flat on the fifth floor of a multistory building in Saint Petersburg. We have all modern conveniences: telephone, central heating, running hot and cold water, rubbish chute and a gas-stove. We also have very comfortable furniture and a small balcony. My sister and like the flat very much and help our mom to make it nice and cozy.

My mother is about 39 years old. She is a very beautiful and clever woman; she works as German teacher at school. Although my mom usually comes from school not very late, we all have to help her about the house. We all have our domestic chores, my sister and I like grocery shopping most of all.

We also help our mom to clean the flat. My younger sister likes dusting the furniture and I usually wash the dishes and set the table. My father is responsible for repairing broken things and vacuum cleaning.

My father is a sales manager. The firm he works sells cars. They have business in several Russian cities. He goes on business trips from time to time.

We have a wonderful summerhouse and a lovely garden near it not far from Saint-Petersburg. There is a beautiful lake near our house and we like swimming in it when it is hot. When the weather is cool, we go to the forest and pick berries and mushrooms. I enjoy spending time with my family very much.


My family

My family is not very big. It consists of four people: mom, dad, sister and me. My name is Varvara, I am 16 years old and I am in the 10th grade. My younger sister Maria is 11 years old and also goes to school. She looks like our mother. She has blue eyes and blonde hair. She is not very tall. Everyone says that I am an exact copy of my dad. I have brown eyes and curly hair and I am very tall.

My family lives in a three-room apartment on the fifth floor of a high-rise building in St. Petersburg. We have all modern conveniences: telephone, central heating, hot and cold water, garbage chute and gas stove. We also have comfortable furniture and a small balcony. My sister and I really like the apartment and we help our mother to make it nice and cozy.

My mother is 39 years old. She is a very beautiful and smart woman, she works as a German teacher at the school. Although she doesn't usually come home late from school, we have to help her around the house. Everyone has household chores, my sister and I love grocery shopping the most.

We also help mom clean the apartment. My little sister likes to dust and I usually do the dishes and set the table. Dad is in charge of fixing broken things, and he also vacuums.

Dad works as a sales manager. His company sells cars. They have business in several large Russian cities. From time to time, dad goes on business trips.

We have a wonderful dacha with a beautiful garden not far from St. Petersburg. Not far from the house there is a beautiful lake in which we like to swim in hot weather. When it's cool outside, we go to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms. I really love spending time with my family.