A fallen “alien ship” was discovered on Google Earth maps in Antarctica. Alien ships that are many years old were discovered in Antarctica A spaceship was discovered in Antarctica

A few days ago, a new video appeared on the paranormal YouTube channel secureteam10, entitled "Something crashed in Antarctica."

On Google Earth maps, canal researchers discovered a very smooth and long trail in the snow, in the middle of a virgin and untouched snow expanse. When they followed the end of the trail, they found an unusual object.

The most interesting thing is what this one looks like "fallen alien ship"(as assumed) not like the usual disc-shaped UFO, but rather like a submarine half-buried in the snow.

It is reported that these traces on maps may have appeared as early as 2011. Apparently this mysterious catastrophe occurred at the same time. Let us remember that the Google Earth project itself was released in 2001.

In 4 days, this video was watched by more than a million users. Coordinates of an unusual place 54°39"44.62"S 36°11"42.47"W.

In addition to the “brake” mark in the snow and the object itself, traces of what was probably a collision of a falling ship with a mountain were found. On the slope of this mountain, the same even tracks as on the snow cover were noticed, and at its foot there were pieces of ice and snow heaps that fell down the mountain from the collision.

In the comments to the video there are many speculations about what it could be. It is often written that this is a snow landslide. But despite all the skepticism, this does not at all look like a landslide, since the traces are not at all similar to those that can be left by rolling snow or ice. The tracks are too smooth and look like what a large car would leave behind.

The unidentified object itself is really large, 63 meters long.

Among the many versions, one completely unexpected one was put forward. The user made the assumption that there is a lost person in the pictures Malaysian Boeing flight MH370 Kuala Lumpur - Beijing, missing in March 2014.

This version, by the way, was back in 2015 nominated by New Zealand Herald journalists. Experts, after analyzing satellite data, decided that the plane, for an unknown reason, headed towards Antarctica, a continent located in the very south of the Earth.

After contact with the plane was lost, the plane remained in the air for several more hours. Experts found that during this time the airliner performed three maneuvers. First, the plane turned west, and then flew south - towards Antarctica.

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Does alien life exist? This question has been repeatedly asked by astrophysicists, ufologists and ordinary people. The theory goes: Aliens exist. However, where are they? Do they relate to Earth or other celestial bodies solar system? Are they capable of attacking our planet and why do they need it? There are more questions than answers. However, science is trying to study all the points that will bring us at least a little closer to the answer.

The last statement could not leave indifferent any network user who is interested in alien topics. Yes, on Youtube channel a certain ufologist from Nizhny Tagil published a video in which he presented materials confirming his theory. An adherent of the alien theory believes that an alien ship with 12 floors is located in Antarctica. The author of the materials reported that he came to a similar conclusion as a result of studying images using Google Earth. As a result of carefully studying the photographs, he saw an object that did not look like an object of natural origin. It was then that he thought that it could be an alien ship.

According to a ufologist, the alien ship is of enormous size, comparable to a 12-story building. According to preliminary data from the researcher, its width is 20 meters and its height is 30. It is noteworthy that this is the first such object of alien origin that was noticed on our planet. At the same time, our compatriot is sure that the flying saucer could have arrived on Earth for several hundred or even thousands of years. It is made of metal, which is why it has been preserved practically in perfect condition. The ufologist himself even indicated the exact location of the flying saucer down to the coordinates, namely: 72°32’41.03?S, 68°20’1.84?E.

Netizens began to develop thoughts on this matter and voiced their opinion that perhaps this comic ship belongs to aliens from Serpo. Earlier, information appeared on the Internet that 12 aliens flew to this flying saucer and crashed. Scientists from the NASA team helped them, and as a sign of gratitude, the aliens took American researchers with them. 12 scientists went to Serpo, some of whom had already returned to Earth. Others chose to live in the world of aliens. However, there is another thought on this matter. After all, earlier information appeared on the Internet that there is an alien base in Antarctica where UFOs are located. In particular we're talking about that due to the desire to hide traces of their activities on Earth from humanity, humanoids chose to choose the most sparsely populated territory of our planet. Since the aliens themselves are representatives of a civilization more developed than humanity, very specific climatic conditions are not an obstacle to the activities of humanoids. Given this information, it is quite reasonable that the remains of a huge alien ship could be another confirmation of the ufologists’ version.

Although, to be fair, it is worth noting that Houston and Cuba are suspected of having alien bases. It is in these places that flying objects of unknown origin can most often be seen. By the way, these very objects may be weapons of a new generation, which were created by the American government together with aliens. Allegedly, America does not want to lose its leading position on the world stage in the military industry and has decided to use its connections with representatives of an alien civilization. In addition, the Pentagon is already considering the option of conducting military operations with its opponents in outer space. This idea was once expressed by ufologists from the United States. However, like most such statements, it remained unconfirmed.

Confirmation that aliens are indeed present on Earth is also the recent information that a UFO attacked an Australian family. The incident occurred back in the 80s of the last century, but it appeared on the pages of publications only a few days ago. According to eyewitnesses, they were victims of aliens who, apparently, tried to steal their car along with its passengers. However, something went wrong, and the aliens left the car. Horrified, the participants in the incident contacted the police. As a result of long investigations, representatives of the investigation team came to the conclusion that aliens really had something to do with what happened. After all, the car actually had a dent from the alien ship, traces of a substance unknown to world science were found in the car’s interior, and one of the participants in the incident received burns of unknown origin. Many do not believe that this moment really happened, but eyewitnesses (and there were also witnesses to what happened) and the investigative team agreed on the presence of aliens.

All these points suggest that a UFO is taking place, and even though science is very skeptical about what ufologists are voicing today, scientists themselves confirm this same information. Albeit indirectly, because they themselves are also looking for an alien trace in the depths of space. So far they have not been able to detect living beings on potentially inhabited planets, and signals from the outside remain undeciphered, but the fact remains a fact. Aliens exist.

According to the domestic news site VladTime, a few days ago on the territory of Antarctica, researchers discovered unidentified objects near a previously abandoned base that strongly resembled traditional aircraft of representatives extraterrestrial civilization. Experts who deal with such mysteries and stumbled upon a mystical find quite by accident noticed two disks in the glacial area that apparently belonged to aliens. Experts also believe that they are many years old.

American experts managed to detect two possible UFOs using Google Maps. According to preliminary data from ufologists, the first object has about 50 meters in diameter, the second - about 30. Disc-shaped bodies were recorded six kilometers from the station, which previously belonged, according to researchers, to humanoids. If you rely on the opinion of specialists in similar cases, then at the place where the alleged spacecraft extraterrestrial assemblies, which were inoperative, were once busy with their business “little green men”.

As admirers of ufological works added, aliens could have gotten carried away in Antarctica secret developments, and it was their fruits that were recently found using a special Internet service. However, the hypothesis that the “flying saucers” recorded on the map once simply crashed is also not excluded. There is also an opinion that the aliens are still at the abandoned base.

Adherents of everything traditional have a completely different opinion on this matter. Many of them cannot understand what mysterious objects in Antarctica we are talking when, as it seems to them, there is nothing interesting on the map, except for mountain ranges that only vaguely resemble saucer-shaped spacecraft of an alien assembly, which, by the way, can only be seen in science fiction films shot in Hollywood.

In May of this year, Antarctica was already a topic of conversation among ufologists. Then experts on extraterrestrial devices and those who create them made an assumption, from which it follows that there is an alien base under the ice. Some researchers even noted that the aliens could have built there and the whole city, in which in this moment are living well. Classical scientists, of course, categorically disagree with this.

Radio amateur from Nizhny Tagil Valentin Degtyarev said that thanks to Google service Earth, he discovered a crashed “spaceship” in Antarctica. As proof, Degtyarev published a video on his YouTube channel containing satellite images of his discovery.

In his blog, Degtyarev said that the “starship” became noticeable after the ice began to melt in Antarctica.

“I accidentally found something amazing. On the Google Earth website at coordinates 73°13’55.09″S,71°57’12.98″W (this is Eklund Island) in Antarctica, 170 kilometers from the coast on a rock, lies what is commonly called a starship. Just a huge device measuring 600 meters crashed into a rock and remained in captivity for centuries,” he wrote.

If you turn on the time layer on the Google Earth website, there will be more than ten images. All of them were made from 1989 to 2013. But everywhere the same subject. In some places it is more noticeable, in others it is not. But its shape is clearly visible. An ellipsoidal disc-shaped device, with visible rocket engines.

The 1999 photo even shows the wing (or what looks like it). Or maybe it's just a shadow from a huge object. So, most likely only a small part of it is on the surface.

According to the Russian, “the ship is well preserved, and it will not be difficult to find it,” but he doubted that people should explore its find.

“Who knows what kind of “Pandora’s box” we will open if we manage to get inside a dead spaceship that has flown in from the depths of the Universe?” - Degtyarev noted.

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