Who to study or how to make the right choice. What to do when you don’t know what to do? Interesting recommendations and effective methods What is the best thing to do and what to do

First, a person must put his emotions in order. You need to calm down, let all the experiences pass through you, take a breath. And only when a person feels that his condition has returned to normal can he begin to think about the most important thing.

If he is overwhelmed by the question of what to do when he doesn’t know what to do, then he is in vicious circle. A person will endlessly torment himself with these words. But the question will never be answered. Although, in fact, this is not so.

There is always a way out. And the answers too. It just seems to us that they don’t exist. What comes to mind, a person rejects because it does not suit him. But you can’t refuse options. Everything that comes to mind has the right to life. What if every thought was developed as possible variant development of the event? Even the most absurd one. Since there seems to be no way out, we can try.

A fresh look

The problem with many people thinking about what to do when they don't know what to do is their default thinking. Let's say a person urgently needs money. There's still a long time until payday. There is no one to borrow from. As a rule, a person does not allow any more options. Either pay a salary or borrow.

When thinking, you need to go beyond the usual. Even if the thoughts are completely absurd. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that anything happens in our lives. And in any case there will be a way out. Usually the subconscious produces an unusual, non-trivial option. Sometimes an epiphany comes to a person. And a thought that had not previously arisen as an alternative turns out to be quite adequate and capable of influencing the situation.

Listen to yourself

Often a person thinking about what to do when he doesn’t know what to do is hindered by his head. And to be more precise - logic and reason.

Let's say there are two options for the development of events. For clarity, we can give a fictitious example. Let's say a young man is offered a promising permanent job abroad, which he has dreamed of all his adult life. But here, in Russia, he has a girlfriend, with whom he has been together for several years. And she cannot go with him, as she continues her master’s studies. Or she simply doesn’t want to go to this country, afraid of the foreign language, environment, mentality, and if only because she doesn’t know what she can do there.

This is approximately the situation when you don’t know what to do with a person. On the one hand, improvement of your own life, prospects and a chance that may not come again. But on the other hand - the other half. Well, if all possible compromises have been sorted out, then there is only one thing left to do - listen to your inner voice. And be honest with yourself. The heart will tell you what is more important and necessary. And after making a decision, a person himself will feel whether he was mistaken or not. Usually the heart does not deceive.

Of course, the first time after making a decision will not be easy. After all, a person will still have to give up something. Or, at a minimum, make adjustments to the plans. But time will put everything in its place.

Search for information

What to do when you don't know what to do? Of course, look useful information, which can help, in other sources. You don’t need to be limited by your own thoughts, especially if they don’t help. You can seek advice from a close friend or from various thematic resources. Watch a movie, read a book, listen to music. Sometimes this happens - the ear “clings” to some phrase, and then the person understands what lies in its context correct solution. In any case, even if you can’t find the answer to the question of what to do when you don’t know what to do, you will definitely be able to get distracted. And then, after a little mental relaxation, you can return to the problem at hand.

Appeal to conscience

Austrian writer Karl Kraus said: “When you don’t know what to do, do the right thing.” There is a simple truth hidden in this philosophical phrase. “Right” as your conscience dictates, so as not to harm anyone. Sometimes it turns out that a person acts stupidly, but correctly. An example is a simple situation. Let's say a person found a wallet. Inside, in addition to a considerable sum of money, was the owner's debit card. He takes and takes the wallet with all the goods attached to it to the bank branch. Employees find the owner’s information, call him, outline the situation, and a happy but absent-minded person comes to collect his property, heartily thanking the one who found everything.

Stupid move? Surely many will nod in the affirmative. After all, you could have kept the money for yourself. Is it correct? Definitely. After all, anyone could find themselves in the place of the person who lost their wallet. Again, anything can happen in life.

God willing

But it happens that all arguments are useless. And the person really doesn’t know what to do. And believers even turn to the Almighty for help. There is even a special prayer. When you don’t know what to do, the Orthodox faith will help. Whether there will be a result or not is a separate conversation. But at least it will become easier for a person.

Who should you pray to when you don’t know what to do? Lord God. The words are something like this: “Lord Almighty, thank You for allowing me to have spiritual insight into this situation and to mercifully come to terms with it. God, You are all-knowing, guide me to the truth and strengthen me in love. Amen".

Motivation and Action

To resolve this or that situation, you need to completely abandon fear. Modern people too much and often afraid. Fear blocks consciousness and prevents you from thinking. And also uncertainty. These are two qualities that prevent you from making a decision that, it would seem, is already in the palm of your hand. Therefore, you need to gain confidence. Quotes from great and famous people often help with this. successful people. Michael Jackson, for example, said: “If you are not confident in yourself, then nothing good will ever happen. Why? But because if you don’t believe in yourself, how can anyone believe in you?”

In general, motivational quotes often help you make that decision. They seem to morally push a person towards this. And in his subconscious the thought arises: “This is an authoritative person who has achieved a lot. So this man knew what he was saying. You can trust him."

We should remember a person like Nick Vujicic. This is a modern motivational speaker. Looking at him, everyone understands that there are no hopeless situations. After all, this man has neither arms nor legs. But he was able to achieve success, plays sports, got married and always smiles. And he also travels different countries and cities, gives performances and publishes books. This ability to not give up is impressive. So, Nick once said: “You can’t run away when faced with difficulties. You need to look for solutions without stopping, and believe that everything is for the best. Patience is the key to victory.”

Radical change

There are thousands of situations in which a person gives up because he does not know what to do. So, it was said above - you should never run away from problems. This is true, but if there is definitely no way out, you can try.

For example, at work a person has a disgusting boss who forces him to do things that are not in his competence. Quitting is not an option because you could end up without money. What if there won’t be another job? In this case, you need to put aside fear and quit. And then - be as it will be. Many will confirm that a problem is solved much faster and more effectively when a person meets it face to face. In extreme cases, it will be possible to “get by” with part-time jobs for a while.

This is just one example. As practice shows, radical changes are often the best solution. After all, they change not only a person’s life, but also his worldview in some way.

Among graduates high school a very worrying time. Making a life from whom? Who should I go to study? Where to go? Who to be? How to choose? There are a lot of guys who simply don’t know what they want. Parents know... They often explain: “you will go to study where you can.” Or: “You will study where our money is enough.” In the majority educational institutions V graduating classes serious work is underway. They invite university teachers and graduates, issue “newsletters”, and conduct interesting specialized cool watch, conversations... And in the souls of the guys there is an anxious, nagging feeling: as if not to make a mistake. The difficult thing is choice. If nothing is interesting, then everything is simple - it doesn’t matter where you serve 5 years, then life will show that you don’t have to work in your specialty. And it didn’t happen for 5 years. What if it’s interesting, but not prestigious, or not monetary?

So who should you go to study? Maybe first try to look at yourself from the outside

Sides? Do I know how to communicate with peers and with older comrades? Is it sociable or is it more interesting to think in silence alone about high things? Is my mind rational or do I primarily live with emotions and feelings? And then the first choice for yourself is a lyricist or a physicist? Then the second step: where can I acquire knowledge - in my city, in a neighboring one, in the capital? Third step: read in the press - what are they like these days?

After all, the future well-being of him and his loved ones, the possibility of further career growth and much more depend on the degree to which a specialist is in demand. Unfortunately, practical considerations, or fashion, or romantic ideas often become decisive. In the 60s of the 20th century they dreamed of conquering space, in the 90s they dreamed of becoming a lawyer and accountant. It was believed that they were the “breadiest”. But now there is an overabundance of them. Technologies and production levels are changing before the eyes of current graduates.

So who should I go to study after 11th grade? Obviously, preference will be given to professionals in the field of information and nanotechnologies, managers of innovative enterprises and business sectors. Not everyone is capable of becoming an engineer. But everyone intuitively understands that without basic knowledge in the field of law and economics, it is quite difficult to become a sought-after specialist in any field. Therefore, when deciding for himself the question “who is better to go to study at,” the future applicant must understand that budget places These specialties are very limited, which means high competition, and commercial places are available only if the family is ready to take on the financial obligations of training.

According to forecasts, engineering specialties will become leaders in the next decade. The real sector of the economy requires technologists, operators and marketers. This is all the more relevant, because highly qualified personnel of the Soviet period either retired or left the profession, engineering and technical youth of the 90s and 2000s sought to leave their homeland or retrained, as they say, “to become house managers.”

But there is an even more urgent need for highly qualified personnel in the field of education and healthcare: prestigious, interesting, fashionable, but... without money. What a dilemma!

Finally, it is generally not important to have prestigious “crusts” for self-respecting graduates if they know that they have a head on their shoulders and hands, as they say, “golden”.

It has been a long time since there has been such an acute demand for qualified workers in Russia. Turners, milling operators, equipment adjusters, system administrators, logisticians... Young people capable of servicing “complex” equipment are so in demand that companies are willing to train and pay higher salaries at their own expense. Of particular interest to employers are software engineers, web designers and IT security professionals.

The specializations “Nanomaterials” and “Nanotechnologies in Electronics” are also very attractive in Russia. In the future, it is likely that the range of specializations in this area will be wider.

However, how to promote products on the market, how to increase sales, how to take a place in the sun of your company in conditions of fierce competition - this is where serious psychologists and other specialists in optimizing the management of material and information flows are needed.

Who should I go to study? Listen to yourself, take a closer look at the world around you, don’t be led by your momentary mood, don’t reject any advice, but decide everything yourself.

Hello, I don’t know what to do anymore... I’m completely at a loss... I don’t know where to go and what to devote myself to. I’m an average student at school. I’d like to get a higher education. I’m more inclined towards a medical university, study as a psychologist, or at a pedagogical university.....My parents are already tired of me asking questions.....Should I give up on everything and not study for anyone, take a manicurist course and work for my own pleasure? This option (makeup artist, a hairdresser, a manicurist were considered, but the parents said, like, “hey, no higher education is bad,” etc....

Tatyana, choosing a professional path is difficult and responsible. And, of course, help is needed to take such a step.

To begin with, of course, you need to decide on your desires. In particular, in what professional field you would like to work. All professions can be divided into several categories:

  1. Man-man. These are professions in which you will somehow deal with people. For this area, professionally important qualities are the ability to establish and maintain contact with people, the presence of speech abilities and the ability to maintain calm and restraint.
  2. Man-technology. These are professions related to the creation and operation technical means. Technical knowledge, skills and abilities are important here.
  3. Man-sign. These are professions related to numbers, figures, drawings. Mathematical and verbal-logical thinking, as well as the ability to operate with numbers and perseverance are important here.
  4. Man is an artistic image. These are professions associated with the creation, reproduction and production various types works of art. This requires certain inclinations and abilities (for drawing, singing, etc.), as well as artistic taste and a rich and vivid imagination.
  5. Man-nature. Professions related to the study of living and nonliving nature. It requires endurance, unpretentiousness to living conditions, love of nature, and perseverance.

To determine your predisposition to a particular type professional activity it's enough to pass psychological testing, which is presented in abundance, for example, on the Internet.

Yours own wish- This necessary condition satisfaction with future profession. A inclinations and abilities necessary for success in a particular professional field. However, with all this, in order to know where to go, it is necessary to study all the proposed paths. For this purpose, there are now a lot of collections in which the features of a particular profession are described in accessible language.

And no matter how worried your parents are, it is still your choice. Choosing the activity in which you will be occupied for a certain part of your life.

Try to approach this choice wisely, without denying your family's help along the way.

Good luck, Tatyana

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Tanya, hello!

This is indeed a difficult choice and it is good that you are exploring different possibilities.

To begin with, you can actually take a test and see what you are predisposed to.

Then you can ask which of the professions for which you have an inclination are most in demand at the present time.

Perhaps you can already decide at this stage.

If not, try to remember your favorite childhood games. What did you dream of being as a child when you grew up? Or the most attractive movie characters for you. What is their profession? Maybe you also want to have the same one?

Study what specialties are currently offered by universities available to you.

Look at which faculties have less competition and still have the opportunity to enroll on a budget. And don’t think that if you are an average student, you won’t get in. Usually the one who has time to prepare comes in. And there is still time. In those faculties where there is less competition, there are often more opportunities to find a job later.

Don't forget to go to the training courses. Now is the time.

When you do all this, the situation will become a little clearer for you.

Explore all the universities in our city, read reviews about them on the forum.

Go to the employment center and look at the list of the most in-demand professions in our city.

In general, start preparing now. Even if you change your mind after six months, you will already gain some experience in choosing a profession. In addition, you may be surprised how many nuances there are when choosing a university (level of accreditation, the possibility of employment with a diploma from this university). Collect more information about this.

What do your parents do? Do you like (if so, why?) or dislike (what do you dislike) their specialty?

Tanya, you can complete the manicurist course at any time, even in parallel with other studies. Therefore, if this is what you really like most, then you have quite a lot of chances here. Find out if it is easy enough to get a job in this specialty.

I wish you a successful choice and graduation!

Sincerely, Tatyana Bashmakova.

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