Board game Word Master: rules. Board game Word Master: rules Board game Word Master detailed instructions


Two players are given 10 words, one at a time, the letters of which are placed in random order, for example: MELODY - ILEOMDYA. Players need to arrange the letters in in the right order and make up words. The first attempt is given 20 seconds. The first player to signal that he has made a word competes for 2 points. If the composed word does not turn out to be correct, then he does not receive them, and the other player is already fighting for 1 point, and he is given 10 seconds to answer. If in this case there is no correct answer, then the answer that should have been given is announced, and no one is awarded points for this word. The maximum possible score is 20.


Each player is given 5 ready-made words on the same topic, and the players must mix the letters in them. After that, they exchange words, that is, the first player gives words with mixed letters to the second, and he gives them to the first, and after that they must solve them in 30 seconds. They guess the words one by one, that is, first the first guesses the words of the second, and then vice versa. For each word guessed 1 point, for each word not guessed by the player - 1 point for the opponent. If it is impossible to restore the original from a word with mixed letters, that is, the first does not consist of all the letters of the second, then nothing is awarded for it to the one who composed it. If the player guesses such a word, he is awarded 1 point. If the player guesses all the words given to him, then the time ends early.


Each player is given a long word, which is the same for everyone. They are made of letters of this word must form other words in 60 seconds. They must stand in nominative case, proper name or common noun - it doesn’t matter. However, you can use as many letters in one word as there are in given word, that is, from the word MAXIMALIST you can take two letters A, 2 letters M, but you cannot use 3 letters I, maximum - 2. For each word composed, the player is awarded 1 point.

How is the winner determined? What does he get?

The winner is determined by the points scored throughout the game - whoever has the most wins. The winnings to the winner are awarded according to the formula: 1 point = 5 rubles.

What if it's a draw?

In case of a tie, an additional round is assigned, similar to round 1: one anagram is given, 20 seconds are given for the first attempt for two players, and 10 seconds for the second for the player who has the right to answer. For the correct answer, regardless of how many players have the right to answer (one or two), 1 point is given. If the correct answer is not given by any player, then another anagram is given, and everything starts again, and so on until the correct answer is given.

Word Master games are Scrabble and Scrabble. Only here the tournament is held with much more enthusiasm. After all, the further you go, the higher the chance of doubling or tripling your points. By the way, it is very difficult to find the rules of this game on the Internet. Unless you consider small, unreadable photos as such. So, the board game Word Master: let's figure out what's what.

Board game Word Master: the beginning

Participants lay out a field on which a crossword network is depicted. On it, players take turns laying out words. In turn, participants take letters from their own trays, which can hold a limited number of letters.

There are two tasks in the Word Master game:

  1. On your turn, post the longest word possible
  2. Collect as many game points as possible


There is a number in the corner of each letter block. These are the nominal points that a player receives for using a letter. Further, the field has the following types of bonus cells:

B2 and B3 - doubling and tripling the points of the die that lands here

C2 and C3 - the sum of points for a whole word is multiplied by 2 or 3

As you understand, during the game you will have to keep counting all the time. Are you saying it's boring? But children like such fun arithmetic with funny grammar together. Play with the whole family, you will have fun!

πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— Hi all! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

Summer is not very good these days. Either slush or heat. Now my daughter and I are relaxing in the village with our grandmother. There are no problems in the heat. The child disappears with his girlfriends all day. Either to swim in the river, or to take a walk on the street, or to ride a bike. All in business. 😊 And when it rains, the poor children simply have nothing to do. All the books have been read, you can’t go outside, TV isn’t an option either. The phone remains. But here I am against it. I bought a board game "Master of Words" I remember we played this game just on a piece of paper. And here everything is β€œadult” - a playing field, chips with letters, stands for letters.

So, . Bought at Fixed price. Sold in a cardboard box like this. The box is glossy, so it glares.πŸ˜’

Board game "Word Master"

A game

πŸ”Ά Has a compact size

πŸ”ΆEasy to take on the go

Board game "Word Master"

The size is really compact and you can take it on the go. The only problem is with the playing field. It is a square sheet of paper laminated on both sides. It is solid, but does not unfold well. The field must be pressed down with something heavy.

Board game "Word Master"

I usually press down on the four corners with all sorts of jars of creams.

IN compound games included:

πŸ”Ά Playing field.

πŸ”Ά 104 bones with letters.

πŸ”Ά 4 bone stands.

πŸ”Ά Rules of the game.

Board game "Word Master"

Bones with letters are small 1 x 1 cm, white. The letters are printed perfectly, the paint does not rub off anywhere. On each bone, in addition to the letter itself, there is a number - this is the point value. Two bones with stars. They can replace any missing letter. For example, if you are missing one letter, but have an asterisk, you can use it: wtf(* is placed instead of a letter h). For the convenience of players there are 4 special stands.

The rules are written in great detail on both sides on a piece of paper. During the first game we didn’t go beyond the rules, but during the process we got it all in our heads and now we look into it only in controversial cases.

Board game "Word Master"

The rules are briefly shown in back side boxes.

Board game "Word Master"

The essence of the game. Number of players 2-4 people. Each player has a special stand for dice with letters. Each player gets 7 letters, and the stand has space for 8 letters. We use all 8 positions on the stand. The bones are chosen randomly. To prevent players from selecting letters and seeing what they are taking, it is better to use a fabric bag rather than a transparent plastic bag.

The first player makes a word from the available letters. The word is laid out from the middle of the field horizontally or vertically. The principle of a crossword puzzle is used. All points are tallied at the end of the game. The one with the most points wins.

Allowed words. All words that are in the standard dictionary of the Russian language are allowed, except for proper names, abbreviations and words that are written with a dash. You can literally take a dictionary and look up suitable words in it.

Prize cells. There are prize cells for letters and words. If a word lands on both the letter bonus space and the word bonus space, then you need to add up all the bonus points for the word, and then double or triple the score for the word. At first glance it seems complicated, but as you play, everything fits into your head.

If a player has used all the tiles in one turn, he receives 50 bonus points in addition to the regular points.

Board game "Word Master"

The game is interesting. Me and the kids like it. You have to seriously strain your brains to come up with a word from the available letters. Here both intelligence and logic develop. And there is a competitive element, which is important, especially for children. The only point is the damn playing field, which everything strives to come together at the most crucial moment.πŸ˜’ It, of course, can be glued to some cardboard. But then you won’t be able to take it on the road. Dilemma, however.😊

πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— Good luck to all! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

I have long wanted to try the game "Scrabble", where words are laid out on a field like a crossword puzzle. But I just couldn’t get around to buying it. And then I saw her in Fix Price. 99 rubles? We must take it!

So - a cardboard box that promises us that the game

Easy to take on the go!

Its contents are a field, rules, letters, four stands for them.

The field is terrible! Curved glossy slippery cardboard. How to play this on the road??? OK let's see.

There are 104 letters in the set. There are spots of paint on them in places. The distribution is like this. It is immediately clear that there are more frequently occurring letters, but they cost less points. And rare ones are significantly more expensive.

The letters stand quite neatly in special stands. But they slide off the field, especially where the fold has distorted everything.

I’ll show you the rules directly in photographs of a real game with yourself. So, each player gets 7 letters, he starts by laying out the first word from them. Be sure to start from the central marked cell.

Can: plural, foreign words, already included in the Russian language dictionary. Vertically and horizontally.

Not allowed: interjections, proper names, abbreviations. Diagonally.

In our case, the first word is BAN. The player counts the letters and gets a total of 3+1+1=5 points.

The player, without looking, picks up letters from a free pile, the second one builds the word - FACADE. It must necessarily intersect with what has already been laid out. Since it crosses the cells that multiply points for letters, and the letter F is rare and expensive, this word already gets 2*10+1+1+2*1+2=26 points! And all because the letters F and S are on the squares that multiply their points by two.

The second player also picks up the letters and the formation continues. The first collected the word PUMA 3*2+2+2+1=11 points, and the second - FLOOD, also 2*3+1+1+1+2=11 points.

But you can’t do this! The new word must β€œcling” to the others. Or continue them. Theoretically, BAN could be extended to BANNER.

Let's continue.

Words can be laid out side by side only in cases where all their perpendicular intersections form Right words. In my case, this is justified - FON and BAN initially gave the pronoun OH.

Gradually the words grow. It would seem that the long TRINITY brought only 1+1+1+1*2+5+1=11 points. But the CASE fell on the square of doubling the entire word, so it turned out 2*(2+1+2+1)=12 points.

As you can see, an asterisk was used as the letter K - a kind of joker. It doesn't bring you any points, but it saves you a lot. Yes, if the player has the letter that the asterisk represents, he can put it in place of the asterisk. But at the same time, he is obliged to put an asterisk in his word on the same move. That is, you cannot take a star from the field onto the stand!

At the end I wanted to scream. All the letters were sliding off the crooked field.

The game ends either if all the letters are gone, or one player does not have them, or after two missed turns by all players.

I can't give it five stars. The quality of the field is terrible, I will either level it or xerify it and paint it. On the other hand, wanting something more for 99 rubles is quite naive. More accurate versions cost from 600 rubles.