Gifted child in the supplementary education system. Working with gifted children in additional education

Municipal institution of additional education -

Extracurricular Activities Center

Marks city, Saratov region

System of working with gifted children

in additional education.

Compiled by:

additional education teacher I qualification category

Gritsenko Galina Anatolevna

The problem of working with gifted children is extremely relevant for modern Russian society.

“A gifted person is a small sprout that has barely emerged from the ground and requires great attention. It is necessary to care for and cherish it, to look after it, to do everything necessary so that it grows and bears abundant fruit.”( V. A. Sukhomlinsky).

The terminology “gifted child” includes such concepts as creativity, talent, giftedness, genius. Abilities are the individual characteristics of a person that help her successfully engage in certain activities. Talent refers to outstanding abilities, a high degree of giftedness in any activity. Most often, talent manifests itself in a specific area.

Also, the term “giftedness” refers to a high level of development of abilities that differ significantly from the average. A gifted child usually stands out for his outstanding achievements in one or another type of activity or creativity. Gifted children are distinguished by increased cognitive activity, as well as a willingness, on their own initiative, to go beyond the requirements of adults. A child can spend hours doing what he loves and not feel tired. He is distinguished by amazing perseverance and hard work.
Identification of gifted children should begin in elementary school on the basis of observation, study of psychological characteristics, speech, memory, and logical thinking. Working with gifted and capable children, their search, identification and development should become one of the most important aspects of teachers’ activities.
A child’s abilities are determined by the following criteria: outstanding intelligence, good learning ability (grabs information on the fly), creative thinking, extraordinary abilities in the field of art.

Gifted children:

They have higher intellectual abilities, receptivity to learning, creative abilities and manifestations compared to the majority;
- have a dominant active, unsaturated cognitive need;
- experience the joy of acquiring knowledge and mental work.

Categories of gifted children.

Conventionally, the following categories of gifted children can be distinguished:
1. Children with unusually high general intellectual abilities.
2. Children with signs of special mental giftedness in a certain field of science and specific academic abilities.

3. Children with high creative (artistic) abilities.
4. Children with high leadership (management) abilities.
5. Students who, for some reason, do not achieve success in their studies, but have strong cognitive activity, originality of thinking and psychological make-up.

Gifted children in additional education are a special topic for discussion and discussion. The problem of gifted and talented children is constantly voiced in all media. This is the most interesting and relevant topic in modern pedagogy and psychology. It is no secret that Russia’s scientific and technological progress largely depends on the intellectual potential of people. Gifted children in additional education are those children who are superior to their peers in mental abilities and who strive to receive an in-depth education as quickly as possible, so that they can then get involved in creative life earlier. In general, childhood has the highest independent value. The main problem with gifted children is to foresee in advance the degree of their success in the future, in order to now determine their mental load and determine the types of additional activities that correspond to their abilities. Gifted children in additional education have the opportunity to freely choose educational activities, specialization of programs and time for their development. Moreover, the type of their activity is determined by the individual inclinations of each gifted child. Gifted children in additional education are focused in their activities on mastering the experience of work that interests them. The problem of working with gifted children is relevant and promising for the entire system of additional education, since gifted children in additional education provide intellectual potential for the development of the system of additional education itself.

What is giftedness? Giftedness is the ability for people to achieve outstanding achievements in all spheres of human activity. Additional education, as an integral part of the concept of lifelong education for children, is a natural partner of the school, where the child’s personality comes first, and not the curriculum itself. Gifted children in additional education are trained under special social programs of the additional education system. These programs also include developments to develop the creative potential of gifted children and to develop their personal and leadership qualities.

Gifted children in additional education are trained in programs that include materials based on didactic principles such as the principle of openness, individuality and the principle of historical realism. Gifted children in additional education, the system of additional education itself, when working with gifted children, has as its main goal the development of creative abilities in the conditions of an individual approach to learning.

One of the areas of implementation of the National Educational Initiative “Our New School” is the creation of conditions for identifying and supporting gifted and talented children. The practice of working with children with high intellectual abilities has evolved over hundreds of years. It was they who subsequently became leaders and occupied key positions in various spheres of human activity. Thus, it becomes completely obvious that it is necessary to identify clearly or potentially gifted children, as well as create conditions for them.

Education of gifted children in the system of additional education.

Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose an educational field, program profile, time to master them, and inclusion in a variety of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations. The personal and activity-based nature of the educational process allows us to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - identifying, developing and supporting gifted children.

Additional education is a continuous process. It has no fixed completion dates and moves sequentially from one stage to another. The individual-personal basis of the activities of institutions of this type makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

In the system of additional education, the following forms of education for gifted children can be distinguished:

Individual training or training in small groups according to creative development programs in a specific area;

Work on research and creative projects in a mentoring mode (usually a teacher or educator acts as a mentor);

Part-time classes;

Vacation gatherings, camps, master classes, creative laboratories;

System of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;

Children's scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

Favorable opportunities for additional education are clearly manifested, in particular, in the field of artistic development. Children often come to these institutions whose talents have already begun to reveal themselves. Unlike most schoolchildren, they are motivated to master artistic and creative activities, and this creates conditions for the fruitful development of special skills, abilities and knowledge. But even here, in a special level of training, it is necessary to maintain the priority of meaningful creative tasks, preserving the role of knowledge, abilities, and skills as a means that does not replace the goal.

In additional education, it is possible to use such a powerful resource for the development of giftedness as the unity and interaction of the arts, which in a regular school is complicated by the substantive division of the content of education.

It is important to keep in mind that regardless of the conditions in which gifted students are taught, what and how a gifted child learns is fundamental. Curricula, forms and methods of teaching, as well as the features of the educational process aimed at teaching gifted children with general giftedness and some types of special giftedness, must meet a number of specific requirements. Taking into account the special needs and capabilities of children with general giftedness, as well as the goals of teaching such children, we can identify the necessary requirements for educational programs for intellectually gifted students.

The program for training intellectually gifted children should:

Include the study of broad (global) topics and problems, which allows us to take into account the interest of gifted children in the universal and general, their increased desire for generalization, theoretical orientation and interest in the future;

Use an interdisciplinary approach in teaching based on the integration of topics and problems related to various fields of knowledge. This will stimulate the desire of gifted children to expand and deepen their knowledge, as well as develop their ability to correlate heterogeneous phenomena and find solutions at the “junction” of different types of knowledge;

Assume the study of “open type” problems, which allows taking into account children’s propensity for an exploratory type of behavior, problematic learning, etc., as well as developing skills and methods of research work;

Take into account the interests of the gifted child to the maximum extent and encourage in-depth study of topics chosen by the child himself to the maximum extent;

Promote learning about ways of acquiring knowledge (procedural knowledge, or “knowing how”);

Ensure flexibility and variability of the educational process in terms of content, forms and methods of teaching, up to the possibility of their adjustment by the children themselves, taking into account the nature of their changing needs and the specifics of their individual methods of activity;

Support and develop independence in learning;

Provide for guaranteed availability and free use of various sources and methods of obtaining information (including computer networks);

Provide for a qualitative change in the educational situation itself and educational material, up to the creation of special training rooms with the necessary equipment, the preparation of special teaching aids, the organization of field research, the creation of “workplaces” in laboratories, museums, etc.;

Teach children to evaluate the results of their work using meaningful criteria, develop their skills in public discussion and defending their ideas and results of creative activity;

Promote the development of reflection, self-knowledge, as well as understanding the individual characteristics of other people;

Include elements of individualized psychological support and assistance, taking into account the individual uniqueness of each gifted child.

The purpose of the program when working with gifted children: identification of gifted children; creating conditions for the optimal development of gifted children, whose talent may not yet be manifested at the moment, as well as simply gifted children for whom there is serious hope for a qualitative leap in the development of their abilities.

Program objectives:

Creating conditions for the development of capable and gifted children;

Creation of a system for identifying and developing children's giftedness;

On the basis of cooperation between children and adults, cultivate a humane attitude towards children;

Develop social activity and responsibility of children;

Based on psychological research and the individual characteristics of the child, help him and his parents choose a profession to his liking;

Through the joint efforts of pupils, families, and the public, make children's summer holidays exciting, interesting, and healthy;
- selection among various training systems of those methods and techniques that contribute to the development of independent thinking, initiative and creativity;
- providing the opportunity to improve abilities in joint activities with peers, a teacher through independent work;
- holding various competitions, olympiads, intellectual games, festivals and other activities that allow students to demonstrate their abilities;

Working together with parents.

One of the most important goals when working with gifted children is to create conditions that stimulate the development of creative thinking.

The main directions for creating optimal conditions for the development of gifted children:

1. Create a system for identifying gifted children:
- psychological and pedagogical research;
- systematic observation of children from class to class;
- identifying children for more in-depth individual studies;
- systematic diagnosis by a psychologist.
2. Organization of the educational process:
- non-standard activities;

Use of modern educational technologies in classes in associations;

Individual educational routes;
- inclusion of children in research activities, independent search for truth;
- work with additional literature;
- thinking and reflecting, expressing your opinion, non-standard tasks;
- pre-profile preparation and specialized training;

Shows and competitions, festivals;
- reporting exhibitions of creative works and concerts;

Internet resources;

Student self-government.3. Development of creative abilities of students through the relationship of lessons with extracurricular work in the subject:
- organization of research work of students;
- advanced tasks of a creative plan;
- participation of children in olympiads, conferences, festivals, competitions;
- provision of basic additional education: (organization of electives, elective courses, work of subject clubs);
- holding scientific and practical conferences in elementary, middle and high schools.

4 . General development activities:
- traditional events in institutions of additional education;
- subject decades.

When working with gifted children, certain principles must be taken into account: the remaining goals and objectives are carried out based on the following principles:

All children, regardless of the level of giftedness and even the level of intellectual capabilities, need to develop their creative qualities. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out special work with children who have increased capabilities in acquiring knowledge;
- work on developing children's giftedness should not and cannot be carried out only in the direction of their intellectual and creative capabilities. It is necessary to develop all personal qualities as a whole and only on this basis the targeted development of individual abilities;
- constant correlation between educational and individual abilities is necessary. As a rule, gifted children are interested in any field of science. They try to embrace the immensity, they have many ideas and desires. The task of teachers is to support them and help them realize themselves;

The principle of maximum diversity of opportunities provided for personal development;

The principle of creating conditions for students to work together with minimal participation of the teacher;

The principle of freedom of choice for students of additional educational services;
- the principle of humanization – lies in the orientation of the educational process towards the personality of the student, which is manifested in the choice of content, methods, and means of teaching;
- the principle of individualization - consists of taking into account the psychological individual differences of children: their temperament, type of thinking, dynamics of psychological processes;
- the principle of differentiation is an approach to teaching that takes into account the differences of students.

Psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children.

In accordance with the regulatory legal framework, teachers of additional education have identified for themselves the main goal of working with gifted children: ensuring the normal development of a gifted child in the educational process, taking into account the main trends in the development of education. To achieve this goal, a system of psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children has been developed, which is based on the idea of ​​the uniqueness and unusualness of each person, as well as training, which is carried out in an educational and developmental direction. Psychological and pedagogical support involves 4 stages:

- Stage 1 is diagnostic, including pedagogical, psychological and special (in-depth) diagnostics, as well as monitoring the dynamics of student development.

Stage 2 – informational. At this stage, the selection of literature is carried out, the creation of an information database on working with gifted children, the preparation of lectures, psychological and pedagogical seminars, conversations on this topic, meetings of subject departments and methodological associations, and educational work. Recommendations are developed for all participants in the educational process and individual educational routes are drawn up for each gifted child, taking into account his or her characteristics, while they have a flexible structure and, if necessary, can be supplemented and adjusted. The goal of this stage is to increase the professional competence of participants in the pedagogical process.

Stage 3 – correctional. As part of correctional work with students, children attend psychological classes in order to overcome various kinds of difficulties. Correctional and developmental classes contribute to the development of creative thinking, research motivation, emotional sphere, anxiety relief, etc. Consultations for gifted students make it possible to form stable positive motivation for research activities, and also “open up” new difficulties for gifted children and immediately help resolve existing problem situations.

Stage 4 – developmental. Includes the organization and conduct of individual and group classes by various subjects of the educational process, the organization of events for the socialization and adaptation of a gifted child, the creation of an educational environment for an educational institution. The goal of this stage is the formation, deepening and development of students’ extraordinary abilities.

The work system can be represented in the form of a circle, in the center of which is a gifted child, and around him there are cyclical stages: the diagnostic stage; information stage; correction stage; developmental stage - the formation, deepening and development of the child’s extraordinary abilities.

Forms of work with gifted children , which are used in UDOD:

- group classes with gifted students;
- individual lessons, consultations;
- competitions;
- participation in festivals;
- public performance;
- participation in city, district and regional events;

Participation in all-Russian, city intellectual games.

An important aspect of working with gifted children is a set of activities aimed at strengthening cooperation with families of gifted children.

Among the activities for working with parents, parent meetings on problems of development, training and education occupy a significant place. For meetings to be effective, it is necessary to use a variety of forms of communication:

Round tables;

Informational and practical conversations;

Information lectures with practical elements;

Training seminars;

Parents' creative laboratories;

Involving parents in joint creative activities;

Parent pedagogical trainings;

Parent-student skits;

Opinion exchange.

Advice for parents of gifted children.

1. Analyze your own value system regarding raising children. Does it contribute to the realization of personality and giftedness in society?
2. Be honest. All children are very sensitive to lies, and this applies to gifted children to a greater extent.
3. Assess the child’s level of development.
4. Avoid long explanations and conversations.
5. Try to catch changes in your child in time. They can be expressed in extraordinary questions or behavior and are a sign of giftedness.
6. Respect your child’s individuality. Do not try to project your own interests and hobbies onto him.
7. Develop the following qualities in your children:
- confidence based on one’s own consciousness of self-worth;
- understanding the strengths and weaknesses in oneself and in others;
- intellectual curiosity and willingness to take research risks;
- respect for kindness, honesty, friendliness, empathy, patience, spiritual courage;
- the habit of relying on one’s own strengths and the willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions;
- be able to help find a common language and joy in communicating with people of all ages.

Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose an educational field, program profile, time to master them, and inclusion in a variety of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations. The personal and activity-based nature of the educational process allows us to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - identifying, developing and supporting gifted children.

Additional education is a continuous process. It has no fixed completion dates and moves sequentially from one stage to another. The individual-personal basis of the activities of institutions of this type makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

In the system of additional education, the following forms of education for gifted children can be distinguished:

  • 1) training individually or in small groups according to creative development programs in a certain area;
  • 2) work on research and creative projects in the mentoring mode (the mentor is usually a scientist, a scientist or cultural figure, or a high-class specialist);
  • 3) full-time and correspondence schools;
  • 4) vacation camps, camps, master classes, creative laboratories;
  • 5) a system of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;
  • 6) children's scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

The family of a gifted child in all cases is directly related to the development of his personality and giftedness. Even outwardly, seemingly unfavorable development conditions (poor living conditions, insufficient material security, single-parent family) turn out to be more or less indifferent to the development of abilities, but characteristics that are especially important for their development, especially increased attention from parents, are fully present. (sometimes even exaggerated) volume. No matter how we consider the role and weight of natural factors or the influence of targeted training and upbringing (school) on the development of a child’s personality and talent, in all cases the importance of the family remains decisive.

The experience of observing families of especially gifted children has allowed psychologists to identify a number of special characteristics that are of fundamental importance for the development of giftedness. These are factors of both positive and negative nature. First let's look at positive.

In families where gifted children are raised, there is high value of education , while both parents and grandparents are often highly educated. The family's intellectual quotient is a favorable factor that largely determines the development of increased mental abilities of the child.

The main, mandatory characteristic of the family of any especially gifted child is increased, in comparison with ordinary families, attention to the child when the whole life of a family is focused on the child (child-centrism). Although such attention may subsequently become a brake on his mental autonomy, it is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in the development of extraordinary abilities. Often the parents of gifted children are elderly people, for whom a child is the only meaning of life. Even more often, especially gifted children are the only children in the family, or at least, in fact, the only ones (the eldest child has already grown up and does not require attention), and the parents’ attention is directed only to this child.

In many cases, it is the parents who begin to teach the gifted child, and often, although not always, one of them becomes a true mentor (mentor) of your child in a wide variety of activities: artistic and aesthetic, sports, one or another type of scientific knowledge. This circumstance is one of the reasons for the consolidation of certain cognitive or any other interests in the child’s personality.

The child-centrism of the family of a gifted child, the fanatical desire of parents to develop his abilities, has its own in some cases negative sides. Thus, in these families there is a certain permissive attitude towards insufficient development of a number of social and especially everyday skills in the child.

Parents of gifted children pay special attention to their child's school education, choosing textbooks or additional literature for him and consulting with the teacher on how best to study them. This circumstance sometimes has negative sides when parents interfere in the educational process and in some cases even provoke conflict with the administration and teachers.

In pursuit of high achievements, the parents of a gifted child can act not only as his lawyer, but also as an overseer who forces a convict in a mine or a slave rower in a galley to work hard against his will (remember the story of the relationship between the great violinist Niccolo Paganini and his father). In addition, when comparing your child’s successes with similar successes of other gifted children, parents are rarely objective and instill this attitude in their child, thereby causing negative emotions in him.

Therefore, working with parents of gifted children is a special area of ​​activity not only for school psychologists, but also for teachers working with such children.

Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose an educational field, program profile, time to master them, and inclusion in a variety of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations. The personal and activity-based nature of the educational process allows us to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - identifying, developing and supporting gifted children. Additional education is a continuous process. It has no fixed completion dates and moves sequentially from one stage to another. The individual-personal basis of the activities of institutions of this type makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

In the system of additional education, the following forms of education for gifted children can be distinguished:

1) individual training or training in small groups according to creative development programs in a certain area;

2) work on research and creative projects in the mentoring mode (the mentor is usually a scientist, a scientist or cultural figure, or a high-class specialist);

3) full-time and correspondence schools;

4) vacation camps, camps, master classes, creative laboratories;

5) a system of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;

6) children's scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

Favorable opportunities for additional education are clearly manifested, in particular, in the field of artistic development. Children often come to these institutions whose talents have already begun to reveal themselves. Unlike most schoolchildren, they are motivated to master artistic and creative activities, and this creates conditions for the fruitful development of special skills and knowledge. But even here, in a special level of training, it is necessary to maintain the priority of meaningful creative tasks, preserving the role of knowledge, abilities, and skills as a means that does not replace the goal.

In additional education, it is possible to use such a powerful resource for the development of giftedness as the unity and interaction of the arts, which in a regular school is complicated by the substantive division of the content of education.

At the same time, this form of working with a gifted child is fraught with serious dangers. It is very important not to create in him a “feeling of exclusivity”: both because it may not be confirmed in later life, and because clubs and studios are attended not only by especially gifted children, but also by those who simply enjoy doing art, and relations with them should develop harmoniously.
Two other dangers, unfortunately, often come from teachers. The first is the exploitation of the student’s extraordinary abilities (vocal, stage, musical, etc.) for the sake of the prestige of the educational institution or its leader, which often comes to the detriment of the child himself. The second is the unconscious desire of the leader to realize himself through the students, which leads to the apparent success of the result due to the leveling of the personal aesthetic experience and individuality of the children. In both cases, the gifted child turns out to be not a goal, but a means to solve the problems of adults.

If all these difficulties can be avoided, then the field of additional art education becomes extremely important for the development of a gifted child, preparing him for a professional path in art.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of Brasovsky district

Lokot secondary school No. 2 named after N. F. Struchenkov

Program for working with gifted children

in the association of additional education

Compiled by: Soskova Tatyana Ivanovna

additional education teacher

MBOU LSOSH No. 2 named after. N. F. Struchenkova

n. Elbow

“A gifted person is a small sprout that has barely emerged from the ground and requires great attention. It is necessary to care for and cherish it, to look after it, to do everything necessary so that it grows and bears abundant fruit.” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky).

Gifted children in additional education are a special topic for discussion and discussion. The problem of gifted and talented children is constantly voiced in all media. This is the most interesting and relevant topic in modern pedagogy and psychology. It is no secret that Russia’s scientific and technological progress largely depends on the intellectual potential of people. Gifted children are those children who are superior to their peers in mental abilities and who strive to receive an in-depth education as quickly as possible, so that they can then get involved in creative life earlier. In general, childhood has the highest independent value. The main problem with gifted children is to foresee in advance the degree of their success in the future, in order to now determine their mental load and determine the types of additional activities that correspond to their abilities. Gifted children in additional education

have the opportunity to freely choose educational activities, specialization of programs and time for their development. Moreover, the type of their activity is determined by the individual inclinations of each gifted child. Gifted children in additional education are focused in their activities on mastering the experience of work that interests them. The problem of working with gifted children is relevant and promising for the entire system of additional education, since gifted children in additional education provide intellectual potential for the development of the system of additional education itself.

What is giftedness? Giftedness is the ability for people to achieve outstanding achievements in all spheres of human activity. The terminology “gifted child” includes such concepts as creativity, talent, giftedness, genius. Abilities are the individual characteristics of a person that help her successfully engage in certain activities. Talent refers to outstanding abilities, a high degree of giftedness in any activity. Most often, talent manifests itself in a specific area.

Also, the term “giftedness” refers to a high level of development of abilities that differ significantly from the average. A gifted child usually stands out for his outstanding achievements in one or another type of activity or creativity. Gifted children are distinguished by increased cognitive activity, as well as a willingness, on their own initiative, to go beyond the requirements of adults. A child can spend hours doing what he loves and not feel tired. He is distinguished by amazing perseverance and hard work. Identification of gifted children should begin in elementary school on the basis of observation, study of psychological characteristics, speech, memory, and logical thinking. Working with gifted and capable children, their search, identification and development should become one of the most important aspects of teachers’ activities.
Gifted children:

They have higher intellectual abilities, receptivity to learning, creative abilities and manifestations compared to the majority;
- have a dominant active, unsaturated cognitive need;
- experience the joy of acquiring knowledge and mental work.

Conventionally, the following categories of gifted children can be distinguished:
1. Children with unusually high general intellectual abilities.
2. Children with signs of special mental giftedness in a certain field of science and specific academic abilities.

3. Children with high creative (artistic) abilities.
4. Children with high leadership (management) abilities.
5. Students who, for some reason, do not achieve success in their studies, but have strong cognitive activity, originality of thinking and psychological make-up.

Additional education, as an integral part of the concept of lifelong education for children, is a natural partner of the school, where the child’s personality comes first. The system of additional education when working with gifted children has as its main goal the development of creative abilities in the conditions of an individual approach to learning. This requires identifying clearly or potentially gifted children.

Additional education provides each child with the opportunity to freely choose an educational field, program profile, time to master them, and inclusion in a variety of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations. The personal-activity nature of the educational process allows us to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - identifying, developing and supporting gifted children.

Additional education is a continuous process. It has no fixed completion dates and moves sequentially from one stage to another. The individual-personal basis of activity makes it possible to satisfy the needs of specific children, using the potential of their free time.

Forms of education for gifted children:

Individual training or training in small groups according to creative development programs in a specific area;

Work on research and creative projects in a mentoring mode (usually a teacher or educator acts as a mentor);

Vacation gatherings, camps, master classes, creative laboratories;

System of creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;

Children's scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

Favorable opportunities for additional education are clearly manifested, in particular, in the field of artistic development. Children often come here whose talent has already begun to reveal itself. Unlike most schoolchildren, they are motivated to master artistic and creative activities, and this creates conditions for the fruitful development of special skills, abilities and knowledge.

In additional education, it is possible to use the unity and interaction of the arts, which in a regular school is complicated by the substantive division of the content of education. Regardless of the conditions in which gifted students are trained, what and how a gifted child learns is fundamental. Curricula, forms and methods of teaching, as well as the features of the educational process aimed at teaching gifted children, must meet a number of specific requirements.

The purpose of the program for working with gifted children: creation in the association of additional education of conditions for the development of the creative abilities of gifted children, their self-realization in the conditions of differentiated and individual training.

Program objectives:

1. Creation of a system for identifying and developing children's giftedness.

2. Creating conditions conducive to organizing work with gifted children in

in accordance with the goals of rapid development and implementation of educational and creative opportunities associated with access to modern information resources for students and teachers.

3. Mastery of methods for identifying giftedness, technologies of developmental and personality-oriented training, selection among various training systems of those methods and techniques that contribute to the development of independence, initiative and creativity.

4. Identification and support of talented children, their accompaniment throughout the entire period of training in the association.

5. Development of individual routes for each student in the association.

6. Based on psychological research and the individual characteristics of the child, help him make a choice to his liking.

7. Creating conditions that stimulate the development of creative thinking.

8. Providing the opportunity to improve abilities in joint activities with peers and a teacher through independent work and project activities.

9. Creating conditions for the participation of all students in competitions and exhibitions in order to realize their abilities.

10. Development of social activity and responsibility of children.

11. Strengthening the mechanism of interaction between the school, parents, associations of additional education, and public organizations in the work to create a creative, problem-oriented educational environment of the school.

12. Participation in various competitions, olympiads, festivals and other activities that allow students to demonstrate their abilities.

The main directions for creating optimal conditions for the development of gifted children:

1. Creation of a system for identifying gifted children:
- psychological and pedagogical research;
- systematic monitoring of children from year to year;
- identifying children for more in-depth individual studies.
2. Organization of the educational process:
- non-standard activities;

Use of modern educational technologies in classes in associations;

Individual educational routes;
- inclusion of children in research activities, independent search for truth;
- work with additional literature, Internet resources;
- thinking and reflecting, expressing your opinion, non-standard tasks;

Exhibitions of creative works, competitions, festivals.

When working with gifted children, certain principles must be taken into account:

All children need to develop their creative qualities; with children with increased capabilities, it is necessary to carry out special work;
- work on the development of children’s giftedness should not be carried out only in the direction of their intellectual and creative capabilities, it is necessary to develop all personal qualities as a whole and only on this basis the targeted development of individual abilities;
- it is necessary to constantly correlate educational and individual abilities (as a rule, gifted children are interested in any area, they try to embrace the immensity, they have many ideas and desires. The task of teachers is to support them and help them realize themselves);

The principle of maximum diversity of opportunities provided for personal development;

The principle of creating conditions for students to work together with minimal participation of the teacher;

The principle of freedom of choice for students of additional educational services;
- the principle of humanization (orientation of the educational process to the personality of the student, which is manifested in the choice of content, methods, and means of teaching);
- the principle of individualization (taking into account the psychological individual differences of children: their temperament, type of thinking, dynamics of psychological processes);
- the principle of differentiation (takes into account the differences of students).

Psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children.

In accordance with the regulatory legal framework, the main goal of working with gifted children in additional education is to ensure the normal development of a gifted child in the educational process, taking into account the main trends in the development of education. To achieve this goal, a system of psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children has been developed, which is based on the idea of ​​the uniqueness and unusualness of each person, as well as training, which is carried out in an educational and developmental direction. Psychological and pedagogical support involves 4 stages:

Stage 1 - diagnostic, which includes a system for studying the orientation of gifted children in creativity, pedagogical, psychological and special (in-depth) diagnostics and monitoring the dynamics of the student’s development, as well as identifying parents’ opinions about inclinations, areas of greatest success and range of interests, about the characteristics of personal development child; selection of diagnostic techniques to determine the orientation and degree of giftedness of children.

Stage 2 - informational. At this stage, the selection of literature is carried out, the creation of an information database on working with gifted children, the development and preparation of individual educational routes for each gifted child, taking into account his characteristics, while they have a flexible structure and, if necessary, can be supplemented and adjusted.

Stage 3 - correctional. Consultations for gifted students make it possible to form stable positive motivation for research activities, and also “open up” new difficulties for gifted children and immediately help resolve existing problem situations.

Stage 4 - developmental. Includes organizing and conducting individual and group classes, organizing events for the socialization and adaptation of a gifted child. Formation, deepening and development of students’ extraordinary abilities. Creating conditions for the development, support of gifted children and their creative expression. Searching for and testing new types, forms, methods, teaching aids, and assessing students’ learning activities. Building a personal system of work, an individual pedagogical style in communicating with gifted children.

Forms of work with gifted children:

Group classes;
- individual lessons, consultations;
- competitions;
- participation in exhibitions, festivals;
- participation in city, district and regional events.

Advice for parents of gifted children.

1. Analyze your own value system regarding raising children. Does it contribute to the realization of personality and giftedness in society?
2. Be honest. All children are very sensitive to lies, and this applies to gifted children to a greater extent.
3. Assess the child’s level of development.
4. Avoid long explanations and conversations.
5. Try to catch changes in your child in time. They can be expressed in extraordinary questions or behavior and are a sign of giftedness.
6. Respect your child’s individuality. Do not try to project your own interests and hobbies onto him.
7. Develop the following qualities in your children:
- confidence based on one’s own consciousness of self-worth;
- understanding the strengths and weaknesses in oneself and in others;
- intellectual curiosity and willingness to take research risks;
- respect for kindness, honesty, friendliness, empathy, patience, spiritual courage;
- the habit of relying on one’s own strengths and the willingness to take responsibility for one’s actions;
- be able to help find a common language and joy in communicating with people of all ages.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the program:

Number of competition winners.

Number of students with “medium” and “high” levels.

Control over the execution of the program is carried out:

1. Conducting control tests and surveys of creative students.

2. Conducting school competitions and creative reports.


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