An open literacy lesson in a pre-school group. Topic: “Journey to the Land of Grammar”

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Purpose of the lesson: help the preschooler master the program material, make the pedagogical process more emotional, and achieve greater child activity in the classroom.


  • To consolidate children's ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound.
  • Strengthening the skills of isolating the desired sound in a word.
  • Develop the ability to divide words into syllables.
  • Strengthen the ability to highlight the first letter in a word and name words of a certain sound structure.
  • Improve children's ability to compose a chain of sentences using diagrams.
  • Form a grammatical structure of speech, expand your vocabulary.
  • Improve children's reading skills.

Materials: envelope with letter; Pictures; diagram of a five-sound word, chips: red, blue, green, black; cards-schemes for identifying syllables in a word; cards with a set of letters; pointer.


The teacher tells the children that she found a letter from Dunno. Reads it to children.

Educator: Dunno writes that he has found himself in the country of “Smart Men and Women” where Queen Gramota reigns. The Queen of Letters invited Dunno to play speech games, but Dunno refused to play with the Queen, because he does not know what “speech” and “speech games” are. At which the queen was very angry and ordered Dunno to be imprisoned in a high tower, but promised to release him if you and I help him. We must complete the tasks that Queen Gramota has prepared for us. Well, do you agree to help our friend Dunno? (Children's answers).
– Before we start completing the tasks, let’s remember what “speech” is? What does it consist of? (Speech is words, sentences. Speech consists of sentences. Sentences consist of words. Words consist of syllables and letters. Syllables consist of letters and sounds).
– In order for us to complete all the tasks correctly, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue. Curious tongue looks up, down, left and right (children perform tongue movements 3-4 times). Now let’s say the tongue twister: “Like a hill on a hill, lived thirty-three Yegorkas.” (children pronounce the tongue twister quietly, loudly, quickly and slowly).

1 task: Sound analysis of a word

Educator: Look at the picture and name words starting with the hard sound -m- and the soft sound -m’- (Children's answers).

- Now let’s carry out sound analysis words, for example the word bear. Do you remember what sounds there are? (Vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless, as well as stress).

M'– consonant, soft, sonorous sound, marked with a green chip.
TO– consonant, hard, dull sound, marked with a blue chip.
A– vowel sound, marked with a red chip.
What sound is stressed in this word? Sound -i-, place a black chip next to it.

Task 2: Which letter is “lost”? (Correct mistake)

Task 3: How many syllables are in a word?

Educator: You need to paint over as many “bricks” as there are syllables in this word.

Physical education minute

Task 4: Unscramble the word

Educator: You need to guess which word is encrypted. The pictures will tell you which letters need to be written in the squares.

Task 5: Make a proposal

Educator: By adding one word at a time, create a chain of sentences according to the diagram.

Task 6: Read the word

Educator: And finally, the last task. Each of you has a chain of letters; you need to circle the letter that is written correctly, and cross out the one that is written incorrectly. Read the received word.

Educator: Well done!

The phone rings, the teacher talks, then tells the children that Dunno is free and invites the children to invite him to kindergarten to teach him everything we have learned ourselves.

Summary of a literacy lesson for a pre-school group, topic: « Pinocchio is our guest. Consonant sounds [B], [B’], letter B »


To clarify the pronunciation of sounds [B], [B’], to consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis, to characterize sounds.

Strengthen the visual image of the letter B, the ability to form syllables, words on the magnetic alphabet.

Foster cooperation in working in pairs and groups.

Cultivate motivation to learn.


ToyPinocchio; subject pictures for the sounds [B], [B’], chips for sound analysis, image of a letter,« coins» with letters, magnetic alphabet.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time

- One, two, three, four, five - stand in a circle to play. A new day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other and guests

Wooden mischief maker
From a fairy tale he entered our lives.
A favorite of adults and children,
A daredevil and an inventor of ideas,
A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.
Tell me, what is his name?

( Answer: Pinocchio)

Today Pinocchio came to visit us. As you remember, Pinocchio never made it to school, and he doesn’t know much. Pinocchio wants to learn from you today.

A game « Silent sounds »

- Pinocchio heard that you can play the game« Silent sounds». Let's teach him how to play this game too. Danil will show the sounds, and you be careful (The child shows the articulation of vowel sounds, and the children pronounce them out loud in chorus)

What are the names of the sounds that we have just spoken and why? (vowels). What color do we use to indicate vowel sounds (red)

Guessing riddles. Posting pictures.


1. At the zoo I will find

This beast is in the pond.

If he comes ashore,

Will become very clumsy. (Hippopotamus)

2. Came from hot countries,

There she lived among the vines

And, hanging on them by the tail,

I ate a banana. (Monkey)

3. Here are the horses, all in stripes,

Maybe they're wearing sailor suits

No, they are that color.

Guess who it is? (Zebras)

- Tell me, what sounds are found in the names of these pictures? That’s right - the sounds [B], [B’] Today in class we will get acquainted with the sounds [B], [B’] and introduce Pinocchio to them.

The sound [B] is pronounced with an obstacle (the lips interfere with it), which means it is a consonant sound, voiced, and can be hard or soft. Kolya, tell Pinocchio about the sound [B]. (Children independently characterize the sound)

Characteristics of sound (consonant, hard, soft, sonorous)

One, two, three, four, five - we will play again.

A game « Catch the sound »

Now let's teach Pinocchio to determine the place of the B sound in a word.

Tell Pinocchio where the sound might be. (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word)

One, two, three, four, five - we continue to play.

A game « Who is attentive »

I will pronounce words, if there is a sound [B] in the word, you will clap your hands, and if there is no sound in the word there is no need to clap, be careful

Making a diagram of words: bison, beaver, badger

Now let’s show Pinocchio how we can create sound patterns. Use colored squares to write out the words bison, beaver, badger. What's the first sound? What color should we place the chip? What's the second sound? Why did you place the red chip? How many syllables are there in a word, why? (As many vowel sounds, so many syllables. Let’s check)


Pinocchio stretched

Bent over once, bend over twice

He spread his arms to the sides

I can't seem to find the key

To get us the key

You have to stand on your toes

Introducing the letter B

Guys, let's tell Pinocchio what we hear and say? (sounds). What do we see, read, write? (letters). Let's all repeat the rule together:

I hear the sound, I pronounce it,

I see the letter, I read it, I write it.

The sounds [B[, [B’] are indicated in writing by the letter B. What does the letter B look like? What elements does the letter B consist of?

One, two, three, four, five - quickly start playing

Surprise Pinocchio, you will all turn into a letter. (Children« turn into» to a letter, show the letter B using your fingers. They write the letter in the air. Lay out letters on a table made of beans)

A game « Say the word »

One, two, three, four, five - go out to the circle to play. Pinocchio scattered all his coins. On back side Each coin has a letter written on it. You will need to break into pairs and make syllables from these letters.

Working with magnetic alphabets

- Guys, now let's teach Pinocchio how to make words from letters using the magnetic alphabet. (squirrel, badger, beaver)

Lesson summary:

So you have completed all the tasks. Let's remind Pinocchio what we met today. Which task did you enjoy doing? When did you experience difficulties? Buratino is very grateful to you. He gained a lot of knowledge today thanks to you. And as a reward for your efforts, he gives you golden keys so that you can open the doors to the land of knowledge.

Theme of the lesson: “Saving Tom and Tim.” Preparing for literacy. Preparatory group.


  1. Strengthen the ability of students to select words to 3-5 sound models, conduct sound analysis of words.
  2. Improve the ability to divide a sentence into words and compose it from a set of words, including prepositions and conjunctions.
  3. Learn the rules of writing sentences (graphically).
  4. Improve the ability of pupils to read syllables, develop speech skills, memory, logical thinking solving puzzles.
  5. Foster a desire to build friendly relationships with peers.

Material and equipment.

Children's chairs with sound models of children's names, a plan diagram from kindergarten to castle, a game, "Funny puzzles", a plane model of the castle, separately cut out missing parts of the castle (door, castle, windows, pipe, flag, etc. according to the number of pupils ), sound models of castle details, a rebus card for guessing the name of the river.

5 Christmas trees drawn on whatman paper, on which words for making sentences are written in disarray; an image of raindrops with parts of words (syllables) inside, a table with syllables for reading, a silhouette of a drawn magpie, paper, pencils.

Preliminary work:

  1. Didactic games “Chain of words”, “Sound got lost”, “Gifts for Tom and Tim”, “Flower shop” (for the number of syllables) “Syllable lotto”, “Letter lost”, lexical exercise “Fun rhyme”,
  2. Grandfather Bookeater's games: “Braiding”, “Anagrams”, “Entertaining Models”, “Charades”, reading from a table with syllables, reading puzzles, riddles based on the first sounds of drawn objects, solving upside-down puzzles, crosswords with words.
  3. Learning children's folklore, tongue twisters, physical exercises, and finger gymnastics complexes. Drawing up a proposal and writing it graphically.

Progress of the lesson. Methodological techniques.

Ethical charging

Game "Smile at each other."

The teacher asks: “What are words made of?” (The guys answer). Everyone is invited to pronounce their name so that everyone can clearly hear how many syllables there are in it.

Surprise moment "Mobile call"

From a “telephone” conversation it turns out that mouse friends Tom and Tim urgently need help. They were imprisoned by an evil sorcerer in his castle, which is located far from the kindergarten.

The children decide to find their friends and free them. Since the road ahead is unknown, the teacher offers a plan from kindergarten to the castle with expected obstacles in order to better navigate the road and not go astray.

The teacher finds out what type of transport you can use? A choice is offered: tram, bus, train, trolleybus (pupils answer, explaining the choice). During the conversation, it turns out that it is most convenient to go by bus. The teacher clarifies that the bus is extraordinary, magical.

On the back of each chair you can see multi-colored squares. Names are encrypted in them. Each child will be able to take only the seat on the bus that corresponds to the sound model of his name.

The children find their places and sit down. An inspector is appointed to check the correct landing in place.

The teacher says that on the road they always take everything they need and asks them to read from the table (find words from syllables) what they took on a long journey.

lo e
ket since then
That pa
that Yes

The guys read the words from the table (bag, food, axe, shovel, lotto).

The game is a journey.

First stop– river. The teacher offers the pupils picture puzzles, solving which they read and name everything that they can meet on the way to the river: fisherman, bell, grass, rainbow, school. The teacher turns to the plan, where it is clear that the children are near the river.


Breathing exercises “Let’s breathe in the fresh air of the river” (3-4 times)

The name of the river is encrypted. The teacher shows the picture and, based on the first sounds of the objects drawn there, offers to find out the name of the river.

As a result of reading, it turns out that the river has an amazing name “Kroshka”. The teacher suggests crossing this small river on a thin log, holding hands.

Second stop- forest. There are 5 Christmas trees on whatman paper. On each one you can see the words in disarray: Tom, they are waiting, and Tim, you). It is proposed to make a sentence from these words. The guys talk through their options.

It turns out that someone left this message especially for us. To cheer up the little mice, the teacher suggests writing letters to friends and sending them with the magpie.

Everyone sits down at their tables to write letters. The teacher reminds you of the rules for writing a sentence (discuss it with the children). Children offer versions of letters (5-6). One child writes on the board. The rest check, correct, supplement.

Finger gymnastics “Home”

The written letters are sealed in an envelope and given to the magpie. While they were writing letters, it suddenly started to rain.

Visual gymnastics “Drop”.

The teacher invites the children to read and find out how many word droplets fell from the cloud? Each drop contains a piece of a word - a syllable. Reading drop by syllable from top to bottom (Ku-ra-ki-no-sy-ro-). IN magical forest The magical rain has passed. We were able to read many words.

Again the teacher turns to the plan. The children see that they find themselves right next to the castle. They come closer and make sure that it is really him in front of them.

The situation is provocative.

There are no windows or doors on the painted castle. The teacher wonders if the little mice will be able to see the one who came to save them? Is it possible to enter this building? Why?

  1. Pupils are invited to choose any specially prepared enchanted diagram (sound models) of the parts of the castle that are missing: door, windows, flag, pipe, lock, key, etc. (according to the number of children).
  2. Then with your sound design find pictures on another table with the missing parts of the building, correlate them with your sound scheme, and only then attach your picture-detail to the image of the castle. So windows, doors, and everything else gradually appear. The key simulates opening a lock.

Surprise moment.

Tom and Tim appear. Thank you for your release.

Pupils return to kindergarten by plane.

Dynamic pause "Airplane".


The teacher attracts all children to him.

  1. Hugging, giving positive assessment everyone wonders what was remembered during the lesson?
  2. Where have you been?
  3. What challenges did you have to overcome?
  4. Where was it the hardest?
  5. Why did you cope with all the difficulties?

The teacher says that it was easy to cope with all the obstacles on the road, because all the children acted in harmony, together. That is why we managed to save the mice.

Lyudmila Dzyuba
Open lesson on literacy in preparatory group“Let's help the sounds” Video

Dear Colleagues!

Thanks to everyone who read my previous publication (“Open lesson “Teaching literacy.” Preparatory group. Part 1”). Thanks for your support and advice. And, as you understand, my work in “Part 1” touched upon, let’s say, the “technical” side of support educational process. That's why the video was so short - just to show the work and ask for advice (now it has been deleted for one purpose - not to take up your time). In this publication (Part 2) the video is 20 minutes. I also promised that if someone expresses a desire, I will add a text file for the lesson. Which I do with pleasure.

So, video lesson:

Literacy lesson in the preparatory group

teacher Dzyuba L. Yu. (for collective viewing).

Topic: “Let’s help the sounds”

Program content:

1 . Learn to name words with a given sound, divide words into syllables, find a stressed syllable.

2 . Make a proposal based on the diagrams.

3 . Learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

4 . To consolidate knowledge about the word-distinctive role of sound.

Demo material: envelope from the “Queen of Sounds”, envelopes with parts of the key, sentence diagrams, “Chamomile” with sounds.

Handout: sentence diagrams, words with missing letters.

Progress of the lesson:

There is a knock on the door and an envelope with a letter is brought in.

Educator: We have received a letter, let's read it.

The teacher reads:

Hello guys! The Sound Fairy is writing to you. You all know what sounds are. The country they live in is in the book. This book is called "A Primer". Every child could take it - leaf through it, read it, and complete tasks together with the teacher. And now this book, along with Malvina, was stolen by Karabas-Barabas. He put them in the closet and locked the door with a key, but broke the key.

Guys, please help me collect all the parts of the key and then you will free Malvina and return the Primer to the guys. And for this you need to complete all the tasks that Karabas - Barabas has prepared for you.

Assignments from Karabas-Barabas (found in an envelope and read out by the teacher during the lesson): I have prepared 6 envelopes with assignments for you. Each envelope contains part of the key. If you complete all the tasks correctly, you will collect the key and free your friends from captivity.

The first task from Karabas-Barabas:

– What sounds are called vowels? What sounds are called consonants?

Children: Vowel sounds are pronounced with the voice.

Educator: That's right, the windows in the sound houses where vowel sounds live are indicated in red.

A (red B (blue)

U column) C column)

Educator: Guys, we have the first part of the key, it remains to collect 5 more parts and, therefore, complete 5 tasks.

Second task from Karabas-Barabas: and this task is more difficult. This task is for the attentive:

Listen and determine which sound is often found in the poem?

The drum butted the ram

Bang! And the drum burst.

Children: sound [B]

A woodpecker is hammering a tree,

Day by day the bark is crushed

A woodpecker treats an ancient oak tree,

Good woodpecker, love the tree.

Children: [D]

Educator: That's right, the sound [B] and [D]. When pronouncing a sound, the lips close and open, the air stream meets an obstacle, vocal cords(neck) trembles.

Characteristics: The sounds [B] and [D] are consonants.

Following (3rd) task from Karabas- very complex, let's read it. (Reading syllables).

Educator: Well done guys, we have the next part of the key, there are 3 more parts left to collect and, therefore, complete 3 tasks. Let's try to complete the tasks correctly and save our friends.

The fourth task from Karabas-Barabas: Divide words into syllables.

Pictures on the screen: plane, clock, house, squirrel, drum.

Educator: How many syllables are in this word? Children show diagrams of these words. (etc.)

Educator: Well done! I see you are tired. Get out on the carpet!

Physical education minute “Pinocchio”:

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over,

Three - bent over.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes.

(All words are accompanied by movements)

Educator: Guys, we have the fourth part of the key, we only need to collect 2 more parts and, therefore, complete two more tasks.

Fifth task from Karabas-Barabas: Make a sentence diagram based on the picture. (see video).

Educator: Guys, Karabas-Barabas didn’t expect that little ones could be so smart, and that we would have to let our friends go. We have a fifth of the key, the last task remains to be completed!

Karabas's last task: Playful gum ran and erased fragments of letters: Words - machine_, mi_ka, _eti, li_on, b_lka, m_lina, _latok, _isa, _ko_, _it. (see video).

Educator: Now we have all 6 parts. Let's collect a key from them.

(Children make a key from parts).

Educator: Guys, close your eyes. (The firecracker flashes - replacing the key with a whole one). Oh guys, magic happened. The key is now intact!

Children approach a house on which hangs a canvas with a painted hearth. They raise the canvas - under it is an image of a castle. The children open it. Malvina comes out of the house with the alphabet and a treat.

Malvina: Hello guys! Thank you for completing all the tasks and freeing me and Primer. For this I give you a treat (hands out cookies in the shape of letters).

Educator(summarizing): What interesting, new things did you learn? (children's answers).

Dear Colleagues. Waiting for your comments. Thank you for visiting this page and dedicating your time to my work. Yours sincerely - teacher of MADOU d/s No. 49 in Kaliningrad Dzyuba Lyudmila Yuryevna.

Teacher primary classes MBOU "Shakhovskaya Secondary School" Shakhi village, Pavlovsky district, Altai Territory

This material is a summary of a literacy lesson for children in the preparatory group (6-7 years old). Lesson topic: Sound [ch’], letter Ch.

Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Topic: Sound [ch’], letter Ch.


Create conditions for becoming familiar with the sound [ch’] and the letter Ch, which is used to denote it in writing;

Select characteristics sound [h’], clarify its articulation;

To train children in the ability to isolate the sound [h’] against the background of a whole word, determine its place in a word, and come up with words with a given sound;

Develop children's phonemic hearing and fine motor skills;

To develop the ability to listen to the speech of an adult and each other, to work throughout the lesson.

Equipment: presentation, computer, projector, signal cards, emoticon cards, elements of the letter H for each child (made from velvet paper).

Progress of the lesson

1. Greeting. Checking readiness for class.

Hello guys! Check if you have everything you need for the lesson on your desks: notebooks, colored pencils and a pencil.

2. Psychological attitude, motivation for upcoming activities.

There's a lot waiting for us today interesting work, we will learn new things, enjoy successes, and cope with failures together.

Each of you has emoticons on your desks, please show your mood with them. (the teacher also shows a smiley face). I think that you will not be bored during the lesson, and by the end of our work your mood will only improve.

So guys, let's get to work!

3. Updating knowledge.

In the last lesson we learned a tongue twister. Let's remember her. (photo 1) (one child reminds the others)

Let's say it together slowly.

Now let's say it quickly.

Which sound is most common?

Let's remember what it is: consonant or vowel? Hard or soft? What else do we know about this sound?

What color on the diagram indicates a hard consonant? (photo 2)

Well done!

What letter represents this sound? (photo3). Let's call it all together.

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Today we must get acquainted with a new sound, learn a lot of interesting things about it, and also get acquainted with the letter with which it is denoted in writing.

In order to find out what kind of sound this is, guess the riddle: (photo4)

He is green, bouncy,

Completely non-prickly

It chirps in the meadow all day long,

He wants to surprise us with a song. (grasshopper)

Who is this? Have you seen real grasshoppers? Have you heard the grasshopper chirping?

I suggest you now listen to the chirping of a grasshopper, but in order to hear it, you and I need to freeze for a minute and listen carefully and carefully. (photo 5)

Did you hear the grasshopper chirping? Let's now try to turn into little grasshoppers and chirp: ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch.

What sound did you and I make just now?

Do you think the sound [h’] is a consonant or a vowel?

To find out whether it is hard or soft, let’s listen to the sounds in the words (we work in a notebook and according to the presentation). We got the pencils ready. What is shown in the first picture? Let's listen to the sounds in the word clock. (consistently highlight each sound in the word, give it a characteristic, paint the circles in the desired color: vowel sound - red, hard consonant - blue, soft consonant - green) What is shown in the second picture? Listen to the sounds in the word cup. (the work is carried out in a similar way) (photo 6)

So, you've completed the diagrams, well done! What can we now say about the sound [h’]? Guys, the sound [ch’] is also called hissing, just like the sound [w]. (photo 7)

5. Physical exercise on mats.

We're standing on the mat

We look in all directions,

Right, left, up and down,

Look and smile. (Turn your head right, left, up, down)

Raise your hands higher

Swing right, left.

That's it, one more time,

It works for us! (Image how the breeze shakes the trees)

Turn right, turn left,

And smile at your neighbor.

That's it, one more time,

Look at us all! (Turns the body to the right, left)

Right, lean left,

Lean over, don't be lazy,

That's it, one more time,

Look at us all! (Tilts to the right, left)

Now let's go squat,

We are funny guys

That's it, one more time,

It works for us! (Perform half squats)

And now we'll all jump,

Like a cheerful ringing ball.

That's it, one more time,

Look at us all! (Jumping)

Raise your hands higher

Just breathe through your nose.

That's it, one more time,

And we'll finish now. (Breathing exercises)

6) Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Guys, the sound [ch’] in writing is indicated by the letter Ch h (Photo 8). Let's call it correctly all together: che.

Look closely at the letter h: what does it look like? In your notebooks, circle the objects that the letter C resembles.

Guys, look, each of you has elements of the letter H on your desks, we will need to assemble a letter from them. (children form the letter H)

Well done, everyone completed this task quickly and correctly. Now run your finger over the letter C to remember it better. (children use their fingers to trace the letter, the elements of which are cut out of velvet paper)

Did you manage to remember the letter H better?

Now let’s take a closer look at the board; we have a very smart pen that can write all the letters. Today she will show us how to spell the letter C correctly (photo 9)

Let's now try to repeat the movements of the smart pen: we take simple pencils in our hands and try to write the letter C in the air.

Well, now, I think you are ready to work in your notebooks and write the letter H yourself.

7) Musical physical exercise.

8) Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

You guys are really great today, you’re doing such a great job that I think it’s time to play. There are pictures on the board depicting objects; you need to find among them those whose names contain the sound [h’].

Well done. Now let’s practice finding the letter C in words: the words are written on the board, you will need to find the letter C and circle it. (photo10)

Great, you did it! I suggest you listen to the tongue twister and think about which sound occurs more often than others.

Let's practice: we repeat the tongue twister together slowly, now quickly.

9) Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

What sound did we meet today? What did you find out about him: what is he like?

What letter does it represent?

What did you find most interesting in the lesson? What task did you find difficult to complete?

Please show me your emoticons: what mood are you in now?

I'm glad that your mood and mine have improved too!

The lesson is over. You all did a very good job today! Well done!