The position of the sound in the word of the scheme. Games and play exercises for speech development (Shvaiko G.S.)

Determining the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end)

When determining the place of a sound in a word, the speech therapist clarifies that if the sound is not the first and not the last, then it is in the middle. A traffic light strip is used, divided into three parts: the red left part is the beginning of the word, the yellow middle part is the middle of the word, the right green part of the strip is the end of the word.

First, it is proposed to determine the place of the stressed vowel in one- and two-syllable words: for example, the place of the sound A in words stork, two, poppy, place of sound And in words frost, leaf, three. Vowels are pronounced protractedly and intoned. In this case, pictures are used.

In the future, work is carried out to determine the place of the consonant sound in the word.

Development of complex forms of phonemic analysis (determining the quantity, sequence and place of sound in a word)

Speech therapy work on the formation complex shapes phonemic analysis(determining the sequence, quantity, place of a sound in a word in relation to other sounds) is carried out in close connection with teaching reading and writing.

Education writing begins with the child’s acquaintance with the sound matter of language: recognizing sounds, isolating them from words, with the sound structure of words as the basic units of language.

In the process of reading, the sound structure of a word is reconstructed according to its graphic model, and in the process of writing, on the contrary, the letter model of a word is reproduced according to its sound structure. In this regard, one of the important prerequisites for the successful formation of reading and writing processes is not only the ability to isolate and distinguish sounds in speech, but also to perform more complex operations with them: determine the sound composition of a word, the sequence of sounds in a word, the place of each sound in relation to other sounds. The written word models the sound structure of a word by transforming a temporal sequence of speech sounds into a sequence of letters in space. Therefore, reproducing a letter model is impossible without a clear idea of ​​the sound structure of the word.

When forming complex forms of phonemic analysis, it is necessary to take into account that every mental action goes through certain stages of formation: drawing up a preliminary idea of ​​​​the task (indicative basis for the future action), mastering the action with objects, then performing the action in terms of loud speech, transferring the action to the internal plane, the final formation of internal action (transition to the level of intellectual skills).

In this regard, based on the research of P.Ya. Galperina, D.B. Elkonina et al., Lalaeva R.I., Petrova V.G. and Aksenova A.K. The following stages of formation of the phonemic analysis function are distinguished.

The first stage is the formation of phonemic analysis based on auxiliary means and external actions.

The work is carried out as follows. The student is presented with a picture, the word-name of which must be analyzed, and a graphic diagram of the word, the number of cells of which corresponds to the number of sounds in the word. In addition, chips are given. Initially, monosyllabic words like poppy, cat, house, onion, catfish.

As the sounds in a word are identified, the student uses chips to fill out a diagram that represents a model of the sound structure of the word. The student's actions are practical actions to model the sequence of sounds in a word. Mastery of phonemic analysis is based on previously formed skills of isolating the first and last sound, determining the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

So, the sequence and place of sounds in a word onion is defined as follows. A picture is presented on which a bow is drawn, below it is a diagram consisting of three cells, according to the number of sounds in the word. The speech therapist asks the following questions: “What is the first sound in the word? onion?"(Sound l.) The first cell is covered with a chip. The word is repeated by the children and the speech therapist. “What sound is heard in the word after l?” (Sound y.) It is suggested to say the word again and listen to what sound is heard after at in a word onion. Students determine what comes after the sound at sound is heard To, and cover the last square with a chip. Then, according to the scheme, the sequence of sounds in the word is repeated onion(first, second, third sounds).

Using a picture at this stage makes the task easier, as it reminds the student which word is being analyzed. The presented graphical diagram serves as control of the correctness of the task. If during the analysis one of the cells turns out to be empty, then the student understands that he performed the action incorrectly.

The second stage is the formation of the action of phonemic analysis in speech terms. Reliance on the materialization of action is excluded and phonemic analysis is carried out in speech terms, first using a picture, then without presenting it. Children name the word, determine the first, second, third sound, and specify the number of sounds.

The third stage is the formation of the action of phonemic analysis in mental terms.

At this stage, children determine the number, sequence and location of sounds without naming the word. For example, they select pictures that have five sounds in their names. In this case, the pictures are not named.

In the process of forming phonemic analysis, it is necessary to take into account the complication of not only the forms of analysis, but also the speech material. R.I. Lalaeva suggests the following sequence of presentation of speech material:

monosyllabic words without consonant clusters, consisting of one syllable (reverse, direct open, closed syllable): mustache, on, house, poppy, cheese, nose, juice etc.;

disyllabic words consisting of two open syllables: mother, frame, paw, moon, goats, porridge, Masha, Shura, hand, roses etc.;

two-syllable words consisting of an open and a closed syllable: sofa, sugar, hammock, meadow, oak tree, cook etc.;

two-syllable words with a consonant cluster at the junction of syllables: lamp, bear, brand, sleigh, shelf, bag, duck, windows, watermelon, donkey, pocket, watchdog etc.;

monosyllabic words with a consonant cluster at the beginning of the word: table, chair, mole, rook, doctor, wardrobe etc.;

monosyllabic words with a consonant cluster at the end of the word: wolf, tiger, regiment etc.;

two-syllable words with a consonant cluster at the beginning of the word: grass, eyebrows, roof, rat, plum, rooks, doctors etc.;

two-syllable words with a consonant cluster at the beginning and in the middle of the word: flowerbed, cover, crumb etc.;

three syllable words: locomotive, ditch, chamomile, pan etc. (No. 21 Page 137).

In parallel with the work on the formation of phonemic analysis of syllables and words, correction of reading and writing disorders is carried out. Thus, when reading letter by letter, the main attention is paid to ensuring that during the reading process the student focuses on the vowel of an open syllable, and then pronounces the sounds of the syllable together.

Mastering the phonemic analysis of a word, as well as the skill of reading a syllable with an orientation toward the subsequent vowel sound, serve as a prerequisite for continuous reading, which helps eliminate letter-by-letter reading and distortions of the sound-syllable structure of a word when reading and writing.

When correcting reading and writing errors, it is necessary to rely on established skills sound analysis. So, when replacing a backward syllable with a direct open one, the student must analyze the named syllable. For example, if instead ut student reads that, The speech therapist pays attention to the first sound of the spoken syllable. The student determines that this is a sound T. Then the speech therapist asks the question: “What is the first letter in this syllable?” (Letter y.) It is proposed to read the syllable so that the first sound is the sound u.

In the process of correcting reading and writing disorders, not only oral analysis of words is used, but also composing words from letters of the split alphabet and various written exercises. R.I. Lalaeva, V.G. Petrova, V.I. Seliverstov is offered different kinds exercises that help consolidate the function of phonemic analysis:

1. Compose words of different sound-syllable structures from letters of the split alphabet: house, poppy, mouth, fly, sleigh, paws, bank, cat, brand, mole, table, wolf, roof, back, lid, back, ditch, cabbage and etc.

2. Insert the missing letters into these words: run...a, wing...a,,

3. Choose words where the given sound would be in first, second, third place. For example, come up with words in which the sound To would be on the first (cat), on the second (window), on the third place (poppy).

4. Select words with a certain number of sounds from the sentence or write them down.

5. Add 1, 2, 3, 4 sounds to the same syllable

so that it turns out different words. For example: pa steam,

couples, parade, sails; co - cat, goats, cat, cow.

6. Choose words with a certain number of sounds, for example with three sounds (house, smoke, cancer, poppy), with four sounds (rose, frame, paw, braids), with five sounds (cat, sugar, jar).

7. Select subject pictures whose names have a certain number of sounds.

8. Based on the plot picture, select words with a certain number of sounds.

9. From the word written on the board, form a chain of words so that each subsequent word begins with the last sound of the previous one: house - poppy - cat - ax - mouth...

10. Dice game. There are different numbers of dots on the faces of the cube. Children throw a cube and come up with a word consisting of the number of sounds in accordance with the number of dots on the face of the cube.

The word is a mystery. The first letter of the word is written on the board, and dots are placed in place of the remaining letters. Students guess the written word. For example: To....(roof). etc.

After 5 years, most children begin to develop a conscious orientation in the sound composition of a word. The first attempts to consciously isolate a sound from a word, and then establish the exact location of a particular sound, are necessary prerequisites for learning to read and write. If the isolation of a sound from a word appears in children preschool age spontaneously, while complex forms of sound analysis need to be taught specifically. At the age of 5 to 6 years, a child can, with appropriate training, master not only determining the position of a sound in a word - beginning, middle, end of a word - but also positional sound analysis. Establishing the exact location of a sound in a word, naming the sounds in the order in which they appear in the word.

Parents can help their child take the first steps in understanding the sound structure of words.To do this, we remind you of some tricky rules

We hear and pronounce sounds. The sounds are:

Vowels - these sounds are pronounced easily and freely. The air leaving the mouth does not meet any obstacle. The vowel sound is indicated by a red square.

Characteristics of vowels :

Ah, Oh, Uh, Y, E - indicate the hardness of consonants;

I, Yo, Yu, I, E - indicate the softness of consonants, or two sounds when they come after a vowel, or at the beginning of a word.

Consonants - these sounds are pronounced with noise; when pronouncing consonant sounds, the air leaving the mouth encounters obstacles in the form of teeth and lips. A consonant sound can be:

W, F, C - always hard . Hard sounds are indicated in blue.

- soft, if it is softened by the vowel I, yo, yu, u, e or b (soft sign).

J, Ch, Shch - always soft . A soft consonant sound is indicated in green.

b) - deaf consonant - denoted by a crossed out bell.

voiced consonant - denoted by a bell

To determine whether a consonant is voiced or unvoiced, invite the child to place his palm on the neck (if the neck trembles, it is voiced, if not, it is unvoiced)

We see and write letters (sound photography)

Syllable- this is when two sounds come together - a consonant and a vowel. A syllable is part of a word.If a child finds it difficult to divide a word into syllables, you can invite the child to clap the word in parts, or put your palm under the chin and pronounce the word clearly. When pronouncing vowel sounds, the lower jaw will move down, and with it the palm. By the number of movements, the child will be able to determine how many vowel sounds there are in a word.

There are so many vowels, so many syllables.

Word- consists of sounds and syllables, denotes objects, their signs and actions.

To determine which vowel sound the stress falls on, you can invite the child to stamp on the word when pronouncing the word syllable by syllable. stressed syllable foot or hit the table with your fist, while holding out the vowel.

Stages of work on developing sound analysis skills

When teaching sound analysis, one should follow a strict sequence in presenting forms of sound analysis: isolating sound from a word, determining the first sound, establishing the location of the sound (beginning, middle, end of the word), complete sound analysis.

In no case should you violate the order of formation of mental actions: based on material means (chips of three colors: red, blue, green), in speech terms, in presentation.

It is also necessary to adhere to the sequence of presentation of words intended for analysis, while ensuring that the words proposed for analysis do not contain sounds that the child cannot pronounce or pronounces incorrectly.

Words that should not be given for analysis:

Words with iotized letters Ya, Yo, E, Yu, with Ъ and ь,

Words with voiced consonants B, V, G, D, Zh, Z at the end of the word and in the middle before the consonants,

In these cases, the spelling of the word differs from its pronunciation, which means the word is difficult to analyze.

Below is a list of words in the sequence of teaching elementary forms of sound analysis.

Words with stressed vowels at the beginning of a word (to recognize vowels in a word)

A: Anya, alphabet, stork, angel, army, aster, harp, arch

A: Olya, hoop, cloud, vegetables, sheep, lake, perch, order, wasps, shoes.

U: Ulya, corner, coal, fishing rod, dinner, knot, beehive, urn.

And: Igor, willow, iris, frost, spark, hut, oriole, needles.

E: Elya, echo, this, this, this.

Words with stressed vowels in the middle of the word (to recognize vowels in a word)

A: hall, poppy, cancer, park, March, hour, crane, tank,

A: pillar, night, umbrella, house, crowbar, catfish, elephant.

U: friend, bison, goose, beam, shower, bow, knock.

And: mushroom, tiger, leaf, shield, whale, rice.

Y: smoke, son.

Words with sonorant consonants at the beginning of the word (to highlight the first sound in the word)

L, L: lamp, lily of the valley, swallow, lemon, moon.

The article provides examples of didactic exercises and games for the development of phonemic analysis, increasing the effectiveness of correctional work. The article is accompanied by a presentation in which manuals for the exercises are presented.

“Didactic games and exercises for the formation of phonemic analysis in junior schoolchildren With speech disorders».

Taking into account the varying complexity of the forms of phonemic analysis and synthesis and the sequence of mastering them in ontogenesis, the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Isolation (recognition) of a sound against the background of a word, i.e. determining the presence of a sound in a word.
  2. Isolation of sound at the beginning and end of a word. Determination of the first and last sound in a word, as well as its place (beginning, middle, end of the word).
  3. Development of complex forms of phonemic analysis (determining the sequence, quantity and place of sounds in relation to other sounds in a word).

So that the work on the development of phonemic analysis is systematic and continues throughout school year(and was not limited to a few lessons at the stage of teaching literacy), and also did not take up a lot of time in the lesson, it is effective to conduct such exercises in the form of didactic games.

The use of didactic games as one of the most productive means of teaching allows, firstly, to teach children fun, joyfully, without coercion.

Secondly, the game helps, along with the formation and development of phonemic perception, to organize the child’s activities, enriches him with new information, and activates mental activity, attention, and most importantly, stimulates speech. As a result, children develop an interest in Russian language lessons and develop a love for their native language.

Thirdly, the game can be used in various options(sometimes using only fragments of the game), while updating the speech material and including didactic material in the Russian language of a multi-level nature. Fourthly, using the example didactic game the teacher can implement tasks not only according to

the development of phonemic perception itself, but also to solve specific problems of the lesson itself, which correlate with the key issues of the Russian language program in primary school.

A set of game exercises to develop phonemic analysis in primary schoolchildren with speech disorders consists of three main sections:

1. Isolating a sound against the background of a word.

Here you can offer the following tasks, games and exercises:

  • Raise your hand, clap your hands, or stomp your foot, or raise a card with the letter P, if the word has the sound P (or another sound, depending on the purpose of the lesson). The speech therapist calls the words. Example words: frame, nose, fisherman, hat.
  • Determine whether the word contains the sound R or not. If a word has a r sound, raise your hand; if there is no r sound, stamp your foot: flour, steam, rocket, winter, lemon, castle.
  • Select object pictures whose names contain the sound r.
  • Determine in which of the two words the sound R is heard. It’s a pity - hot, good - bad, cancer - varnish, feast - drank, frame - lama.
  • Name vegetables, fruits, or toys that have the sound r in their names.

Game "Who is bigger?"

Target . Finding the sound in the names of objects in the picture.

Equipment . A subject picture that depicts objects with a certain sound.

Game description:

The teacher shows the children a picture, for example, “Vegetable Garden”. After looking at the picture, the teacher offers to tell what the children collect in the garden. Then the children are given the task of saying which objects have the sound p (sound) in their names. A chip is given for each word. The one with the most chips wins. Let's play this game with you.

Exercise “Rise Up”

Goal: highlighting the sound against the background of the word, strengthening sound-letter connections.

Starting from the bottom step, the child rises up, stepping with his finger from one step to another.

  • by ear: “There is a sound Ш in the spoken word - rise, no - stop”
  • based on your own pronunciation: “Name words with the sound Ш”
  • based on dry pronunciation ideas: Look at the pictures, think if there is a sound Ш in their names. If there is, get up, if not, stop.”

Having risen up, the child looks at what is behind the “curtains” and determines the presence or absence of a sound in a word. In subsequent stages this visual material can be used to identify 1, 2,3,4, 5, the last sound in a word, and associate it with the corresponding letter.

Exercise “Kolobok in the forest”

Instructions: “To the clearing in which the sound S is in the name of the object, Kolobok will roll along a straight path, the sound S will roll along a winding path.” Children, having determined the presence of a sound in a word, lay out the corresponding track.

(Slide No. 4)

Exercise “Match a Pair”

Goal: highlighting the sound against the background of the word.

At subsequent stages, this visual material can be used to identify 1, 2,3,4, 5, the last sound in a word, and associate it with the corresponding letter.

2. Isolating the first and last sound from a word, determining its place (beginning, middle, end of the word).

Exercise “Christmas tree” (1 option)

Goal: determining the first (last) sound in a word, consolidating sound-letter connections.

Instructions: “Identify the first (last) sound in the word, designate it with a letter and place it on the yellow ball” (by analogy with the orange one).

Exercise “Light up the Christmas tree” (2nd option)

Instructions: “Listen to the word, name the first sound in the word, put the corresponding circle.”

At subsequent stages, this visual material can be used by identifying 2,3,4, 5, the last sound in the word, specified by the number of the flashlight (by lighting the first flashlight, we highlight the first sound, by lighting the second, we highlight the second sound in the word, etc.)

Exercise: “Speech Lotto”

Goal: determining the first and last sound in a word.

Exercise “Tell Parsley the sound.”

Goal: determining the last sound in a word.

Exercise: “Hedgehog”

Instructions: “Help the hedgehog get to the forest clearing. To do this, name the words in which the sound being studied is at the beginning, middle and end of the word.” Children name words by watching for the appearance of an O of the corresponding color in a certain place in the word diagram (the table is given without the O).

(Slide No. 8)

Goal: isolating the first (last) sound in a word, consolidating sound-letter connections.

Contents: in front of each child is a set of squares of blue, green, red colors (18 pieces). Children, having heard the first sound in a word, place a square of the corresponding color, laying out a rug pattern of nine squares, indicating the sound with the letter that they place on the square. The speech therapist suggests making words from letters located on blue and red squares, then on green and red ones.

Exercise "Magic Mat".

In this version, the square is not a graphic representation of the sound in the word.

Goal: determining the place of a sound in a word.

Instructions: “Put a square of blue color, if the sound being studied is at the beginning of the word, the red square is at the end of the word, the square Green colour- in the middle of a word." Children place a square of the corresponding color, laying out the pattern of the rug.

At subsequent stages of work, children are offered a pattern of blue, green, and red squares. Children select words with a given sound, focusing on the color of the square.

Exercise "Snake"

Purpose: determining the place of sound in a word.

(Slide No. 9)

Exercise "Traffic lights".

Goal: determining the first (last) sound in a word.

Contents: three traffic lights are displayed on the typesetting canvas. Children must “light” a certain light at a traffic light by placing a picture next to the traffic light accordingly. If the first sound in a word is a vowel, the child puts a picture near the traffic light in which the red light should light up (by analogy - blue and green). The children are explained that these traffic lights are for words, not for people, so the blue light comes on, not the yellow one.

At subsequent stages, this visual material can be used to determine 2,3,4, 5, the last sound in a word.

(Slide number 10)

3. Determining the sequence, the amount of sound in a word. Determining the place of a sound in a word in relation to other sounds.

Exercise "Secret Word"

Instructions: “Identify the first sound of the word, combine them and you will find out the secret word that is hidden in these cells.”

Children determine the secret word. To consolidate sound-letter connections, sounds are designated by letters.

By analogy, they determine 2, 3, 4, the last sound in a word, the sound specified by the number in order, the sound specified by the number in breakdown.

(Slide No. 12)

Exercise "Labyrinth".

Goal: determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word.

Instructions: “Help Seryozha get to the New Year’s party by correctly naming the words that match these diagrams.” Children name words based on pictures and without them.

(Slide No. 13)

Exercise "Shop".

Goal: determining the number of sounds in a word.

By analogy, you can use “money” - cards with red circles drawn on them - to buy objects with one, two, three, or four vowel sounds in their names. With “money” with one circle you can buy an item whose name has one vowel sound.

The use of the described games and exercises allows children to develop auditory self-control skills, the ability to determine the sequence, quantity and location of sounds in relation to other sounds of a word, and to perform sound analysis in inner speech.



  • Volkova, L.S. Speech therapy / L.S. Volkova, R.I. Lalaeva, E.M. Mastyukova. – M: Vlados, 2006.
  • Lalaeva, R.I. Reading and writing disorders in primary schoolchildren. Diagnostics and correction/R.I. Lalaeva, L.V. Venediktova. – Rostov-on-Don; St. Petersburg, 2004.