Objects for the sound p. Sounds P-P'

Sections: Speech therapy

Target: Literacy training.


1. Clarify the articulation of the sound [P].

2. Develop a skill sound-letter analysis and synthesis of direct and reverse syllables AP, OP, UP, PA, PO.

3. Introduce the letter P.

4. Teach reading syllables with the letter P.

5. Develop phonemic hearing, logical thinking, attention, memory.

6. Continue to develop fine and gross motor skills.

Equipment: subject pictures, sound description diagram, counting sticks, colored chips to indicate sounds, letter P, split alphabet (per child), picture puzzles, geometric figures with letters.

Activation and enrichment of the dictionary: sound, syllable, word, pattern, vowel, consonant ( sound), dull, hard, soft.

Methodological techniques: visual, verbal, practical, gaming, use of literary words, questions, assessment.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

Children, name the vowel sounds. Name words that begin with the sounds A, U, O, I.

2. Subject message. Getting to know sound.

Today we will get acquainted with a new sound and letter, and you will soon find out which one.

The speech therapist displays pictures with Piglet and a ball.

Look at the pictures. Who do you see in the first picture? Piglet hurries to congratulate Donkey on his birthday, bringing him a balloon as a gift. What happened next? Piglet tripped, fell on the ball and the ball burst. This is what is left of the ball.

Let's inflate the balloons using our cheeks:

Quickly inflate the balloon.
He's getting big.
Suddenly the balloon burst
The air has come out -
He became thin and thin.

What sound did you hear when you popped the balloon? (Sound P).

Today we will get acquainted with a new sound and the letter P.

3. Articulation of sound [P] and its characteristics (uses a circuit to characterize the sound)

The speech therapist shows the articulation of the sound [P], the children repeat:

P! – we will put our lips together.

Is the sound [P] a vowel or a consonant? (Consonant).

Why do you think so? (The escaping air meets a barrier - the lips).

The sound [P] is dull. You can check this: bring your palm to your throat and say P-P-P - the throat is silent.

The sound [P] in syllables and words can be hard or soft. Listen: [P] - hard: PA, PO, PU, ​​PE, PY. What sound [P] is it - hard or soft? (Solid).

The sound [P?] is soft: PYA, PE, PI.

The speech therapist gives an example of the characteristics of the sounds [P] and [P?].

Pictures with a palm tree and letters are displayed.

Name the first sound in the word PALMA. Describe the sound [P].

Children characterize sounds based on the diagram:

Sound [P] - what? (Consonant, voiceless, hard, indicated in blue).

Name the first sound in the word LETTERS. Describe the sound [P?].

Sound [P?] - what? (Consonant, voiceless, soft, indicated in green).

4. Game “Be careful!”

The children have blue and green mugs on their tables. The speech therapist pronounces syllables and words.

Hear the sound P - raise the blue circle, hear the sound [P?] - raise the green circle.

The speech therapist pronounces syllables, then words.

Syllables: pa, pe, ap, po, pu, pi, op, pya, pe, pi, pa;

Words: pyramid, pillow, vacuum cleaner, penguin, web, cannon, saw, rooster.

5. Game “Live Sounds”.

How many sounds did I say AP, PI, SOUP, SPIDER, SAW, STOP, STEAM.

Name the first sound, the second,...

Is the [P] sound soft or hard? Where is it heard - at the beginning or at the end of the word?

6. Physical exercise “We clap, we stamp.”

We will clap so many times now (speech therapist shows number 3)

We'll drown so many times now (speech therapist shows number 2)

And now we'll turn around

And let's smile at each other.

In which words did the physical minute students hear the sound [P]? (Let's clap, stomp, turn around).

7. Introducing the letter P. The connection between sound and letter.

Let's get acquainted with the letter P. (Show the letter to the children).

What does the letter P look like? (Children's answers).

Let's make the letter P from sticks. Now let's write the letter P in the air.

How does a sound differ from a letter? (We pronounce and hear sounds, and we see and write letters.)

8. Working with split alphabet.

Find the letter P in the split alphabet.

9. Reading syllables and words with the letter P.

The letter P wants to make friends with vowels. Let's help her.

A) The speech therapist hangs puzzle pictures on the board.

Let's solve the puzzles using the first sounds, find the necessary letters in the split alphabet and read the syllables. (Children solve puzzles, lay out letters and read syllables: AP, UP, IP, OP).

B) The speech therapist hangs a poster with geometric shapes in which letters are written on the board.

Name the geometric shapes. Find letters in them that are different from others.

Make a word out of them and read it. (Children make out the word DAD from the letters of the cut alphabet).

10. Summary of the lesson.

What sound were you introduced to?

What sound is this?

Why is the sound [P] consonant?

Remember and name words that have the sound [P].

Well done! ( Speech therapist gives children "A" stickers).

Corrective and developmental tasks.

1. Teach your child to recognize close people by their voice.

2. Learn to do graphic exercises.

3. Teach to clearly pronounce the sounds [P], [P"], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

4. Teach the child to pronounce a series of syllables with a combination of consonants.

5. Develop phonemic awareness in the child.

6. Learn to independently analyze the word dad, make sentences based on supporting words.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise“Recognize by voice” (development of auditory attention).

The adult invites the child, with his eyes closed, to recognize his family members and friends by their voices.

Task 2. Didactic exercise “Continue the line.” The adult invites the child to continue the line:




Task 3. Introducing the sound [P].

An adult invites the child to look at a series of pictures with images of the following objects: cup, plate, saucepan, kettle, frying pan, and answer the question: what word can be used to call all these objects in one word? (Dishes.) What is the first sound heard in the word dishes?

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [P]:

At first the lips are closed, then they open with an instant release of air;

The neck is “silent”.

Sound symbol: samovar is boiling: PPPPP...

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (sponges create a barrier to air), hard, dull. Designation: blue circle.

Task 4. Phonetic exercise. The porridge on the stove puffs: puff! puff! puff!

Task 5. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]”:

p, m, t, m, p...; pa, ma, we...; an, op, mind...;

Pasha, Pavel, Katya, Masha, Polya, Polina, Pavlik, Sonya, Pavlusha, Prokop, Prokopushka,..

Name full and diminutive names starting with the sound [P].

Task 6. The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables with a combination of consonants: pta-pto-ptu-pty; pt-pt-pt-pt...

Task 7. Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

pa-ap; By-...; ...ap-pa; oh...

Task 8. Working with pictures: - clearly name all the pictures in a row

Games " What has changed?”, “What has disappeared?»;

From a number of drawn objects, select only those whose names No sound [P];

List the remaining objects whose names contain the sound [P], determine the place of the sound in words - the beginning, middle, end of the word (if it is difficult, use a card and a blue circle);

Remember the names of all the pictures proposed for consideration.

Task 9. The adult asks the child to add the first sound [P] to the word. What new word did you come up with?

Ears are cannons, Julia is ..., Olya is ...

Task 10. Paste into the notebook pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound [P]

Task 11. The adult invites the child to select words according to the assignment: the sound [P] is at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word. shelf, shovel, soup.

Task 12. Learn pure sayings:

Pa-pa-pa - there is cereal on the table.

Py-p-p-p - no cereal.

Oop-op-op - everyone clap their hands.

Whoop-whoop-whoop—we ate soup.

Task 13. Introducing the sound [P"].

Didactic exercise “Say the word.”

Rises at dawn

Sings in the yard

There is a comb on the head.

Who is this?... ( Cockerel)

An adult asks the child a question: “What is the first sound in the guess word?” Sound symbol: a small kettle is boiling: pipppp...

Characteristic sound: consonant, soft, deaf. Designation: green circle.

Task 14. Phonetic exercise. The chicks squeak: pee-pee-pee!

Task 15. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P"]”

p, t, m, p...; five, me, pi, ti...; pen, saw, milk, cow pies...

Task 16. The adult invites the child to listen to the words, remember them, name the same first sound:

Petya, cockerel, pie, saw, pencil case, song.

Task 17. Choose words based on the first syllable:

PI: -la, -rog...;

PE: -rets, -chen, -kar...

Task 18. Learn a simple phrase:

Pee-pee-pee - buy a pie.

Task 19. Differentiation of sounds [P] - [P"].

Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [P]”: p, p, p, p...

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”: pa-pya, po-...; pi-pa, pi...

Guess the riddles, name the first sound in the riddles:

Toothed animal

The oak tree gnaws with a whistle. ( Saw)

He will weave, he will weave,

He sits and waits for prey. ( Spider)

I wake everyone up on time

At least I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster)

Stuffed with fluff

Lies under the ear. ( Pillow)

Find words with sounds [P] and [P"].

Learn tongue twisters:

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump.

He quailed the quail and hid the chicks in the copse from the guys.

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered, and fluttered out.

Task 20. Introducing the letter P.

Along the path from the gate

The kindergarten went on a hike.

O. Hoffman

What does the letter P look like?

The letter P from the fingers: the index fingers are lowered down, the tips of the thumbs are connected, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.

Letter games.

Task 21. Independent sound analysis of the word dad (drawing a diagram of circles, finding repeating sounds),

Composing a word from the letters of a split alphabet, finding identical letters.

Reading, writing in block letters under dictation.

Making sentences based on supporting words. The adult names the words in order and asks the child to make a sentence from these words. In this case, you should draw the child’s attention to correct order words in a sentence.

dad, newspaper, reading; dad, nail, hammer, hammers; Dad is peeling potatoes.

Abstract speech therapy session with pupils aged 6-7 years on teaching elements of literacy

Subject: Sounds [p-p"], letter "P".

Target: introduce the sounds [p-p"] and the letter “P”.

Correctional educational tasks:

Clarify the articulation of sounds [p-p"];

Differentiate sounds by hardness and softness;

Strengthen the ability to isolate the initial consonant sound [n] in words

and determine its place in a word.

Corrective and developmental tasks:

- develop phonemic awareness, visual attention and

perception, coherent speech,

Correctional and educational tasks:

- build mutual understanding and mutual assistance in the classroom.

Equipment: pictures for sounds [p-p"] , card with the letter “P”, ball, counting sticks.

Progress of the lesson

1 . Organizing time

Guys, today an unusual guest came to our lesson, and who is it, you?

must guess. Listen to the riddle: “In the back there is a hook, in the front there is a snout.”

That's right, it's a pig, and his name is Donut. I want to tell you about

our guest's story.

2. Report the topic of the lesson

- One day, Donut Pig went for a walk in the park. And suddenly he heard

someone is crying and calling for help. Donut looked around and

I saw that this little bird was crying. "Please help, I have

The chick fell out of the nest,” the bird asked Donut. The chick was lying on

stump and squealed pitifully: pee-pee-pee. The little pig took a stick and put it on it

the chick and picked it up and then put it in the nest. And mother bird is happy

sang a song about the good little pig Donut.

What sound is repeated in the words: pig Donut, bird, chick.

That's right, the sound [p].

3. Articulation sounds [p-p"] and their characteristics

Let's make this sound together.

The lips are closed, the air stream breaks the closed lips.

- Is the sound [n] a vowel or a consonant? (Consonant). Why?

The sound [p] is dull, hard, pronounced with the lips.

And the sound [p"] is also dull, but soft.

4. Physical education minute

Leaning over with a clap

and then we get up with a bang.

Down and up, down and up,

Come on, clap louder than everyone else!

Let's jump on one leg.

Like an elastic ringing ball.

Let's jump to the other one too.

We can jump for a very long time.

We rotate our heads smoothly,

We look left, we look right.

We'll rest a little

And let's go to class.

5. Choose a word with sounds [p-p"] (with a ball)

beetle spider cat bowl

barrel-bud cottage cheese-pie

pony-pony jam-cookies

ditch-panama spirit-pooh

flower-shawl var-par

jackdaw-stick will-field

6. Exercise “Repair the word”

Guys, Donut suggests we play a little. I'll call unclear words. You need to substitute the sound [p] at the beginning of the word and name it correctly

alka, auk, asta, ushka, udel, ugovitsa, ochta, olka, ochka.

7. Didactic exercise "Finish the word"

Now let’s play it the other way around, adding the sound [p] to the end of the word.

su... (p), ukro... (p), kar... (p), ser... (p), tra... (p), tulu... (p), clo. ..(P)

8. Exercise “Determine the place of sound in words”

Donut, goes to forest school, but does not know how to determine the place of sound in

words, let's help him.

Donut will give each of you a picture, and you tell me where we can hear our

sounds: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.

9 . Introducing the letter P.

Guys, look how the letter “P” is spelled. What does she look like?

(On the horizontal bar, on the doorway)

Lay out the letter “P” from sticks. How many sticks do you need? (Three sticks)

Listen to the verse about the letter “P”.

The letter "P" in the gym.

They called it a crossbar.

Come on, darling, don’t be lazy,

Come and pull yourself up.

10. Work in a notebook. Printing letters "P"

Open your notebooks and write the letter “P”. We will also print the syllables AP, OP.

11. Summary of the lesson

What sounds did we meet today? (With sounds [p-p"])

What letter represents these sounds? (Letter "P")

What words for the sounds [p-p"] do you remember? (Rooster, pony, spider, desk)

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Zuki P-P. Letter P."

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the sounds P-Pb and the letter P.

Objectives: learn to differentiate the sounds P and P* in isolation, in words, in syllables and sentences and text; develop phonemic analysis and synthesis skills; carry out the prevention of optical disorders; develop logical thinking, coherent speech (teach writing a story on a given topic); learn to work at the text level; develop fine motor skills.

Visual aids and handouts: syllabic table, object pictures with the sound P, mirror, dummies of “vegetables”, story pictures, cards with letters, magnetic letters, story pictures “Helpers”.

Progress of the lesson


1) Development of visual perception.


Speech therapist: Guys, listen to the poem and guess what letter it is about.

The letter tu in the gym
They called it the crossbar
Got in on the letter mischievous
He decided that it was a horizontal bar!

2) Formulate and write down the topic of the lesson on the board.

II. Main part

1) Speech therapist: Remember how the porridge puffs when it's cooking (p-p-p)

Say the sound P in front of the mirror

Tell us about the position of the lips, teeth, tongue vocal cords and a stream of air.

    Lips - compress;

    Teeth – open;

    Tongue – lies quietly;

    The ligaments don't work;

    Air blast – warm, short

2) Comparative characteristics sounds of the activity (according to the table)

P – consonant, hard, deaf. On the letter we denote it with a blue filled square.

Пь - consonant, soft, unvoiced, denoted in writing by a green square.

3) Differentiation of the sounds P and P in syllables.

Speech therapist: Read the syllables (cards on the table) and write them down. Indicate the presence of sounds П and Пь

Syllables: pa, pu, pi, pe.

4) Game task.

Clap when you “hear” the P sound in a syllable:

pa, ma, na, va, po, but, ly, you, py, bo, then, pu, would, ka, na, pi.

5) Work at the word level

Game “Finish the word”

dad-stick, bag, coat...

fluff, fluff, button, button...

pi-pie, saw, letter..

by mail, shelf, ...

2. Word game “Say a word”

I took flour and took cottage cheese
I baked a crumbly... (pie)

If you know everything
That's what you'll get at school...(five)

My portfolio is neither big nor small
It contains a textbook, a notebook and... (pencilcase)

3. Didactic game“Hide and Seek”

Instructions: find and show objects in the pictures that have the sound P

At the beginning of the word

In the middle of a word

At the end of a word

4. Development of sound analysis

Fairy tale “About vegetables”

Speech therapist: One day Signor Tomato decided to gather an army of vegetables. All the vegetables came to him: peas, cabbage, cucumber, onions, turnips, squash, potatoes and others. And the tomato said: “There were many who wanted you to serve in my army, so I set the following condition: first of all, only those vegetables that have the sound P in their names will go to the army.”

Name them, guys, and try to determine the place of the P sound in the word.

Speech therapist: Make a sound diagram of the word: turnip, pepper (work with colored cards at the table); words: tomato, cabbage, parsley (work at the board)

5. Physical education minute. “Rooster” (game in a circle)

The rooster sat on the fence
He shouted to the whole yard.
Listen, Dima, don’t yawn,
Find out who our rooster is!

6. Differentiation of sounds P-Pp in sentences

Speech therapist: Complete the sentences with words containing the sound P.

    Red...(tomatoes) grew in the garden

    Beautiful flowers bloomed in the garden... (peonies)

    The boy sent his grandmother... (letter, parcel)

    Polina came home from school and took off...(coat, raincoat, dress)

    They sawed the linden tree... (with a saw)

    They put...(dishes) on the shelf

    When it's hot, you need to put on your head... (Panama hat)

    Bananas grow on...(palm tree)

Speech therapist: Guys, now make up your own sentences with phrases:

Empty bottle

Full package

Replenish supplies

Bakes pies

Buys a dress

Sculpts a rooster

Didactic game “The word has crumbled”

Make a word from the letters PUTSHEKO.

Riddle clue

Will rise at dawn
Singing in the yard.
There is a comb on the head,
Who is this? (Cockerel)

Compose a sentence with this word.

Speech therapist: And now we will play the game “Finest Hour”.

Instructions: use the letters of the word NETTLE to form other words (park, steam, feast, var, bale, cancer, caviar, steam...)

Development of coherent speech

Compiling a story based on pictures.

Speech therapist: Look at the pictures and make up a story based on it.

(Children lay out story pictures “Helpers”).

Write a story using questions.

Independent story.

III. Lesson summary

Speech therapist:

    What did we do in class today?

    What did you especially like?


5. Clap your hands if you hear the sound P! ()
The spider arrived at the market.
The spider brought goods to the flies.
He hung it on an aspen tree:
"Which one of you wants a web?"

6. Physical exercise. Let's look at words with the sound "P". If the word is “on the floor,” then we squat; if it’s “on the ceiling,” then we raise our arms up.
= plinth, lamp, parquet, whitewash, carpet, spider

7. Read the syllables and add a letter or combination of letters to them and get new words! ()
8. Make words from syllables! ()

9. Read the words and find them in the picture e! ()

10a. Sound P and Pb()

10b. Guess the riddle!()
(1) Lives in a dark corner,
Weaving a silk thread.
He sneaked in here
I was planning to build a new house.

* Let's count how many syllables are in the word "spider"! (2 syllables)
*What is the first syllable? (pa)
* What is the first sound in the syllable "pa"? (P)
* Describe the sound P! (consonant, voiceless, hard)
* What letter do we use to denote the sound [p]? (P)

(2) At the south pole
Frosty and blizzard
The mother had only one baby.
He dives into the sea
Doesn't know colds
After all, he is real...

* Let's count how many syllables are in the word "penguin"! (2 syllables)
*What is the first syllable? (ping)
* Name the second syllable! (vin)
* What sound does the word "penguin" begin with? (pew)
* Describe the sound! (consonant, voiceless, soft)
* What letter do we use to denote the sound [пь]? (P)

10th century Determine whether the P sound is soft or hard!
= pencil case, tomato, rooster, raft, Petya, desk, vacuum cleaner, glove, saw, spider, song, dog, bee, park, field, gift

11. Clap your hands when you hear the sound [P"]()
= B", T", P", T", F", P", K", P", M", P"
= lump, aspen, fir, swamp, tower, rowan, foam, back, penny, piggy bank

12. Replace the first letter in the word with the sound [P"]. What word did you get?()
= fork - ... fork
= laziness -
= medal -
= green -
= ladder -
= world -
= doctor -
= forest -
= river -

13. The sounds P and Pb play hide and seek with you. What sound is hidden in the title of each picture? Determine whether it is at the beginning, middle or end of the word? ()

14. Find 8 words with the sounds P and Pь. ()

15. Connect with the letter P only those objects whose names begin with the sounds “P” and “Пь”.()

16. Read the syllables and mark the vowel sound with a red pencil, and the consonant sound with a blue pencil. ()

17. Can you hit all the P's with a cannon? Make a target out of them: circle them. ()

18. Identify the first sound in the name of each picture. Write it in the box and read the name of the animal.()

19a. Printed letter P()

19b. Printed letter P()
19th century Printed letter P ()

Letter P in words ()

19 Capital letter P()

19d. Letter P - copybook for children ()

20. Speech therapy lotto ()

21a. Worksheet by T.V. Ignatieva ()

21b. Worksheet()

21st century Worksheets ()

21 Worksheetfrom "Speech Development Game"