Cool Jewish expressions. Odessa expressions, catch phrases

Odessa dialect and expressions are a unique phenomenon, formed under the influence of centuries-old history and different nationalities. Today the language, jokes and phrases of this region go far beyond the city limits. So in this article we will try to better understand and get to know these amazing and wonderful people - Odessa citizens.

Mixture of cultures

In the south of wide Ukraine, near the shores of the beautiful Black Sea, the amazing Odessa is spread. This is a city, the hallmark of which are the 192 steps of the Primorsky Boulevard ensemble, the graceful monument to de Richelieu, the Privoz market and other architectural landmarks. But the real gem of the region is its sympathetic and good-natured people.

A strange and very colorful people live in this region. He is distinguished from other southerners by the breadth of his soul and the unobtrusive that is present in their language.

Odessa expressions, which are also called jargon, arose thanks to a mixture of peoples living in this territory. The 1790-1820s are considered the beginning of the formation of speech. Then, Ukrainians and Russians migrated en masse to these territories, where the indigenous inhabitants were Turks, Greeks and Italians. Subsequently, Poles and French migrated here. The Jewish diaspora especially strongly influenced the language and traditions of the city.

Independent flow

The city was and remains to this day the homeland of various ethnic groups, each of which had a significant impact on the formation of Odessa.

There is evidence that in the early 1930s National composition had the following figures: almost 40% - Russians, 37% - Jews, 18% - Ukrainians, then other nationalities. After emigration, the collapse and transformation of borders, the percentages changed, but there are still residents in the city who speak all languages.

There are even special linguistic groups studying spontaneous Odessa humor and language. Many scholars distinguish the dialect as a separate and independent movement. The writers also studied and repeatedly turned to a special dialect. In particular, a collection of stories by Isaac Babel is a real treasure trove of the living dialect. You can often hear amazing words in the movies.

New projects

Recently, the series "Liquidation" appeared on TV screens. The plot tells about the post-war period. The main characters are fighting bandit formations. But most of all, the audience was struck by the fact that the actors reproduced the unique Odessa jargon. Replicas and dialogues were heard, full of jokes inherent only in this city. In order to recreate the events of 1946 as much as possible, the film was filmed in one of the most popular historical districts of the city, in Moldavanka.

Before writing the script, the author Alexey Poyarkov lived in Odessa for several months. In addition to the fact that the person worked with literature, he traveled by public transport, went to Privoz and just talked with ordinary residents. Thus, the screenwriter tried to get to know the unique dialect as closely as possible.

The actors did not waste their time either. A linguist helped the artists adopt intonation. Some of them also had long conversations with the local population.

Pearls cinema

The series was not without colorful Odessa expressions. For example, one of the main characters - Fima - has answers to any questions. He is one of the most beloved characters in the audience. He owns the funniest jokes. In particular, in one scene, a man tells a friend that he is not a window in the women's bath and he does not need holes. He also used the well-known phrase: "You want to do me badly." Odessa expressions of other characters are no less funny for the viewer. For example, I used the now popular phrase: "Don't make me nervous."

The series again popularized the unusual dialect. This language was also encountered in such projects as "The Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik". It should be noted that the script was written based on the works of the same Isaac Babel. The success of these projects is largely due to the unique humor that the public loves so much.

Favorite melody

Often, slang songs are used in films, which subsequently exist independently of the cinema. This happened with the composition that sounded in the movie "Two Soldiers". One of the main characters, a southerner by birth, sings "Scows full of mullets." Today, few people know the plot of the tape, but almost everyone knows the melody, text and Odessa expressions of this song.

The history of this work is interesting. The director of the film asked the musician to write a composition for one of the scenes. The author did not work long and compiled his masterpiece "Dark Night". But events developed in such a way that the melody became popular even before the film adaptation. Therefore, the composer was forced to create again. This time, the director asked to write a song where the living language will be used. For a native Leningrader who was unfamiliar with the folklore of this city, the task seemed unrealistic.

Interpretation of the text

But the author was creative in his work. He posted an ad in a newspaper asking those familiar with Odessa jargon to come to the film studio. The composer did not expect such an abundance of people. For several days the man wrote down everything that the guests sang and said. So he soon composed a completely independent work.

Subsequently, the authorities reprimanded the maestro, since, in the party's opinion, the song did not correspond to the image of the hero who performed it. But the people were delighted with the composition.

Those who have ever heard this melody will be interested to know what this or that word means. For example, a scow and a longboat are a boat with sails and a self-propelled vessel. Mullet is a type of fish. Bindyuzhniki - people who work as loaders in the port. And "Kazbek" is a brand of cigarettes. Famous districts of the city such as Fontan, French Boulevard, Moldavanka, Peresyp are also mentioned in the song.

Odessa expressions and intonation are the soul of this composition.

Simple and intelligent world

A separate topic is anecdotes. The humor of this region has been popular at all times. Funny, light and interesting stories fascinate many. But in order to understand dialect, subtle sarcasm or irony, you need at least know Ukrainian or Russian speech. Native Southerner conversations are a mixture of different dialects. Phrases and concepts are mixed, so many words have arisen from the combination of different languages. For example, such a common phrase for Odessans as “And what do you think to yourself” refers to Ukrainianism.

In addition to the fact that a person must be a polyglot, one must also have a sense of humor and be intellectually developed. The turnover is often unpredictable and illogical. Their essence is hidden in concepts. You never know how not only the conversation will end, but the proposal of the Odessa citizen.

It should be noted that native speakers themselves do not notice anything special and funny in their dialogues. What is ordinary conversation for them is a real holiday for the guests of the city.

Odessa expressions and phrases are pouring from the screen today. This region has presented dozens of famous humorists to the domestic show business.

Dictionary dialog

One of the most popular satirists of our time - His works ridicule the shortcomings of an individual and society as a whole. The man spent his childhood and youth in Odessa. Here he wrote his first works. Today the whole world understands them. Despite the fact that the satirist has been touring for years, he has not lost his native accent and sense of humor. The language of this author is simple and accessible, but a dictionary is often needed for other expressions.

For example, the phrase "I have a couple of questions to ask" translates as "I have a few questions for you." The word "me" should be understood as "me". But most of the turns depend on intonation, and you can understand their essence only in dialogue.

But there are proposals that are absolutely incomprehensible to the guest of the city. These include words such as "shlimazl" (translated from Yiddish as "unlucky person") or "in a crowd" (from Greek - "crowd"). Odessa expressions and phrases with such words are often unfamiliar even to the inhabitants of the region.

Even Mikhail Zhvanetsky himself noted that this people speaks every language incorrectly.

Best Shows

Many other comedians and musicians have popularized the dialect. Leonid Utyosov more than once used unusual phrases and words in his songs. This was done by both Arkady Raikin and Klara Novikova.

There was also a speech at the games of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. The Odessa Gentlemen team even managed to win prizes. Subsequently, the young people organized their own show, which was very popular. There, the viewer could hear both old humoresques, for example: “Shob vi lived as you are poor,” and new anecdotes.

Even now, speech goes beyond the territory of the region. The unique dialect is glorified by the company of young and promising southerners. "Odessa Mans" started their career in 2011. With light and warm jokes, the team immediately won the love of the public. One of the main tasks that the guys set for themselves was to please their hometown, the viewer, which is very demanding on the remarks about Privoz and Duke. Very soon the team got into the Higher League of KVN.

Element of the company

The name "mansy" is also purely Odessa. The team members never gave an accurate interpretation of the word. In general, it means a strange situation, incomprehensible to others. Therefore, from the residents of the city you can often hear the phrase: "Shaw is this for Mans?"

The captain usually begins the performance with a greeting: "Well, hello, dear audience." The show ends with the words "Schaub, you were healthy for us." It should be noted that for television works, the guy uses the name Kostya, most likely in honor of the hero of the Bogoslovsky composition.

The team perfectly represents their city at various competitions and festivals. The visiting card of a cheerful company, of course, is the accent on "sho" typical for the city.

Odessa humor is their element. The team successfully copes with the main task - to organize high-quality and interesting performances.

Dream edge

Many people go to the resort town not only because of the beautiful architecture and the warm sea. Most of the guests want to get acquainted with an unusual color, dive into another world. Even the residents of Odessa themselves note that they live in a multinational small country.

Every visitor wants to be convinced if it is true that residents always answer a question with a question. For example, such a dialogue is quite possible:

Sarochka, are you happy?

Do I have a choice?

Most of the anecdotes are based on real events. Therefore, it is not surprising why everyone tries, if not to enter into a conversation with an Odessite, then at least overhear how he communicates with others. The phrase is invaluable: "Schaub, I lived the way you are glad to me." And apparently every visitor to the city wants to come to the famous "Privoz", go to the seller and ask: "Can you tell me how much it costs?" And in response to hear: “Why won't I tell you ?! Have we quarreled with you? "

Nowadays, the characteristic turns are supplanted by the literary Russian and Ukrainian languages... Today the main task is to preserve the unique Odessa dialect and expressions. After all, in no other city you will hear so much good-natured humor!

Everybody loves Odessa. At the mention of this city, there is an involuntary smile and a desire to insert witty and funny Odessa expressions into the conversation. In this case, even the accent of speech becomes different, specific and recognizable.

A bit of history

The history of the city is very interesting and colorful. During the reign of Empress Catherine II, she allowed settlers to settle in Odessa without taxing them. Many "adventurers" of their time responded to this promise.

Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, Albanians, Greeks, Jews were drawn to Odessa ... The city was called "South Palmyra" and they pinned great hopes on it. In addition to the diversity of the national, there was also a difference in estates: nobles, merchants, officials, artisans, criminals.

All of them were able not only to get along together, but also formed a new nation - "Odessa". At the same time, a special way of communication has developed, which is worthy of respect and study.

The warm seaside climate, bright sun and boundless sociability of local residents played their role - a special Odessa mentality arose.

About Odessa and the people of Odessa

"Pearl by the Sea" gave rise to many humorous expressions, striking in their lexical ingenuity. Odessans are distinguished by observation, inquiring mind and "sharp tongue". And absolutely everyone likes their inimitable dialect!

The original streets of the city are often used for filming, as they have not lost their historical charm. The poet A.S. Pushkin, who was in Odessa, noted that he had never seen such interesting houses anywhere before. He was especially struck by one - entering the building, one could get directly to the fourth floor!

The inhabitants of the famous city use Russian, but they do it in a completely incomprehensible way. They "distort" the language, juggle with cases and temporal concepts. Also, in the course of the conversation, new phraseological units and catchphrases are created. And all this happens in a mixture of languages ​​and their intonation shades, a specific "Odessa dialect" is born - a dialect that cannot be confused with any other.

There is a strong impression that Odessa is a kind of enclave of culture, ancient and variegated. Many anecdotes, jokes, phraseological units diverge around the world and find their reflection in art: fiction, cinematography, theater.

The joy of communication

The population of the city of Odessa is multinational. Ukrainians, Russians, Jews, Moldovans, Bulgarians, Pridnestrovians - this is not the whole list of representatives of Odessa citizens. Locals they speak Russian (mostly), but it is somewhat modified - separate words of the Ukrainian and Hebrew languages, as well as their intonations and voice modulations, have been introduced.

All this happened as a result long history layering and mixing of linguistic and cultural characteristics and behavioral characteristics.

Guests of the city enjoy visiting local sights and communicating with the population; some try to remember and even write down their favorite phrases and jokes. Many people come to Odessa solely for the sake of communication with its inhabitants. Everyone likes the cheerful Odessa dialect, which is not so easy to imitate.

Some features should be noted - an extremely lively mind and sharp language of the local population. He is also characterized by a kind disposition and smile. All residents of Odessa are very charming, they experience sincere pleasure from communicating with each other and the guests of their city, where there is always a lot of sun, positive and goodwill! Perhaps, southern climate in no small measure contributed to the development of all these qualities in the local population.

Creative atmosphere

Many famous personalities were born in the city, which is not surprising. Indeed, in such an atmosphere, it is very easy to develop extraordinary creative people! Odessans, communicating, always exchange subtle humor, and "pearls" are born naturally, easily, spontaneously and with inspiration. It is impossible to be offended even by sharp remarks, for example: "Don't comb my nerves!"

This way of communication contributes to the development of the mind, quick thinking, craving for word creation and writing skills. Odessa can be confidently called a creative workshop of humor. Any passer-by always "has to ask" you his "couple of questions". Laughter is born everywhere: on the old narrow streets, on the famous Odessa Privoz, on Deribasovskaya and in all kinds of crowded places.

Famous Odessans glorified their "small homeland" with their creativity. They try to preserve the identity of the culture of their city. It is with their light hand that the "winged" Odessa phrases and expressions are released into the world. For example, they say that "our town is still small - there is no place for a decent girl to go, except to get married."

Notable personalities

Odessa is the birthplace of many popular people who glorified their city in various fields of activity. Here are examples of contemporaries:

  • Mikhail Zhvanetsky is a satirist and writer.
  • Roman Kartsev is a pop artist, satirist.
  • Anatoly Wasserman is a mathematician and journalist.
  • Mikhail Galustyan is an actor.
  • Larisa Udovichenko is a theater and film actress.
  • Valery Todorovsky - director, producer, screenwriter.
  • Yuri Stoyanov is an actor, screenwriter and director.
  • Grigory Leps is a pop singer.
  • Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov - singer, member of the group "Ivanushki International".
  • Oksana Fandera is a theater and film actress.

Their names need no introduction, these people were included in the annals of history for their exceptional services.

Also glorified Odessa famous personalities in the past: Leonid Utesov, Anna Akhmatova, Evgeny Petrov, Ilya Ilf, Valentin Kataev and others. it creative personalities, who made a huge contribution to Russian literature and art.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Separately, I would like to say about the inhabitants of Odessa, who, as their vocation, chose the stage in order to bring to the world a special flavor and endemicity of their culture.

The famous writer, satirist Mikhail Zhvanetsky (born in Odessa in 1934) illustrates in all its glory the Odessa humor, style of speech. He is also an actor and television screenwriter, who is known all over Russia and people living far beyond its borders.

The satirist's performances always fill the halls, TV shows with his participation are wildly popular. There were even projects with the participation of Mikhail Zhvanetsky, for example, "Duty on the planet." Monologues of the famous Odessa citizen are often heard from the screen, his creative meetings and author's concerts are also popular.

Zhvanetsky and his Odessa expressions are quoted, writers' miniatures sound on the radio, author's speeches are posted on the Internet.

Roman Kartsev

In 1939, the famous humorist, screenwriter, artist Roman Kartsev was born in Odessa. For many years he was an actor under the direction of Mikhail Zhvanetsky in his Theater of Miniatures. Bright, talented, charismatic, Kartsev became a favorite of millions of Soviet people, delivering their favorite Odessa jokes to them. The humorist's appearances from the television screen were a stunning success.

The viewer still remembers "Meeting at the distillery" and "Cancers". And now the artist's benefit performances and his creative evenings are popular.

Odessa humor

Local humor has a special chic. Everybody knows Odessa jokes. They are considered a manifestation of the wit of the interlocutors. Let's remember how they say in Odessa.

  • Schaub you lived like that, how I laughed at it!
  • Borya! Don't hit Izya so hard! You will sweat!
  • Shob wee lived like that!

Unfortunately, the intonation itself, the unique dialect of Odessa residents cannot be conveyed on paper, it is better to listen to it in reality. Many have an irresistible desire not only to memorize Odessa expressions, but also to try to tell them, while “overpowering”.

What's the secret

There is no doubt that humor in Odessa was born through the fusion of cultures of several nationalities. He gradually acquired specific traits that have become the hallmark of the city.

A play on words, a special dialect - a product of symbiosis lexical forms... Odessa expressions are inferences complete in meaning, sometimes very deep. They have manifestations of intelligence, observation, sarcasm, irony. This, in turn, is combined into a laconic form characteristic of metaphors and catch phrases In russian language.

Properties of Odessa humor

Odessa humor is peculiar in that with its help you can even argue without offending each other. In this case, the "sharp corners" of the conflict are bypassed, since a joke can cool the aggression. This is a great property to learn and use to master your communication skills. Here are some examples:

Why don't you watch yourself?
- And I do not suspect myself of anything!

Do you need five or six spoons of sugar?
- Three, but I saw Schaub.

A feature of Odessa humor is the habit of answering a question with a question:

Why didn't you greet me?
- And sho, did you expect greetings from someone?

Characterized by sarcasm, self-irony and the ability to convey in a few words a much larger amount of information:

Sarochka! You just look great today!
- Ha! I still feel bad!

And sho you ask me how I'm doing. Ask my neighbor, he knows better ...

You know, Abrasha, today I saw a line where people stood for a drink. So they had such eyes, as if they were for the kill!

Good evening, Sara Abramovna! How is your headache?

It should be noted that many residents of Odessa left hometown, but at the same time they have not lost their special style of communication, color and love of life. In any country in the world, they speak and joke in the same way as in their historical homeland.

Or will you tell me for Madame Perelman? Is this an old man? I laugh twice! This is any gag! She is a hundred years old on Saturday, and pioneer fires are burning in her ass! Does she see badly? But he hears well. Or have you not seen her eyes? So I'll tell you, even her pupils have long taken the shape of keyholes.

Everyone knows that in Odessa they like to answer a question with a question. A real conversation between two fishermen on the concrete slabs of Arcadia beach. - Will you give me a worm? - Do you need a worm?

Two old women met by chance on the street. One other:
-And sho, how do you have your health?
-Oh .. how it has me!

Dialogue on Privoz:
- Mila, are the tomatoes already good, or will they be cheaper later?

An acquaintance, she had to go somewhere by train. My aunt says:
- Put on prettier underwear.
- ??? What for?
- Well, what if a person happens ...

The hostess haika made a t-shirt out of panties!

A phrase to a disgruntled buyer: "I had the nail on which the portrait of your grandfather hung."

Why not, when yes?

I saw you walking along Deribasovskaya ...

Schaub you got up, and water ne bulo!

A very good answer to the phrase: "We have no money for this."
- This is not the money that you do not have.

Well, sho you sit like Dunka on a samovar ?!

A neighbor over the fence - to mom:
- Zoya ?!
- Huh ?!
- Are you at home?!

An old Odessa rhyme that Borya and Styopa are actually the same name:
Borya is Borukhis
Borukhis is Tukhis
Tukhis is an ass
And the ass is Styopa

Let's go to visit each other: you are on our name day, and we are on your funeral!

In Odessa, you would be barely a fuck!

- “If you agree that I fry eggs in your lard,
I will allow you to cook your meat in my soup ... "

- Oh, I don't care as long as YES ...

Sho then I do not like for your intentions. Do you want to become better than Yashka Oblique here? Take into account local contrasts - download the rights - you are not here ...

A friend at work had a colleague named Keniksberg. He was called to the phone not otherwise than: "Comrade Kaliningrad, you are on the phone."

In the Odessa Polytechnic students among themselves Albert Einstein called Alik Odnokamushkin.

At the shoemaker:
- When do you need these shoes?
- On already!
- Well, I won't do it for you yesterday - come back tomorrow after five.

One familiar shoemaker warned clients: "According to the old tradition of shoemaking, shoes not taken away until evening are drunk at night!"

House of life, in his closet sat an old-old Jew. Once my mother (according to her stories, she was 20 years old) brought him shoes, they had to glue them on, there was nothing to take to the collective farm ... So the uncle looked carefully over his glasses at the shoes, picked out the sole and said: "Madam, it's high time to sell them!"
Since then, in our family, about the thing that it's high time to throw it away, we say “It's time to sell it” ...

(Odessan about a very healthy guy) - Yes, he could easily hold a loaf of bread in his fist and ask those around him to guess what was hidden in his hand.

- Hello, tell me how you are!
- I don't want to upset you, but I'm fine.

- This is where it's time to decide: either you are a Man, or a Girl Natasha!

- Shitty food - dick and mustard. It seems like meat, but I don't feel like eating.

I sit by the pier, I watch two fishermen go, I ask:
- And sho you caught?
In response from one I teach immediately the answer:
- Whale by the balls!
I continue
- And How??
- The bastard is gone, some mandavoshki remained, but a full bucket! (pointing to a bucket full of gobies)

A neighbor's grandmother spoke of a person who bothered her: "Oh, he keeps me in Odessa!"

The inscription on the fence in the private sector: "CURS FOR THE GARBAGE!"

Girls from Moscow approach a booth in the center of Odessa where cigarettes are sold.
- Give me 2 packs of "LM".
Window seller:
- Those who turned blue are over, only those who have turned red are left, if you want, I can give you this pleasure ...

Chaotically remembered Odessa words:

- Thin as Itskov bitch.
- This is not a beetle sneezing on the tablecloth!
- So that I do not reach where I was going
- Stupid, like three elephant wagons covered with tarpaulin.
- Dumb as a hundred majors.
- Was the Wuss trampled?
- Bekitser
- Where are you going?
- Ketsik (piece)
- Sour in a forelock, sour in borscht
- Listen here, listen here
- Fulyugan
- Cold in the head
- These are two big differences
- And what do you know? He (a) still yes ...
- "WEY Z WORLD" - similar to our "My God!"
- Don't make me twisted years !!!
- Where are you going?
- Do you play this music? (applies to all instruments)
- These words do not come out of my mouth!
- Mudebeytsaly - eggs (and far from chicken and not ostrich ...)

Reaction to the well-known verdict: - EVERYTHING!
- “Everything” is when the feet are cold!

In Odessa, they do not say: "To buy up on the market." We say: Make a bazaar!
An Odessa woman made a bazaar and, standing in the center of the courtyard, shares her thoughts with a neighbor:
- I beat on Privoz, bought two kilos of blue ones, I'll make a stew ... A kilo of whips: I'll fire the older ones, and I'll boil the younger ones for yushechka ...

A woman from Odessa tells.
- I was once a guest in Orenburg. We sit, have a nice conversation. There is a question for me, the answer to which I do not know. Guess at once what I answered? Correctly, without even thinking too much, in Odessa I answer the question with a question: "Do I know?"
Pause. To my surprise, I notice that my interlocutors are patiently waiting for the continuation of the phrase - What is it that I do know?

In Odessa there was a cafe without a name, but the inhabitants of Odessa called it "Chernobyl". It was located under the Kiev restaurant, hence the apt popular name.
Another unnamed institution was located at the intersection of Karl Marx and Karl Liebknecht streets. The people steadfastly called it - "Two Karl".

Odessa is the capital of a rather peculiar humor. Odessa is saturated with emotions and charm of its inhabitants. The main language of Odessans is Russian. But this Russian is unusual, it is quite colorful and intricate, it is also called "Odessa jargon". There are many cool phrases and expressions in Odessa speech. Odessa humor always causes only admiration and delight among visitors!

In a completely incomprehensible way, the inhabitants of Odessa construct funny expressions and phrases. Funny Odessa expressions and funny phrases are known far beyond its borders.

The existing Odessa speech, as we see it today, appeared many years ago. This happened due to the cohabitation of many nationalities. Thanks to this, the "Odessa language" appeared, and with it the Odessa humor. You can listen to such a language for hours, discovering new Odessa words, cool phrases and expressions about Odessa!

Odessa dialect and funny jokes about Odessa

Let's remember the great Odessa comedians Zhvanetsky, Kartsev and Ilyichenko. With their Odessa dialect, jokes and jokes about Odessa, they conquered the whole country. Many listened to their jokes and jokes about Odessa with bated breath.

You can fully understand such a unique gift of Odessa residents only after visiting Odessa, and hearing jokes and jokes from Odessa residents. Only after hearing the unique Odessa dialect, Odessa jokes and jokes, it is possible to feel the real atmosphere of Odessa.

Odessa jokes and gags are born completely spontaneously on the famous "Privoz", old Odessa streets, in everyday life, but anywhere! Real Odessans know laughter better than others.

Funny Odessa and jokes from the life of the city, show the whole essence of Odessa speech and imagery of thoughts of Odessa citizens. Jokes and jokes of Odessa are an integral part of a little strange, but at the same time accessible and understandable to everyone Odessa speech.

If for Odessans such a language and manner of communication is the norm, for visitors the jokes and gags of Odessa are a treasure of Odessa charm and subtle humor. Listening to and admiring the Odessa dialect, jokes and gags of Odessa is undoubtedly a rare pleasure!

Jokes, funny phrases and funny expressions of Odessa

Odessa is a truly unique city and Odessa humor is proof of this. In which city of the world can you still hear something like this:

  • So will you buy or will I forget you forever ?!
  • Oh, no need to persuade me, I will agree anyway!
  • So you lived as you are poor!
  • Shaw are you making eyes at me? - And sho, should I build a cooperative for you?
  • Senya, don't run so fast, otherwise, God forbid, you will catch up with your heart attack.
  • Schaub I saw you on one leg, and you me with one eye!
  • Let's go visit each other. You are here for our name day, and we are for your funeral!
  • Thank God, are you leaving, or are you staying, God forbid?
  • Is it true that you are marrying your Simochka? -Of course, we give out ... a little bit
  • Senya, eat borscht, you're dead, you have to get better !!!
  • You drive mom into the coffin and even deeper!
  • Sarochka is not about you and turn off the radio altogether ...
  • Do you need to go to Deribasovskaya? And you yourself will be from somewhere, not from Mariupol, sorry, it's somewhere over there or over there, go wherever you want, gradually you will find where she will go!
  • Where is this boy's crazy mother? He is still here, she - no one knows where, but he will grow up and leave, and where can she return all this to her later?
  • Are you sick? - Why? - So the dentist Schwartz left you in the morning. - Oh, my God, you look at her, Colonel Kumanovich leaves you in a day, so tomorrow is the war ?!

The peculiarities of the Odessa dialect are known almost all over the world. Even those who have never been to Odessa know funny Odessa phrases and expressions. Odessans often love for the holidays. Many cool phrases and the expressions of Odessa became winged. Odessans carefully preserve their culture of life, betraying the famous cool expressions and phrases of Odessa from generation to generation. Sometimes one gets the impression that the inhabitants of Odessa have a completely different, peculiar way of thinking.