Projection of regional culture in the ethno-cultural landscape of the Russian-Chinese border area. The place of the cultural landscape in cultural politics and political culture Ethnoecology textbook

UDC 130: 323 (510)

Valentina Morozova Valentina Morozova



The features of the interpretation of the concept of "ethnocultural landscape" in the context of cultural-philosophical analysis are revealed, approaches to its study in the environment of modern Russian methodology are considered. A conclusion is formulated about the role of regional culture in the formation of the border ethno-cultural landscape and the mechanisms of its reflection

Key words: ethnocultural landscape of borderlands, regional culture, culture-philosophical analysis

The article describes the interpretation features of the concept "ethno-cultural landscape" under the culture-philosophical analysis, examines the approaches to its study in the sphere of today "s Russian methodology. The author draws the conclusion about the regional culture" s role in the border ethno-cultural landscape forming processes and the mechanism of such reflection

Key words: border ethno-cultural landscape, regional culture, culture- philosophical analysis

The article was carried out with the financial support of the state represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The ethnocultural landscape as a space representing the historical and cultural habitat of specific peoples is the most important unit in the study of modern culture. However, this concept is often interdisciplinary, becoming the subject of research in such sciences as geography, history, sociology, etc. The problem of the ethnocultural landscape is rarely touched upon in philosophical research. Today, the relevance of the proposed study is determined by a number of factors that determined the uniqueness of the regional

cultural space of border areas. Spiritual and historical and cultural loci of the region, which carry in themselves an “inviolable reserve” of the values ​​of the culture of the past, in modern cultural-philosophical thought can be considered through the concept of the ethnocultural landscape as a space of concentration and expression of regional culture.

It is quite understandable that the study of landscapes should take into account not only the natural component, but also the cultural-philosophical component, mediated by the presence of a system of regional cultural values. In the context of this study, we can talk about a kind of regional cultural landscapes. Despite the close geography

physical disposition and conditionality by the function of the border as a point of attraction, they are characterized by a pronounced ethnocultural specificity.

As a methodological basis for this study, it is proposed not a classical approach, in which the cultural landscape is understood as an "anthropogenic complex", but the ethnocultural concept of a cultural landscape as interpreted by V.L. Kagansky, mediated, however, by the location of the landscape on the border area and therefore having its own nuances (instability, close connection with a specific historical period, etc.).

Currently, the phenomenon of regional culture of border areas and its expression in the ethnocultural landscape is of particular importance. Regional cultures are in contact across state borders, transferring and consolidating their elements abroad. In this case, the border plays only a formal meaning, which inevitably entails the transformation of not only the landscape itself, but also the entire system of values ​​of the contacting territories, which, in turn, determines the degree of their translation and perception in the regional culture of the recipient.

This circumstance is also determined by the philosophical understanding of the term "border", which is not only a division, but also a connection between each individual culture. It is no coincidence that I.V. Kuzin notes: “Spatial separation, on the one hand, is an illusion, since it can be overcome not spatially, but, on the other hand, it is completely real, since there are single point-events that preserve and support themselves by the contact of spatial boundaries, transcending their own thought "

The border becomes a kind of resource that does not limit the territory, but, on the contrary, by "transferring" knowledge about the other side through it.

In the implementation of cultural and landscape zoning of border areas, one of the main problems is the problem of determining the boundaries of regional ethnocultural landscapes. This situation is complicated by the cultural-philosophical component of these territories, expressed by the system of regional cultural values, as well as by the problem of defining the very socio-cultural space of the borderland, which does not have clear outlines. Moreover, at present, political boundaries do not always correspond to cultural boundaries. The solution to this problem is a difficult task, which is associated with the specifics of the very concept of "ethnocultural landscape", as well as with the fact that today there is no unambiguous universal method of cultural and landscape zoning. The status of "bordering" is determined only by adjoining the border.

The interdisciplinary direction allows us to interpret the landscape as a space of culture, which plays a more important role than the “developed” territory itself. We can talk about the reading of natural landscapes by a specific ethnic community - the bearer of its culture. Accordingly, the ethnic factor that forms and mediates the geocultural space gives grounds to define the landscape not so much as a cultural, but to a greater extent as an ethnocultural entity.

Let us cite a number of features of the formation of ethnocultural landscapes of the Russian-Chinese borderlands, taking into account the peculiarities of their regional cultures (see table).

Features of the ethnocultural landscape Theory Practice

Russian border area Chinese border area

Natural landscape structure of settlement Underdevelopment of socio-economic and socio-demographic institutions against the background of a rich natural resource potential The most complete national economic complex, based almost entirely on the local raw material and fuel base

Historical and cultural Development of the modern territory A significant reduction in the number of travel companies (a consequence of changes in legislation), cultural and pre-cultural institutions A set of various types of recreational activities (cognitive, beach, event, sports, health, excursion, hiking, skiing, mountain, water, cycling , sailing and other types of tourism)

Ethnographic and ethnolinguistic Regional specificity Cultural heritage of the peoples of Eastern Transbaikalia (regional culture as a fundamental factor of cultural identification) Cultural potential of the polyethnicity of the population of the region, expressed not only in the preservation of traditional culture through its regional version, but also in the reflection of a large number of cultural samples of Russian culture

The practice of forming ethnocultural landscapes in the border areas of the RF-PRC is somewhat contradictory. Intercultural ties between the Russian Federation and the PRC are developing, but the pace of such development is extremely slow. To a large extent, this is hindered by such an objective reason as weak infrastructure in the Russian border territories. Therefore, in the socio-cultural space of Russian-Chinese cross-border interaction, there is no possibility of high-quality use of geographical advantages. Hence the uneven development of ethnocultural landscapes, mediated by the high rates of economic development of the PRC.

However, when studying the geocultural space, it is important to use the concept that considers the territory not only from the standpoint of one factor, but in the indissoluble unity of all its characteristics: natural, socio-economic, geopolitical, cultural and historical. The cultural mosaic of the Russian-Chinese borderlands deprives the homogeneity of a territory of the same type in natural terms. Have-

The border that emerges here represents a kind of "transition zone" from one regional culture to another. It is not only a place of mutual influence, but also a zone of separation of interests of ethnic communities. An example of this is the emergence of special communities of a militarized type (Cossacks on the borders of Russia in the 16th-19th centuries), which form the specifics of the ethnocultural landscape of the border area.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the border ethnocultural landscape is characterized by the following set of special features of its functioning:

The activity and richness of interregional contacts, which leads to the emergence of new elements of ethnocultural landscapes of the borderlands (tourist park "Eastern Gate of Russia Zabaikalsk-Manchuria", open-air museum "Russian Village", etc.);

Simultaneity of the influence of cultural centers and the regional component, expressed by the mechanisms of self-maintenance of the national culture through its regional version;

Ethnocultural tolerance, supported by regional authorities in the form of ongoing projects "Tolerance in the Development of a Multicultural Region", "Baikal School of Tolerance";

A mixture of architectural styles, represented by a unique picture of architectural relationships in the border area of ​​the RF-PRC, which has no analogues not only in the countries of Northeast Asia, but throughout the world. An example of this is the architectural appearance of Harbin, formed as a result of the interweaving of various "European styles", the translators of which were mainly the border regions of Russia;

The dependence of the residents of the borderlands on the policies of the governments of both sides, which is currently manifested by the intensification of research related to the "Chinese factor" of Russia's regional policy;

The dynamism of the ethnocultural landscape itself (transformation in time), mediated by the influence of the regional version of Russian culture, as a result of which the religious dogmas and stereotypes of the traditional forms of management of the population of Northeast China changed.

Returning to the issue of the uneven development of the ethnocultural landscapes of the Russian-Chinese borderlands today, we note that, highlighting approximately the same features of the ethnocultural landscape of the borderlands, as indicated earlier, D.A. Dirin also notes that with a competent management of the benefits of their position, with the maximum smoothing of their shortcomings, the Russian border territories have every chance of turning from depressed regions into points of economic growth.

Considering at the same time such basic conditions for the interaction of cultures as the territorial basis, cultural and historical preconditions, the rootedness of the population, geographical isolation,

it should be noted that they cannot be taken into account without regard to the regional value potential. Thus, in the study of the ethnocultural landscape in the socio-cultural space of the borderland, it is necessary to philosophically interpret it in the context of the value system of each separately taken region as a system-forming factor of the regional culture itself. In this regard, the socio-cultural phenomenon of the spatial organization of the border area and the processes occurring in it should be carefully studied in the context of cultural-philosophical research, which makes it possible to assess the intermediary role of regional culture in the translation of cultural images of the neighboring territory and the formation of the ethnocultural space of the border area.

The concept of "ethnocultural landscape" is directly related to the concept of "regional culture". Presenting the ethnocultural landscape as a regional cultural space, it is worth recalling the statement of A. Mol that “culture is equal to its space”. Therefore, the ethnocultural landscape is presented as a space constructed by a regional culture, one of the main characteristics of which is the level of embodiment of that set of cultural characteristics (both material and spiritual) that are perceived by the landscape of each border area. An important property of culture is its regionality, associated with the spatio-temporal localization of socio-cultural processes. The close ties of ethnic groups with natural landscapes were pointed out by L.N. Gumilyov, who defined ethnos as "... a geographical phenomenon, always associated with the enclosing landscape that feeds the adapted ethnos." In this context, it should be noted that the ethnocultural landscape also represents the physical and mental expression of the regional cultures of interacting ethnic groups. Therefore, it becomes quite fair to consider the ethnocultural landscape not only as a material form of the region.

national cultural heritage, but also to a greater extent as a translator of regional cultural traditions, ensuring the continuity of cultural skills and ideas.

By the mental expression of regional cultures, one can mean the civilizational landscape of the borderland, so heterogeneous due to these factors. It is obvious that the appropriateness of the application of the concept of "civilization" to the regional system of settlement may raise objections from people familiar with the principles of the civilizational approach that has developed in the humanities of the twentieth century. It has become customary that within its framework the objects of research are considered on the scale of individual ethnic groups, united by a certain cultural and spiritual path of development. However, it would be rash to deny that one of the demanded and promising directions for the development of the civilizational approach can be the consideration of individual historical and cultural regions as a kind of civilizational landscapes. The civilization landscape of the borderland, in turn, is determined by a special historical and cultural heritage, a specific settlement system, and the presence of a unique combination of regional cultural traditions.

The vital activity of each ethnic group, in turn, is subordinated to a certain value-semantic paradigm. Thus, regional communities are characterized by a specific socio-political and economic structure, a settlement system, traditional and innovative elements of culture, etc. In particular, over the course of the historical development of the traditional cultures of the ethnic groups of the Northeast of the PRC, renewal was carried out both as a result of autochthonous development and thanks to intercivilizational and interregional borrowings, which determine the channels of innovative transmission. In this context, we are talking, first of all, about culture as the most significant institution for the renewal of traditions.

The first is defined by the inclusion and representation of a diverse number of ethnic groups that form one landscape.

The second is associated with the border position of the landscape itself, which in a certain way levels out the cultural samples of the national culture through its regional version and forces in its system to obey the cultural rules of the neighboring border area.

The third defines the ethnocultural landscape of the borderland as a "border landscape", which is associated with the conflict between the concepts of "regional identity" and "ethnic identity".

One more important property of the ethnocultural landscape of the borderlands can be identified. It lies in the fact that the landscape exists not only because certain groups of people consider themselves a part of it, but also because the regional cultures of the border territories, as a factor in the formation of the type of landscape under consideration, are vulnerable precisely because of their interdependence from each other and are forced to adapt to each other. to friend. In this regard, the cultural image of the border landscape depends on the degree of influence on it by the regional culture of the neighboring border area. At the present stage of the development of intercultural interaction of the border areas of the RF-PRC, the transfer of cultural values ​​from one people to another leads simultaneously to the transformation of values ​​and value orientations of the inhabitants of the borderlands, the assimilation of new identification patterns and the formation of new identities. This circumstance also affects not only the functioning of the ethnocultural landscape of the borderlands, but also endows it with the function of a translator of cultural values ​​from the spiritual to the material world.

At the same time, let us single out those values ​​that are basic in the effective functioning of the border ethnocultural landscape:

Striving to achieve harmony with nature, identifying the value of nature not as a resource, but as a sphere of comfortable living;

Traditionalism as the basis of ethnocultural values;

A high level of self-organization, which forms the characteristics of socio-cultural processes characteristic of each border region;

Tolerance as a fundamental political value that allows full-fledged intercultural interaction.

The reference to the value component of the border ethno-cultural landscape allows us to characterize it as the focus of the totality of cultural images of peoples historically inhabiting border territories, playing the role of the regional cultural framework of the territory.

After comparing the concepts of "regional culture" and "ethnocultural landscape", we note that their relationship and interdependence are obvious. The landscape is the bearer of all the properties of the regional culture, mediated by the border position. Both categories are in constant active interaction. Representing their properties in the socio-cultural space of border

interaction, they mediate those cultural elements (norms, values, rules, traditions and properties, expressed both spiritually and materially) that are inconceivable without their unity. We can talk about the ethnocultural landscape as a direct projection of regional culture, its reflection. The border ethnocultural landscape is also mediated by the "living" nature of its space, which carries out its functions not only through the connection between the past, present and future, but also across state borders, the question of whose functions from the point of view of the socio-cultural aspect requires further development.

The contradictory properties of the ethnocultural landscape of the borderlands, such as purposefulness, heterogeneity, multidimensionality, consistency, should be understood in the context of cultural-philosophical analysis, which involves the study not only of ethnocultural processes, but also the identification of mechanisms that determine the state of interacting regional cultures in the socio-cultural space of cross-border interaction with the to determine possible ways of their further development. At the same time, we must not forget that these processes are associated not only with the external conditions of existence, but also with the internal characteristics of each interacting ethnic group, expressed by a system of values ​​and value orientations.


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1.1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the ethnocultural landscape 9

1.2. The structure and factors of formation of the ethnocultural landscape of mountain areas 155


2.1. The history of the formation of the population of Karachay 20

2.2. Settlement evolution and historical regions of Karachay 277


3.1. Natural factors 53

3.2. Social factors 72


4.1. Ethnocultural landscape region Big Karachay 89

4.2. Teberda ethnocultural landscape area 99

4.3. Zelenchuk ethnocultural landscape area 105

4.4. Ethnocultural landscape area Maly Karachay 111




Introduction to work

The relevance of research. The Karachay-Cherkess Republic is a unique polycultural region of the North Caucasus, formed as a result of the historically long interaction of ethnocultural communities of the traditional type with the surrounding natural environment.

The Karachais inhabit mainly the southern and eastern parts of the republic. The primary natural environment has been preserved here, which served as the basis for the formation of traditional forms of the original Karachai culture. The entry of Karachai into the sphere of influence of the Russian and global cultures led to a modification of traditional culture, its saturation with innovative elements.

The study of the spatial features of the formation and evolution of the traditional Karachai culture is a very topical, practically unexplored problem. Carrying out a cultural-geographical study of Karachay is possible on the basis of a cultural-landscape concept. In accordance with it, the formation of cultural landscapes of Karachay can be presented as a process of equipping Karachais with "their" space based on their own traditions and the surrounding socio-cultural and natural environment. Moreover, these landscapes can be attributed to the category of ethnocultural, since the substrate basis of its formation is a rather distinguished Karachai ethnos, which reproduces many elements of traditional culture at the present time.

Study of the peculiarities of the formation of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay in the 19th century. to the 30s of the XX century. is of particular interest as it allows:

* - to identify the mechanisms of formation of the traditional structure of geo-

the cultural space of Karachay, which took place until the middle of the 19th century;

Determine the spatial characteristics of what happened in
late XIX early XX centuries. sociocultural changes, more arguments
to assess the consequences of these changes;

Assess the possibilities of progressive, harmonious development of co-
e temporary ethnic culture of Karachay and the preservation of ethnocultural

landscape as a whole.

Such studies make it possible to implement the historical principle in the study of modern geocultural space, contribute to the identification of relict "cultural elements of the region, which are the basis for identifying and preserving territories of cultural and natural heritage, moreover, they can become a scientific basis for the revival of elements of living traditional culture, which ultimately As a result, it allows to preserve unique ethnocultural landscapes.

Only in conditions of cultural diversity is it possible to preserve the cultural and natural gene pool of the regions. In the conditions of harmonious coexistence of traditional and innovative spheres of human activity, real prerequisites appear for the normal functioning of society, rational nature management, and sustainable development of regions.

Purpose of work: identification of the features of the formation of the structure of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachai from the 19th century to the 30s. XX century.

Research objectives:

Revealing the factors of formation of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay at the end XIX- the beginning Xx centuries;

^ -revealing the process of formation of ethnocultural landscapes, and

also the changes that have taken place since the 19th century. through the 30s of the XX century;

Development of cultural and landscape zoning;

Object of study: geocultural space of Karachay.

Subject of study: processes and results of cultural and landscape differentiation of Karachai in the late XIX - early XX centuries.

The main cognitive means of research is the land
\ X ^ shaft modeling, by means of which land-

shaft images of the retrospective geocultural space of Karachay.

Theoretical and methodological basis and research methodology are: the concept of geospace (B.C. Preobrazhensky, E.B. Alaev, U.I. Merest, S.Ya. Nymmik); landscape approach (B.C. Preobrazhensky, A.G. Isachenko); cultural and ethnographic concepts (E.S. Markaryan, Y. Bromley), ideas about geocultural space (A.G. Druzhinin); cultural and landscape approach and the concept of cultural landscape (Yu.A. Vedenin, R.F. Turovsky,

B. B. Rodoman, V.L. Kagansky), developments in the field of ethnocultural

landscape science (V.N. Kalutskov, A.A. Ivanova, A.V. Lysenko).

The research methodology is based on cultural-landscape, ecological and historical-geographical approaches, on general scientific methods - descriptive, comparative, historical, statistical, multivariate analysis, modeling, as well as on geographical - cartographic and regionalization.

The information base consists of: ethnographic studies of the economy and culture of Karachay (A.A. Atamanskikh, E.M. Kulchaev, Kh.O. Laipanov, I.M.

statistical information, fund and archival materials, historical maps, as well as the results of their own research of the traditional culture of Karachay.

Scientific novelty of the work:

On the basis of the historical-geographical analysis of physical-geographical and ethnosocial processes, the reconstruction of the cultural and landscape structure of the 19th - early 20th centuries on the territory of Karachay was carried out;

The evolution and dynamics of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay are revealed;

The traditional ethnoecological toponymic system is described.
ma cultural landscapes of Karachay;

Thematic maps were compiled, characterizing the socio-cultural and natural processes that took place in the territory of Karachai;

Cultural and landscape zoning has been carried out.
Practical significance: use of research results
it is possible:

To identify and restore heritage sites and territories, elements of the living traditional culture of Karachay;

As an integral part of special courses in cultural geography;

When developing socio-economic and socio-cultural programs for the development of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic;

As a methodological basis for further cultural and landscape research.

The following are submitted for defense the main provisions of the dissertation:

1. The features of the formation of geocultural space in the city

7 pax are: the sustainability of traditional forms of culture, which is associated with the closeness and high degree of isolation of the mountainous space; limited and specific nature of the natural resource potential; as well as the predominance of vertical morphological structures.

    The natural landscape structure of the region, together with the characteristics of the traditional elements of culture, determined the organization of the spatial structure of the mountain ethnocultural landscape, its centrality.

    Historical factors determine the formation of 4 districts on the territory of Karachay, reflecting the dynamics of the cultural and landscape structure of the region during the period under study.

    Socio-cultural factors (economic, demographic and political) contributed to the formation of a multilayer structure of ethnocultural landscapes with the allocation of traditional and innovative layers of culture.

    Based on the totality of natural, historical, economic, demographic and political features of spatial differentiation, a system of taxonomic units has been developed and cultural and landscape zoning has been carried out.

Approbation of work and publication. The main provisions of the work were reported at international, all-Russian and regional conferences: "Scientific session of teachers and graduate students" (Karachaevsk, 1998); "Scientific Conference of Young Scientists" (Nalchik, 1999); "All-Russian scientific teleconference" Biogeography at the turn of the XXI century "(Stavropol, 2001); "Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas: Problems of Regional Cooperation and Regional Policy of Mountain Areas". Abstracts of the IX International Conference (Vladikav-

8 kaz, 2001); round table "Russian civilization in the North Caucasus" (Stavropol, 2001); "University Science - to the Region" (Stavropol, 2000, 2001, 2002); as well as at meetings of scientific and methodological seminars of the Department of Physical Geography of the Karachay-Cherkess State Pedagogical University, Stavropol State University, the Karachay-Cherkess Museum of Local Lore.

The materials of the dissertation were used in the preparation of a textbook for the secondary school "Geography of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic" (2000) and in the educational process during the reading of the course "Environmental management systems".

Work structure is determined by the research methodology and corresponds to the tasks through which the research goal is realized. The work includes four chapters, conclusion, appendix.

It has 134 pages of text, 9 figures, the list of references includes 120 titles.



1.1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the ethnocultural landscape

«} In the context of a deepening environmental crisis and exacerbation

socio-economic, political and ethnic problems are marked by an increased interest of society to the basic regional culture. The understanding comes that only in the conditions of a variety of cultures, in the unity of traditional and innovative spheres of human activity, there are real prerequisites for the normal functioning of society and rational use of natural resources. The rethinking of the role of culture in the life of society is the substantive core of the sociocultural approach, reflecting the outlined change in the very paradigm of sociocultural development: from technocentrism to culturecentrism. Consideration of the problems existing in modern Russian society through the prism of cultural concepts makes it possible to identify the roots of destructive social processes, as well as to determine the tendencies of their development.

Modern culture is historical. The experience of individual behavior passed down from generation to generation is anchored in traditions. Taking this property of culture into account is extremely important for identifying invariant stable features in the methods of activity of subjects of modern culture, ensuring the selective implementation and transformation of emerging innovations. That is why normal reproduction

10 traditional culture is the most important condition for sustainable, progressive development of society. It is no coincidence that in modern society there has been a significant increase in interest in the basic regional culture, the preservation and revival of which is becoming one of the most important factors in optimizing relationships in all spheres of public life.

An important property of culture is its regionality, associated with the spatio-temporal localization of socio-cultural processes. Of these, the most interesting for research are ethnic and sub-ethnic communities. The close ties of ethnic groups with natural landscapes were pointed out by L.N. Gumilev, who defined ethnos as "... a geographical phenomenon, always associated with the enclosing landscape that feeds the adapted ethnos." At the same time, the diversity of ethnic groups

correlates with the variety of natural landscapes of the Earth.

One of the most productive areas of geographical cultural research is becoming landscape science... Historically originating as a branch of complex physical geography, the objects of which are complex natural and then natural-anthropogenic systems - landscapes, landscape science is increasingly turning into a general geographic direction. Half a century ago, L.S. Berg interpreted the concept of "landscape" from a general geographic perspective. "Under the name of a geographical landscape - he wrote - one should understand the area in which the nature of the relief, climate, vegetation cover, fauna, population and, finally, human culture merge into a single harmonious whole, which is typically repeated throughout the known (landscape) zone of the Earth" ... Modern theoretical models and concepts aimed at identifying the patterns of formation, structure, structure of functioning, dynamics and evolution, territorial differentiation and integration of landscapes should be widely used not only in natural science, but also in general geographic regional studies.

The concept of a cultural landscape is based on a humanitarian and ecological orientation and a landscape approach. The first is created taking into account its various connections with the natural and ethnic environment, the second

12 the swarm provides for the "allocation of spatial coordinates" when describing and studying it. The author of the concept of "cultural landscape" is the American geographer Karl Sauer.

In foreign literature, his ideas were developed by O. Schluter, K. Salter, T. Jordan, L. Rowntree and others. The cultural landscape is understood by them as an artificial landscape created by people in the process of settling a territory. In the Soviet and Russian schools, preference was given to the study of natural landscapes, and the cultural landscape was understood as its analogue, changed by man. The most serious works on the cultural landscape were published in the 90s (Yu.A. Vedenin, V.L.Kagansky, V.N. Kalutskov, R.F. Turovsky, L.A. Ivanova, etc.). Yu.A. Vedenin distinguishes two layers in the cultural landscape - cultural and natural. At the same time, the cultural layer includes layers of material culture, which creates the external appearance of the landscape, and spiritual culture. The spiritual component is the invisible content of the cultural landscape. It is not expressed directly on the ground, but is present in the minds of people. "During the period of its accumulation, the cultural layer becomes more and more significant in the landscape and, over time, turns into a dominant factor in its further development."

Based on the cultural methodology, the landscape theory acquires a new, wider application within the framework of the developed by Yu.A. Vedenin of the general concept of the cultural landscape. It accumulates the best traditions of Russian landscape science, acquiring a leading role in the study of the relationship between society and nature. In this concept, the cultural landscape is interpreted as "... an integral and territorially localized aggregate of matter, energy

Gii and information formed as a result of spontaneous

native processes, transformative and intellectual-creative activities of people. "

The cultural landscape is understood as the culture of the local community, formed as a result of its life in certain natural conditions, taken in its entirety.

The heuristic value of the concept of "landscape" is that, with its
.,\ power can describe complex complexes of phenomena that form

camping on the earth's surface. The cultural landscape has a component and territorial structure. Among the main components of the cultural landscape A.A. Ivanova calls:

Natural landscape as its material basis;

economic activity as a factor in its change;

lodging as a way of its spatial organization;

community of people, taken in its ethnological, socio-family and other aspects;

language system;

spiritual culture (verbal, musical, visual, choreographic and other types of arts).

According to V.N. Kalutskov, the most important properties of the territorial structure of the cultural landscape are: centeredness, hierarchy, poly-scale, anisotropy.

In this study, the concepts of "geocultural space" and "cultural landscape" are considered as fundamental categories. Geocultural space is understood by us "as a natural combination of cultural objects synthesized from various elements (natural and social, material and ideal), formed as a result of geocultural processes

14 formed as a result of geocultural processes (spatio-temporal manifestations of cultural genesis). "Geographic individuals that make up the geocultural space are cultural landscapes. Their mosaic, hierarchy, and internal structure reflect the organization of the geocultural space.

Spatially distinguished groups of the population with specific cultural characteristics can be considered the substrate basis for the isolation of cultural landscapes. Spiritually-intellectually and materially-practically assimilating the enclosing socio-natural space, these communities form an integral, holistic set of natural and socio-cultural elements with a rather heterogeneous and unique structure, as well as with a special organization of space.

Of the diverse spectrum of cultural landscapes formed on the basis of regional cultures, ethnocultural landscapes are of the greatest interest, both scientific and practical, since to this day, especially in the North Caucasus region, the geocultural space is largely differentiated on the basis of ethnic specificity. Moreover, in conditions of political and socio-economic instability, the role of the ethnic factor in the organization of the geocultural space increases significantly. As before, ethnic characteristics remain invariant for many contemporary cultural landscapes of the Caucasus.

Ethnocultural landscape - This is a space developed by the ethnocultural community, where pronounced forms of traditional culture have developed, which have cultural isolation and insignificant integration with the foreign cultural environment.

15 1.2. The structure and factors of the formation of ethnocultural landscapes of mountain areas

The process of forming cultural landscapes in the mountains differs significantly from that in flat areas. In the mountains, the development of this process is less dynamic. This is due, firstly, to the closeness and high degree of isolation of the mountainous space, which contributes to the formation of sustainable forms of traditional culture. Secondly, with the specificity and limited resource potential of natural landscapes, which form a limited number of environmental management options. And thirdly, it determines the specifics of structuring such a space with a predominance of vertical structures, that is, high-altitude zones.

The processes of ethnogenesis, the formation of material and spiritual culture in the mountains, to a greater extent than on the plain, depended on natural landscapes. In this situation, as a methodological category, you can use the concept places, which is characterized by indivisibility (integrity), orientation towards uniqueness and historicity. Due to its indivisibility, the place allows you to "keep" natural and cultural processes in their totality, which is especially important for ethnogenesis. The place is environmentally friendly, since "it is thought of as a potential home, as something that can accommodate a person and become a home."

Another basic concept of geocultural space is a local community, which is understood as a socio-cultural or ethnocultural territorially limited community of people, realizing itself as a whole. It is characterized by a "community of people", "a place

territory "within defined boundaries, social interaction and a sense of community."

The emerging ethnic community begins to equip "its own space". The spatial organization of a particular cultural landscape is largely determined by the traditions of the local community, the peculiarities of the natural landscape and local economy..

The territorial structure of the ethnocultural landscape is associated with differences from place to place, the peculiarities of geospace, territorial differentiation of cultures. A constructive basis for the study of territorial differences in a cultural landscape can be the idea of ethnocultural landscape area as a part of the living space of an ethnic group of the population, formed in the enclosing differentiated mountain natural environment and having a certain set of morphological units of the ethnocultural landscape region, two groups are formed territorial complexes, which overlap:

Territorial cultural-natural, where the natural factor determines the cultural;

Local natural and cultural, where the cultural component plays a system-forming role (settlements, places of worship and

As cultural and natural morphological units, reflecting the territorial heterogeneity of the region, high-altitude belts, terrain and natural boundaries are distinguished.

Cultural and natural altitude zones form the basis of the spatial structure of mountainous regions. They arise from

17 natural high-altitude belts and form the main types of nature management. Cultural and natural areas are understood as parts of the living space of the high-altitude belt of a separate group of an ethnocultural community, "attached" to a certain place and united by a common destiny and a sense of community.

Cultural and natural tracts - part of the living space of a certain tribal group of the population, which has different functional

purpose: economic (hayfields, pastures, logging), cult, recreational, etc.

Natural and cultural complexes are the basis of the centralization of space, representing nuclear or nuclear according to A.Yu. Reteium of a system where the cultural element plays an active role. An example of such a complex is the Uchkulan aul, where the process of the formation of clan groups and the traditional culture of the Karachai ethnos took place.

In the works of A.V. Lysenko distinguishes two groups of factors that play an important role in the formation of ethnocultural landscapes: natural and sociocultural (social in the broad sense of the word).

The natural component of the ethnocultural landscape is most clearly expressed in the industrial culture and the culture of direct life support. In the first case, the natural landscape acts as a resource base (natural resource factor) of production activity, in the second - as an environment-forming factor that affects the physiological parameters of the organism.

All factors of cultural genesis associated with the social essence of a person in the broad sense of the word can be classified as sociocultural. These include various types of social relations, specific ways of their implementation, to one degree or another, affecting the territorial organization of culture. The group of the most important socio-cultural factors can be combined economic, demographic and political.

The formation of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay is studied by combining natural, socio-cultural, incl. external and internal factors into two groups:

cultural and landscape integration, which characterizes the saturation of geocultural formations with system-forming elements (components of the dominant ethnic culture);

cultural and landscape local differentiation that forms the morphology of the ethnocultural landscape (cultural and natural components).

The formation of ethnocultural landscapes of the mountainous territories of the North Caucasus is the result of a historically long interaction of sociocultural communities of the traditional type with the enclosing living space.

It is obvious that internal sociocultural factors (traditional ethnic culture) and factors of the natural environment that are closely related to them have become the most important factor in the isolation of the cultural landscapes of the region. Natural and ethnic regionalism manifested itself in the formation of separate culturally specific systems.

The close connection of traditional culture (especially production) with the natural environment determined the formation of certain

19 types of adaptive environmental management systems. To an even greater extent, geocultural regionalism was influenced by the stability of the traditional socio-structural culture, which was determined by strong tribal ties and patriarchal-feudal relations. Social isolation, complemented by natural barriers in mountainous areas, determined the development of original cultural forms clearly expressed in space. Their significant diversity is the result of the influence of external sociocultural and partly natural factors.




2.1. The history of the formation of the population of Karachai

>. Karachais - the self-name of the people - karachayly. Origin

The names are explained on behalf of the legendary ancestor of the Karachais - Karchi. Studies of linguists, archaeologists, ethnographers, historians have shown that the process of the formation of the Karachai-Balkar people was difficult due to historical conditions. Not one, but several components took part in it, while preserving, however, the local ethnic core. The main core is the mountaineers of the Caucasus, who have lived here since ancient times. Subsequently, the Iranian-speaking and Turkic-speaking tribes were layered on the core.

In the material and spiritual culture of the Karachais, connections with this distant Koban culture of the local population are traced. So, as an example, we can cite the similarity in the forms of burial structures. Until the adoption of Islam (18th century), the Karachais made rectangular or oval displays of large stones over the graves of the dead. Such burial grounds, referring

21 dating from the 17th to the beginning of the 18th century, are known on the southern outskirts of the village of Kart-Dzhurt and in other places. In the same graves, their deceased were buried by their distant ancestors, who lived in the Koban and late Coban times on the territory of Karachay.

From all that has been said, it follows that the Karachais are basically the ancient inhabitants of the North Caucasus. Over the centuries, they have passed common paths of development with other highlanders, which led to a certain closeness of their psychology, life and culture.

So, the outward appearance of the Karachais, their physical type and way of life, ways of doing business, housing, clothing, material and spiritual culture - everything speaks of their mountainous, Caucasian origin.

During the Middle Ages, North Caucasian Alania was inhabited by a wide variety of ethnic groups with different languages ​​and cultures. Medieval authors often called "Alans" not only the Alans proper,

23 but in general all the inhabitants of Alanya. The Alanian language became the ancestor of the Ossetian language, the Alans were one of the components in the formation of the Ossetian nationality. But this does not mean that the Alans were only the ancestors of the Ossetians. Scientists' research shows that the Sarmatian-Alans played a certain role in the formation of the Adyghe-Meotian tribes, the Vainakh peoples - the Chechens and Ingush, as well as the Karachais and Balkars.

Turkic tribes began to live in the upper reaches of the Kuban from the 6th-7th centuries. BC. So, it is known that in 568 the Turks of the Western Türkic Kaganate, sent as ambassadors to Byzantium, to the Black Sea coast, passed through the possessions of the Alans along the upper course of the river. Kofins (Kuban). Since the 7th century, after the collapse of the Bulgarian state Kubrat, some part of the Bulgarians settled in the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, in particular, in the Dzheguta river basin and in the Kislovodsk region, as evidenced by archaeological monuments of the late 7th-12th centuries. - Kyzyl-Kalinskoye settlement, a settlement on Rim-mountain, etc., on which cauldrons with internal ears were found, which, according to many

24 scientists, Bulgarians. Bulgarians spoke one of the Turkic languages. Samples of Bulgarian writing have been preserved. Türkic inscriptions are also known on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia. These are the runes of the 9th-10th centuries. Khumarinsky settlement.

In the Karachai language there are some signs of the Bulgarian language, although very weak. Judging by the research of anthropologists, the Karachais and Balkars have some features of similarity with the type of the ancient Bulgarians, although they belong to a different anthropological type than the Bulgarians.

The Turkic-speaking tribes that settled in the upper reaches of the Kuban and Zelenchuks and in the more eastern regions could not live in isolation from the local tribes surrounding them. In particular, they could pass on their language to some part of the local population, including the Alanian.

The facts of the linguistic Turkization of a certain part of the Iranian-speaking Alans in the 7th-10th centuries. took place. Thus, the Khorezm scholar Al Biruki (973-1048) reports that the Alans or Ases previously lived with the Pechenegs along the lower reaches of the Amu Darya. After this river changed its course, they moved to the shores of the Khazar (Caspian) Sea. The language of these Alan-Ases, according to Biruka, is mixed, arose from the Kho-Rezmi and Pechenezh languages. The Khorezm language is known to be Iranian, the Pechenezh language is Turkic. Thus, in the X century. some part of the Alans, who lived in the Caspian region, switched from the Iranian language to the Turkic language.

Most likely, this is exactly what happened in the mountainous regions of Kara-Chay. The Turkization of some part of the Alanian and pre-Alanian population living in the Karachay mountains began with the arrival of the Bulgarians and other Turks

S from VI-VII centuries n. NS. It becomes especially distinct in the 9th-10th centuries, when

when Turkic writing appears in these places.

The penetration of the Kipchaks into these areas (XI-XIII centuries) did not weaken, but strengthened the Turkic-speaking population and contributed to the almost complete displacement of the Iranian and pre-Iranian (Caucasian) languages ​​in these places.

So, the Turks, who penetrated the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia and into more eastern regions before the arrival of the Kipchaks, played a certain role in the formation of the Karachai people. In particular, they marked the beginning of the linguistic Turkization of the Alan and pre-Alan ancestors of the Karachais.

Since the XI century. the Kipchaks (Polovtsy, Kumans) entered the foothill regions of Karachay-Cherkessia. This is evidenced by the Kipchak archaeological sites of the XI-XII centuries. - stone women and mounds in the area of ​​the village of Correct, near the villages of Tallyk, Kubina, Ikon-Khalk and in other places. A significant number of the Kipchaks settled in the mountains and foothills of Karachay-Cherkessia in the 13th century, after the Mongol invasion. The fact that a part of the Kipchaks, fleeing the Mongols in 1222, penetrated into the mountains, is reported by a contemporary of these events, the Arab author Ibi al-Athir. The Kipchaks, who penetrated the mountains of the North-Eastern Caucasus, took part in the ethnogenesis of the Kumyks. The Kipchaks, who settled in the mountains of Karachay and to the east, were one of the components in the formation of the Karachai people.

Archaeological research shows that some types of Karachai burials (with oval stone mounds) of the Kart-Dzhurt burial ground of the 17th - early 18th centuries. and Ullu-Kamsky burial mounds of the XIV-XVI centuries. genetically related to the Kipchak burials under the kurgan.

26 burials under the mounds.

Anthropological studies have shown that with the arrival of the Kipchaks, there were no special changes in the anthropological type of the pre-Kipchak population of Karachai.

We find some data on the connection of the material and spiritual culture of the Karachais with the culture of the Kipchaks in the ethnographic material. Thus, many of the motives of the ornaments that adorn the Karachai felt-kiiz continue the traditions of the Kipchak ornament. The custom of making patterned felt-kiiz was not typical for the Alans, as well as for the North Caucasian highlanders. Consequently, this custom comes from the Kipchak ancestors of the Karachais.

Thus, the Kipchaks introduced elements of their material and spiritual culture into the culture of the local population. They did not change the anthropological type of the local population (the local Caucasian type turned out to be the most stable and, despite the inclusion of foreign elements, continued to be preserved), the language brought to the mountains by the Kipchak newcomers won a victory over those languages ​​that could be heard here before the arrival of the Kipchaks.

Therefore, the process of the formation of the Karachai people can be represented in a short diagram as follows:

1. The main core - local mountain tribes who lived in the mountains
Karachai since ancient times, starting with the Koban tribes, since
they left archaeological sites belonging to
Koban culture.

    At the end of the IV century. the Alans layered on this core.

    From the VI-VII centuries. Turkic-speaking tribes began to penetrate here - the Bulgarians and others. The Turkicization of some part of the Koban-Alan

^ population.

4.C XI v. here the Kipchaks began to settle. In greater numbers, they penetrated into mountainous areas in the first quarter XIII v. With the arrival of the Kipchaks, the linguistic Turkization of the local Koba-no-Alan population, already to some extent earlier Turkic, was completed.

WITH XIII-XIV centuries Karachais had their own language, which belonged to
i, the languages ​​of the Kipchak group, the commonality of the mental make-up and culture

ry; there was also a well-known territorial community.

Later, modern Karachais began to form on the basis of the ancient Karachai people. On the resettlement of the Karachais in Xviiiv. we find data from I. Guildenstedt. According to his description, Karachay "lies near the top of the Kuban and is adjacent to the west with the Abaza district of Bashilbay, and to the south with Svaneti. On the east, it is separated by the Chalpak mountain range from the Kabardians living on Baksan" (Fig. 1) .

2.2. Settlement evolution and historical regions of Karachay

The territorial structure of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay bears the stamp of the historical past. On the territory of Karachay already by the end XIX v. the following historical regions are distinguished: a) Big Karachay, b) Teberda gorge, c) Zelenchuksky d) Small Karachay.

a) Big Karachay with the traditional (basic) culture, where the tribal settlement was formed. Uchkulan, located in the Ma-kharsky gorge, in the valley of the Uchkulan river was the center of the Bolshoi

28 .

Karanaya. Ethnology characterizes this in two ways. The first explanation of the name of the village is associated with its late origin - it arose after Kart-Dzhurt and Khurzuk - the third comrade (uch, yuch - three; ulan - comrade). If we proceed from the geographical location of this village, then another version looks convincing; this village is located at the junction of three gorges of Khurzuk (Khurzuk ezen), Uchkulansky (Uchkulan ezen) and Kuban. Uchkulan consisted of thirty-two tiyre (quarters).

In Uchkulan lived:

Akbaevs NS/ .

Tokmak (1), Mazan (2), Yakup (6); Osman - Khadzhi (7) - also carry the surname Kyzylalievs or Ezievs; Akhmat (3), Mussa (2), Iskhak (4), Jumuk (5), Elmyrza (2), Choppa (2), Hasan (2), Zekerya (2), Ahya (3), Mohammed (1), Dzhanhot (5), Musost (5), Islam (3), Kudainat (2), Tokhdar (5), Batyrbiy (1), Solman (5). There are 21 families in total.


Smail-effendi (4) - as a former qadi of the people's court, he received a plot of land of 200 acres; Ali-Soltan (6), Crimea (3), Tau-Soltan (2), Temir-Soltan (2), Zabit-Soltan (1), Achau (5), Mahai (5), Teirikul (5), Soltan ( 1), Batyr (4), Batcha (2), Adik (1), Zekerya (4), Osman (3), Ka-lager (8), Konali (2), Aryk (1), Sarybiy (1), Shabbat (3), Iskhak (5), Kaltur (4), Idris (4), Sadanuk (5), Daulet-Geriy (1), Crimea (3), Dagir (2), Husey (4), Ramazan (4 ), Makhmut (3), Karbatyr (4), Tau-Soltan (4). There are 32 families in total.

Geriy (3), Abuchay (5), Chubur (2), Khabcha (2), Myrzakul (3), Mussa (3), Khurtai (4), Kuchuk (3), Myrzakay (2), Mussa (2), Akay (6), Akhmat (6), Chopelleu (4), Kulcha (7), Temir-Aliy (5), Jantemir (2), Mamush (4), Mamsur (3), Jambolat (3), Mohammed (3 ), Shogaib (2), Koban (2), Taulu (2), Zeke (1), Tau Myrza (4), Nogai (1), Umar (6), Osman (6), Shontuk (3), Usein ( 3). There are 30 families in total.


Jasharbek (3), Mazan (3), Chubur (3), Gyrtu (3), Aslan (3), Dagir (3), Katur (2), Soltan (3), Tohdar (5), Sosurka (2), Biyaslan (1), Daut (1), Aslan (2), Barak (2), Ali (2), Tokhdar (3), Ali (1), Aslan-bek (1), Datta (1), Jarashdi (5 ), Idris (4), Kuzhmakhan (4), Tukum (3), Crimea (3), Astemir (3), Sulemen (1), Nago (1), Hadji-Mahomet (4), Alibiy (1), Taulu (1), Tohdar (1), Bechu (3), Kemal (3). Hadji-Geriy (3), Ham-zat (5), Salty (1), Usein (2), Islam (4), Debosh (4), Idris (4), Kulchora (3), Mussa (3). There are 42 families in total.


Barak (2), Chotcha (2), Mustafa (3), Gemu (3), Shemakhe (2), Mahai (2), Gery (1), Mohammed (1), Kanshau (1). There are 9 families in total.


Haji-Magomed (12), Zeke (1), Ismail (1), Ahya (1), Ali-Soltan (7). There are 5 families in total.

^ Number of children in brackets.


Kudenet (2), Davletuko (2), Umar (2), Tokhchuk (2), Sulemen (2), Soltan (4), Khusin (3), Binoger (1), Mussa (5). There are 9 families in total.


Mamush (2), Iskhak (2), Smail (3), Tinibek (1), Bayramuk (1), Alisa (2), Aslanmyrza (2), Batyr-Myrza (2), Ozaruk (4), Karakush ( 3), Semyon (1), Kulcha (1), Sokka (1), Binoger (3), Aubekir (3), Haji-Bekir (2). There are 16 families in total.


Umar (1), Soltan (1), Kazi (1), Ahya (1), Koban (1). There are 5 families in total. Separated from the Bostanovs.

The Kipkeevs

Ahya (4), Iskhak (5), Daut (1), Tau-Soltan (3), Bayramali (1), Bai-ram (2), Hadji-Mahomet (7), Hadji-Yakub (4), Soltan ( 4), Myrzakul (I), Sulemen (1), Uzeyir (3), Smail (3), Shamail (4), Khadzhi-Islam (3), Tauchu (1), Daut (1), Musost (4), Mamsur (4), Aslan (1), Akhmat (4), Kudenet (4), Elmyrza (2), Smail (4), Bida (1), Girgoka (2), Mahmut (3), Daut (1), Hajay (1), Shogayib (1), Sulemen (4), Ajay (4), Idris (3). There are 34 families in total.


Salim-Geriy (7), Smail (2), Salman (3), Ali-Soltan (6), Elmyr-

^ for (2), Daulet (3), Islam (2), Dommay (2), Soltan (2), Bagichi (4), Mazan

(9), Kulchora (2), Myrzabek (5), Islam (4), Kulcha (1), Sulemen (4), Kazn (5), Orazai (2), Shogai (2), Smail (2), Akhmat (3), Temir (3), Bek-Soltan (2), Kulchora (1), Jangan (4), Yakub (3), Khadzhi-Myrza (1), Ali-Soltan (4), Myrtaz (2), Myrza (2), Nauruz (2), Daut (2), Bashchi (1), Tukum (1). There are 34 families in total.

і . The Korkmazovs

Idris (6), Ali-Soltan (2), Koichu (1), Iskhak (4), Yakub (1), Asker (1), Kaspot (4), Gilyastan (7), Tau-Soltan (2), Tugan (3), Konali (2), Ismail (3), Debosh (3), Issali (1), Jammolat (3), Akhya (1), Musost (2), Elmyrza (1). Saramyrza (5), Hasan-haji (5), Shabbat (1), Taukan (1), Jasharbek (1), Mustafa (4), Mamsur (3), Mussa (2), Imbolat (4), Daulet-Geriy (2), Agyrdzhan (4), Aslan (1), Kagshan-Geriy (2), Te-mirjan (2), Alibiy (2), Shogai (1), Mohammed (2), Sulemen (2), Yusuf ( 1), Mohammed (1). There are 38 families in total.


^ Bora (9), Ibrahim (12), Yakub (2), Chubur (7), Mustafa (1), Batyr

(1). There are 6 families in total.

The following ancestral quarters were located in the central Uchkulan: the Kipkeevs, Kochkarovs, Korkmazovs, Albotovs, Kaitovs, Bayramukovs, Kubanovs and Akbaevs.

Upper Uchkulan is located in the floodplain of the Makhar River. The following quarters are mainly located here:

32 Mamchuevs

Orman (3), Batyr-Geriy (3), Issa (6), Mussa (3), Mustafa (1), Salad (1), Jammolat (3), Unukh (3). There are 8 families in total.


Jasharbek (5), Inaluk (5), Yakub (4), Issa (2), Hussein (5), Ismu (4), Kara (3), Shogayib (2), Hadji-Zekerya (4), Temir (4 ), Aslan-Myrza (2), Shontuk Shemakho (6), Soltan (I), Mazan (2), Umar (2), Akhya (2), Akhmat (2), Matay (2), Musost (1), Daut (3), Seit (3), Aslan (9), Kude-net (4), Kaplan (4), Shontuk (5), Soltan (2), Tambiy (2), Kekkez (I), Yunus (I ), Osman (2), Basiyat (2), Crimea (1), Kulchora (1), Akhya (3), Ba-tyrsha (3), Kanshau (3), Oraz (3), Ganja (3), Ibak (1), Sandals (1), Mustafa (2), Chotcha (2), Achau (1), Mamsur (1). There are 44 families in total.


(part of the surname lived in the village of Kart-Dzhurt on the left bank of the Kuban River)

Lieutenant Kerta (5) - as an officer received a plot of land of 200 dessiatines; Ramazan (4), Iskhak (5), Bagish (7), Idris (4), Ali-Soltan (5), Hadji-Murza Yusup (1), Chukhma (2), Tomay (1), Orma (10), El-Myrza (8), Misir (2), Soltan (1), Biy-Bolat (5), Tokhdar (2), Islam (3), Yunus (3), Jantemir (2), Suleme Janibek (8), Gaima (8), Idris (3), Iskhak (2), Kara (2), Eldaur (5), Akhya (2) Tau-Myrza (4), Umar (1), Bayra (1), Kanshau (1) , Umar (3), Nauruz (1), Urazai (5), Yakup (3), Mustafa (2), Issa (3), Tau-Soltan (4), Taulu (5). There are 39 families in total.


The number of children in the family.

33 Yusup (7), Issa-Khadzhi (I), Kara-Mussa (1), Yunus (1), Jammolat (2), Smail (1), Teke (4), Mazan (2), Akhmat (2), Ahya (I). There are 10 families in total.


Shabbat (1), Ahya (2), Khushtai (2), Chubur (2), Koban (5), Ilyas (1), Alibek (2), Usta (3), Makhmut (5), Akhmat (3), Myrzakul (7), Teke (1), Yusuf (I), Jammolat (7), Kara-Khadzhi (7), Bekmyrza (7), Khadzhi-Ismail (7), Yakub (1) Aslan (2), Aji- Geriy (1), Hussein (1), Urazai (1), Soltan (1), Kozu (2), Kalmamet (2), Abdulla (2), Asstakku (1), Abdrakhman (1), Baranuko (5), Kaituk (5), Semyon (2), Tokhtar (2), Hasan (4), Dakhir (I), Kanshauka (3), Mamsur (4), Mussa (5), Teirikul (4), As-lanbek (5 ), Myrzabek (5), Iskhak (5), Sosran (8). There are 43 families in total.


Haji-Osman Dottay ulu (6) and Mussa Dottay ulu (3).


Mahomet (1) and Batal (2).


Ali (12) - as a deputy of the people's court received a plot of land of 200 dessiatines; Bostan (6), Issa (4), Hanuko (1), Jarashty (1), Inaluk (5), Konali (1), Issali (5), Kulcha (1), Karabuga (4), Islam (4), Hadji-Idris (6), Kazi (2), Karabiy (4), Salman (2), Iskhak (3), Bostan (3), Janukku (2), Hasan (4), Hasan (3), Kam-bulat (9), Crimea (8), Tokhdar (4). There are 23 families in total.

34 The Appachaevs

Janibek (8), Ahya (1), Bekir (1), Tauchu (1), Daut (2), Jamal (2), Akhmat (1), Jarashty (1), Chomay (1), Aydabul (1), Nogai (3), Tugan (1), Jagafar (1). There are 13 families in total.


Kulcha (9), Yusuf (3), Sulemen (4), Iskhak (5), Qudai (3), Bayramali (3), Tenebek (1), Mamsur (3), Barak (5), Tokhdar (5), Nauruz (5), Temir (6), Salim-Geriy (1), Khurtai (4), Semyon (2), Geriy (2); Tau-Soltan (5), Sulemen (3), Kul-chora (3), Ahya (6), Konai (3), Mustafa (1), Bayruk (3), Barak (3), Hamzat (3), Chersakku (3), Iskhak (3), Mazan (3). There are 28 families in total.

Umarovs (Jernesovs)

Iskhak (1), Janmyrza (1), Yakub (4), Mohammed (1), Kalmyrza (1), Jiju (3). Only used families.


Akhmat (3), Makhmut (3), Sokka (7), Jarashdy (1), Kamgot (1), Tau-soltan (1), Ali-Soltan (1), Crimea (1). There are 8 families in total.


Kurmanali (3), Akmyrza (1), Mahomet (2), Ismail (2), Aisa (6), Zekerya (4), Khusin (6), Mussa (2), Alibek (3), Myrzabek (4), Taulu (4), Aslan-Geri (4). There are 12 families in total.


35 Ahya (2), Osman (2), Mussa (2), Soltan (1), Smail (1), Salman (3), Maza (4), Hamzat (2), Maho (2), Umar (3) , Islam-Haji (2), Aubekir (3), Qudai (3), Chotcha (1), Smail (1), Yunus (4), Tokmak (1). There are 17 families in total.


Akhmat (6), Osman (6), Iskhak (2), Taulu (2), Kazn (2). There are 5 families in total.

Khabichev: Shamai (1).

The most numerous genus in the aul were the Urusovs, who made up half of the population of Uchkulan. It was in the tiyra of the Urusovs that one of the educated people of the pre-revolutionary Karachai Ullu-Khadzhi (chief Khadzhi), Khusey Urusov, lived. It was he who conducted all of Karachai's business relationship with the outside world.

Kunbet or Kyldy - ten clan tiyres lived here:


Nesa (2), Jarashty (2), Batyk (5), Matke (1), Tokmak (2), Khusin (4), Hasan (2), Kasai (1), Khusin (1), Mamsur (4), Mohammed (3), Jashar-bek (3), Kr'lu Geriy (1), Urusbiy (2), Barak (1), Issa (1), Jarashty (2), Uzeyir (2), Aslambek (1), Maksut ( 1), Semyon (1), Binoger (2), Gemu (2), Akhya (2), Dzhambulat (2), Matay (4), Batyrsha (2), Musost (5), So-sran (6), Kazi (7), Hadji-Basiyat (7), Shidak (2), Balta (4), Idris (3), Kaltur (1), Kulcha (1), Mussa (1), Myrtaz (6), Shmau (5 ), Gohdar (3), Islam (7), Mahomet (3), Kara (4), Mahomet Kazanchi Ulu (2). Total 4

36 families.


Yusuf (3), Umar (3), Shogaib (3), Soltan (2), Batyrsha (1), Idris (1), Barak (2), Osman (3), Attu (4), Hasan (4), Teirikul (6), Kudenet (2), Shogayib (2), Akhmat (2), Bineger (4), Akbiy (1), Smail (1), Shama-il (1), Mohammed (6), Mahmut (5 ), Daut (4), Kaltur (5), Debosh (6), Smail (3), Shamay (1) Issa (1), El-Myrza (1), Chotcha (1). There are 28 families in total.


Khusin (1), Alkhaz (4), Magafyr (5), Sulemen (3), Myrtaz (9), Kuchuk (9), Elmyrza (9), Sokka (9), Soltan (1), Kulchora (3), Taulu (1), Islam (2), Haji-Iyrza (3), Tokhdar (1), Shidak (1), Kanshauka (1), Biy-Soltan (4), Mahomet Geriy (1), Urazai (3), Sheriff (3), Mahmut (5), Konali (1), Shogaib (5), Alisa (3), Yunus (4), Mudalif (2), El Myrza (1), Smail (6), Mamsur (1) ... There are 29 families in total.


Myrtaz (7), Sulemen (1), Shetukh (1), Uzeyir (1), Issa (2), Sajuk (4), Soslan (2), Biy-Myrza (3), Akhya (1), Iragim (1 ), Yakub (3), Otar (2), Nakush (2). There are 13 families in total.


Juncker Ozhai (3) - received a plot of land for merit in 300 acres; Buchay (6), Jamai (5), Esen (5), Semyon (5), Eldar (2), Astakku (1), Kerty (1), Chubur (3), Shontuk (3), Mussa (1), Makhush (2), Tauchu (1), Chakku (2), Chopan (1), Essava (1), Inaluk (3), Karakush (3), Chotcha (3),

^ Jarashty (3), Kurmanali (3), Aslanuko (4), Batyrsha (6), Tau-Myrza

(2), Chopelleu (2) Basiyat (4), Matay (1), Saralyp (4), Kaltur (2), As-lan-Myrza (1), Taulu (4), Biimurza (3), Alibek (3 ), Tau-Soltan (3), Jammolat (8), Tatau (1), Ali (3). There are 37 families in total.


Anna (2), Tapipin (4), Khusin (2), Karali (3), Khajali (5), Musost
((3), Ba-gichi (2), Soltan (2), Jasharbek (2), Kushai (2), Tohdar (2), So-

ltan (2), Tau-Myrza (2), Benjali (2), Sosurko (3), Daut (4), Issali (3) Temirali (2), Misir (4), Akhmat (1), Barak (3) , Jatta (4), Bakku (3), Hocha (3), Binoger (3), Elmyrza (5), Kaltur (3), Urazai (3), Tab-shin (2), Solman (2), Yakub ( 2), Konai (3), Sharakh-mat (4), Anna (1), Kanshao (3), Maho (3), Kamgut (2), Sandals (4), Bagichi (1), Qudai (2), Hasan (1), Tau-Myrza (1), Alibiy (1), Kaltur (4), Akhya (4), Zekerya (3), Yunus (3), Kaplan-Geriy (3), Nany (2), Jammolat (4), Mohammed (6). There are 51 families in total.


Juka (8), Demmo (3), Mahmut (2), Jammolat (2) Kulchora (2). There are 5 families in total. Separated from the Erkenovs.


Osman (3), Hasan (9), Akhmat (3), Baranuk (2), Kanshau (1), Sulemen (2), Mohammed (2), Yunus (8), Chotcha (3), Bekhtu (1), Tokmak (2), Tengiz-Biy (2), Tu-gan (2), Ohay (6), Zekerya (4), Alisa (5), Umar (7), Akhmet (2), Ibrai (2), Daut (1), Ahya-Haji (4). There are 21 families in total.

38 Dotduevs

Jayylgan (3), Sulemen (I), Mazan (2), Tohdar (3), Shontuk (7), Mussa (2), Balua (2), Ali (2), Konali (2), Myrzakul (2), Barack (1). There are 11 families in total.


Shontuk (2), Sulemen (4), Ahya (2), Akkyzha (1), Khusin (1), Sara-lysh (3), Kala-Geriy (1), Akhmat (1), Akbash (1), Yunus (1), Bekmyrza (1), Nauruz (6) Alisa (5), Mussa (5), Ibrahim (5), Mussa (5), Osman (2), Hadji-Umar (5), Yakub (8), Zekerya (1), Kudenet (1), Ahya (1), Ma-tai (3), Mussa (3), Tuga (3), Smail (3), Dzhankir (3), Tatar (2), Amai (2 ), Mohammed (3), Idris (4), Zekerya (3). There are 32 families in total.

Abaevs- there is no data.

In Kart-Jurt and in Khurzuk, the settlement was the same. The exact settlement pattern was given by Islam Tambiev (Fig. 2).

Geographically, the quarter village was divided into several parts: Lower Uchkulan (teben Uchkulan), Upper Uchkulan (Ogary Uchkulan) and Kyun bet or Kyldy.

Lower Uchkulan (teben Uchkulan) under this general name usually united the Lower Uchkulan and Central Uchkulan (Ara Uchkulan). Central Uchkulan is located at the confluence of the Uchkulan and Ullu-Kam rivers. The aul got this name after the abolition of serfdom in Karachai; in the 70s of the XIX century. instead of Kart-Jurt, Uchkulan became the central village of Karachay, and administrative institutions moved here, to the new capital of Karachay.



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- borders of Karachay



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Rice. 2. Scheme of the location of the aul Uchkulan of the Karachaevskaya Autonomous District by generic characteristics (1862).


The following main groups of clans were located here: Ak-baevs, Kochkarovs, Adzhievs, Bayramkulovs, Myrzaevs, Kobaevs, Gap-poevs, Byttaevs, Albotovs, Kipkeevs, Dzhanibekovs.

The most densely populated part of Ogary Uchkulan was the quarters of the Aybazovs, Urusovs, Tebuevs, Shailievs. There was not enough grassland, land for plowing and water for irrigation. Therefore, irrigation canals from the Uchkulan River approached these quarters.

The rapid growth of the population of the quarters dictated the need to separate some large clans, as a result of which new tiire (quarters) were formed. This is especially true for Uchkulan, where there were several such families. The quarters located in the Kune-Bet area had the advantage that they were warmed up by the sun earlier than the Upper and Central Uchkulan. Here always earlier than in other villages, fruits and berries ripened; microclimatic conditions favored the breeding of bees (bal chibin). Such fragrant honey as here was nowhere else in Karachai, and it was used for medicinal purposes. The quarters of the Bidzhievs and Bostanovs were located nearby, spaciously in the floodplain of the Uchkulan River.

The peculiarity of Upper Uchkulan is that there are many springs with excellent drinking water. An example of such a spring in the Salpagarovs' quarter (tiir) is Kara suu, the pride of the quarter, since even in winter, in extreme cold, the water in the river did not freeze. This spring still exists. We come across the first accurate information about the population in the villages of Kara-chai only from the second half of the 19th century, namely in 1865: for Kart-Dzhurt -4429, Khurzuk - 4816, Uchkulan - 4216. Total -13461 people.

Uchkulan, as G.R. Chursin, something like a Karachai sto-

42 faces. Occupying a central place in Greater Karachai, it was the most convenient place for organizing public meetings, for discussing matters concerning the whole of Karachay [NO].

Uchkulan also became a business and trade center of Karachay. The bazaar was located here at the confluence of the Uchkulan and Ullu-Kam rivers. Friday was considered a market day, and on this day residents of all three villages came here.

As a rule, trade was going on at the bazaar, and there were also gossips over the past week. All national holidays also took place in Uchkulan, not far from the market square. Here, during folk holidays, festivities, dances, various entertainments, as well as sports were held: tutush, chyngau, tash atyu, equestrian competitions.

The basis of the existence of historical Karachai was cattle breeding. The Karachais paid serious attention to the care of the land, the maintenance of land plots, even more than to breeding and caring for animals.

Hayfields and arable lands on the territory of Big Karachay were located around tiyre; there were many cultivated areas at a considerable distance from their tiyres. Due to the lack of land, terraced irrigation of agricultural plots was developed here, especially in the village of Uchkulan. The crops grown here were distinguished by a very high yield, thanks to the abundance of sun and water, as well as a special microclimate.

Every suitable piece of land in Karachai was carefully cleared of stones accumulated during the winter landslides. Fences (huna) were erected from the collected stones.

The only fertilizer was cattle manure. It was enough only for small plots of land, since cattle breeding here was of a special character, and even in winter, a limited number of cattle were kept in the villages. In winter and summer, only a small number of dairy cows (sauuluk iynek) were kept here. All the rest of the cattle from summer pastures (jailik) migrated to winter pastures (kyshlyk). This was caused by the lack of hayfields and pastures near the villages.

The lands here were depleted not so much by sowing as by the uniformity of the same crops sown for decades. The construction of irrigation canals in the villages of Karachay was a very laborious task. Lacking technical knowledge, relying only on the developed folk tradition, the Karachais built irrigation canals. One had to possess a special skill in order to irrigate areas on large steep slopes, which, moreover, had to be watered much more often than on the plain. Uchkulan was more convenient in terms of location for irrigation; the main waterway passed here, which alternately went around each quarter (tiire). Every spring the canals were cleared of winter blockages.

Cleaning and repairing irrigation canals destroyed during the winter was one of the crucial moments in the economic and household value of the Karachais. The entire population took part in the work. Each tiire displayed as much labor as it had. At the end of the cleaning work, the water was distributed to the quarters.

In connection with the rapid growth of the population of Greater Karachai in the second half of the 19th century, the question of land was raised more and more acutely. To increase their arable land and hayfields, the Karachais led

44 stubborn struggle with nature, but with all this land was still scarce, there were no reserves of virgin lands that could be raised and used. In this regard, at the end of the 19th century, additional purchased land plots in the north and west of New Karachay were annexed to the territory of Big Karachay.

During the period under review, Bolshoi Karachay was in an isolated position, as evidenced by housing construction. All buildings were mostly wooden, made of pine and fir forests. The main building material was wood (agach).

The traditional clothing of the Karachais developed in certain geographic conditions and changed with the change in socio-economic conditions.

The necessary clothing for the highlanders - cattle breeders, who spent many months in the mountain pastures, was a fur coat - top, made of sheepskin. Its cut was close to the Circassian. It was worn on beshmet or Cherkessk, and sometimes under it. A fur coat of this cut was replaced at the beginning of the 20th century by a prefabricated fur coat (jiyryk ton). Covered fur coats (tyshly tone) were more elegant and stronger; they were worn by princes, bridles. The rider's traveling clothes, the obligatory accessory of the herder was a burka, the manufacture of which was a complicated matter. The cloak covered the rider entirely, and also covered the horse. Shepherds-shepherds, accompanying the flock on foot, instead of a cloak, put on special clothing - gebenek, which was sewn from felt. She had a straight or fitted cut and was fastened from the collar to the waist. Sometimes he had a hood to be worn over his cap if needed. Shoes varied in purpose. Shepherds, hunters, mowers and those working in the mountains wore chabyrs made of rawhide. They were worn on bare feet, under-

45 putting inside dry herb - salam for warmth and softness. The wealthier men wore ceremonial shoes made of morocco-charyk.

At the beginning of the 20th century, high, one-piece morocco boots with thin soles appeared, as well as kumuk charyk - men's shoes with solid soles in the form of shoes that were worn on the messi. At the same time, Russian handicraft or factory-made boots began to come into use. Men's clothing for all generations, up to the 40s, retained, in general, a national identity. This was felt in the villages in winter and at all times on the koshas. Burki, hoods, fur coats of various cut, hats, hats, leggings, chabura, and partly also Circassian, acquired the character of production clothing for shepherds, especially herdsmen, as they were very adapted to working conditions on pastures.

Women's clothing differed in fabrics, some trimmings and decorations. Everyday shirts were sewn from paper fabric of discreet colors, and at the beginning of the 20th century, sometimes from chintz with a small pattern, festive shirts from thin one-color silk. Favorite colors are dark red, yellow, less often blue and white. Silk with an ebb (like Saint-Jean) is very beloved.

The festive dress of a Karachai girl, especially a rich and noble one, was abundantly decorated with braids and gold embroidery. Elegant dresses were most often sewn from velvet - dark red, less often green and blue, or from dense silk - smooth or with a jaccord pattern. Young women wore a qaptal, which was sewn most often from thick silk or paper fabric, on a chintz lining. Worn over a dress or instead of a dress. The kaptal of young married women was quite bright colors, most often of different shades of red.

46 kov. A middle-aged woman wore a black kaptal with long sleeves, closed breasts, and a cutout at the neck. In Karachai, there were also women's fur coats - tone, but only for married women. Festive fur coats of young rich women were sewn from velvet, thick silk, decorated with galups, lined with squirrel skins or lamb. The majority wore sheepskin or kurney fur coats, covered with black paper cloth or nude. On the head of the girl they wore an oka berk (golden cap), trimmed with gallop and gold embroidery. The hat was considered an accessory of a festive girl's costume and was worn at weddings, dances, parties. All types of men's shoes (except for chabyr) were also worn by women. In addition, they wore a shoe - mules with heels with leather and sometimes wooden soles. At the wedding, they put on agaach-ayak - tall wooden stands on two legs, decorated with metal. The women's costume also included a belt. Elderly women wore a belt (belibau), woven or made from a scarf or kus of cloth, young women wore belts made of galup, cloth or leather with silver or silver decorations. The types of belts have changed over time, but the emergence of a new type of belt did not displace the older forms from use, which usually remained with the older generation. In connection with the strengthening of trade and cultural ties with Russia, the import of fabrics and finished products increased. Of the items of European clothing, a corset, which replaced a forelock, a tight bodice, boots, shoes, factory-made stockings, entered the life of the well-to-do strata. Instead of headscarves, young girls wore silk, gauze or lace scarves of Vologda work, putting them on their heads or throwing them on their shoulders, keeping old hats on their heads. In addition to the usual national shoes, women wore lace-up boots that were

47 not available to everyone.

b) Teberda gorge

The first residential buildings along the Teberda river valley appeared in 1883. The village originally developed as a base for turpentine and tar factories. And at the same time, the construction of residential summer cottages begins here. The toponym "Teberda" is translated from Karachai as "God's gift".

In the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries. the territorial boundaries of the administrative arrangement of Karachay begin to change. The lands of Karachay are expanding, new Karachai villages appear, but these villages fundamentally differed from the old ones in planning and landscaping, provision of land plots, and the creation of a number of cultural and living conditions. The settlement of the Karachais here was formed according to their social status and material security. In the Teber-Dinsky Gorge, changes in dwelling spread faster for a number of reasons. These were settlements built in a different historical period. The connection with the Russian population in this area was stronger than in Big Karachai, which contributed to the formation of the Klukhorsky resort, now Teberda, at the end of the 19th century. In 1910, at the request of I. Krymshamkhalov, it was allowed to build summer cottages on 250 dessiatines of a forest plot. The dachas were of the summer type. The popularity of the resort grew rapidly. So, in the season from June to September, up to 500 people with tuberculosis and anemia were treated here. The treatment consisted in a long stay in the air, strict adherence to the regimen, as well as taking ayran - the national drink of the Karachais - 15-20 glasses a day.

In 1923, one of the largest Soviet TB doctors V.L. Einis in

48 report at the first All-Russian congress on health resort business, highlighted in detail the prospects for treatment in Teberda, pointing out its unique opportunities. In 1922, on June 12, the Collegium of the People's Commissariat for Health of the RSFSR decided to define the villages of Upper Teberda and Teberda as a resort area. Since 1923, 10 sanatoriums and two tuberculosis hospitals of all-Russian importance have been functioning here. Mineral springs occupy a special place among the resort resources. In 1936, the Teberda State Reserve was opened.

Starting from 1924, new Karachai settlements appeared: Upper Teberda (Ogary Teberdi), Lower Teberda (Synty), New Teberda. The specific conditions in which the traditional economic life of Karachay proceeded, determined the preservation, up to collectivization, of the old cattle-breeding life in the form of kosh associations (kosh kecherlik), lease and sublease of land, as well as the management of livestock.

v) Zelenchuksky

Russian settlements appeared along the upper reaches of the Kuban from the first decade of the 19th century. At first, these were posts and military fortifications in which the Cossacks of the Khopersky regiment lived, the villages of which were located away from the border. Since 1824, some of the villages were moved closer to the border. In 1804 the village of Batalpashinskaya was established.

In the 50-60s, the villages of Correct on Bolshoy Zelenchuk and Convenient on Urup, Kardonikskaya on the tributary of Maly Zelenchuk (the Kardonik river), Zelenchukskaya on Bolshoy Zelenchuk were founded. At first, the population of the villages was only Cossacks. But gradually, along with the Cossacks, alien peasants, natives of the central provinces, settled in the villages. The fertile valleys of the Zelenchuk

49 low land cultivation technique. Gentle slopes and wide valleys could support a large number of livestock. The Cossacks were engaged in truck farming and gardening. In the gardens, mainly onions, garlic, radishes, carrots, and legumes were grown. Potatoes and cabbage were grown everywhere, which later the highlanders borrowed from the Russians. Apples, pears, plums, cherry plums, sweet cherries, cherries grew in the orchards.

On the basis of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of December 5, 1926 and the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of July 25, 1927 "On the continuous land management of the KAR," the People's Commissariat of Agriculture allocated 80 thousand rubles for land management in Karachai. The land management was based on the principle of settlement through the formation of new auls on newly developed plots of land.

In the mountains, land management was carried out simultaneously with the resettlement of the highlanders on the plane. There is a gradual transition to agriculture, settlement on the plains - to the north and west.

The Soviet government allocated 450 thousand tens of land for migrants from the mountains to the flat territories, which were leased until October from the treasury and private owners.

As a result of the resettlement flow for three years (1921-1924), the settlements of Arkhyz and Krasny Karachay took shape on the new lands.

Inhabitants of new settlements switched from cattle breeding to agriculture. In connection with the resettlement of a part of the Karachais to the flat territories, the land provision has somewhat improved. However, many were forced to continue to engage in distant-pasture cattle breeding.

In 1930-1931. the region included the villages of Ust-Dzhegutinskaya, Krasnogorskaya, Zelenchukskaya and Kardonikskaya common land

50 with a living area of ​​98 thousand hectares and Labinskaya Lesnaya Dacha. The change in the territory of Karachay was associated with a planned increase in the land funds of the region and the need to unload mountain villages. In 1932, a resettlement fund of 10194 hectares of comfortable land was created.

1165 households moved here, including 737 from the Uchkulansky gorge, 193 from Teberda and other villages. The auls of Akhmatovsky, Manchurovsky, Pse-bai and others were annexed from the Krasnodar Territory. In 1939, 100 Karachai families from mountainous Karachai joined the village of Pregradnaya. The Cossacks warmly welcomed the mountaineers - migrants, provided all kinds of assistance. The new settlements of the Karachais were fundamentally different from the old ones in Bolshoi Karachai in terms of layout and landscaping. Significant changes were observed in those villages where the change in the socio-economic structure was accompanied by a change in geographical conditions in connection with resettlement to new places. The resettlement from the mountains was associated with the alteration of not only the economy and everyday life, but also the consciousness of people. To a large extent, the old tribal ties, which were so strong in the tribal quarters of Greater Karachay, were torn apart, the way of the family and relations between generations changed.

The flat area allotted for the village, the comparative land space made it possible to locate the estates more freely, and the growing role of agriculture required the construction of a number of outbuildings - sheds and sheds for agricultural implements, sapets and barns for grain.

In the new villages of the Karachais, the principle of resettlement by related groups was not observed. Families became much smaller, and small houses of 2-4 rooms prevailed in the villages. The building material was adobe, roofs were covered with tiles, iron, rarely -

51 my. The experience of neighboring peoples - Russians, Circassians, Abazins - was used in the construction and planning of houses. However, the main traditions of the Karachai ethnic group have been preserved.

G)Small Karachay

The Karachais called one of the first settlements in Terese as a window to a new life. This was the beginning of the formation of the ethnocultural region of Maly Karachay. From the very first days, the inhabitants of the new villages of Karachay switched from cattle breeding to agriculture. In this regard, land provision has improved.

In 1928, in the village. Teresa, the first collective farm in Karachai was organized, which was the initiator of the slogan "All livestock under the roof". Granaries for grain, household yards, silos, dwelling houses for collective farmers, cultural koshes, schools, reading rooms were built. Each shepherd and shepherd was approved by the board of the livestock partnership. They were provided with kolkhoz cloaks, hoods and shoes. Much attention was paid to the organization of the supply of essential goods. Cooperative shops were opened on mountain pastures, in places where kosha accumulated. The summer pastures were constantly visited by veterinary representatives. In 1934, pedigree sheep farms were created in the villages of Terese and Ki-chi-Balyk. In 1929, Swiss horses were brought from the Smolensk region to the livestock associations of the villages of Terese, Uchkeken, Khasaut, Kichi-Balyk. Since 1933, on the basis of pedigree farms of collective farms with. Terese and Uchkeken set up a cattle breeding farm. The local Karachai horse, the economic value of which was highly valued, deserved special care.

In 1922, a meeting of the herd owners of Karachay was held, where a commission was elected to revive horse breeding. Not far from g.

52 A stud farm, a pedigree state farm was established in Kislovodsk, and in 1927 a state stable was created in Pervomaiskoe. In 1937, the State breeding nursery for the Karachay horse was organized. In connection with the resettlement of the Karachais to the flat territories of the region, land provision has improved.

Collective and state farms in Small Karachai were mainly engaged in agriculture. The first place in terms of specific gravity and sown area was occupied by cereals, then fodder crops, then - crops of sunflower, sugar beet and potatoes. Among grain crops, the leading role belonged to wheat, and industrial crops - to potato crops. Of the traditional crops, barley and oats have been preserved, grown as fodder and cereal crops. The natural conditions of Small Karachai contributed to the development of the greenhouse economy. Then, in 1922, the settlements of Uchkeken, Dzhaga, Elkush, Kichibalyk, Koydan were formed on the new lands. According to the data of a continuous agronomic survey of Karachai, carried out in 1928, the number of new settlements in small Karachai reached 16, and the number of households in them - 2781.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the ethnocultural landscape

In the context of the deepening environmental crisis and the aggravation of socio-economic, political and ethnic problems, there is an increased interest of society in the basic regional culture. The understanding comes that only in the conditions of a variety of cultures, in the unity of traditional and innovative spheres of human activity, there are real prerequisites for the normal functioning of society and rational use of natural resources. The rethinking of the role of culture in the life of society is the substantive core of the sociocultural approach, reflecting the outlined change in the very paradigm of sociocultural development: from technocentrism to culturecentrism. Consideration of the problems existing in modern Russian society through the prism of cultural concepts makes it possible to identify the roots of destructive social processes, as well as to determine the tendencies of their development.

Modern culture is historical. The experience of individual behavior passed down from generation to generation is anchored in traditions. Taking this property of culture into account is extremely important for identifying invariant stable features in the methods of activity of subjects of modern culture, ensuring the selective implementation and transformation of emerging innovations. That is why the normal reproduction of traditional culture is the most important condition for the sustainable, progressive development of society. It is no coincidence that in modern society there has been a significant increase in interest in the basic regional culture, the preservation and revival of which is becoming one of the most important factors in optimizing relationships in all spheres of public life.

The developments of ethnographers and culturologists on the problem of local (regional) cultures are of particular interest for geographical research of culture. The regional approach to the study of culture makes it possible to explain the reasons for its diversity. The interaction of society with local environmental conditions, on the one hand, superimposed on culture, and on the other, mastered by it, leads to the formation of specific historical types of culture, which in literature are also called local types.

At the same time, special attention is paid to the study of ethnic communities - stable associations of people included in the system of social relations, with specific ways and means of their implementation. Ethnic characteristics are recognized as the most fundamental from the point of view of culture. In the works of domestic ethnographers, the importance of studying the ethnos as a basic socio-cultural system, reflecting the cultural characteristics of society, is emphasized.

An important property of culture is its regionality, associated with the spatio-temporal localization of socio-cultural processes. Of these, the most interesting for research are ethnic and sub-ethnic communities. The close ties of ethnic groups with natural landscapes were pointed out by L.N. Gumilev, who defined ethnos as "... a geographical phenomenon, always associated with the enclosing landscape that feeds the adapted ethnos." At the same time, the diversity of ethnic groups is linked to the diversity of the natural landscapes of the Earth.

Accumulating the listed properties (environmental friendliness, historicity, regionality), local ethnic cultures can be defined as historically stable, spatially separated associations of people closely related to the "nourishing" landscape, reproducing in the complex the deep local features of culture.

Landscape science is becoming one of the most productive areas of geographical research of culture. Historically originating as a branch of complex physical geography, the objects of which are complex natural and then natural-anthropogenic systems - landscapes, landscape science is increasingly turning into a general geographic direction. Half a century ago, L.S. Berg interpreted the concept of "landscape" from a general geographic perspective. "Under the name of a geographical landscape - he wrote - one should understand the area in which the nature of the relief, climate, vegetation cover, fauna, population and, finally, human culture merge into a single harmonious whole, which is typically repeated throughout the known (landscape) zone of the Earth" ... Modern theoretical models and concepts aimed at identifying the patterns of formation, structure, structure of functioning, dynamics and evolution, territorial differentiation and integration of landscapes should be widely used not only in natural science, but also in general geographic regional studies.

The history of the formation of the population of Karachai

Karachais - the self-name of the people - karachayly. Origin. the names are explained on behalf of the legendary ancestor of the Karachais - Karchi. Studies of linguists, archaeologists, ethnographers, historians have shown that the process of the formation of the Karachai-Balkar people was difficult due to historical conditions. Not one, but several components took part in it, while preserving, however, the local ethnic core. The main core is the mountaineers of the Caucasus, who have lived here since ancient times. Subsequently, the Iranian-speaking and Turkic-speaking tribes were layered on the core.

According to anthropological characteristics, the Karachais belong to the local Caucasian high-mountain type, which has been developing in the Caucasus for a long time. Archaeological monuments of these tribes have survived to us - settlements and burial grounds related to the Koban culture that arose in the North Caucasus at the turn of the 2nd-1st millennium BC. ...

In the material and spiritual culture of the Karachais, connections with this distant Koban culture of the local population are traced. So, as an example, we can cite the similarity in the forms of burial structures. Until the adoption of Islam (18th century), the Karachais made rectangular or oval displays of large stones over the graves of the dead. Such burial grounds, dating back to the 17th and early 18th centuries, are known on the southern outskirts of the village of Kart-Dzhurt and in other places. In the same graves, their deceased were buried by their distant ancestors, who lived in the Koban and late Coban times on the territory of Karachay.

Ornamental motifs characteristic of the Koban culture - a running spiral, shaded triangles, images of a stylized ram's head (especially characteristic) are found on Karachai felt, on belts and other things.

In Karachai folklore, epos, mythology, pagan beliefs, there are many elements common to all North Caucasian peoples. Many of these elements are rooted in antiquity and must be sought in Koban culture. So, for all North Caucasian peoples, the cult of the god of hunting Apsata is characteristic. Images of Ap-sata fighting seven snakes are found on bronze Ko-Bans axes.

The most ancient layer is traced in the Karachai language - the remnants of the language spoken by the population in the Koban era. It is the presence of such an ancient linguistic substrate that explains the similarity of many terms in the languages ​​of the North Caucasian peoples, including the Karachais. The similarity is found in various areas - in the names of natural phenomena, pagan deities, images of oral folk art and, especially, in terms of material culture and in the names of domestic animals.

From all that has been said, it follows that the Karachais are basically the ancient inhabitants of the North Caucasus. Over the centuries, they have passed common paths of development with other highlanders, which led to a certain closeness of their psychology, life and culture. So, the outward appearance of the Karachais, their physical type and way of life, ways of doing business, housing, clothing, material and spiritual culture - everything speaks of their mountainous, Caucasian origin.

But the language of the Karachais does not belong to the Caucasian language family. The Karachay language is a Turkic language, although it contains an ancient Caucasian layer and later borrowings from the Caucasian languages.

The language can not always serve as a sign of the origin of the people. The language can be changed, borrowed. One or another language, due to a number of historical conditions, can be assimilated by another people. The process of linguistic Turkization since the invasion of the Seljuk Turks (XI century) has widely covered the multilingual population of Central and Asia Minor and eastern Transcaucasia, as well as the North-Eastern Caucasus. So, part of the local mountain tribes of Dagestan, which were the basis for the formation of the Kumyk people, was Turkized - Turkization began with the penetration of the Huns, Savirs, and Khazars into Dagestan and ended with the arrival of the Kipchaks. These facts prove that only by the origin of the language it is still impossible to judge the origin of the people.

At the beginning of our era, Alans lived in the northern Caucasus in its foothill regions, who spoke one of the languages ​​of the Iranian group, close to the modern Ossetian, Tajik and Iranian languages.

During the Middle Ages, North Caucasian Alania was inhabited by a wide variety of ethnic groups with different languages ​​and cultures. Medieval authors often called "Alans" not only the Alans themselves, but in general all the inhabitants of Alania. The Alanian language became the ancestor of the Ossetian language, the Alans were one of the components in the formation of the Ossetian nationality. But this does not mean that the Alans were only the ancestors of the Ossetians. Scientists' research shows that the Sarmatian-Alans played a certain role in the formation of the Adyghe-Meotian tribes, the Vainakh peoples - the Chechens and Ingush, as well as the Karachais and Balkars.

The genetic connection between the material and spiritual culture of the Alans and the Karachais can be traced in individual details of the funeral rite, in the similarity of some household items and ornaments (vessels, tools, amulets - medallions, adornments, ornamental details, etc.).

The existence of the Alanian layer in the Karachai language is also recognized by linguists and Türkologists. Alania is named Karachay on the map of the Italian author of the 18th century. Lamberti. The name "Alans" remained for the Karachais even longer. So, the authors of the end of the XVIII century. early 19th century Pototsky and Klarath, speaking of the Alans, mean the Karachais.

Social factors

The Karachay-Cherkess Republic (KCR) is rich in original traditions and customs. There are numerous publications on these issues. However, at the same time, there is practically no information that sufficiently takes into account the spatial coordinate of regional cultural genesis.

It is the complex of internal social factors that plays a leading role in the formation of traditional ethnocultural landscapes. These include a complex of economic, demographic and political factors.

The economic component of culture includes structural units built on the basis of industrial and economic relations. They form an economic environment that influences ethnoculture. The division of labor and the distribution of material wealth play an important role here.

The main branch of the economy of the Karachais was sheep and horse breeding, to a lesser extent - the breeding of working and beef cattle.

The Karachaevskaya sheep belonged to the fat-tailed breed, the fat tail of which reached 20-25 pounds. In addition to tasty meat, a long and glossy fleece was obtained. The unpretentiousness and thoroughbredness of the Karachai sheep was noted in the ethnographic description of the Karachai people in 1812.

By the end of the 60s of the XIX century, there were up to two hundred thousand sheep in Karachai, and up to ninety thousand sheep in Circassia. The local cattle were small, dark in color and of low productivity. Horses, mostly local breeds, were a new component of the landscape. Their number in Karachai and Circassia, respectively, was 13-15 thousand heads in the middle of the 19th century. In off-road conditions, the horse in Karachai was indispensable both under the saddle and as a pack animal. Since the horse is more hardy than other animals and can get food even from under the deep snow, raking it with hooves, the horses were kept in winter in areas with unmown dried grass - kaudan. After the horses broke through the ice and shoveled the snow, taking out the grass, the rest of the cattle were also allowed to go to the sites.

Cattle breeding among the Karachais was associated with long drives of cattle to summer and winter pastures. Driving cattle demanded a close unification of the population. Special koshovy associations arose, whose members jointly looked after the cattle, organized its wintering, and stored feed. The most important part of the cattle-breeding economy was the preparation of hay. On their lands, the Karachais collected 3 million poods of hay, and at that time more than 20 million poods were required. In such conditions, the Karachais treasured every plot of the hay area, they carefully looked after the hayfields near the villages, watered them, and cleaned them of stones. The yield on irrigated hayfields was several times higher than on natural ones. On irrigated plots, up to 200 poods of hay were collected from the tithe, and on the slopes of the mountains - from 20 to 50 poods, from forest glades - up to 120 poods. Therefore, forest glades were mainly leased land. The best grasses for haymaking were fescue, fescue and wild clover, mouse peas are in the mountainous part.

Taking care of the preservation of hayfields for the next years, the Karachais made sure that the grasses had time to ripen seeds for future seedlings, and only after that they were mowed.

Agriculture on the territory of Circassia and Karachai in the 19th century continued to play a secondary role. Only 1% of the Karachai land was suitable for arable land, but these lands were reclaimed from nature at the cost of great labor. To turn stony mountain slopes and narrow river valleys into fertile fields, they were cleared of stones, fortified and fenced off with rocky walls, irrigation ditches were made and fertilized. Near small arable lands in the auls of Big Karachai, there were pyramids of stones collected from the plots. They still stand as monuments to the hard work and perseverance of the people. Often landslides and mountain streams, mudflows, in a few minutes destroyed the work of many years to create arable and hayfields.

The shortage of arable land was especially acute in Greater Karachai, where there was on average a little more than one hundred square meters per capita: in Uchkulan - 0.12 dessiatines, in Kart-Jutra - 0.11 dessiatines, and in Khurzuk - 0.09 dessiatines.

The most widespread crop in Karachai was barley. Small amounts of oats and spring wheat were sown. From the middle of the XIX century. crops of corn, winter wheat, buckwheat appeared. Corn and wheat were ripened at an altitude of up to 1000 meters, and frost-resistant varieties were sown higher.

In the mountains of Karachai, the slash-fallow farming system has long been used, and the shifting system has been practiced occasionally. In the late XIX - early XX centuries. in the mountains, the shifting system was preserved, and in the plains, the steam system began to be used.

The transition from a transfer system to a steam system contributed to an increase in grain production. Green steam was practiced in the mountains, and black steam in the plains. On the plane, in connection with the transition to a steam system, winter bread was sown in one area, spring bread on another, corn on the third, and the fourth was left under fallow.

In the first half of the 19th century, the Karachais began to grow potatoes; it grew at high altitudes up to 1,500 meters or more. Potatoes were not afraid of either cold winds or heavy rains, so it became a favorite vegetable garden crop in Karachai.

From the second half of the 19th century, gardening and horticulture became widespread in Karachai. The vegetable gardens were mainly cultivated onions, garlic, radishes, carrots and legumes. Apples, pears, plums, cherry plums, sweet cherries and cherries grew in the orchards.

The Karachais were more engaged in hunting than others. Bears were especially appreciated, the fat of which was considered healing, and fur coats were sewn from their skins.

Household trades were a necessary accessory to the subsistence economy. Each mountain family produced not only food, but also clothing, footwear, tools, etc. Professional certain types of crafts were distinguished as a special profession: blacksmithing, weapons, jewelry. The rest of the trades were carried out by peasants: woodworking and furrier-men; weaving, felting cloaks and felt, sewing clothes and shoes - women of every family.

Cold weapons, dishes and silver jewelry (bibs, earrings, bracelets, horse harness accessories) were made by both local jewelers and people from Dagestan. The tools of labor - metal plowshares, hoes, sickles, scythes, knives, etc. - were made by their own blacksmiths, who were in every village.

The most widespread type of crafts was wool processing: making felt, cloak, cloth weaving. Only women were involved in this business. This took into account the seasons of the year. The best wool, usually cut in autumn, was used for broadcloths and cloaks, while spring cut was used to make felt. Felting a burqa required the work of several people, so relatives and neighbors were invited.

The development of cattle breeding provided raw materials not only for weaving and felting, but also for the development of furrier and saddlery (processing of hides and skins, sewing fur coats, hats, shoes, making wineskins, saddles, bags, horse harness). The inhabitants of the auls, located in the wooded foothills, were engaged in forestry and woodworking. Plows, pitchforks, shovels, harrows, carts, furniture, household utensils and dishes (tubs, buckets, cups, troughs, etc.) were made of wood. Wood was widely used in the construction of houses. The Circassians, Abaza and Nogais, who built tourist houses, made supports, beams, doors from wood. The Karachais built log houses from large pine logs.

Economic, social, political and recreational geography

Salpagarova S.I., Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor Chomaeva M.N., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Uzdenova Kh.I., senior lecturer

(Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D. Aliyev)


Relevance of the research: cultural revival is one of the leading places in the life of Russia. From the first steps of perestroika and democratic reforms in our country, according to D.S. Likhachev, the question was raised about the priority of the ecology of the spirit, the ecology of culture. The understanding of this problem is growing not as a narrow-sectoral, departmental policy, but as a broad and complex social movement. It leads to a new understanding of the role and place of man, his roots, to a different understanding of the tasks of creativity and the processes of economic life. The view on the problems of preserving cultural and natural heritage becomes different.

Key words: ethnocultural landscapes, mountain areas, natural heritage, socio-cultural factors, ethnic community, cultural and natural tracts.



The relevance of research: cultural revival goes into one of the leading places in the life of Russia. From the very beginning of perestroika and the democratic changes in our country according to DS Likha-chev raised the question of the priority of environmental spirit, ecology culture. There is a growing awareness of the problem, not as a sectoral, guided-state policy, but as a broad and integrated social movement. It leads to a new understanding of the role and place of man, his roots, to a different understanding of the problems of creativity and processes of economic life. Otherwise it becomes a look at the problem of preservation of cultural and natural heritage.

Keywords: ethnic and cultural landscapes, mountainous areas, natural NASL-que, socio-cultural factors, ethnic oobschestvo, cultural and natural Tracts.

A person is considered within the framework of this system as a bearer of a certain type of spiritual culture, as a creator and custodian of a multitude of cultural values, including those that determine his attitude to nature, from generation to generation. Culture is defined as a set of spiritual and material values, including those that determine its relationship to nature - functional, spiritual, moral, aesthetic. Considering the main provisions of the new concept of protection and use of cultural and natural heritage, the cultural landscape is considered as a system of man - culture - nature.

Nature combines both natural and human-transformed complexes and their individual components. The Karachay-Cherkess Republic is a unique region. Primary nature, primordial landscapes have been preserved here, which served as the basis for the formation of the original culture of the Karachai ethnic group, its traditional forms. On the other hand, technological culture, technogenic civilization, powerful Russia

Sian culture could not but affect the development of innovative (universal) cultural features.

That is why the end of the 20th century is a time of an ever-increasing loss of traditional features of the culture of the peoples of the KChR and the dominance of innovative forms. To understand the current trends, it is necessary to analyze the "roots" of the traditional culture of the Karachai people. Therefore, we have taken the 19th century when natural factors were still significant and determined the stable dominance of traditional forms of culture.

The process of formation of cultural landscapes in the mountains differs significantly from that in flat areas. In the mountains, the development of this process is less dynamic. This is due, firstly, to the closeness and high degree of isolation of the mountainous space, which contributes to the formation of sustainable forms of traditional culture. Secondly, with the specificity and limited resource potential of natural landscapes, which form a limited number of environmental management options. And thirdly, it determines the specifics of structuring such a space with a predominance of vertical structures, that is, high-altitude zones.

The processes of ethnogenesis, the formation of material and spiritual culture in the mountains, to a greater extent than on the plain, depended on natural landscapes. In this situation, as a methodological category, one can use the concept of place, which is characterized by indivisibility (integrity), orientation towards uniqueness and historicity. Due to its indivisibility, the place allows you to "keep" natural and cultural processes in their totality, which is especially important for ethnogenesis. The place is environmentally friendly, as “it is thought of as a potential dwelling, as something that can accommodate a person and become a home”.

Another basic concept of geocultural space is a local community, which is understood as a socio-cultural or ethnocultural territorially limited community of people, realizing itself as a whole. Who is characterized by "community of people", "place-territory" within certain boundaries, social interaction and a sense of community.

The emerging ethnic community begins to equip "its own space". The spatial organization of a particular cultural landscape is largely determined by the traditions of the local community, the peculiarities of the natural landscape and local economy.

The territorial structure of the ethnocultural landscape is associated with differences from place to place, the peculiarities of geospace, territorial differentiation of cultures. A constructive basis for the study of territorial differences in a cultural landscape can be the idea of ​​an ethnocultural landscape area as a part of the living space of an ethnic group of the population, formed in a host differentiated mountain natural environment and having a certain set of morphological units.

In the system of morphological units of an ethnocultural landscape region, two groups of territorial complexes are formed, which are superimposed on each other:

Territorial cultural-natural, where the natural factor determines the cultural;

Local natural and cultural, where the cultural component plays a system-forming role (settlements, places of worship, etc.). As cultural and natural morphological units, reflecting the territorial heterogeneity of the region, high-altitude belts, terrain and natural boundaries are distinguished.

Cultural and natural high-altitude belts form the basis of the spatial structure of mountainous regions. They arise on the basis of natural high-altitude belts and form the main types of nature management. Cultural and natural areas are understood as part of the living space of the high-altitude belt of a separate group of ethnocultural community

a society “attached” to a certain place and united by a common destiny and a sense of community.

Cultural and natural tracts are part of the living space of a certain tribal group of the population, which has various functional purposes: economic (hayfields, pastures, logging), cult, recreational, etc.

The natural component of the ethnocultural landscape is most clearly expressed in the industrial culture and the culture of direct life support. In the first case, the natural landscape acts as a resource base (natural resource factor) of production activity, in the second - as an environment-forming factor that affects the physiological parameters of the organism.

All factors of cultural genesis associated with the social essence of a person in the broad sense of the word can be classified as sociocultural. These include various types of social relations, specific ways of their implementation, to one degree or another, affecting the territorial organization of culture. The group of the most important socio-cultural factors can be combined economic, demographic and political.

The formation of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay is studied by combining natural, sociocultural, including external and internal factors into two groups:

Cultural and landscape integration, which characterizes the saturation of geocultural formations with backbone elements (components of the dominant ethnic culture);

Cultural and landscape local differentiation that forms the morphology of the ethnocultural landscape (cultural and natural components).

The formation of ethnocultural landscapes of the mountainous territories of the North Caucasus is the result of the historically long interaction of socio-cultural communities of the traditional type with the enclosing living space.

It is obvious that internal sociocultural factors (traditional ethnic culture) and factors of the natural environment that are closely related to them have become the most important factor in the isolation of the cultural landscapes of the region. Natural and ethnic regionalism manifested itself in the formation of separate culturally specific systems.

The close connection of traditional culture (especially production culture) with the natural environment determined the formation of certain types of adaptive systems of nature management.

To an even greater extent, geocultural regionalism was influenced by the stability of the traditional socio-structural culture, which was determined by strong tribal ties and patri-archal-feudal relations. Social isolation, complemented by natural barriers in mountainous areas, determined the development of original cultural forms clearly expressed in space. Their significant diversity is the result of the influence of external sociocultural and partly natural factors.


1. Vedenin Yu.A. Cultural and landscape zoning of Russia - a landmark of cultural policy // Landmarks of cultural policy. Information release. - M., 1997. -№2. - S. 18-21.

2. Lysenko A.V. Cultural landscape and ethnos (on the example of the North Caucasus in the 19th century). // Bulletin of SSU, 1999. - Issue. 19. - S. 29-35.

3. Khapaev S.A. Karachay-Balkaria. Toponymic system and reconstruction of nature management. // Karachaevsk. 1997 - p.3.

A. V. Lysenko - 2008


    D. N. ZAMYATIN - 2008


    A. A. Abaykhamova, K. V. Kharin, K. Yu. Shkarlet - 2011

  • As a manuscript



    25.00.24 - economic, social and political geography

    Stavropol 2003

    The work was done at the Karachay-Cherkess State University

    Scientific adviser: candidate of geographical sciences, professor

    SHALNEV Victor Alexandrovich

    Official opponents: Doctor of Geography, Professor

    VEDENIN Yuri Alexandrovich

    Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor LYSENKO Alexey Vladimirovich

    Lead organization: Karachay-Cherkess Institute

    humanities research

    The defense of the thesis will take place on October 30, 2003 at 1400 at a meeting of the Dissertation Council KM 212.256.04 at the Stavropol State University at the address:

    355009, Stavropol, st. Pushkin 1, Stavropol State University, bldg. 2, room. 506.

    The thesis can be viewed in the library of the Stavropol State University.

    Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council, Doctor of Geography A.A. Likhovid


    The relevance of research. The Karachay-Cherkess Republic is a unique polycultural region of the North Caucasus, formed as a result of historically long interaction of traditional ethnocultural communities with the surrounding natural environment.

    The study of the spatial features of the formation and evolution of the traditional Karachai culture is a very topical, practically unexplored problem. Carrying out a cultural-geographical study of Karachay is possible on the basis of a cultural-landscape concept. In accordance with it, the formation of cultural landscapes of Karachay can be represented as a process of equipping Karachais with their "own" space based on their own traditions and the surrounding socio-cultural and natural environments. Moreover, these landscapes can be attributed to the category of ethnocultural, since the substrate basis of its formation is a rather distinguished Karachai ethnos, which reproduces many elements of traditional culture at the present time.

    The study of the features of the formation of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachai from the 19th century to the 30s of the 20th century is of particular interest, as it allows:

    To reveal the mechanisms of formation of traditional elements of the geocultural space of Karachay, which took place until the middle of the 19th century;

    Determine the spatial characteristics of the events that took place from the end of the 19th to the 30s of the 20th centuries. socio-cultural changes, more reasoned to assess the consequences of these changes;


    S Petersburg / 03 ChMO

    Such studies make it possible to implement the historical principle in the study of modern geocultural space, contribute to the identification of relict cultural elements of the region, which are the basis for identifying and preserving territories of cultural and natural heritage, moreover, they can become a scientific basis for the revival of elements of living traditional culture, which in ultimately allows the preservation of unique ethnocultural landscapes.

    Purpose of the work: to identify the features of the formation of the structure of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay from the 19th century to the 30s of the 20th century.

    Research objectives:

    Revealing the factors of formation of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay in the late 19th - early 20th centuries;

    Study of the process of formation of ethnocultural landscapes, as well as changes that have taken place since the 19th century. to the 30s. XX century;

    Research object: geocultural space of Karachay

    Subject of research: processes and results of cultural and landscape differentiation of the territory of Karachay at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries.

    The theoretical and methodological basis and research methodology are: the concept of geospace (B.C. Preobrazhensky, E.B. Alaev, U. I. Merest, S. Ya. Nymmik); landscape approach (B.C. Preobrazhensky, A.G. Isachenko); cultural and ethnographic concepts (E.S. Markaryan, Y. Bromley), ideas about geocultural space (A.G. Druzhinin); cultural landscape approach and the concept of a cultural landscape (Yu.A. Vedenin, R.F. Turovsky, B.B. Rodoman, V.L.Kagansky), developments in the field of ethno

    cultural landscape studies (V.N. Kalutskov, A.A. Ivanova, A.B. Lysenko).

    The research methodology is based on cultural-landscape, ecological and historical-geographical approaches, on general scientific methods - descriptive, comparative, historical, statistical, multivariate analysis, modeling, as well as on geographical - cartographic and regionalization.

    The information base is composed of: ethnographic studies of the economy and culture of Karachay (AA Atamanskikh, E.M. Kulchaev, Kh.O. Laipanov Kh.O., I.M. Miziev, V.P. S.A. Khapaev); statistical information, fund and archival materials, historical maps, as well as the results of their own research of the traditional culture of Karachay.

    Scientific novelty of the work:

    On the basis of the historical-geographical analysis of physical-geographical and ethnosocial processes, the reconstruction of the cultural-landscape structure of the 19th - early 19th centuries on the territory of Karachay was carried out;

    The evolution and dynamics of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay are revealed;

    Thematic maps were compiled, characterizing the socio-cultural and natural processes that took place in the territory of Karachai;

    To identify and restore heritage sites and territories, elements of the living traditional culture of Karachay;

    When developing socio-economic and socio-cultural development programs for the Karachay-Cherkess Republic;

    1. The peculiarities of the formation of the geocultural space in the mountains are: the stability of traditional forms of culture, which is associated with the closeness and high degree of isolation of the mountain space; limited and specific nature of the resource potential; as well as the predominance of vertical morphological structures.

    3. Historical factors determine the formation of 4 regions on the territory of Karachay, reflecting the dynamics of the cultural and landscape structure of the region in the period under study.

    4. Socio-cultural factors (economic, demographic and political) contributed to the formation of a multilayer structure of ethnocultural landscapes with the allocation of traditional and innovative layers of culture.

    Approbation of work and publication. The main provisions of the work were reported at international, all-Russian and regional conferences: "Scientific session of teachers and graduate students" (Kara-chaevsk, 1998); "Scientific Conference of Young Scientists" (Nalchik, 1999); “All-Russian scientific teleconference“ Biogeography at the turn of the XXI century ”(Stavropol, 2001); "Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas: Problems of Regional Cooperation and Regional Policy of Mountain Areas". Abstracts of the IX International Conference (Vladikavkaz, 2001); round table "Russian civilization in the North Caucasus" (Stavropol, 2001); "University Science - to the Region" (Stavropol, 2000, 2001, 2002); as well as at meetings of scientific and methodological seminars of the Department of Physical Geography of the Karachay-Cherkess State Pedagogical University, Stavropol State University, the Karachay-Cherkess Museum of Local Lore.

    It has 134 pages of text, 9 figures, the list of references includes 121 titles.

    The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, formulates goals and objectives, the novelty of the research, determines its scientific and practical significance.

    The first chapter defines the key concepts, cognitive tools and research methodology; a research hypothesis is formulated.

    The second chapter reveals the historical and geographical features of the development of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay; the analysis of the factors of formation and development of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay is carried out.

    The third chapter identifies natural factors and their role in the structural design of the ethnocultural landscape, and also defines the role of sociocultural factors in the formation of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay.

    In the fourth chapter, the zoning of Karachay is given; the stages of spatial differentiation of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay and ethnocultural regions are distinguished; describes the morphological structure of the landscape.

    In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized, conclusions are drawn about the features of the formation and development of the structure of the ethnocultural landscape.

    1. Ethnocultural landscape: problems of definition and study

    In this study, the concepts of “geocultural space” and “cultural

    tour landscape ". We understand geocultural space as a natural combination of cultural objects synthesized from various elements (natural and social, material and ideal), formed as a result of geocultural processes (spatio-temporal manifestations of cultural genesis). The geographic individuals that make up the geocultural space are cultural landscapes. Their mosaic, hierarchy, and internal structure reflect the organization of the geocultural space.

    Spatially distinguished groups of the population with specific cultural characteristics can be considered the substrate basis for the isolation of cultural landscapes. Spiritually-intellectually and materially-practically assimilating the enclosing socio-natural space, these communities form an integral, holistic set of natural and socio-cultural elements with a rather heterogeneous and unique structure, as well as with a special organization of space.

    Of the diverse spectrum of cultural landscapes formed on the basis of regional cultures, ethnocultural landscapes are of the greatest interest, both scientific and practical, since to this day, especially in the North Caucasus region, the geocultural space is largely differentiated on the basis of ethnic specificity. Moreover, in conditions of political and socio-economic instability, the role of the ethnic factor in the organization of the geocultural space increases significantly. As before, ethnic characteristics remain invariant for many contemporary cultural landscapes of the Caucasus.

    An ethnocultural landscape is a space assimilated by an ethnocultural community, where pronounced forms of traditional culture have developed, with cultural isolation and insignificant integration with a foreign cultural environment.

    The process of formation of cultural landscapes in the mountains differs significantly from that in flat areas. In the mountains, the development of this process is less dynamic. This is due, firstly, to the closeness and high degree of isolation of the mountainous space, which contributes to the formation of stable forms

    traditional culture. Secondly, with the specificity and limited resource potential of natural landscapes, which form a limited number of environmental management options. And third, it determines the specifics of structuring such a space with a predominance of vertical structures, that is, high-altitude belts.

    The territorial structure of the ethnocultural landscape is associated with differences from place to place, the peculiarities of geospace, territorial differentiation of cultures. A constructive basis for the study of territorial differences in a cultural landscape can be the idea of ​​an ethnocultural landscape area as part of the living space of an ethnic group of the population formed in a differentiated host mountain natural environment and having a certain set of morphological units.

    In the system of morphological units of an ethnocultural landscape region, two groups of territorial complexes are formed, which are superimposed on each other:

    Territorial cultural-natural, where the natural factor determines the cultural;

    Local natural and cultural, where the cultural component plays a system-forming role (settlements, places of worship, etc.).

    As cultural and natural morphological units, reflecting the territorial heterogeneity of the region, high-altitude belts, terrain and natural boundaries are distinguished.

    Altitudinal belts form the basis of the spatial structure of mountainous regions. They arise on the basis of natural high-altitude belts and form the main types of nature management. Cultural and natural areas are understood as parts of the living space of a high-altitude belt of a separate group of an ethnocultural community, “attached” to a certain place and united by a common destiny and a sense of community.

    Cultural and natural tracts are part of the living space of a certain tribal group of the population, which has various functional purposes: economic (hayfields, pastures, logging), cult, recreational, etc.

    Natural and cultural complexes are the basis of the centralization of space, representing nuclear or nuclear

    according to A.Yu. Reteium of a system where the cultural element plays an active role. An example of such a complex is the Uchkulan aul, where the process of formation of clan groups and the traditional culture of the Karachai ethnos was going on (Fig. 2).

    There are two groups of factors that play an important role in the formation of ethnocultural landscapes: natural and sociocultural.

    The natural component of the ethnocultural landscape is most clearly expressed in the industrial culture and the culture of direct life support. In the first case, the natural landscape acts as a resource base (natural resource factor) of production activity, in the second - as an environment-forming factor that affects the physiological parameters of the organism.

    All factors of cultural genesis associated with the social essence of a person in the broad sense of the word can be attributed to sociocultural ones. These include various types of social relations, specific ways of their implementation, to one degree or another, affecting the territorial organization of culture. The group of the most important socio-cultural factors can be combined economic, demographic and political.

    The formation of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay is studied by combining natural, socio-cultural, incl. external and internal factors into two groups:

    Cultural and landscape integration, which characterizes the saturation of geocultural formations with backbone

    Elements (components of the dominant ethnic culture);

    Cultural and landscape local differentiation that forms the morphology of the ethnocultural landscape (cultural and natural components).

    The formation of ethnocultural landscapes of the mountainous territories of the North Caucasus is the result of a historically long interaction of sociocultural communities of the traditional type with the enclosing living space.

    Obviously, the internal sociocultural

    factors (traditional ethnic culture) and closely related factors of the natural environment. Natural and ethnic regionalism manifested itself in the formation of separate culturally specific systems.

    The close connection of traditional culture (especially industrial culture) with the natural environment determined the formation of certain types of adaptive systems of nature management. To an even greater extent, geocultural regionalism was influenced by the stability of the traditional socio-structural culture, which was determined by strong tribal ties and patriarchal-feudal relations. Social isolation, complemented by natural barriers in mountainous areas, determined the development of original cultural forms clearly expressed in space. Their significant diversity is the result of the influence of external sociocultural and partly natural factors.

    2. Ethnogenetic and territorial features of the formation of the Karachai community

    The formation process of the Karachai people can be summarized as follows:

    1. The main core is the local mountain tribes who lived in the Karachay mountains since ancient times, starting with the Koban tribes, since they left archaeological sites belonging to the Koban culture.

    2. At the end of the IV century. the Alans layered on this core.

    3.From the VI-VII centuries. Türkic-speaking tribes - Bulgarians and others - began to penetrate here. The Türkization of some part of the Koban-Alans population began.

    4.From the XI century. here the Kipchaks began to settle. In greater numbers, they penetrated into mountainous regions in the first quarter of the 13th century. With the arrival of the Kipchaks, the linguistic Türkization of the local Koban-Alanian population, already to some extent earlier Türkicized, was completed.

    From the XIII - XIV centuries. the Karachais had their own language, which belonged to the languages ​​of the Kipchak group, a common psychological make-up and culture; there was also a well-known territorial community.

    Later, modern Karachais began to form on the basis of the ancient Karachai people.

    The territorial structure of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay bears the stamp of the historical past. On the territory of Kara-chai already by the end of the 19th century. the following historical regions are distinguished: a) Big Karachay, b) Teberda gorge, c) Zelenchuksky, d) Small Karachay.

    3. Factors of geocultural differentiation of Karachai

    In mountainous regions, the basis for the formation of the geocultural space of an ethnic group is natural landscapes, which act as a resource base for production activities and as environment-forming factors that affect the physiological parameters of the organism.

    The component and morphological structure of natural landscapes is reflected in the structure of the cultural landscape. For example, in the form of tools, types of land use, vehicles and other elements of material culture. Natural resource factors (climatic, biotic, hydrological) determined the characteristics of industrial culture. The breeds of animals, which were the most important part of material culture, adapted well to natural conditions. The growth of the livestock population depended on pastures, water resources, as well as unfavorable natural processes. Semi-settled cattle-breeding farms of the mountain-yailag (if there was a winter stall keeping season) and mountain-pasture (if there was no such) types in the mid-mountain and high-mountain parts of the landscapes were formed here.

    The influence also affects the ways of adaptation to the environment - the type of dwellings, settlements, clothing, etc. Interaction with the natural environment also forms the spiritual and intellectual layer of the cultural landscape (traditions, rituals, beliefs).

    Naturally conditioned elements of the toponymic system - phyto- and zootoponyms - are widespread in the landscape structure. Phytotonyms reflecting vegetation on the territory of Karachai are: 1) indirect

    (abstract), from the general surface, from the slope, treeless, grassland, pasture; 2) associated with the name of the species or genus of herbaceous plants; 3) associated with the name of the species or genus of shrub plants; 4) the formation of toponyms is associated with the name of the species or genus of tree species.

    Karachay toponyms, which are based on zootonyms, reflect: 1) the area of ​​distribution and habitation of wild animals; 2) the role of animal husbandry in the economy of the region. Wild animals and birds that lived in all mountainous regions of the North Caucasus are widely and diversified in geographical names. These names are indicators of identifying the habitat and vital activity of the animal world.

    The peculiarities of the morphology of natural landscapes, the dynamics of natural processes, as well as the peculiarities of cattle breeding and the forms of spiritual development of the surrounding natural space, determined the most important features of the morphological structure of the ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay (Fig. 1).

    In accordance with the peculiarities of the formation of naturally determined elements of the morphological structure of the second half of the 19th century. the spiritual space of the ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay is centered.

    By the end of the 19th century, the cultural landscape of Karachay had developed a multi-layered structure due to socio-cultural factors (economic, demographic and political). A powerful layer of traditional culture is associated with the traditional semi-nomadic way of life, where clan family ties were leading. Fodder lands in the highlands (summer pastures) and midlands (winter) were clearly divided between genera and families. In addition, a layer of innovative culture begins to form, associated with the influence of Russian agricultural culture. Cossack villages are becoming its large centers.

    Strong family ties, their clear spatial fixation (ancestral lands) contributed to the preservation of the traditional organization of the geocultural space. Although in the foothills and low

    Rice. 1. Spatial naturally determined structure of the ethnocultural landscape of Big Karachai in the second half of the 19th century

    1 - place as a living environment; 2 - the geocultural space of the annual economic cycle and transport and information communications; 3 - geocultural space of forest landscapes for individual communal use (gathering, hunting, logging); 4 - the geocultural space of the summer lifestyle; 5 - hecultural space of winter lifestyle (pastures); 6 - geocultural space of high-mountainous landscapes of aesthetic and sacred significance.

    In the mountains, ethnocultural landscapes shrink and Cossack subcultural enclaves appear. The mountainous regions experienced only formal Russian influence and did not have a direct Russian presence.

    Such tendencies in the development of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachai make it possible to single out several stages of historical development, in accordance with which the historical regions of Karachay were previously identified.

    The first stage lasted from the end of the 18th to the middle of the 19th centuries and was characterized by the formation of the Bolshoi Karachay region, with the center of Uchkulan.

    The second stage begins in 1859, after the end of the Caucasian War, when the Zelenchuk enclave region was formed.

    Russian villages appear: Zelenchukskaya, Kardonikskaya, Serviceable, Watchtower. At the beginning of the 20th century, 737 farms were resettled here from Bolshoi Karachai, and 193 farms from Teberda region.

    The third stage falls on the middle of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. During this period, the Karachais settled in the Teberda gorge. The resort of Teberda appeared, as well as the Teberda nature reserve. The Teberda region and the new center of Karachay-g. Karachaevsk.

    The fourth stage in the formation of historical districts is associated with the resettlement of Karachais to the eastern part of the republic since 1922 and the formation of Small Karachai.

    4. Cultural and landscape zoning of Karachai

    Among the leading principles of zoning, we offer the following:

    1) historical, taking into account the main stages of the development and arrangement by the ethnocultural community of the natural landscape space of the upper reaches of the Kuban and its left tributaries (Teberda, Aksauta, Marukha, M. and B. Zelenchukov);

    2) centrality, when the organization of a complex of the rank of a district or a natural boundary occurs due to the organization of space by "pulling together" relative to the center (village-nucleus or village-periphery);

    3) ecotone. associated with the dynamic processes of the formation of local sub-ethnic formations at the boundaries of the spatial structure of the ethnolandashft;

    4) resource-forming, determining the seasonal type of nature management and way of life (summer and winter pastures);

    Among the taxonomic units of Karachay, the author distinguishes: an ethnocultural landscape district - an ethnocultural region - high-altitude zones, cultural-natural and natural-cultural areas, tracts, individual objects (monuments) of nature and culture.

    Four ethnocultural landscape areas are distinguished within the Karachay ethnocultural landscape district (Fig. 2):

    1) Bolshoi Karachay is an ethnocultural region with a traditional (basic) culture, where tribal settlement was formed, distant pastures on summer and winter pastures, traditional household and spiritual culture, where high-altitude zones formed the basis of the spatial differentiation of culture.

    2) The Teberda region is distinguished by a new type of Karachai villages. These settlements were fundamentally different from the old ones in layout and landscaping, provision of land plots, and the creation of better cultural and living conditions. The settlement of the Karachais here was determined by their social status and material security.

    3) Zelenchuksky district - an area of ​​settlement of the Karachais on the lands developed by the Cossack population. The new settlements of the Karachais were fundamentally different from the old ones in layout and landscaping. The experience of neighboring peoples - Russians, Circassians, Abazins - was used in the construction and planning of houses. The principle of settling in related groups was not observed here.

    4) The ethnocultural region of Small Karachay arose as a result of the resettlement of the Karachais to the flat territories in the eastern part of the republic, rich in land resources, which contributed to the development of agriculture.

    Rice. 2. Zoning of the Karachaevsky ethnocultural landscape district

    Ethnocultural regions: 1 - Big Karachay; 2 - Teberda; 3 - Zelenchuk (enclave); 4 - Small Karachay (early XX century); 5 - Modern industrial areas - Circassian cultural landscape. Natural and cultural areas: 6 - Historical center of cultural genesis of Karachay; 7 - The modern administrative center of Karachay. Other settlements: 8 - dominated by Karachai elements; 9 - with the dominance of elements of the Cossack culture.


    We consider the main result of the study to be the reconstruction of the process of formation of the cultural and landscape structure of Karachai in the 19th - early 20th centuries, up to the 30s. XX century, when the ethnic territory of the Karachai population is being formed, unique ethnocultural landscapes appear.

    2. The natural factors of the formation of the cultural landscape have been studied and it has been revealed that natural resource factors (climatic, biotic, hydrological) have formed the characteristics of industrial culture. The natural conditions and structure of natural landscapes have determined seasonal spatial pulsations in the functioning of ethnocultural landscapes. Here, cattle-breeding farms of the distant pasture type were formed in the mid-mountain and high-mountain parts of the landscapes. As the population grew, the forest cover of Kara-chai decreased. The attack on forests intensified during the cold snap of the 17th - mid-19th centuries. The areas of pastures of high and middle mountains are increasing, and winter low-mountain areas do not change. The strengthening of the role of the distillation and pasture forms of cattle breeding due to the more passive distant pasture, pasture and yaylag, which was observed among the Karachais in the 19th century, was thus the result of a change in the fodder base of cattle breeding.

    3. Peculiarities of the morphology of natural landscapes, the dynamics of natural processes in combination with the peculiarities of cattle breeding and forms of spiritual development of the surrounding natural space determined the most important features of the morphological structure of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay. The following naturally determined spatial elements have been identified: 1 - place as a living environment; 2 - the geocultural space of the annual economic cycle and transport and information communications; 3 - geocultural space of forest landscapes for individual communal use (gathering, hunting, logging); 4 - the geocultural space of the summer lifestyle; 5 - winter lifestyle; 6 - geocultural space of high-mountainous landscapes of aesthetic and sacred significance.

    4. In accordance with the peculiarities of the formation of natural-conditioned elements of the morphological structure of the second half of the XIX century. the spiritual space of the ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay is centered. As the center of the world, the item Uchkulan stands out from which the following spiritual spaces are sequentially located in concentric circles: 1- the space of communication of clan groups; 2 - local fairy tales and legends; 3 - the space of the "summer" season; 4 - alien worlds and legends; 5 - close neighbors; 6 - distant neighbors

    Naturally determined elements of the toponymic system are clearly expressed in the structure of ethnocultural landscapes, in particular, the phyto- and zootonyms of Karachai have been identified.

    6. The socio-cultural factors of the formation of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay are considered. By the end of the 19th century, a multi-layered structure was formed in the cultural landscape of Karachay, due to a number of social factors. On the one hand, a powerful layer of traditional culture remains, which ensures the sustainable functioning of ethnocultural landscapes. On the other hand, a stratum of the notional culture begins to form, associated with the influence of Russian agriculture.

    cultural culture, the administrative arrangement of Karachay takes place, new legal relations between people arise.

    7. On the basis of taking into account the natural, historical, economic, demographic and political factors of the formation of ethnocultural landscapes, the cultural and landscape zoning of Karachay was carried out. The leading principles of regionalization: historical, resource-forming, centrality and ecotone.

    The Karachay ethnocultural landscape district was singled out according to ethnocultural characteristics. Ethno-cultural landscape areas are distinguished within the okrug. The regions have a complex morphological structure. High-altitude belts, cultural-natural and natural-cultural areas are being formed.

    8. For the preservation and normal reproduction of ethnolands-shafts of Karachay-Cherkessia and their prosperous existence, it is necessary:

    1. Ethnographic approach to the study of school geography / Aliyev readings: Scientific session of teachers and graduate students of the university. - Karachaevsk: KchSPU, 1998 .-- S. 8 - 9.

    2. Problems of the formation of a cultural landscape and its study // Bulletin of the Karachay-Cherkess State Pedagogical University. - Karachaevsk, 1999. -№ 2. - P. 135 - 137.

    3. Traditions and customs of nature management in the territory of Karachay / Scientific conference of young scientists. - Nalchik, 2000. -S. 18 - 22.

    4. Geocultural aspects of the development of Russian civilization in the North Caucasus in the context of globalism / Russian civilization in the North Caucasus: to the problem statement: Collection of scientific articles. - Stavropol: SSU Publishing House, 2001. - pp. 62 - 75. (together with V.A. Shalnev, A.B. Lysenko).

    5. Phytotonyms and zootonyms in the cultural landscapes of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic / Modern biogeography: Materials of the All-Russian scientific teleconference "Biogeography at the turn of the XXI century." - Moscow - Stavropol: IIET RAS; SSU Publishing House, 2001. - pp. 165 - 167.

    6. To the problem of sustainable development of mountainous areas of the North Caucasus: geocultural aspect / Sustainable development of mountainous areas: problems of regional cooperation and regional policy of mountainous areas: Abstracts of the participants of the IV international conference. - Moscow: Art-Business Center, 2001. - pp. 285 - 286. (together with V.A. Shalnev, A.B. Lysenko).

    7. Natural factors of the formation of cultural landscapes of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (on the example of the Karachai ethnos) // Bulletin of the Stavropol State University, 2001. - № 28. - P. 147 - 154. (together with VA Shalnev).

    8. Formation of ethnocultural landscapes of the North Caucasus // Bulletin of the Karachay-Cherkess State Pedagogical University. - Karachaevsk, 2001. - No. 4. - S. 18 - 20.

    9. Social factors of the formation of cultural landscapes of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic in the XIX century // Materials of the 46th scientific and methodological conference "XXI century - the century of education." - Stavropol: SSU Publishing House, 2002 .-- P. 134 - 140.

    10. Ethnocultural regions of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic // Bulletin of the Karachay-Cherkess State University. - Karachaevsk, 2003. - No. 5. - S. 51 - 53.



    1.1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the ethnocultural landscape

    1.2. The structure and factors of the formation of ethnocultural landscapes of mountain areas


    2.1. The history of the formation of the population of Karachai

    2.2. Settlement evolution and historical regions of Karachay


    3.1. Natural factors

    3.2. Social factors


    4.1. Ethnocultural landscape region Big Karachay

    4.2. Teberda ethnocultural landscape area

    4.3. Zelenchuk ethnocultural landscape area

    4.4. Ethnocultural landscape region Maly Karachay




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    chapter i. ethnocultural landscape: problems of definition and study

    1.1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the ethnocultural landscape.

    1.2. The structure and factors of the formation of the ethnocultural landscape of mountain areas.

    chapter ii. ethnogenetic and territorial features of the formation of the Karachai community

    2.1. The history of the formation of the population of Karachai.

    2.2. Settlement evolution and historical regions of Karachay.

    chapter iii. factors of geocultural differentiation of Karachay

    3.1. Natural factors.

    3.2. Social factors.

    chapter iv. cultural and landscape zoning of Karachay

    4.1. Ethnocultural landscape region Big Karachay.

    4.2. Teberda ethnocultural landscape area.

    4.3. Zelenchuk ethnocultural landscape area.

    4.4. Ethnocultural landscape region Maly Karachay.

    Introduction Dissertation on earth sciences, on the topic "Formation of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay"

    The relevance of research. The Karachay-Cherkess Republic is a unique polycultural region of the North Caucasus, formed as a result of the historically long interaction of ethnocultural communities of the traditional type with the surrounding natural environment.

    The Karachais inhabit mainly the southern and eastern parts of the republic. The primary natural environment has been preserved here, which served as the basis for the formation of traditional forms of the original Karachai culture. The entry of Karachai into the sphere of influence of the Russian and global cultures led to a modification of traditional culture, its saturation with innovative elements.

    The study of the spatial features of the formation and evolution of the traditional Karachai culture is a very topical, practically unexplored problem. Carrying out a cultural-geographical study of Karachay is possible on the basis of a cultural-landscape concept. In accordance with it, the formation of cultural landscapes of Karachay can be presented as a process of equipping Karachais with "their" space based on their own traditions and the surrounding socio-cultural and natural environment. Moreover, these landscapes can be attributed to the category of ethnocultural, since the substrate basis of its formation is a rather distinguished Karachai ethnos, which reproduces many elements of traditional culture at the present time.

    Study of the peculiarities of the formation of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay in the 19th century. to the 30s of the XX century. is of particular interest as it allows:

    To reveal the mechanisms of formation of the traditional structure of the geocultural space of Karachay, which took place until the middle of the 19th century;

    Determine the spatial characteristics of the events that took place at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. socio-cultural changes, more reasoned to assess the consequences of these changes;

    To assess the possibilities of progressive, harmonious development of the modern ethnic culture of Karachay and the preservation of the ethnocultural landscape as a whole.

    Such studies make it possible to implement the historical principle in the study of modern geocultural space, contribute to the identification of relict "cultural elements of the region, which are the basis for identifying and preserving territories of cultural and natural heritage, moreover, they can become a scientific basis for the revival of elements of living traditional culture, which ultimately As a result, it allows to preserve unique ethnocultural landscapes.

    Only in conditions of cultural diversity is it possible to preserve the cultural and natural gene pool of the regions. In the conditions of harmonious coexistence of traditional and innovative spheres of human activity, real prerequisites appear for the normal functioning of society, rational nature management, and sustainable development of regions.

    Purpose of the work: to identify the features of the formation of the structure of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay from the 19th century to the 30s. XX century.

    Research objectives:

    Revealing the factors of formation of the ethnocultural landscape of Karachay in the late 19th - early 20th centuries;

    Revealing the process of formation of ethnocultural landscapes, as well as changes that have taken place since the 19th century. through the 30s of the XX century;

    Development of cultural and landscape zoning;

    Research object: geocultural space of Karachay.

    Subject of research: processes and results of cultural and landscape differentiation of Karachai at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries.

    The main cognitive research tool is landscape modeling, through which landscape images of the retrospective geocultural space of Karachay are constructed.

    The theoretical and methodological basis and research methodology are: the concept of geospace (B.C. Preobrazhensky, E.B. Alaev, U. I. Merest, S. Ya. Nymmik); landscape approach (B.C. Preobrazhensky, A.G. Isachenko); cultural and ethnographic concepts (E.S. Markaryan, Y. Bromley), ideas about geocultural space (A.G. Druzhinin); cultural-landscape approach and the concept of cultural landscape (Yu.A. Vedenin, R.F. Turovsky, B.B. Rodoman, B.JI. Kagansky), developments in the field of ethnocultural landscape studies (V.N. Kalutskov, A.A. Ivanova, A.V. Lysenko).

    The research methodology is based on cultural-landscape, ecological and historical-geographical approaches, on general scientific methods - descriptive, comparative, historical, statistical, multivariate analysis, modeling, as well as on geographical - cartographic and regionalization.

    The information base consists of: ethnographic studies of the economy and culture of Karachay (A.A. Atamanskikh, E.M. Kulchaev, Kh.O. Laipanov, I.M. . Khapaev); statistical information, fund and archival materials, historical maps, as well as the results of their own research of the traditional culture of Karachay.

    Scientific novelty of the work:

    On the basis of the historical-geographical analysis of physical-geographical and ethnosocial processes, the reconstruction of the cultural and landscape structure of the 19th - early 20th centuries on the territory of Karachay was carried out;

    The evolution and dynamics of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay are revealed;

    The traditional ethnoecological toponymic system of the cultural landscapes of Karachay is described;

    Thematic maps were compiled, characterizing the socio-cultural and natural processes that took place in the territory of Karachai;

    Cultural and landscape zoning has been carried out.

    Practical significance: the use of the research results is possible:

    To identify and restore heritage sites and territories, elements of the living traditional culture of Karachay;

    As an integral part of special courses in cultural geography;

    When developing socio-economic and socio-cultural programs for the development of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic;

    As a methodological basis for further cultural and landscape research.

    The following main provisions of the dissertation are submitted for defense:

    1. The peculiarities of the formation of the geocultural space in the mountains are: the stability of traditional forms of culture, which is associated with the closeness and high degree of isolation of the mountain space; limited and specific nature of the natural resource potential; as well as the predominance of vertical morphological structures.

    2. The natural landscape structure of the region, together with the characteristics of the traditional elements of culture, determined the organization of the spatial structure of the mountain ethnocultural landscape, its centrality.

    3. Historical factors determine the formation of 4 districts on the territory of Karachay, reflecting the dynamics of the cultural and landscape structure of the region in the period under study.

    4. Socio-cultural factors (economic, demographic and political) contributed to the formation of a multilayer structure of ethnocultural landscapes with the allocation of traditional and innovative layers of culture.

    5. Based on the totality of natural, historical, economic, demographic and political features of spatial differentiation, a system of taxonomic units has been developed and cultural-landscape zoning has been carried out.

    Approbation of work and publication. The main provisions of the work were reported at international, all-Russian and regional conferences: "Scientific session of teachers and graduate students" (Karachaevsk, 1998); "Scientific Conference of Young Scientists" (Nalchik, 1999); “All-Russian scientific teleconference“ Biogeography at the turn of the XXI century ”(Stavropol, 2001); "Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas: Problems of Regional Cooperation and Regional Policy of Mountain Areas". Abstracts of the IX International Conference (Vladikavkaz, 2001); round table "Russian civilization in the North Caucasus" (Stavropol, 2001); "University Science - to the Region" (Stavropol, 2000, 2001, 2002); as well as at meetings of scientific and methodological seminars of the Department of Physical Geography of the Karachay-Cherkess State Pedagogical University, Stavropol State University, the Karachay-Cherkess Museum of Local Lore.

    The materials of the dissertation were used in the preparation of a textbook for the secondary school "Geography of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic" (2000) and in the educational process during the reading of the course "Environmental management systems".

    The structure of the work is determined by the research methodology and corresponds to the tasks through which the research goal is realized. The work includes four chapters, conclusion, appendix.

    It has 134 pages of text, 9 figures, the list of references includes 120 titles.

    Conclusion Dissertation on the topic "Economic, social and political geography", Salpagarova, Susurat Ilyasovna


    We consider the main result of the study to be the reconstruction of the process of formation of the cultural and landscape structure of Karachai in the 19th - early 20th centuries, up to the 30s. XX century, when the ethnic territory of the Karachai population is being formed, unique ethnocultural landscapes appear.

    Thus, in the course of the research, the following conclusions were formulated:

    1. The process of formation of the geocultural space in the mountains has a number of essential features: 1) The closedness and high degree of isolation of the mountainous space contributed to the formation of stable forms of traditional culture; 2) The specificity and limited resource potential of natural landscapes determined the limited types of nature management (seasonal distant-pasture animal husbandry and gardening around auls); 3) the layering of natural landscapes determines the specifics of the structuring of such a space with the predominance of vertical morphological structures in ethnocultural landscapes, that is, storey high-altitude belts.

    2. The natural factors of the formation of the cultural landscape have been studied and it has been revealed that natural resource factors (climatic, biotic, hydrological) have formed the characteristics of industrial culture. The natural conditions and structure of natural landscapes have determined seasonal spatial pulsations in the functioning of ethnocultural landscapes. Here, cattle-breeding farms of the distant pasture type were formed in the mid-mountain and high-mountain parts of the landscapes. As the population grew, the forest cover of Karachai decreased. The attack on forests intensified during the cold snap of the 17th - mid-19th centuries. The areas of pastures of high and middle mountains are increasing, and winter low-mountain areas do not change. The strengthening of the role of the distillation and pasture forms of cattle breeding due to the more passive distant pasture, pasture and yaylag, which was observed among the Karachais in the 19th century, was thus the result of a change in the fodder base of cattle breeding.

    3. Peculiarities of the morphology of natural landscapes, the dynamics of natural processes in combination with the peculiarities of cattle breeding and forms of spiritual development of the surrounding natural space determined the most important features of the morphological structure of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay. The following naturally determined spatial elements have been identified: 1 - place as a living environment; 2 - the geocultural space of the annual economic cycle and transport and information communications; 3 - geocultural space of forest landscapes for individual communal use (gathering, hunting, logging); 4 - the geocultural space of the summer lifestyle; 5 - winter lifestyle; 6-geocultural space of high-mountain landscapes of aesthetic and sacred significance.

    4. In accordance with the peculiarities of the formation of naturally-determined elements of the morphological structure of the second half of the XIX century. the spiritual space of the ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay is centered. The settlement of Uchkulan stands out as the center of the world, from which the following spiritual spaces are sequentially located in concentric circles: 1 - the space of communication of clan groups; 2 - local fairy tales and legends; 3 - the space of the "summer" season; 4

    Alien worlds and legends; 5 - close neighbors; 6 - distant neighbors

    Naturally determined elements of the toponymic system are clearly expressed in the structure of ethnocultural landscapes, in particular, the phyto- and zootonyms of Karachai have been identified.

    5. Historical factors determined the allocation of 4 districts of Karachay, reflecting the dynamics of the cultural and landscape structure of the region in the period under study. There are four stages in the formation of the ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay.

    6. The socio-cultural factors of the formation of ethnocultural landscapes of Karachay are considered. By the end of the 19th century, a multi-layered structure was formed in the cultural landscape of Karachay, due to a number of social factors. On the one hand, a powerful layer of traditional culture remains, which ensures the sustainable functioning of ethnocultural landscapes. On the other hand, a layer of innovative culture begins to form, associated with the influence of Russian agricultural culture, the administrative arrangement of Karachay is taking place, new legal relations between people are emerging.

    7. On the basis of taking into account the natural, historical, economic, demographic and political factors of the formation of ethnocultural landscapes, the cultural and landscape zoning of Karachay was carried out. The leading principles of regionalization: historical, resource-forming, centrality and ecotone.

    The Karachay ethnocultural landscape district was singled out according to ethnocultural characteristics. Ethno-cultural landscape areas are distinguished within the okrug. The regions have a complex morphological structure. High-altitude belts, cultural-natural and natural-cultural areas are being formed

    8. For the preservation and normal reproduction of the ethnic landscapes of Karachay-Cherkessia and their prosperous existence, it is necessary:

    1) restoration of traditional ethnic institutions that protect the interests of their people,

    2) the revival of mountain etiquette, the restoration of elements of traditional Caucasian culture.

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    Cultural landscapes play a huge role in preserving the ethnocultural diversity of the world, the identity of individual peoples, countries and regions. The concept of ethno-cultural or ethno-confessional landscapes is oriented towards the realization of these goals. Many ethnographers and geographers, arriving in the poorly urbanized countries of Africa and Asia, paid attention to the differences in the character of settlement and in the appearance of settlements, in nature management, folklore, clothing, food. It is obvious that every nation, every country has an idea of ​​a typical national landscape. We already

    Cultural landscape as a heritage site

    talked about the image of a typical Russian landscape. The same ideas about a typical national landscape are inherent in the Germans, French, Poles, etc. However, it is no longer so easy to find such a landscape in nature. In most European countries, traditional ethnocultural landscapes can be seen only in places not affected by urbanization processes. In particular, in the Russian North, separate areas of the Russian peasant or Pomor ethnocultural landscape are still preserved. In the mountains of the North Caucasus, you can still find fragments of the landscape developed by the indigenous peoples of this region. But there are almost no real opportunities to preserve the ethno-cultural landscapes of the indigenous peoples of the North of Russia, the process of degradation of which has noticeably accelerated recently under the pressure of the vigorous activity of various geological and gas-oil companies.

    The negative impacts on traditional ethnocultural landscapes are increasing as the integration and emigration processes expand, and the level of urbanization of the country increases. This is especially evident in urban landscapes. The urban cultural landscape, as a rule, is multi-ethnic. And if you take modern society, then its life is under the influence of the media, where the leading role is played by world mass culture. All this, naturally, is reflected in the formation of cultural landscapes, leading to their unification and impersonality. The latter has a clearly negative effect in terms of preserving the cultural and natural heritage, cultural and natural diversity of the Earth.

    Therefore, today any, even very small areas of the ethnocultural landscape should be considered in the context of heritage. They must be studied and preserved. The study of the ethnocultural landscape should be based on the identification of the specifics of the local population, its behavior, and the traditional system of values ​​(Simonov, 1998). When preserving the cultural landscape as a heritage site, it is very important to preserve its traditional features that have developed over a long historical period of the territory's development by a specific ethnic group. Thus, we preserve not only the originality of the landscape, but also the landscape diversity of the region, country, and the world. Revealing and preserving the ethnocultural features of the landscape is important for the development of a nation, its self-awareness, and self-respect.

    At the same time, emphasizing the uniqueness of the ethnocultural landscape, its connection with one particular ethnic group, we can ignore the fact that the cultural landscape was formed, as a rule, under the influence of several ethnic groups. In it you can find traces of the activities of many peoples, representatives of various ethnic groups, whose contribution to the formation of the cultural layer of the landscape is often more noticeable and significant than the contribution of the indigenous or population living there. And this is understandable, since one and the same area of ​​the Earth in different historical times was the arena for the life of various peoples. This is evidenced by monuments of archeology, toponymy, traditional forms of architecture, elements of everyday life, technologies of nature management. So, for example, considering the modern cultural landscape of Central Russia, it is necessary to highlight the fact that many toponyms of this region came to us from the Finno-Ugric peoples, once

    Methodology for the study of cultural landscapes

    who lived here. Considering the manor landscape of the same region of Russia, it should be noted that many of the techniques used in the planning of parks, agricultural organizations came to us from Europe. Archaeological excavations also testify to the long-standing ties between peoples. This emphasizes the importance of not only identifying the specificity of individual ethnic groups and associated landscapes, but also the orientation of the researcher to search for continuity and interactions between ethnic groups, to the need to preserve the heritage of all cultural phenomena captured in a given landscape, whatever ethnic group they belong to.


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