Profile: high-voltage power engineering and electrical engineering - who to work with. Electrical power and electrical engineering - what kind of work can you do in the future? Job prospects by profession

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language- at the choice of university

Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering together constitute a field of science and technology. It occupies a huge place in the world, because without electrical energy modern world It's hard to imagine.

It follows that the specialty 03/13/02 “Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering” is almost the most in demand in the labor market. Graduates of this profile can count on a wide choice of enterprises for further work.

This specialty has wide range profiles, such as power plants, electromechanics, power supply, electrical equipment, hydroelectric power stations and some others.

Admission conditions

Having graduated from the specialty “Electrical power and electrical engineering,” a young specialist must have universal skills and practical competencies in this field of science and technology, as well as be able to create and operate electrical devices and work with electrical energy flows.

What subjects does an applicant need to take for admission to this specialty? The core here is mathematics. Additionally, the applicant must take:

  • Russian language;
  • physics, computer science and ICT or chemistry (at the applicant’s choice);
  • at the discretion of the university - a foreign language.

Future profession

Electrical power and electrical engineering is a basic industry because it produces electrical energy. Here we can say that future graduates will be able to find themselves in various enterprises, organizations and industrial companies. A ready-made specialist will have the following skills and abilities:

  • on receipt and distribution of electrical energy;
  • for controlling the flow of electricity;
  • on the creation and operation of electrical wiring systems;
  • on working with electrical machines and converters.

Where to apply

Today, qualified training is carried out in the following priority universities in Moscow and Russia:

Training period

Specialty 03/13/02 “Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering” involves full-time, part-time and evening training. Duration of training for full-time Bachelor's degree is 4 years, and part-time and evening courses are 5 years.

Main disciplines included in the course of study

The training program includes the following set of core subjects:

  • electric power stations;
  • electricity supply;
  • electrical and electronic apparatus;
  • automated design of electrical devices;
  • theoretical basis electrical engineering;
  • relay protection and automation of electrical power systems;
  • general energy;
  • power electronics.

Acquired skills and abilities

During the learning process, the student acquires the necessary professional skills and abilities:

  • on working with electrical energy and flow control;
  • on the creation and design of electrical machines and equipment;
  • on the operation of means for constructing electrical systems;
  • on the creation of electrical products;
  • on development of electric power industry and electrical engineering;
  • on the creation and design of electrical power and electrical systems;
  • on formulating tasks in this area.

Job prospects by profession

A graduate of this specialty can apply for work in various fields of activity. These can be a variety of production and technological organizations that are engaged in the production, transmission and distribution of electricity.

Mostly graduates occupy positions as software engineers, electrical systems developers, electric drive engineers and others. Specialists in the fields of electric power, industry, mechanical engineering, and transport are in demand.

In Russia, there are quite large and promising organizations that always need specialists in electrical power engineering and electrical engineering. Here we can immediately talk about Gazprom LLC, Lenenergo OJSC or Roselektroprom Holding CJSC. These and other large enterprises have many partners, which suggests the need for specialists to work at these enterprises.

Earnings will range from 20-35 thousand hryvnia depending on the enterprise and position.

Benefits of studying for a master's degree

Every bachelor's degree graduate has the opportunity to enroll in a master's program (“Electrical power and electrical engineering” - 04/13/02). Continuing education always involves an in-depth program that allows you to expand your range of perspectives.

In the master's program, the student undergoes training in the management of electrical power systems, as well as their maintenance and improvement. Here he will study the design and research of electric drives.

Masters in this specialty are in demand abroad, not to mention Russia. They may be needed both as teachers and researchers. Enterprises will primarily hire highly qualified specialists who have completed a master's degree.


This profile trains a new generation of power engineers who will be able to design and operate any electric power and thermal power plants, regardless of what energy resource they use: natural energy flows or unconventional electricity and heat generation schemes. Training in a specialty involves studying a large number of specialized subjects and several general disciplines, as well as research work. Among compulsory subjects: heat engineering, electrical engineering materials science, fundamentals of energy, structural materials science, energy machines, theoretical foundations of mechanics, hydroaeromechanics, renewable energy sources, life safety.

Who to work with

Depending on the profile that bachelors have chosen, they can find employment in energy-saving companies, at power plants of any type, in technology parks, at industrial enterprises (as energy specialists) or in scientific organizations. The competence of young specialists includes control over the transmission and distribution of energy, its use, production and transformation. After graduating from a university, a bachelor’s degree in energy and electricity often works as an electrical system maintenance specialist, energy safety specialist, or engineer. In the future, he can climb the career ladder and take the position of project manager or technical director. Those who are interested in research work can find employment in scientific laboratories and institutes and engage in innovative research in the field of electricity, the creation of autonomous energy sources and power plants powered by energy from natural flows (for example, from wind or sun).

Training in specialties related to electrical engineering and power engineering is quite popular these days. Naturally, future and young professionals are concerned with the question of where they can get a job after graduating from university, whether there are opportunities for career growth and what the approximate salary will be. This area can be called quite attractive and promising, since it involves a wide choice of job positions.

Based on the specific focus of their preferred profile, specialists will be able to work:

The main tasks of a specialist in this industry

For specialties electrical power and electrical engineering who to work with – The question is quite relevant and interesting. The main task of a person in this area will be to monitor the correct, safe and functional distribution of energy resources. A specialist can also take part in the development of various devices or systems that are used for the production or use of electricity.

Who are these professions suitable for?

People with a technical mindset who are able to carry out complex mathematical calculations and can analyze will be able to work in this area various schemes and diagrams. Working in the electrical and electrical engineering industry will require the ability to concentrate and good attention, as well as high responsibility and an innovative approach - quite often power engineers have to independently introduce new approaches to their usual work.

Specific example of a job position

For example, one of the most popular positions to start a career is that of an electrical systems maintenance specialist. The average salary here is approximately 20-35 thousand rubles, the exact amount will depend on the specific organization and the volume of work performed. Further career growth includes promotion to energy safety specialist, engineer, project manager, technical director. As for earnings in this area as a whole, it ranges from 22 to 70 thousand per month.

It is worth noting that specialists in these specialties are in demand not only in their own country, but also abroad. They start with temporary internships and can later move on to permanent work abroad. This is quite understandable, because a competent worker in this field is able to perform whole line points, including:

The main benefits of working in this field

The profession of an energy engineer and related work positions always remain relevant due to the fact that every day humanity increasingly needs energy resources and their economical and competent distribution. Therefore, every day it is necessary to build new electrical facilities, develop energy cost and generation schemes, and introduce new technologies. In this regard, work in this field implies constant development, acquisition of new knowledge and skills, as well as regular internships - all this will help in successful career advancement.

About the direction:

Electric power industry is one of the leading energy sectors, which includes the sale, transmission and production of electricity. This branch of energy is considered important because it has great advantages relative to other types of energy, namely: distribution between consumers, it is easy to transport over long distances and convert into other energy (thermal, mechanical, light, chemical, etc.). Distinctive feature Electrical energy is its simultaneity in the generation and consumption of energy, since electric current travels through networks almost at the speed of light.

At this time, there are several types:

Thermal power engineering.

The principle is this: the combustion energy (thermal) of organic fuels is converted into electrical energy. The thermal power industry includes thermal power plants - condensing and district heating.

Nuclear energy.

It includes nuclear power plants. The principle of generating electricity is similar to energy generation at thermal power plants. The difference is that thermal energy is obtained by fission of atomic nuclei in a reactor, and not by burning fuel.


This type of energy generation includes hydroelectric power plants. Here, the energy of water flow (kinetic) is converted into electricity. With the help of dams, an artificial difference in surface levels on rivers is created. Under the influence of gravity, water from the upper pool flows through special channels into the lower compartment. There are water turbines in the ducts, their blades are spun by the water flow.

The direction “Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering” represents a part of science and technology, which includes a set of means, methods and methods of activity created for the use of electrical energy, control of its flows, direct and reverse conversion of other types of energy into electrical energy.

Objects professional activity Bachelor's degrees are:

  • electrical machines, electromechanical complexes and systems, including their control and regulation;
  • complexes and systems of electromechanical and electronic devices;
  • automatic devices and systems for controlling energy flows;
  • electrotechnological, electric welding and electrophysical installations and processes;
  • various types of electric transport and means of ensuring the optimal functioning of transport systems;
  • elements and systems of electrical equipment of cars and tractors;
  • electrical power systems;
  • electrical facilities of industrial enterprises;
  • all factory low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment, electrical installations, networks.

Graduates with a degree in Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering are always in demand specialists in the labor market. Upon completion of training, graduates of this profile successfully find application of their knowledge in energy companies, industrial, motor transport, agricultural enterprises, design and research organizations. They can work in the following positions: energy engineer, chief energy engineer, process engineer, site manager, industrial power engineer, city power grid engineer.