A story about the weather. Topic in English “Climate and Weather Topic air temperature in English

Everybody knows there are four seasons in a year. They are spring, autumn, summer and winter. Of course, all seasons are nice and every season has its color: spring for example is green, summer is bright, autumn is yellow, winter is white. Every season has its advantages.
Winter lasts for three months: December, January and February. The temperature in winter is low. It is frosty, and it often snows. Rivers and lakes are frozen. Everything is white with snow and it"s a merry time for both children and grown-ups, they can go skating and sledging, but sometimes the weather is rainy and gloomy, and this is the most unpleasant time.

Winter brings us a lot of wonderful holidays: New Year's Day with its New Year Tree, brightly decorated with toys and lights, the Snowmaiden and Father Frost. We also celebrate such holidays as Christmas. I think these are the most favorite holidays of our people.
Spring begins in March and ends in May. The Sun is warm, the sky becomes blue. The air is fresh, it is full of birds" songs. The trees and the grass are green. There are a lot of beautiful flowers. How beautiful they are: snowdrops, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, lilac, tulips and violets - the first spring flowers. So nature returns to life.
The three summer months are June, July, August. In summer it is hot, the sky is clear and blue. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings us fruits and vegetables. There are a lot of beautiful flowers. It is a very good season for holidays and vacations. We can go to the sea or to the forest and have a good time there.
After a good summer rest autumn comes. September, October, November are autumn months. The weather at the beginning is still fine. It is rather warm in the day-time, but it is already cool at night. The sun is not so warm as it is in summer. Autumn is the season of harvesting. Apples, pears, grapes and other fruits are in our gardens. In October and November is already cold. It often rains.
As you can see, it "s rather difficult to say what season is the best one, because as I have already said, every season has its own advantages. But nevertheless, my favorite season is spring. And it"s no wonder because i like fresh spring air and I like beautiful spring flowers. I also like to walk along the streets in spring and watch how nature awakens from its long winter sleep and returns to life.

  • advantage - advantage;
  • grown-ups - adults;
  • snowdrop - snowdrop;
  • lilies of the valley - lilies of the valley;
  • daffodil - yellow daffodil;
  • valley - valley;
  • violet - violet.
Everyone knows that there are four seasons a year. These are spring, autumn, summer and winter. Of course, all seasons are good, and each season has its own color: spring, for example, green, summer - bright, autumn - yellow, winter - white. Each season has its advantages.
Winter lasts three months: December, January and February. Temperatures in winter are low. Often frost and snow. Rivers and lakes freeze. Everything is covered with white snow, and this is the most fun time for both children and adults, you can go ice skating and sledding, but sometimes the weather is rainy and gloomy, and this is the most unpleasant time. Winter brings us many wonderful holidays: New Year with its New Year tree, brightly decorated with toys and lights, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. We also celebrate a holiday like Christmas. I think these are the most beloved holidays of our people.
Spring begins in March and ends in May. The sun is warm, the sky turns blue. The air is fresh, it is full of birdsong. The trees and grass are green. There are many beautiful flowers. How beautiful they are: snowdrops, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, lilacs, tulips and violets - the first spring flowers. Thus, nature comes back to life.
Three summer months - June, July, August. In summer it is hot, the sky is clear and blue. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings us fruits and vegetables. There are many beautiful flowers. This is a very good season for holidays and holidays. You can go to the sea or to the forest and have a good time there.
After a good autumn holiday, summer comes. September, October, November are autumn months. The weather is still good at the beginning. Quite warm during the day, but cool at night. The sun is not as warm as in summer. Autumn is the harvest season. Apples, pears, grapes and other fruits in our gardens. It's already cold in October and November. It rains often.
As you can see, it is quite difficult to say which season is the best, because, as I said, each season has its own advantages. But, nevertheless, my favorite season is spring. And this is not surprising, because I love the fresh spring air, and I like beautiful spring flowers. I also love walking the streets in spring and watching nature awaken from its long winter hibernation and come back to life.

The weather is a neutral topic of conversation. Since it is very changeable, communication on this topic makes it relevant to everyone. Knowledge of the most simple phrases about the weather in English will help you discuss much easier this topic with your foreign friend.

For those who practice speaking and listening to English, I suggest listening.

  • Questions about the weather in English;
  • Answers about the weather in English;
  • Weather phenomena with translation;

How to ask about the weather in English

What's it like out?
How/what is it on the street?

How's the weather?
How is the weather?

Lovely day, huh?
Beautiful day, right?

What is the weather expected to be like?
What will the weather be like?

What's the weather like?
What's the weather like there?

What is your favorite weather?
What's your favorite weather?

What Weather Do You Like?
What weather do you like?

Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
Do you like/prefer hot or cold weather?

What’s the weather like in Russia?
What's the weather like in Russia?

What’s the weather like in California?
What's your weather like in California?

Do you have rain?
Do you have rain?

What’s the forecast for tomorrow?
What's the forecast for tomorrow?

Is it snowing outside?
It's snowing outside?

Is it warm or cold?
Warm or cold?

How to ask about the outside temperature in English

What's the temperature today?
What temperature today?

What is the temperature outside?
How long is it outside today? What temperature.

What is the temperature in New York today?
What time is it in New York today?

What is the temperature outside today where you live?
It’s - 23 and snowing and windy.

What is the temperature outside?
Minus 23, snow and wind.

How to answer a question about the weather

I like sunny weather.
I like sunny weather.

I like cold weather.
I like cold/cool weather.

I like rainy weather.
I like rainy weather.

I like windy weather.
I like windy weather.

I like cloudy weather.
I like cloudy weather.

I like snowy weather.
I like snowy weather.

I like foggy weather.
I like foggy weather.

I like hot weather.
I like hot weather.

I like cold weather.
I like hot weather.

It's sunny.

It is snowing.

It's raining here.
It's raining here.

A bit nippy today.
It's a little chilly today.

We're in for frost tonight.
It's cold here today.

It is hailing.
It's hailing.

What gloomy weather we’re having!
What gloomy weather we have!

Weather phenomena in English with translation


It is shining.

The sun is shining.

It's sunny.


It is blowing.
The wind blows.

It is windy.

It's windy.

Clear - Clear
Hot - Hot

It's hot today.

Today it's hot.
Stuffy – Sweltering

It's sweltering.


It is warm and sunny.
Warm and sunny.

It's warm today.
It's warm today.
Cloudy - the sky is overcast.

Gloomy - cloudy - dark and cloudy.
Overcast - cloudy/cloudy.

It is cloudy.

It's so gloomy outside.

It's very gloomy outside.
Humid - Humid

It's so humid outside.

It's very humid outside.
Rainy - Rainy

It is raining.

It's raining.

It is rainy.

It's raining/rainy.
Foggy - Foggy

It is foggy.


It is snowing.

It is snowy.
It's snowing/snowy.

Dank/nasty/cold weather – Chilly weather

It is cold.


It is very cold.
Very cold.

A chilly November morning.
A chilly November morning.


It is frosty.
It's frosty.

Cool - Nippy

It's nippy today.
Today it's cool.

It is a bit nippy tonight.

It's a little cool in the evening.
Very cold/frosty - Freezing

It is freezing.

It's terribly cold.
I'm freezing.

I'm cold/I'm frozen.

Natural phenomena in English
Hail was reported in Kansas on Tuesday.

Ball lightning Natural ball lightning recorded by scientists for first time ever. Natural ball lightning recorded by scientists for the first time.

Freezing rain Over the Christmas holidays we got hit pretty bad with freezing rain. in the mouths of the British. Therefore, if you want to speak English freely and naturally, like a born Briton, then you simply must be able to hold a conversation about the capriciously changeable or, conversely, stubbornly stable weather outside the window. We will learn to communicate on this topic in today’s lesson. We will find out what words describe the weather in English, learn popular phrases and analyze the principle of their construction, and also work through the learned information in the form of a dialogue.

The first time we encountered a description of the weather in English was in elementary school. Often during classes, the teacher builds small dialogues with the children about what the weather is like today and how the children feel about it. Thus, students repeat the learned vocabulary, and also gradually get used to feeling confident in a conversation in a foreign language.

When studying today’s material, we will try to adhere to similar tactics: first we will study the grammatical and lexical basis, and then we will practice in “live” speech, i.e. We will strive to build our own dialogue about any weather in English. So, let's look at a few small rules.

Important grammatical points

  1. In order to make a simple expression about the weather in English, you need to use the grammatical structure it is . When translated into Russian, such phrases are translated as short impersonal sentences. It is windy –It's windy. It is sunny –Sunny. It is cold –Cold.
  2. The pronoun it is also used as a subject when denoting weather phenomena characteristic of a particular season or occurring in this moment time. Note the difference in sentence context for the Present Simple and Present Continuous aspects.
  • Itissnowingoutside– It’s snowing outside (the weather today, right now).
  • ItrainsinautumninPrague– In autumn it is rainy in Prague (seasonal phenomenon).
  1. The noun weather itself in English is always used with the definite article the. If there is an adjective before the noun, the article is not required.
  • The weather is getting colder –Becomescooler.
  • Does she like cold weather? –To herlikecoldweather?
  1. Vocabulary expressing natural phenomena is usually used without an article. But it should be borne in mind that when denoting a location, the English language requires the definite article the.
  • JacklikessnowJack loves snow.
  • My dog ​​likes to lie in the sun –MydogloveslieonSun.

Knowledge of these norms is necessary for grammatically correct construction of a story about the weather in English. Now let's get acquainted with the lexical part of the material.

Description of weather in English (vocabulary)

So, the tables below will help us learn words on the topic of weather in English. They are all divided into thematic blocks, which makes it easier and more effective to assimilate new information. English words and expressions on the topic of weather are given with transcription and translation, which allows you to practice all the necessary skills at once: reading, pronunciation, translation and writing.

Basic Expressions

Let's start with the simplest vocabulary. This section contains basic phrases and words about the weather in English for children, as well as for adults just beginning their journey to mastering the language. Since at a basic level it is difficult to work with English transcription, next to it is a column with approximate pronunciation in Russian. In the following sections, only the original transcription is used.

In the first table we consider a list of nouns that describe natural phenomena.

Word Transcription Russian pronunciation Translation
weather [weezer] weather
sun [san] Sun
wind [wind] wind
rain [rain] rain
snow [snow] snow
fog [foog] fog
ice [ice] ice
thunder [θʌn.dər] [sunder] thunder
lighting [laytin] lightning

But when talking about nature, a variety of adjectives are more often used. Therefore, in the following table we will familiarize ourselves with the characteristics that indicate weather in English with Russian translation and pronunciation.

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sunny [sled] solar
windy [windy] windy
rainy [Rainie] rainy
snowy [snowy] snow
foggy [fogs] fog
warm [wooom] warm
hot [hot] hot
cold [cold] cold
frosty [frosty] frosty
cloudy [cloudy] cloudy

This short list will allow children and beginners to make up a couple of sentences about the weather.

We also suggest learning a cheat sheet that contains English questions about the weather and several options for answering them.

Expression Transcription Russian pronunciation Translation
What weather do you like? [Wat wezer do yu like] what kind of weather do you like?
I like (cold/hot/snowy) weather. [Ay like cool/hot/snowy weather] I like it (cold/hot

/snowy weather.

What is the weather like today? [Wat from ze wezer like today?] What's the weather like today?
The weather is fine. [ðə weðə(r) ɪz faɪn] [Ze wezer from fain] Good weather.
The weather is bad. [ðə weðə(r) ɪz bæd] [Ze wezer from bad] The weather is bad.
It is (sunny/warm/windy) today. [ɪt ɪz (sʌn.i/ wɔːm/ wɪn.di/) təˈdeɪ] [it from (sani/woom/windy) today] Today (sunny/warm


It is raining. [ɪt ɪz reɪnɪŋ] [It's from reining] It's raining.
It is snowing. [ɪt ɪz snəʊɪŋ] [It's from snowing] Snowing.
What is the weather like in (summer/spring/autumn/winter)? [Wat from thee weather like in (samair/spring/ootem/winter] What is the weather like (summer/spring/autumn, winter)?
It is very cold in winter. [ɪt ɪz veri kəʊld ɪn wɪntə(r)] [It's from very cold in winter] It is very cold in winter.
It is so (cloudy/ sunny) today, isn’t it?

Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

[ɪt ɪz səʊ (klaʊ.di/ sʌn.i) təˈdeɪ, izn’t it.

jes ɪt ɪz. nəʊ it izn’t]

[It from sou cloudy/sani today, yes, it from. Know it iznt] It's so (cloudy/sunny) today, isn't it?

Yes, yes. No not like this.

For junior schoolchildren this vocabulary will be enough to ask about the weather or describe it. And for everyone who is older, more interesting and varied vocabulary will be available.

Weather forecast

Surely, you often have the question “What will the weather be like tomorrow/the day after tomorrow/over the weekend?” Humanity has not lost this interest for many decades, despite the fact that sometimes the predictions of meteorologists do not come true at all. But we continue to closely monitor forecast weather changes. Let's look at what the weather forecast sounds like in English.

The table shows popular phrases and phrases about the weather that can often be heard or read in weather forecasts. However, the British also use these expressions in everyday speech when describing weather changes.

Expression Transcription Translation
Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow?
It's forecast for snow. [ɪt iz fɔːkɑːst tə snəʊ] They promise snow.
It's going to be sunny. [ɪt iz ɡəʊ.ɪŋ tə bi sʌn.i] It will be sunny.
The weather will change. [ðə weðə(r) wɪl tʃeɪndʒ] The weather will change.
We're expecting a thunderstorm. A storm is expected.
The temperature will be 11 degrees below zero. [ðə temprətʃə(r) wɪl bi ɪˈlevn dɪˈɡriːs bɪˈləʊ zɪərəʊ] The temperature will be minus 11 degrees.
It’s supposed to clear up later. [ɪt iz səˈpəʊzd tə klɪə(r) ʌp leɪtə(r)] The sky will clear up soon.
There is a chance of some rain. [ðeə(r) ɪz eɪ tʃɑːns əv səm reɪn] Light rain possible.

Good weather in English

Sometimes there are such days that you just want to admire the surrounding nature. In this section we provide a list of phrases that will help you write an enthusiastic description of good weather in English.

This type of question can be easily answered using the standard Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.

Bad weather in English

Nature doesn't have bad weather, but bad days still happen. To express your disappointment with constant rains or other vagaries of nature, use this table. Let's look at how bad weather is indicated in English with Russian translation of phrases.

The vocabulary we have studied already allows you to easily translate your thoughts about the weather from Russian into English. Let's try to create dialogues.

Weather in English - dialogues with translation

Learning a language in the form of dialogue is possible for any level of preparation.

Children will enjoy playing questions and answers. For example, you ask what the weather is like in Africa, and the child answers briefly.

You should not have long dialogues with your child, otherwise the baby will get tired and bored.

You can have a more in-depth conversation with a friend or acquaintance. Let's imagine that you want to arrange a meeting with a friend.

Hi! What are you doing tomorrow? Hello, what are you doing tomorrow?
Hi! I am free tomorrow all day. Hello, I'm completely single.
Cool! Let’s go for a walk in the park tomorrow? Cool! Shall we go for a walk in the park tomorrow?
Oh, do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? Oh, did you hear tomorrow's weather forecast?
No, I don't. And you? No and you?
I've just heard it over the radio. The weather will change. It will be cold and rainy. I just heard it on the radio. The weather will change. It will be cold and rainy.
So, we can meet at a café. Then we can meet in a cafe.
Ok. See you later. OK see you later.

The next day you met, and the weather turned out to be simply wonderful.

Now practice on your own. Make up some dialogues about the hottest, coldest and most memorable day you had in 2017. Successful completion of the task and always excellent weather in your area! See you again!

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"When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather."
When two Englishmen meet, their first words are always about the weather.
Samuel Johnson

Hello! Who else but the British should talk about the weather? Shouldn't they scold the weather on damp, foggy days, and shouldn't they rejoice if it's a fine day? Often the British, when meeting acquaintances on the street, first of all say such phrases:

- It's splendid weather, isn't it? - Lovely weather, isn't it??

- What a terrible day! — What a terrible day! Weather in English in expressions Weather in English is the topic of our conversation today

In many countries, talking about the weather is considered the most neutral and acceptable way to communicate with unfamiliar people, acquiring the status of “small talk,” probably due to the fact that it only reflects real weather conditions, without causing disputes or disagreements. Let's look at the most common expressions about weather conditions in English.

Four seasons - everyone has different weather!

Expressions about the weather at different times of the year





Phrases and expressions about the weather in English

Translation of interesting phrases and expressions about the weather

In any foreign language there are words whose translation is somewhat surprising. I think the translation of the following words and expressions in English related to weather phenomena will surprise you a little.

Rain (rain)

Snow (snow)

Wind (wind)

Cloud (cloud, cloud)

Dialogue as a way to learn new expressions

Let's look at how to support a dialogue about the weather in English, namely:

  • ask about weather conditions
  • tell us about the weather in your hometown etc.

Here are some similar dialogues on various similar conditions

First topic of dialogue:

Meeting in the park on a nice sunny day

- Hello, Nick! What a beautiful day!
Hello Nick! What a good day!
- Hello, Kate! Oh, indeed, the weather is fine!
Hello Kate! Oh, actually, the weather is wonderful!
— We had a lot of heavy rain this morning. I thought that it would be terrible weather today.
It was raining this morning. I thought the weather would be terrible today.
- Yeah! Now it doesn’t look like rain.
Yes! But it doesn't look like it's going to rain right now.
— It is sunny and probably about 20 °C.
Sunny and probably around 20°C.
— Enjoy yourself, Kate.
I hope you have a good time, Kate.
- Thank you!
Thank you!

Second topic of dialogue:

Autumn changeable weather

- Hi, Tom! The weather is nasty today!
Hi Tom! The weather is disgusting today!
- Hi, Ann! What’s the forecast for today?
Hello En! What is the weather forecast?
— I didn’t weather forecast for today. But it is cold today.
I don't know today's weather forecast. But today it's cold.
— Yes, also the sky’s overcast. It looks like rain.
Yes, the sky is also overcast. Seems it will rain.
- The sun's just gone in.
The sun has disappeared.
- We have to go back.
We have to go back.
- I agree. I don't want to be wet through.
I agree. I don't want to get wet.
— Let's hurry! It’s starting to rain. It’s necessary to keep the rain out.
Let's hurry! It's starting to rain. It is necessary to take shelter from the rain.
- That sounds like thunder!
It looks like there's thunder too!
— The bus stop is very close. Let's go.
Bus stop nearby. Went.

Third topic of dialogue:

A phone call from a foreign friend in winter

- Hello, John!
Hello John!
— Good afternoon, Alex! Nice to hear from you! Are you right? It seems to me that your voice chanced.
Good afternoon, Alex! Glad to hear from you! Are you all right? I think your voice has changed.
— I"ve caught a cold.
I caught a cold.
- Oh! I forgot that now it’s so cold in your country.
ABOUT! I forgot that it's so cold now, and your country.
— It's very cold. Besides, the strong wind blows.
Very cold. In addition, strong winds blow.
— What`s the temperature?
How many degrees?
— It`s 12 degrees below zero.
12 degrees below zero.
— Is it snowing?
- No, now it isn’t.
No, it's not coming now.
— But it was snow-storm 3 days ago.
But there was a snowstorm 3 days ago.
— It's difficult to imagine such weather conditions.
It's hard to imagine such weather conditions

Fourth topic of dialogue:

First fresh spring morning

— Good morning, dear neighbor!
Good morning, dear neighbor!
— Good morning, Ann! What a nice morning!
Good morning, En! What a wonderful morning!
- The sun is coming out. It will be a sunny day.
The sun is peeking out. It will be a sunny day.
— I there are no clouds in the sky. I think it will not be rain.
There is not a cloud in the sky. I don't think it will rain.
— I hope so, but it’s a windy day. We have to dress warmly.
Hopefully, but it's windy today. We should dress warmer.
- I agree. Now it is easy to catch cold.
Agree. It's very easy to catch a cold now.

Sometimes, people don’t know what they could talk about, especially if there is a language barrier between them. But there are some simple topics, which could be discussed even if you have small knowledge of the language you try to speak or culture, religion and some personal interest of your interlocutor. One of these topics is weather.

The weather is uncertain, but people learned to forecast it. We can see the forecast on TV or in the Internet. Scientists get all data from planes, ships, space stations, etc. This information doesn’t let us forget to take an umbrella or a hat, gloves and scarf to avoid a flue.

In the place where I live it’s very changeable and variable. Sometimes it’s not possible to predict the weather with no mistakes because it’s changing all time in spite of all special forecasts. It could bring cold and mist, rain and sunshine, thunder and clear sky on the same date. My city is located in European part of the country and it’s considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Russia.

We have four seasons there. The summer isn’t too hot but so oppressively warm. Autumn brings a grand variety of rains, drafts and winds. When it starts it looks amazing: gold woods, honey grass, cozy atmosphere. But starting from the end of the October it’s getting muddy and gloomy. Winter is mild and brings a lot of snow. The spring comes with green grass and birds, which come back from the southern countries.

There are a lot of English proverbs and idioms about the weather. For example, “When two Englishmen meet, they first talk about weather”, “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”, “fair-weather friends”, etc. There are also many quotes of famous writers about the weather. My favorite one is quotation of M. Twain: “It is best to read the weather forecast before praying for rain.”


Sometimes people don't know what to talk about, especially if they are separated by a language barrier. But there are several conversational topics that can be discussed, even if you don't know much about the language you're trying to speak or the culture, faith, and personal interests of your interlocutor. One such topic is weather.

The weather is very variable, but people have learned to predict it. We can see her forecast on TV or on the Internet. Scientists obtain all data using airplanes, ships, space stations and much more. This information prevents us from forgetting to take an umbrella or wear a hat, gloves and scarf to avoid the flu.

Where I live, the weather is changeable and varied. Sometimes it cannot be predicted accurately because, despite special forecasts, it is constantly changing. It can bring cold and fog, rain and sun, thunder and clear cloudless skies on the same day. My city is located in the European part of the country and is considered the most beautiful city in Russia.

We have four seasons. Summer is very hot, but too stuffy. Autumn brings a huge variety of rain, drafts and winds. When she first arrives, she looks amazing: golden forests, honey grass, cozy atmosphere. But starting from the end of October it becomes dirty and cloudy. Winter is mild and brings with it a lot of snow. Spring comes with green grass and birds returning from the southern countries.

There are many English proverbs and set expressions about the weather. For example, “When two Englishmen meet, they start talking about the weather,” “There is no bad season, only inappropriate clothes,” “friends only in good weather,” and much more. There are also many well-known aphorisms about this. My favorite quote is from Mark Twain: “It’s better to read the weather forecast before you pray for rain.”