Russian Portuguese dictionary online. Free Russian-Portuguese translation of texts online Portuguese Russian phrasebook with pronunciation online

Common phrases

I'm from Russia

eu souda Russia

eu so de russa



My pleasure

nau a de ke



Good morning, good afternoon, good evening

bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite

bon dia, boa tarde, boa noite


and te avishta

I don't understand

nau entendu

What is your name, Mr./Madam?

como se chama o senhor/senhora

to whom se shama u senyor/a senyor

How are you?

Ishta to whom?

OK, thank you

baym obrigado

Where is the toilet here?

onde e a casa de banho?

onde e a kaza de banu?

What is the price...?

quantu kushta

One ticket please...

por favor, um bilhete de...

pur favor, um bilete de...

What time is it now?

ke orash say?

No smoking

e proibido fumar

e proibidu fumar

Do you speak English (Russian)?

fala ingles russo?

Fala English/Russu?

Where is...

onde fika


I would like a single/double bed room

Queria um quarto individual/de casal

cria um cuartu individual/de kazal

The check, please

a conta, horn favor

a konta, pur favor


Room, number

Shop (shopping)



By card

Could you gift wrap this?

pode-mo embrulhar para oferecer?

podemu embruliar parapa ufereser?


It's too expensive for me

isso e muito caro

isu e muytu kary









Emergency cases

Fire Department



outpatient care




Table for one (two, six)

uma mesa para uma/duas/seis pessoas

uma meza para uma / duash / seish pesoash

Language of Portugal

What is the language in Portugal?

One language is spoken throughout the main territory of the country. Portuguese is spoken by the majority of the population. But this does not give him exclusive rights.

The official language in Portugal is complemented by Miranda, which is spoken in the northeastern region of the country. In the municipalities of Miranda do Douro, Vimioso and Mogadouro, Miranda is used in communication and writing. It has equal status with the main language of Portugal.

Today, about eighty percent of speakers live in Brazil. The language of Portugal is also common in African countries. This is explained by the fact that Angola, Cape Verde and other countries were once its colonies.

The Portuguese alphabet is written in Latin and consists of 23 letters.

In spoken language and dialects, there is a significant reduction in many phrases. Therefore, students official language Spain sometimes faces difficulties in understanding local residents. But you can get used to the peculiarities of pronunciation, and problems will not arise in the future.

The Russian-Portuguese phrasebook will definitely come in handy for tourists (travelers) who are going to visit beautiful Portugal or countries that speak Portuguese: Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, East Timor, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea-Bissau. We have collected the most commonly used words and phrases in Portuguese with pronunciation...

Travel phrase book

The Russian-Portuguese phrasebook will definitely come in handy for tourists (travelers) who are going to visit the beautiful Portugal or Portuguese speaking countries: Brazil , Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau. We have collected the most commonly used words and phrases in Portuguese with pronunciation.

The Republic of Portugal is located in the west of the Iberian Peninsula. Capital – . The area of ​​this country is 92.3 thousand square meters. km. In the south and west the country is washed by Atlantic Ocean, and in the north and east it is adjacent to. Portugal also includes (Atlantic Ocean) and. Portugal has a rich history, is famous for its excellent wines and cuisine, excellent hotels with perfect service. In the country low level crime, a moderately warm climate and an abundance of recreational offers. Portugal has the right place for beach lovers, connoisseurs architectural monuments, lovers of antiquities, admirers of the beauty of the underwater world, nightclub lovers and gourmets.

See also “”, with which you can translate any word or sentence into Portuguese (or vice versa).

Common words and expressions

Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Hello Bom dia (until 12:00), Boa tarde (from 12:00 to 18:00), Boa noite (from 18:00) Bon dia, Boa tarde, Boa noite
Hello Ola Ola
My name is Chamo-me... Shamo me...
What is your name? Como se chama o senhor/senhora Who se shama u senyor/a senyor
Nice to meet you Muito prazer em conhece-lo/-la Muytu prazer zy kunese –lu/–la
Goodbye Ate a vista And te avishta
I am from Moscow Eu sou de moscovo Eu so de Moshkovu
This is my first time in Portugal Estou pela primeira ve em portugal Ishto pala primeira your hey purtugal
Do you speak English? O senhor fala ingles? U senor fala english
I don't understand Nao entendo Nau entendu
Repeat please Repita, por favor Repita pur favor
Speak slowly Fale mais devagar Fale maish devagar
Thank you Obrigado/obrigada(Women) Obrigado/obrigada
My pleasure Nao ha de que Nau a de ke
Sorry Disculpe Dishkulpe
Please Tenha a bondade Tenya a bondade
Yes Sim Si
No Nao Naw
Agreed De acordo De chord
Today Hoje Auger
Tomorrow Amanha Amanya
Yesterday Ontem Ontay
Now Agora Agora
This morning Esta manha Eshta manya
Tonight Esta noite Eshta noite
Far Longe Longee
Close Perto Pertu


Signs and inscriptions

Extreme situations


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Where is the hotel?.. Onde fica o hotel?.. Onde fika u otel
Do you have rooms available? Ha quartos livres neste hotel? A cuartush livresh neshte otel
I need a number for... person Necessito um apartamento para... pessoas Nesesitu un apartment para pesoas
How much does a room cost per night? Qual e o preco da diaria? Kual e u presu da dyarya
I like the number Eu gusto do quarto Eu gosto do cuarto
Please order a taxi for me Mande-me buscar um taxi, por favor Mande ma bushkar un taxi purfavor
Can you take the luggage to my room? Pode levar a bagagem ao meu quarto? Pode levar a baggage au meu cuartu
Please wake me up at... o'clock Desperte-me por favor as… Dashperte-me, pur favor, ash...
Where can I extend my visa? Onde posso prolongar o visto? Onde posu prolongar u vishtu

Restaurant and cafe

Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Breakfast Pecueno-almoco Pakan almos
Dinner Almoco Almos
Dinner Jantar Zhantar
Snack Antepasto Antepashtu
First Primeiro prato Primeiro Prato
Second Segundo prato Segundo Prato
Dessert Sobremesa Sobramez
Red/white wine Vinto tinto/branco I blame the tint/branca
Is there a free table here? Ha aqui uma mesa livre? Aki uma maza pivre
Please give me the menu De-me, por favor, a elementa De-mab pur favor a ementa
Bread Pao Pow
Soup Sopa Sopa
Steak Bife Bife
Salad Salada Salada
Ice cream Gelado Jelado
Black coffee/with milk Cafe puro/com leite Cafe puru/com laite
The check, please A conta, por favor A konta, pur favor


Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
What is the name of this street/square? Como se chama esta rua/praca? Komu se shama eshta rua/prasa
We want to buy souvenirs Queremos comprar presentes Karamush comprar presentash
How to get to?.. Como se pode chegar a?.. Komu se pode shegar a
Where is the train stop number?.. Onde fica a paragem do autocarro numero?.. Onde fika a parazhey do autokarru numeru
Are you getting off? O senhor/a senhora desce? U senyor/a senyor deshse
We want to visit Queremos visitor?.. Karamush visitor

Post, telegraph and telephone


The shops

Phrase in Russian Translation Pronunciation
Where can I buy? Onde posso comprar?.. Onde posu comprar
What is the price? Quanto custa?.. Quantu kushta
Can I try it on? Posso provar? Posu broth
It suits me Isso convem-me Isu conway-me
This doesn't suit me Isso nao me fica bem Isu nau me fika bay
Is there another color? Tem isso de outra cor? Tey isu de otra kor
I would like to buy a phrase book, dictionary Desejaria comprar um guia de conversacao, um dicionario Desajaria comprar un gia de conversasau disionariu
I take this Levo isso Levu Isu
Please weigh me half a kilo... Pese, por favor, meio quilo de... Peze pur favor meyu kilu de
A bottle of dry wine, please Uma garrafa de vinho seco, por favor Uma garrafa de vinu seku pur favor
Is there a bank or exchange office nearby? Ha aqui perto um banko ou um posto de cambio de divisas? Aki pertu un banku o un postu de kambiu de visazash
Please exchange money for me Cambie-me, por favor, o dinheiro Cambier-ma pour favor o dineiro
Can I buy a Russian newspaper here? Aqui se pode comprar um jornal russo? Aki se pode comprar un magazine rusu

Portuguese (Português, Língua Portuguesa) is a Romance language closely related to Galician and Spanish, and the official language of 250 million people in Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, East Timur, Macau, Cape Verde and Sao Tome / Principe, as well as for some international organizations, including Mercosur, Organization of Ibero-American States, Union of South American Nations, Organization American states, African Union and European Union. Portuguese is a very international and evolving language, and even if you know just a few words, it will make a significant difference.


Part 1


    Learn to say hello. Perhaps the best place to start learning Portuguese is with greetings. Learn them and you'll be able to say hello and goodbye to native Portuguese speakers! Below are the most common examples:

  1. Learn greetings associated with the time of day. Like other languages, you can say hello in Portuguese different ways, including mentioning the time of day at which the meeting took place:

    • Good morning: Bom dia ( Boh-n dih-ah or Boh-n djih-ah in Brazilian) - literally translates as "good afternoon," but is most often used in the morning.
    • Good afternoon: Boa tarde ( Boh-ah tahr-jia) - used in the afternoon, before dusk.
    • Good evening/good night: Boa noite ( Boh-ah no-ee-tay) - used from sunset to dawn.
  2. Learn to ask how things are going. After greeting in Portuguese, it wouldn’t hurt to ask how your interlocutor is doing. The following phrases can be used for this purpose:

    • How are you?: Como está? ( Coh-moh esh-tah? or Coh-moh es-tah? in the Brazilian version)
    • How are you?: Como vai? (“Coh-moh vye?” - present)
    • How are you? (Brazilian version only): E aí? ( E-aye(pronounced as one syllable)) - n.v.
  3. Learn to answer this question yourself. If you asked a person about something, then there is every chance that you will be asked the same thing. How to answer? That's how:

    • Good / very good: Bem / muito bem ( Baing / moo-ee-toh baing)
    • Bad / very bad: Mal / muito mal ( Mao / moo-ee-toh mao)
    • More or less / so-so: Mais ou menos ( Ma-eece oh meh-nos)
    • Mee sham-oh)
    • Nice to meet you: Prazer em conhecê-lo/a ( Prazh-air eh con-yo-see-lo/la)
    • Please note that conhecê-lo/a can have different endings, namely o or a. Everything is simple here: you communicate with a man - o, With a woman - a. In this article you will come across examples of this more than once.

    Part 2

    Basics of dialogue
    1. Learn to talk about language. You are just starting to learn Portuguese, so communication will not be so easy for you. Don't worry, everyone goes through this. To explain the situation, use the following phrases:

      • I don't speak Portuguese - Não falo Português - ( Nah-oom fah-looh poor-too-gess)
      • I speak English: Falo Inglês ( Fah-looh inn-glesh)
      • Do you speak English?: Fala inglês? ( Fah-lah inn-gless) - formal version (hereinafter f.v.)
      • Do you speak English?: Você fala inglês? ( Voh-say fah-lah inn-gless) - present
      • I don't understand: Não percebo ( Nah-oo pehr-say-boo)
      • Could you repeat?: Pode repetir? ( Poh-day reh-peh-teer)
    2. Learn politeness formulas. Learning to be polite in Portuguese is very important for anyone learning the language - you don't want to come across as rude, even if accidentally?! In order not to make a bad impression, do not forget to use the following phrases in your speech in a timely manner:

      • Please: Por favor ( Pooh-r fah-voh-r)
      • Thanks: Obrigado/a ( Oh-bree-gah-dooh/dah) - shape male should be used by men, and female, respectively, by women.
      • Please: De nada ( Dee nah-dah) - present
      • Please: Não tem de quê ( Nah-oomm tah-eehm the queh) - f.v.
      • Sorry: Desculpe ( Desh-cool-pah)
    3. Learn to ask other people questions (and answer.) This skill will serve you well and, quite possibly, may even bring you new friends! To support a simple dialogue, use these phrases:

      • What is your name?: Como o/a senhor/a se chama? ( coh-moh sen-your/-ah se shahm-ah) - f.v. Please note that in the masculine gender the word senhor does not have an "o" ending.
      • What's your name?: Qual é o seu nome? ( Coh eh-oh seh-oh no-mee) - present
      • My name is...: Me chamo [your name] ( Mee sham-oh)
      • Where are you from?: De onde o/a senhor/a é? ( Djee own-djah oh/ah sen-your/ah eh)
      • Where are you from?: De onde você é? ( Djee own-djah voh-say eh) - present
      • I'm from...: Eu sou de [your city] ( Ee-oh so-oo djee)
      • What's going on/what's the matter?: O que aconteceu? ( Oo key ah-cone-teh-see-oo)
    4. Learn to ask for help. Alas, sometimes our plans go down the drain, and we need to ask for help. And if you find that you need to ask for help in Portuguese, then the following phrases will serve you well:

      • What time is it?: Que horas são? ( Queh o-rah-sh sah-oomm)
      • I'm lost: Estou perdido ( Esh-toe per-dee-doo / Es-toe per-djee-doo(in Brazilian version))
      • Please, could you help me?: Pode ajudar-me, por favor? ( Po-deh azhu-dar-meh, por-fah-vor?)
      • Help!: Socorro! ( Soh-coh-hoh!) - this is the phrase to use when you are in danger

    Part 3

    Work on vocabulary
    1. Learn to ask general questions. Questions are the important part everyday communication, because they give us the opportunity to learn more about the world. Learn the words below so you can always ask a question:

      • Who?: Quem? ( Cang?)
      • What?: O que? ( Ooh kee?)
      • When?: Quando? ( Quan-doo?)
      • Where?: Onde? ( Own-djee?)
      • Which?: Qual? ( Quah-ooh?)
      • Why?: Porquê? ( Poohr-queh)
      • Because: Porque ( Poohr-queh)
      • How much?: Quanto? ( Kwan-toh)
      • How much does it cost?: Quanto custa? ( Kwan-toh coos-tah?)
    2. Learn the words used to describe relationships between people. They will be useful to you:

      • Father: Pai ( pa-ee)
      • Mother: Mãe ( ma-ee) - f.v.
      • Mom: Mamae ( muh-ma-ee) - present
      • Man: Homem ( O-men)
      • Woman: Mulher ( Mooh-lyehr)
      • Friend: Amigo/a ( Ah-mee-goh/gah)
      • Girl (with whom the person is in a relationship): Namorada ( Nah-mooh-rah-dah)
      • Boyfriend (with whom the person is in a relationship): Namorado ( Nah-mooh-rah-dooh)
    3. Learn phrases used to address people. In Portuguese it is common practice to address those who are older than you or in a higher position. social status, using special phrases. Of course, informal communication lacks this, but you should still remember this: Until you are asked to do so, do not address people simply by their first and last name.

      • Mister: Senhor ( Sen-your) - used with the pronoun "you".
      • Mistress: Senhora ( Sen-your-ah) - used with the pronoun “you” when addressing a woman.
      • Mistress: Senhorita ( Sen-your-ee-tah) - used when addressing a girl
      • Lady/madam/ma'am: Dona ( Do-nah) - formal address to women
      • Doctor: Dotour/a ( Doo-tohr/-ah
      • Professor: Professor/a ( pro-fess-or/-ah) - used when addressing people with relevant academic degrees.
    4. Learn the names of animals. This can be surprisingly useful, especially if you find yourself in tropical forests Brazil or Angola. Here's a small list:

      • Dog: Cão ( Cah-oohm)
      • Dog (Brazil only): Cachorro ( Cah-sho-hoo)
      • Cat: Gato ( Gah-tooh)
      • Bird: Passaro ( Pah-sah-row)
      • Fish: Peixe ( Pay-shay)
      • Monkey: Macaco ( Mah-cah-coh)
      • Lizard: Lagarto ( Lah-gar-toh)
      • Beetle: Percevejo ( Pair-sair-ve-zhoh)
      • Spider: Aranha ( Ah-rah-nyah)
    5. Learn the names of body parts. Without this, you understand, there is nowhere, especially if you find yourself in a situation where you have been wounded (or you yourself have been injured), and you need to explain to the doctor what hurts. So here's what you need to know:

      • Head: Cabeça ( Cah-beh-sah)
      • Hand: Braço ( Brah-so)
      • Leg: Perna ( Pair-nah)
      • Palm: Mão ( Mah-oohm")
      • Foot: Pé ( Peh)
      • Finger - Dedo - Deh-dooh
      • Toe - Dedo (yes, the same) - you can say "Dedo do pé" ( Deh-dooh dooh peh), which literally means "toe."
      • Eyes: Olhos ( Ole-yus)
      • Mouth: Boca ( Boh-cah)
      • Nose: Nariz ( Nah-reese)
      • Ears: Orelhas ( Oh-rel-yase)
    6. Learn to describe problems with your body. Getting sick in another country is not a pleasant experience. It will be much easier and easier for you if you can at least explain to the doctor what and where it hurts:

      • It hurts me: Estou magoado ( Ees-toh mah-goo-ah-doo)
      • My [body part] is broken: Meu [body part] está quebrado ( May-oh brah-so es-tah kay-brah-doh)
      • I'm bleeding: Eu estou sangrando ( Eh-oh ees-toh san-grand-oh)
      • I feel bad: Me sinto mal ( Mee seen-toh ma-oo)
      • I feel sick: Sinto-me doente ( Seen-toh-may doo-en-tee)
      • I have a fever: Estou com febre ( Ees-toh cohn feb-ray)
      • I have a cough: Estou com tosse ( Ees-toh cohn tohs-ay)
      • I'm suffocating: Eu não posso respirar ( Eh-oh nah-oo po-so ray-spee-rar)
      • Doctor!: Medico! ( Meh-jee-coh)

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