Savely Novikov Nobel Prize. Winning the Intel ISEF World Student Scientific and Engineering Achievement Competition

- It all started with the fifth grade. Then I noticed that mathematics was easy for me. My school teacher contributed to the development - she worked with me additionally. Then, about two years later, I wanted to enter the Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education. My brother already studied there, I watched what he did, what they did there - everything was very interesting to me. So in the seventh grade I wrote the Olympics and entered it. The topics taught at this school were related to more complex mathematics, and they fueled my interest even more. And at some point, like others, I wanted to get my own scientific advisor and deal with more complex problems. My mentor was Sergei Olegovich Ivanov, candidate of mathematical sciences. He offered me a research topic. By that time, I already had a little idea about her. To some extent, we continued the work of one of the students last year, only approached the issue from the other side. There is a certain structure, a set of actions and some elements over which these actions are performed. It is a little more complex than those that we intuitively understand - adding numbers, for example. This structure is found in the branch of mathematics and is called abstract algebra. It retains some of the properties of simpler structures. We can make equations with numbers and variables and check them, for example: 5 + 5 = 10, and we identically check that this is true. In the same way, in a structure with a different properties, we can compose identities of the form x1 + x2 = 0. But about this equation, we cannot say whether it is true or not. In my work, I have described all kinds of identities that can be fulfilled in this special structure. As a result, I got a method that can also be reproduced in the form of a program, which makes it possible to check this kind of identity. My scientific advisor and I reached the results together: some more precise formulations were written by the scientific advisor, and all this was proved by me. The way our supervisor and I approached this issue is a new approach. As a result, I received one prize from the "Special Prizes" section. Such awards are given by various organizations and companies that invite to international competitions, and thus awards do not depend in any way on the organizers, but only on companies or communities. I was awarded an award by the American Mathematical Society. In the form of a commission of three, they approached some independently selected works and evaluated them. I was among the guys they were interested in. The second prize differs from the first - it is the main prize, which has several categories and several degrees, which is given by the organizers of the competition. I won the fourth prize in the mathematics section. We do not have any official benefits associated with this award in Russia. But in universities, when submitting documents, there is a section "Individual achievements", to which my awards can also be attributed. In America, the situation is most likely different. But the problem of this country is that there is a paid education, and it will be quite problematic for a foreign student to get there - there is a very large competition, because not only students from all over America, but from all over the world submit documents to their universities. So getting there is quite problematic, especially after school, it is wiser to go abroad for a second higher education. But it would be interesting for me to go just for an internship in another country. By the way, we are very lucky that we brought home a relatively large number of awards. In general, awards are given to a fairly small number of people, and then suddenly - two guys from the same country, and even from the same city. This year, for the team from Russia to the international competition, the organizers decided to choose more theoretical works, and it so happened that my work and the work of my classmate fit this criterion. We were both given the opportunity to participate, and our work in this area turned out to be the strongest. During the award ceremony, at first, my classmate was named as a prize-winner, and I was already glad that we would bring something. And then they called me too - I was happy. I will spend my prize on my own education, maybe it will be a laptop.

190005, St. Petersburg, st. Egorova, 24 tel. (812) 417-20-90

Winning the Intel ISEF World Student Scientific and Engineering Achievement Competition

  • May 22, 2017 8:36 pm

Savely Novikov and Dmitry Mikhailovsky - tenth graders of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 564, St. Petersburg, studying at scientific seminars of the Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education, received a Grand Award (the so-called "small Nobel Prize") and a Special Award at the World Competition of Scientific and Engineering Achievements of Students Intel ISEF. In February 2017, they were included in the Russian team (30 finalists of the largest Russian scientific competitions) following the results of the Baltic Science and Engineering Competition, which was sponsored by Gazprom Neft.

The Intel ISEF final took place on May 15-21 in Los Angeles (USA), 1778 winners of the largest scientific competitions from 78 countries of the world took part in it. The jury of the Competition consisted of Nobel Prize winners, world-famous scientists.

Saveliy Novikov, author of the project “Generalized Jacobi and Jacobian Identities of the Group Ring of the Symmetric Group”, became a laureate of the Grand Award, the main prize of the scientific jury of the 4th degree, as well as the prize of the American Mathematical Society - Special Award of the 2nd degree.

Dmitry Mikhailovsky was awarded the Special Award of the American Mathematical Society 3 degree for the project “Identities of the Perkins Monoid and the Millennium Problem”.

Behind this victory is the weekly work at scientific seminars with the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Sergey Olegovich Ivanov, in the past - also the winner of Intel ISEF and doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Stanislav Isaakovich Kublanovsky, more than 400 academic hours of classes in a summer mathematical school, more than 10 hours in a week of additional education in mathematics, English, programming with the best teachers of St. Petersburg, employees of the Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education.

Savely Novikov and Dmitry Mikhailovsky more than once in 2017 confirmed the high level of their research and excellent mathematical training. On February 2, they were awarded the main prize of the Baltic Science and Engineering Competition of the Vremya Nauki Foundation; on April 22, they received diplomas of the winners of the XХIV Annual International Conference of Young Scientists, held in Stuttgart, Germany.

On April 2, the guys as part of the team of the Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education became the winners of the St. Petersburg Tournament of Young Mathematicians - a team competition in solving problems "with an open end".

Research annotations on winners
Savely Novikov (St. Petersburg):
A Lie algebra is an object from abstract algebra that naturally arises in Lie group theory, combinatorial group theory, quantum physics, and other areas of algebra, geometry, and physics. Any Lie group can be associated with some Lie algebra that fully reflects the local structure of the original group. We explore the so-called Jacobian subsets and Jacobian elements. These definitions, in a sense, set a new direction for obtaining identities that may be useful in future research in various fields of physics and mathematics.
Dmitry Mikhailovsky (St. Petersburg):
The Millennium Problems are seven math problems. One of them has to do with the complexity of the algorithms. Among the algorithms, there are algorithms that solve the problem in a polynomial number of steps from the number of input data. The set of such algorithms is denoted by the letter P. Another well-known class of problems, denoted by NP, are algorithms with polynomial answer checking: if there is a problem answer, then this algorithm can check that it is its solution. One of the problems of the millennium is the problem and the coincidence of these classes P = NP. In 2005 and 2006 mathematicians Seif and Scabo proved the equivalence of this Millennium problem and the problem of checking the satisfiability of identities on the so-called Perkins monoid. In the 1970s, a group of mathematicians independently found a polynomial algorithm for checking the identities of the Brandt semigroup. For the Perkins monoid, this question is still open. The main result of my research is the proof of the existence of an algorithm for checking some cyclic identities.

High school students Savely Novikov and Dmitry Mikhailovsky from School No. 564 distinguished themselves at the World Competition of Scientific and Engineering Achievements. The final took place in Los Angeles. It was attended by almost 2 thousand schoolchildren - winners of prestigious scientific competitions.

Yuri Zinchuk, presenter:“And in continuation of the theme. I have the honor to tell you not only one of the most joyful news of this week. But it is also one of the most promising news, because such events form such a concept as "St. Petersburg today". And not only today. But also St. Petersburg of the future. So. I quote from the tapes of world news agencies. "Schoolchildren from St. Petersburg won the" Minor Nobel Prize "in mathematics. Tenth-graders Savely Novikov and Dmitry Mikhailovsky received the Grand Award and Special Award at the Intel ISEF World Review-Competition of Scientific and Engineering Achievements of Students". End of quote. The competition has been held over the past two weeks in Los Angeles. 1778 winners of the largest scientific competitions from 78 countries of the world took part in it. That is, in fact, it was such a global world Olympiad in mathematics. And so our Petersburgers, schoolchildren Savely and Dmitry received the highest award! Hooray!

Tell me, please, how did you come to mathematics? "

Savely Novikov:“From a certain age, ordinary mathematics was good at school. Somewhere at the end of the 7th grade, I learned about this school - the Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education. And I decided to go there. It tells, among other things, the university program ”.

Dmitry Mikhailovsky:“Both of my brothers studied at this school, my mother forced me to study mathematics from the very childhood. From a certain moment I started to be attracted to it "

Yuri Zinchuk:"Do you want to reach the peaks of Perelman?"

Savely Novikov:"Perelman is the only person in the world who has proven the Millennium Challenge."

Yuri Zinchuk:“I have prepared myself. Here, look. Savely, you have a project that you defended in Los Angeles, "Generalized Jacobi Identities and Jacobian Elements of the Group Ring of a Symmetric Group." If it's very simple, what is it? "

Savely Novikov:"In my work, I simply described all kinds of identities and as a result I got a method for checking such identities."

Yuri Zinchuk:“Dmitry, your work sounds like this. The Perkins Monoid Identity and the Millennium Problem. This is approximately what Perelman wanted to prove, right? "

Dmitry Mikhailovsky:“This is another millennium challenge. The Millennium Problems are 7 problems in mathematics, they were posed in 2000. And a reward of $ 1,000,000 was offered for them. We will not go into details, my problem is about the complexity of algorithms. I will also not go into the details of what I did there, in general, I can say that while my result accelerates the solution of the problem significantly ”.

Yuri Zinchuk:"In the future, you associate your destiny with what:"

Savely Novikov:“Finish a university in Russia and then either continue or get a higher education abroad. In Russia, of course, there are opportunities. "

Dmitry Mikhailovsky:“First of all, of course, you need to finish school. I suppose first to unlearn in a Russian university, I don’t know further yet, I will decide only later ”.

Yuri Zinchuk:“Guys, we have already received the Minor Nobel Prize. Do you have a dream to receive a big Nobel Prize? "

Savely Novikov:“She is not issued only in mathematics. There is an Abel Prize. This is the most prestigious award in mathematics.

Dmitry Mikhailovsky:"Of course there is a desire, one can hope that it will come true."

Yuri Zinchuk:"As soon as you receive the Abel Prize, please give your word that an exclusive interview will come straight to us, here, to the Pulse of the City program."