Download the presentation on the lesson the coefficient of similar components. Similar terms

This age category of schoolchildren (sixth grade) for better learning material learning should be most interested in and concentrated, which is perfectly achieved when using training presentations. The proposed presentation "similar terms" withstands the logic of the presentation of a new material, has a clear structure, examples and formulas are well allocated, color gamut and font size allow you to implement it in the course of the lesson when using a projector or an interactive board.

slides 1-2 (the topic of the presentation "Similar terms", Example 1)

Consideration of an entitled theme begins with an alphabetic recording of multiplication distribution properties. Considering the left and right-hand side of this property, it is explained that in this case the brackets also disclose. A confirmation of this approval is proposed to solve the corresponding example in which it is necessary to reveal brackets in the expression.

slides 3-4 (example 2, determination of similar terms)

The next stage of the presentation begins an example for simplifying the expression. Solving this task, students explain the concept of similar terms - terms that have the same alphabetic part. Since such terms may differ only with coefficients, then in order to bring them, these coefficients are felt and the result is multiplied by a common letter part. After the explanation of this rule is an example in which it is necessary to add similar to the components.

slides 5-6 (example 3, questions)

The last slide of the presented educational presentation contains questions to the stated learning material on the topic "similar terms". For a successful response, students should not only carefully view the proposed information and listen to the explanation of the teacher, but also to analyze the heard and seen, to make certain conclusions, to be able to correctly formulate their idea.

The use of the presentation "similar terms" is advisable not only during class-urgent classes, but also for independent study of this topic at home. The training material is served in an affordable form, so the student can master it as collectively, with a teacher, with parents and independently.

How many times the first number is more than the second. The ratio of mass. The attitude shows how many times the first number is more than the second. Workout. The answer can also be written in the form of a decimal fraction or percentage. What part is the first number from the second. What does attitudes show? "Attitude is a mutual relationship of different quantities, subjects, actions." Interest tasks. The ratio of lengths. From a piece of matter, 5 m long was cut off 2 m. What part of the piece of matter cut off?

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"" Coordinates "Grade 6" - Greek scientist. Zeal. The constellation "Small Malar". Determine the coordinates. Mathematical harbor. Lesson with computer support. Build a figure at points. The concept of the coordinate plane. Robinson School Cruise. Rectangular coordinate system. Coordinate plane.

"Axial symmetry properties" - building a segment. Symmetry. Building a point. Symmetry in architecture. Symmetry in the appearance of the Holy Trinity Temple of Bataysk. Figures that do not possess axial symmetry. Symmetry in the architecture of the city of Bataysk. The term "symmetry". Mysterious snowflakes. Proportionality. Train Station. Symmetry of a person. Symmetry in the animal world. The Pyramid of Cheops. Symmetry plays one of the main directions in everyday life.

"Equations grade 6" - equation. Bring similar terms. Questions. What equality is called equation. Find and correct the errors in solving the equation. What will help you to overcome difficulties. Emotional pause. There is nothing more expensive for a person to think well. Algorithm solving equations. Graphic dictation. Solving equations. Decide equation. Repetition of previous topics: oral account, graphic dictation.

"Direct and reverse proportional dependencies" - distance. Private quantities. Dependencies. Move time. Two values \u200b\u200bof magnitude. Examples of directly proportional values. The magnitude is constant. Composition. Values \u200b\u200bvalue. Direct and reverse proportional dependencies. The attitude of any two values. Some permanent value. Communication between time values \u200b\u200band distance values. Make up proportion. Proportional values. Inverse proportional values.

Similar terms

Objectives: introduce the concept of similar terms; explain what it means to give such components; Develop logical thinking, interest in mathematics.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time. Motivation for training activities
  2. Verbal counting (Slide 2)

3,7 + 2,8 =- 0,9

1,5 +(-6,3)=-4,8

  1. Preparation for work at the main stage
  1. Recine the distribution property of multiplication relative to addition and subtraction. Write it down in an alphabet

(A + B)? C \u003d AC + BC

(A - B)? C \u003d AS - BC

  1. Replacing the expression (A + B)? With the expression of the AC + BC are also called the disclosure of the brackets (slide 3)
  2. Open brackets in expression: (slide 4)

2? (2x + 1) \u003d -4x-2

(2a-4b + 3)? (- 3) \u003d -6A + 12B-9

- (4x-2u + 9) \u003d -4x + 2y-9

5? (- A + 2B + 3) \u003d 5A-10B-15

  1. Name the coefficients in these expressions: (Slide 5)



Name the coefficients of the terms and simplify the expression 3 x. - 8 x. .

Coefficients: 3 and -8

Expression can be simplified:

3x-8x \u003d (3-8) x \u003d -5x 3x-8x \u003d -5x

3x and -8x - similar, differ only by coefficients

  1. (Slide 6) "A similar, similar to what, similar to which is close, suitable, of one species, image, properties or qualities"

(from the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language" V.I. Dalya

  1. (Slide 7)
  • The terms having the same alphabetic part are called similar terms.
  • Only coefficients
  1. (Slides 8, 9, 10)
  1. The assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action.
  1. p. 225 №1281 (AA-D) (Slide 11)
  • ) -5m + 5n + 5k;
  • ) AB-AM + AN;

d) -6ab + 3AC-4A.

2. p. 225 №1283 (AA-D) (Slide 12)

  • What is interesting noticed?
  • Here are two pairs of terms, in which the coefficients differ only by signs.
  • The sum of the opposite numbers is zero
  1. p. 226 №1287 (a)
  • On the distribution property of multiplication, rules for disclosing brackets and bringing similar terms
  • Tell me how to reveal the brackets, in front of which there is a sign "-"
  • 6x and 5x, 24 and -2

Answer: x \u003d -22

  1. Mathematical dictation "Disclosure of brackets and bringing similar terms"

Check yourself:

  1. 4x-9x \u003d -5x;
  2. -6y-8y \u003d -14y;
  3. -14a + 4a \u003d -10a;
  4. 13b + b \u003d 14b;
  5. -N-18N \u003d -19N.
  1. Reflection of educational activities and assessing students

Continue deals:

I learned (as) ...

It was interesting to me…

It was difficult…

I understand that…

  1. Homework.

p.41, learn the rule and definition, No. 1304 (A, B), №1306 (AA-D), №1307 (A-B)

View the contents of the document
"Presentation and abstract to the lesson" Similar terms ""

Similar terms

Mathematics lesson in grade 6

Pavlikovskaya A.A.

Verbal counting

Recine the distribution property of multiplication relative to addition and subtraction. Write it down in a letter.

(A + B) · C \u003d AC + BC

(A - B) · C \u003d AC - BC

replacement of expression (a + b) · with an expression

aC + BC also call

disclosure brackets.

open parenthesis

  • 2 · (x + 1) \u003d
  • 3 · (A-2) \u003d
  • -2 · (2x + 1) \u003d
  • (2a-4b + 3) · (-3) \u003d
  • - (4x-2u + 9) \u003d
  • -5 · (-A + 2B + 3) \u003d

W. 545.

Name the coefficients in these expressions :


- 9 t.



18 z.

2 x.

- 15 y.


Name the coefficients of the components and simplify the expression 3 x - 8 x.

3 and -8.

Coefficients of the terms:

Expression can be simplified:

3 x - 8 x \u003d. (3 8) x \u003d - 5 x.

3 x - 8 x \u003d - 5 x.

3 x and - 8 x.

differ only



  • "A similar, similar to what, similar to which, close, suitable, one species, image, properties or qualities"

(From the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language" V.I. Dalya)

  • Give the definition of similar terms
  • The terms having the same alphabetic part are called similar speed
  • What may differ similar to the terms?
  • Only coefficients
  • To fold (or say: lead) similar terms, it is necessary to fold their coefficients and the result is multiplied by the general letter.
  • Read the text in the textbook on page 225 in the heading "Speak Right"

And simplify the expression:

6 h. + 8 h. =

14 h.

14 h.

6 h. – 8 h. =

6 and -8.

6 h. + 8 h. =

6 h. – 8 h. =

2 h.

2 h.

6 and -8.

6 and 8.

Name the coefficients of the components

And simplify the expression:

h. + 3 h. =

4 h.

8 h.

h. – 7 h. =

1 and -7

9 h. + h. =

5 h. h. =

4 h.

8 h.

5 and -1

9 and 1.

Name the coefficients of the components

And simplify the expression:

h. h. =

h. + h. =

2 h.

2 h.

1 and -1

h. + h. =

h. h. =

1 and -1

1 and 1.

P225 №1281 (AA)

  • - Are the data are the allegations like? Why?


a) 8A-8B + 8C

b) -5m + 5n + 5K

c) AB - am + an

d) - 6ab + 3ac - 4a

P.225 №1283 (AA)

Please note that it is more convenient to first fold separately positive and negative coefficients, then find their sum


  • What is interesting noticed?
  • Here are two pairs of terms, in which the coefficients differ only by signs.
  • Based on which property of addition, you can simplify this expression?
  • The sum of the opposite numbers is zero
  • It is also said that these terms of the components are mutually destroyed. Therefore, they can be shoved.

P.226 №1287 (a)

  • What is the solution to this equation?
  • On the distribution property of multiplication, rules for disclosing brackets and bringing similar terms
  • Tell me how to reveal the brackets, in front of which there is a sign "-"
  • What are the terms will be like?
  • 6x and 5x, 24 and -2

Answer: x \u003d -22

Mathematical dictation:

"Disclosure of brackets and bringing similar terms."

Simplify the expression:

Check yourself:

5 x;

4 h. – 9 h. =

14 y;

6 y. – 8 y. =

10 a;

14 a. + 4 a. =

14 b;

13 b. + b. =

19 n;

n. – 18 n. =


Continue deals:

  • I learned (as) ...
  • It was interesting to me…
  • It was difficult…
  • I understand that…
  • I liked the task most ...


learn the rule and definition