Nordic walking. Health is an easy step

Anastasia Poletaeva

Nordic walking. Secrets of a famous trainer

© Peter Publishing House LLC, 2015

All rights reserved. No part electronic version This book may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

©The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

Anastasia Poletaeva is the founder and director of Russia’s first professional Nordic Walking School, center conscious movement and developing tourism Poletaeva & Co, as well as the Moscow Pilates School “Body Line”. In addition, she is a certified coach of The International Coaching Alliance Limited London, a professional Nordic walking trainer, a body-oriented psychologist, a member of the Association of Dance and Movement Therapy and a graduate of the Institute practical psychology and psychoanalysis with a specialization in “Creative dance and developmental movement.”

Nastya is interested in philosophy, psychosomatics, and movement practices. She has been practicing Nordic walking and Pilates for more than ten years.

At the Nordic Walking School, the author conducts individual and group classes, including professional training programs for instructors and retraining for fitness trainers. Nastya is a recognized specialist in the field of health-improving movement and the author of more than ten unique movement programs designed for different categories of clients, including those who have suffered a stroke and major operations.

Anastasia Poletaeva is the author of the book “Nordic walking. Health at an Easy Step,” participant in numerous conferences on medicine, health and rehabilitation, as well as an invited expert in many publications dedicated to beauty and health. He writes columns in several magazines and has his own blog


Movement is the storehouse of life.

I am often asked what role Nordic walking plays in my life. I have been walking with poles for almost ten years. Five years ago, I opened the first professional Nordic Walking School in Russia, where we not only conduct individual and group classes for everyone, but also conduct on-site programs and professional training for Nordic walking instructors. During its work, our School has achieved great success and has largely contributed to the popularization and development of Nordic walking in Russia - the most democratic and accessible form of fitness.

Hand on heart, I can say that for me walking with poles is not just a hobby that has become a profession (as it is fashionable to say now). For me, movement and fitness are an integral part of life. Nordic walking is an important element of my philosophy of a happy, successful and quality life.

Movement is as important a thing for a person as water, air or food. Walking almost every day, I, like a gourmet, enjoy the motor process. Nordic walking gives me a sense of integrity and allows me to be in harmony with my body. I feel the joy of movement and am happy that I can control my health, manage my emotions and prolong my own youth and longevity in such a simple and accessible way.

This book will be a continuation of my first work “Nordic walking. Health is an easy step." Now we will also touch on many theoretical and practical issues, including the features of walking technique and different kinds training. Here you will find many useful exercises with descriptions, recommendations on the correct selection of shoes and equipment, as well as various tips. I will tell you secrets and tell you stories from my professional activities.

Moscow branch of the club “Let's Go Walking!!” began work to promote Nordic walking or Nordic Walking in the fall of 2012. During this time, we have come a long way from a few enthusiasts plowing the expanses of Moscow parks with poles to the surprised looks and standard jokes of passers-by, to a friendly team of Nordic walking instructors and a large number of like-minded people. And we see our merit in the fact that Nordic walking in Moscow is gaining momentum and enjoys well-deserved respect.

Moscow instructors club "Let's go for a walk!" conduct regular Nordic (Finnish) walking classes in many parks, including Gorky Park, Tsaritsyno, Krylatskoye, Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, Botanical Garden, VDNKh, Kuskovo, Kuzminki, Izmailovo, Fili, Serebryany Bor, Moscow 850th Anniversary Park, Moscow State University, Sosenki, Kolomenskoye, Ekaterininsky, Festivalny, and the geography of classes is constantly expanding.

In addition, we regularly make forays into the immediate Moscow region on weekends, participate in club events in St. Petersburg and other cities, and travel with our favorite sticks around the country and abroad. Free master classes are held periodically.

We cooperate with various organizations that include classes with our trainers in their health, sports and leisure programs. We help you have an interesting and fun day of health and sports.

Our instructors will help you master the Nordic walking technique and also share their own individual practices conducting healthy image life. These are breathing, health, dance, Chinese gymnastics, hardening and healthy eating. Classes are conducted both in groups and individually.

© Peter Publishing House LLC, 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

This book is not a textbook on medicine. All recommendations must be agreed with your doctor.

* * *

about the author

Anastasia Poletaeva is the founder and director of Russia’s first professional Nordic Walking School, professional Nordic walking coach (diploma from the German Institute of Nordic Walking), certified coach of the London center The International Coaching Alliance Limited, body-oriented psychologist, member of the Russian Dance and Movement Association therapy and a graduate of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis with a specialization in Creative Dance and Developmental Movement. Student of Dr. Ajahn Phra Chatri Hemapandha and graduate of the Ragini Ayurveda and Yoga Center (India).

Conducts individual and group classes, including courses professional retraining at the Nordic Walking School. Anastasia is a regular expert on the health movement at specialized conferences and congresses in Russia and abroad, and also writes her own columns in several publications and the blog

In addition, Anastasia is engaged in professional life coaching, group and personal support in situations of change and to achieve personal goals, works with internal resources, body and mind.


The one who walks will overcome the road.

Rig Veda

For more than ten years now, I can’t imagine my life without Nordic walking – walking with poles. This is my hobby, my passion, my business, my life!

In this book I share my knowledge, achievements, experience and talk about such amazing and in a simple way acquiring a healthy and beautiful body. It is intended for both beginners who are just discovering walking with poles, and for experienced fitness and Nordic walking fans looking to improve their results.


Many thanks to my family, who have always been my support and support and inspired me to do great things. Like any person, in different times I experienced ups and downs, and one day, against all odds, I radically changed the course of my life - and my loved ones were there. Family is an important part of my life, I value my family very much and love it.

Creating a book is painstaking work that requires great concentration and patience. I am grateful for the assistance in the appearance of this book to the wonderful PR agency TESSA and personally to Ekaterina Rusakova, who supported me from the very beginning and provided comprehensive assistance.

Special thanks to all my clients and friends who believed in me and the business I do! I appreciate your consideration.

Without you, this book would not have been possible.

Introduction, or My path to Nordic walking

Needs support

Victor Hugo

WITH early years I am convinced that a person’s health and appearance, or more precisely, his self-image, can have a tremendous impact on his life. Not only our thoughts (which, I note, are mostly material) and character, but also our communication with other people depend on how we perceive ourselves in this world and how tightly we are connected with our bodily shell. It is possible to know yourself fully, find harmony and feel the fullness of life only by turning to your body through movement. It would seem so simple, but also so difficult for a modern person.

My path to Nordic walking was winding. For many years I searched and tried various types of fitness and movement practices, ranging from classes in gym and ending with yoga, Pilates. Due to physical activity I sought to strengthen my health (including emotional health), prolong my youth, and also to get to know myself, to discover new possibilities in myself.

For a long time, my work meant frequent business trips to Scandinavian countries and Germany. I have always been impressed by the care and respect that the governments of these countries show their citizens. Everything there is done for people, for their personal safety and comfort. Needless to say, even people with disabilities, the elderly look joyful and satisfied with life. Like any person with a Soviet past, many things surprised me, and some things even made me smile. I remember my first impression of meeting a mixed-age group of 10–12 people who had sticks in their hands. It was near Helsinki, in the small wonderful town of Hamelin. My Finnish colleague and I were walking in the nearby forest park. An ordinary forest park, but with ideal dirt paths, cozy gazebos, comfortable tables and benches. Everywhere there is purity, harmony, tranquility. As we walked up to the historical tower, we saw a group of people with poles in their hands that looked like ski poles. It was a large family group: children 6–7 years old, parents, grandparents. Everyone walked cheerfully, carefree and friendly. Some chatted and laughed, others stepped aside for a moment to take photos. I had never heard of walking with poles before, and this whole picture made me laugh outright. Well, why do people, especially young ones, carry ski poles in the summer? My ignorance was quickly cleared by a Finnish colleague, who described in all colors and details the advantages of Nordic walking - Nordic walking, or walking with poles. It turned out that in Scandinavian countries most of the population are devoted fans of this type of fitness. Moreover, walking with poles for them is not only an excellent alternative to a stuffy gym, but also an exciting and useful leisure activity for the whole family and even a special type of romantic date.

The next morning, I was already vigorously walking, accompanied by an instructor, along the same route with rented poles. I had no idea that this simple type of fitness has its own rules: special technique, special poles that are selected individually depending on height and ground, a system of proper breathing while walking and a set of exercises with poles. Unfortunately, love did not happen at first time. I was able to appreciate all the benefits of Nordic walking only in the second lesson, and I fell in love completely and irrevocably in the fifth. I noticed that I could easily walk distances of 10–12 km, and after training I did not feel tired, pain, or tension, but on the contrary, I felt incredible lightness and calm. A simple and understandable movement for the body gave me the joy of active recreation, relieved the burden of problems and gave me a powerful charge of energy.

Returning to Moscow, I continued my training in the park on Vorobyovy Gory. Then I was a real pioneer in the city. They looked at me the way they looked at punks on Old Arbat in the 1980s: with bewilderment and a grin. But nothing stopped me: I saw excellent results from the classes and made the training more difficult each time. Very quickly I developed a professional interest in a new hobby. Having several higher and professional education, including a certified coach from the London Academy of The International Coaching Alliance Limited and a body-oriented psychologist, I decided to open my own project - to create the first professional Nordic walking school in Russia. For more than a year I studied specialized literature on rehabilitation, anatomy, the latest achievements in the field of fitness, and attended master classes by leading Nordic walking experts in Germany, Finland, and Lithuania. In addition, I graduated with honors from the prestigious German Institute of Nordic walking. As a result, in February 2010, under my leadership, the first Nordic Walking School in Russia was opened in Moscow.

The first visitors to the school were my friends, acquaintances, and neighbors. It was a wonderful time, full of fresh ideas, enthusiasm and incredible energy. I dreamed of changing people’s ideas about fitness, opening a simple and clear path to beauty and health, where there is no pain and struggle with oneself. And, I want to admit, I succeeded. Few can boast such a variety of clients. Children and teenagers, young and old people, people with disabilities come to us - Nordic walking knows no barriers and is accessible to everyone. We started with two programs: a general health program and a weight loss program, and today we have more than 10 different areas. In addition, we often organize on-site programs in Lithuania and Bulgaria. Comes separately professional education instructors. Over six years of work, we have opened 50 clubs in Moscow, more than 40 in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries, trained over 800 instructors in pole walking for leading rehabilitation and wellness centers in Russia and the CIS, sanatorium-resort complexes, and specialized medical institutions.

It is not surprising that in this book I pay a lot of attention to the results that can be achieved with regular Nordic walking. Based on my own experience and the experience of numerous clients of my school, I want to show how you can easily and quickly strengthen your body, solve specific health problems, and get in shape just by picking up a stick during a regular walk in the fresh air. Readers will learn how to start exercise correctly, what exercises to do before and after walking, how to develop a workout taking into account their individual characteristics How to make classes fun and interesting. We will consider in detail the selection of poles and additional equipment. Let's talk separately about proper nutrition and breathing - important elements in any health practice.

I really hope that after reading this book you will truly discover Nordic walking and, thanks to it, you will be able to change yourself and your life, as I and many clients of the Nordic Walking School once did. Walking with poles is more than just fitness. A simple and natural movement that allows you to hear the voice of the body, discover the unity of bodily and emotional experiences, which, in turn, helps us become self-confident, gives us energy and vitality.

I wish you pleasant reading and success in all areas of life. Write to me about your results, tell me how you were able to use the book’s materials in practice. My address: [email protected].

Chapter 1
Everything you wanted to know about Nordic walking

History of Nordic walking

The history of Nordic walking goes back about 80 years. For the first time, skiers began to practice walking with poles in the 30s of the last century for training in the warm season. They immediately noticed that this type of training has many advantages compared to regular walking or running. By the way, Nordic walking was in demand not only among European athletes: according to evidence, Soviet skiers also actively practiced walking with poles.

Nordic walking became widespread in Europe in the 1980s. Walking with poles was especially popular in the Scandinavian countries, particularly in Finland. Hence the name of this type of fitness – Nordic walking (Northern, or Scandinavian, walking). Today, walking with poles has more than 20 million fans in different countries, in particular in Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Great Britain, the USA and even Japan. According to statistics, in European countries every fifth resident practices walking with poles. Research into this type of fitness is carried out by the most prestigious medical institutes world, which discover new ones every year beneficial features for human health. It is not for nothing that Nordic walking is included in the rehabilitation programs of the largest medical and wellness centers in Europe, and is also used by many athletes, including Russian biathletes, for training in summer time of the year.

For Russia, Nordic walking is a relatively new, but dynamically developing type of fitness. In the early 2000s, walking with poles was introduced in the most modern rehabilitation clinics, health resorts and fitness centers. In 2010, under my leadership, the first professional Nordic Walking School in our country was opened. Instructors are trained there and also conduct walking classes with poles for everyone. Our team is doing a lot to popularize Nordic walking, and, to be honest, thanks to joint efforts over the past three years, a real breakthrough in the spread of this type of fitness has occurred in Russia. All more people refers to walking with poles. Just look at the numbers of our school: in six years we have taught Nordic walking to over 40 thousand people. Men and young people under 35 began to come more often. I hope that Russia will soon catch up and surpass the rest of the world.

The evolution of Nordic walking in Russia

I can safely consider myself one of the pioneers of Nordic walking in Russia. Unfortunately, Russians are wary and even negative about all new products. In 2008, they looked at me like I was a weirdo. Some people laughed openly, others tactfully held back their smiles, and everyone unanimously asked: “Where did you lose your skis?” My training especially surprised people in winter when they saw poles without skis. Even those who tried to walk with sticks and felt the results were at first embarrassed, embarrassed and united in groups in which it was easier to resist the ridicule of others. True, there were also brave innovators. They delved into the essence of the technique with pleasure and interest and boldly practiced walking with poles anywhere - some even went to work this way. There were also those who wrote me angry letters or left emotional negative reviews about Nordic walking, calling it just another “Western nonsense.”

All this reminds me of the story about American President Jimmy Carter, who was one of the first to practice jogging. They laughed at him and were perplexed. But who is surprised now when they see a runner on the street?! Fortunately, over the past five years the situation in Russia has changed radically. Today I only have time to give comments and write articles for the media about the benefits of walking with poles. Our instructors are invited to all major health and city holidays, charity events, master classes, and now there is a huge demand for professional training. But the most important thing is that more and more people are turning to walking with poles. Some people still prefer to exercise in groups, but no one doubts the benefits and effectiveness of Nordic walking.

Walking and famous historical figures

The world-famous Austrian Empress Elisabeth, or Sissi, wife of Franz Joseph (reigned 1848–1916), was one of the most notable and tragic personalities in the history of Austria. Unfortunately, by her own admission, she felt like a prisoner in Vienna. From the very beginning family life with her beloved husband, her despotic mother-in-law, Sophia of Bavaria, interfered in her personal life. She controlled her daughter-in-law’s every move, limited her communication with her husband, and then took the children away altogether. Literally a year after the wedding, Sissy found herself on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Being alone and having no support at the Viennese court, she escaped by horseback riding and walking. Contemporaries noted that Sissi walked several kilometers every day and periodically went on multi-hour hikes in the mountains. Walking became a medicine for the empress in the fight against stress and helped maintain a slender and graceful figure. In fact, Sissy was the pioneer of regular cardio training as a means of maintaining a beautiful figure.

Another famous lover of hiking was A.S. Pushkin. Thanks to regular training, horseback riding and hiking, the poet had an excellent athletic physique. On his walks, he always took a cane with a heavy tip. By shifting the cane from hand to hand and performing various movements with it, which were akin to exercises with dumbbells and barbells, Pushkin strengthened his arm muscles

Walk or run? Benefits of Nordic walking

As you already understand, this book is not about running at all. But I decided to touch on the topic of running not by chance. Every time I tell new clients or journalists about the benefits of walking with poles, I always hear a question about running. Beginners do not believe that Nordic walking is as effective as running, but unlike the latter, it has no contraindications and is much safer.

In this chapter, I’m not going to criticize running or praise walking, I’m just trying to convey one important idea: you need to run wisely. Like any dynamic sport, running allows you to quickly achieve your goals, but it also has many contraindications. My nightmare is to see in the gym how the instructors send their obese clients to treadmill so that those in as soon as possible got rid of extra pounds. I feel sorry for the poor people who probably don’t know what irreparable harm running can cause to their health. And who even said that running makes you lose weight?

Before I became interested in Nordic walking, for a long time I ran 5 km every other day on a treadmill. But three years later, the Achilles tendon began to hurt badly, and the extra 2-3 kg somehow did not go away. After a month of walking with poles, my leg stopped hurting, and the volume in my hips decreased. What was the reason?

Since ancient times, the most natural human movement was walking. Its main function is to safely move the body while maximizing energy conservation. If we compare the biomechanics of walking and running, we will see many differences. During running, the foot leaves the ground (called the flight phase) and hits the ground. During walking, the “double support” phase is maintained and the foot safely rolls from heel to toe. Thus, while running, joints, especially the knee, and spine are at risk. The greater your weight or height, the more serious these risks. For tall and obese people, running is not only undesirable, but contraindicated. In this case, there is a colossal load on the joints of the legs, and they begin to wear out rapidly. And it's not about illness. Even a healthy but overweight person can easily “kill” his joints and provoke spinal diseases by starting to run. Maybe you will get rid of extra pounds, but then you will spend your whole life treating your joints and you will have to give up running forever.

People with spinal diseases, including herniated discs, should not run. The shock wave generated during running shortens the distance between the vertebrae and causes them to touch and hit each other. As a result, back and neck pain and tension in the lower back may appear. Running is not recommended for the elderly and people suffering from illnesses of cardio-vascular system. In addition, do not forget about the high risk of injury from running. The most common injuries received during dynamic sports: dislocations, sprains, fractures, ligament tears, knee injuries. And there are not many people who find this sport comfortable. Most people associate it with incredible effort and pain. “Then who is running for?” – you rightly ask. My opinion is that running is possible and beneficial for professional athletes, experienced and trained people who have been involved in fitness for a long time and regularly, do not have significant health problems or excess weight, can easily withstand high loads and are devoted fans of running. If you decide to choose running, then know that in running, as in walking, correct technique is important. In this regard, I recommend starting your first training under the guidance of an experienced instructor. This will help you get the most out of your workouts and avoid unnecessary injuries. I invite everyone else to Nordic walking training!

As you already understand, there are many reasons that force people to switch from running to walking, which has obvious high health benefits and a low risk of injury (Table 1.1). When walking with poles, the foot rolls smoothly along the surface of the ground, and this does not cause any problems with the spine. On the contrary, this type of fitness is indicated for people suffering from spinal curvatures and intervertebral hernias. Due to the work of the hands and support on sticks, the load on the body is distributed evenly, thereby eliminating possible problems with joints.

Walking as a natural human movement does not cause psychological discomfort. It requires a minimum of effort, so it is ideal for beginners who have decided to take care of their health and want to start moving fully. Walking with poles is only possible in nature. And fresh air is known to significantly enhance the effect of training. In addition, psychologists talk about the need for spatial movement and the beneficial effect of changing the picture on the psyche of city residents. During Nordic walking classes, you can independently choose a convenient route for yourself and calmly practice individually or in a group of like-minded people. By the way, it is much easier to get rid of extra pounds while walking with poles than while running. Read more about this in the section “Nordic walking for beauty. Younger, prettier, slimmer” of the current chapter. In a word, minimum effort, maximum effect. Sounds like a pipe dream? But this is the absolute truth. And I will prove this to you in the following chapters.

Anastasia Poletaeva

Nordic walking. Secrets of a famous trainer

© Peter Publishing House LLC, 2015

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

©The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

Anastasia Poletaeva is the founder and director of Russia’s first professional Nordic Walking School, the center for conscious movement and developmental tourism Poletaeva & Co, as well as the Moscow Pilates School “Body Line”. In addition, she is a certified coach of the London center The International Coaching Alliance Limited, a professional trainer in healthy (Scandinavian) walking, a body-oriented psychologist, a member of the Association of Dance and Movement Therapy and a graduate of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis with a specialization in “Creative Dance and Developmental Movement” .

Nastya is interested in philosophy, psychosomatics, and movement practices. She has been practicing Nordic walking and Pilates for more than ten years.

At the Nordic Walking School, the author conducts individual and group classes, including professional training programs for instructors and retraining for fitness trainers. Nastya is a recognized specialist in the field of health-improving movement and the author of more than ten unique movement programs designed for different categories of clients, including those who have suffered a stroke and major operations.

Anastasia Poletaeva is the author of the book “Nordic walking. Health at an Easy Step,” participant in numerous conferences on medicine, health and rehabilitation, as well as an invited expert in many publications dedicated to beauty and health. He writes columns in several magazines and has his own blog


Movement is the storehouse of life.

I am often asked what role Nordic walking plays in my life. I have been walking with poles for almost ten years. Five years ago, I opened the first professional Nordic Walking School in Russia, where we not only conduct individual and group classes for everyone, but also conduct on-site programs and professional training for Nordic walking instructors. During its work, our School has achieved great success and has largely contributed to the popularization and development of Nordic walking in Russia - the most democratic and accessible form of fitness.

Hand on heart, I can say that for me walking with poles is not just a hobby that has become a profession (as it is fashionable to say now). For me, movement and fitness are an integral part of life. Nordic walking is an important element of my philosophy of a happy, successful and quality life.

Movement is as important a thing for a person as water, air or food. Walking almost every day, I, like a gourmet, enjoy the motor process. Nordic walking gives me a sense of integrity and allows me to be in harmony with my body. I feel the joy of movement and am happy that I can control my health, manage my emotions and prolong my own youth and longevity in such a simple and accessible way.

This book will be a continuation of my first work “Nordic walking. Health is an easy step." Now we will also touch on many theoretical and practical issues, including features of walking technique and various types of training. Here you will find many useful exercises with descriptions, recommendations on the correct selection of shoes and equipment, as well as various tips. I will tell you secrets and tell you stories from my professional activities.

However, the main purpose of this book is somewhat broader. First, help the reader find motivation to move (the push that will make him “get off the couch”). Secondly, convince of the importance of understanding your own body and its needs.

After all, we are all born with a very strong connection between body and soul, which, unfortunately, is destroyed due to a passive lifestyle and the use of many of the “benefits” of modern civilization. Most of our diseases do not arise by chance, but, as a rule, are the result of a violation of this natural connection. No amount of diplomas or money can help you become happy if your body lives its own life. Nordic walking is the simplest, most accessible and effective method achieve personal harmony and learn to fully enjoy life, enjoying every day and being proud of your willpower and beauty healthy body. After reading a book, don’t put it on the shelf, but take your sticks, go to the nearest park and start moving. Believe me, the result will not keep you waiting.

I will be glad to hear your stories. Send them to or share them on our Facebook page “Nordic Walking School”.

Your Anastasia Poletaeva


Dear friends!

Thank you very much for your many responses to my first book “Nordic Walking. Health is an easy step." I really appreciate your opinion and am glad that the book turned out to be really interesting, informative and useful.

It is thanks to your support and highly appreciated of my first work, we decided to write a sequel. In writing this book, Nordic Walking School instructors Irina Vdovina, Elena Aksinevich, Stanislav Rulev, and Daniil Gushchin helped me and shared their experience. Thanks to our wonderful photographers Anton Ermakov and Irina Ruleva, whose photographs became illustrations and decoration of the book.

I thank all clients and friends who believe in me and my business.

Anastasia Poletaeva

Nordic walking. Health is an easy step

© Peter Publishing House LLC, 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

This book is not a textbook on medicine. All recommendations must be agreed with your doctor.

* * *

Anastasia Poletaeva is the founder and director of Russia’s first professional Nordic Walking School, professional Nordic walking coach (diploma from the German Institute of Nordic Walking), certified coach of the London center The International Coaching Alliance Limited, body-oriented psychologist, member of the Russian Dance and Movement Association therapy and a graduate of the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis with a specialization in Creative Dance and Developmental Movement. Student of Dr. Ajahn Phra Chatri Hemapandha and graduate of the Ragini Ayurveda and Yoga Center (India).

Conducts individual and group classes, including professional retraining courses at the Nordic Walking School. Anastasia is a regular expert on the health movement at specialized conferences and congresses in Russia and abroad, and also writes her own columns in several publications and the blog

In addition, Anastasia is engaged in professional life coaching, group and personal support in situations of change and to achieve personal goals, works with internal resources, body and mind.


The one who walks will overcome the road.

Rig Veda

For more than ten years now, I can’t imagine my life without Nordic walking – walking with poles. This is my hobby, my passion, my business, my life!

In this book, I share my knowledge, achievements, experience and talk about such an amazing and simple way to achieve a healthy and beautiful body. It is intended for both beginners who are just discovering walking with poles, and for experienced fitness and Nordic walking fans looking to improve their results.


Many thanks to my family, who have always been my support and support and inspired me to do great things. Like any person, at different times I experienced ups and downs, and one day, in spite of everything, I radically changed the course of my life - and my loved ones were there. Family is an important part of my life, I value my family very much and love it.

Creating a book is painstaking work that requires great concentration and patience. I am grateful for the assistance in the appearance of this book to the wonderful PR agency TESSA and personally to Ekaterina Rusakova, who supported me from the very beginning and provided comprehensive assistance.

Special thanks to all my clients and friends who believed in me and the business I do! I appreciate your consideration. Without you, this book would not have been possible.

Introduction, or My path to Nordic walking

Needs support

Victor Hugo

From an early age, I have been convinced that a person’s health and appearance, or more precisely, his self-image, can have a tremendous impact on his life. Not only our thoughts (which, I note, are mostly material) and character, but also our communication with other people depend on how we perceive ourselves in this world and how tightly we are connected with our bodily shell. It is possible to know yourself fully, find harmony and feel the fullness of life only by turning to your body through movement. It would seem so simple, but also so difficult for a modern person.

My path to Nordic walking was winding. For many years I searched and tried various types of fitness and movement practices, from gym classes to yoga and Pilates. Through physical activity, I sought to strengthen my health (including emotional health), prolong my youth, as well as get to know myself, discover new possibilities in myself.

For a long time, my work meant frequent business trips to Scandinavian countries and Germany. I have always been impressed by the care and respect that the governments of these countries show their citizens. Everything there is done for people, for their personal safety and comfort. Needless to say, even people with disabilities and the elderly look joyful and satisfied with life. Like any person with a Soviet past, many things surprised me, and some things even made me smile. I remember my first impression of meeting a mixed-age group of 10–12 people who had sticks in their hands. It was near Helsinki, in the small wonderful town of Hamelin. My Finnish colleague and I were walking in the nearby forest park. An ordinary forest park, but with ideal dirt paths, cozy gazebos, comfortable tables and benches. Everywhere there is purity, harmony, tranquility. As we walked up to the historical tower, we saw a group of people with poles in their hands that looked like ski poles. It was a large family group: children 6–7 years old, parents, grandparents. Everyone walked cheerfully, carefree and friendly. Some chatted and laughed, others stepped aside for a moment to take photos. I had never heard of walking with poles before, and this whole picture made me laugh outright. Well, why do people, especially young ones, carry ski poles in the summer? My ignorance was quickly cleared by a Finnish colleague, who described in all colors and details the advantages of Nordic walking - Nordic walking, or walking with poles. It turned out that in Scandinavian countries most of the population are devoted fans of this type of fitness. Moreover, walking with poles for them is not only an excellent alternative to a stuffy gym, but also an exciting and useful leisure activity for the whole family and even a special type of romantic date.

The next morning, I was already vigorously walking, accompanied by an instructor, along the same route with rented poles. I had no idea that this simple type of fitness has its own rules: special technique, special poles that are selected individually depending on height and ground, a system of proper breathing while walking and a set of exercises with poles. Unfortunately, love did not happen at first time. I was able to appreciate all the benefits of Nordic walking only in the second lesson, and I fell in love completely and irrevocably in the fifth. I noticed that I could easily walk distances of 10–12 km, and after training I did not feel tired, pain, or tension, but on the contrary, I felt incredible lightness and calm. A simple and understandable movement for the body gave me the joy of active recreation, relieved the burden of problems and gave me a powerful charge of energy.

Returning to Moscow, I continued my training in the park on Vorobyovy Gory. Then I was a real pioneer in the city. They looked at me the way they looked at punks on Old Arbat in the 1980s: with bewilderment and a grin. But nothing stopped me: I saw excellent results from the classes and made the training more difficult each time. Very quickly I developed a professional interest in a new hobby. Having several higher and professional educations, including a certified coach from the London Academy of The International Coaching Alliance Limited and a body-oriented psychologist, I decided to open my own project - to create the first Nordic walking professional school in Russia. For more than a year I studied specialized literature on rehabilitation, anatomy, the latest achievements in the field of fitness, and attended master classes by leading Nordic walking experts in Germany, Finland, and Lithuania. In addition, I graduated with honors from the prestigious German Institute of Nordic walking. As a result, in February 2010, under my leadership, the first Nordic Walking School in Russia was opened in Moscow.

The first visitors to the school were my friends, acquaintances, and neighbors. It was a wonderful time, full of fresh ideas, enthusiasm and incredible energy. I dreamed of changing people’s ideas about fitness, opening a simple and clear path to beauty and health, where there is no pain and struggle with oneself. And, I want to admit, I succeeded. Few can boast such a variety of clients. Children and teenagers, young and old people, people with disabilities come to us - Nordic walking knows no barriers and is accessible to everyone. We started with two programs: a general health program and a weight loss program, and today we have more than 10 different areas. In addition, we often organize on-site programs in Lithuania and Bulgaria. Separately, there is professional training for instructors. Over six years of work, we have opened 50 clubs in Moscow, more than 40 in the regions of Russia and the CIS countries, trained over 800 instructors in pole walking for leading rehabilitation and wellness centers in Russia and the CIS, sanatorium-resort complexes, and specialized medical institutions.