Creating an empire of Napoleon Bonaparte. Education and collapse of the Napoleonic Empire


Consulate and education of the Napoleonic Empire. The defeat of the Napoleon Empire. Vienna Congress.

purpose : To trace the process of becoming the Napoleon Empire and consider the reasons for its collapse.

Tasks : characterize the post-war improvement of the empire; To find out who participated in the Vienna Congress, which goal was pursued by the participants of the Congress, what is his result; promote the development of a Wood, skills to work with the card, compose material, draw conclusions; Rail interest in the history of other peoples.

New concepts and terms: Consulate

Equipment : Tutorial, notebook, multimedia presentation, projector, Europa map in 1799-1815, chalk, board.

Type of lesson: combined.

During the classes.

1. Org. moment

2. Checking homework.

3. A problem of the problematic question: why exactly Napoleon Bonaparte becomes the first political figure in France?

4. Studying a new material.


1. Education of the Napoleonic Empire.

2. Life in the time of the Empire.

3. Causes of the weakening of the empire.

4. Vienna Congress.

1) Teacher's story about the creation of the Napoleonic Empire.

The period from 1799 to 1804, when the government focused in the hands of the consuls, stories called the consulate. In this period of time, the Government of France in every way encouraged the development of business activities. Large bourgeoisie was provided with profitable state orders. Napoleon Bonaparte conducted a financial system reform, including the creation of a French bank and strengthening a new monetary unit - francs. ...

In 1802 - Napoleon became a lifelong consul.

Recording to the notebook: 1804 - the Senate proclaimed Napoleon's "Emperor French".

Independent work with textbook text. Read the textbook text on page 96-98 and indicate the reasons for creating the Napoleon's Empire Bonaparte.

(success in domestic and foreign policy; the edition of dozens of laws put into account the state system; Military victories of France, etc.)

Teacher's story. After 1807, Napoleon's empire reached its power. The emperor was a tireless worker - worked frantically. He could wake up at night and write an order. I slept for more than four hours. Everything was under his control. However, the empire had already ben to the sunset.

Work in parach . Read the item on page 102 and try to allocate the reasons for the weakening of the Napoleonic Empire. Causes of weakening of the Napoleon Empire:

Normource years

Continental blockade caused a decline in industry and trade

Dissatisfaction with continuous wars and recruit

Complex relations with conquered countries

Emplications and Contribulations

Hatred to oppressor from conquered peoples

Let's write them to the notebook. !!!

Teacher's story. Over time, in Napoleon, the belief was a hundredfold in Napoleon that England can be "put on his knees", only by raving it by the continental blockade, in which all the countries conquered them should be involved. Among the states who secretly violated this blockade was Russia. Already in 1810, Napoleon came to the conclusion that the crushing blow in England could be applied only in Moscow. He has a ripe on him: to send a great army to Russia, take Moscow and conclude an agreement with Emperor Alexander I.

In 1812, the Great Army crossed the Neman River, invaded Russia and moved to Moscow. In the main battle, Borodino Napoleon could not break the army of Kutuzov.

Napoleon calculated that Alexander I would ask the world itself, but this did not happen. With the onset of cold weather, Napoleon's army left the burned city and was forced to move back.

Returning to Paris, Napoleon launched a boiler for the creation of a new army. But the situation sharply aggravated. The coalition, which included England, Austria, Sweden, Prussia, Spain and Portugal, led to Russia.

The emperor created a new army, putting yesterday's Yuntsov under a gun. In the decisive three-day battle near Leipzig - the "Battle of Peoples" - the army was broken.

On March 31, 1814, the coalition troops entered Paris. Riding on a white horse drifted Russian Emperor Alexander I.

Napoleon was forced to sign the renunciation, but left him the imperial title. Saying goodbye to the old guard and kissed the banner of the 1st Grenador Regiment, he left the palace. He was sent to an honorable link to the island of Elba off the coast of Italy.

(Slide number 12) King of France was proclaimed Louis XVIII. 20 thousand Napoleonic officers were dismissed from the army. Dissatisfaction with bourbon rapidly.

After the secondary renunciation, Napoleon was exiled to the island of Saint Helena in the Atlantic Ocean, where he died on May 5, 1821.

Work in groups. Read the textbook text page 106-108 "Vienna Congress" and tell about what land and which country has been departed from the results of the Vienna Congress of 1814.

Country areas have moved away?

1 gr. - Russia Duchy Warsaw

2 gr. - England Malta, Ceylon, Cape Earth.

3 gr. - Austria Venice and Lombardy

4 gr. - Prussia part of the Rhine Region and Westphalia

5 gr. - Sweden Norway.

5. Fastening the studied.

Why exactly Napoleon Bonaparte becomes the first political figure in France?

Name the reasons for the formation of the Napoleon's Bonapartex Empire.

Why did the powerful empire of Napoleon broke up?

6. Homework

Couple. 11-12, learn dates;

In 1802, Napoleon Bonaparte became a lifelong first consul. In May 1804, he was proclaimed by the "emperor of the French", and in December of the same year, a solemn act of coronation was held in the Cathedral of Paris. From 1808, France is no longer a republic, but an empire.
In 1804, the famous Civil Code was published, subsequently called Napoleonic, is a classic monument of legal thought. The Code has included the best provisions of the legal systems of different eras: proclaimed the equality of citizens before the law, the inviolability of the person and property, the freedom of conscience, etc. The bourgeois model of property relations, hereditary law was fixed, the position of his wife in relation to her husband and a hired employee - to His owner. The Code was introduced by Napoleon in all countries conquered.
While being the first consul. Napoleon began to build the grand building of his empire. In 1800, Austria was defeated as a result of the second Italian campaign. Belgium and land on the left bank of the Rhine moved to France. On December 2, 1805, Napoleon won the Austrian and Russian armies under Austerlitz. After Austerlitz Austria was forced to provide Napoleon complete freedom of action in Italy and Germany, recognize the capture of Venice. The Sacred Roman Empire ceased to exist. In 1806, the troops of the French invaded Prussia, the army of which was broken under Jena. Bonaparte joined Berlin. In 1807, Russian Emperor Alexander I concluded a Tilzite world with Napoleon. In 1808t. The French army joined Madrid: for the first decade of the XIX century. Napoleon Bonaparte created a chain of puppet states around France around the borders of France.
In addition to England, an impregnable on his island, and Spain, who answered the French invasion of the Frenchman, Napoleon did not have opponents in Europe. In the defeated Berlin, Napoleon signed a decree on the continental blockade, which prohibited all States dependent on France to trade with England. In conquered countries, the French authorities or pro-French governments conducted bourgeois reforms. For the peoples of Europe, the heavy burden lay down the "blood" - the duty to supply soldiers into the army of the emperor. In France itself, after two faulty years and trade disorders due to the continental blockade, the economy was strongly undermined.
Meanwhile, the obsessed idea of \u200b\u200bworld domination Napoleon decided to speak against Russia. The "Great Army" recruited almost from all over Europe, the number of more than 400 thousand people in June 1812 invaded the limits of the Empire Alexander I. The first major battle was the battle near Smolensky. Then two army met near the village of Borodino. After the brutal battle of Field Marshal, Mikhail Kutuzov decided to leave the battlefield behind the French. With the battered, the blasting army, Napoleon joined Moscow, in which no residents left, nor food left for this time. The winner did not triumphant victory - Russia refused to sign the world. The Great Communion for the first time retreated. After the battle under Maloyaroslavets, a demoralized, the hungry army of the French was forced to retreat on the old Smolensk road by Bonaparte. It was impossible to save the army, and Napoleon, throwing troops on his generals, returned to Paris.
Bonaparte again gathered the army. But the situation has changed dramatically: the daily European states decided to oppose their enslave. The Anti-Napoleon Coalition appeared in Russia: England, Prussia, Austria, Sweden, Spain and Portugal. On October 16-19, 1813, the famous Battle of Peoples under Leipzig took place. Napoleon suffered defeat. Military actions were transferred to the territory of France. On March 31, 1814, allied troops entered Paris. Napoleon signed an act of renunciation from the throne and was sent to an honorary reference to the island of Elba. The King of France was proclaimed Louis XVIII from the Bourbon Dynasty.
In the autumn of 1814, representatives of all European states gathered to the Vienna Congress to solve the issues of the post-war device of Europe. But even before his end, the news came that Napoleon left Elbe and March 1, 1815 landed in France. So began the famous hundred days - the period of short-term return of the Bonaparte to power. He was supported by those segments of the population who feared the revision of the results of the revolution in the socio-economic field. But in the battle at Waterloo on June 18, 1815, the French army was divided into English troops led by Wellington. Excessive France could not continue the war. Louis XVIII returned to the throne. Napoleon was exiled to the island of Saint Helena, where he died in 1821.
The interests of France at the Vienna Congress represented Charles Maurice Talleyran (1754-1838), which was in history as a subtle diplomat, master of intrigues and a politician who managed to remain in the first roles in politics, despite the change of regimes. He managed to overstand allies: as a result, France, England and Austria united against Russia and Prussia. In the interests of France, Talleyuran put forward the idea of \u200b\u200blegitimism (legality): all territorial acquisitions since the times of the French revolution were recognized as invalid, the political system of European countries should "remain as it was at the turn of 1792. France thus kept their" natural boundaries ".
According to the results of the Vienna Congress, Russia received a part of Poland - the Duchy of the Warsaw, previously created by Napoleon from the Polish lands belonging to Prussia. The rich and economically developed provinces - Rhine and Westphalia, as well as Western Polish land, were attached to Prussia. Austria has moved two Italian areas - Lombardy and Venice. Instead of two hundred and more small German principalities, the German Union was created from 39 states, the largest of which were Austria and Prussia. England retained the island of Malta and the former Dutch colonies - Ceylon and Cape Earth. To combat revolutionary motion and "in the name of religion", the emperors of Russia and Austria, as well as the King of Prussia, concluded the Holy Union.

at first he decided to just survive against the background of the revolution,
then, hitting already on some tops - I decided to remain on this to remain in a stable basis, for which revolutionary unrest were suppressed.

then the personal power regime was decided to legitimize the highest discharge - with Pope Roman, crowing imperial crown (Primaz to the past as the Roman Empire and the history of France itself).

the heir was even born, but did not come out, because it turned out to fight with all over Europe after some times in shortness.

in terms of Louis of the sixteenth Empire, Napoleon was immeasurably cooler - and in terms of the development of the economy (Louis 16th just finished the legacy of the 14th), since after the bourgeoisie received more rights and opportunities, and in terms of social peace - in the empire had a chance to Success and ordinary people and even newly invited aristocrats, plus Napoleon Code and other laws,

in terms of external influence and territorial scope, it is not at all compared, the empire was still steep.

in general, everything was cooler.

but also gave birth to their contradictions.

workers were not particularly.

calls to the army rowing many.

vassaly states were not quite happy, except for some.

the territories that were included in the France itself - the type of future Belgium, etc. - They did not feel themselves by the French at all, as they (like Vassalam) clamped the possibilities of economic growth in order to suppress their competition with the French.

the continental blockade was not at all sugar at all for anyone.

something like this...

For France, Napoleon's achievements seemed to be miracle and the country generously thanked. At first he became an consul for 10 years, and on August 1, 1802, a lifelong consul with the right to appoint his successor.
In February 1804, an Anglo-royalist conspiracy against Napoleon was revealed. Eliminate the first consul was the leader of Shuanov George Kadudall Pishegrew. The general was arrested in a chamber of conclusion, Kadudli executed. At the same time, Napoleon attempted to get rid of General Moro, his only opponent in a military field. The winner would you at Gaenlinden imagined the stagnant and exiled to America. Fully, Napoleon reproached to another suspect - ingenous to the head of the Duke of the Duke of the Duke of the Duke of the Duke of Duke, who was arrested on a neutral territory, sentenced to death by a military field court and shot. The execution of the royal siblings caused a deep outrage of all European monarchs. Napoleon learned from the royalist conspiracy and stirred power. He was proclaimed by the emperor of France and Dad Pei V || (7) arrived in Paris on his magnificent coronation, held on December 1-28, 1804.
The three-color flag has been preserved and even the word "republic" (last only until 1807). Voted Voice for the execution of Louis XV | occupied high posts. It turned out that Napoleon personified the "revolution, putting on the crown." On the other hand, this restoration was restored, not only the monarchy, but also the old regime. Napoleon offered to return to emigrants - aristocrats, and the old titles used the same respect as before, although the new imperial nobility appeared.
The directory surrounded France by satellite republics, and for any government would be easy to abandon the policy, which appeared simultaneously and the strengthening of the country and ensuring its security. On the other hand, it was required. To show miracles of diplomacy to force European states to recognize the hegemony of one country.

Questions and Answers to § 11. Consulate and education of the Napoleonic Empire

1. Specify the reasons for the creation of the Napoleon's Empire Bonaparte. Compare the monarchy restored by him with the monarchy of Louis XVI.

Causes of the creation of the Empire:

  • France required the reconciliation of supporters and opponents of the revolution;
  • Napoleon Bonaparte used it as one of the means of rehabilitation of his regime in the eyes of Catholics;
  • Napoleon Bonaparte used it as a means of increasing the authority in the international arena (for example, thanks to this title, there were peaceful negotiations between Emperors Napoleon I and Alexander I);
  • it is possible that it was the implementation of the Children's Dream of Napoleon, who was brought up in a monarchical country and always sought to greatly;
  • at the disposal of Bonaparta was the entire fullness of the executive and the dedication of the army, no one had a chance to chance.
Napoleon's Empire Bonaparte
  • The legislative body existed, but did not have real authority
Kingdom of Louis XVI
  • Power was inherited
  • The power of the monarch was absolute
  • The legislative authority was absent
2. Tell us about the internal policy of the Consulate and Empire of Napoleon I.

Bonaparte stimulated the development of large business, taking a whole range of measures for this, including franc strengthening. At the same time, he deployed large-scale state construction, which since ancient times was used to give work to the poor. The creation of new jobs stimulated and the development of a large bourgeoisie business, which, I repeat, supported the government.

Bonaparte also decided to reconcile with moderate opponents of the revolution. He announced amnesty emigrants, and also tried to establish relations with the Catholic Church. The latter included a whole range of measures. The first consul went to negotiations with Pope Roman.

Later, the Pope headed the emperor coronation ceremony. After the series of military victories of France, the Roman high priest was controlled by Paris, while he was fully glorified and supported in endeavors who did not disperse with the political course of the Empire.

The separation of the church from the state in France was canceled, the positions of Catholic hierarchs formally restored, but, for example, the Bishops Napoleon was prescribed personally. Taking advantage of his right to publish laws on their own, Napoleon introduced in France and on the territories under its territories a number of codes with new norms of social relations.

His Code contained many conquests of the revolution in the field of civil law and personal freedoms, precisely such freedoms were striving for the revolutionary movements of many countries after the end of the Napoleonic Wars.

3. What measures included continental blockade? What goals did Napoleon put, resorting to this policy? Make your forecast for the development of international relations due to its application.

Napoleon hoped to deprive the UK money for the continuation of the war. To do this, he forbade any trade relations with these subordinate London to him with these subordinate countries. However, such measures were not beneficial, first of all, continental countries: they were too depended on the English goods, while the English industry could find new markets in their own and other colonies.

That is why Russia did not actually observe the blockade. From this we can conclude that the continuation of the blockade would only lead to the ruin of the countries supported by the blockade. It understood it and Napoleon, because of the memories of some contemporaries built plans for the conquest of British colonies, primarily India.

4. Start drawing up the Consulate Foreign Policy and Empire Table. Counts of table: years, major events in foreign policy, results, meaning.

Foreign policy of the consulate and empire

1800 2nd Italian campaign, victory in the battle at MarrenggoAustria came out of the war and recognized the new border of France on the Rhine River, Piedmont and Genoa became the possessions of FranceAnti-Manzu coalition broke up, France has expanded its possessions in Italy
1801-1802 France has signed the world with all the participants of the Antifrangesz UnionFrance received a breatherThe time received was used to prepare for new wars
1803 Beginning of a new war with England
New anti-Manzu coalition begins to form
1805 The antifranzuz union is decorated.England, Austria, Russia, Naples and SwedenDelated invasion of the British Islands
Trafalgar battleNelson Skilled Franco-Spanish SquadronNapoleon refuses plan to landing on the British Islands
Battle with Austerlice.Napoleon's victoryCoalition broke up
Act of Napoleon on Continental Blocade EnglandStart of continental blockadeNapoleon's decision to subordinate all of Europe, for the full blockade of England
Battle for FriedlandNapoleon's victoryDisintegration of the 4th Antifranzus Coalition
Tilzit MirRussia joined the Continental BlocadeSection of spheres of influence in Europe between France and Russia
Invasion of Napoleon to Spain and PortugalUncle Napoleon put on the throne of SpainPartisan War of Spaniards

§ 11. Consulate and education of the Napoleonic Empire