Requirements for work programs year. Requirements for the work program according to the Federal State Standards: changes and new aspects

The work of a teacher in Russia is complex and difficult not only because of low salaries and problem students. After teaching lessons and filling out the teacher’s journal, it’s time for paperwork. It takes a lot of time and is mostly formal in nature. But for these formalities, teachers often receive reprimands from their superiors and inspectors. And then they listen to the reproach: “Why pay you more if you cannot correctly draw up a work plan.”

About the work plan

Any educational institution has its own work plan. And the work of each teacher involves drawing up a personal plan and activities according to it. The work programs include everything: lessons, educational work, communication with parents, trips to pick mushrooms and to the forest. Plans and programs are in primary school; those who are already graduating from their class also have them. The document pursues the following goals:

  • Improves and systematizes the teacher’s work.
  • Promotes better promotion educational process.
  • Harmoniously develops the entire school process.
  • Helps share experience with colleagues.
  • Introduces new techniques.

The preparation of the plan is strictly regulated from above. At the end of 2015 Russian ministry Education has established new requirements for programs for the academic year. It was planned to significantly simplify the structure of maintaining this document. Teachers copy the orientation program and introduce relevant topics. There is a fair opinion that this document does not so much improve the quality of teaching as it is an elementary formality. But it’s impossible to live without bureaucracy in a huge country!

What changed

The number of points was reduced from eight to three. What was decided to remain:

  • Accounting of allocated hours for each topic.
  • Expected results for the discipline.
  • Contents of the training course.

Regarding extracurricular work, the ministerial authorities left the following:

  • Planning the topics themselves.
  • Outcomes of the extracurricular training course.
  • Indication of forms for holding events.

The teacher has the right to use unique copyright programs. But they must match general rules and provisions. And the school administration is obliged to “give the go-ahead” to work using a unique method. The list of textbooks has also changed. Priority is given to those with teaching aids.

Work program structure

Any work program must fit into the general school documentation. The program includes:

  1. Title page. The name of the school, the name of the subject and the details of the author of the program are written on it. Valid dates are indicated.
  2. Explanatory note. She will talk about the program developer and the textbooks used. It specifies goals and objectives, prescribes methods of working with gifted children. Also prescribed possible deviations from the schedule.
  3. Calendar-thematic planning grid. It should have the names of the topics, the number of hours allocated, and the expected results. It is welcome to indicate the form of conducting lessons or educational hours.

Updated requirements show interest in conducting non-standard forms of classes. It is recommended to use a round table, discussion, conference. The program must take into account assessment criteria and teaching methods. It is important to know the tactics of children. This can be frontal, group or individual work. The types of aids are listed: visual, didactic materials, audio or video (note deleted by the owner) equipment. The entire document is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, the availability of textbook sets, rough plan the entire course. The teacher has the right to make amendments and reasonable changes.

Features of the program

The teacher's program is an author's document. Each person should have their own, special one. Although basic provisions and the items be identical. The teacher’s experience, his individual developments, and the level of preparation of a particular class are taken into account. Even the teacher’s thinking style plays a big role. All programs are approved by the school administration until August 31. And the concern of the school authorities is to control, check and punish the devil for non-compliance. Good example The programs can be viewed on video (note deleted by the owner):

To the epigraph:

“If you have done the work, record it in documents. If you haven’t done it, fix it and write it down three times!” This is the sage advice of a late school principal.

  1. Title page on which the name is indicated educational institution, Name academic subject and the class for which the program is being developed, the name and position of the author, the qualification category of the specialist, the period for which the program is approved.
  2. An explanatory note that lists information about the author of the document, the list of textbooks involved, and indicates the tasks and goals of the teaching staff for the current academic year. A special place in the note is occupied by work with gifted children, students with disabilities, and therefore the document should spell out methods of working with special children, justify adjustments to the timing of studying thematic sections (during school year The teacher will be able to further adjust the timing, focusing on the level of development of students in the process of studying the course).
  3. The calendar-thematic planning grid is arranged in the form of a table and consists of: the title of the section, the number of hours allocated for its study, and the topics of the sections. If one topic extends over several lessons, you should indicate the number of hours and expected results for the entire block. The teacher needs to prescribe the forms of classes on topics, for example, discussion, conversation, theoretical or practical lesson, non-standard lesson.

Read about the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • Local acts at school according to the Federal State Educational Standard: organization of documentary support
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education with amendments and additions 2017
  • Organization of extracurricular activities in primary schools in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO

Development of additional general educational program

Lyubov Builova, head Department of Pedagogy extracurricular activities State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Institute" open education", Ph.D., Associate Professor, Honorary Worker general education

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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New requirements for work programs in the 2016-2017 academic year Saprunova S.A. MBOU Secondary School №3

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A work program is a local document that determines the volume, order, content of studying an academic subject, requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the conditions of a specific educational institution.

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Regulatory and methodological basis for creating work programs (FSES) Regulatory documents Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ); Federal State Educational Standard LLC (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897); Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated December 31, 2015 No. 1577 “On amendments to the federal state educational standard of basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897” Federal List of Textbooks (2013, 2014, 2015); Sample Basic Educational Program of LLC; Regulations on the procedure for developing and approving work programs for educational subjects of the MBOU “...” (order No. ... dated ...). Curriculum of the public organization "___" for the 2016-2017 academic year (minutes of the teachers' council, order No. in the public organization)

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Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated December 31, 2015 No. 1577 “On amendments to the federal state educational standard of basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897”: “Clause 18.2.2 shall be stated in the following wording : "18.2.2. Work programs of academic subjects, courses, including extracurricular activities, must ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education. Work programs of educational subjects, courses, including extracurricular activities, are developed on the basis of the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education, taking into account the programs included in its structure.

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Work programs for academic subjects and courses must contain: 1) planned results of mastering an academic subject or course; 2) content of the academic subject, course; 3) thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated to mastering each topic.

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Work programs for extracurricular activities courses must contain: the results of mastering the extracurricular activities course; 2) the content of the course of extracurricular activities, indicating the forms of organization and types of activities; 3) thematic planning."

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The title page contains: 1. the full name of the educational institution in accordance with the Charter: 2. the name of the course, subject, discipline in accordance with the curriculum;: 3. an indication of classes (level of education); 4.indication of full name the compiler(s) of the program; 5. approval stamp; 6. year of preparation of the program.

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The work program of the subject “General History” for grades 5-9 (grade 5) was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 based on the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education of the MBOU Secondary School___________. The subject “General History” is studied at the level of basic general education as a compulsory subject in grades 5-9 for a total of ... hours (with 35 weeks of the school year), in grade 5 70 hours, in grade 6 - ... hours, in 7 class -... or The subject “General History” is studied in the 5th grade as a compulsory subject for a total of 70 hours (with 35 weeks of the school year).

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Planned results of mastering the course of general history at the level of basic general education: History Ancient world(5th grade) The graduate will learn: determine the place historical events in time, explain the meaning of basic chronological concepts, terms (millennium, century, BC, AD); use a historical map as a source of information about the settlement of human communities in the eras of primitiveness and the Ancient world, the location of ancient civilizations and states, places major events; search for information in fragments of historical texts and material monuments of the Ancient World; etc. The graduate will have the opportunity to learn: to characterize social order ancient states; compare evidence from various historical sources, identifying commonalities and differences in them; see manifestations of the influence of ancient art in environment; express judgments about the meaning and place of historical and cultural heritage ancient societies in world history.

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OPTION OF THEMATIC PLANNING Types of diagnostics Topic, section Number of hours Thematic planned results Main types of student activities Product, tools for assessing planned results Assessment Basic Meta-subject, subject Work with text, Listening, dialogue, monologue writing Group work Presentations, projects, tests, essays, K. work Types of diagnostics Contents Methods Introductory Level of general erudition of schoolchildren in the subject. Testing, conversation, questioning, observation. Current Development educational material on a separate topic. Surveys, practical, laboratory works, testing. Correction Identification and elimination of knowledge gaps. Repeated tests, individual consultations. Final Consolidation of the studied material of the section, course, subject. Product presentation on different levels: test final work, interdisciplinary work, creative work, essay, essay, crossword, project.

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Sample No. Title of topic and lessons Number of hours Paragraph number Characteristics of main activities Assessment tools Introduction 1 part 1. Introduction 1 Page 6-8 Reveal the meaning of concepts: history, century, historical source. Participate in the discussion of why you need to know history Section 1. Life of primitive people 7 hours. Primitive gatherers and hunters 3 hours. 2. The earliest people 1 §1 Comment and formulate concepts: primitive people, tools, gathering. Orally describe the first tools. Compare primitive and modern man. Characterize the achievements of primitive man, his adaptation to nature. Using a drawing, depict your own idea of ​​primitive man and his way of life

About work programs of academic subjects

Department public policy in the field of general education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 08-1786 dated October 28, 2015.

Work programs of academic subjects and courses are a mandatory component of the content section of the main educational program educational organization(OOP OO).

Work programs of academic subjects, courses and courses of extracurricular activities are developed on the basis of the requirements for the results of mastering the PLO, taking into account the main areas of the programs included in the structure of the PLO, and must ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the PLO.

Work programs are compiled according to: compulsory subjects curriculum; elective, optional courses; subject circles, associations, sections additional education; extracurricular activities.

The main elements of the work program of an academic subject, course: “Capka” Planned subject results for mastering a specific academic subject, course; Contents of the academic subject, course, indicating the forms of organization training sessions, main types educational activities; Calendar and thematic planning.

The main elements of the extracurricular activities course program: “Hat” Personal and meta-subject results mastering a course of extracurricular activities; The content of the course of extracurricular activities, indicating the forms of organization of training sessions, the main types of educational activities; Calendar and thematic planning.

The title page of the work program must contain: the name of the educational organization; the name of the course for which the program is written; indication of the parallel, class in which the course is being studied; level of mastery (basic, specialized); last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher who compiled the work program; program approval stamp; year of the program.

Municipal budget educational institution" Mukhanovskaya middle comprehensive school" APPROVED by the Director of the MBOU "Mukhanovskaya Secondary School" _____________ O.V. Teterina, order No. dated "" August 2016 Work program in the Russian language, grade 3 ( a basic level of) Compiled by:_______________________________, higher education teacher qualification category 2016

AGREED at the meeting of the Teachers' Supervisory Board primary classes from "" August 2016 Protocol No. 1 Head of ShMO _________S.V.Pechenkina AGREED Deputy Director for Water Resources _____________N.S.Poputchikova "" August 2016

Planned subject results of mastering a specific academic subject, course (1-6 grades “the student will learn” and “the student will have the opportunity to learn”; 8-9 grades “the student must know, be able to”; Criteria for assessing the results obtained).

“Hat” This work program on technology for grade 3 meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard primary general education and developed on the basis of: The main educational program of primary general education MBOU "Mukhanovskaya Secondary School" Curriculum for the 2016-2017 academic year MBOU "Mukhanovskaya Secondary School", on the basis of which 1 hour per week is allocated The author's work program on technology for 1-4 classes of Konysheva N.M. . Smolensk, Publishing house "Association XXΙ century", 2011 UMK "Harmony"

Contents of the academic subject, course, indicating the forms of organization of training sessions, main types of educational activities Contents of the academic subject Russian language. Literacy training. Contents of the subject Russian language. Literacy training. No. Section title Number of hours Forms of organization of training sessions. Main types of educational activities. 1 Introduction 5 Lesson. Isolating sentences from the speech stream. The word as an object of study, material for analysis. Meaning of the word. Distinguishing between words and sentences.

Calendar and thematic planning No. of lessons Name of sections and topics Planned deadlines for completing the topic Actual deadlines for completing the topic Section I. Personality and society (6 hours) 1 2 3 4 5 6 What makes a person a person? Man, society, nature Society as a form of human life Development of society How to become an individual Workshop 01.09 08.09 15.09 22.09 29.09 06.10 08.09 08.09

Orders of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated December 31, 2015 established new requirements for work programs for the 2016-2017 academic year. They consist in simplifying the structure according to which the work program is drawn up according to the second generation standards.

Teachers most often copy sample program and add only thematic planning. The volume can reach several hundred pages. The document does not serve as an effective tool for the teacher himself, but is only a formality.

Changes were made to reduce the administrative burden.


If previously the program structure consisted of eight points, now only three remain:

  • planned results of mastering an academic subject or course;
  • content of an academic subject, course;
  • thematic planning indicating the number of hours for mastering each topic.

The following items remain in the work programs for extracurricular activities:

  • results of mastering a course of extracurricular activities;
  • the content of the course of extracurricular activities indicating the forms of organization and types of activities;
  • thematic planning.

In addition, the author's work programs developed for the 2016-2017 academic year can be used to implement the educational process. This is possible if the program meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the main provisions of the sample program. The decision to introduce the development into the school process is made by the school administration.

Changes will also be made to the list of textbooks. Those kits that have a teacher's manual will be left or added. guidelines on teaching methods and studying the subject.

Work program structure

As part of the implementation of the educational process and in connection with the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards standards, the work program for each subject must be included in the school documentation.

The work program consists of several educational and methodological documents. It includes:

  1. Title page

It states:

  • full name of the educational institution;
  • the name of the academic subject indicating the class for which the program was created;
  • author of the program, indicating the position and if there is a category;
  • the period for which it is approved.
  1. Explanatory note

It should contain:

  • information about the author of the program, the set of textbooks used;
  • goals and objectives of the teacher for this academic year. Since each class is different, they can be tailored to each class.
  • There are “special” children in every class. It is necessary to write methods for working with them in the program.
  • Changes in the timing of the study of thematic sections can be made to the work program. The reason and rationale for the adjustment must be stated. Further amendments can be made later throughout the school year. They will depend on the level of development of students while studying the material.
  1. Calendar-thematic planning grid.

Table must consist:

  • from the general title of the section, the number of hours allocated for its study;
  • The topics of the section are listed below. If a topic is studied in more than one lesson, the number of hours is also indicated.
  • It is imperative to indicate the planned results. Previously, it was necessary to write them down for each topic. In work programs for 2016-2017, you can indicate results for the entire block.
  • It is mandatory to indicate the form of classes for each topic. This could be a conversation, a practical or theoretical lesson, or a discussion.

The new standards require non-standard lessons. Here you can use lessons - research, travel, round table, conferences, fantasy.

  • The program must specify how the results of knowledge acquisition will be assessed: subject, meta-subject, personal. To check the first results you can use independent work, dictations, quizzes, tests.
  • teaching techniques. This can be verbal, playful, visual or practical.
  • student activities. This can be frontal work, individual or group.
  • teaching aid: visual aids, audio and video equipment, didactic materials.


The work program is created based on:

  • new generation standards of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • sample program training course, a set of textbooks. They must be included in the list recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  • When drawing up a work program, it is necessary to take into account the situation and syllabus educational institution.

The teacher can make amendments and changes to the sample program, or can develop an original one based on it.

Features of the work program

The teacher's work program is an author's document. Despite the fact that it should contain the same points, comply with the Federal State Educational Standard and the specifics of implementation, it will be different for different teachers. The differences will be influenced by the class for which the program was developed and its features.

The teacher’s experience, his approaches and methods in teaching, and his style of thinking also have a great influence.

The program is checked and approved by the school administration before the start of the school year, but no later than August 31.

In the future, the administration carries out systematic monitoring of the implementation of the provisions prescribed in the work program.