Reading lesson Gumilev Marquis de Carabas. Lesson summary on literary reading N.S.

Marquis de Carabas Gumilyov dedicated the poem “Marquis de Carabas” to his friend, the writer Sergei Auslander. It is also written in the romantic style characteristic of the poet. The poem begins with a description of a spring rural landscape. The hero of the poem, the Marquis de Carabas, joyfully observes the signs of the coming spring in his vast possessions. The spring forest is melodious and bright, The fields are black and joyful. Today I met a crane for the first time behind the old barn. In rural areas, Riga is a building for drying sheaves of grain harvested from the fields. The Marquis de Carabas speaks of “melting blocks” of snow and ice, of “pink lightning” in the sky. Next to him is his faithful companion, a talking cat who knows how to fish and “lures birds into a net.” He knows the tracks of the ferret and the hare, the loopholes through the reeds to the river, and the magpie eggs are so delicious, baked in the sand. The cat is brave and loves the Marquis de Carabas, admires him, expressing his readiness to serve and protect him. It is my pleasure to serve you. For you, I will boldly challenge the world. After all, you are the Marquis de Carabas, Descendant of the most ancient races, Among all the distinguished marquises. A smart and kind cat takes care of his master and in the evenings, when “the grove calls to the darkness,” he reprimands the owner that, despite all his wealth and nobility, he does not want to live at court. The cat reminds how great de Carabas's possessions are and how noble his title is: ...And the game in the forest, and the pines of the mountains, Rich in gold and copper, And the yellowing fields of the expanse, And the fish in the depths of the lakes Belong to you by inheritance. Why do you sleep in a hole, Always a whimsical child, Why don’t you live at court, Why don’t you eat and drink on silver Among the parrots and lapdogs?! And with these words the cat “sadly suppresses a sigh.” However, his master is in no hurry to exchange the free life on his estate - the marquisate - for court life. He prefers the leisurely passage of days in the lap of nature to palace intrigue and hypocrisy. The next morning I’m under the willow again (There’s such comfort in its roots) With an absentmindedly lazy hand I throw stones into the smoky pond. Watching the stones slide across the water of a pond shrouded in morning fog, the Marquis de Carabas indulges in poetic dreams. And everything that gives it to him high title, he finds here, observing the simple and sublime beauty of nature. ...And in every grass, in every branch I meet my marquisate. *** Reading this poem, you involuntarily recall Charles Perrault’s fairy tale “Puss in Boots”, the characters of which are also the smart and resourceful Puss in Boots and the Marquis de Carabas, who, with the help of his cat, married the princess and received a huge estate, forests, lakes and meadows In N. Gumilyov's poem, the Marquis de Carabas is a poet and philosopher who, contrary to the wishes of his faithful learned cat, is content with a calm and free life among the fields and forests of his marquisate.

Childhood and youth Born in Kronstadt. Father is a naval doctor. He spent his childhood in Tsarskoe Selo. Since childhood, Gumilev was a weak and sickly child: he was constantly tormented by headaches, he reacted poorly to noise. Despite this, he often participated in games with peers, where he constantly tried to lead. But he preferred solitude or the company of animals, a “red dog,” a parrot, and guinea pigs, to communicating with children. In 1896, he entered the gymnasium, the director of which was the poet of Russian symbolism Innokenty Annensky. He did not study well and graduated from high school at the age of 20 in 1906. A year earlier, the first book of his poems, “The Path of the Conquistadors,” was published, a naive book of early experiences, which, however, had already found its own energetic intonation and the image lyrical hero, a courageous, lonely conqueror. He wrote poetry from the age of 12, his first published appearance at the age of 16 was a poem in the newspaper “Tiflis Leaflet”.

In 1903 he met high school student A. Gorenko (the future Anna Akhmatova). In 1906, after graduating from high school, Gumilyov went to Paris, where he attended lectures at the Sorbonne and made acquaintances in the literary and artistic community. He is attempting to publish the Sirius magazine, in the three published issues of which he is published under his own name and under the pseudonym Anatoly Grant. Sends correspondence to the magazine “Libra”, newspapers “Rus” and “ Early morning" In Paris, in the author's publication, Gumilyov's second collection of poems, “Romantic Poems” (1908), dedicated to A. A. Gorenko, was published.

In 1908, Gumilyov published the collection “Romantic Flowers”. With the money received for the collection, as well as with the funds accumulated by his parents, he goes on a second journey. Arrived in Sinop, from there to Istanbul. After Turkey, Gumilyov visited Greece, then went to Egypt. In Cairo, the traveler suddenly ran out of money and was forced to go back. In November he was again in St. Petersburg. Nikolai Gumilyov is not only a poet, but also one of the largest researchers in Africa. He made several expeditions to East and North-East Africa and brought a rich collection to the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography in St. Petersburg.

In 1910, the book “Pearls” was published; on April 25 of the same year, in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Nikolskaya Slobodka, Gumilev married Anna Andreevna Gorenko (Akhmatova). In 1911, with the active participation of N. Gumilyov, the “Workshop of Poets” was founded, which, in addition to Gumilyov, included Anna Akhmatova, Osip Mandelstam, Vladimir Narbut, Sergei Gorodetsky, Kuzmina-Karavaeva, Zenkevich and others. In 1912, he announced the emergence of a new artistic movement of Acmeism. He entered the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University (studied Old French poetry). In the same year, the poetry collection “Alien Sky” was published, in which, in particular, the first, second and third cantos of the poem “The Discovery of America” were published. On October 1 of the same year, Anna and Nikolai Gumilyov had a son, Lev.

In the fall of 1908 he makes his first trip to the East to Egypt. He enters the Faculty of Law of the capital's university, and is soon transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology. In 1909, he took an active part in organizing a new edition of the Apollo magazine, in which later, until 1917, he published poems and translations and maintained a permanent column “Letters on Russian Poetry.” The first acmeistic work in the Workshop of Poets was considered to be Gumilyov’s poem “The Prodigal Son” (1911), which was included in his collection “Alien Sky” (1912). At this time, Gumilyov’s reputation as a “master”, “syndic” (leader) of the Workshop of Poets, and one of the most significant modern poets, was firmly established. Gumilyov's reviews, collected in a separate book, give a vivid idea of ​​the literary process of the 1910s. At the end of 1909, Gumilyov went to Abyssinia for several months, and upon returning, published new book"Pearls."

At the beginning of the First World War, N. Gumilyov volunteered for the Uhlan regiment and earned two St. George Crosses for his bravery. His “Notes of a Cavalryman” were published in the “Birzhevye Vedomosti” in 1915. At the end of 1915, the collection “Quiver” was published, and his dramatic works “Child of Allah” (in “Apollo”) and “Gondla” (in “Russian Thought”) were published in magazines. The patriotic impulse and intoxication with danger soon pass, and he writes in a private letter: “Art is dearer to me than both war and Africa.” Gumilyov joins the hussar regiment and seeks to be sent to the Russian Expeditionary Force on the Thessaloniki Front, but along the way he lingers in Paris and London until spring. This period includes a cycle of his love poems, which comprised the posthumously published book “To the Kenyan Star” (Berlin, 1923).

On August 5, 1918, a divorce from Anna Akhmatova took place. Relations between the poets went wrong a long time ago, but it was impossible to divorce with the right to remarry before the revolution. In 1919, he married Anna Nikolaevna Engelhardt, the daughter of the historian and literary critic N.A. Engelhardt, this marriage also turned out to be unsuccessful. In 1920, the Petrograd department of the All-Russian Writers' Union was established, and Gumilyov also joined it. Formally, Blok was elected head of the Union, but in fact the Union was ruled by a “more than pro-Bolshevik” group of poets led by Pavlovich. Under the pretext that a quorum was not reached in the election of the chairman, re-elections were called. The Pavlovich camp, believing that this was a mere formality, agreed, but Gumilyov was unexpectedly nominated for re-election, and he won.

Gorky took a close part in the affairs of the department. When Gorky’s plan “History of Culture in Pictures” arose, Gumilyov supported these endeavors. His “Poisoned Tunic” came in handy. In addition, Gumilyov gave sections of the play “Gondla”, “Hunting the Rhinoceros” and “The Beauty of Morni”. The fate of the latter is sad: its full text has not survived. Living in Soviet Russia, Nikolai Gumilyov did not hide his religious and political views he openly baptized himself in churches and declared his views. So, at one of the poetry evenings, when asked from the audience “what are your political beliefs?” replied "I staunch monarchist“In 1918, upon returning to Russia, Gumilyov worked intensively as a translator, preparing the epic of Gilgamesh and poems by French and English poets for the publishing house “World Literature”. He writes several plays, publishes books of poetry “The Bonfire” (1918), “The Porcelain Pavilion” (1918) and others. Published in 1921 last book Gumilyov, according to many researchers, is the best of all the “Pillar of Fire” he created.

On August 3, 1921, Nikolai was arrested on suspicion of participation in the conspiracy of the “Petrograd Combat Organization of V.N. Tagantsev.” For several days, Mikhail Lozinsky and Nikolai Otsup tried to help their friend, but despite this, the poet was soon shot. On August 24, a decree was issued on the execution of participants in the “Tagantsevsky conspiracy” (61 people in total), published on September 1, indicating that the sentence had already been carried out. The date, place of execution and burial are unknown.

GIRAFFE Today, I see, your look is especially sad And your arms are especially thin, hugging your knees. Listen: far, far away, on Lake Chad Exquisite, a giraffe wanders. He is given graceful slenderness and bliss, and his skin is decorated with a magical pattern, which only the moon dares to equal, crushing and swaying on the moisture of wide lakes. In the distance it is like the colored sails of a ship, And its flight is smooth, like the joyful flight of a bird. I know that the earth sees many wonderful things, When at sunset he hides in a marble grotto. I know funny tales of mysterious countries About a black maiden, about the passion of a young leader, But you have been breathing in the heavy fog for too long, You don’t want to believe in anything other than rain. And how I will tell you about the tropical garden, About the slender palm trees, about the smell of incredible herbs. You are crying? Listen... far away, on Lake Chad Exquisite, a giraffe wanders.

SIXTH SENSE The wine we love is beautiful, And the good bread that sits in the oven for us, And the woman with whom it is given, Having first been exhausted, we can enjoy. But what should we do with the pink dawn Above the cooling skies, Where there is silence and unearthly peace, What should we do with immortal poems? Neither eat, nor drink, nor kiss. The moment flies uncontrollably, And we wring our hands, but again We are condemned to go on and on and on. Like a boy, having forgotten his games, sometimes watches the girls' bathing And, knowing nothing about love, is still tormented by a mysterious desire; As once in the overgrown horsetails the slippery creature roared from the consciousness of powerlessness, sensing on its shoulders wings that had not yet appeared; So century after century - how soon, Lord? - Under the scalpel of nature and art Our spirit screams, our flesh languishes, Giving birth to an organ for the sixth sense.

Literary reading lesson in 4th grade

Educational complex "Planet of Knowledge"

N.S. Gumilev "Marquis de Carabas"

    Working with text before reading

Which section of the textbook are we currently traveling through? (Author's tales)

Today we will meet one great traveler.

On the board: portrait of N.S. Gumilyov

Do you have any questions or comments?

What does it remind you of? (Fairy tale "Puss in Boots")

Charles Perrault - French poet, critic, member of the French Academy, lived in the 17th century. Now known as the author of “Tales of Mother Goose” (Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Little Thumb, Sleeping Beauty and others)

On the board: Charles Perrault, 17th century, 1697

Are you familiar with the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”?

Let's check by solving the crossword puzzle.

On the desk:


    The animal that the Ogre turned into for the first time. (a lion)

    Part of the inheritance that went to the older brother. (mill)

    Part of the inheritance that went to the middle brother. (donkey)

    The animal that the Ogre transformed into for the second time. (mouse)

    What name did Puss in Boots come up with for his owner? (Marquis)

    Who was the first to get into the Cat's bag? (rabbit)

    Who told the king that the fields belonged to the Marquis of Carabas? (reapers)

    What birds did the Cat give to the king as a gift? (partridges)

Vertical: GREAT - a noble and rich person who occupies high position in society.

How did the Marquis de Carabas turn out to be a hero of Russian literature?

What will help answer this question? (biography of the poet)

Children read the biography of N.S. Gumileva:


Russian poet Silver Age, translator, literary critic, traveler, officer.

Born in 1886 into the noble family of the Kronstadt ship doctor Stepan Yakovlevich Gumilyov. Mother - Gumilyova (Lvova) Anna Ivanovna.

As a child, Nikolai Gumilyov was a weak and sickly child: he was constantly tormented by headaches and could not tolerate noise well. My first quatrain about beautiful Niagara future poet wrote at age 6.

In 1894 he entered the Tsarskoye Selo gymnasium. In 1900, due to his brother’s illness, the family left for the Caucasus. Here, in the “Tiflis Leaflet” of 1902, N. Gumilyov’s poem “I fled from the cities into the forest...” was first published.

In 1903, the Gumilevs returned to Tsarskoe Selo. In the spring of 1906, Gumilyov graduated from high school. (………..)

After graduating from high school, Gumilev went to study at the Sorbonne. (?) Since 1906, N. Gumilyov lived in Paris: he attended lectures on French literature at the Sorbonne, studied painting - and traveled a lot. Nikolai Gumilyov is not only a poet, but also one of the largest researchers in Africa. He made several expeditions to East and North-East Africa and brought a rich collection to the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) in St. Petersburg.

In 1910, the collection “Pearls” was published, which included the poem “Marquis de Carabas”.

The beginning of 1914 was difficult for the poet: difficulties arose with his wife (A.A. Akhmatova), and he became bored with the bohemian life he led after returning from Africa. After the outbreak of the First World War in early August 1914, Gumilev volunteered for the army.

In August 1921, Gumilyov was arrested on suspicion of participating in a conspiracy against Soviet power.

At what age did Nikolai graduate from high school? (20 years)

There were a lot of moves, I didn’t study well. They wanted to expel him, but the director said: “All this is true, but he writes poetry...”

What is the Sorbonne? (University of Paris)

How did the Marquis de Carabas end up in Russian literature?

(Perhaps Gumilyov read fairy tales as a child)

On the board: 1768

(Perhaps he studied French literature in Paris)

What interesting things did you learn about the poet?

2. Work while reading the text.

In what year was the poem “Marquis de Carabas” written? (1910)

On the board: 1910

How many years have passed since then? (more than 100 years)

Do you think the language has changed over the years?

Reading a poem

Where is the real and where is the fantastic?

How do you understand the words “When will the grove call to darkness”?

Which picture matches this description?

What is the cat purring about? (calls to live at court)

What about the Marquis? (In the morning I'm under the willow tree again

(There is such comfort in her roots)

With an absentmindedly lazy hand

I throw stones into a smoky pond.

How heavy they are, like marks,

How they glide on water!

... And in every grass, in every branch

I meet my marquisate.)

What qualities did the poet endow with the Marquis?

3. Work after reading the text.

What prompted N.S. Gumilyov to write this poem? (fairy tale by C. Perrault, hateful bohemian life)

N.S. Gumilyov wrote many poems, some of them were set to music and became songs.

Listening to a song based on poems by N.S. Gumilyov

"Game based on fairy tales" - !1". Bear; Fox; Hare. L.N. Tolstoy wrote a story……. L.N. Tolstoy. N.V.Gogol. "Ruslan and Ludmila"; "Eugene Onegin"; "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights." Fairy tale "Kolobok". “Gray Neck is……….. Great traveler. I.S. Turgenev. "The Mysterious Alphabet" Genghis Khan; Dragon; Nightingale the robber.

“Quiz on Russian folk tales” - Quiz “Russian folk tales”. Remove one square by clicking the mouse button. The answers are hidden behind colorful squares. Memo. What kind of wood was it built from? flying ship in the fairy tale of the same name? How many animals did Kolobok meet along the way? Very tasty water in the hoof hole. Who helped Khavroshechka complete difficult tasks on time?

“Legends and traditions of Komi” - The origin of animals and birds. Topics of legends and traditions of the Komi people. Legends about local heroes, “strongmen”. The most common explanation is the origin of arable farming and blacksmithing. Cosmogonic legends and traditions. A sorcerer is a person, usually an elderly man, who practices magic. Witchcraft epic - legends about sorcerers.

“Magic objects from fairy tales” - 2. Dear guys! 1. "The Fox and the Crane." "Porridge from an axe." Items. Literature. Barnaul, 2009 – 2010 academic year. "Mitten." 3. Question In which fairy tale does a naughty boy turn into an animal?

“Characters of fairy tales” - Nightingale the Robber. Garshin V.M. Soup. The book is a smart, good friend, The book knows everything around - What, why, where, how, And what Marshak wrote about. View some products. Tell the story. Book lovers, bookworms, you are a bit of a sorcerer. With full sails. There is the land of Australia, There is the land of Italy, And there is also a miracle in the world: Not Australia at all, Not Italy at all - There is the country of Chitalia!

“Good and evil in Russian fairy tales” - From whom does evil come? Fairy tales lull you to sleep, immersing you in an atmosphere of magic and wonder. "Good and evil in folk tales" Reading fairy tales from the world Main conclusions. Reading fairy tales from the world. The result of your work. Dictionary Russian language). What are we doing? When they do the right thing. Fairy tales exist all over the world. Vasilisa the Wise.

There are 12 presentations in total

Lesson summary on literary reading on this topic

“Marquis de Carabas” N.S. Gumilyov


1) provide conditions for improving reading techniques;

2) to develop children’s interest in literary reading lessons;

3) develop students’ speech, creative imagination, ability to work with literary text;

4) promote a respectful attitude towards others,

Meta-subject: the ability to argue your point of view, the ability to listen.

Student activity

    Organizational stage.

Hello guys!

Check if everything is prepared for the lesson.

They check and sit down

    Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation educational activities students.

What we will talk about today will be answered by a riddle.

I have a rhyme

Without embellishment,


    Updating knowledge.

Guys, let's do a vocabulary warm-up.

Explain the meaning of the phrases.

To challenge,

distinguish among all

Combine words that are similar in meaning:

Indifferent, lazy, indifferent, ungrateful

To challenge - resist, openly disobey.

distinguish among all - recognize, distinguish

Indifferent - indifferent

    Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Open page 106 of the textbook, now you will read the poem by N.S. Gumilyov.

Read the text, carefully marking words that are unclear in meaning. After reading, look at the sheet - a hint that I have prepared for you, there you will find an explanation of those words. If they are not there, raise your hand and let us explain.

Children independently familiarize themselves with the content of the text by marking unclear words and deciphering the meaning.

    Initial check of understanding.

What mood appears after reading?

What kind of person do you think the author was?

Here the teacher talks about the author, p.106

Cheerful, joyful

Cheerful, cheerful

    Primary consolidation.

Physical exercise. Warm up for the eyes

Let's return to the poem.

Let's read the quatrains aloud.

Guys, please discuss in pairs the question: Where in Gumilyov’s work is the real found, and where is the fantastic?

Physical exercise.

Once upon a time, long ago, there lived King Pea. And I did exercises every day.

He twisted his head - spun and danced in a squat.

He reached out to his ears with his shoulders and bent heavily,

He raised his hands to the sky and grabbed the sun.

Now let's see what techniques the author used in his work. To do this you need to be divided into groups. In each group we will have four people, each will receive a task.Choose one speaker

1, 3 groups are found in the comparison text,

2, 4 – personifications,

5, 6 - metaphors

Guys, pay your attention to the phrase:

When the grove calls out to the darkness,

The fog will drop drops...

How do you understand these words?

What do you think helped him in this?

Guard your tongue, multiply its fruits...

Children's answers

Children are divided into groups and complete the task.

Epithets:(a figurative definition of an object, expressed mainly by an adjective)

The forest was bright, and there was a yellowing expanse of fields, a whimsical child, a chiseled white paw, a smoky pond.

Comparisons(depiction of one phenomenon by comparing it with another)

the master's house - with a hole.

Personifications(transferring human traits to inanimate objects and phenomena)

The fields are joyful, the forest is melodious, the grove is calling, the fog is falling

Evening comes, turning into night


Love to native nature and self-education, reading

    Information about homework, instructions on its implementation

Guys, what seemed very familiar to you in this poem?

You will have two homework assignments:

    Expressive reading poem

    P. 109, question No. 5

Echoes the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault

    Reflection (summarizing the lesson) Let's return to our envelopes.

1. Write down a phrase related to our lesson, starting with the phrase:

I remembered…

2. Write down your question about the work.

Thank you. The lesson is over.