What school Ilya Demakov studied. Russia's best teacher Ilya Demakov: "The role of the textbook in the lesson of history is secondary

On October 5, 2017, the last stage of the Teacher's Teacher Competition was held in the Kremlin Palace. Vladimir Putin personally congratulated finalists and paid time for an informal meeting with the top five leaders. And after teachers, the awards ceremony and a festive concert were waiting.

The title "Teacher of the Year", after all the tests, got a teacher of history and social studies in St. Petersburg Gymnasium No. 116 - Ilya Demakov. It is worth noting that this title in 2017 Ilya received twice. He also took the main prize at the competition in his hometown - St. Petersburg.

Teacher of the year 2017: Winner of this year St. Petersburgcean Ilya Demakov

Ilya Demakov began his pedagogical career 9 years ago. Having received a master's degree in St. Petersburg State University, the young teacher settled in the gymnasium №116 to teach history and social studies. At the same time, Ilya did not give up his studies and continued research activities. He successfully graduated from graduate school and is preparing to defend the dissertation on the administrative activities of Mikhail Lomonosov.

Pedagogical achievements of Decama were estimated not only at the regional, but also at the federal level. So, in 2013, Ilya Sergeevich took the main prize of the All-Russian Competition "Pedagogical Debut".

In the native gymnasium Ilya finds time and for extracurricular activities. He took over the leadership of the theater studio in German, and also organized a circle of fans of the writer J. R. R. Tolkien. At the same time, the most important passion of Demakov considers walks around the city.

Ilya Demakov believes that simplicity and passion for the profession is the key to his success, informs the portal. He is very proud of his students, many of them were able to achieve high results in science. So, among them there are prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads and young researchers who take part in scientific competitions and conferences for schoolchildren.

"Teaching at school is an active dialogue. Any action (or inaction!) The student and the teacher certainly turns into new impressions, unique experience or change in mood. In school, everything lives and moves. Naivence and gullibility here are hand in hand with responsibility. But most importantly - in school you can always find what will be good. And any person would prefer to be where it can achieve high results, "answers Ilya Sergeevich to the question of why he decided to do pedagogy.

Teacher of the year 2017: Applicants for the title Teacher of the Year 2017

Competition "Teacher of the Year" was decided to establish in 1989. This happened after the "teacher newspaper" appeared in the main pedagogical edition of that time, a sentence of such a contest appeared.

In 2017, teachers from all regions of the country were among the participants of the competition, and even several teachers from rural schools. The general average age of all applicants was 36 years old, and the pedagogical experience of about 12 years.

For the title "Teacher of the Year", this time fought by 16 Russian teachers, 14 historians, 9 teachers of foreign languages \u200b\u200band mathematical sciences, 6 teachers of primary classes and geography, 5 physicists and 4 teachers of biology and informatics.

It is believed that among teachers in Russia there are much more women. But in the final of the competition "Teacher of the Year", there was only one representative of the beautiful sex - the teacher of the Russian language and literature Anastasia Mingacheva from the city of Ulyanovsk. Mathematics teachers were also included in the top five - Vladimir Ponomarenko from Samara and Diamond Hamidulline from Kazan, Biologist Ivan Smirnov from the capital, and the winner of this year is the teacher of the history of Ilya Demakov from the Northern Capital of St. Petersburg.

Two and a half million Russians celebrate their professional holiday. Today is the day of the teacher.

The solemn ceremony took place in the Kremlin. Announced the best teacher of the country. The absolute champion was Ilya Demakov - a teacher of history and social studies of the gymnasium.

Representatives of one of the most important professions congratulated the President. Teachers were able to ask questions to Vladimir Putin in an informal setting.

Today's ceremony in the Kremlin completed the Teacher's Competition, the last stage of which was held first in Sochi, and then in Moscow. A large jury, consisting of professionals, first determined 15 finalists, and then the top five winners. All teachers from the scene congratulated the head of state.

V. Putin: "You invest in students, at least the overwhelming majority of you, a part of your soul, strive to show them how important decency, justice, trust, respect for each other, love for the native country. I am convinced, without such basic, fundamental values \u200b\u200bit is impossible to become a thinking worthy of a free person. These concepts, the moral foundations do not learn in the textbook and do not download from the Internet, this moral basis is laid due to the daily work of the teacher, brings up through his personal example, communication "eyes to the eyes".

Slightly before, before the beginning of the solemn ceremony in the Kremlin, which is called eyes in the eyes, the informal communication of the laureates of the competition "Teacher of the Year" contest took place with the president. One of the participants of the meeting, the history teacher from St. Petersburg Ilya Demakov, addressed his question to Vladimir Putin. By the way, not as simple as it could seem at first glance.

"Several years ago, with similar circumstances, my school teacher asked you the question of whom from the leaders of domestic history would be called the key. I wanted to know and from his face and from His: Wouldn't your estimate changed during this time? " - asked Ilya Demakov.

V.Putin: "And what else did I say?"

I.Demakov: "You called Alexander III."

V.Putin: "Yes, Alexander III - an outstanding figure of our story, one of the builders of our state. We had a lot of outstanding figures. You know, so just show your finger very difficult. In general, the most importantly acting person is the people. There must be deepened - first of all in the study of the moral and ethical qualities of our people, there is all the power, there is the basis of the foundation. "

Joint photos with the president and a glass with champagne in front of the most important point of the evening - the statues of "Crystal Pelikanov" are awarded the winners of the All-Russian competition. The magnificent five is the best of the best from the whole country. And now the moment of truth is the announcement of the absolute winner.

Already tomorrow they will be trapped in their schools. Moreover, in those of them, whose teachers, until today, claimed the right to be called the best, which is called, to the last hurt for their own.

Ilya Demakov teaches history and social studies in gymnasium N 116 of St. Petersburg. He graduate from St. Petersburg State University, in addition, graduated from graduate school wounds. In the gymnasium, he also led the theater studio in German and a circle of lovers of Creativity Tolkien.

By the way, among the students of Ilya Deckov, there are already a winner of the All-Russian Schoolchildren Olympiad in social studies - Mikhail Mezentsev and Marina Morozhevich.

To the question: "Why does he like to work at school?" It is responsible for: "In school, everything is alive and moving. The immediacy and openness are with responsibility. But the main thing - there is always something that works well. And a person likes to be where he is successful."

The best teacher of the country is from the fourth generation of teachers. His great-grandfather was a teacher of mathematics in the Kostroma village, grandmother - chemist, mother taught visual art.

"In my opinion, children don't really want to believe in the Word, they want to know how everything is really arranged and from the inside. In history, in the same way. For all that surrounds us, you need to seek to see a person - complex, unique, But connected with others, and in every thing and thought - life, part of which they were. Therefore, in childish direct questions of brother: who, why, from where - for me the most important, "wrote Ilya Demakov in his essay.

This year, for the first time at the competition "Teacher of the Year 2017", teachers received awards in different nominations. The Ministers of Education and Health Olga Vasilyeva and Veronika Skvortsov presented awards to four teachers who are engaged in children in hospitals.

There is such a concept - hospital pedagogy. Children who are sick as no other need teachers. It is difficult to imagine what internal courage, patience, kindness must have to teach children when around pain and grief to work and not burn out morally. The work of these people extends the lives of our children, "Minister Olga Vasilyeva stressed and noted that" from now on this nomination will be annual. "

The prize "for an active civil position" received a teacher of mathematics from the Saratov region Natalia Ekushev.

Konstantin Dryanov's history teacher from the Omsk Region presented a reward "For the contribution to civil education." Physical education teacher and Obzh from Vladivostok Valery Dumler became the best in the nomination "For perseverance in achieving the goal."

The diploma of the laureate "For a careful attitude towards the Great Russian language" went to the teacher from the Novosibirsk region Svetlana Kolikkova. "For skill in the use of modern information and communication technologies" was noted a teacher of history, social studies, law, economics from the Mytishchi of the Moscow region Nina Danillina. All contestants also received monetary certificates.

Blitz interview

I was afraid on the exam

Is it true that bad students are remembered by the teacher better than good?

Ilya Demakov: When you come to a new class, yes, the guys who disturb the discipline are faster, their names are just more often pronounce.

Why do you put two?

Ilya Demakov: A two appears in the diary, if the homework is not performed. But I am sure that we should have to move away from the performance assessment and proceed to the efficiency parameters.

What themes are learned by schoolchildren more difficult?

Ilya Demakov: History of the twentieth century. First of all, due to the amount of information. Her students take twice: in the ninth and in the eleventh grades. And each age has its own nuances. Regardless of the parallel, plots related to the culture are difficult. Such topics are included in the program starting from the 5th grade. This is not only a student, but also for a teacher a certain challenge, since very extensive knowledge of related areas are required.

What would you change to the exam?

Ilya Demakov:Suggested until not touching a single exam. There are many myths around the exam, and they cause great surprise among practitioners. For example, many believe that children play "Ugoodike", choose the option from the proposed. But in the exam on the history of this there are no many years. Last year I myself passed the exam for the sake of the experiment. I enter the commission when checking, so I knew how to pass through the framework, what a seating. But despite all this, it was scary. But it's not about the procedure. Any exam is always stress.

On October 5, 2017, the last stage of the Teacher's Teacher Competition was held in the Kremlin Palace. Vladimir Putin personally congratulated finalists and paid time for an informal meeting with the top five leaders. And after teachers, the awards ceremony and a festive concert were waiting.

The title "Teacher of the Year", after all the tests, got a teacher of history and social studies in St. Petersburg Gymnasium No. 116 - Ilya Demakov. It is worth noting that this title in 2017 Ilya received twice. He also took the main prize at the competition in his hometown - St. Petersburg.

Ilya Demakov began his pedagogical career 9 years ago. Having received a master's degree in St. Petersburg State University, the young teacher settled in the gymnasium №116 to teach history and social studies. At the same time, Ilya did not give up his studies and continued research activities. He successfully graduated from graduate school and is preparing to defend the dissertation on the administrative activities of Mikhail Lomonosov.

Pedagogical achievements of Decama were estimated not only at the regional, but also at the federal level. So, in 2013, Ilya Sergeevich took the main prize of the All-Russian Competition "Pedagogical Debut".

In the native gymnasium Ilya finds time and for extracurricular activities. He took over the leadership of the theater studio in German, and also organized a circle of fans of the writer J. R. R. Tolkien. At the same time, the most important passion of Demakov considers walks around the city.

Ilya Demakov believes that simplicity and passion for the profession is the guarantee of his success. He is very proud of his students, many of them were able to achieve high results in science. So, among them there are prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads and young researchers who take part in scientific competitions and conferences for schoolchildren.

"Teaching at school is an active dialogue. Any action (or inaction!) The student and the teacher certainly turns into new impressions, unique experience or change in mood. In school, everything lives and moves. Naivence and gullibility here are hand in hand with responsibility. But most importantly - in school you can always find what will be good. And any person would prefer to be where it can achieve high results, "answers Ilya Sergeevich to the question of why he decided to do pedagogy.

Competition "Teacher of the Year" was decided to establish in 1989. This happened after the "teacher newspaper" appeared in the main pedagogical edition of that time, a sentence of such a contest appeared.

In 2017, teachers from all regions of the country were among the participants of the competition, and even several teachers from rural schools. The general average age of all applicants was 36 years old, and the pedagogical experience of about 12 years.

For the title "Teacher of the Year", this time fought by 16 Russian teachers, 14 historians, 9 teachers of foreign languages \u200b\u200band mathematical sciences, 6 teachers of primary classes and geography, 5 physicists and 4 teachers of biology and informatics.

It is believed that among teachers in Russia there are much more women. But in the final of the competition "Teacher of the Year", there was only one representative of the beautiful sex - the teacher of the Russian language and literature Anastasia Mingacheva from the city of Ulyanovsk. Mathematics teachers were also included in the top five - Vladimir Ponomarenko from Samara and Diamond Hamidulline from Kazan, Biologist Ivan Smirnov from the capital, and the winner of this year is the teacher of the history of Ilya Demakov from the Northern Capital of St. Petersburg.

Ilya Sergeyevich Demakov 30 years old. In 2009, he graduated from the St. Petersburg State University, and in the 2013th graduate school of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His pedagogical experience is 8 years old. Professional Credo Teacher: "Clarity and Passion - the Basis of Success."

In the piggy bank Ilya Dekakova - thanks to Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Honorary Most of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation to support the talented youth, gratitude to the Governor of St. Petersburg, the sign "For the humanization of the school", the gratitude of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and the gratitude of the Department of Youth Politics of Turku (Finland).

The teacher is an active participant in the competitive movement. Moreover, this concerns not only the "Teacher of the Year of Russia", which, dare to assume, is the culmination of his career at this stage. So, last year, Ilya Demakov led the team of St. Petersburg at the All-Russian Regional Teacher Teaching Championship (Cheruck) - his national team took second place. In 2013, he became the absolute winner of the All-Russian Competition "Pedagogical Debut". In addition, the teacher was the winner of the President of the President of the Russian Federation to support the Talented Youth and the Youth Prize of St. Petersburg.

However, the special pride of Ilya Dekakova is his disciples. He pays great attention to the olympiad movement and research activities of schoolchildren. Among the students of Ilya Sergeevich - the winners of the All-Russian Olympiads, dozens of winners of research and scientific conferences of schoolchildren.

Ilya Demakov is headed by volunteer detachments, theatrical studio of the gymnasium in German (the teacher also owns English and Spanish), and also a circle of lovers of creativity R. J. Tolkina. Among the hobbies of the Teacher of the Year of Russia - city travel and ... Karting!

The absolute winner of the All-Russian Competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" -2017 In addition to the award, the traditional reward is a big crystal pelican, as well as a certificate of honor - to become a public adviser to the Minister of Education and Science of Russia.

The "teacher's newspaper" thanks all readers and viewers for attention to the main professional competition of teachers of the country! We congratulate the absolute winner, winners, laureates and all the finalists of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of Russia" -2017! To future meetings on professional sites!

Photo Vadim Meleshko