The tops of Belarusian poets about the summer thunderstorm. Poems, verses in the Belarusian language by the poet Yakub Kolas

Math of the lesson:

  • Hide your love and love and your native city, land, history, Fatherland; benign annosins and hysterical rememberings, awakening; pavagi and famous people; pay a fee for your last minute.
  • The knowledge of the Vedas is learned in our native land.
  • Ensure that schoolchildren develop wisely and plan their activities.
  • Sadzeiničaća ć development ў vuchnya ў ў ў ў ў ў ў udzelnіchat і ў snosіnіch.
  • Ensure the development of schoolchildren's mental and dynamic language.
  • Sadzeinichatsya informed about the chestnuts of the studied topics.


multimedia projects, electronic presentations, book exhibitions, music productions

Lesson progress:

1. Concession of the mentor's words (against the background of music from a demonstrative video in Belarus)

I love my land, the old geta, I’m glad, I’m happy...

Belarus! Yana, like mother, without her you can’t live, you can’t live, you can’t breathe. And these words began to become popular among the people: simple and shchyra, open and trustworthy. Napaina, the skin of your soul may be hundreds of things similar to this one, and perhaps even something more, beyond the word. Kali birds fly from far away, I dig back, on the pile of the balotes, in the sultry green huts of the Belarusian forests, I know - they have a strong dull plowing path, meaning, and I will pay tribute to my native land.

We live on this enchanted rich land and behind the evil bugs we do not respect my characteristics, we jump and jump. And in reality we only feel for Radzima the farthest hell. Yak khochatstsa tada pachuts guchane dear movy, ubachyts dear to the sky, die dear to the pavetra.

Since childhood, the words of Y. Kolas have sunk into my soul: “Images of dear native land, turmoil and joy of May...” Chamustsi amal with every year yana comes for me new places, in a new way put on the old ground of our life, all the time of change. We rejoice at the singing of the birds, the harvest of the harvest, the high flight of the cranes, and the green forest. We bow to the earth, to the bread and to the talents. Menavita gave birth to such great people as F. Skaryna, A. Mitskevich, Y. Kupala, V. Byka... Yana loves their hearts and souls.

2. Vuchanik

O Belarus, my kalyska,

Well done, my quickie!

I guarantee any low

I bow down to you.

Zyamny paklon tabe, radzima,

We fire at you, we fire at you,

Your factories with white smoke,

To your Gascinians and paths.

P. Glebka.

3. Vuchanik

Miazhue from Poland, Ukraine,

Expand, Latvia, Lithuania

Your native land, your Aichyn,

Live and your honor.

I don't remember your name

Like the sky, the sun and the dawn.

Your land, your Radzima

Named light - Belarus.

(Yu. Svirka.)

4. Instructor.

Belarus... What a jumping, bright land we have. You have suffered at once, like P. Glebka and Yu. Svirka at their heights with any message to our Radzima. Do you love your country?

Students create words that are consistent with the words of Radzim. The skin group reads its gukarad.

Pryklad (Radzima- Belarus, people of the Belarusian land, language, native land, native land, dear old land, famous asvetniki, memorable meats, klyokat buslou, matchyna kalyhanka, architecture, Belarusian songs, saints, chanters, coat of arms, flag, anthem)

5. Vuchanik.

Belarus... Yak shmat means the words for us, ya dzyatsey. Geta and relatives, known from the local history, and jumpy, smart, tenacious people. Radzima. Dear old lady. The closest and best gifts to the dear father. From the very beginning, the memory removes all the most boring and memorable, hard and cramped, loose and fractional rights and tiny edges. Dze zanchvaetstsa dzyatsinstvo, there patchynaetstsa Radzima. What kind of weak, sinister senses these rads are filled with! Father's hut, the match's song, sunny zhavaranka, beslok, the most fragrant and jumpy meadow flowers, dewy wounds - all this May, any Radzima.

6. Vuchanik

President of the Republic of Belarus A.R. Lukashenka at his messenger to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly on the 21st beautiful year of 2011 means: “We, Belarusians, - An ancient and at the same time very young people, perhaps we ourselves do not know the limits of our capabilities. Awaken these hidden springs of energy and strength - the main task of the declared Year of Entrepreneurship.” When a person has his own business, house, land, this gives him the opportunity to feel like the master of his destiny and country. Today, representatives of any profession are required to be real masters of their business, active and enterprising people. A prosperous economy can only be built by energetic, creatively thinking and spiritually rich individuals who are not afraid to move forward, take risks and take responsibility. The urgent task is to cultivate a sustainable desire to work conscientiously, study, and fulfill assigned duties.”

7. Manager

- What kind of leather can you produce for your country, if it becomes increasingly flat and flat?

Adkazy vuchnyaў.

- And for the city?

Adkazy vuchnyaў.

— For your school?

8. Instructor.

Pasluhaytseadnugistoryyu. This field, this forest is full of raindroppers. Last week and three-weekend days. I tried. Pryseli. Raptamchuyuts - spyavaenekhta.

Listening to:

- Look, you're a zhauranak.

“No,” every other person, “this forest is making noise.”

And the traditions and soils and prayers:

“Dygeta is our land that is sleeping.”

Vos yakaya yana, our Belarusian land. There we have songs and dances that are so jumpy.

9. The song is convoyed by Starushak Dar’ya

Dar'ya is our Sakratar of the Pervichnaya Arganizatsy GA BRSM. I am a very active person. Directly related to republican actions and activities.


We, Belarusians, are proud of our famous products: Ephrasinny Polatskaya, Kirylam Turauskiy, Francis Skaryn. Our outstanding letters Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Maksim Bagdanovich, Eliza Pashkevich, Kanstanzya Builo maryl from independent Belarus with our famous language and culture and our creativity, ours are close to you this hour. They loved our land and contributed to it at the top.

Our fellow countrymen also practice this tradition. Today we have our dear little brother Paetka, a member of the council of veteran pedagogical workers, a member of the active social network - Nina Vasilyeva Dydyshka.

11. Performed by Dydyshka.
12. Vucanica


God! Abaran us, Belarusians, don't allow war Pamіzh to the country, pamіzh to the brother-peoples!

God! Work as much as people not sick.

Gospadzi! Let us, the zhars of White Russia, escape from all sorts of misfortunes and mountains!

God! Pause people are cruel, cruel, cruel! Cheers, O Most High Ones, may there be only joy, happiness, happiness!

Gospadzi! Don't let my scavengers know hunger and cold!

Dapamazhy, Gospadzi, pasbavitsa gultaism, drunkenness, drugs!

Teach us how to earn our living by making a fool of ourselves!

Give people wisdom, God of the Lithuanians, so that they do not make mistakes, so that they know how to recognize good and evil, all your reminders!

Learn, God, don’t leave the right path!


I bow low to you for the fact that I knew about the people of my pale and meadows, for the turbulent rivers, for the noisy people of the oak trees, for the futile ones, for the people of the loud ones. Shchyry dzyakuy for the fact that I filled my father with my father and my native language, taught respect and knowledge of their products, folk traditions and culture. I fly that over Belarus there are the highest, the brightest skies, here are the clearest, sweetest winds, here are the loudest laughter of the peasants, here live the kindest, smartest, most memorable and most confused people. And I am happy in hell that I live in a nation of these wicked people on this terrible Belarusian land, for which I suffer my punishments. There, I am not afraid of any kind of brutal violence, for I know, I am sure that May Aichyn is helping my son, and I myself am from Belarus.

14. Instructor.

You know that the most precious thing we have is our people. Hell will be their deposits as our scum will further develop. A Republican program of demography care for 2011-2015 was created.

Obmerkavanne video clip “Onohawa”

Exercise “I am a patriot”

Create an idea of ​​yourself as a patriot of your Motherland by rating (on a five-point scale) a number of qualities of the “I am a patriot” image.

* citizen of Belarus * patriot of his people

* internationalist

* pride in one's Fatherland

* sympathy for the suffering of his people

* readiness to defend Belarus

* respect for national history

*faith in the future of Belarus

Test situation “One Motherland”

You are a celebrity, a master specialist, but you are not satisfied with your material conditions (low salary, poor living conditions). After another foreign tour, you are offered to move to live and work in a prestigious place abroad, with good pay, a villa, a car... But your citizenship must be changed. Your decision?

Socially acceptable positions: . a person has the right to choose his place of residence. responsibility for loved ones. high wages are better than low wages. A person has one homeland. patriotism. internationalism.

Test situation “Refugees”

Your family has a large apartment (everyone has their own room). One day, your mother brings refugees (they are from the Caucasus) - a strange woman with a child - your age - to the house to live temporarily. What will be your reaction?

Socially acceptable positions: . mercy, altruism, compassion. desire to help people. internationalism.


Belarus, you are my dear!

Belarus, you are my dear!

Belarus! You are the land of May.

I pledge my soul to you.

You are my mother, the radzima of May.

You, like a sleepyhead, make the sky shine for me,

You, as a sign, know everything to me.

The biggest jump in the whole world,

Don’t know what you’re doing!

I love your rivers and new ones,

I krynitsy, meadows and forests,

Bo do not know anything on the planet

Come on, dear, brilliantly beautiful!


I - Belarus, And you are ganarusya.

I am Belarusian, and I bow

Gayam noisy and grain fields.

I am Belarusian, and you are from Ghana.

I am Belarusian and I am in pain

For the ringing words,

For my native language.

I am Belarusian, and you are from Ghana.

I am Belarusian and I swear

Aychyne serve

And at the edge of our hearts, darazhyts.