English around us research work. Research on the topic: "English around us"

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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Research In the English language of the student 5 grade project manager - Alpeeva E.V., English teacher English around us the topic of my work: "English around us." I wanted to analyze which English words surround us.

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Hypothesis, even in such a small village, as the lower bull, removed from the English-speaking countries with thousands of kilometers, we often meet with English words; But I can assume that they are not clear, not everyone comes from the following hypothesis: Even in such a small village, like the lower bull, removed from the English-speaking countries with thousands of kilometers, we often meet with English words; But I can assume that they are not understandable. The practical significance of the work is to try to explore the issue of distributing the English language in the village of Lower Bivka in order to understand this phenomenon.

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The goal is to determine where we may need knowledge of the English language - where it is necessary and where it is convenient to give examples english wordsfound in ordinary life Our village The purpose of my work is to, determine where we may need knowledge of the English language - where it is necessary and, where convenient. And also give examples of English words found in the usual life of our country.

4 Slide

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analyze the distribution of English in various spheres of our country's life to find out the attitude of schoolchildren to the test task in front of them, I set such tasks: 1. Analyze the dissemination of English in various spheres of our country's life. 2. Find out the attitude of schoolchildren to the studied phenomenon

5 Slide

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Periods in the history of English Language, like everything in this world, develops and varies with each day. From the initial form, as such, a little left in modern English. Permanent conquests, mixing crops, the invasions of various tribes and economic relations with other countries brought a lot of new things.

6 Slide

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English in the world of dark blue: countries where English is native or official Light blue: countries where English is non-neotous or unofficial English During the centuries was one of the most common languages \u200b\u200bon Earth. This was facilitated by the colonial policy of Great Britain, especially the colonization of North America and Australia.

7 Slide

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English language in information technologies Play - Play Start - Start Begin - Start Go - Go Up - Up Down - Down Right - Right Left - Left Back - Back Stop - Stop Pause - Pause Ready - Cooking (for something) Game - Game Over - Game Finished You Win - You won Next - the next, on, next. Register Now Mail Windows Page Keyboard User Hotkeys Multimedia Network Internet Home Lock in computer games We use English words and expressions of English words contribute to widespread use of computers, since all the terminology in this area is English.

8 Slide

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English B. everyday life English words you will read-with labels to industrial goods, in the recommendations of clothing care, for example: Never Wash in hot Water; Dry Clean IF Possible; Must Be Ironed With Hot Iron But Not Prasedn in a Way to Form An Ironing Trace and so on -na -na clothing and shoes: California; Montana; Texas; Smoking Is Disaster; Be happy; I love you; Basketball Sport Shoes, etc. -In the names of perfume and cosmetics products: Almost, Reasonable, Envy Me, Attraction, Angel, Skin, Affection, Kingdom, Mary Kay, Maybeline, Max Factor, etc. - And in the names of television gear: "Comedy Club", "Our Russia" and others. - In grocery stores: Milky Way, Nuts, Orbit, Dirol, etc. - in the names of magazines: Glamor, Cosmopolitan, Girl, Yes! - In public places: NO Smoking! EXIT

9 Slide

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Travel Flight Departures - Way Out Calm - Exit No Exit - no exit Buses - Buses Railway Station - Passport control station - Passport control Passport - Passport Customs - Customs Check-in - Register Check-in Desk - Departures Reception - Arrival Schedule - Arrival Attention! - Attention! CASH Desk - Administrator Cash - Information Administrator - INQUIRY INFICIENT INQUIRY INFICIENCE BURE TROUAL OF THE LAST-PROPERTY OFFICE - PILOT FACE POSTOW - WAITING ROOM PILOT - PICK - UP POINT HALL - MEETING THE MEETING IN EVERY CATAL'NY You will be realized, because English is recognized as international Learn almost in every country of the world.

10 Slide

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Questionnaire For what do you need English? How often and where do you meet English words in everyday life? In my work, I explore where and how often we encounter English words in the daily life of the village of Lower tokovka. And for this purpose, I conducted a survey in GBOU SOSH. Lower tokovka, which consisted of the following questions: Why do you need English? How often and where do you meet English words in everyday life?

11 Slide

Slide description:

Why do you need English? I have surveyed 50 children and 10 adults. When analyzing answers to the question "Why do you need English?" We see that most of the meetings of the school (45%) believe that English is needed to work with the computer; 30% of the respondents suggest that English will help them easily navigate the inscriptions and instructions around us; 20% of students believe that it is useful to them in further study, and 5% of respondents see the benefits of travel language.

12 Slide

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How often and where you meet English words English computer instructions label pharmacy shop cosmetics magazines music television to question "How often and where do you meet English words in everyday life?" The students of the younger link answered that they often hear English speech from television screens, meet in computer games, on the Internet and in the store midline students added music and titles to list cosmetics Teachers and staff workers answered that they are constantly faced with English words when working with a computer; When choosing a product in the store, pharmacy and different directories; In the settings of audio and video technicians

Scientifier work on the topic: "English around us" MBOU SOSH «№ 13 With in-depth study of individual subjects» Performed: Anchin Ilya 5 A class Vyborg 2013

Content 1. Introduction 2. From the history of the development of English. . . 3. English in our days 3. 1 The beginning of the globalization of the English language. . 3. 2 varieties of English. . . . 3. 3 English in our city. . . 4. Conclusion

1. Introduction Nowadays, knowledge of a foreign language is not tribute to fashion, but the need. It's no secret that it is English that is currently the most in demand in the modern world, and the methods of its study numbers the great set.

English - international language. You can get a prestigious job with good English. Implementation of business negotiations and international communications. The Internet is only 2% Russian. And 57% is English. Communication with people of other countries, the ability to find friends or create a family.

Objective: Ensure that English is becoming an integral part of our daily life; Investigate spheres in which English is common.

Object and subject of research: the sphere of consumption of English-language words in our city information in English

Hypothesis: If the distribution of English will continue at such a pace, then soon the whole world will lose its individuality and will communicate only in English

Objectives to determine the reasons for the spread of English in modern life Analyze the causes of increasing influence of English.

2. From the history of English English is the most common in the world. He is official language Great Britain, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada (along with french language), Ireland (along with Irish language), Ghana, Grenada, Nigeria. They enjoy the population of some states of Asia (India, Pakistan) and Africa.

3. English today. 3. 1. The beginning of globalization. By the beginning of the XX century, English is becoming a language of international communication. Globalization is a complex multidimensional process, manifested in the economic, political, information and cultural universal, when territority disappears as an organizing principle of social and cultural life.

English distribution map: Navy blue: countries where English is native or official Light blue: countries where English is awkward or unofficial.

English is particularly widely used in the field of business, education, science, media, etc. English is undoubtedly more common geographically. Today, English is studied around the world. Only in China, 120 million students of junior classes are now studying English. In 90 countries, English - either the second language is either widely studied. In many countries, English is introduced as a compulsory foreign language, ousting French, German and other once popular languages.

English is one of the six UN working languages. English is the language of computers. More than 80% of all computer information in English. 85% of all international telephone conversations are performed in English, as well as three-quarters of world mail, telephones and telegrams. Instructions for computer programs and programs themselves are often only in English. Today 85% of all scientific work published first in English.

3. 2. Varieties of English such dissemination of English in the world led to the fact that all new types of its varieties appeared and continue to appear, forming under the influence of other languages \u200b\u200band cultures. Inside the British version of the English language, three linguistic types are distinguished: conservative English (Conservative is the language of the royal family and parliament), adopted by the standard (Received Pronunciation, RP is the language of the media, it is also called BBC English) and advanced English (Advanced is the language of youth). The last type is the most mobile, it is he actively chooses the elements of other languages \u200b\u200band cultures. Advanced English most susceptible general trend To the simplification of the language.

3. 3. English in our city we live in the city of Vyborg Leningrad region. It is not far from major central cities, and there is an influence of English. Every year of the English language in our life is becoming more and more. This fact confirms the results of the survey among students of 5, 7 and 9 classes of our school. 27 students were interviewed. The questionnaires included the following questions: 1. How many hours a week are English in school? 2. Do you additionally do English out of school? If so, how many hours a week? 3. How many hours a week do you use the Internet? 4. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to: overseas, domestic or something else? 5. How do you feel about signs, ads in English: positively, I do not care or negatively? 6. Do you like when in the names of industrial goods and products used English: more yes, than not; I do not care; No more than yes?

1. How many hours a week are you english in school? Conclusion: English is popular with young people

2. How often do you use the Internet? Conclusion: everything is closed in the Internet: from grade 5 and up to grade 11.

4. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to: overseas, domestic or something else? Conclusion: Foreign music conquered the world.

How do you feel about signs, ads in English? Conclusion: everything more people They want to enjoy English.

Do you like when in the names of industrial goods and products used English: conclusion: it is already familiar to see the goods brand which is written in English.

4. Conclusion The value of the English language in our day is difficult to exaggerate. He has long turned into a certain universal language. English is needed everywhere: on vacation and at work. Wherever you are, he will always come to your aid. Ads at all airports in the world, designations on maps, indexes on the roads - in most countries all this is duplicated in English. Knowing English, a person will not disappear in any point of the globe.

Sukharichev Dmitry.

Relevance The chosen theme is that in the lessons of English students not only read and translate texts, the rules and new words are taught in school textbooks. They try to understand what the teacher and people from other countries with whom they meet during travel abroad, as well as communicate with them to different topics.

Purpose of work: Determine whether English needs a person.

1. Examine scientific literature on the issue.

2. To identify the reasons for learning English at school.

3. Conduct survey among students of 5 classes.

4. Analyze the opinions of the disciples of our school regarding the study of English (the need and causes of study, the environment in everyday life, the scope of application, etc.).

5. Create a phrasebook on a lexical minimum for a student of 5 Klass.

6. Create a reminder for learning English at school.



Educational Conference

"Youth of the Koryazhma"

Direction: Lingvostranov

"English around us"



student 5 "a" class


Sukharichy Dmitry

Scientific adviser-

english teacher


Golubeva Larisa Leonidovna


2017 year

Introduction. ........................................................................................................................ ... 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical part.

English history and its role in the modern world.

1.1. The history of the English language .................................... .. ..................... ... ....... 4

1.2. The role of the English language in the modern world ............................................. 5

2.1. Methodology for the study ...................................................... ..8

2.2. The results of the survey of students ........................................................... 9

Conclusion ........................................................................................ ... 10

Literature .......................................................................................... ..10.

Appendix number 1 ............................................. ................................ .....................eleven

Appendix number 2 .................................................................................................. ..12

Appendix No. 3 ............................................................................................... ..... 14


English is a language in many countries of the world. In modern russian schools It is one of the obligatory items. English, like a school subject, began to study already in primary schoolStarting from grade 2. Why are we studying English?

Relevance The chosen theme is that in the lessons of English students not only read and translate texts, the rules and new words are taught in school textbooks. They try to understand what the teacher and people from other countries with whom they meet during travel abroad, as well as communicate with them to different topics.

Purpose of work: Determine whether English needs a person.

Tasks to achieve the goal:

1. Examine scientific literature on the issue.

2. To identify the reasons for learning English at school.

3. Conduct survey among students of 5 classes.

4. Analyze the opinions of the disciples of our school regarding the study of English (the need and causes of study, the environment in everyday life, the scope of application, etc.).

5. Create a phrasebook on a lexical minimum for a student of 5 Klass.

6. Create a reminder for learning English at school.

An object: english.

Thing: english is one of the items in the schedule of a Russian student.

Hypothesis: We assume that English is not just a lesson at school, but the need for time dictated by time.

Practical significance: This work will help to realize the need to study English in the modern world, and a phrasebook for a class student of grade 5 may be useful when resting abroad, and if a person has lost and needs help. In addition, the memo compiled by us will be useful for the successful study of English.

When writing educational and research work applied the followingmethods : Experimental, for the survey and definitionthe need to learn English; search and descriptive, involving the analysis of language factors; Analytical, assuming comparative analysis of selected data.

Our work is divided into two parts:theoretical and practical . In the first part, elements such ashistory of English and its role in the modern world. The second part of the work presents the results of the processing of the received questionnaires.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part. English history and its role in the modern world.

1.1. English History

When the Romans left the British Islands in 410, and the Latin dies with them. The true inhabitants of the island (Britons) continued to use Celtic languages. The ancestors of modern British did not lose the gift of time. In 449, the German tribes of the angles, Saksov and Yutov began the first raids on the islands. They spoke on dialects developed on the basis of Nizhnegorman. Britons, like conquerors, spoke in Indo-European languages, but Britt's language belonged more to Celtic than to the German branch. The language of the conquerors in which only a handful of Celtic words was added is now called Anglo-Saxon.

One can only guess what the language would turn out if the descendants of these three tribes were not attacked. The fact is that two large invasions on the island and missionary movement incredibly changed the language. As a result, the English has become a tongue with the largest number of words, and in grammar, the main role began to play not the end of words, but their order in the proposal. The changes that took place from the sixth to the fifteenth century were naturally wore and were not supported by any theory. People tried to talk in the same way as their neighbors talked, and everyone who at least he could write, tried to capture the sounds of their speech on paper. At that time there were no dictionaries, nor grammar textbooks, and indeed any printed editions. Local differences in pronunciation and writing were so great that a person from the north of England would have experienced serious difficulties when reading a manuscript written in the south. However, the London dialect was everywhere recognizable and even had the share of prestige among residents of the rest of the country, which led to the fact that he was adopted for the standard. To the second half of the fifteenth century in manuscripts was used mainly. Only in the very north of the country people did not use the London dialect. The start of typography in 1476 (with its center in London) significantly increased the influence of the London dialect on other parts of the country. Noticeable differences in pronunciation so far are one of characteristic features regions of England, but the written English remained united for the whole country.

  1. The role of English in the modern world.

Wherever you are on globeYou probably hear English everywhere. The English, which is the most taught language, does not replace other languages, and complements them: 300 million Chinese - English teach; In 90 countries, English - either the second language is either widely studied.

In France in public schools for students, be sure to study for four years of English or german language, (Most - at least 85% - chooses English).

In Japan, students must learn English for six years before graduation.

In Russia, where the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bfor children is obligatory, the majority teaches English.

In Norway, Sweden and Denmark are necessarily learning English.

English is among the German languages \u200b\u200bof Indo-European language family. About 410 million people are used by English as a native, in English in English speaks about 1 billion people (including those for whom English - second).

Everyone, of course, is known that knowledge of English is very useful in life.

Knowing English, we can get more information from various carriers, where all technical information is written in English. Further, you can read books in the original context, the translation does not always objectively displays true feelings and emotions that put the author in the affairs. I can not compare the pleasure of reading books in the original. And technical literature? After all, in this case, you could independently explore any technique that interests you, program and equipment.

You will always have the opportunity to talk with interesting people There are always a variety of topics in English, besides, you can always ride the border of the tourist, which is much more convenient and cheaper.

If you want to be a businessman of an international level. What about here without English? After all, all international negotiations, trading on the stock exchanges are all underway in English, and you want to participate in international conferences, communicate with business people, read international journals and newspapers about business, in this case you, of course, should know English .

And if your dream is to become a famous scientist? That and in this case, English you must know how your own, in any case, is no worse. After all, you will need to communicate with colleagues from other countries, attend, and be able to conduct international symposia, conference seminars and forums. In addition, all the most recent and advanced discoveries of worldwide importance are published in English-language magazines and newspapers, and you will still have to attend international centers, however, even to get Nobel Prize - You need to know English.

And your hobby? After all, everyone has a hobby - everyone has its own, but every person loves music and a song, it's not a secret. And knowing English, you will always know exactly what the American singer sings.

And movies? In this case, you also do not need a translator at all. And the Internet? This is generally a bottomless ocean of information - but most of the most necessary, just in English.

English is an international communication language. After all, almost all international conferences and competitions are held in English. Recall only the Olympic Games. In international organizations, such as the UN, NATO, UNESCO, is the main language.

And then, when you are comfortable to work, in your resume you are not a downtrick, but a tick in the column "whether you own by a foreign language" - that will allow you to easily get a job.

By the way, thanks to the English language, you can also work well, translating texts not only for your acquaintances, but also to open your bureau to translate various literature from English into Russian and vice versa.

And perhaps someone, having studied in perfection English, will be able to give lessons, in other words to be a tutor for schoolchildren and students.

First of all, English is a programming language and computers. The keyboard of all computers has the keys in English (Up - Up; Down - Down; Print - Printing; END - Completion, End; Home - Home; Backspace - Back; Enter - Login, Enter, etc.). Computer gamesIn which today they love to play both adults and children, they also often have English names (Angry Bird - Evil Bird; Snake - Snake, Heroes - Heroes, etc.).

English words and expressions are coming from our television screens. Some tV shows They have names in English (Comedy Club - Comedy Club; The Smurfs - Smurfs; Animal Planet - Animal Planet, Discovery - Opening, Channel on Television). How many English words flashes in advertising every day (LG - Goods for Life - goods for life; Canon - Can Do it - Canon - You can do it;).

English There are in each of our house (dishwashing food - fairy; shampoo for head and shoulders head and shoulders; Vanish bleach - disappearance; on notebooks you can often see the word Notebook - notebook). How easy to learn the name of new countries If you look at the label of clothes, on which it is also written from what material the thing is made and how it should be washed (Made in China is done in China; Made in Germany - Made in Germany; 100% Cotton - 100% cotton ; Wash 30 - 40 * - washed at a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees, etc.).

It would be good to know English in order to understand that there are frequently encountered inscriptions in English in public places (WiFi - "Wi-Fi" - free access to the Internet Wireless Fidelity - high accuracy of wireless data transmission; exit - output; no smoking - smoking It is forbidden; independently understand McDonalds and some restaurants where the toilet is located will also help the knowledge of the English language (WC - Water Closet).

Thus, the English language does not end with the end of the school lesson, it surrounds us always and everywhere.

Chapter 2. Practical part. Study reasons for learning English.

2.1. Methods of research.

Theoretical provisions were tested by us in practice. Experimental work included three stages: organizational, practical and generalizing.


Tasks of the stage:

Basic research methods:

1 Organization


1. Study of literature on the issue of research.

2. Building a research apparatus (object, subject, objectives, tasks, hypothesis).

3. Studying work experience.

4. Definition of research strategy.

1. Search or theoretical analysis of literature on the issue of research

2. Interview with teachers and students.

3. Generalization.

2 practical

1. Refinement of the study apparatus.

2. Conducting ODA.

1. Systematization and generalization of theoretical material on the problem of research.

2. Adaptation of research techniques.

3. Questioning.

4. Evaluation.

3 generalizing

1. Building proof of hypothesis.

2. Registration of ORD results.

1. Analysis.

2. Synthesis.

In experimental work, the presenter has become a questionnaire method (Appendix No. 1).

The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine whether English needs a person.

2.2. Analysis of survey results

In the control group included55 Pupils of 5 classes of MOU "SOSH No. 7" of the city of Koryazhma.

As the survey showed, 96% of students believe that English needs to be studied, and 4% is not. 58% of students believe that English is needed in order to travel and communicate in a foreign language with native speakers, 31% think that English is needed for future work, 7% want to read books in the original, 4% understand foreign songs. 88% of students recognized that English for them is a necessity, and only 12% perceive English as a lesson at school.

62% of students often meet English words in their lives, while 38% rarely. 57% of respondents were already abroad, but 43% no. 44% of respondents want to have friends on correspondence from other countries, and 47% no, 9% of the correspondence in the correspondence abroad is already there.

20% of students never forget home textbook, dictionary and notebook in English, 78% may forget, but it rarely happens, 2% of respondents often forget to take a textbook and dictionary. 78% in good faith record homework In English, 22% sometimes forget. 73% always perform homework, 27% sometimes come to the English lesson not prepared. 60% of students when performing a homework appeals for help to parents, 12% of brothers or sisters, 5% of their classmates, 4% of students in difficulties are looking for help from the teacher. 19% of students perform it independently.


We believe that on the basis of the information studied, as well as the results of the study, it is unambiguous to conclude that the assumption that knowledge of English needs a Russian person was confirmed. English is not only a lesson in school Schedule, but also a "lesson" in life for each of us. Today, English surrounds us everywhere. This is the language of international communication, knowing which we can explain in any country in the world.

We have created a phrasebook for a class student of grade 5, which will help me and my classmates when relaxing abroad, and will also be useful and in case a person has lost and needs help (Appendix No. 2). In addition, on the basis of the survey conducted, several recommendations were compiled by my classmates, to successfully learn English (Appendix No. 3)



2.Http: //www.dagpravda.ru.

3.Http: //www.lopbible.narod.ru.

4.A.S.romanov Russian-English dictionary, English-Russian Dictionary. - Moscow: Flat, 2011

5. Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary Ed. Col. V. I. Borondulin, A. P. Gorkin, A. A. Gusev, N. M. Landa, and others. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 1998.

6. Martynova O. Yu. I will know the world: English: Encyclopedia. -M.: Ltd. Publishersvo AST: Astrel Publishing LLC: ZAO NPP "Ermak", 2004.

7. M.Z.Biboltova enjoy English, 2,3,4,5 class, 2013.

8. Yu.A.Komarova English, grade 5. - M: " Russian word", Macmillan, 2014.

Appendix number 1. Questioning on the topic: "English around us"

1. Do I need to learn English?

A) yes


2. Why should I learn English?

A) understand songs in English

C) travel and communicate in English

D) necessary for future work

E) Write your option ____________________________________________________________________

3. What is English for you?

A) just a lesson at school

B) the need for life

4. How often do you meet English words in your everyday life?

A) often

B) rare

C) Never

5. Are you abroad?

A) yes


6. Would you like to have a friend in correspondence abroad?

A) yes


C) friend on correspondence is

7. Do you forget a textbook, dictionary or notebook in English at home?

A) often

B) rare

C) never forget

8. Do you record your homework in English?

A) always

B) sometimes forget

9. Do you fulfill your homework in English?

A) always

B) sometimes I do not perform

10. When performing homework in English to whom do you appeal for help?

What about parents

B) brothers, sisters

C) Teacher

D) Odnoklassniki

Thanks for answers!

Appendix number 2. Phrasebook for grade 5 student.

Phrase in english

Phrase in Russian

Acquaintance, greeting, farewell.


Good Morning! GOOD AFTERNOON! Good evering!


What's Your Name?

My Name IS ...

What is Your Surname?

My Surname is ...

Where. are You. FROM?

I am from Russia.

And you?

Where do you live?

I Live in Russia.

How Old Are you?

I am ...... .. Years Old.


See You Later!

See You Tomorrow.

See You Soon.

Have a Nice Day!



Good morning. Good day. Good evening.


What's your name?

My name is …

What is your last name?

My surname…

Where are you from?

I'm from Russia.

And you?

Where do you live?

I live in Russia.

How old are you?

I ... .. years.


See you!

Till tomorrow

See you

Have a nice day!


Have you got a hobby?

What's Your Hobby?

My Hobby is ...

I like to ....

Read Books.



Play with toys.

Collect ...

What do yOU LIKE. to Do?

And you?

I Like Your Hobby.

IT's really inteceptory.


IT's Great!

Do you have a hobby?

What is your hobby?

My hobby is …

Play computer games.

To swim.

To play with toys.


What do you like to do?

And you?

I like your hobby.

This is really interesting.



Treats, products.

Would You Like ....?

Of Course, Thank You Very Much!










Chewing gum.


IT's Tasty!

Help Yourself!

May i have ...?


With Pleasure!

Want ....

Of course, thank you very much!

Here you are!









Chewing gum.




May I ….?

You are welcome!

With pleasure!


Can You Play ... ..?

What is your Favorite Kind of Sport?

My Favourite Kind of Sport IS ...


Table - Tennis.




Can You Swim?

Very Well.


Yes, of Course.



Let's Play ....

Let's Swim in the Swimming Pool.

Let's go to the ... ..

Come Here!

You know how to play ....?

What is your favorite sport?

My favorite sport…


Table tennis.




You can swim?

Very good.

Not very good.

Yes of course.

Yes I can.

No, I do not know how.

Let's play ....

Let's swim in the pool.

Let's go to ...

Come here!


Please ...


CAN You Help Me?

I Need A Help!

I am Lost.

WE STAY AT ... Hotel.

My Mother's Phone Number Is ......

I Need a Doctor.

I have a Headache.

I have a stomachache.

I have a toothache.


You are welcome

Help me please.

Could you help me!

I need help!

I'm lost.

We stayed in a hotel.

Phone of my mom .......

I need a doctor.

I have a headache.

I have a stomach ache.

I have a tootted pain.

It hurts here


Where is ... Here?

Have You Got ....?

Show me .... Please.

May i have a look at ....?

How Much Is IT?

I Want to BUY IT.

Give Me Please ...

Thank you!

Where is?

You have ….?

Please show ... ..

You can see ....?

How much does it cost?

I want to buy this!

Give me please

Thank you!

Appendix number 3.

Memo students for successful learning English.

  1. Do not forget textbooks, dictionaries and notebooks at home.
  2. Always write down and perform homework at home.
  3. In case of ambiguity and misunderstandings, do not be afraid to ask for helping your teacher.
  4. Pay attention to English words in everyday life.
  5. In cases of leaving abroad, speak English.
  6. To do regularly. Better little daily than once a week for a few hours.
  7. Diversify the form of classes: read, then listen, then grammar, then a letter, etc.
  8. Learn words in context, not the list.
  9. Read as much as possible, even if the text is poorly perceived.
  10. Learning as much as possible.
  11. Any practice is the basis of success, use the slightest opportunity to speak, read, write on the language studied.
  12. Do not fear mistakes. They learn! Excessive modesty does not help here, and some self-confidence does not hurt.


English around us Research


student 4 "b" class

Marchenko Nadezhda Sergeevna


english teacher

MKOU October School No. 9

Marchenko Vera Vladimirovna

2013-2014 uch. year

  • Choosing and justifying research topics . English is increasingly found in our lives. Many products have english nameMany shops are called in English. Almost all packages - from tea, markers, pencils and other items, many words are written in English - Tea, Pencil, Coffee ... So learning English now becomes practically necessary.
  • I thought that all the names that I encounter on various packages will help me remember the value and writing English words. I decided to accomplish this work and create a presentation " E. Nglish around us".

Hypothesis. Is it possible with the help of inscriptions on the subjects around us it is better to remember the value and writing English words and expressions?

Purpose. Expansion of the vocabulary of the English language through the inscriptions on the surrounding items.


  • Collect the material under study.
  • Grouple the resulting material on receiving familiarization with new words.
  • To photograph collected material To create a presentation.

A lot of words written on packs

from pencils.


According to ways to familiarize yourself with new words, I determined that it is more often on the packages using a uninterrupted reception (with a picture) and a combination of pictures with a translation (transferable reception).

Using the assembled material, I created a presentation of "Engli SH around us", which helped me remember a lot of English words and, I hope it will be useful for my classmates and just inquisitive children.

English plays a big role in our life. Every year, it is studied more and more people, and far from the sake of a simple extension of the horizon, English becomes a universal language of communication of people of different nationalities and cultures.

During its summer journey, we increasingly began to pay attention to the abundance. foreign words Around us and think about the values \u200b\u200band causes of their use. It may say that English becomes necessary for modern people. Here are some signs that we have seen at Steak House stores, "Hotel", "Fashion", "Forward", "Wonderhall" and many others. A person unfamiliar to the English language is difficult to understand their importance, it is difficult to find the desired building. And entering the usual supermarket in our hometownYes, and not only in Yaransk, we see many product names in English. And other questions arose.

    Why do products english names?

    Where did the names come from English?

    How do the names appear?

All this affected the choice topics of our research "English aliens in supermarkets" or "English around us". The choice of this topic is substantiated by its relevance, most residents do not understand the meaning of English written in English and do not attach much importance that may contain important information. What do these inscriptions speak about the store? My study is aimed at finding a response to this question.

Object research - English-speaking inscriptions in supermarkets of Yarana.

Subject of research - The ratio of inscriptions in English and Russian.

Hypothesis- The level of proficiency in English allows you to navigate the inscriptions and correctly use the written information.


purpose - to identify the main subjects of texts found in the inscriptions on the products of stores and find out the role of the English language in our lives;

Prove that it is not difficult to study English, it is only necessary to become a little more attentive and observant to the "world of words", which is surrounded daily and everywhere.

In accordance with this purpose, the following is supposed to solve tasks:

    Examine scientific literature on the issue.

    Get acquainted with the products of local stores in which there are words in English.

    Analyze and classify the collected speech material.

    Check out

    Draw conclusions

Practical value Studies lies in the use of research materials directly in the process of learning English. FirstlyThe work will be useful and interesting in that it will allow students to pay attention to the translation of the inscriptions and use the information correctly. Secondly, the results and conclusions of our work we recommend using in the lessons of English on the topic "Shopping", cool clock and extracurricular activities. Thirdly, want to note that this material It will help to increase interest in learning a foreign language, will contribute to the expansion of philological and general education outlook.

During the work, we faced the fact that the literature on the question under consideration, unfortunately, a little. The following literature was used in this work:

1.Artemova A.F. English trademarks // Forers. Languages \u200b\u200bat school. - 2005.- №5

2..Anglo-Russian dictionary (edited by V.K. Muller). - M., Russian

language, 1987, 845С.

4.Ob T.G. Problems of language borrowing "Language situations and interaction of languages" - Kiev, 1989.

4. Maukivskaya Yu. // borrowed from the English language vocabulary in the lessons of speech development. - The first of September, Russian. - №34, 2003

Our work is divided into two parts:



In the first part We reviewed the role of English in our lives.

In the second part The works are presented the results of the processing of the received questionnaires, linguistic examination of product inscriptions in supermarkets.


The study was conducted as follows methods:

    Analyzed and systematized material;


    use of online resources;

    consultations (with teachers of Russian and English);




English is the most common in the world. It is the official language of Great Britain, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, Ghana, Grenada, Nigeria. They enjoy the population of some states of Asia and Africa.

Today, wherever you want to go, in any country, as a foreign tourist, will appear to you first in English. But even if you do not have to go beyond your homeland, you still have a need for knowledge of English, since you use the goods of other countries, and the instructions are not always containing translation.

Every year, it is studied more and more people, and far from the sake of a simple extension of the horizon, English becomes a universal language of communication of people of different nationalities and cultures.

English plays a big role in our life. Now even to turn off or turn on the TV, you need to know what the same red button "Standby" means.

And now it is impossible to submit a person who does not use or would not use the computer. It has become already a habit for us, we spend our day for him every day, we communicate, play, work. And daily come across the situation when English would help solve our problems. On the trip you have much less chance to be in an unpleasant situation and much more opportunities, not to mention new acquaintances, friends, business partners and connections.

Based on the information received, we decided to ask a question to the inhabitants of Yarana "Does your abundance of foreign words arrange english origin in mass media?" The social support showed that the inhabitants of our city are arranged in English. (Appendix No. 1) . It means the topic of our actual.

Our study we were built as follows:

1. The questions of the following nature were ordered to buyers:

    Have you greeted products with names in English?

    Which group of goods includes this product

    Can you translate this inscription?

    Do I need to learn English?

2. Acted, rewritten or photographed the most interesting in stores in English

We recorded and analyzed the answers 50 buyers in which our peers, parents and older people participated, the data reflected graphically in the table.

According to our research, all buyers have in their cart products containing inscriptions in English. (Appendix No. 2).

When we worked with inscriptions, they came to one conclusion that the names can also be divided into groups

The results of the consignment survey, we broke into groups on topics: food products, body care products, detergents and cleaning products, hair care products and oral cavity (see Appendix No. 3)

The most popular was the inscriptions in confectionery goods, and less common in the care of the oral cavity.


Of the 50 respondents, only 30% of buyers know exactly the translation of the inscriptions on purchases, 45% - guess the meaning of these words, and the remaining 25% make it difficult to translate these titles after these inscriptions were translated for them, they admitted that they never thought about them The sense of what is written on them, but are now interested and will translate everything that is written on their purchases. It should also be noted that older people do not know what is written in English. And the remaining part of the respondents is also hampered with the transfer of foreign inscriptions (see Appendix No. 4).


Therefore, after analyzing the data, we can say that learning English is needed in our modern world (see Appendix No. 5).

During the passage of the study, the interest and schoolchildren have increased to inscriptions, and it was possible to literally observe how in the corridors, stopping each other, students read and try to translate what they bought in the store. Thus, it can be stated that many people do not make much important inscriptions on their purchases, although they know or recognize the meaning in which in turn may contain an important meaning. However, our study managed to put this problem on the surface and suggest everyone to think before buying another products with incomprehensible text.

Our study shows that the fact that we need to know is extremely relevant and important is what we buy. We conclude that I enter the store, we see a lot of English words. To navigate to navigate among them well and buy the right product, you need to be able to read English and understand these inscriptions.


Having studied sufficient number English-speaking product names, we came to the conclusion that the main source of titles may be:

    names formed from the names of their own - surnames, names of manufacturers or inventors (Cadbury surname of the inventor ) .

    purpose of products complies with translation (Pampers with. eng. - Pelinka Kleenex with English- paper handkerchief, cosmetic napkin, clearasil with English -Clear clean, SIL SOCK. from Single Single);

    names related to various sides Life (surprises, sports, animals, etc. (TWIX, Bounty - Paradise delight, literally from English: "Taste of Paradise") (see Appendix No. 6).

All this products can be called not popular, abrendovaya.

At the same time, the 11 largest brands can be distinguished (see Appendix No. 7). The brand is a product or group of products that have their own name and are made by a separate company.

The names are diverse, and they have their own history (see Appendix No. 8). Product names are not simple words, and a unique world that is a kind of system among the names of its own. analyzed the features of English-speaking inscriptions

Hypothesis- The level of knowledge of the English language allows you to navigate in the inscriptions and correctly use the written information is-sudden.

Undoubtedly, the personal matter of every person, what to buy in the store. Many are not in freaks with foreign languages, but ask for help knowledgeable people Just shy. Examine English is not as much as hard as sometimes it seems. The problem often hides in ourselves. Nowadays, English is found everywhere: on products and signs of shops, electrical engineering, clothes, on the Internet. He is studied in schools, universities, on specialized courses. But how easier and faster learn English? Inscriptions in English can be the same express way to help quickly, cheap and effectively replenish your vocabulary. After conducting a study, we were convinced that the culture of other countries, in particular, English inevitably penetrates many areas of life even such a small town as Yaransk. The value of the English language in our day is difficult to exaggerate. He has long turned into a certain universal language.

English is needed everywhere: on vacation and at work. Wherever you are, he will always come to your aid. Ads at all airports in the world, designations on maps, indexes on the roads - in most countries all this is duplicated in English. Knowing English, a person will not disappear in any point of the globe.

Most parents seek to start learning a child as early as possible. foreign language, in particular English.

English has long been obligatory for the educated person. And it's not just that the free possession of them will allow you to take a higher step in society and communicate with interesting people, but in the fact that, as Laos residents say: "Know someone else's language - it's like you live one more a life".

But this is not the main thing, and the main thing is that it is possible to learn English even in the store. It is interesting and exciting!