What to do to become an interesting person. Interesting person - who is he? Listen and show compassion

Meet new people. When meeting a new person (no matter where), the key to enjoying the experience is being willing to listen to what the person has to say. This is one way to get a person to open up to you.

  • Even if the new acquaintance is your complete opposite, accept these differences and enjoy the new acquaintance.
  • Anyone can teach you something new - the more acquaintances and friends you have, the more knowledge you can master. Never view a new person as unworthy of your attention and time.
  • Simply say, “Hi!”, introduce yourself, and ask the person one or two questions. As you get to know the person better, your interactions will become more informal.

In your city or area, go somewhere you haven't been before. Keep an eye out for new fun events happening where you live; for example, it could be a folk singing competition or a culinary festival. Visiting a part of a city or area unknown to you is a new adventure that you can invite your friends to.

  • If such events take you out of your usual rut, then that’s even better. Think about the new and interesting people you might meet while trying to do something that's completely out of your league.
  • Invite your friends to try something new with you. Tell them it will be fun.
  • Get out of your comfort zone. Start studying foreign language, go for a run long distance, do something to challenge yourself and you will surely become a more interesting person. The more knowledge you have and the more active you are, the more experience you will be able to share with other people. Try this:

  • Dance, even if you're bad at it. It doesn’t matter where or how - alone, with a partner or on the dance floor with friends - just dance and enjoy it.

    • Throw your hair back, sing a few lines from your favorite song and move your arms and legs to cheer up the people around you.
    • Encourage people to dance with you. Get your friends who don't like to dance to get on the dance floor with you and show them how much fun it is.
  • Challenge your fears. If you are afraid of heights, clowns, dogs or anything else, take the time and energy to work on yourself and overcome your fears. You will be surprised at what you are capable of.

    • Agree with almost all proposals to do something new. If your artist friend or avid hiker asks you to paint something or go on a hike, be sure to agree, since it is new to you.
    • Next time at a party or social gathering, find someone who has little in common with you. Be sure to get to know this person to learn something new from him.
    • If a host or entertainer calls for a volunteer during an event, don't be afraid to raise your hand. Sing and dance at your favorite artist's concert. Wear breathtaking outfits that cheer you up. Sing your favorite song at karaoke, even if you have no ear for music. Throw a fun themed party. In a word - have fun!
  • Last update: 10/12/2012

    Fun and Interesting Facts about Human Personality

    Personality makes us who we are. It affects almost every aspect of our lives, from what we want to achieve in this life, how we interact with our families, to the choice of friends and romantic partners. But what factors influence our personality? Can we change our personality, or do our traits remain constant throughout our lives?

    1. Birth order can affect your personality.

    You've probably heard of this concept before. First-born children are often characterized as "bossy" or "responsible", while later children are sometimes characterized as "irresponsible" and "impulsive". But how true are these stereotypes?

    For decades, popular psychology books have touted the effect of birth order on personality, but there was no conclusive evidence about this phenomenon until recently. The last few empirical research showed that things like birth order and family size may actually influence personality. One study even found that birth order may influence the choice of friends and romantic partners; First-borns tend to socialize with other first-borns, middle-borns with other middle-aged children, and youngest with younger ones.

    2. Your personality is relatively stable throughout your life.

    Long-term studies of personality have shown that some of the most basic parts of personality remain stable throughout life. Three aspects that do tend to change as we age are anxiety levels, friendliness, and eagerness for new experiences.

    According to researcher Paul T. Costa Jr., there is no evidence that our personality changes as we age. “What changes, how you go through life, your roles and the issues that are most important to you. People may think their personality has changed as they age, but it is their habits that change, their vigor and health, their responsibilities and circumstances—not their personality,” he writes in the New York Times.

    3. Character traits associated with a specific disease

    Previously, a number of different personality traits contributed to certain types of diseases. For example, hostility and aggression are often associated with heart disease. The difficulty is that while some studies will show a connection, others will show no connection.

    IN Lately researchers used statistical method, known as a meta-analysis, allowed a reexamination of previous research on the relationship between personality and disease. What they found were previously unknown links between neurotic personality traits and five diseases; headaches, asthma, arthritis, stomach ulcers and heart disease.

    Another study found that shyness may be associated with a shorter life expectancy.

    4. Animals have distinctive features

    Does your favorite pet ever seem to have a personality trait that makes it completely unique? Scientists have found that almost all animal species (from spiders to birds to elephants) have their own characteristics, with preferences, behaviors and quirks that persist throughout life.

    Although some critics believe that this represents anthropomorphism, or the attribution of human traits to animals, animal personality researchers were able to identify a sequence of behavior patterns that they could empirically measure and test.

    5. Current research shows that there are five basic personality traits.

    In the past, researchers have debated exactly how many personality traits there are. Early researchers such as Allport proposed that there were over 4,000 different personality traits, while others such as Raymond Cattell proposed that there were 16. Today, many personality researchers support the theory Five Factor Theory of Personality, which describes the five main traits that make up human personality:

    1. Extraversion
    2. Pleasantness
    3. Integrity
    4. Neurotic state
    5. Openness

    6. Personality influences personal preference.

    You might be surprised to learn that your personality can have a huge impact on your personal preferences, but you might be more surprised by how far-reaching these effects can be. From your choice of friends to your preferences in music, your unique personality can influence almost every choice you make in your daily life.

    Personality can also play a big role in political preferences. In one study, researchers at the University of Toronto found that people who identified as conservatives tended to be orderly, while those who identified as liberals tended to be empathetic.

    Researchers suggest that these basic personality needs, such as maintaining order or expressing empathy, may have strong influence on political preferences.

    7. People can accurately judge your personality based on your Facebook profile.

    When you think about people's online identities, you can imagine that most people try to present an idealized version of their real self. At the end of the day, in most online situations, you choose the information you want to reveal. You do your best to select the most attractive photos, you can edit and revise your comments before taking them. Surprisingly, one study found that your Facebook profile is actually quite good at communicating your Real personality.

    During the study, scientists studied the online profiles of students of various ages at 236 American colleges. In addition, participants completed questionnaires designed to measure personal qualities including extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. Observers rated participants' personalities based on online profiles, and these observations were compared with the results personality questionnaires. The researchers found that observers were able to obtain accurate information about a person's personality based on their Facebook profile.

    "I think that the expression of individuality definitely contributes to the popularity of online social networks in two ways," explained psychologist and lead author Sam Gosling. “First, it allows the profile owner to make others know who they are, thereby satisfying the basic need to be known by others. Secondly, this means that page visitors believe that they can trust the information they see on pages in in social networks, and accordingly can trust the system as a whole.”

    8. Numerous factors may contribute to a personality disorder.

    Between 10 and 15% of adults in the United States have a personality disorder. Researchers have identified a number of factors that may contribute to various disorders, such as obsessive-obsessive disorder and critical personality disorder.

    These factors include:

    • Genetics
    • Relationships with colleagues
    • High sensitivity
    • Verbal abuse
    • Childhood trauma

    9. Rare cardinal features

    Psychologist Gordon Allport described cardinal traits as those that dominate a person's life to a certain extent, where the person is known and often identified with a given character trait. These traits are considered rare, however. In many cases, people become so famous for these traits that their names become synonymous with that personality type. Let's look at examples of these commonly used terms: Freudianism, Machiavellianism, narcissism, Don Juanism, and Christlikeness.

    For most people, personality is instead made up of a mixture of central and secondary traits. Central traits are those that constitute the core foundation of personality, while secondary traits are those associated with preferences, attitudes and situational behavior.

    10. Your pet may reveal information about your identity.

    Do you consider yourself more of a “dog person” or a “cat person”? According to one study, your answer to this question might actually show important information about your personality.

    In a study of 4,500 people, researchers asked participants whether they considered themselves more of a dog person or a cat person. After completing the survey, people were assigned a number of common features, including conscientiousness, openness, and agreeableness.

    The researchers found that people who identified as dog people tended to be extroverted and eager to please others, while those who identified as cat people tended to be introverted and more curious.

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    These tips will help those who want to develop creativity, learn to take risks and trust their talents and abilities. They will also be useful in your career and in everyday life.

    1. Explore

    Explore new ideas, places and opinions. Listening only to yourself is the lot of unbearably boring people.
    • Disconnect. Without a map, you can find places that are not marked there. By turning off your phone, you can talk to someone you meet along the way. Skip the next batch of updates on social networks and look within yourself. Gadgets tie you to a familiar world. Turn them off and plunge into the unknown.
    • Take a vacation every day. Even if not for long. Walk around the city at sunrise. Drop a letter into an unfamiliar mailbox. Read a magazine someone left at a bus stop. Take a walk in the rain. Order hot chocolate in an unfamiliar cafe. Use any free minute.
    • Keep asking “why?” Parents hate it when their children torment them with questions. Why? Because. Why? Because. Why? Because. And again and again. But try it yourself. And you will be surprised how behind a simple “why?” the most interesting “because...” will follow.

    2. Share your finds

    Be generous. Not everyone can go with you. Let them have the same adventures as you.
    • Be proactive. Don't put it off until tomorrow. Speak and act immediately, now. Go where you need to be. Don't wait for an invitation - invite yourself. Don't sit by the phone - call. Spread the word. Click on the buttons. Buy tickets and enjoy the show.
    • State the obvious (to you). What you know is often a sealed secret for others. What is as old as the world to you may seem like a fresh idea to someone else. For you the task is simple, for others it is an insurmountable obstacle. Your mind is full of treasures that no one else can see. Bring them out into the light. When you share ideas, they don't disappear. On the contrary, they only multiply.
    • Be a connector, not an end point. Don't just talk. Don't just listen. Meet people. Help strangers. Share what you know. This is how an idea grows like a snowball and eventually turns into an event. Be the core around which the whole community is created.

    3. Do something. Anything

    Dance. Write. Build. Communicate. Play. Help. Create. It doesn't matter what exactly you do, as long as you do something. Yes, just in case: this does not apply to “sit and whine.”
    • Make a choice. Any. Can't decide exactly how to manage the current day? With your life? Career? To be honest, it doesn't matter. Even carefully laid plans fall apart. And rushing around in indecision from one option to another is a surefire way to never accomplish anything in your entire life. Flip a coin. Spin the bottle. Trust your intuition. And go ahead!
    • Throw away the trash. Not every business is worth doing. Not every unpleasant job has to be done. Avoid what torments you. If there's something you can't avoid (doing laundry or filing a tax return), enjoy doing it—and once you've done it, put it out of your mind. Make room for what really matters. And really interesting.
    • Stake out your territory. Whatever you do, love what you do. Accept it. Get better at it. Own it. This is the only way to combine a sense of freedom with a sense of security.

    4. Embrace your weirdness

    There are no “normal” people in the world. Each has its own characteristics and unique views. Don't hide them from others - this is what makes you an interesting person.
    • Be yourself in public. When you leave the house, be yourself. Be yourself at work. Wear your individuality proudly. Don't censor your skills. Don't hide your unique traits. To stand out, you need to have personality. Only the one who does not hide it from others remains himself.
    • Stop apologizing. There's nothing wrong with being unique. There is nothing wrong with being different from others. You don't have to apologize for being an interesting person.
    • Capitalize on your features. What makes you interesting adds value to you. Only you can express what you know, do what you do, and know what you know. And you don't need a huge niche - just a piece of land to stick your flag.

    5. Live meaningfully

    If you don't care, no one will care about you.
    • Spend your money on the right things. Who do you pay? Who pays you? What people and companies are you associated with? Do you agree with their policies, practices and behavior? Are they satisfied with you? If not, you can always change things up by starting to spend your money on something else.
    • Strive for the maximum. Ask yourself: is this the best it can be? If not, what is it? And get busy achieving the best.
    • Get things in order. Give the most important things the highest priority. Everything else will organize itself.

    6. Keep it simple

    Ego gets in the way of ideas. If your arrogance is more noticeable than your experience, people will avoid you.
    • Imagine how much you don't know. Everything you will ever know will be just a microscopic grain of sand compared to the vast, vast information of the universe. Let this sobering fact reassure you.
    • Not everyone needs what you have. Your greatest achievement, no matter how impressive it may seem to you, is a terrible nightmare for someone else. Your most valuable possession is just tasteless trash to someone else. Brag carefully!
    • Think about how lucky you are. Do you deserve what you have? Perhaps, partly. What about what you don't have? Probably not. Recognize the role that coincidences, accidents, systemic processes (and luck, of course) play in our world.

    7. Try it

    Try it. Try new ideas. Do something unusual. You won't grow until you leave your comfort zone.
    • Acknowledge your desires. To deny a dream means to kill it in the bud. You shouldn't feel guilty about striving for something. There's nothing wrong with wanting something. Save the guilt for when you don't give yourself a chance to at least try.
    • Go beyond your boundaries. Just because you haven't been somewhere doesn't mean you won't like it. Just because something isn't your responsibility doesn't mean you can't do it. It's up to you to decide which league to play in.
    • Take on difficult things. Know that obstacles will deter most of your competitors. In addition, as a rule, solving the most difficult problems brings the greatest satisfaction in the end.

    8. Get off the wrong track

    You shouldn’t do what everyone else is already doing - this train has left without you. Come up with something of your own, then admirers will be drawn to you And.
    • Squeeze into the niche. The narrower the niche, the less room there is for imitators. If you want to be interesting, do something special, not ordinary.
    • Don't go after everything that is universal. If something is found everywhere, it is not necessarily worthy of praise or participation.
    • Get noticed. To be successful, you don't have to become world famous or filthy rich. You just have to do what you do best.

    9. Take courage

    It takes courage to have your own opinion and take the untrodden path. If you don't have enough courage, all you have to do is hang around the cooler and discuss those who have it in abundance.
    • Start a riot. If you suddenly realize that you are working on something pointless or fruitless, stop immediately. You shouldn't fight for something you don't see value in. You will be surprised how many people will support your protest.
    • Avoid authorities. Authorities, as a rule, fetter, restrain and limit freedom. Get rid of them whenever possible.
    • Don't be afraid of friction. You don't want to impose. You don't like to make waves. You don't dare ask for what you need. But you will have to get over yourself.

    10. Ignore the swearing

    It's safe to be boring. When you become interesting, you will often hear angry “behave yourselves.” Those who scold you also “could”, “would like”, “would have done”. But they didn't. And that's why they are infuriated by your willingness to adventure.
    • Don't put yourself down. Is that nasty little voice in your head criticizing and putting you down? Silence him with actions that will prove him wrong. Warning: This may take years.
    • Learn from everyone. You can learn how not to live your life from the scumbags you encounter. You can learn how to live from people you respect and love. Count it all scientific research features of human behavior.
    • Don't confuse ridicule and criticism. Only that which can be used for self-improvement is constructive.

    Remember the times of the USSR - did a person of that era think about whether he was an interesting person or not? Of course not - there were other priorities and values! But now the “interesting personality” has been placed on a pedestal, and people are increasingly drawn to this title. Is this trend bad? No, but initially it’s worth understanding one thing - do you really want to be an interesting person or is this pressure from society?

    If your desire is true, then let’s first figure it out - who is an interesting person?
    To do this, think:

    • Who from your circle or famous people Does it fascinate you, attract you and make you think about it?
    • What set of qualities does this person have?

    Write a list of such people, highlight similar traits, and you will get what for you is the foundation of the concept of “interesting person.”

    How do interesting people differ from uninteresting ones?

    1. As a rule, interesting personalities are:
      • those who have seen a lot and know a lot,
      • who has a lot of stories, stories and jokes in stock,
      • these people travel a lot
      • they have minimal knowledge in all areas of life - for example, they can carry on a conversation about painting, and then switch to French cinema and then discuss surfing.
    2. Interesting people give themselves permission to be themselves, no matter what that looks like:
      • they openly look at a variety of issues and do not believe that their point of view is the only correct one,
      • are not shy about their views, beliefs, attitudes and opinions, but express them.

      We can say that interesting people in society are like fish in water - well, the clown fish doesn’t pretend to be a shark, because it doesn’t need it!

    3. Such people are open to new experiences and have charisma. What is charisma anyway? This is the ability to be yourself, joke, be free and express yourself.

      Charismatic people can be calm and mocking, free and serious - the main thing that unites them is positioning. You can even tell the difference between Pasha Volya and Maxim Galkin by the manner of conversation - you can’t say that one of them is more charismatic, they’re just each a personality and an expert in their field.

    4. Interesting people are not afraid to say what they think, but at the same time their point of view does not offend others. These people have personal boundaries and do not violate the boundaries of others, because they do not pretend to conquer humanity - they are simply who they are.

    As you might guess, interesting people are interesting to everyone - men, women, adults, and teenagers, and their personality is pleasant to others, regardless of race, religion, hobbies, etc. But those people who are not deeply interesting personalities can also be interesting, but not to everyone - they can even be the soul of the company, but it will be the same company, but in another they will most likely sit quietly in the corner.

    How to become an interesting person

    So, you have already realized that you want to be an interesting person, and you have a completely reasonable question - how to achieve this? I will offer you only 4 steps that will lead you to your goal. But remember that you have to do everything, and not “I’ll do this, otherwise I won’t.” Yes, you may be surprised that there are so few steps, but they will help you fundamentally increase your interest in the eyes of the public and upgrade your personality.

    1. Determine your starting point - the so-called point A

      For example, a good indicator is your following on Instagram and other social networks. Analyze who you follow and what you read. Maybe it will be 90 different food blogs - then your interests are rather one-sided. And if these are the same 90 blogs, but they are very different - from cooking to astrology, from cars to handicrafts, then yes, you are an interesting person.

    2. Grow in a variety of areas

      For example, finance and art, music and geography, ballet and business. Nobody says that in every field you need to get at least a PhD. But knowing the basics and being able to express your opinion on a particular topic will help even basic knowledge. But how to obtain this knowledge is another question. On the same Instagram, subscribe to bloggers from different fields and read their posts. Also, with the help of Internet surfing, you can subscribe to the newsletter of a variety of sites and receive up-to-date information. Books, thematic websites... Here, whoever wants it, looks for opportunities, and whoever doesn’t wants it, looks for reasons.

    3. Be trendy

      Read actual news from a wide variety of fields. Agree, if you talk about something that lost its freshness 5 years ago, then at best they will not notice it, and at worst you will be considered an ignorant person, and your opinion on other issues will be questioned. But remember that there is basic knowledge (for example, about natural phenomena), and there are topics that require tracking (these are the same fashion trends).

    4. Have your own point of view on any situation

      Your point of view may not be very popular, different from others and may not have support in your company, but remember that you think so and you have every right to do so. You don’t have to adapt to someone else and you can express your point of view on things, but without offending other people or violating their boundaries, and without imposing your picture of the world on them.
      You have such an attitude towards the politics of a given state, the songs of this singer and bodybuilding, but your opponent’s opinion may be absolutely polar. You shouldn’t think “no, I won’t say anything, otherwise I’ll suddenly seem stupid.” My dears, don’t show yourself if you really think differently or think differently - you are you, and that’s the main thing. But at the same time, you should not take a position that is not close to you, just for the sake of standing out in the crowd - believe me, this will not bring anything good, first of all, to you. Remember point 2 of the differences between an interesting person and an uninteresting one and draw the right conclusion.

    As you can see, not everything is as complicated as it seems. But the most important thing in becoming an interesting personality is internal transformation.

    An interesting personality is about self-confidence, charisma, objective self-esteem, absence of complexes (in fact in the best sense this word) and internal clamps. And only then we can talk about a broad outlook and the ability to communicate.

    Therefore, dive deep into yourself and don’t be afraid - everything there is from the customer’s material! By the way, my course PROpump yourself is also about this - it helps you become an interesting person. Register!

    Each of us has our own idea and definition of the concept of “interesting person” or “interesting person”. They differ in some ways, but to a greater extent these concepts are similar among different people.

    An interesting person is a person who knows how to carry on a conversation (no matter what the topic), someone who is pleasant to listen to, optimistic, cheerful, charismatic, self-confident with a sense of humor... Such people are respected, people are drawn to them, and everyone wants to have such a person as a friend.

    Do you want to become an interesting person? Do you want people to pay attention to you and listen to your opinion? Do you feel that those around you are starting to get bored in your company? So, it's time to work on yourself a little.

    Constantly learn and learn something new

    Becoming an interesting person is not at all difficult, but only if you begin to take a keen interest in something. Boring people are not interested in anything; they don’t care what happens in the world and around them. More often change the situation, explore new places and gain new impressions, travel, expand your horizons, get acquainted with new trends, ideas and opinions, study them, enrich your intellect.

    If you want to become an interesting person, you must discover your own hobbies and show interest in anything. And it doesn’t matter what exactly your hobby will be: drawing, cross-stitching, growing tomatoes or collecting coins.

    A person who is passionate about anything is almost always an interesting person. Such people devote themselves entirely to their favorite pastime, which often grows from an ordinary hobby into the work of their whole life. They live in harmony with themselves and have recognition and respect in society, regardless of what they realize themselves in: science or sports, politics or art, pedagogy or entrepreneurship.

    In the process of becoming interested in a new hobby, you should not get hung up on it alone - gradually expand your area of ​​interest. It’s great if you have studied the subject from all sides, you know it inside and out, but the probability interest a person and become an interesting interlocutor for him there will be more in the case when the area of ​​your knowledge is not limited to one thing.

    Share your knowledge

    It’s one thing to learn a lot of new things, enrich your knowledge and broaden your horizons. Another thing through which the path to becoming an interesting personality lies is communication with people.

    Somehow great English writer George Bernard Shaw said: " If I have an apple and you have an apple, and if we exchange them, then both you and I will have one apple left. And if I have an idea and you have an idea and we exchange them, then each of us will have two ideas" This is the meaning of communication! By acquiring spiritual, personal and mental benefits through communication, we become internally richer.

    We are all characterized by an irresistible desire for new knowledge. Therefore, the opportunity to get useful information always arouses interest, and a person’s ability to present this information in an entertaining and competent manner, demonstrating good communication skills, doubly fuels interest in him. Learning to express your thoughts beautifully and shares knowledge, you will provide yourself with a large audience of listeners who will listen with an open mouth to your every word and certainly consider you an interesting person to communicate with.

    Try to see the best in yourself

    Many people often consider themselves mediocre boring person and do not believe in their own capabilities. And such words as “The whole Universe is hidden in every person” and “All people are unique” fall on deaf ears or people think that they apply to anyone, but not to them.

    Remember - there is no enemy more dangerous than self-destruction. Look at your sides, highlight strong traits your character and focus on best sides of your nature. Fight lack of will and weaknesses, do not hide your talents and abilities, but, on the contrary, demonstrate them.

    Ask yourself why your friends communicate with you? Obviously because of your inherent strengths, because of your outlook on life, hobbies and interests. It turns out that you are already an interesting person for someone!

    After you have found within yourself positive traits(it can’t be that you don’t have them), try to increase them. Some disadvantages can be turned into advantages by making them part of your image and your corporate style. People with funny habits and integrity can also be interesting.

    Learn to listen

    To become an interesting conversationalist you simply must learn to listen. Your ability to listen to your interlocutor (as well as ability to ask questions) will play a big role in the perception of you as an interesting person.

    Give others the opportunity to speak out and talk about themselves, this way you can demonstrate your attentiveness and interest in the person and become an interesting person in his eyes. After all, how can someone who is focused only on himself and completely intoxicated with his person be considered such. On the contrary, the one who talks only about himself, thinks only about himself and is not interested in anyone other than himself - boring man.

    Embrace your quirks

    Each of us has our own “cockroaches in our heads”, our own individual characteristics and weirdness. You shouldn’t hide them from everyone, because they are the ones who make us unique and interesting individuals.

    If you are somehow different from most people and can say to yourself - “I’m not like everyone else” - you should not be ashamed of this, but on the contrary, you should make it your dignity, your “zest”. Only here there is one big BUT - your “otherness” should not be too strange. Interest is aroused by something new, different from the ordinary, but within the framework of the understandable.

    You've probably noticed that sometimes women cannot formulate why they like this or that man, and when asked by their friends - “What got you hooked on him,” they answer - “He’s not like everyone else!” There is practically no logic in these words, and these are rather emotions, but they are what make a person interesting and attractive. People may not do anything unusual at all, but if someone perceives their actions, words, or, for example, their gaze as something new and unusual, then it arouses interest.

    Be yourself, don't follow the crowd

    Stand up for your opinion instead of adapting to the world, be yourself, and do not demonstrate the behavior model professed by the majority. People around them are interested in independent people who have a predominant feeling self-esteem, and not resignation to what you don’t like or is completely alien.

    Be independent in making decisions, do not be like the majority. Do what you like, resist outside influence. At a time when some people adapt to others, you must demonstrate your individuality: buy clothes not that are fashionable, but those that you like and in which you feel comfortable and comfortable; play your favorite sport, and not just for company; listen to the music you love, not the music that is popular, etc.

    Do what you think is right, do not pay attention to gossipers and envious people, and then your true friends will respect you for it.

    This does not mean that you should always act on the contrary in everything; sometimes it is useful to listen to the general opinion, especially if it does not contradict your inner beliefs, or to adopt other people’s experience and ideas. But remember that become an interesting person It’s easier for those around you by creating something of your own and following your own path.

    Quench your fears

    It takes courage to remain who you are, to have your own opinion and to defend it when necessary. Do not be afraid of other people's opinions, which may be expressed if you are “out of step with everyone else.”

    Courage is also necessary in order to take an unexpected and unknown path at the right time. Some people are very dependent, and are so afraid of everything that they don’t even dare to think about anything outside their comfort zone, but in life you have to be bolder, try, dare, take risks, dare, fall and get up breaking your knees.

    A person with rich life experience is more interesting than a person who has little going on in his life. And for this experience to become truly rich, sometimes courage is needed. So temper your fears.

    Ignore whiners and bores

    It’s safe to be bored, any bore will tell you that. The bores could have done it, should have done it, would have done it... But they never did! And now they are offended because everything is working out for you, and they are boring, boring, boring.

    Such people poison life. When communicating with them for a long time, your mood deteriorates and life becomes unbearable. They are like energy vampires, sucking all the juices out of a person. A The best way protect yourself from an energy vampire This is to minimize communication with him, so you should do the same with bores. Otherwise, how would interesting person you didn’t show up, if there are a lot of whiners and bores in your environment, you risk succumbing to influence: sliding into uncertainty, succumb to a pessimistic mood, become depressed, etc.

    If you have a sense of humor, use it

    Interesting personalities are people who are witty, cheerful, and capable of lifting spirits, and not those who know Newton's laws and can talk about them in a boring way.

    Often, when characterizing a person with whom it was interesting, they say about him - “it’s fun to be with him,” “it’s fun to be with him,” etc. People are drawn to people who bring smiles and know how to make others laugh, they want to be around them, they are invited to all companies.

    The most reliable and easy way be interesting to talk to(easy for a person with a sense of humor), this is to joke at the right time, tell an anecdote or a funny story, and defuse the situation at the right moment.

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