How to raise yourself for the better. Self-development: How to start a new life and change yourself? Attitude to life

Just think ... how often we complain about our lives. Friends betrayed favorite deceive, chaos and injustice reigns around. At the same time, we do not even think that all the problems in our head. To turn your life to another line, you need to start with yourself. This article will help you figure out how to change yourself in best sideHow to love yourself and how to make a plan of self-development.

A person is a creature multifaceted, emotional. Each of us is formed by the concept of good and evil, views on life, attitude towards others. However, sooner or later we are thinking about the need to change the character to become better. This is a rather difficult task, but with a serious setting the result will not wait long for a long time.

Why so hard to change?

The main reason is hiding in the reluctance to recognize the problem. We are much easier to shift the blame on others, the intention of the circumstances or fate. At the same time, each person is convinced that he should be taken as he is. In fact, this is an incorrect position. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to work hard on yourself.
There are a number of reasons why a person does not decide to change, prefers to remain in the warm arms of their own delusions:

  • Environment. This factor plays a huge role in becoming character. Support for friends and relatives will help achieve the goal. Conversely, if a person is constantly saying that he is a loser, nothing knows and does not achieve, he will believe it, and in the end he will lower his hands. Surround yourself with good understanding people;
  • Weak character. See the problem, you understand that it needs to be solved, but not enough strength to start;
  • Difficulties. We often say that life is unfair. One she gives a lot of tests, others - less. Conduct with any life difficulties while keeping afloat - real skills.

But how to change yourself for the better? Our conservative I often do not give us to break the foundations of my own life. It seems that it will come out, nothing needs to be changed, anyway, stable. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to prepare themselves for difficulties, to gain patience and take the will into a fist.

How to find strength in yourself and become better?

We used to tolerate to the last and silent, leave, dropping the eyes. Do not decide to take a chance, make sure the step towards meet best Life. It seems to us impossible to forget the past, let go of the old insults, defeat your own fears. Our fears and anxieties interfere with breathing full of breasts, feel love for yourself.

Surely you are tormented by the question of how to change yourself for the better. To begin with, look around and try to determine what makes you pulling you. If you surround a lot of ill-wishers, change the circle of communication.

Learn to appreciate what you have. Let you not purchased a luxury home, but you have a cozy apartment. You lack money for beautiful Life? But you love, wait, care about you, and it stands dear. Learn to say "Thank you" for what is given to you by fate.

Everyone is well familiar with the word "trifle." We often say that it is not worth paying attention to the little things, but all of them consists of our whole life! Try daily to notice little pleasantness. Very soon you will notice that life is much brighter, more beautiful. You will forget about depression and laziness.

Psychologists argue that positive instructions are able to make thinking bright, and the actions are decisive.
Just think, in the year 365 days. You can plan each day, week, month, put small goals, gradually go to them. Want to live better, but do not know how to change yourself for the better? Take responsibility for your life.

Individual self-development plan for 5 steps

Not everyone knows how to make a plan of self-development, for which it is needed. With this plan, you can clearly express priorities, determine the goals and choose the path to achieve them. Do not hurry. To understand what items you want to include in it, stay in full loneliness and think what you really want.

Step 1: Needs

At this stage, your task is to understand what you want to change. Your further actions will depend on this. You need to understand what goals you will implement. It is not worth putting global goals, there is a risk that you will break and return to the comfort zone. Self-development is better to do gradually, moving from one task to another. If you love to sleep for a long time, you can first learn to get up early;

Step 2: Understanding

Before you start changing the character and habits, you should understand whether you need it and why. At this stage, it does not matter what you want to achieve is much more important than the presence of an insurmountable desire, as well as willpower. If you are aware that you are ready to leave the comfort zone forever and change, you can safely move on to the next stage;

Step 3: Cognition yourself

After you have determined goals, go to the self-analysis. At this stage, it is necessary to understand what will help you in their implementation, and that on the contrary, which negative and positive trait Your character you can highlight. Do not deceive yourself. Be the most critical. You can take a sheet of paper, write all the qualities that can be highlighted. To compare whether your opinion coincides with the opinion of loved ones, you can give them a leaflet with the result;

Step 4: We develop a strategy

You have successfully passed three stages and are ready to change the character, as well as the quality of life. Now proceed to draw up an action plan. At this stage, you should not turn to friends or relatives. You should evaluate your own strength, it will help you understand what you are ready to do. If you have scheduled forever to say goodbye to smoking, think if you can do it sharply or better gradually. For reliability, write down the action plan on paper and hang in the most prominent place;

Step 5: Actions

This is the final stage of the Self-Development Plan. Now the most important thing is to start working on yourself right now, without postponing for tomorrow. If you do not start act, all the preparatory stages will lose meaning. Forget about excuses! Make the first step boldly without alarm or excitement. Along the way, you can record your results, little victories over yourself. Gradually, you can adjust the plan and find a way to change yourself for the better.

Having knowledge of how to make a plan of self-development, you will quickly achieve the goal, and you can also change your life.

In this matter, much depends on self-esteem. If a person is confident in his abilities and opportunities, he will come faster to the goal.

Communication of self-assessment and quality of life

It is important to understand that self-esteem is one of the main components of the personality of each person. People with high self-esteem Faster achieved success, they are not afraid of obstacles and cope with any difficulties.

Insecure people prefer to speak in the role of the audience. They do not show initiatives, do not express their opinions. As a result, there are dissatisfaction with life and fall into depression. Low self-esteem Formed more B. early childhood. A child who is deprived of support, love parents will not be able to objectively assess their capabilities.

Self-assessment of a person depends on 2 main factors:

  • internal (attitude to itself, susceptibility to criticism, characteristics of character or appearance);
  • external (attitude surrounding).

It's no secret that all problems come from childhood and features family education Can leave an indelible mark on the character of a person. If the child does not feel comfortable at home, he closes in the society of peers, which can cause them a desire to mock him. Gradually, the problems accumulate, and affected self-esteem is formed.

Also playing a big role appearance. If a person does not like his body or appearance, he will not be able to feel confident. However, this is not a reason to go into yourself. To dramatically change the situation and understand how to change yourself for the better, you need to be tremended.

Fortunately, even in adulthood, a person can get rid of this problem and feel love for himself. Self-esteem has a lot in common with immunity. What it is higher, the easier the person to overcome the vital difficulties, perceive criticism and achieve the desired.

The insecure man is afraid of making raw steps and affects the influence of the public. To increase self-esteem, a person needs to love himself and believe in his strength.

How to increase self-esteem woman

A woman needs to love and appreciate himself. Impaired self-esteem makes it shy and closed. With such a woman hard to find mutual language And build a good relationship. In addition, few people think about how it feels. Unlikely great amount Complex brings her pleasure.

There are many ways to help representatives of the beautiful half of humanity believe:

Features of male self-esteem

By nature, a man has no right to be weak and weakly accomplished. Otherwise, he will not be able to take a meaningful place in society and life. Men often ask themselves the question of how to change themselves for the better and succeed.

To stay afloat, strong sex representatives need to keep the body and mind in tone. It is no secret that the erudite sports men have no reason to engage in self-adhesiveness. They are successful and know what they want. Sporting helps a man throw away negative emotions And gives a feeling of calm.

Do not forget about self-esteem and appreciate your time. If you have noticed friends in the circle of friends who prefer to assert their account, refuse to communicate with them. You will not lose anything.

You are not appreciated at work? Change work. A modern man may seem careless solution, but the result will not make himself wait long. When you find a job where your efforts are valued, your life will play new paints.

Do not forget that all people are absolutely different, so you should not constantly compare ourselves with others. You need to focus only on your capabilities, desires. Strive to the goals set, relying on your experience, strength.
Many men give too great importance Opinion of others. This position makes them closed. To enhance self-esteem, learn how to express your opinion and not be afraid that at this moment you will be funny to look or someone will not understand you.

To understand how to change yourself for the better, it is necessary to understand that it interferes with your development, what character traits make you closed and proceed to work on errors. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, recognize your mistakes.

The main thing is not to lower your hands!

Much depends on the appearance of a person. However, this is not a reason to edit myself. Everyone can make efforts and become perfect. For example, change the hairstyle or hair color, sign up in the gym and put in order body. It is impossible to change yourself, sitting at home and regret yourself. Always need to strive for the better, it becomes better.
Since work on yourself is not the easy work, much depends on our habits.

21 day for change: man and habits

The habit is an action that a person carries out automatically. It depends on its physical, psychological and emotional state.

It is habits that are the basis of our character. There are two main types of habits: useful, harmful. It is worth noting that bad habits It is produced much faster, moreover do not require any effort. But to generate a useful habit of a person, a number of physical, as well as psychological barriers should be overcome.

How to change yourself for the better with helpful habits? Today, many talk about the rule of 21 days. According to him, a person can develop useful habits within 21 days. There is a question, so or that?
It is worth saying right to say that this figure was not taken from the ceiling. Scientists had a lot of experiments to conclude that it was just such a period for the formation of habits.

First of all, you must learn to bring the case to the end. If you decide to change for 21 days, do not retreat. Take a sheet of paper, write 10-15 habits that will help you become better. Choose the most interesting and proceed to its execution. The main condition - you must make this action daily.

For the formation of habits, it will take a lot of strength and patience. Therefore, think well, do you need one or another habit. For example, you decided to read historical books in the evenings, but after some time noticed that this process does not bring you any pleasure. In this case, it is better to abandon this venture.

How to change yourself for the better: Conclusions

How to change yourself for the better? Start appreciate people! Learn to respect others, their needs, preferences. Be kind is not ashamed. Treating with understanding to other people, you can look at your life from an unexpected side.

It is important to understand that work on yourself is an incredibly complex occupation that requires a lot of time and effort. But if the solution to change the final, do not turn the path from the way. Remember, people attract what they think about. Start by patience, close up to your dream, getting better every day.
Do what you love, do not be afraid to experiment, enjoy life. After all, every day is special and unique.

How to change yourself? If you set yourself as a question, then it means that you are already a very mature person. People more often ask how to change other people or circumstances.

Only an adult and a reasonable person understands that any changes in life begin with changes in themselves.

This is really big luck to understand that the management of the circumstances of his life begins with changes in itself.

How to start changing

Put the goals

Change yourself - a decent solution. But where to start? Before changing ourselves, you need to understand what kind of targets you are striving. What do you want to see as a result of your changes? After all, you can spend a lot of effort, and then turn out to be displeased result.

Objectives that may require changes are very different, for example:

  • Make a dizzyer.
  • To start a family.
  • Find health and beauty.
  • Foreign high position in society.
  • Create sources of passive income.

But it must be borne in mind that to achieve this or that goal will require certain qualities:

  • For example, qualities needed to create a family woman: kindness, tenderness, desire to take care of children, meekness, obedience, loyalty, devotion. And if the girl puts himself a goal of creating a family, then it will benefit her to change and develop these qualities.
  • If the goal is to build a career, other qualities will be needed, such as purposefulness, assertiveness, determination, strength.
  • Of course, you can develop all the qualities in a little bit with an indefinable goal. But with this approach, attempts to change with the high probability will quickly go to a dead end. Since the actions in the absence of a goal do not bring much satisfaction, hence it is lost to move on.

Therefore, it is very important before you begin to change, put a goal. One "I want to change" is not enough to transform yourself. Changes begin with a choice of purpose. This is the answer to the question: "Why start the transformation yourself?"

Search for imitation examples

The next step in changing itself will be the search for people who have already achieved similar purposes.

Knowing the end point in which you want to get, you can try to look for your own way. But it is necessary to understand that such a search takes a long time and very often does not lead to anything. Sometimes it looks like an attempt to invent your writing and language.

It is much easier to explore examples of the development of those people who were in a similar situation and were able to change it. It is very important that they can overcome it successfully. An example is desirable to take not one and not two.

  • Biographies of successful people

What can be taken as an example? Great option - biographies. , in one or another sphere, sometimes write books, about how they overcame difficulties, as changed.

Reading biographical books helps to identify the features of the person who contributed to the achievement of the intended goals by change. Choose books, the authors of whom could say with confidence: "I changed myself completely and received decent results."

  • People around you

Sometimes examples can be seen in life. For example, a girlfriend, which has not yet been a personal life for a long time, but then she changed herself and gained family happiness.

Or a colleague who first occupied a minor position, but then. Watch people who want to seek what they want. Mark their qualities, feel free to ask for advice.

  • Lectures, trainings

Listening and visiting trainings too a good option meet necessary people. Sometimes the leader of such trainings is a successful personality, which is ready to share experiences on how to change. And in the past, passed through great changes.

  • Psychological literature

Reading and helps to change yourself. However, not all books will be useful.

Therefore, learn the reviews and try to learn as much as possible about the author's life. Not all authors of psychological literature are worthy of being an example of how to change.


If faith is not unacceptable for you, you can read or listen to the lectures of the chickens. Among them are often there are people who have knowledge of how to completely change, and are good examples to imitate.

Studying someone else's experience

The next step in self-improvement will be the study of the experience of people who were able to change the course of their lives. Studying their experience can systematize it and understand how to change to become similar to them and achieve goals.

Read books, attend trainings, study biographies, collect maximum information from someone else's experience about how to change yourself.

Do not rush to the ohwow with your head. At first, there may be some things not understood. That is, there will be no understanding for what you need to do this or that thing, how to apply it and why it is needed. Do not spish, gradually enter into your life what is close and understandable.

  • For example, if you decide to become a person leading, I started it right away from Monday, to the next week there is a big chance to throw it.
  • Why? Because with the arrival of thought "I want to change" a person rushes to change everything and immediately. That is the newly-handed follower healthy image Life begins to get up at 6 am, to do charging, there are vegetables and fruits, instead of the usual dumplings, throws smoking and misses the adoption of alcohol at the nearest birthday.
  • As a result, after a few days or weeks, such a way of life becomes unbearable. Man returns to the old habits. Question: How to change? " Now it worries significantly less, there is a sense of disgust to changes.
  • Studying someone else's experience, jump to him gradually, with understanding. If you are going to get up early, stand up tomorrow 30 minutes earlier. After three or four days another 10 minutes. Gradually bring the time of the lift to the desired. This should be a habit, and not violence over yourself. And before doing something very important to understand why you need it.

Where to look for support and how to save motivation

Deciding how to change yourself is very important to remember that motivation and desire Essential satellites of progress.

Naturally, the desire to change over time will increase, then fall. Sooner or later, the first mocked will pass, the motivation will decrease. Be sure to make the situation on the path when it seems that there is no progress.

There will be situations when it seems that the changes are not at all the way that they do not bring you to the intended goals. Sometimes there may be a strong desire to quit and return to what was.

But remember what to tell the phrase: "I changed myself completely, I achieved success!" Only those who still reached the end, those who coped with all the difficulties, survived heavy moments and those who have not surrendered.

To cope with S. difficult situationsArising on the way of change, create conditions for yourself, helping not to quit started. What kind of conditions is it?

Right attitude to failures

In the process of change, there will be no longer a success and failure. It is important to relate to failures. No need to edit yourself for each slip.

Failure is also good. Because it gives food for reflection and analysis. She helps to understand their mistakes and not to make them in the future.

If you are not mistaken, then you most likely do not learn. Each slip pays equal or even greater the opportunity. Learn to see opportunities and lessons in failures.


Without a good environment, which will divide your goals, it will be impossible to change. There are no such people who never have doubts. Very few such people who can resist the surrender to others for a long time. In order to survive the periods of doubt, the rejection of society, it is necessary to have support for like-minded people.

It is not necessary for such people a lot, but at least one should be. Since the support of the one who share your aspirations and beliefs can change everything.

Tracking progress changes

  • Motivation is lost due to the inability to sense progress. The solution in this case will be a diary or any other way to fix the current state.
  • Return from time to time to the old records about yourself, to see that changes are still occurring.

Possible obstacles

Often a person saying: "I want to change" and a beginner movement in this direction is perceived by those surrounding in the bayonets.

Do not worry, with the question: "How to change, if the surrounding do not support me?" Each faces, which decides to go through, change and develop.


For example, someone in the company threw a drink and no longer uses alcohol. Typically, such statements cause a rapid reaction. Since it is easy to throw it, it is impossible to drink. For this you need a very good reason, for example, a disease or pregnancy. Otherwise it is impossible.

The surrounding people are usually afraid of change, they do not share your desire to change. It is possible if you do not take off your way and achieve good results, over time, the same people will see the question of how to change themselves.

But so far they will react with a large probability of a negative or wary.

Personal properties that prevent change

In addition to people, changes prevent character traits, such as laziness, fear, indecision. Old favorite habits also brake progress:

  • For example, a person is engaged in his health, masters useful food, exercise. But here begins his attack laziness and old habits. Seeking tasty in the evening, skip the workout.
  • Drink such desires away. Create conditions in which bad habits And the character traits will be difficult to manifest. Then, with time, you gladly tell me: "I changed myself completely."

Determine your life position, select a goal and boldly move forward. Avoid any negative information and expressions of negative emotions. Well, if surrounded there will be more successful and kind people.

Temporary failures should not withdraw from equilibrium, you should never be upset, it is better to try to extract the life lesson from what is happening. We must believe in your strength and your success.

Do not dwell on the question how to attract good luck and success in your life. Start thinking positively (let it not immediately work) and act. Never lower your hands. Even if they got sick, do not despair, do not let Handre take over themselves - from this well-being will only worsen.

Never copy anger, insult and anger. it negative emotionsMerchanting happiness. Get rid of these feelings immediately. But just do not splash your irritation and bad mood On those who are near (on loved ones, relatives or colleagues), and arrange, for example, general cleaning. Active activity will help relive any trouble. It will be effective and walking outdoor air. Someone helps ordinary idleness. Observing peace of mind at home - What can be easier? It is easy to hang on the sofa or sleep a few hours, take a relaxing bath, listen to pleasant music, read, see your favorite movie or the series - the mood will noticeably improve, and there will be no trace from the negative. Our brain will hide away all unnecessary, while only leaves useful information - So we are arranged.

How to streamline your life and inner world

Unfortunately, throw out the whole garbage and trash from your housing. Keep workplace in order, and the head is clean, consolidated from bad thoughts. Try to work in joy, do not forget to relax fully. Remember your personal space and do not disturb the boundaries of others. Respect people. Refuse the TV and give more time to read (but only worthy literature), self-development.

If you pursue a sense of guilt, do not be afraid to be the first to ask for forgiveness. And if for some reason it is already impossible, then forgive yourself.

Buy alarm clock with a pleasant melody and do not jump out in the morning from the bed as a fire. Allow yourself to spend a few minutes in pleasant minds. Pull up, smile, think about the upcoming day, imagine good moments that are waiting ahead. It will take no more than five minutes. Look out the window and try to rejoice any weather - both bright sun, and snowfall, and shower. Over time, it will go into the habit, and you will even be in bad weather to leave the house in a good mood, not paying attention to the wind, cold or pouring rain.

How to fill life with joy and positive

Ensure joy daily, no matter how hard it is in the soul. Positive emotions Return a hundredfold. Despite the goods of the problems that all humanity faces is important to maintain optimism in everyday life And share your warmth with others. Try to give at least a little full assistance to those who need it. But do not wait for huge thanks and di-grasis in return. People easily forget about the good deeds of others and do not always pay good. It is necessary to be condescending to such human nature. Making someone good, do it simply because good and generous to be much better than evil and greedy.

Anger, envy, hatred is imprinted on our faces. And if you do not change for the better, you can soon be afraid of your reflection in the mirror. Help others not only materially, but also spiritually. Sometimes simple words Support or mental conversation means more than material benefits. Easy to forget bad, but good - never.

Each person at least once in his life appeared the idea that he could not do something. These meditation are accompanied by experiences. Someone is able to find the cause in the surrounding world, and someone is trying to look at himself. And it is in the second case that is quite often the question of how to change yourself for the better. It is worth noting that it will be very difficult to achieve this. Basic difficulties cause change. Not everyone is ready for them morally.

Sometimes enough smallness

Probably, everyone knows the proverb, which says that if there is a desire to change the world, it is required to start with yourself. In this review, the question of changes in the world will not raise the world. First you need to figure out how to change yourself for the better. And first of all, it will be necessary to determine what your problems are related to. You can change, for example, hairstyle. Thanks to this, a person who is near, say, in public transport. He will want to meet, you will have a relationship, family will be formed, children will be called, and you can become happy. What is the reason? And in that earlier you simply did not decide to change the hairstyle.

Even such a modest example is able to demonstrate that a person usually prevents from finding an answer to the question of how to change himself for the better. If he stops afraid of change, then in his life, most likely will be to wait for success.

Form a list of problems

You can start with the simplest steps. Want to understand how to change yourself for the better? Just create a list in which the main reasons that prevent you from developing are listed. It can be noted not only those problems that are in you. On the leaves to write everything. If it is impossible to formulate, you can consult with loved ones. However, it is best to express your own thoughts. And know that far from all the people with whom you have settled communication can desire goodness to you. And it is impossible to say that they want to be evil. They do not care.

In this regard, it can be noted that if you do not know how to change yourself for the better, become kinder, then you need to independently form a list of the main reasons that prevent the desired, or consult with the most close people you trust. It is not necessary to be afraid that for the formation of the list can take several days. This is within the normal range, since it is impossible to remember everything and immediately. However, over time you will need to form pairs consisting of a problem and its causes.

It is desirable to make a list in such a way that the internal and external flaws are listed separately. To do this, take two sheets to clearly see what you need to fight. However, it should be remembered that it is much easier to change the people around you.

You need to fight with your problems

So, you wondered how to change myself and my life for the better, and also formed a list of problems that you interfere with this. Now you can see your "enemy". It is with him that it is necessary to fight. And first of all, you need to start fighting with those disadvantages that are hidden in you. It is necessary to determine which methods you can solve your problems, and write them on the same piece of leaflet. Naturally, you can attend the idea that such paper Volokita is not able to help answer the question of how to change yourself for the better outdoor and internally. However, it is not. In the event that you will only think about your problem, you can forget about some ways to solve it. And in the paper fixed on paper they will be saved safely and safety. In addition, the list of solutions can be significantly reduced by analyzing and excluding what does not play a significant role. In the mind, this is difficult to do.

Simple path will not be

And if you sat down at the table in order to make a list, despite the large amount of time that it may be necessary for this, then this means that internally you summed up for change.

It is necessary to prepare in advance for what it simply will not. All goals are achieved gradually. Therefore, problems will be solved not in one day, but at least in a few months. And in some situations, the term can reach one year. And it is worth understanding that all long-term solutions to problems should be divided into separate items.

What will help achieve the desired?

This is only one option of how to change yourself for the better. Self-development can occur with the help of other principles. You should consider them in more detail.

After analyzing their problems and formed defined plan Actions, it is necessary to proceed to its implementation. And most importantly, what should be done at this stage - systematically repeat solutions to the tasks. Do not take interruptions. You have to wait for you when the dream turns into reality.

Do not forget about your feelings

In the event that you wanted to find a ready-made list of solutions, but could not do this, then you need to independently form an action plan. At this stage, you must listen to yourself, take into account your intuition and expect only to available resources. In addition, it is necessary to reveal before external influences and begin to perceive the incoming information. In order for this stage to be more efficient, you need to try to achieve a state of complete calm.

Need to live in the present time

It should be remembered about such an expression as "live here and now." It can help answer the question of how to change yourself for the better. A teenager or an adult person must be fully concentrated on what is happening at the moment of time. You should not be distracted for dreams and thoughts about the future. Just implement the previously formed plan here and now. Similar thinking is something similar to meditation. With the help of it you can get rid of all too much, from what causes a feeling of discomfort. At the same time you can achieve the desired quickly quickly, without being distracted by excess emotions.

Constantly move forward

At that moment, when the emotional level is no longer the strength to move forward on the way to change, should be processed to physical exertion. For example, you can go to the pool or in gym. It will not only relax you, but will help to gain confidence. The desired will get closer.

It is necessary to move to its goal. Self-improvement should not stop for a second. The former lifestyle should be forgotten completely and irrevocably. Even the smallest step to the side will be able to shift you at the very beginning, to where you started your development.

Treat the manifestations of life calmly

Perceive your life in all its manifestations. No need to try to change something from the outside. Treat all calmly. Change your attitude towards the fact that you have previously caused only bad emotions. At this stage, you must reconcile with the surrounding reality. Accordingly, you can only focus on yourself, your inner world, self-development.


If you fulfill all those rules that have been listed above, you can achieve the desired one. Let it require a long time, but the first results will be noticeable at the very beginning. Just patience will help you walk to the end point in your changes. Be prepared for this, and then you will find success.

Modern girls are ready for the wildest changes in their lives, for permanent self-improvement. Many know to become better, smarter, more attractive, sexier, - you need to work a lot over your appearance, lifestyle, habits and rules of behavior.

If you think about how to become better, you will help a clear plan for 30 days. Change life for the better can every girl! It is not as difficult as it seems.

One representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to change their image are needed years, others try to implement something new to life in a very short time.

In any case, if the result would be guaranteed, quite many people would like to know how to make yourself and your life is best only in 30 days a girl. In our article you will learn how to implement it and change radically for a month. Improve yourself outwardly and internally.

It is not so difficult to change for the better as it seems.

How to become better for the month: Real Action Plan

To improve your internal and external data in 30 days, it is required to make a plan of action on your appearance and habits.

How to become better in 30 days a girl: a plan for a month

1 Week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks
To accustom yourself to early rises. Throw all unnecessary items and things that are not demanded for a long time.Make a plan for recreation and work, performing everything on items.Try to do otherwise than it was before, to learn innovations.
Eat light food. Finish all the intended affairs or abandon unnecessary.Map dreams.Start all your fears.
Daily play sports, dancing or yoga. Stop communicating with people who negatively affect self-esteem (exception: parents).Daily in the evenings to draw up a plan for the coming day.Right rest (without the Internet, outside the house, one on one with you).

Cosmetology procedures allowing to become better

To externally become better, it is required to visit the cosmetologist. Elasticity and elasticity of the skin support regular cleaning faces that happen:

  • ultrasound;
  • manual;
  • peeling.
  • fruit peeling;
  • mesotherapy;
  • biorevitalization.

After 30:

  • correction of small wrinkles butoxin;
  • fillers with hyaluronic acid.

By 40 years it is necessary to add volume, freshness, clarity of lines. Recommended procedures:

  • plasmolifting;
  • peeling;
  • revitalization;
  • grinding with a laser;

Cosmetology procedures are selected strictly by age and recommendations of the specialist.

Skin care, hair and nails

External changes must touch hair, skin and marigolds. Hair should look well-groomed, without seed tips (you need to follow). The roots of the hair should be twisted in time, and the remaining length is refreshing if necessary.

Improve the condition of the hair will help gelatin-based masks For a dry structure, with the addition of cognac for fat curls. If the hair length allows, you can master the braid weaving, it will add novelty to the image, besides it is fashionable. For the average hair length, arm will suit.

Please note: the nails must have regular care. Men do not like the operated manicure, burstles, as well as dirt under the nails.

The strong semi is like Franch, red or better transparent varnish. If within 30 days the girl will take care of the nails daily - it will become a habit.

A modern girl does not always manage to make a manicure every day, so it is necessary to resort to salon care. It has proven itself to such a procedure as lamination of nails. It restores the nail plate, hides all flaws and disadvantages.

The marigold is covered with substance that fills all the depressions and deformation. After the procedure, the plate is heated, aesthetics and nutrition are returned to them. Such a procedure will improve the appearance of the nails, and preparatory stage In the form of a hand massage will give a feeling of relaxation and full harmony.

The skin of the face should have a smooth tone, fresh, well-groomed view with emphasising makeup. To do this, you need to feed daily, moisturize, clean and refresh face. This will extend the youth.

Facial facilities are chosen by skin type. Houses in the refrigerator, there must be ice cubes with a chamomile, which should be wiped the face daily. After a week of such procedures, the skin calms down, the color is leveled, freshness appears, fatigue disappears.

It will be more attractive to help light tan. To do this, the auto bank or visit to the solarium is suitable.

How to become better: proper nutrition

The correct diet will help become better: internally and externally.

Healthy nutrition - the key to healthy life and a good mood
  • Before you begin to any meal, for 1/4 hours, it is necessary to drink 200 ml of water.
  • Daily girl should drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • By excluding the harmful calorie food for 30 days, you can reset the extra kilograms.
  • The existing side dishes are required to replace with vegetable dishes.
  • Forever exclude from the diet of sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products.
  • Between the meals, the interval should be at least 3 hours, the power must be fractional.
  • Evening meal should be 2.5 hours before the deposit to sleep.
  • Every week you need to make unloading days.
  • It is impossible to skip breakfast.
  • Every day on an empty stomach you need to drink 1 tsp. oil flax.
  • Bakery products are better replaced by citrus.

It's important to know! It is impossible after taking food with a liquid or water (there must be at least half an hour).

The best diets for weight loss and good well-being

To answer the question, how to become better in 30 days, a girl, you need to bring your figure in order. This will help various diets, the most popular of them are considered soup, kefir and fractional.

Soup diet will help to lose weight

The diet consists of a variety of soups without potatoes, legumes and cream oil. During the diet, the bread should be abandoned. Salt use very small doses. After the seven-day period, you can reset up to 4 kg of excess weight.

Kefir in the fight against extra kilograms

This diet is designed for 7 days. During this time, it is easy to reset to 5 kg of excess weight. During the week, 1,5-2 liters of skimmed kefir daily need to drink daily.

Diet staircase

This diet is designed for 5 days. On the first day it is necessary to clean the intestine (for the day to eat 2 kg of apples and drink activated carbon). On the second day, the body requires restoration (to eat cottage cheese and kefir).

Lestenka diet will help quickly lose weight

The third day of meals should consist of products rich in useful sugars. The fourth day is protein (use low-fat poultry meat in boiled form). Fifth day - in the fiber diet (Muesli, oatmeal, fruit).

For 5 days, a loss of 7 kg is possible. A diet can be held every 2 weeks, the main thing is that there were no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How to become better in 30 days a girl - psychological trainings

It is possible to become better for a month with help psychological trainings. Each girl chooses a program to help develop its hidden qualities.

Self-confidence - another component successful life!

By choosing for yourself the right program, in 30 days you can change completely, and most importantly change everything around yourself. Raise your self-esteem, become more successful.

Girls after training programs are becoming better, and the main question is how - in itself disappears. Any questions are solved with ease, there are no fear and fear, which means the end of depressions and stress.

At home, you can spend independent trainings. To do this, you need to write all the good deeds made on a sheet of paper, achievements, awards, joyful memories.

Read this list is needed daily, and soon it turns into life guide. The more positive cases and accomplishments will come to mind, the longer the list will turn out, which means that daily readings will give positive results for 5 minutes a day.

Requires not to forget to praise - this is a reward and lifting self-esteem. You can do the praise in front of the mirror.

Do not forget to smile yourself every day - then things will be the most successful.

Creating a new image to become even better

Any girl has its own image that she is more acceptable and convenient, but to change for the better will have to be completely changed. This denotes that the path to success lies through the cardinal changes.

The change in the image can be started with hairstyles:
Long straight hair - twist, and curls - straighten, make a fashionable haircut or coloring. This season at the peak of Fashion Ombre and Ballozh.

Change and familiar makeupWhen trying to make fashionable: painted eyelashes, supplied with eyeliner, tone cream, neat and expressive brings, gloss or lipstick for lips.

If there are vision problems, then you have to replace the usual glasses to replace the contact lenses.. If contact lenses were used, stylish glasses or colored lenses will help change the image.

The change in the image refers to the change of wardrobe. Business women who are accustomed to strict costumes can dilute their image easier and playful accessories, for example, use a bright color handkerchief in combination with a dark suit. Lovers of free sports style can be purchased several feminine dresses and heel shoes.

All image emphasized stylish accessories
: bags, belts, jewelry, and most importantly shoes. All things must complement each other.

The change of image is not only in creating a new image, you need to change your habits, remove unnecessary gestures, change the loud laughter on a smile. Knowing its complexes and disadvantages, they must be adjusted.

So that the girl becomes better, she must have his own individual unique image. You should not shoot yourself, just as shyring new acquaintances (in 30 days, you can start at least 10 buddies). It is necessary to make new friends all the time, but at the same time do not forget about the available. The circle of communication should be diverse.

A lot of important role is played by sociability. The company needs to be cheerful, joyful, then the success of leadership is provided, there will be a place for such a positive person in any company.

Sociability is the key to success in life. Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends!

Important to remember! Favoring yourself with all the power - others will not remain indifferent. No wonder there is a proverb: Love yourself as you want, to love you others.

Wish to become better - this is a painstaking daily, every minute work. It is necessary to work on your views, taste, ways, feelings, fears, perfection and external data.

If you do not retreat from the rules, then the achievement of the goal will be quite close, and all unpleasant memories and fears will remain in the old life.

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