Dagestan Lights is a southern city near the Caspian Sea. City of Dagestan Lights (Russia) Which federal district does the city of Dagestan Lights belong to?

The city of Dagestan Lights is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

Which federal district does the city of Dagestan Lights belong to?

The city of Dagestanskie Ogni is part of the federal district: North Caucasus.

Federal District is an enlarged territory consisting of several entities Russian Federation.

In what region is the city of Dagestan Lights located?

The city of Dagestan Lights is part of the Republic of Dagestan region.

A characteristic of a region or subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements, included in the region.

The region of the Republic of Dagestan is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

Population of the city of Dagestan Lights.

The population of the city of Dagestan Lights is 29,238 people.

Year of foundation of the city of Dagestan Lights.

Year of foundation of the city of Dagestan Lights: 1914.

What time zone is Dagestanskie Ogni located in?

The city of Dagestanskie Ogni is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+4. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Dagestanskie Ogni, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city Dagestan Lights

Telephone code city ​​of Dagestan Lights: +7 87275. In order to call the city of Dagestan Lights from mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 87275 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Received city status in 1990. It is located on the shores of the Caspian Sea, in the northeastern part of the foot of the Greater Caucasus.

The history of the city began in 1914, in connection with the construction of a glass factory and a workers' village, the inhabitants of which were builders engaged in the construction of production buildings. Fuel extracted at the construction site was used as an energy source. natural gas, which gave the name to the area and the village as Dagestan Lights.

Today it is completely unknown when natural mysterious torches appeared in the Derbent region, which gave the name to this area. Scientists suggest that a major earthquake described in historical sources in 1904 disrupted layers of limestone rocks, allowing natural gas to leak through cracks. Which self-ignited and gave a characteristic blue glow at night.

Old timers and local residents cities remember that in the old days, bonfires were a place of refuge for wanderers on foot and rare tourists who lit bonfires for the night. Over time, the cracks widened and the flame began to burn with a blue flame constantly.

IN early XIX century, Astrakhan entrepreneurs of the Menshov family learned about the burning land in Dagestan, came, initially inspected it, and subsequently organized glass production. In close proximity to the villages of Achi and Sabnava, large deposits of natural quartz sand were discovered, which served as the main raw material for glass production.

In 1913, the Menshov family came to the site of the future city, rented 10 hectares of land from the Derbent Khan and began building a glass factory. In 1914, the plant began producing its first products - glassware and small souvenirs.

The first glass blowers were invited from Astrakhan. Living and working conditions in the first years of work were difficult, so workers began to call this place “the valley of the death of fire.” The Malyshev family never managed to fully complete the construction of the plant - they were prevented by the revolution and the subsequent Civil War, the village was empty and fell into disrepair.

The village and the glass factory received a rebirth after Soviet power came to it. The construction and restoration of the Dagestan glass factory became one of the primary tasks of that time.

The modern city of Dagestan Lights still remains the glass center of Dagestan. The city-forming enterprise is a glass factory. The city also operates and produces products: a bearing factory, a carpet factory, a brick factory and a wine factory.