The Zeigarnik effect refers to the psychological process. The effect of the Zeigar will help finish all the tasks


In psychology, the so-called effect of incomplete action is known, or the Zeigarnik effect, named by its discover the Blumes of Wolfovna Zeigarnic. Another phenomenon is sometimes called the principle of completion.

It turns out that incomplete cases are constantly brought over the person, they cause internal tension in it, which makes remember about these affairs and again and again return to them in thoughts and affairs.

And now - the history of the opening of this phenomenon.

In the late 1920s, then a student, and subsequently, the future shining Soviet psychology Blush Zeigarnik with his teacher and a group of students came to the cafe. A large noisy campaign ordered dinner. To their surprise, the waiter who took the order did not record anything, he remembered the whole large list of the dishes ordered.

Dinner was filed, well eaten safely, and everything seemed to have forgotten about the good memory of the waiter.

Before leaving Blush, Zeigarnik unexpectedly decided to clarify some information about one of the dishes filed. It turned out that he absolutely does not remember that they ordered.

They remembered that the waiter did not record an order, but fulfilled it correctly. So why he does not remember. It turns out that he remembered all the unfulfilled orders, but it was completely forgot about those who just performed.

Students and teacher were psychologists, so the story was continued. Blush Zeigarnic suggested that people are differently remembered unfinished and completed actions, as they have different significance for it.

The theory was verified experimentally. The test in the experiments of the Zeigarnik was asked to solve intellectual tasks. The time to solve the problem was determined by Bluma Wolf arbitrarily. At any time, she could stop the decision of the task, saying that the time was expired. As a result, the task turned out to be unresolved.

A few days later, the subjects needed to recall the conditions of the tasks they solved. It turned out that they were well remembered the tasks whose solution was interrupted. Solved tasks subjects remembered with difficulty. Unresolved tasks remembered two times better in comparison with resolved tasks. This pattern is called "the effect of Zeigarnik".

An explanation of such a phenomenon Zeigarnik gave the following. The start of the task is created by the focus of voltage in memory, which does not discharge until the task is complete.

In this focus, the desire for implementation constantly "lives", to the completion of the work begun, which affects the memory and behavior of a person. A person seeks to complete the cases started. Most people like to feel the completeness, and the incompleteness oppresses, outputs the equilibrium state.

The main output from here is next. You do not need to simultaneously have many unfinished tasks, since any of the started, but not unfinished task creates a voltage in our memory, distracting our energy. Such distraction reduces our effectiveness. As they say, in two hares ...

On the household level, the Zeigarnik effect each of us can, thinking, notice at home. We still have a difficult task in mathematics or chemistry at night (for example, it was repeatedly). That, thinking, suddenly come back to the thought of what kind of cool car saw yesterday.

And vice versa. Student learned per night chinese (or Mostzat), passed the exam and completely forgot, what was discussed there at all. And the girl bought a dress, which a week could not forget, and she stopped sharply

I think each of us will have similar examples.

Each person has its own reasonable limit of the number of tasks that are simultaneously in the solution process. For each it is different. There are people who can only do one thing. And there are those who simultaneously make several cases.

This limit for everyone should know and try not to exceed. If the task is large and its solution takes a lot of time, it is better to break it into parts to get satisfaction from the solution of each subtask.

Be careful about making commitments. Take a job only those tasks that you really need and are sought.

If you have any old incomplete tasks that you already like forgotten, they can save their focus of voltage and influence your behavior. If possible, they should be remembered and completing, freeing the place in the brain for new tasks.

Completion of tasks releases your energy!

It concerns our tasks. In the same way, we put the tasks to other people, offering them anything. Understanding and incomplete, as a manifestation of the See Effect, can help you.

These techniques act practically without fail if you have learned well and take into account the interests of your target audience. A person is discomfort until the action is completed.

Therefore, seeing the headline in which the phrase started and was turned off, most people will open the letter to read it to the end. Looking two videos from infocurs and knowing that there were not 2 them there, and 10, potential customers for the most part, if the topic is interesting to them, will want to see all 10.

This can be used as a motivation element when communicating with a potential client. Next, leaving shortness. Even with ellipsis ... will continue another time.

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The effect of the Zeigarnik or what does "close Gestalt" mean?

Have you ever come across a feeling that the situation or the problem that happened to you in the past pursues you so far? Everything seemed to be resolved, but some moments and experiences float in memory again and again, causing sometimes not the most pleasant feelings. In psychological practice, such a phenomenon is called an unclosed gestal. How to "complete" the experienced situations and why they can remain "open", try to figure it out in this article.

Classic experiment B. V. Zeigarnik

Kurt Levin always loved informal communication with his students and often played with them in the so-called "game search". Once, dining in a cafe with his students, among which there was a Blush Wolfovna Zeigarnik, he appealed to the waiter with a request to recall the order, which had just made several customers at the next table. The waiter easily listed all the dishes ordered by them. Then Levin asked to do the same, but with orders of customers who were already paid and left cafes. The young man could not remember a single dish, explaining that customers were already calculated, and therefore their orders are no longer prioritized for him. This situation served as a reason for the assumption that unfinished actions or situations we remember much better than the already completed.

The widespread results of the classical experiment Zeigarnik (1927) argue that interrupted actions or situations really acquire some special "status" in memory. In the experiment, participants were set about 20 tasks. These tasks included arithmetic, puzzles, as well as the use of hand motility skills, including building "buildings" from cardboard boxes and creating clay figures. During the execution of these tasks, the process was interrupted before the participants had time to complete the action and were forced to postpone it. The interrupt occurred, "when the object looked the most immersed in work." In the experiment, it was reported that this happened when the subject discovered how the problem should be solved, but did not foresee the final result.

Participants were allowed to complete the second half of the task.

After performing all tasks, the subjects were invited to inform about all the problems using the free recall method. Zeigarnik found that unfinished tasks were given as an example of problems with the implementation of 90% more often than completed. Zeigarnik concluded that there is a significant advantage of preserving interrupted tasks in memory, compared with those that were solved. Although the theory of "special status" of unresolved problems in memory is attractive, the results of the Zeigarnic experiment seem somewhat contradictory.

Any memorial advantage in the Zeigarnik experiment must correlate with completed tasks, since the participant logically, on average, must spend more time on the completed task. But, nevertheless, using less time on the processing of interrupted tasks, the participants remembered them more often.

Zeigarnik explained this effect from the point of view of motivational factors, assuming that when the object intends to perform the required operations for one of the tasks, the "quasi-need" of the completion of the task occurs. Thus, the "advantage" of interrupted tasks should be due to the continuation of this quasi-dependence, which motivates a person to find solutions regarding unfinished tasks.

Since then, it was proposed to take into account additional social, motivational and personal factors in variations and modifications of the original experiment.

Theology of Godoslavsky and Ghartri (1941) suggested that the tension that is present during the solution of the problem increases the memorization of the problem.

However, in other studies, discrepancies with the results of the original experiment were found.

Rosenzweig (1943) put forward a hypothesis about some kind of repression form to explain the discrepancy with the results of the Zeigarnik. In the study, which he spent, the subject was said that tasks consist of an intelligence test. And in this case, the participants more fully remembered the completed tasks than those that remained unresolved. Rosenzweig explained this to a protective reaction of the brain, in which a person wishes faster to displace situations or actions that characterize it as stupid, awkward, inappropriate, etc. Other scientists proposed the factors associated with stress (Glysman, 1949), individual differences (APLER, 1946) and subjective fatigue to account for discrepancies between their results and the original Zeigarnic experiment. The use of theories based on social, motivational and other associated with the identity of variables was taken with limited success.

Such theories could not explain numerous, seemingly contradictory conclusions.

A higher degree of success can be achieved when trying to explain the original results of the Zeigarnik and some subsequent experiments from the point of view of the cognitive model solving problems. Revising the Effect of Zeigarnik in the plane of modern theories of problem ideas, goals and contextual effects, maybe we can explain the circumstances in which the effect will take place.

Modifications of the experiment B. V. Zeigarnik

Studying cognitive factors, many scientists tried to explain both the initial effect and various studies that sometimes did not repeat the original experiment.

One of these scientists became the staff of the University of Colorado.

In the first experiment, they tried to compare the methods used by Zeigarnik (1927). However, one of the necessary changes was the use of only mental tasks, without entry into the structure of the study structure associated with the Motoric Hands. The subjects of 39 students (25 women and 14 men) from Michigan University. In this study, tasks with twenty words were used, including mathematical, logical and analytical (Mosler, 1977). All of them were broken into separate groups and demanded a successful solution from 15 seconds to four minutes. Each task was presented on a separate sheet of paper and had a brief name, for example, "Bridge".

The next step was subjective assessment using the scale. For each previously given task, the subjects were asked to appreciate how much they are confident that their answer was true.

Subjects provided the following instructions: "You will have a number of tasks. Please work quickly and accurately. Do not decide the tasks intuitive: try everything to analyze and give a clear answer. As soon as you finish one task - you will immediately give you the following. Do not worry if you fail to complete the decision. "

Following these instructions, the tests were presented two first tasks. One was simple, and each participant completed it during the period between 30 and 210 seconds. The second was quite complicated, and each subject successfully interrupted the experimenter between 15 and 60 seconds. The experimenter followed this scheme throughout the solution of all 20 test tasks. Test tasks were presented in one random order for all subjects.

Immediately after the completion of all 20 tasks, participants were asked to write about the tasks they could remember. Also, the experimenter requested to note how correctly the participants solved each task that they were able to recall based on the subjective assessment of correctness.

The results have shown that participants almost the same well remembered both unfinished tasks and tasks that they managed to accomplish, and were absolutely confident in the correctness of their solution.

It was concluded that confidence as to how well the participants coped with the task, forms a sense of satisfaction.

It also turned out that the free memorization of the tasks performed is slightly better than memorizing interrupted tasks. However, this is not surprising, given that the subject spends much longer than the right solution to the task, and in case of erroneous, compared with the time segment, which is spent on performing an interrupted problem.

In another study, American psychologist John Atkinson focused on the motivational aspects of the task completion. He also found confirmation of the effect of the Zeigarnik, but noted that the memorization of unfinished tasks also affect the individual differences between the participants. Atkinson came to the conclusion that those entities that approached tasks with a higher motivation to their execution are trying to solve as much matter as possible and, accordingly, the number of unfinished tasks, subject to the time limit increase. On the contrary, if the participant was less motivated, the status of an unfulfilled task was less interesting for him and, accordingly, less memorable (Atkinson, 1953).

Another option of a classic experiment was the study of M. Ovsyankina regarding the desire of the subjects to return to the completion of the interrupted problem.

Its essence consisted that the subjects were given to perform the simplest task - for example, folding the figure from different elements. When the task was almost fulfilled, the experimenter interrupted the participant and asked for absolutely another action. At this time, the experimental was to "neutralize the stimulus" - cover the stimulus with a newspaper, paper, cloth, etc. After the second action was completed by the participant, the experimenter had to pretend that something was very busy and did not hear the subject's questions, but at the same time, it was necessary to observe. It turned out that 86% of participants were returned to the first action, which was interrupted at the beginning.

Levin, having read the results of this study, first was outraged why adults returned to perform senseless and stupid tasks, such as a simple folding of figures. But then he concluded that the emotional and psychological stress arising in a situation of solving any complexity of the task must be removed, otherwise our consciousness will constantly return to this unfinished action. It is such a "charged" or tense system, Levin called the "quasi-need" or the intention to do something at the moment, which, in his opinion, was distinguished from the true need, existing constantly in the consciousness of man.

The concept of "closed gestalta"

The fundamental work of the Zeigarnik, based on the experiment, became one of the points of reference in the formation of the main gestalt principle - completeness and integrity. Based on the concept of K. Levin, Zeigarnik explained the results obtained by it as follows: the interrupted task or actions lead to the emergence psychological tension At the subject. In order for the discharge occurred, the subject is committed to the completion of a task, that is, trying to make an image or memory full, completed, which came to the logical conclusion. The concept of an incomplete problem was often used by gestalt psychologists as an analogue of an unfinished perceptual and cognitive task, whose concept was introduced perls and Shepard.

Based on the developed theories and studies, psychologists have increasingly began to use the Gestalt principle in relation to situations. The concept of "closed gestalt" has acquired the color of the unfinished emotional or behavioral response of a person in a certain situation. Assumptions began to appear that people tend to "stick" in events or experiences precisely because of the open Geshtalta. For example, the situation that occurred with the man had an unsatisfactory finale for him. The voltage arising as a result of this has a constant nature and is not removed by emotional discharge, since a person cannot change the circumstances already established. However, there is one of the paradoxical principles of gestalt therapy, which states that the situation or event could be interrupted due to the mechanism of avoiding as a protective reaction of consciousness. The event could be psychotrambulating, and his experience forced a person to "leave" from the actions necessary for completion and subsequent interiorization. But the subject constantly resorts to the same actions in progress in the past, prone to fantasies and thinking about the past situation, repeats the same action scenarios in parallel situations in the present time.

Therefore, they resort to the method of playing situations and possible options Events that will allow "let go" the situation. The task of the psychotherapist is to increase the awareness of a person's actions, to draw his attention to what he does and for what. That is, translate Gestalt from the unconscious state. It is the completeness, satisfaction from the "necessary" completion allows a person to close Gestalt and, thus, to remove the psychological stress.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that B. V. Zeigarnik herself never engaged in gestalt therapy and had nothing to do with it. However, its research is actively used until now the psychotherapists and psychologists of various directions. After all, it was the results of her experiment that made it possible to conclude that the personality of a person is constantly striving for the completion of situations or tasks. The interruption of such actions can cause psychological tensions and may well form neurosis.

The effect of the Zeigarnik is the effect of unfinished action.



Influence of the nature of the material on the memorization.

1) The effect of the location of the elements in the row. If the memorable material consists of elements located in a row, the elements that are at the beginning and at the end are remembered faster than the elements in the middle. Worst of all remembered elements, somewhat shifted from the center by the end of the row.

Foucault: This is the result of the interaction of 2 braking processes, simultaneously operating during the learning and slowing the latter. The first process is progressive internal braking - it is manifested in the fact that the answers to previous incentives have an interfering influence on the answers relating to the subsequent incentives. The second process is regressive internal braking - it is manifested in the fact that the responses to subsequent incentives have an interfering impact on the answers relating to the preceding stimuli.

* Interference - deterioration of the storage of the material being stored as a result of the effect (overlapping) of another material with which the subject operates.

    The degree of homogeneity of the material (similarity and difference).

a) If 2 or several incentives have common signs, they say that they are similar. The number of samples necessary to achieve the same criterion of learning increases with increasing similarity between the material elements.

b) Regardless of the nature of the material, if in the memorable row, the heterogeneous elements are intermitted with a large number of homogeneous, then these heterogeneous elements are preserved better than homogeneous. (Effect background Restorph).

    Measurement of material.

Well meaningful material is easier to memorize than a weakly meaningful.

With the same exercise time, the number of stimulus stimuli is the greater the higher the degree of meaningfulness of these incentives.

To achieve the same criterion for learning, when completing meaningless material, a longer exercise is required than when the meaningful material is completed.

The role of exercises. Distribution of exercises and relative difficulty of tasks.

When we are talking On the memorization of C-l of the material when they want to achieve the maximum level of learning with a minimum exercise duration, which is preferable to repeat continuously exercise until the criterion of assimilation is achieved, or distribute the exercises in time?

The results suggest that the number of samples necessary for re-completion is somewhat larger when all repetitions fall on the same day.

Yost: repeating the series of syllables, the subject sets the Associations M / in various elements of the material; With a distributed learning, the "old" associations, the "prescription" of associations are updated, the greater the longer the time from the exercise before reproduction. With the concentrated learning of the repetition, the newest associations are updated.

Thus, from two associations of the same force, of which one older than the other, with the subsequent repetition, the Old Association (Law of Yosta) will be relevant.

When the material is such that it can be memorable with a relatively small amount of repetitions, it is preferable to use the method of concentrated learning; If, on the contrary, for mastering the material, a significant number of repetitions is needed, then a distributed learning method will be most economical.

Influence of interruptions in memorization activities.

The effect of Zeigarnik.The effect of the Zeigarnik is the effect of unfinished action.

Question: How to remember the memorization of actions that were interrupted before the end and memorizing completed actions.

Experiment: The subject was given the tasks that he D.B. Perform as quickly as possible and better. However, he was not allowed to fulfill all tasks to the end: half was interrupted before their completion. Completed and interrupted tasks followed in a random sequence. After the last task of the subject asked to recall the tasks that he did during the experience.

The result of the study showed that unfinished actions are remembered better than completed.

Incorrect tasks are 3 times more often called primarily than completed. The number of memorable interrupted tasks is about twice as high as the number of coming completed.

But he is not always observed. It turned out that with a very strong interest, complete tasks were better remembered, and with weak motivation - interrupted. For adequate self-esteem The effect of unfinished action was observed, and with an increased or reduced self-esteem - no.

The role of installations, nature and strength of motivation and emotional reactions in processes P.

Along with the properties of incentives and exercises in fulfilling the task of efficiency and psychological content of reproduction and recognition, the motives of the individual, its affective reactions, installations, habits, methods of organization and perception of incentives, etc., acting at the level of learning and mnemonic activity. Ultimately, the reproduction and braking of associations, as well as various disorders of P., are a product of the interaction of these factors.

Memorization and reproduction depend not only on the objective links of the material, but also from the attitude towards a person. This relationship is due to the directionality of the personality - its installations, interests and the emotional color, in which the importance of the material for the individual is expressed.

P. Man is selective. It is expressed in the fact that we remember essentially what is significantly important for us.

The memorization of a person significantly depends on the conscious installation for memorization. Memorization - volitional act. Installation Remember is a significant condition of memorization, without it a simple repetition of the submitted series does not give effect. The installation can affect not only the fact of memorization itself, but also on its duration.

In some cases, the focus of the individual is due to the irrequitable installations acting involuntarily, inadvertently.

Emotional moments also play memorization. All other things being equal, emotionally saturated will be imprinted stronger than the emotionally neutral; But in some cases it will be better to remember the pleasant, in others - unpleasant, depending on what exactly in this particular case is more relevant, more significantly due to its attitude towards a person's personality. Memorization of emotionally bright impression will depend on its importance for a given person, from what place it will take in the history of its development.

The value of the rhythmic and semantic material grouping.

Memory and learning. How do we learn ch-n? Exercise, learning, training.

Obviously, almost in every D., quite difficult in order for the masters or professionals in it, the years of study and practice are needed to achieve a high level.

How do we remember? Sometimes it happens very easily. Sometimes it is possible to remember only hard.

Remember - it means to successfully cope with three tasks: assimilating, maintaining and re-extracting information. Do not remember - it means not to cope with one of these tasks.

Recovery and memorization are closely related. But learning is not just memorizing, it is also a skill development, the ability to perform some kind of task. Recognition is associated with targeted recall and skillful actions.

Cognitive P. - The process of maintaining knowledge. Knowledge obtained in training is perceived first as something external on the individual, but then gradually turn into experience and beliefs.

Phenomenal P. and the problem of forgetting.The basic difficulty of extraction of information is related to the structure of P. and with a large number of material laid into it.

For successful extraction is not enough that necessary information Preserved. The desired event D.B. It is described in this way, which would distinguate it from all other similar events.

Ebbigauz forgetting curve. The saving efficiency is rapidly decreasing during the first hour after completion; Then, this rapid fall is replaced by a strongly pronounced phase of deceleration, during which the slope of the curve gradually becomes weaker and finally completely insignificant.

Material, 60.


1 2 6 time interval, days

It can be seen that immediately after the primary memorization, the curve drops sharply, but in the future the pace of forgetting slows down and after two days the memorization is held almost at one level. And after 6 days less than 20% remains.

Research results Ebbigauza:

* Separate information elements are remembered, stored and reproduced not isolated, but in certain logical structures and semantic associations.

* If the number of members of the stored series increases to a number exceeding the volume of short-term P., the number of properly reproduced members of the series in a single presentation decreases, compared with the case when the number of units in a memorable row exactly equal to the volume of short-term P.

* If such a series increases, at the same time increases the number of repetitions required for memorization.

* Preliminary repetition of the material that is subject to completion is shrinking the time for its memorization later.

* Effect of the edge: At the memorization of a long row, the beginning and end is remembered better.

* The repetition of a contracty material is less productive for its memorization than the distribution of such repetitions during a certain period of time.

* What more people are interested, remembered without difficulty, especially in mature years.

* Rare, strange, unusual impressions are remembered better than ordinary, often encountered.

* Relatively simple events that produce a strong impression are remembered quickly and for a long time.

Theory forgetting, retroactive and proactive braking.

Forgetting is a process characterized by a gradual decrease in the possibility of remembering and reproducing the exploded material.

Forgetting is a process that leads to the loss of clarity and a decrease in the amount of material attached to P., it is impossible to reproduce.

Z. Especially intensively occurs immediately after memorization. This pattern is general, although the meaningful visual or verbal material is forgotten more than, for example, the sequences of numbers or meaningless syllables.

The presence of interest in memorable material leads to a longer preservation.

The main maintenance of the material is most fully and firmly maintained; Secondary parts are forgotten faster.

Retroactive braking - 1) Negative influence D., which followed the memorial to the subsequent reproduction of the exploded material. 2) an integral nervous process that slows down due to the fact that the responses to the subsequent elements of the stored material have an inhibitory effect on the answers relating to its previous elements, the previously obtained material is forgotten under the influence of subsequent completion.

R.T. Essently, the greater the similarity of the M / U D. memorization and subsequent D. both in the content and the conditions of their implementation. R.T. It decreases if the number of non-similar, but identical elements increases in two consistently memorized materials.

R.T. Then occurs when D., executed after memorizing the material, requires large mental effort and causes fatigue, or if it is extremely entertaining, is associated with strong positive or negative emotions.

Proactive braking is an integral nervous process that slows down due to the fact that the answers relating to the previous elements of the material are inhibited responses related to its subsequent elements.

It is ahead of the acting braking, the difficulty in memorizing the material under the influence of the previous D. is the impact of the higher the preceding D. similarity with the subsequent memorization process.

The joint action of proactive and retroactive braking is explained by the faster forgetting of the middle of the material memorable (in the case of its extensity and homogeneity in content) than the beginning and the end, because The average parts of the material are experiencing the inhibitory effect of previous and subsequent parts.

Natural forgetting and forgetting as action.

Facts and reminiscence theories. Reminiscence is a more complete and accurate reproduction of the material stored in P. compared to initially captured (donated), provided that since the examination, the subject did not work with additional exercises in the execution of this task.

The phenomenon of R. was studied in the framework of 2 private issues. The first concerns a quantitative improvement in the subsequent reproduction (Ballard phenomenon), and the second - quantitative improvement in the preservation for a certain time in the absence of in principle any remember of the reproduced object (Ward-Hovend Phenomenon).

These two approaches suggest that R. is synonymous with "quantitative improvement P.". However, the meaning of the term is too narrowed, because The remembrance of the previously not reproduced material may be accompanied by forgetting, short-term or complete, other molemic responses that were correctly reproduced during previous reproduction.

Ballard Phenomenon.

The tests were to learn different material (verses, passages of prose, etc.) for the time, insufficient to achieve a complete learning criterion.

The results showed that playback becomes maximum in 2 or 3 days.

So., R. is a process opposite to forgetting and able to provide a favorable effect on the molemic processes within a few days.


Improving a long-term P., obtained by Ballard, is largely caused by the repetition of the material in the mind during periods between memorizing and reproducing.


The testes that were probably refrained from repetition, found almost the same measure R., as well as those tests that resorted to such a repetition.

Brown hypothesis (The most satisfactory interpretation of the Ballard phenomenon):

The lack of long-term forgetting is the result of the accumulation of recumbenses, each of which contributes to the consolidation of reproduced responses, thereby increasing their disponitation, i.e. the probability of their recalls upon subsequent reproduction; This process is favored by updating not yet reproduced elements of this task.

The most characteristic forms of pathology P.

P. Disorders - Reduced or loss of ability to memorize, save, learn and reproduce information. The following disorders p.: Amnesia - the absence of P., Hypermnezia - Strengthening P., Himnezia - Weakening P., Paramnezia - Deceptions P.

One of the types of amnesia is a progressive amnesia. Patients do not remember the past, confuse it with the present; shift the chronology of events; Dispute disorientation in time and space.

Hypermnezia - as a rule, is congenital in nature and is especially to memorize information (visual, symbolic) in more than normal, volume and for a longer period.

Himmenesia - either occurs after various diseases (sclerosis of the brain vessels, etc.), or is congenital.

Paramnezia is divided into deceptions of P. by type "already seen", on the mixing of traces of P., on the emergence of false memories of repeated character.

P. disorders appear in the processes of perception as the unrecognizing familiar objects. In such cases, P. disorder is included in agnosia syndrome.

Sometimes we have to leave this or that action unfinished in mind of various reasons. Well, after we can suffer at night, and this unfinished business will remind themselves again and again annoying thoughts even if this is the thing and there is no need to finish to end for one reason or another. It all does not speak at all about our high degree conscientiousness or something in this way. The thing is that in the theory of modern Gestalt Psychology, there is such a concept as the Effect of Zeigarnik, which is obliged to its title by the Soviet scientist B. V. Zeigarnik.

Who is she is - Blush Wolfovna?

Blum was born in 1900 in the North-East of Russia, and throughout the childhood and the youth, nothing foreshadowed her high achievements in pathopsychology. At the age of 21, the girl married and moved to Berlin, where he entered the institute.

And only during visits to lectures, it is thoroughly interested in various processes that manifest themselves in the behavior of a person at a particular violation.

It is surprising that the phenomenon that will subsequently give the name "The Effect of the Zeigarnik in Psychology" and which will glorify Blume to Wolfovna, has become an object of studying in the works of the Doctor still in her student years and was the main topic thesis. Of course, throughout his life, Ms. Zeigarnik made a lot of discoveries, worked out by the assistant L. S. Vygotsky in a psychoneurological clinic at the Institute of Experimental Medicine. However, its first work, studied and open to the world in young aged, I became an indispensable contribution to the Gestalt Psychology of the Contemporary World.

Tandem of the Russian Psychologist and the Berlin Waiter

As mentioned earlier, the See Effect of Zeigarnik was opened by Mrs. Dr. still in student years. In the courtyard stood the 20s of the twentieth century, and the young Blum in those days passed an internship from the Luminous Pathopsychology Somehow once a great doctor and a scientist decided to visit one of the German ordinary crowded cafes, inviting his trainee of Zeigarnik there. The effect of unfinished action as one of the laws of Gestalt Psychology originated in the student's head that day, but it happened for the following reasons.

When the waiter came, he did not record a single word from the voiced list of visitors orders, but at the same time did not forget absolutely nothing, and through time the dishes were standing on the table. Surprised by the phenomenal abilities of the serving employee, Bluch Wolfovna marked extremely good memory waiter. However, he said that he never writes anything. Then Zeigarnik asked the waiter to name what people were ordered at the tables, which he served earlier - and he could not fully recall the order, referring to a crowded cafe.

The first tests in confirmation of the phenomenon

Interested in this issue and looking for a scientific confirmation, after some time Blush Zeigarnik, together with his girlfriend and a classmate, Maria Ovsyankina decided to spend a certain experience.

A certain group of people participated in experimental actions, which was set targets in solving intellectual tasks. At the same time, some people managed to solve the problem completely, but others were interrupted, not allowing the opportunity to bring the matter to the end. As a result, a few days later, experimental asked about the content of the tasks, and only those who did not have time to solve them to the end, clearly remembered the terms of tasks. This phenomenon has the name "The Effect of Zeigarnik". Or - in other things - the effect of unfinished action.

The effect of Zeigarnik, or how to use the principle of completion

Any psychological phenomenon has its own practical use in everyday lifeSo often each of us suffers from the effect of unfinished action, tormented by unwanted memories of a particular incident.

No one loves uncertainty. BUT B. modern world Many advertisers and marketers enjoy the effect of unfinished action in order to promote goods on web pages, and just in television advertising.

How it works? If we are talking about advertising on web pages, then often the key phrases with access to the consumer are applied to the banner. However, they are drawn up in such a way that they seem unacceptable. Therefore, users of Internet pages subconsciously avoiding the effect of incompleteness, go on the link and receive new information. In this case, the data obtained will be absorbed significantly better because there was a principle of completion.

And now you ask: And why some television advertising constantly turn into memory? And we will answer you: it is for the same reason for the effect of incompleteness. Often with the screens to us reach the appeals of manufacturers, some dialogue with the viewer, necessarily containing the question, which, in fact, is most and remembered.

Phenomenon of incompleteness in love

Often, we cannot forget about a person who had romantic or friendly relationships, justifying themselves and choosing various psychological effects in justification. The effect of the Zeigarnik can explain the many sufferings for not being established relationships, especially if there was no obvious parting and the division of property between partners.

Therefore, it is ultimately not recommended to part with former sweethearts by phone or the Internet. The affected side will not be able to realize that everything is over, and this incomplete phenomenon will be buried in the subconscious of a person, not giving the image of the former beloved.

The same applies to relationships that are destroyed due to a sudden distance arising between people. For example, if one of the half leaves to work in another city and gradually dissipates from a loved one, it is necessary to be the fact of parting at a personal meeting. Otherwise, a similar "silent" gap can painfully affect the subconscious of the affected side.

How to recognize the effect of Zeigarnik and how to deal with it?

After reading this article, some of you may have begun to think about it, and do not spoil your life to you the very effect of incomplete action? Let's try to figure it out.

The fact is that there are some symptoms, like the most real disease, which indicate the permanent cyclic principles of incompleteness in your life:

  • if you feel a constant alarm, despite the coherence of life, good work and family availability;
  • if your personal life does not fold again and again for the reasons unknown;
  • if you often think of yourself the continuation of those or other words of the interlocutor;
  • if you feel that increasingly coming on the same rake.

The above symptoms are not the signs of ordinary life failures. All problems lie within the person himself. You just need to open your eyes at sometimes very painful truth and rethink the established incomplete situations.

And no treatment is not necessary at all, and to look for old friends and completing unfinished things there is no need. Just comprehend for yourself that there has been a lot of time, and the situation is time to let go, you do not need to justify someone and regret. Now you will see - it will be easier to live. Just let go.

Zeigarnik Blum Wolfovna is a Soviet psychologist. Psychological education received in the 20s. In Germany, in the laboratory, K. Levina, where world-famous studies forgetting completed and unfinished actions. In these studies, it was shown that incomplete actions are better remembered than completed, 1.9 times, which received the name of the See Effect of the Zeigarnik. In the future, it was engaged in problems of pathopsychology, in particular the pathology of thinking, while using the methodology of the activity approach.

Blush Wulfovna Zeigarnik was born on November 9, 1900 in the Lithuanian town of Preyas. In the same city, she graduated from the gymnasium. Unfortunately, it is not possible to refer to any documentary evidence of this pore of her life, as they are not preserved.

She walked early enough and got married in 1921 with her husband to Berlin. In Berlin, she entered the University of Berlin at the Faculty of Philology, where immediately with his head plunged into the study of a variety of German dialects.

By chance, Zeigarnik went to the lecture of Professor Max Vertheimer and realized that he would dedicate the study of psychology all his life. In 1924, Zeigarnik began visiting Kurt Levin's seminar, who directly engaged in personality psychology, in particular the study of the driving motives of the personality, the behavior of the person in its environment, the needs and quasi-complex of the personality and their dependence on the social environment.

Simultaneously with the classes, Levin, Zeigarnik continued to attend classes and from other professors: So, she was engaged in a psychiatric clinic at K. Goldstein, he listened to the course of lectures E. Shpranger and a course of aesthetics lectures M. Shesuara. The latter, noticing her passion for Gestalt Psychology, put a lot of effort to dissuade her from lessons in Levin's circle, which did not lead to the desired result. It should be noted, however, that the Lion's approach to the study of the person was noticeably different from the approach adopted in the Gushalt Psychological environment.

At about this time (more precisely in 1925), after conducting a number of experiments, Zeigarnik found an amazing pattern that entered into science under the name "Zeigarnic effect". The essence of this phenomenon is that unfinished actions are saved in the person's memory much better than the actions completed.

During the experiment, Zeigarnik requested the subjects for a certain time to solve any task. It turned out that if the task is unsolved due to any factor (for example, due to lack of time), this nonresity causes a certain level of emotional voltage, which does not receive its discharge in solving the problem and, in turn, contributes to the preservation of this "unsatisfactory" action in mind. Zeigarnik experimentally brought the following pattern: the number of coming unresolved tasks is about twice as much as the number of memorable solid tasks.

40 years after the opening of the effect of the Zeigarnik, it was estimated that more than 160 scientific works were devoted to the clarification and interpretation of the effect of the Zeigarnik and over 30 thousand people were used as subjects for conducting relevant experimental studies in order to prove or refute the existence of this phenomenon. Almost all directions and schools of psychology, with the exception of psychoanalysis, tried one way or another to interpret Open Zeigarnik effect: put it on serving his theories or refute it.

In 1927, Zeigarnik graduated from the University of Berlin, successfully defending a diploma dedicated to his effect. However, its research was made public by Levin back in 1926 in their report at the VIII International Psychological Congress.

In 1931, Zeigarnik returned to Russia. It literally began to study science from the first moment. Zeigarnik becomes the nearest assistant L.S. Vygotsky and works in the psychoneurological clinic of the Institute of Experimental Medicine. During these years, Zeigarnik managed to become a faithful companion and like-mindedness for many prominent Soviet psychologists.

From 1931 he worked in the psychoneurological clinic of the Institute of Experimental Medicine, being the closest employee of L. S. Vygotsky.

The 30s were very heavy both for young Soviet psychology and for each individual psychologist. After the death of Vygotsky in 1934, his students were subjected to persecution, and the branch of science, unsuccessfully examined and developed by Vygotsky and his students, was prohibited. In 1938, her husband B.V. was arrested and died in Lubyanka Zeigarnik, and she remained almost without support with young son.

During the Great Patriotic War, Zeigarnik was engaged in the restoration of the highest mental functions after the crank-brain injuries in the Recovery Hospital of Kisagach (in the Urals) under the direction of A.R. Luria. After the war (1943-1967), Zeigarnik headed the laboratory of the Pathopsychology of the Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR at the same time (since 1949) on teaching work in Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Since 1967 Professor of the Department of Medical Psychology of the Psychological Faculty of Moscow State University. Zeigarnik - organizer of the retraining system and advanced training of practical pathopsychologists of the country, head of All-Russian pathopsychological seminars (since 1960), an honorary member and a member of the Presidium of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR, Chairman of the Section of Medical Psychology. He participated in international psychological congresses, at the XVIII International Psychological Congress in Moscow and the XIX International Congress in London was the organizer and co-chairman of the Pathopsychology sections. The outstanding contribution of the Zeigarnik to the development of psychological problems was appreciated by the American Psychological Association, who was awarded to her the Kurt Levin award (1983).

Zeigarnik strengthens its contacts with many of the country's largest psychologists - A.R. Luria, A.N. Leontiev, A.V. Zaporozhet, S.G. Hellershtein, during communication with which her ideas about pathopsychology as a special sector of psychology took shape.

In the post-war period, Zeigarnik heads the laboratory of psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, which was created in direct participation. It was during this period that a special branch of psychology was formed at the junction of general psychology and psychiatry - experimental pathopsychology.

Theoretical observations I. practical experience The Zeigarnik was summarized in the following books. "Mentally patient disorders" (1959), "Pathology of thinking" (1962), "Introduction to psychopathology" (1969), "Fundamentals of Pathopsychology" (1973), "Pathopsychology" (1976).

In 1978, Professor Zeigarnik was awarded the Lomonosov Prize of the 1st degree per cycle of works devoted to the problem of psyche violations in various mental illness, correction and rehabilitation of people suffering from mental illness. In the works of this cycle, the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the psychological study of the pathology of the psyche in mentally illness was given, it was shown that in various mental illness, the principally the same patterns of the functioning of the psyche are identified, which is normal: only the conditions under which these patterns are revealed. Both in the normal place and in mental illness, the main source of development is the social environment surrounding the patients of the world of human culture. The own activity of patients is the main symptomatic factor. Psychological mechanisms are involved in the formation of a psychopathological picture of the disease, therefore, psychological correction and rehabilitation of patients is a prerequisite for their return to a full-fledged social life, the condition for restoring their mental health. In research, Zeigarnik shows that the decay of the psyche is not a negative of its development, given theoretical and experimental substantiation of this situation. The latter is important both to solve research tasks in the field of pathopsychology and for practical work psychologists in this area.

Among the works of Zeigarnik, a special place is held by the textbook "Pathopsychology" (1986), addressed to students learning psychology. This is the first edition in domestic psychology containing in a systematized form a holistic understanding of pathopsychology as a special field of knowledge, it discusses the issue of pathopsychology in the system of other sciences, on the importance of pathopsychological research to solve general theoretical problems of psychology.

Zeigarnik and her followers described the features of the personality and thinking of people suffering from schizophrenia, epilepsy, alcoholism and other mental disorders. The results of these studies coincided with Leontheyev's theory, according to which the personality is largely determined by the hierarchy of the motives, and demonstrated that the mentally ill people this hierarchy has significantly violated.

Zeigarnic extremely skeptical about the mass treatment of psychotherapy. In her opinion, the mediated personality, the Personality, critically estimating himself, able to independently cope with internal problems, does not need psychotherapy, since a developed, harmonious personality should be able to "repair" their internal "malfunctions." People immature, with a non-refined system of mental self-regulation, according to Zeigarnik, need psychotherapists.

Blush Wolfovna Zeigarnik acquired worldwide fame thanks to his phenomenon who was discovered in her honor and included in all psychological encyclopedias, dictionaries and textbooks, as well as due to the allocation of pathopsychology from the fragmented area of \u200b\u200bknowledge into a special branch of science with their own problems, terminology, subject, method, system and the area of \u200b\u200bpractical application.

B.V. Zeigarnik died in 1985

Zeigarnik Blush Wulfovna

(1900-1988) - Russian psychologist. Working at the School K. Levin, revealed the dependence of the productivity of memorization from the dynamics of the needs of the subject ("completeness" of actions), who received fame in psychology as "The Effect of Zeigarnik" was further engaged in problems of pathopsychology, in particular the pathology of thinking, while using the methodology of the activity approach. Its studies showed the role of motivational mediating of violations of cognitive activity under the anomalies of the individual. Genesis and dynamics of the formation of pathological needs, structure of violations of the hierarchy of motifs, their mediation, awareness and controlling, regulating the function of self-assessment were described.


    Disruption of thinking in mental illness. 1957;

    Pathology of thinking. M., 1962;

    Introduction to pathopsychology. M., 1969;

    Personality and pathology of activity. M., 1971;

    Basics of pathopsychology. M., 1973;

    Pathopsychology. M., 1976;

    Theory of personality K.levina. 1981;

    Personal theories in foreign psychology. 1982.

In the last years of life, it was engaged in the development of the general psychological problems of the individual.

Phenomenon Zeigarnik

One of the well-known phenomena, now described in all psychological dictionaries and textbooks, was opened in the 20s of B.V. Zeigarnik and named it with the name. It is interesting, however, not only the discovery itself, but also how it was done.

In those years, Zeigarnik was in danger in Berlin at the famous psychologist Kurt Levin. Once with his teacher, she went into a crowded cafe. Her attention was attracted by the fact that the waiter, accepting the order, did not record anything, although the list of ordered dishes was extensive, and brought everything to the table, not forgetting anything. On the remark about his amazing memory, he shrugged, saying that he never writes and never forgets. Then psychologists asked him to say that they chose visitors from the menu, whom he served to them and who had just left the cafe. The waiter was confused and admitted that he could not remember their order anything full. Soon there was a plan to check experimentally, as the completion of the completion or incompleteness of action affects the memorization. This work and did B.V. Zeigarnik.

She requested the subjects for limited time to solve intellectual tasks. The decision time was determined arbitrarily, so it could allow the subject to find a solution either at any time to declare that the time was expired and the task was not solved.

After a few days of the subjects, they asked to remember the conditions of those tasks that were offered to them for solving.

It turned out that if the solution of the problem was interrupted, it is remembered better compared to the tasks that are safely resolved. The number of remembered interrupted tasks is about twice as much as the number of commemorated completed tasks. This pattern and got the name "The Effect of Zeigarnik". It can be assumed that a certain level of emotional voltage, which did not receive in the conditions of the unfinished discharge, contributes to maintaining it in memory.

An interesting improvement of this experiment belongs to the FRESS field. He asked the tested twenty tasks, but allowed us to solve only ten, and then I was interested in how many tasks, according to the subject, he managed to decide. It turned out that people who confident in themselves and success are inclined to somewhat exaggerate their achievements and assume that they successfully coped with most tasks. The same, whose self-esteem is underestimated, prone to more prone to their progress. So this experiment resulted in an interesting form of personal diagnostics.

In a variety of options, such experiments are held to this day. And few people remember that their origins stood an obsequious Berlin waiter.