Caucasian War 1817 1864 presentation. Caucasian War

The purpose of the lesson– recreate a panorama of the events of the Caucasian War of 1817-1864; showing its ambiguity; understand the origins and causes of this conflict; show, using concrete facts, the heroism and courage of both Russian soldiers and officers and Caucasian mountaineers; contribute to the formation of respect for the historical past of their country based on the ideas of tolerance.



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Author of the presentation: Margarita Vladimirovna Rozhentsova, teacher of history and social studies, MBOU secondary school No. 25 in the village of Novoulyanovsky, Georgievsky district, Stavropol Territory Audience: 10th grade. CAUCASIAN WAR 1817-1864

Show the versatility of the interpretation of the concept “Caucasian War”; Consider the causes and main events of the Caucasian War; To introduce the great personalities of military events; Show the ambiguous nature of the Caucasian events, which continues to this day; Formation of social and civic competencies and attitudes among students. THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON:

There there is good for good, and blood for blood, And hatred is immeasurable, like love. M.Yu.Lermontov

From the Azov to the Caspian seas.

What are the causes of war? Dates of the war? Who is to blame for this war? Was there a victory? ….?....? And most importantly, was it a war or something else? Questions from yesterday and today: There are very, very many of them, and among them:

1 . Russian Colonial War: Ideas of a humane mission quickly gave way to ideas of conquest and revenge. There was a well-thought-out conquest and settlement of the Caucasian region. Caucasian War - or?

2. People's liberation movement: There was no unity among the mountaineers. The highlanders rebelled against the highlanders. Shamil was not loved and revered everywhere. Caucasian War - or?

3. The real revolution: The economy was changing Statehood was being formed A new ideology was being formed The interests of Russia, the highlanders, Turkey, Persia, England were colliding Russia was fulfilling a civilizing mission The Caucasian War - or?

1. The establishment of Russia in the Caucasus in geopolitical terms was facilitated by the consolidation of its southern borders along natural mountain barriers and made it possible to organize military-political pressure on Turkey and Iran 2. The need to ensure a stable connection with the annexed Transcaucasia (Georgia, Azerbaijan), from which Russia was practically cut off. 3. The tendency of the mountaineers to a predatory lifestyle, to the slave trade, to raids on neighboring territories and replenishment of their wealth due to this. Causes of the war

STAGE I - (1816-1819): predominance guerrilla warfare highlanders; arrival in the Caucasus of A. Ermolov; construction of Russian fortresses and forced resettlement of highlanders to the plains. Complete political and military history of the region. STAGE II - (1819-1824): organized military actions on both sides. STAGE III - (1824-1828): uprising in Chechnya; the emergence of muridism; appointment of General I. Paskevich to the Caucasus. STAGES OF WAR

IV STAGE - (1828-1833): creation of the imamate; gas movement V STAGE - (18 3 4-18 59): the era of Imam Shamil; active military operations on both sides; Captivity of Shamil in the village of Gunib. STAGE VI - (1859-1864): final suppression of the resistance of the highlanders. STAGES OF WAR

The main characters are Imam Shamil - the third imam of Dagestan and Chechnya (1834-1859). Alexey Ermolov - commander of the Russian troops in the Caucasus (1816-1827) Alexander Baryatinsky - Commander-in-Chief of the Caucasian Army (1856-1862)

“Officers of the Caucasian type” Grigory Zaas Yakov Baklanov

In a report to the sovereign emperor, the commander-in-chief of the Russian army in the Caucasus, Prince Baryatinsky, wrote: “From the Caspian Sea to the Georgian Military Road, the Caucasus is subjugated by your Power.” Result of the war:

It did not want to end; the unrest continued until 1884. The consequences were quite contradictory: the raids stopped, there was an increase in development, but everyone counted their losses and were horrified by them. A lot of highlanders moved to Turkey. The war was declared over in 1864, BUT:

The war left a lot of questions to which there are still no truthful and open answers. And old questions give rise to new ones. MAIN:

The Caucasian War was and remains an incompletely studied event. Its reasons are formulated schematically. There is no consensus among historians on the main issues of the war. Unsolved old problems always give rise to new ones. We do not know exactly what awaits the Caucasus in the future. CONCLUSIONS:

LIVE IN PEACE WITH RUSSIA. “..I regret that I did not know Russia and that I had not previously sought its friendship” Testament of the Great Imam Shamil:

Consolidation of the studied material The Caucasian War began: A) in 1812, b) in 1817, c) in 1828. 2. In 1834 the head of the mountaineers was: A) Gazi-Mukhammed, B) Gamzatbey, C) Shamil. 3. Shamil surrendered in Vedeno: A) A.P. Ermolov, b) I.F. Paskevich, c) A.I. Baryatinsky. 4. The Caucasian War ended: A) in 1856, b) in 1859, c) in 1864.

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Catherine the Great continued the movement to the South begun by Peter I. At the same time, expansion took place in two directions at once. The first - through the lands of the Turkic and Grebensky Cossacks to Chechnya and Dagestan and the second - through the Georgian kingdoms and principalities. In 1763, a year after Catherine’s accession to the throne, the Mozdok fortress was founded, after which a protracted 14-year war with the Kabardians began (1765-1779). As a result of this war, the Caucasian line (the southern border of the Russian Empire) was extended and a new Cossack army Mozdok, located on the reclaimed lands of Kabarda. Russia's successes were closely monitored from Ottoman Empire. In 1768, Türkiye declared war, outraged by Russia’s refusal to withdraw troops from Poland!!!. During this war, Russian troops crossed the Caucasus ridge for the first time - to Tiflis. Under the leadership of commander Gottlieb von Totleben, Kutaisi was taken in 1770, but the next operation near Poti ended in failure. Eventually in 1772 the Russians retreated to their border line. As you know, this war ended in the victory of Russian weapons. In 1774, according to the Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainardzhi, the Russian border moved to Kuban, and, importantly, the Crimean Khanate gained independence. Russia temporarily turned its gaze away from the Caucasus towards Crimea. True, over these years, the Caucasian line, through the efforts of Jacobi and Suvorov, was significantly strengthened, and a number of fortresses were built: Ekaterinodar, Georgievsk, Stavropol. In 1783, the Nogais were exterminated by Suvorov. A rather unpleasant campaign that had a bad impact on the perception of the Russian presence in the region. Subsequently, the surviving Nogais moved to the foothills of Chechnya and assimilated with the local population, carrying within them a blood-borne hostility towards everything Russian. The depopulated Kuban lands began to be populated by serfs. In the same year, 1783, on August 5, when the Persian Shah Ali Murad began to lay claim to Kartli and Kakheti, the Kakheti king Erekle II signed the Treaty of Georgievsk, according to which a Russian protectorate was established in Kartli and Kakheti. Three months later, on November 15, two Russian battalions with four guns under the command of Pyotr Potemkin (cousin of the all-powerful Grigory Potemkin) entered Tiflis. During this raid, P. Potemkin managed to found the Vladikavkaz fortress and turn the caravan route in the Daryal Gorge into “some kind of road.” In the future, this will be the famous Georgian Military Road. After a show of force, P. Potemkin left Tiflis and Vladikavkaz in February 1784. Heraclius II was left without any military assistance and with the angry Shah of Persia in his neighborhood. In May 1795, the founder of the Qajar dynasty, Khan Agha Muhamad, defeated a small army of Heraclius near Tiflis and entered the city. The Khan's wars caused monstrous massacres and robberies. In response to this, Catherine declared war on the Shah. During this war, Kubakh and Baku were re-occupied, and Derbent was captured for the third time (and the capture of Derbent was not part of the empress’s plan).
municipal budgetary educational institution "average comprehensive school
No. 7" Safonovo, Smolensk region.
G. Safonovo

Raids on sedentary Russian territories
Slave trade
The tsarist government attracted local
population for the construction of fortresses,
bridges roads
Introduction of new taxes
“The pacification campaigns of General A.P.
Distribution of lands to Cossacks and officials
Construction of military fortifications

The Caucasus is the territory between the Black and Caspian seas, it was divided
in Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus, the border between them ran along
the main Caucasian Ridge.
The reasons for the war were political. Three empires - Russia, Türkiye
and Persia have claimed dominion over the Caucasus since ancient times
considered the gateway from Asia to Europe. Ultimately, as a result of two
wars with Turkey (1806-1812 and 1828-1829) and two wars with Persia (1804-1813
and 1826-1828) Russia managed to defend its rights to the Caucasus. As a result
the peoples of the Caucasus seemed to automatically go to Russian Empire.
However, the mountaineers themselves did not agree with this turn in their fate.

In the early 19th century. in the Caucasus
more than 50 lived
main peoples
them Chechens,
Balkars, Circassians,
Ossetians, Ingush.
Speaking different
languages ​​and having different
religion they
often led between
are bloody
wars based on
blood feud.
1. Ossetians 2. Circassians 3. Chechens

Most Highlanders
was engaged
cattle breeding, hunting,
Being at the stage
primitive relations
they raided
on neighbors, robbing and
destroying their settlements
and taking civilians into captivity

Ermolovsky period (1816-1827)
In September 1816, Lieutenant General Ermolov arrived
to the border of the Caucasus province
Having become familiar with the situation on the Caucasus Line,
Ermolov outlined a plan of action, which he then
adhered unswervingly.
Ermolov compiled a consistent and systematic
plan of offensive action. Ermolov did not leave
not a single robbery or raid by the mountaineers went unpunished.
Ermolov switched from individual punitive expeditions
to a systematic advance deep into Chechnya and Gorny
Dagestan by surrounding the mountainous regions with continuous
a ring of fortifications with clearings in
difficult forests, laying roads and
destruction of rebellious villages.
Its result was the strengthening of Russian power in Kabarda
and Kumyk lands, in the foothills and plains. Russians
moved forward gradually, methodically cutting down forests, in
which the mountaineers were hiding.

From the mid-1830s.
the conflict escalated in
connection with the emergence of
Chechnya and Dagestan
flag movement
gazavat, which
received moral and
military support
Ottoman Empire and
Great Britain.
Highlander resistance
Chechnya and Dagestan were
broken only in 1859,
they gave up.
Iman Shamil

On Eastern Caucasus after
death of Gamzat-bek at the head
Shamil became the Murids. New
imam who had
administrative and
military abilities,
soon proved extremely dangerous
enemy, rallying under
with its power part hitherto
scattered tribes and villages
Eastern Caucasus. Already in
early 1835 his strength
increased so much that he
intended to punish
Khunzakhs for killing him

From the mid-1820s. in the Caucasus became
Muridism will spread
Muridism is a Muslim teaching
whose adherents, murids, seeking
achieve moral perfection,
had to obey unquestioningly
to his mentor (iman). It's religious
doctrine of soul salvation, united
mountaineers to fight Russia. Muridism
called for a holy war against

Imamat – Religious
Theocracy - form
board, under
whose head
states (usually
at the same time his
religious head
North Caucasian

In September 1837
Emperor Nicholas I
visited the Caucasus for the first time and
was dissatisfied with the fact that
despite many years
efforts and major sacrifices,
Russian troops were still
far from durable
results in the case
pacification of the region. On
Baron Rosen's place, not
coped with
the task was
General Golovin was appointed.
In 1838 on the Black Sea
coastal areas were built
Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Golovin

Hostilities began on
Black Sea coast, where
hastily built Russian forts
were in a dilapidated
condition, and the garrisons were extremely
weakened by fevers and other
diseases. February 7, 1840 Highlanders
captured Fort Lazarev and destroyed
all his defenders; February 29 the same
the fate befell the fortification
Velyaminovskoe. The mountaineers took possession of (2
April) Nikolaevsky fort; But
venture them against the fort
Navaginsky and strengthening of Abinsky
were unsuccessful. Anapa
Velyaminovskoe fortification (Tuapse)
Velyaminsky fortification
Nikolaevsky fort

Dargin campaign
One of the battles of the Caucasian War
Russian Empire against
Caucasian tribes. Troops under
command of Pavel Grabbe
went to pick up an important
position - Dargo village. But the rebels
skillfully used tactics
fighting in mountain gorges.
The detachment fought off the raids
a few months. At the very
critical moment highlanders
captured 5 guns, but later
they were returned. Russian
the decision was made to retreat, because
the position was unfavorable and
suffered heavy losses. Grabbe
was suspended. But this failure
was one of those who gave
Russian further experience.

Pavel Grabbe
Russian general from
cavalry, adjutant general, one of the most
successful commanders
Caucasian War (since 1838),
possessed an impregnable
stronghold of the mountaineers Akhulgo.
Member of the Union of Welfare.
In 1862-1866 -
military ataman of Donskoy
Cossack army, then
member of the State
Council. His two sons
fell in battle.
Pavel Khristoforovich Grabbe

Alexander Ivanovich Baryatinsky
Russian state and military
activist, field marshal general,
Adjutant General. In 1856-1862
Commander of the Separate Caucasus
corps, then commander-in-chief
Caucasian army, and the governor of
Caucasus. Carrying out your plan
methodical advancement, broke
resistance of Shamil's troops in 1859
took him prisoner.
Surrender of Imam Shamil

Completion of the conquest of Circassia
The final stage of the war in Western
It was decided to lead Circassia this way
way: the Circassians had to
submit and move on
the places he indicated on the plain; V
otherwise they were pushed further into
barren mountains, and those left behind by them
the lands were populated by Cossack villages.
Finally, after pushing the mountaineers back from the mountains to
seashore, they had no choice but to
go to the plain, under supervision
Russians, or move to Turkey, to
what was supposed to be provided to them
possible assistance. There were also
small local resistances,
which was achieved very quickly
eliminate. In 1864 it was possible
completely break resistance
Highlanders Russia has completed a difficult and
a problematic war for oneself with victory.
Medal for the conquest of the Given Caucasus
Leaving the village by the mountaineers

May 21, 1864 is the day when
on Krasnaya Polyana near Sochi
a solemn prayer service and
there was a parade of Russian troops
graduation celebrated
Caucasian War and approval
Russian rule on
Western Caucasus.
Krasnaya Polyana

Results of the war
Mass immigration of highlanders from the Caucasus
Destruction of imimt
Ending internecine wars and destruction
slavery in the Caucasus
Conducted by the Russian autocracy
policies that infringe on the interests of peoples
Development of trade, industry,
revitalization of economic life in the Caucasus.
Creating prerequisites for development

Educational literature on “History of Russia” for grade 9, part 1
Photos related to the chapters were taken from

Announces the topic of the lesson. Slide 3, 4

Introduces the lesson plan.

1. Russian policy in the Caucasus.

2. Causes of the Caucasian War.

3. Military operations in the Caucasus.

Explanation of the first point.

The Caucasus is the territory between the Black, Azov, and Caspian seas. It is divided into Transcaucasia and Northern Caucasus, the border between which runs along the Main Caucasian Ridge.

Using a map, list the territories of the Caucasus annexed by Russia in 1830.

After the annexation of Georgia, parts of Armenia and Azerbaijan to Russia, the territory numerous peoples The North Caucasus found itself surrounded by Russian possessions.

The government has made attempts to introduce in these territories Russian laws. This caused resistance from a number of North Caucasian peoples.

Working with the textbook

Find out, using the textbook, who the Highlanders are. (Mountaineers is a collective name given by the official authorities to various peoples of the North Caucasus)

Explanation of the second point.

The Caucasian War began in 1817.

Read pages 82 – 83 and write down the causes of the Caucasian War, which lasted almost 50 years.

Causes of the Caucasian War: (Slide 5)

Raids on settled Russian territories;

Slave trade;

The tsarist government attracted the local population to build fortresses, roads, and bridges;

Introduction of new taxes;

- “pacifying” campaigns of General A.P. Ermolov led to the destruction of villages, crops, etc.

What was the nature of the policy of the tsarist government in the Caucasus? (Military methods, subjugation with weapons)

Student's message about A.P.'s policy Ermolov in the Caucasus. Slide 6

In such a situation, unrest often broke out among the mountaineers. At first, the resistance of the mountaineers to Russian troops was not organized. The ideology of muridism united the mountaineers. Muridism is a religious and political doctrine. Slide 7

Muridism is based on the ideas of spiritual improvement and unquestioning submission to a mentor, leader (imam). The murids were characterized by religious fanaticism and the proclamation of ghazavat - the Holy War against infidels

In 1834, Shamil was proclaimed the new imam (head of the murids), who gathered almost all the highlanders of Dagestan and Chechnya under his authority and successfully fought against Russian troops. Slide 8

Explanation of the fourth point

Shamil managed to create a strong theocratic state - the Imamate. Slide 9

Theocracy is a form of government in which the head of state (usually monarchical) is also its religious head. A disciplined army was created. Any disobedience to the authority of the imam was severely punished as apostasy. The imam himself was considered a person chosen by God for a great feat for the benefit of believers.

What explains the success of the Shamil mountaineers?

Thus, the discipline and strong, fanatical faith of the murid mountaineers allowed them to fight successfully. Shamil made attempts to enlist the support of foreign states in the fight against the Russian Empire (Türkiye and England).

Russian government after unsuccessful military operations, he returns to the tactics of building fortifications, new roads, cutting down forests, and creating military fortifications.

As a result, such tactics bore fruit. In addition, the ruling elite of the Imamate began to ruin the common people with taxes and military extortions. As a result, popular unrest against Shamil began in Northern Dagestan.

In August 1859, Shamil surrendered, and his state ceased to exist. By the end of 1863, Russian troops occupied the entire North Caucasus. The war ended with the victory of Russian weapons.

What are the consequences of the Caucasian War for Russia and the peoples of the Caucasus?

Russia won with very heavy casualties and a huge expenditure of material resources, which slowed down economic development Russia.

Abolition of the slave trade, development of the region, end to feudal wars.

Brief description of the document:

(1 slide) Mikhail Lermontov “To the Caucasus”

Caucasus! distant country!
The home of liberty is simple!
And you are full of misfortunes
And bloodied by war!..
Really caves and rocks
Under the wild veil of darkness
They will also hear the cry of passions,
The sound of glory, gold and chains?..
No! don't expect past years
Circassian, to his fatherland:
Freedom's formerly dear land
Noticeably dying for her.

(2 slide) Lesson topic: “Caucasian War” (1817-1864)

Completed by: history teacher of MBOU “Secondary School No. 8” Salimova N.T.

(3 slide) Lesson plan:
1.Russian policy in the Caucasus;
2. Causes of the Caucasian War;
3.Military actions in the Caucasus;
4. Results of the war and its consequences.

(4 slide) Highlanders are a collective name given by the official authorities to various peoples of the North Caucasus.

(5 slide) Muridism is “obedience,” a religious and political movement based on complete submission to the imam.

(6 slide) 1828 - the emergence of a theocratic state of the mountaineers - the Imamate.
Ghazavat is a holy war against infidels (non-Muslims).

(7 slide) Imam Shamil
The leader of the Caucasian highlanders, murid, was recognized as an imam in 1834, united the highlanders of Dagestan and Chechnya in a theocratic state. 1834-1859. - reign of Imam Shamil

(8 slide) Map “Caucasus, Kazakhstan and middle Asia in the 19th century"

(9 slide) Causes of the Caucasian War:
-raids on settled Russian territories;
-slave trade;
-the tsarist government attracted the local population to build fortresses, bridges, and roads;
-introduction of new taxes;
- “pacifying” campaigns of General A.P. Ermolova;
-distribution of lands to Cossacks, officials, local administration;
-construction of military fortifications.

(10 slide) “Mountain peoples, by example of their independence... give rise to a rebellious spirit and a love of independence”
A.P. Ermolaev - General Commander-in-Chief of the troops in the Caucasus in 1815 - 1827.

(11 slide) “Negotiations with Shamil”

(12 slide) Working with a table

Main events

Russia's struggle with scattered mountaineer tribes; punitive expeditions of Russian troops; foundation of fortresses

The fight against Shamil's Imamate

Collapse of the Imamate; completion of the annexation of the North Caucasus to Russia

(13 slide) 1866 - taking the oath of allegiance to Russia by Shamil, the final conquest of the Caucasus.

(14 slide) Medal “Caucasus 1837”

(15 slide) Medal for the conquest of Chechnya and Dagestan in 1857, 1858 and 1859.

(16 slide) Cross “For service in the Caucasus 1864.”

(17 slide) Consequences of the Caucasian War:
- the Russian autocracy pursues a policy that infringes on the interests of the peoples of the Caucasus;
- mass immigration of highlanders from the Caucasus;
- destruction of the imamate;
- the end of internecine wars and the abolition of slavery in the Caucasus;
- development of trade, industry, revitalization of the economic life of the Caucasus.

(Slide 18) People fled and sought salvation

(19 slide) Let's check ourselves:

1. The Caucasian War began:
A) in 1814 B) in 1817 C) in 1828

2. In 1834 became the head of the mountaineers:
A) Shamil B) Gamzatbey C) Gazi-Muhammad

3. Shamil surrendered in Vedeno:
A) A.I. Baryatinsky B) A.P. Ermolov
B) I.F. Paskevich

4. The Caucasian War ended:
A) in 1856 B) in 1859 C) in 1864

(20 slide) Homework