Epicenters contradictions and military-political blocks. Entente and Triple Union - the history of creation, goals, the composition of the creation of anntha year

The beginning of last century was marked by a sharp exacerbation of contradictions between the world's largest powers. The main rivalry broke out between England and Germany, heading the war-political blocks opposing each other: Annthanta and Triple Alliance.

Back in 1904, an agreement was reached between Paris and London, which was discussed on the elimination of controversial territorial issues between them, - on the delimitation of their spheres of interest in Africa. Although nothing was said about Germany, but essentially an agreement was directed against it, since Berlin began to openly declare the need to redistribute peace. And this created a threat to the colonial possession of London and Paris. German claims to England and France pushed Paris to strengthen relations with Russia and forced English diplomacy to seek the same, especially since it took the mediation of St. Petersburg in resolving controversial issues in asian Region on the delimitation of spheres of influence.

Split between Russia and Germany

Sign in the world and other problems. Japan expressed claims to the terms of the Portsmouth World. Austro-Hungarian and German capital broke through to Turkey. Berlin label to undermine the dominion of England on the maritime expanses and intensively strengthened the power of his naval forces. Massage of the arms race.

In 1907, on the initiative of Russia, the Second International Hague Conference was held, in which 44 states participated. She adopted 13 conventions, including: on the restriction of armaments, on the introduction of the Arbitration Court for the peaceful resolution of international conflicts, on laws and terms of warfare, etc.

In the ruling circles of Russia, the assessment of the events occurring (especially in relation to Germany) was contradictory. It should be noted that Berlin actively sought to involve Russia in the Farwater of his policy, split its international unions. So, in 1905, during the meeting of Nicholas II with Wilhelm II in Bjerke, Kaiser persuaded the king to sign (secretly from the then Minister of Foreign Affairs V. N. Lamdarf) agreement containing obligations of Russia and Germany on mutual assistance in the event of an attack on one of Contracting parties to any European power. Despite the extreme indignation of Wilhelm II, the Bioroc Agreement, which was contrary to the Union Agreement with France, did not have any practical results and in the fall of 1905 it was essentially revoked by Russia. Logic development international relations In the end, pushed autocracy towards the enthanta.

Russia's transition to the camp of opponents of Germany marked, but not immediately. The designated Minister of Foreign Affairs A. P. Oryolsky sought to achieve rapprochement with England without breaking relations with Germany. For this, he planned to conclude agreements on the most acute issues with both Germany and Austria-Hungary and England. At the same time, Oryolsky intended to resolve relations with Japan. Such a policy allowed Russia to get a breather necessary to solve internal problems, restoring military potential and had to provide her favorable position in the outlined Anglo-German conflict.

Japan claims

After the signing of the Portsmouth world, the relations between Russia and Japan remained tense. Tokyo presented a number of requirements aimed at expanding its influence on Far East to the detriment of Russian interests. The Military Circles of Japan believed that "the world was concluded prematurely" and sought to new seizures in the Far East, primarily to the complete annexation of Korea and South Manchuria. They started increasing the army and fleet. In Russia, calls for Revanchi were also distributed. And Germany was heated by these moods and pushed both countries to a new military conflict. At the same time, Berlin promised Russia his help and put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe German-Russian-American coalition against Japan. Having entered into negotiations with Russia, Tokyo presented it with the requirements of expanding the sphere of its influence on the Sungari River in Manchuria, up to the inclusion of the FIRs in this sphere, as well as free shipping on the Amurura of the preferential transport of goods in Siberia and actually unlimited freedom of fishing along the Far Eastern coast of Russia.

In 1907, the Russian-Japanese agreement on political issues was signed. The parties agreed to support the "status quo" in the Far East. Northern Manchuria and Outer Mongolia recognized the sphere of influence of Russia, and Southern Manchuria and Korea - Japan.

Bosnian crisis

In 1908, Ozolivsky, during negotiations with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria-Hungary, A. Erenthalem gave consent to the accession to the Austria-Hungary of Bosnia and Herzegovina occupied by the Austrians after Berlin Congress. In exchange, he received an erental promise to not object to the opening of Black Sea straits for Russian military courts. However, England and France did not support the claims of royal diplomacy. An attempt to unwanted solve the problem of straits suffered collapse. Austria-Hungary meanwhile announced annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Germany sent ultimatum in March 1909, demanding recognition of this act. The royal government, realizing that it was not ready for decisive objection, was forced to give up.

Balkan Wars

The Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 became prologue to the First World War. United as a result of the active efforts of Serbia's Russian diplomacy, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece began a war against Turkey and defeated it. The winners soon overviewed each other. Germany and Austria-Hungary, considering the formation of the Balkan Union as the success of Russian diplomacy, took steps aimed at his collapse, and pushed Bulgaria to the performance against Serbia and Greece. During the second Balkan war, Bulgaria, against which began martialctions Also Romania and Turkey, failed. All these events escalated the Russian-German and Russian-Austrian contradictions. Turkey more and more obeyed German influence.

The origin of the anntha

The Russian government, aware of the country's unpretentiousness to war and fearing (in the event of a lesion) new revolutionIt was sought to delay the armed clash with Germany and Austria-Hungary. At the same time, in the face of progressing deterioration of relations with their Western neighbors, it tried to issue allied relations with England. These attempts were unsuccessful because London did not want to associate itself with any obligations. The allied relations between Russia and France by 1914, however, were significantly strengthened. In 1911-1913, the meetings of the Russian and French general headquarters were made, which provided for an increase in the number of troops exhibited against Germany in the event of war. Marine headquarters of England and France have entered into a naval convention, which launched the protection of the Atlantic coast of France on english Fleet, and the protection of the interests of England in the Mediterranean Sea is French. Anntana as a coalition of England, France and Russia, directed against the triple union, became a threatening reality.

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Since the collective security system has ceased to exist, each country began to look for an ally. The first searches began France. After the Franco-Prussian War, there were now not several dozen German monarchies independent of each other, and the United Empire, in terms of population and economic power superior to France. In addition, France was forced to transfer their territory: the province of Alsace and a third of the province of Lorrargania. This gave Germany a strategic advantage: in her hands it turned out to reach the plain of Northern France. From now on, understanding the impossibility of fighting one on one, France itself begins to actively search for allies to balance the relics of new Germany.

German Chancellor Bismarck, more than anyone who has done to unite the country, the main goal of his diplomacy has seen in the prevention of the Union of France with other great powers. He understood how vulnerable the position of the German Empire, which, unlike France, was surrounded by great powers from three sides: Austria-Hungary, Russia and France itself. The union of the latter with any of the two remaining put Germany before the prospect of the war on two fronts, which Bismarck considered the direct dear to defeat.

Triple Alliance

The way out of this situation was found on the paths of rapprochement with Austria-Hungary. The latter, in turn, entering into an increasingly acute rivalry with Russia in the Balkans, needed an ally.

Fixing this rapprochement, Germany and Austria-Hungary signed a treaty in 1879 in which they were obliged to support each other in the event of an attack on them of the Russian Empire. Italy joined the Union of these states, which was looking for support in conflict with France due to control over North Africa.

In 1882 a triple union was created. Germany and Italy took over the obligations of mutual assistance in the event of the attack of France, and Italy, in addition, promised Austria-Hungary neutrality in case of its conflict with Russia. Bismarck also hoped that Russia would refrain from conflict with Germany due to close economic, dynastic and traditional political ties with her and reluctance russian emperor To go to the Union with the Republican, Democratic France.

In 1904, they settled all mutual claims that arose in connection with the colonial section of the world and established "heart agree" among themselves. In French, it sounds "Antan Cordial", hence the Russian name of this Union - Annta. Russia back in 1893 signed the military convention with France. In 1907, she settled all his disagreements with England and actually joined the Antante.

Features of new unions

So there are unexpected and strange unions. France and England were enemies since Century war, Russia and France - since the revolution of 1789. In Entente, the two most democratic states of Europe were united - England and France - with autocratic Russia.

Two traditional ally of Russia - Austria and Germany - found themselves in the camp of her enemies. The Union of Italy looked strangely with his yesterday's oppressor and the main enemy of the association - Austria-Hungary, in which the Italian population remained in the territory. The Austrian Habsburgs and Prussian Gogenzollers, the centuries rival for control over Germany, were in one coalition, and blood relatives, cousins, Wilhelm II, on the one hand, Nicholas II and the King of Great Britain Eduard VII, and his wife, in opposing unions.

So at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries in Europe, two opposing coalitions have developed - the Triple Union and the Entente. Rivalry between them was accompanied by a racing of arms.

In itself, the creation of coalition was not something unusual for European politics. Recall, for example, what is the most large wars The XVIII century - north and seven-year-old - conducted coalitions, as well as war against Napoleonic France in the nineteenth century.

By 1914, Europe was split into the two largest alliances, which entered the six most powerful powers. Their opposition turned into world War. Britain, France and Russia formed Anntan, and Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy united into a triple union. The split into alliances aggravated the explosion hazard and raurated the countries finally.

Start of formation of unions

Having won a series (1862-1871), Prussian Chancellor Otto Bismarck created a new German state, combined from several small princes. However, Bismarck feared that after the formation of a new state, neighboring countries, especially France and Austria-Hungary, would feel a threat and begin to take action for the destruction of Germany. Bismarck saw the only way out of the creation of alliances to stabilize and balance the forces on the Geopolitical map of Europe. He believed that it could stop the inevitability of war for Germany.

Double Soyuz

Bismarck understood that France as an ally for Germany was lost. After the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war and the occupation of Germany Alsace and Lorraine, the French treated the Germans sharply negatively. Britain sought to dominate and actively prevented the formation of any unions, causing possible competition from their part.

Based on these circumstances, Bismarck decided to turn to Austria-Hungary and Russia. As a result, in 1873, they united into the Union of Three Emperors, the participants of which guaranteed mutual support if military operations suddenly begin. After five years, Russia decided to leave the Union. The following year, the remaining participants in the Alliance have formed a dual union and now began to consider Russia a threat. They agreed on military assistance, if Russia attacks or on them or will have to provide military support to anyone else.

Triple Alliance

In 1881, Italy joined the two participating countries to the Alliance, and a three-way union was formed, and France was now added to the list of threat factors. Moreover, the Alliance guaranteed that if any of his participants would be in a state of war with two and more states, the Union will come to the aid.

Italy, being the weakest member of the Alliance, insisted on the inclusion of an additional point in the agreement that it has the right to get out of it if the triple alliance will act as an aggressor. Shortly after that, Italy signed an agreement with France, promising his support in the event of an attack on them in Germany.

Treaty on "Reinsurance"

Bismarck frightened the possibility of war on two fronts, and this meant the settlement of relations either with France or with Russia. With the French, the German relations were very spoiled, so the choice of Bismarck fell on the Russians. Chancellor offered Russia to sign the "reinsurance agreement". Under the terms of this contract, both parties were to maintain neutrality in the event of the unleashing war with a third country.

However, this agreement acted only until 1890, then the German government has canceled it, sending the Bismarck to resign. Russia sought to preserve the contract in force, but Germany did not want it. This decision is considered the main error of Bismarck successors.

Franco-Russian Union

Carefully developed by Bismarcom foreign policy Beginning collapsed after his care. In an effort to expand the German Empire, Kaiser Wilhelm II conducted a policy of aggressive militarization. The expansion and strengthening of the German fleet caused the concern of England, France and Russia, which was the reason for the cohesion of these countries. Meanwhile, the new government of Germany was not competent to maintain the alliance created, and Germany soon faced the distrust and hostility of European powers.

In 1892, Russia under the Secret Convention concluded an alliance with France. The conditions for this union assumed mutual assistance in the event of war, not overlapping other restrictions. The alliance was created in contrast to the three-way union. The departure of Germany from the political course laid by Bismarcom, put it in a dangerous position. Now the empire has encountered a threat of war on two fronts.

The increase in the voltage between the largest powers of Europe forced the United Kingdom to think about the need to join one of the alliances. Britain did not support France in the Franco-Prussian War, but still countries concluded among themselves the agreement "Entente Cordial" in 1904. After three years, a similar agreement appeared between the United Kingdom and Russia. In 1912, the Anglo-French Naval Convention made this connection even stronger. Alliance entered into force.

World War

When the Austrian Erzgertzog Franz Ferdinand and his wife were killed in 1914, Austria-Hungary's reaction was immediate. In the next few weeks, a full-scale war unfolded on the territory of Europe. Antena fought with the desired union, which soon left Italy.

The sides of the conflict were confident that the war would be fleeting and end to Christmas 1914, but it lasted 4 long yearDuring this time, the United States was also drawn into the conflict. Throughout the period, she claimed the lives of 11 million soldiers and 7 million civilians. The war ended in 1919 by the signing of the Versailles peace treaty.

Entente (from Franz. Entende, Entegente Cordiale - Cardiac Consent) - Union of Great Britain, France and Russia (tripiely agreement), took shape in 1904-1907 and united during the First World War (1914-1918) against the coalition of the central powers of more than 20 states , among which the USA, Japan, Italy.

The creation of the Entente was preceded by conclusion in 1891-1893 of the Russian-French Union in response to the creation of a tripal union (1882) led by Germany.

The formation of antenna is connected with the sirring of the Great Powers at the end of the XIX - early XX century, caused by the new relationship in the international arena and the exacerbation of contradictions between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy on the one hand, France, Great Britain and Russia, on the other.
A sharp aggravation of Anglo-German rivalry, caused by the colonial and trade expansion of Germany in Africa, in the Middle East and other areas, a marine arms race, prompted the UK to seek the Union with France, and then with Russia.

In 1904, the British-French Agreement was signed, followed by the Russian-British Agreement (1907). These treaties actually issued the creation of antena.

Russia and France were allies associated with mutual military commitments defined by the 1892 Military Convention and the subsequent decisions of the general headquarters of both states. British government, despite contacts between British and French general Staff and the Naval Command established in 1906 and 1912 did not assume certain military obligations. The formation of antena softened the differences between its participants, but did not eliminate them. These disagreements were repeated more than once than enjoyed Germany, trying to tear Russia from the Entente. However, strategic calculations and glittering plans of Germany have requested these attempts to fail.

In turn, the countries of the Entente, preparing for war with Germany, took steps to the separation of Italy and Austria-Hungary from the Triggement Union. Although, before the beginning of World War I, Italy was formally and remained in the composition of the three-way union, the relations of the countries of the Entente with it were streaked, and in May 1915, Italy moved to the side of the Entente.

After the start of the First World War, in September 1914 in London between Great Britain, France and Russia, an agreement was signed on the inconclusion of the separation world, which was relevant to the Union Military Agreement. In October 1915, Japan joined this agreement, which in August 1914 declared war in Germany.

During the war, New states were gradually joined by Antante. By the end of the war of the states of the Antigherman Coalition (not counting Russia, after the October Revolution of 1917 from the war) included United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, Greece, Italy, China, Cuba, Liberia, Nicaragua , Panama, Peru, Portugal, Romania, San Domingo, San Marino, Serbia, Siam, USA, Uruguay, Montenegro, Hijaz, Ecuador, Japan.

The main participants of the Entente - United Kingdom, France and Russia, from the first days of the war entered into secret negotiations on the goals of the war. The British-Franco-Russian Agreement (1915) provided for the transition of Black Sea Straits to Russia, the London Agreement (1915) between the Entente and Italy identified the territorial acquisitions of Italy at the expense of Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Albania. Saens Pico Treaty (1916) shared the Asian possessions of Turkey between Great Britain, France and Russia.

During the first three years of war, Russia has delayed the significant forces of the enemy, coming quickly to the help of allies, as soon as Germany made serious offensive in the West.

After the October Revolution of 1917, Russia's exit from the war did not break the victory of the Entente over the German bloc, because Russia fulfilled the fully allied obligations, unlike England and France, who repeated their promises of help. Russia gave the opportunity to England and France to mobilize all their resources. The struggle of the Russian army allowed the United States to deploy its production power, to create an army and replaced Russia from the war - the US officially declared war in Germany in April 1917.

After the October Revolution of 1917, Anntan organized an armed intervention against Soviet Russia - December 23, 1917, the United Kingdom and France signed the appropriate agreement. In March 1918, the intervention of the Antanka began, but the campaigns against Soviet Russia ended with failure. The goals that the Entente put in front of them were achieved after the defeat of Germany in the First World War, but the strategic alliance between the leading countries of Entente Great Britain and France was preserved in the following decades.

The general political and military leadership of the block's activities at various periods was carried out: inter-union conferences (1915, 1916, 1917, 1918), the Supreme Council of the Entente, Inter-Union (executive) by the Military Committee, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces, the main headquarters of the Supreme Commander, Commander-in-Chief and Headquarters on Special Theaters of hostilities. Such forms of cooperation as bilateral and multilateral meetings and consultations, the contacts of the Commander-in-Chief and General Staffers through representatives of the Allied Army and Military Missions were used. However, the difference in military-political interests and goals, military doctrines, the incorrect assessment of the forces and means of opposing coalitions, their military capabilities, the remoteness of the theaters of hostilities, the approach to war as a short-term campaign did not allow to create a single and permanent military-political leadership of the coalition in the war.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

A known example of oppositioning political blocks in the international arena is the collision of large countries in the period 1900s.

During the tension before the events of the First World War, the strong players of the World Arena united together to dictate their policies and have an advantage in solving foreign policy issues. In response, a union was created, which was supposed to be a counterweight in these events.

So the story of the confrontation begins, the basis of which was anntian and a tripal union. Another name is Antanta or Entegente (in the translation of "heart consent").

Countries - Participants of the Trimmed Union

The international military unit, which was originally formed to strengthen hegemony, included the following list of countries (see table):

  1. Germany - played a key role in the formation of the Union, concluding the first military agreement.
  2. Austria-Hungary - The second participant, who joined the German Empire.
  3. Italy - Joined the latter's union.

A little later, after the events of the I World War, Italy was removed from the block, but nevertheless the coalition did not break it down, and on the contrary, it was additionally entered Ottoman Empire And Bulgaria.

Creating a triple union

The history of the three-way union begins with the Allied Agreement between the German Empire and Austria-Hungary - these events occurred in the Austrian city of Vienna in the 1879th.

The main point of agreement indicated the obligation to enter into hostilities on the side of the ally, if aggression is aggression Russian Empire.

In addition, the Cost was enshrined by the requirement to comply with the neutral side if the allies are attacked by someone except Russia.

At the same time, Germany worried a strengthened position in the international arena of France. Because Otto, Bismarck, looking for ways to allow them to push France to isolation.

Favorable conditions have developed in 1882, when Austrian Habsburgs were involved in negotiations, which played a decisive role in making italy.

The secret union between Italy and the Germany block - Austria-Hungary was supported by the troops in the case of military aggression of France, as well as maintaining neutrality when attacking one of the countries participating in the coalition.

Objectives of the Triple Union in the First World War

The main goal of the three-way union on the eve of the war was the creation of such a military-political coalition, which would be opposed by the Union of the Russian Empire, Great Britain and France (opponents).

However, the participating countries pursued their own goals:

  1. The German Empire due to the rapidly growing economy was required as many resources as possible and, as a result, more colonies. Also, the Germans had claims to redistribute spheres of influence in the world aimed at the formation of German hegemony.
  2. The objectives of Austria-Hungary were to establish control over the Balkan Peninsula. For the most part, it was conducted for the seizure of Serbia and some of the Slavic countries.
  3. The Italian side had territorial claims on Tunisia, and also sought to consolidate his way out to Mediterranean Sea.By concluding it under your absolute control.

Anntan - who came into the composition and how was formed

After the formation of a threefold union, the distribution of forces in the international arena has changed dramatically and led to the collision of the colonial interests between England and the German Empire.

Expansive actions in the Middle East and in Africa prompted the United Kingdom to act more active, and they began negotiations on the conclusion of a military agreement with the Russian Empire and France.

The beginning of the definition of the Entente was found in 1904thWhen France and the United Kingdom concluded a pact, according to which the transition under its protectorate of all colonial claims on the African issue was carried out.

At the same time, military support obligations were confirmed only between France and the Russian Empire, while England died in every way such confirmation.

The emergence of this military-political bloc made it possible to level the disagreements between major powers and make them more capable to resist the aggression of the three-way union.

Joining Russia to Antante

Events that marked the beginning of the retracting of the Russian Empire into the Antanka block occurred in 1892.

It was then that, with France, a powerful military agreement was concluded, according to which, with any aggression, the Alleni country took all available armed for mutual assistance.

At the same time, by 1906, tensions in relations between Russia and Japan were increased, caused by negotiations in the Portsmouth Treaty. It could provoke the loss of Russia of some Far Eastern territories.

Understanding these facts, the Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs has taken a course for rapprochement with the UK. It was a favorable course in history, because England and Japan were allies, and the agreement could resolve mutual claims.

The success of Russian diplomacy was the signing of the Russian-Japanese agreement in 1907, according to which all territorial issues were settled. It greatly influenced the acceleration of negotiations with England - date on August 31, 1907 marked the conclusion of the Russian-English agreement.

This fact was completing, after which Russia finally joined the Antante.

The final design of the Anntha

The final events that completed the formation of the Antanka block were the signing of mutual agreements between England and France to resolve colonial issues in Africa.

This includes the following documents:

  1. Section of the territories of Egypt and Morocco was produced.
  2. The borders of England and France in Africa were clearly separated. Newfoundland fully disposed of Britain, France received a part of new territories in Africa.
  3. Settlement Madagascar question.

These documents were formed a block of unions between the Russian Empire, Great Britain and France.

Entente plans in the First World War

The main purpose of the Entente on the eve of the First World War (1915) was the suppression of the military superiority of Germanywhich was planned to be implemented from several sides. This is, first of all, the war on two fronts with Russia and France, as well as the full marine blockade from England.

At the same time, the members of the agreement had personal interest:

  1. England had claims to quickly and confidently growing economics in Germany, the rate of production of which had an overwhelming effect on the British economy. In addition to this Britain, I saw a military threat to my sovereignty in the German Empire.
  2. France sought to return the territories of Alsace and Lorraine, lost during the Franco-Prussian collision. These land were also important for the economy due to the large number of resources.
  3. Tsarist Russia pursued its goals to spread the impact on the important economic zone of the Mediterranean and to resolve territorial claims to a number of Polish lands and territories in the Balkans.

Results of the confrontation of the Entente and the Tripal Union

The results of the confrontation on the results of the First World War was a complete defeat of the triple union. - Italy was lost, and the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, which were in the Union, broke up. A system was destroyed in Germany, where the republic reigned.

For the Russian Empire, participation in Entente and the First World War ended with civil collisions and the revolution, which led to the collapse of the empire.