Kazan State Polytechnic University. Kazan National Research Technology University 

Kazan National Research university of Technology He has a story since 1890 - from the basis of the Kazan United Industrial School. Modern book is one of the largest research and educational centers of Russia. He prepares specialists in technical and technological profiles, in the field of IT, economy, management, for a number of humanitarian specialties.

In 1890, the United Industrial School was opened in Kazan. After a century of work, the school was transformed into Kazan National Research Technological University.

Today, the book is the leader in the training of chemical engineers and specialists of chemical technology. This is the largest B. Russian Federation education Centre, in which 14 educational and research institutes, dozens of scientific centers and laboratories, Scientific and Production Park, 3 branches, Kazan Technological College, as well as a boarding school for gifted children with in-depth study of chemistry.

In 2014, the university went beyond the country: a representative office opened in Vietnam.

Among the partners are the book the largest regional and federal companies. They include such leaders of the Russian economy as Gazprom, Sibur, Aeroflot, Tatneft, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez and many others. The university organizes the passage of production practices for students, implements joint scientific research. Many graduates subsequently associate careers with these enterprises.

Much attention is paid to the development of cooperation with international organizations. The university is an associate member of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, a member of the Eurasian Pacific University Network. Affiliate relations associate a book with 136 universities, international educational structures and companies from 37 countries of the world.

University students participate in research work, make their own projects and developments, associate them with practice. Competitions of scholarships, grants, programs of academic mobility are held annually.

Out of study, students exhibit themselves in sports, volunteering and public activities. Dozens of sporting events are held, sports sections work, the Student Football Team "Technological University" is operating, and properly support the team spirit of athletes will teach the team of worm owners.

The headquarters of student labor units, which takes an active part in events organized by the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Tourism, Republican Youth Exchange of Labor. During the work of the headquarters of the city of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan, thousands of students were employed. The generation of activities can be chosen any: it is both building, and pedagogical detachments, customer detachments and other activities.

For applicants, the book organizes scientific and scientific and creative contests, the Olympiads and Conferences. To show yourself and participate in them can everyone.

More details Collapse http://www.kstu.ru.

1890 - Kazan United Industrial School
1919 - Kazan Polytechnic Institute
1930 - Kazan Chemical Technology Institute (KHTI)
1992 - Kazan State Technological University (KSTU)
from 2011 - Kazan National Research Technology University (book)


As part of the book of 12 educational and research institutes (including the Soyuzhimpromproekt Design Institute, Kazan Science of Special Purpose of Special Forces); 4 branches: Bugulminsky, Nizhnekamysky Chemical and Technological Institute, branch in Kurthi (Kyrgyzstan), boarding school for gifted children with in-depth study of chemistry and 4 representative offices, Kazan Technological College. In 2014, a representative office in Vietnam (Vietcchi) was opened.

Educational activities

Today, the book is the largest educational center of the chemical and technological profile in the Russian Federation - the leader in the preparation of highly qualified engineering personnel in the direction of "Chemical Technology". More than 378 is implemented here educational programs higher, middle and additional education. In the university, more than 25,000 students and graduate students from Russia and foreign countries.

The educational process leads 284 doctors of science and 990 candidates of science. Successfully functioning postgraduate studies and doctoral studies. The university has 14 advice on the protection of doctoral and candidate theses.

The book is the leading university of the oil and gas chimic educational cluster, integrating the initial, secondary, higher and additional professional education and innovative activities of the Republic of Tatarstan in this area.

Science and innovation

For the production of experienced batches of products, the development of technologies and commercialization of development created a scientific and production park, including business incubators, innovative polygons and technology transfer center. To date, the innovative infrastructure of the book includes 38 small enterprises and 26 NCCs with leading scientific and educational institutions of the country.

Thus, the university has everything you need to implement a full innovation cycle: an integrated system continuing education, developed fundamental and applied scientific and project activities, network of own production.

Among the partners of the university are the largest regional and federal companies. They include such leaders of the Russian economy as Gazprom, Sibur, Aeroflot, Tatneft, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Kazanorgsintez, and others. For these and other companies, the book provides training for specialists, organizes students to the student practices, implements Joint scientific research and a wide range of design work.

International Partnership

The book is developing different international activities. The university creates a modern system of premunely foreign citizens in Russian. Currently, more than 2000 foreign citizens from 45 countries of the world are studying.

Much attention is paid to the development of cooperation with international organizations. The university is an associate member of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), a member of the Eurasian Pacific University Network (Uninet). Currently, the book has partnerships with 142 universities, international educational structures and companies from 37 countries of the world.

According to one of the most influential global ratings of universities (QS University Rankings: BRICS 2015), the book takes 151-160 a place among universities of the BRICS countries. In 2017, the Social Navigator project of the International Information Agency "Russia Today" was a national rating of university demands in the Russian Federation. The book among the leaders: we have 12 place among engineering universities Countries and the highest position compared to other universities in the region.

: 55 ° 47'09.37 "p. sh. 49 ° 08'42.38 "in. d. /  55.785937 ° C. sh. 49.145107 ° C. d. (G) (O) (I) 55.785937 , 49.145107

Kazan National Research Technology University (Tat. Kazan Milli Ticksherren University Technology, Qazan Ilkülәm Tikşerenü TEXNOLOGIə Universitetı) originates with Kazan United Industrial SchoolOpened in 1897. In 1919, the Kazan Industrial School was transformed into Kazan Polytechnic Institute. May 13, 1930 on the basis of the Chemical Faculty Kazan Polytechnic Institute and chemical faculty Kazan State University was created Kazan Chemical Institutewhich from June 23, 1930 is referred to Kazan Chemical and Technological Institute. A. M. Butlerova, and from April 23, 1935 to December 1992 - Kazan Chemical and Technological Institute. S. M. Kirov (KHTI).

In the book, more than 27 thousand students are studying. Following the ranking of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for 2008, the University ranks 11th out of 160 technical and technological universities. The book employs more than 1,100 teachers, 175 doctors of sciences, professors, 612 candidates of science, associate professors. Rector - Dyakonov Herman Sergeevich.

University structure

Engineering Chemical and Technology Institute (IFU) (Engineering faculty, former 1st faculty)

  • Faculty of energy saturated materials and products (FEMI)
  • Faculty of Environmental Technology Information Security (Fethiber)

Institute of Chemical and Oil Engineering (IIHM) ( 2nd and 3rd faculties)

  • Mechanical Faculty (MF)
  • Faculty of Power Engineering and Technological Equipment (FEMTO)

Institute of Oil, Chemistry and Nanotechnology (INHN) ( 4th and 6th faculties)

  • Faculty of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (FNT)
  • Faculty of oil and petrochemistry (FNHH)
  • Faculty chemical technologies (FCT)

Institute of Polymers (IP) (former 5th faculty)

  • Faculty of technology and refining of rubber and elastomers (FTPKE)
  • Faculty of technology, processing and certification of plastic masses and composites (FTPSK)

Institute of Technology light industry, fashion and design (ITLPMD) (former 7th faculty)

  • Faculty of Technology Light Industry and Fashion (FTLPM)
  • Faculty of Design and Software Engineering (FDPI)

During its existence, the university has released more than 74 thousand specialists. His graduates work in all corners of Russia and abroad. Many of them are senior employees of ministries and departments, higher educational and scientific institutions, hold responsible posts in public and public bodies, are general directors and chief specialists of the largest enterprises in Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan.

The university is rightfully proud of its pupils, including Academician V. V. Kafarov, corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR P. A. Kirpichnikov, S. R. Rafikov, I. V. Bidding, B. M. Mikhailov, Yu. S. Kleachkin , Laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, RF and RT, Prizes of the USSR L. M. Baikin, S. G. Bogatyrev, R. S. Gainutdinov, S. N. Kosolapov, V. G. Shazillo, K. Klimenko , A. I. Sidorov, V. A. Shishkin, A. G. Liaakumovich, A. D. Nikolaeva, X.E. Harlampidi, V. F. Sopin, A. F. Makhotkin and many others. In the university's walls, large scientists, well-deserved science figures of the Russian Federation and RT, real members and correspondent members of the Academies of Sciences of Tatarstan and Russia, who contribute to the growth of the prestige of the existing and emergence of new scientific schools: N. S. Akhmetov, R. A. Nougaev, R. S. Saifullin, F. P. Madyakin, V. P. Barabanov, S. G. Dyakonov, F. A. Garifullin, V. A. Ivanov, V. A. Maksimov, A. A. Kirsanov, A. L. Salagev.

The university holy keeps the memory of its outstanding scientists. In the city of the History of the History of the KSTU, the memorials of Academician A. E. Arbuzova, corresponding member of the Artillery Academy of Sciences B. L. Kondracksky, Professor G. Kham Kama, ChL Corrod. The Academy of Sciences of the USSR P. A. Kirpichnikova, established memorial plaques and issued monographs about the life and activities of prominent scientists - University's teachers.

Public life

The CSA book is self-governing, the non-profit formation, created on the initiative of students who united on the basis of the generality of interests for the implementation of common goals aimed at solving the issues of vital activity of student youth, the development of its social activity and support for social initiatives.



Kazan National Research Technological University (book, earlier - KSTU) It is one of the oldest universities of the capital of Tatarstan. His story began with education in 1890 by the Kazan United Industrial School. In 1919 it educational institution It was transformed into the Kazan Polytechnic Institute, and in 1930 on the basis of the Chemistry Faculty of the Polytechnic Institute and the Chemical Faculty of Kazan state University Kazan Chemical Technology Institute (KHTI) was created. In 1992, Khti them. Kirov received a new status - university and became known - Kazan State Technological University (KSTU).

In 2010, the category of the National Research University is established regarding CGTU. Since 2011, the University is called Kazan National Research Technological University (book).

Book is 14 educational and research institutes (including State Institute on the design of chemical industrial enterprises "", Kazan Nii of special purpose rubber ""), 2 branches - Bugulminsky (Republic of Tatarstan) and Volzhsky (Republic of Mari El) ,; about 100 trends and specialties of training, day, evening and correspondence forms; the release of bachelors, engineers, masters, training specialists in a bilingual basis (Russian and Tatar languages); more than 27 thousand students from Russia and foreign countries, about 900 graduate students and applicants and 100 doctoral students; more than 300 professors and doctors of science; budget in the amount of 1.4 billion rubles; Faculty of military training; seven higher Schoolsworking on different sectors of the economy and regions of the country; Authoritative scientific schools of chemists, mechanics, teachers.

Knitu supports creative and business contacts with more than 24 universities, research centers and international educational structures from 13 countries of the world, he became the third russian universityAdopted in the Eurasian Pacific University Network (Uninet).

Scientific activities are represented by recognized scientific schools leading research on priority areas Development of science and technology. For the production of experienced batches of products, working out technologies and commercialization of developments with the participation of students, graduate students and doctoral students, a scientific and production park has been created, including business incubators, innovative polygons, technology transfer center. With the active participation of the CGT, the Republic won the federal competition of high-tech technologies, created a technopark in the field of high technologies "" in the field of chemistry and petrochemistry. The university is in second place in Russia in terms of extrabudgetary financing of scientific developments after MVTU. AD Bauman.

The book is a leading university of the oil and gas education cluster and educational cluster of light industry of the region, integrating the initial, secondary, higher and additional professional education and innovative activities of the Republic of Tatarstan at the specified areas.

Achievements of the book for last years Marked by state prizes of Russia and Tatarstan in the field of science and technology. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the book takes 10th place in the ranking among 159 technical universities of the country. In 2010, the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the book received the status of the National Research University and became the only university of the chemical and technological profile in the Association of leading universities in Russia. September 20, 2010 Technological University, one of the 14 universities of Russia and the only university of Tatarstan, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with russian Foundation Development of the Center for the Development and Commercialization of New Technologies (Skolkovo Foundation). This opens up new perspectives for innovative development not only by the book, but also the entire republic.

Currently, the university has everything you need to implement a complete innovative cycle: an integrated system of continuous education, developed fundamental and applied scientific and project activities, a network of own production. The book is an active participant in innovative transformations across the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. Prospects for books are related to the preparation of world-class professionals, strengthening integration into international educational space and the commercialization of innovative developments of scientists.

schedule.Mode of operation:

Mon, W., Wed, Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest guest reviews

Angelina Shangareva 20:35 25.06.2019

5 years ago, the fate of the villain threw me a test in the form higher education with a learning date for 5 years. It all started easily and simply, and then we went to our native Pamp. 2 people in a group, abnormalities, work, children, family and other - gorgeous students, of course, did not imagine. But! After time, I want to express my sincere thanks to the whole department: Kryakuakunova Elena Vyacheslavovna, Sidorov Yury Dmitrievich, Canary Albert Vladimirovich, Husainov in ...

Anonymous feedback 16:35 04/24/2019

This educational institution is full of Sharacken office! Starting from the Department of MTD, dean correspondence department Fppé, Accounting, people are not correct, who do not know their duties scored from the street in general. To such an extent to be irresponsible, well, I do not know, I have not met this yet. Not only are they sitting and knowing a lot much, so at the same time Hamyat and rude. Good teachers can be counted on the fingers of one hand, the rest do not come to the pair, I'm talking correspondence form Training, come ...

general information

Federal state budgetary educational institution Higher Education "Kazan National Research Technological University"

Branches of book


No. 02165 acts indefinitely from 05/27/2016


There is no data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the book

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Efficiency indicator (out of 7 points)6 6 7 6 6
Middle Screen EGE in all specialties and training forms62.31 59.95 59.89 59.32 64.05
Middle score exam enrolled on the budget65.6 61.16 61.76 62.17 65.78
Middle score exam enrolled on a commercial basis54.12 55.40 54.35 54.06 58.5
Medium for all specialties minimal score Ege enrolled in full-time compartment44.85 42.20 42.66 44.74 43.12
Number of students21649 20897 20219 19729 20479
Full-time compartment12661 13291 12356 12296 11935
Part-time compartment774 560 501 352 449
Extramural8214 7046 7362 7081 8095
All data