SBSU minimum points. Entrance tests

All entrance tests in 2020. Pass in the period from July 22 to August 5. Each exam can be passed only on that day, which is determined by the schedule of Introductory tests of St. Petersburg State University. The schedule will be available on the website of the SPbSU Admissions Committee no later than June 1 2020. Before each introductory test, we spend a full-time consultation.

Please note if you have a valid reason why you cannot attend the exam in a laid day, you will be able to pass entrance tests in a reserve day. Applications for transferring entrance tests on a reserve day are considered individually by the leadership of St. Petersburg State University.

GMAT or Exam on the GMAT model | need for MIM, MCF, MIBA

Portfolio | need for mumd.

The portfolio includes a research essay, a motivational letter and confirming documents about your achievements. Scientific publications, speeches at conferences, participation in research projects and other.

Business Communication | need for all programs: MIM, MCF, MIBA, MUMD

We estimate the ability to assimilate professional knowledge (in terms of management, urban development, finance and quantitative methods), special ownership english language, as well as the motivation of applicants to achieve results, communicative skills and analytic skills. This test is mandatory for applicants of all Master Programs of the VSMP SPBSU and is fully in English.

The test consists of two stages: the written part (two questions, each 30%) and an interview with the examination committee (40%). Mandatory full-time presence in St. Petersburg.

Written is performed in the computer class of the urban campus of the VSM SPBSU. You will be provided with 90 minutes to write it. The text is recruited by an applicant in Microsoft Word without specifying authorship. It is allowed to perform individual drawings, graphs, formulas from hand. It is not allowed to use any auxiliary materials.

Since the written part assumes an answer to professional issues, all applicants are divided into two cohorts. The applicant performs a written part once, depending on the cohort, to which:

  • In the first cohort Included those who filed an application only on MIM and / or MUMD programs. In the examination tasks of this cohort, in addition to general management issues, there will be in-depth management issues, as well as urban development.
  • In the second cohort They fall those who filed an application for MIBA and / or MCF programs. In addition to the general management issues, applicants from this cohort will offer topics on finance and quantitative methods.

Important: If you filed an application for MIBA and / or MCF, as well as on MIM and / or MUMD, you will fall into the second cohort.

At the interview, applicants are estimated at the three criteria: motivation to achieve results, communication skills and analytical abilities. All interviews pass anonymously, the applicant should not be submitted to examiners. At the beginning of the interview, 5-7 minutes per self-presentation is provided, which should include an explanation of the motivation to the choice of a program of a specific magistracy, career prospects that are expected as a result of learning on the program, the formulation of the main areas of interests of applicant in the field of this program and the story about the successful application of their applicant Analytical abilities.

Familiarize yourself with the examples of questions, find out the details and information about the interview

Good day! Tell me, please, the procedure for submitting documents for the winner of the Olympics (journalism, 1 level, BVI)

Hello! Is it possible to learn from you after 40 years? I am interested in the direction of biology. I have higher education, Tell me what is needed for receipt and is there correspondence training. Thank you!

Maria Vasilenko, good afternoon! Age does not matter when admission. Since you already have a higher education, you can do with the help of internal entrance tests in the university. To do this, you need to contact the admission committee of the university after June 26 with the original document on education, passport and photo to apply. In the specialty 06.03.01 Biology is only full-time Learning

Hello, you can more detail more about the faculty in St. Petersburg State University, the organization of tourist activities with in-depth study chinese Language. How many paid and free places. Just one site is written 17 free and 10 paid, and if I look at the lists of received this year, they took only 8 budget and 5 paid. And is it really much attention to the Chinese language? Are there internships in China while studying?

Regina, the program is aimed at the preparation of professionals in the field of tourism. Students acquire practical and academic knowledge for informational and analytical activities in the field of tourism and recreation. Students also acquire the skills of management and compelling solutions. Special emphasis is placed in Chinese and culture. It is possible to take practice, as well as participate in various conferences and symposia.

You can try to participate in the program of academic mobility provided by the University to visit China. Chinese is really on high level, students are paying sufficient number time to learn it.

In 2018, 17 budget and 10 paid places were allocated. The current number of places for 2019 arrivals will be known October 1, 2018

Hello, tell me, please, what pass point for jurisprudence? On one of the sites found a number 284, but they are indicated items EGE: Foreign, society and Russian. You have 257 and items: history, society, Russian. One university, but on all sites a different information.

Vyacheslav calledkin, good afternoon! Probably, you are a little confused in two directions "jurisprudence".

1) jurisprudence (with in-depth study of the Chinese language and the rights of the PRC). Entrance - Rus, Society, English. Passing score - 288.

2) jurisprudence (in Russian). Entrance - Rus, Society, East. Passing point - 247.

Information about St. Petersburg State University on our portal is confirmed by a member of his admission committee.

One of the universities of the country who received the right to independently install educational standards, is the St. Petersburg state University. He is also recognized as one of the oldest universities of the country, so for several centuries in a row prepares these specialists in various fields of activity. These, but far from the only advantages, won the sympathy of many citizens not only the Russian Federation. Therefore, we suggest you learn more about how in 2017 an entrance campaign in St. Petersburg State University will be held.

Feature reception in 2017

In general, this procedure will resemble the standards of previous years, but still we will pay attention to some features.

To begin with, consider the question of what documents must be prepared in advance for filing. Of course, the first thing that the applicants fill are statements of a certain form. A passport and a document on education and two photos are attached.

It is also necessary to submit a medical certificate that should be obtained no later than one year before the end of the introductory campaign.

The complete package of documents incoming can be supplied by three ways, each of which has the same legal force. The first is standard and more traditional - directly to the admission committee. The second is less expensive, but which can cause a lot of alarms - by mail. And finally, the most modern one - in electronic form, which will help save time and strength.

When submitting documents, all applicants need to adhere to the established deadlines. So, to file documents wishing to become bacheloria or specialists from June 20. Completion of this process will be marked by four different dates.

  • July 7 - in the event of a test of a creative nature;
  • July 10 - passing exams of another orientation;
  • July 26 / August 9 - Reception based on the USE.

Considering the features of the introductory campaign, it is impossible not to mention the benefits. They can be distinguished by several species, each of which makes it possible for a certain category of citizens to obtain some benefits.

To begin with, pay attention to the winners and winners school Olympiadswhich were conducted or will be held since 2012 to 2017. Such citizens are given to the choice of two types of special rights: the ability to enter without passing additional entrance exams or be equivalent to persons who surchase EGE received maximum amount Points.

Another type of benefits - receiving training at the expense of budget allocations. These right can take advantage of a certain category of citizens to which, among other things, children are orphans.

We also note the preferential right in enrollment that thirteen categories of citizens can take advantage. But you must remember that in any case my own additional rights It is necessary to confirm the relevant documents.

Separately, we will pay attention to the magistracy, because this case There will be some differences. First, it will be possible to submit documents from March 1 (in electronic form) and from July 3 (in other ways). But here is the date of the end of filing documents the same - July 20. As for the entrance tests, they will go through only nine days from July 24.

Passage points in St. Petersburg State

This question, of course, is relevant to those who will take entry exams. Therefore, consider it in more detail. The first to pay attention is the passing points depend on what faculty and the focus you have chosen and, accordingly, what exams will take. As for the form of testing, it provides for the majority in writing, with the exception of a creative contest. Another feature that needs to be taken into account - for the same subject, different indicators of passing points can be installed, depending on the faculty you choose, as well as the priority on it items for delivery. For example, a minimum for mathematics in the direction of preparation "Mathematics" - 65 points, but in the direction of "Hydrometeorology" - 60, according to "geology" - 55. A similar situation is also determined for other items. Therefore, consider it when preparing and passing exams.

Several other indicators are installed for those who want to become a master. Thus, indicators such as 30, 40, 45 and 50 points are provided.

And finally, considering this issue we recall that these points are installed for both paid learning and budget.

Cost of training in 2017-2018

If you are planning to study on paid form, then this question for applicants will be one of the most important. But unfortunately this information will be available only from June 1. Therefore, while you can rely on the prices of previous years. So, the lowest prices are provided for the direction of "Economics" -136 000 rubles. But the most money you have to pay for international management - 450 000 rubles. Please note that training in similar directions will be more expensive to foreign citizens, for example, in this case, the same "international management" will now cost 500,000 rubles. These were bachelor's training prices, but they will be distinguished for training at a specialist. The maximum in this case reaches 243,000 rubles - for the program "Dentistry" and at least 186,000 rubles, "acting art".

If you still have not received all the answers to questions about admission, then we suggest you take the opportunity to communicate with university representatives directly. So, the university regularly held days open doors. Approximately three or four times a month of the University's doors opens to everyone. At the same time, every day is devoted to a separate area, which will still simplify the applicants to obtain the necessary information.

Recall that you have the opportunity to learn about the features of admission in 2017 to other universities of the country, for example.


Good day! I plan to enter your university in 2017 in the direction of training: journalism, philology and jurisprudence. I live in Omsk. Please tell us about the rules of income for nonresident.
1) At the time of arrival, I will be adult whether any documents / parents' statements are required?
2) What documents are generally required for these areas of preparation?
3) What time do you need to send the original form of education?
4) Is it possible to get a place in the dormitory at the time of submission of documents and subsequent training in St. Petersburg State University? If so, what is required for this and what is the payment?
5) Does my personal presence required to enroll in your university?
Thank you in advance for the time given to me!

The answer of the first vicector of educational, extracurricular and educational work SPBSU Bailability Catherine Gennadovna:

Thank you for interest shown in St. Petersburg State University.

I draw your attention to the fact that the rules for admission to St. Petersburg State University are approved annually.

I answer your questions:

Personal application for admission to St. Petersburg State University, as well as other documents, applicant provides the Commission on the reception of documents of SPbSU in several ways:

  • personally;
  • using public postal operators;
  • through a trustee by proxy.

Provide documents from parents of the incoming not required;

To participate in the competition for the educational programs of undergraduate in the areas of "journalism", "Philology", "Jurisprudence" applicants provide the following documents:

  • a copy of the document certifying the identity and citizenship;
  • application for admission to educational program;
  • 2 photos 3x4 cm (photos must be made in the current calendar year);
  • original or copy of the document of the State Sample on Education.

I inform you that detailed information on the training procedure in 2017/18 academic year It will be published on the official portal of St. Petersburg State University on the deadlines established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Follow the update of information on the official portal of St. Petersburg State University;

The hostel during the filing of documents and the passage of entrance examinations, as well as at the time of training, is provided to all non-resident citizens who are not receiving at the place of residence in St. Petersburg. You can learn more about the living conditions in St. Petersburg State Highlights here: Information on tariffs for accommodation in SPbSU hostels is located in the appropriate section of the SPbSU portal, you can read more details with it.

Upon admission to the program undergraduate in the direction of "journalism", applicants in 2016 needed to undergo an entrance test in oral-written form ( creative competition). To pass the entrance test by all entering this direction Preparation It was necessary to be present in St. Petersburg State University. Admission to undergraduate programs in the directions "Philology" and "Jurisprudence" was carried out on the basis of the results of the EGE. I draw your attention to the fact that the enrollment in SPbSU to places funded at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget is carried out strictly on the basis of the successful passage of entrance examinations, the original of the document on education, as well as consent to enrollment. The original formation document should be granted in 2016 in St. Petersburg State University in St. Petersburg State University. You can submit the Original Education Document Personally to the Commission for receiving documents using public postal operators (in this case, the document is sent at: 199034, the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, University Embankment, House 7/9, Selection committee St. Petersburg State University), as well as through a trustee by proxy.

A similar question has already been set in a virtual reception, you can read the answer.

All necessary information about the reception of 2016 is published in the relevant section.