Wonderful conductors to others who they are. Who are you: Battery or Explorer? High-level conductor

  • Ivan Osipovich Susanin - the Russian National Hero, who, according to the legend, was hired by the Council of Poles in the winter of 1612-13. as a conductor. Saving the king Mikhail Fedorovich, Susanin, started the Poles in a swampy forest, where they were tortured for refusing to specify the right path.
  • Matvey Kuzmich Kuzmin - 83-year-old Hero of the Soviet Union, during the Great Patriotic War, the price of his life brought a detachment of the Nazis for the machine-gun fire of Soviet fighters.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Province of Silesia
  • Proster ability

Watch what is "conductor (person)" in other dictionaries:

    Explorer showers - From left to right: Sado yasutor, hands of Kuchick, conductors of the Souls of Renji Abarai and Tosiro Chitsugai, Ichigo Kurosaki, Isyid, Orihime Aniua. In the foreground, the teddy lion con. All the characters of Anime and Manga "Bleach" belong to different races, entering ... ... Wikipedia

    Explorer (railway employee) - This term has other values, see Explorer (Values). Conductor conductor Explorer Railway employee accompanying a passenger car in the way E ... Wikipedia

    conductor - conductor1, a, m special. A substance that does not have significant resistance to electric current or well-passing sound, warmth. Most metal gold, silver, copper, aluminum are good electricity conductors. ... ... Dictionary Russian nouns

    Conductor of life - (Mystich.) Semi-art man in Pythagoreans, the number seven in the opposites. The first was explained by this by saying that the human body consists of four main elements (principles), and that the soul of Triochina (the highest triad). (See Isais, II, p. 484.) ... ... Religious terms

    Conductor of life - (Mystich.) Semi-art man in Pythagoreans, the number seven in the opposites. The first was explained by this by saying that the human body consists of four main elements (principles), and that the soul of Triochina (the highest triad). (See once. Isis, II, p. 484.) Often ... ... Theosophical Dictionary

    Protective conductor - 2.2.10 Protective conductor (symbol RE) Explorer required by some gear protection measures and intended for electrical connection of the following elements: open conductive parts; third-party conductive parts; The main terminal ... ...

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    neutral conductor - 2.6.4. Neutral conductor (N): The conductor connected to the neutral point of the network, and which can be used to transmit electrical energy. A source … Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    linear conductor - (Line Conductor) Explorer under voltage in a normal operating mode, used to transmit or distribute electrical energy, but not a neutral or medium conductor. Internal protection against short circuits ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

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  • Notepad K-POP. Your bright conductor in Korean culture! (Format A 5, Soft Cover, 128 pages, White) ,. BTS -This new symbol South Korea, Home K-Pop Group, which brought Korean music to a new level. These seven guys managed to conquer their creativity the whole world, they are talented, ...

In a life path, each person meets conductors - people who affect life, directly or indirectly guide along the winding pathways of the life path. Life generally consists of huge number straight and winding, confused - intertwined or, on the contrary, brightly lit segments for which people go and go, finding and losing something.
And people - Conductors encountered on the way, sometimes may be so episodic characters, so their incompleteness on our personal path is apparent, that there is a risk of not paying attention to, miss them and, accordingly, misinterpret something important.

I met such people clearly three times. Three different people in various, in no way with each other are not correlated circumstances. But every time, it was these, it would seem empty passing characters, became the catalysts that they launched the "mechanisms" needed here and now. Directed me, lost, on the right track.

For the first time, there was a guy. Thief, a gangster, good, not a killer, although, how to know what happened to him now. This happened a long time ago. Then I was actually a child, the 15th year. And meeting with this guy did not seem to me anything important, especially, the sign. The story came out funny. He stole the books in the store and asked me to hold them at home, since he didn't have at home - he was just "rested." I, nothing about him knowing the girl, agreed to help the friend from the party without thinking. I took a bag, put on the balcony and forgot. But, in a couple of days, he told me that these books are Karosa Battle Castaneda. Extremely entertaining fiction.
What do you think I did? Right. Asked the permission to open the bag and take the book to read.

Read ...

Past I just could not pass such information. All my life, this is exactly what is sick, and here, as by order - they brought to the house! I read the first book, the second, third ... And here, the buddy and says. I, they say, familiar is. Real Mag! He me with some kind of herbs and words from such wounds cured! In Moscow lives. Odius personality!

Everything. The question was resolved. I called, prescribed a date, met and ...

And the story dragged into long years. All my knowledge, were polished by careless loving hands. All my visions, all the gifts of perfumes received, finally, a decent "laboratory", in which, on the basis of which studies were gaining momentum.

Many years have passed and, having passed the "fried rooster", which does not miss, slander and slander in Temechko, was his time. Everything that was recognized was passed, polished and deeply buried, should have already been gentle. And sprouted.

Return began. With the fact that I almost killed me :) three times per day. It seems I somehow someone (and maybe in LJ - sclerosis, sclerosis!) Told the story. First, a crazy jeep, then an unclear origin physical collapse, and in the final - the very conductor about which speech.

Inspective aunt, aggressive, with whirlwinds of the zecchka and the habits of a professional killer. Not somewhere, in the pro-creek institution. Did not wait, s, called. Having risen on this woman, I have already realized everything. Essentially remembered what was taught for many years, gathered, drove, but further what?

Three days after thinking, all the fold and deduction, stood on the path in the back-parallel side. And do not regret. At last.

And here, literally the day before, the third conductor appeared. The guy does not know that - he is generally, apparently, Nevynyko - inadequate. But then, as literally one nonsense and a couple of wrong words, he helped switch the "relay" in my mind, no doubt. Explorer it.

If we, people, noticing and, sometimes even understanding, where you skip the signs to miss these guides - this does not mean that our life Path Tom must be completed. But we, without heading along the path, to which the conductor pushes, or stand on the spot and gradually rotors to the ground (which means stagnation, in fact), or viscous in the swamp, by us created. From the Earth, where we exist by definition (yes, we are people, we were listed here and we live here, on earth, in the field of land to live), and from the water - our emotions, those that are formed beyond us. Emotions closer to the intuitive part of human, rather than rational, reasonable. And emotions, sometimes not always, but they can often give us more than long reflections and logical conclusions.

Read signs, friends, and do not miss the conductors! Recommend:)

As told by the wise men, a person is the center of all creation. And all Higher worldsAnd our material world, and all of their inhabable creatures are created only for a person. Man is located in the center of all the universe. At first glance, it is difficult to understand how it can exist for such little man, and in its material volume, and in its power in this world, in this universe is completely insignificant. Neither level: neither in the plant, nor on the animal, nor on human we are ...

When the "love of the neighbor" property appears in man - it is called that he has found the soul. A while he did not have a property of return and love, he does not have a soul. He is like an animaloe. Therefore, it is said "you are all like animals", "a man is born with a little animal."

In this world, we exist on the animal stage, that is, completely obey our nature.

I would look at us someone who would have been published and said that people were the same animals, only they have an internal management program more ...

On January 1, 2013, the transition from the fifth race to the sixth race for all mankind on the planet was completed. For humanity, the change of races indicates, first of all, the need to change consciousness. The concept of benefits should be replaced by the concept of feasibility.

Water or astral qualities of consciousness comes from the sensual emotional sphere of thinking and caused by the animal nature of man. Fire quality consciousness determines the highest property of the spirit. These qualities should be based on ...

Start every day with a positive statement regarding myself: "I am healthy, young, full of strength, my body is the perfect creation of nature, in which there are powerful healing forces, the day after day I bring health, vigor, strength, confidence.

Learn to constantly follow your thoughts. Many people notice that they seek some unpleasant inner voice in their head, which is constantly trying to inspire something negative: Life is hard, you are not good, unhealthy, not ...

Zohar, chapter "Beshalah", paragraph 18: ... And for the dissection of the final sea and the saccination of the Egyptians, it was necessary to first destroy their high root, located in Arich Anpine.

And it was impossible to make it otherwise, as with the help of a big light of the Actik, which is the root of everything.

The highest management comes to us from Partsuf Arich Anpane (A "a), where everything is ordered according to C" B, three lines and bein, which came out of Roche A "a.

And therefore we manage so that we go faithfully knowledge, in three lines ...

This idolatry is to think that the Creator may change. It is said: "I did not change my phenomenon of my phenomenon."

The Creator built a constant system of laws, "the highest light is in absolute rest." And the desire is also already created by this - it only develops with light - and more and more feels / reveals itself, comparing itself with light.

The light affecting the desire, enters it and passes through all its layers: 0-1-2-3. And when it reaches the 4th level (Bhina \u200b\u200bDalet) - only here we have free ...

In parallel to our planet there are many worlds. In the sphere of direct interests of earthlings is now three worlds:

Dense world, i.e. 3-dimensional land,
- compacted 4-dimensional astral world, referred to as Male

Normal 5-dimensional astral world.

Quantum transition is a replacement of the Earth, that is, a 3-dimensional dense world on a 4-dimensional compacted astral world.

The substitution will happen as the old skin tried in the sun is replaced by a new one, that is, not immediately ...

The development of modern science clearly found the fact that there are other worlds other than our land. What is called space accommodates countless abode. Although the space is full of planets, populated like our, we cannot see the population of those planets.

All that was detected modern scienceThis is just guesses and assumptions that, perhaps, there are other living beings in a huge space. But the conversation between Adam and God, as noted in the sacred Quran and others ...

Man - electric current conductor.

The human body is an in its electrophysical properties of a saline solution (electrolyte solution). Different body tissues are characterized by different concentrations of the electrolyte solution and its different composition, as a result of which differ in their dielectric properties.

The general resistance of the human body is a constant current (from the end of one hand to the end of another) with dry intact skin's skin make up 10 4 – 10 6 Ohm. Wet skin can reduce body resistance to 10 3 Oh.. (See Table: "Electrical characteristics of human body tissues")

Electrical characteristics of human body tissues.

Type of fabric



1.5 ohm M.

1.8 Ohm M.

Epidermis (Dry)

3,3 10 5 M.

10 6 M.

    Why is it dangerous to work with electric shock with high humidity?

At a voltage of 220 V, current passing through the human body with a random touch of dry hand, will be 0.0022 A; when touched by a damp hand - 0.22 A.

And such a strength of the current may be deadly.

The resistance of the human body is different for different individuals. It also depends on the state of human health. The presence of alcohol in the human body significantly reduces the resistance of the human body.

There are people with unique electrical characteristics. For example, an electrician from the Bulgarian city of Gabrolovo G. Ivanov has an electrical resistance of 8 times higher than that ordinary people. It can work with electrical circuits located under a voltage of 380 V, without protective means and non-shut down power. For ordinary person Voltage 380 in mortally.

Electric shock electric shock It depends on the strength of the current, the duration of its action and on what path flows in the human body occurs. Especially sensitive to the action of the current brain and the heart of a person, since there is possible violations of their activities. Most people react to current current 0.001 A.

Your conductor - This is a friend who is always near to love, encourage and support you. Chenneling should not be confused with spiritualism. This is not an intention to come into contact with the "dead" or a search for their help and leadership. For those who exist on the astral plan are usually characterized by the same fears, views and features of the soul, as for those walking on the ground in a dense body. Often they do not possess the higher and wide prospect that the conductor will have high level. The purpose of Chenneling is to attract the superior-teacher from the highest level, the most important goal of which is your spiritual growth and well-being. The conductor-teacher from a high level will help you find your own problems in finding your own solutions and will not qualify for your energy, asking for something just because the offer comes from him. The conductor with a high level will never indicate you what you have to do will never become you criticize or say that you do wrong or bad. They will also never flatter your ego, but they will congratulate you in case of progress and will always help you do everything in the best possible way.

You can connect the connection with the high-level conductor. The only requirements are your desire and the intention to do it. Channeling is for anyone who wishes a high-quality jump in their spiritual growth. High-level conductors stretch to those who seek to create peace, joy and abundance in their own life and the lives of those surrounding them. Channeling can help any of you who are engaged in painting, writing, psychology, healing, rail, tarot, or just any other creative human business. However, the main goal of attracting a high-level conductor to your life is your own spiritual growth. In other words, you do not need to find the matter of all your life to attract such a conductor.

Who are these conductors?

The conductors are as many as people on this planet and even more than more. Many of the conductors who make themselves accessible today through channeling are purely spiritual essences, creatures of light. They came from high dimensions of love and light, and came at this time on this planet in order to help people make a smooth transition to the Consciousness of Christ. These conductors came from many different places, measurements and reality plans. Some of them can be teachers from the fourth and higher measurements, some can be conducted by priests and teachers with planets who have left in their spiritual development than land. Other conductors can be from such worlds and places that are outside your usual ideas about the universe.

All these conductors, masters, healers and teachers form currently a golden energy ring around the Earth to help all those who call for relief assistance in the world and in love. These conductors, sometimes referred to as a great white brotherhood, have chosen to make themselves accessible to anyone having a will, intention and desire to connect with them, with those who choose their personal and spiritual development as the highest priority.

These conductors are not here in order to save you or predicted natural disasters On Earth, but they are here in order to support the qualities of love, compassion and understanding. They are here to teach you the fact that you create your own reality, and what you can have and create all that abundance, health, love, joy and happiness, which you wish. They are here in order to help you with the introduction of new thinking images, to help the eradication of faith in poverty and lack, in the elimination of fear of fear. These wonderful guides who carry divine love in their hearts are here in order to raise the curtains of illusion between your world and the highest spheres of light, so generously filled with abundance, laughter and joy ... You may have and create all that abundance, health, Love, joy and happiness, what you wish.

Speaking more specifically, the conductors are waiting for connections to you so that at this time you can make new, higher and beautiful forms of healing, music, technology, literature, tools of spiritual growth and art. This will help mankind to make that high-quality jump, which will soon have to. These timeless and not knowing the age of the wisdom and divine love from the heart of God / Goddess are here to help you find your full potential and enlightenment in this life. The only thing important thing for them is that your intention of spiritually grow to grow sincere is ready to take responsibility for your life and are ready to love yourself.

High-level conductor

Many of you are familiar with fears of more lower or so-called "negatively oriented" creatures. The most important aspect when contact with a high-level conductor is your intention. However, in the case of establishing the first contact with the conductor, it will be wise and it is desirable to simply and politely ask the conductor, where he and what is his intention. You can ask questions like: "Are you from the light?", "Do you intend to serve my spiritual growth and do it in unconditioned love?", Or "Do you serve the light and is your superior target of humanity?". The conductor will not lie about his origin, so if a positive answer is received and you feel the love of the conductor, or feel the world and comfort when you contact, you can deepen the connection by asking the name you can call your conductor.

This process of attracting a conductor into its lives can be organized very simply when you are in deep meditation. You just need to relax using your breath to care up, and clearly formulate that you would like to attract high-level conductor in your life. And he will come. Visualize the conductor, light or the creature of light standing in front of you. Specify the questions that I gave you and patiently wait for a response. You can also ask him about the following: "To which deadline I will be ready to enter with you into verbal contact?", "You are the conductor, the channeling messages of which I will learn to take, or are you here to prepare me for the emergence of another Explorer? " Or "What can you give Channeling or what can you teach me?". Talk with your conductor so as if you just met at all unfamiliar man from another country. Ask what your conductor do, what is his specialization, interests and why he came to you this time.

How to find out what you are ready

If you have already joined the mental contact with the conductor in the meditation process, now it will be interesting for you when you are ready to open the channel. To make channeling your conductor - it means bringing it or her love, light and energy in your field-aura, so you can either provide the channel to your conductor in a transcender state, or consciously connect to the conductor in the healing process, drawing, writing or execution Any other creative or educational form of self-expression. You will understand that they are ready if the idea of \u200b\u200bconnecting with your conductor fills your heart with joy and enthusiasm.

You are ready if you have a desire to more consciously make a choice in life if you have the desire to detect your true me and the reasons why you have chosen to be here in this life. You will learn that they are ready if you are trying to find teachers inside yourself and authority for your own life. You will learn that they are ready, if you still want to find your own truth, have a thinner setting on your soul, the highest goal and the work of life.

You may not even have a clear picture of what you want. Maybe you are absorbed by the supervision of children or are currently engaged in finding new work. Your readiness for Channeling is not based on where you are, here is the main thing - where you want to move. Set aside all the thoughts of the type "I'm just such something or a kind" and feel the light of your true me in my heart. Close the eye for a moment and call the conductor. You can call me, Omni, because I am a teacher of conductors, and my destination is to help you in connection with your conductor, your highest soul. Feel like the love of higher dimensions surrounds you, and decide when to open the channel.

When you open the channel, you will automatically open for the light of your own soul.