Materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam on the history of "ancient Rus'". Materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in history "Ancient Rus'" Online tests on the history of ancient Rus' Danilin


Developer: Garifullin E. Sh. teacher general education disciplines


Ancient Rus'.

1. In what year did the Baptism of Rus' take place?

A) 922 B) 988
B) 965 D) 882

2 . What was the name of the tax in favor of the church?

A) tithe
B) quitrent
B) funeral feast
D) rope

3. Beginning of construction of the Church of St. Sophia in Kyiv

A) 998 B) 1054
B) 1037 D) 1015

4. Who was the son of Rurik?

A) Oleg
B) Yaroslav
B) Svyatoslav
D) Igor

5. What year is considered the founding date of the state of Rus'?

A) 879 B) 859
B) 862 D) 882

6. What was the name for collecting tribute by a squad in Rus'?

A) churchyard
B) quitrent
B) polyudye
D) purchase

7. Which state was attacked by Oleg in 907 and 911?

A) Byzantium
B) Volga Bulgaria
B) Khazar Kaganate
G) Golden Horde

8. Who was Princess Olga related to Vladimir I?

A) mother
B) sister
B) wife
D) grandmother

9. In what year did the Lubech Congress take place?

A) 1037 B) 1097
B) 1054 D) 1084

10. What was the name of the tribe that cruelly punished Prince Igor for his greed?

A) Krivichi
B) clearing
B) Drevlyans
D) Vyatichi

11. Who killed Boris and Gleb?

A) Yaroslav
B) Svyatopolk
B) Oleg
D) Svyatoslav

12. Which of these merits belongs to Princess Olga?

A) victory over the Khazar Kaganate
B) ordering the sizes of tribute
C) Rus' adopted Christianity under her
D) annexation of Kyiv

13. Whom did Oleg kill by deception in 882, while seizing power in Kyiv? A) Sineus and Truvor
B) Askold and Dir
B) Boris and Gleb
D) Cyril and Methodius

14. The campaign to collect tribute in ancient Rus' was called

a) a lesson

b) polyhuman

c) taxation

d) churchyard

15. Suspend the decay Old Russian state managed:

a) Prince Igor

b) Vladimir Svyatoslavich

c) Yaroslav the Wise

d) Vladimir Monomakh

16. What year in the chronicle dates the arrival of the Varangians in Rus'?

a) 1111 c) 862g.

b) 988 d) 1054g.

17. In what year did the battle take place, after which Prince Alexander Yaroslavich began to be called “Nevsky”?

A) 1223 g. B) 1240 g.

B) 1238 D) 1242

18. In what year did the first meeting of Russian squads with the Mongol-Tatars take place?

A) 1223 g. B) 1240 g.

B) 1238 D) 1242

19. Did the Slavs call them Varangians?

a) Scandinavians

b) Celts

c) Germans

d) francs

20. Installcorrespondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Prince's name


1. Oleg

2. Igor

3 Vladimir


A . Inflicted a crushing defeat on the Polovtsy, adopted a new set of laws “Charter”, which eased the situation of the dependent population in Rus'

B. United Kyiv and Novgorod under his rule, carried out a number of successful

campaigns against Byzantium

B. Made an unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium, killed by the Drevlyans


21. Family sign of the Rurikovichs


22. Meeting of the prince ……….. with the sorcerer. Artist: A. M. Vasnetsov

A. Igor V. Oleg

B. Vladimir G. Svyatoslav

23. Choose the correct answer

A. Three heroes

B.Arrival of Rurik in Ladoga

IN. Returning from the fair

G. Prince Igor

In a narrow monastery cell

In four blank walls

About the land about ancient Russian

The story was written down by a monk

He wrote in winter and summer

He wrote year after year

About our great people

A. Yaroslav the Wise. V. Nestor

B. Josephus Flavius ​​G. Vladimir Monamakh

25. Daughter of Yaroslav the Wise who became Queen of France

A. Olga V. Anna

B. Sofia G. Elizaveta

26. What is depicted conventionally………. sign on this map


27. Match the elements of the left and right columns.

Answer: _________________

28. Set the correct match:

1. Yarilo

A)lord of the wind

2. Perun

B)god of light from the sky

3. Ogribog

IN)Sun God

4. Hair

G)god of thunder

5. Mokosh

D)patron of cattle breeding

6. Svarog

E)fertility deity

Answer: _____________________

29. Read the description and name the prince to whom it relates.

The sole ruler of Ancient Rus'.

Contributed to the rise of the international authority of Rus'.

Carried out military campaigns.

Founder of written Russian legislation.

Patron of education and construction.

Contributed to the flourishing of the ancient Russian state.

Answer: ___________






















21. A


23. B



26. The path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”

27. BAV


29. Yaroslav the Wise

Test on the topic “Ancient Rus'”

1. Slavic language belongs to the language group

a) German

b) Turkic

c) Indo-European

d) Iranian

2. What year of the chronicle dates the arrival of the Varangians to Rus'?

a) 1111

b) 988

c) 862g.

d) 1054g.

3. The Slavs were called Varangians

a) Scandinavians

b) Celts

c) Germans

d) francs

4. The campaign to collect tribute in ancient Rus' was called

a) a lesson

b) polyhuman

c) taxation

d) churchyard

5. All-Russian chronicle collection, which appeared in Kyiv in beginning of XII century

a) “Teaching” by Vladimir Monomakh

b) “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamaev”

c) “Walking across Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin

d) "The Tale of Bygone Years"

6. The number of raids carried out by the Polovtsians from the second half of the 11th century to the beginning of the 13th century:

a) 46

b) 17

c) 55

d) 70

7. It was possible to stop the collapse of the Old Russian state:

a) Prince Igor

b) Vladimir Svyatoslavich

c) Yaroslav the Wise

d) Vladimir Monomakh

8. Establish a correspondence between the category of the dependent population and its characteristics

9. Establish a correspondence between the name of the ruling prince and the features of his reign.


Features of the board

A) Rurik

B) Igor

B) Svyatoslav

D) Vladimir Red Sun

D) Olga

E) Yuri Dolgoruky

G) Andrey Bogolyubsky

H) Vladimir Monomakh

I) Vsevolod the Big Nest

K) Yaroslav the Wise

1) the flourishing of the Old Russian state is associated with the name of the prince

2) the board initiated the creation of an orderly and organized taxation system

3) defeated Volga Bulgaria

4) during his reign the title of Grand Duke of Vladimir appeared

6) called to reign by the Slavs

7) the appearance of the first judicial and land statutes

8) founder of Moscow

9) was killed by the Drevlyans

10) defeated the Khazar Kaganate

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

10. Match the date and event

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

11. Establish a correspondence between the name of the prince and his statement

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

12. Arrange in chronological order the reign of the princes

A) Vladimir Monomakh

B) Vladimir Svyatoslavich

B) Yaroslav the Wise

D) Rurik

D) Olga

E) Oleg

13. Name the most character traits The Old Russian state as an early feudal monarchy

1) princely power became a central element in the structure of state power

2) dependence on other territories

3) unity of princes in the face of external danger

4) the prince was in charge of the external and domestic politics, issues of war and peace

5) existence feudal estates along with free communities.

6) intensification of the class struggle

Answer: _________________

14. Name the features that characterize the significance of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'

1) contributed to the development of writing and education

2) divided ancient Russian society

3) strengthened the state and the power of the prince

5) increased the role of pagan gods

6) contributed to the introduction of Rus' to Byzantine culture

Answer: _________________

15. Read the description and name the prince to whom it relates.

The sole ruler of Ancient Rus'.

Contributed to the rise of the international authority of Rus'.

Carried out military campaigns.

Founder of written Russian legislation.

Patron of education and construction.

Contributed to the flourishing of the ancient Russian state.

Answer: _________________


1. in

2. in

3. a

4. b

5. g

6 a

7. g

Task 1. Arrange in chronological order historical events. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence in the table.

    Baptism of Rus'

    Calling of the Varangians

    The emergence of Charlemagne's empire.


Task 2. Establish a correspondence between events and years: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column



A) Igor’s campaign against Constantinople

1) 882

B) the calling of the Varangians

2) 988

B) the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise

3) 944

D) Russia's adoption of Christianity

4) 862


6)1019 - 1054

Task 3 Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the period of the Old Russian state. Find and write down serial number a term relating to another historical period.

1) Smerd, 2) landowner, 3) ryadovich, 4) tiun, 5) boyar, 6) purchaser.

Task 4 Write the missing phrase.

The economic and social development of the Eastern Slavs was influenced by the trade route that passed through the East European Plain, which the Tale of Bygone Years called the “path________________”.

Task 5. Establish a correspondence between definitions and concepts. In response, write down the sequence of numbers.



A) farmers who have entered into an agreement with the owner of the land to perform work

1) stinkers

B) free or dependent farmers, the bulk of the population of Ancient Rus'

2) serfs

C) people who were completely dependent on the owner of the land

3) procurement

D) farmers who took out a loan

4) tiuns

5) rank and file

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

Task 6. Establish a correspondence between fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: for each fragment indicated by a letter, select two corresponding characteristics indicated by numbers.


A) “In the year 6390 (chronology from the Creation of the world). Oleg set out on a campaign, taking with him many warriors: the Varangians, the Chud, the Slovenians, the Meryu, the whole, the Krivichi, and he came to Smolensk with the Krivichi, and took power in the city, and installed his husband in it. From there he went down and took Lyubech, and also imprisoned his husband. And they came to the Kiev mountains, and Oleg learned that Askold and Dir reigned here. He hid some warriors in the boats, and left others behind, and he himself began, carrying the baby Igor. And he sailed to the Ugrian Mountain, hiding his soldiers, and sent to Askold and Dir, telling them that “we are merchants, we are going to the Greeks from Oleg and Prince Igor. Come to us, to your relatives.” When Askold and Dir arrived, everyone else jumped out of the boats, and Oleg said to Askold and Dir: “You are not princes and not of a princely family, but I am of a princely family,” and showed Igor: “And this is the son of Rurik.” And they killed Askold and Dir, carried him to the mountain and buried Askold on the mountain, which is now called Ugorskaya, where Olmin’s court is now; on that grave Olma built the Church of St. Nicholas; and Dirov’s grave is behind the Church of St. Irene. And Oleg, the prince, sat down in Kyiv, and Oleg said: “Let this be the mother of Russian cities.” And he had Varangians, and Slavs, and others who were called Rus. That Oleg began to build cities and established tribute to the Slovenes, and Krivichi, and Meri, and established that the Varangians should give tribute from Novgorod 300 hryvnia annually for the sake of preserving peace, which was given to the Varangians until the death of Yaroslav.”

B) “And Vladimir began to reign in Kiev alone, and placed idols on the hill behind the tower courtyard: a wooden Perun with a silver head and a golden mustache, and Khors, Dazhbog, and Stribog, and Simargl, and Mokosh. And they made sacrifices to them, calling them gods, and brought their sons and daughters, and made sacrifices to demons, and desecrated the earth with their sacrifices. And the Russian land and that hill were defiled with blood. But the all-good God did not want the death of sinners, and on that hill now stands the Church of St. Basil, as we will tell about this later. Now let's return to the previous one.

Vladimir put Dobrynya, his uncle, in Novgorod. And, having come to Novgorod, Dobrynya placed an idol over the Volkhov River, and the Novgorodians offered sacrifices to him as to a god.”


1) after Oleg, Prince Svyatoslav ruled Russia

2) Oleg was the first of the princes to sign an agreement with Byzantium that was beneficial for Russia

3) these events date back to the end of the 9th century.

4) Prince Vladimir ascended to the grand-ducal throne in Kiev, according to the will of his father Svyatoslav

5) the chronicle speaks of the “pagan reform” of Prince Vladimir

6) “Pagan reform” failed, but did not stop the prince’s attempts to reform the sphere of religion

Fragment A

Fragment B

Task 7. Which three of the listed tribes belonged to the Eastern Slavs? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Mordva

2) Dregovichi

3) Tivertsy

4) All

5) Sum

6) Vyatichi

Task 8. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the list of missing elements below: for each sentence marked with a letter and containing a blank, select the number of the required element.

A) The founder of the dynasty of Russian princes was the Varangian prince___________

B) The city ___________became the capital of the Old Russian state

C) The first collection of laws of Ancient Rus' was called __________

Missing elements


    Elected Rada



    Russian Truth


Task 9. Establish a correspondence between an event and a participant in this event: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) conclusion of the first trade agreement with Byzantium

1) Yaroslav the Wise

B) construction of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

2) Rurik

B) wars with Volga Bulgaria, Khazaria and Byzantium

3) Oleg the Prophet

D) baptism of Rus'

4) Svyatoslav

5) Vladimir Svyatoslavich


Task 10. Read an excerpt from the chronicle and indicate the name of the prince

“In the year 6472 (chronology from the Creation of the world). When (the prince) grew up and matured, he began to gather many brave warriors, and was fast, like a pardus (cheetah), and fought a lot. On campaigns, he did not carry carts or cauldrons with him, did not cook meat, but thinly sliced ​​horse meat, or animal meat, or beef and fried it over coals, and ate it like that; He did not have a tent, but slept, spreading a sweatcloth with a saddle in his head - all his other warriors were the same, and he sent them to other lands with the words: “I want to go against you.” And he went to the Oka River and the Volga, and met the Vyatichi, and said to the Vyatichi: “Who are you giving tribute to?” They answered: “We give the Khazars a shchelyag (a silver coin of unknown denomination) per plow.”


Task 11. Fill in the empty cells of the table using the data presented in the list below: for each cell indicated by a letter, select the number of the required element




Vladimir Svyatoslavich


strengthening of southern borders

B) ____________






Yaroslav the Wise


creation of Russian Truth

Missing elements



    First trade agreement with Byzantium



    Military campaigns in Bulgaria and Khazaria



    Establishing lessons and graveyards

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters







Task 12 Read an excerpt from the chronicle.

“In the year 6390 (chronology from the Creation of the world). Oleg set out on a campaign, taking with him many warriors: the Varangians, the Chud, the Slovenians, the Meryu, the whole, the Krivichi, and he came to Smolensk with the Krivichi, and took power in the city, and installed his husband in it. From there he went down and took Lyubech, and also imprisoned his husband. And they came to the Kiev mountains, and Oleg learned that Askold and Dir reigned here. He hid some warriors in the boats, and left others behind, and he himself began, carrying the baby Igor. And he sailed to the Ugrian Mountain, hiding his soldiers, and sent to Askold and Dir, telling them that “we are merchants, we are going to the Greeks from Oleg and Prince Igor. Come to us, to your relatives.” When Askold and Dir arrived, everyone else jumped out of the boats, and Oleg said to Askold and Dir: “You are not princes and not of a princely family, but I am of a princely family,” and showed Igor: “And this is the son of Rurik.” And they killed Askold and Dir, carried him to the mountain and buried Askold on the mountain, which is now called Ugorskaya, where Olmin’s court is now; on that grave Olma built the Church of St. Nicholas; and Dirov’s grave is behind the Church of St. Irene. And Oleg, the prince, sat down in Kyiv, and Oleg said: “Let this be the mother of Russian cities.” And he had Varangians, and Slavs, and others who were called Rus. That Oleg began to build cities and established tribute to the Slovenes, and Krivichi, and Meri, and established that the Varangians should give tribute from Novgorod 300 hryvnia annually for the sake of preserving peace, which was given to the Varangians until the death of Yaroslav.”

Using the passage, choose three correct statements from the list given. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer.

1) Oleg was the first Scandinavian prince invited to Russia by Slavic and Finnish tribes

2) after Oleg, Prince Svyatoslav ruled Russia

3) Oleg was the first of the princes to sign an agreement with Byzantium that was beneficial for Russia

4) these events date back to the end of the 9th century.

5) Varangians - hired warriors from Scandinavia in the service of ancient Russian princes

6) Chud, Merya, all belong to the East Slavic tribes

Look at the diagram and complete the task

Task 13 What did the chronicler Nestor call the ancient river route, indicated on the diagram by the number “1”.

Task 14. Write the name of the ancient river route, indicated on the diagram by the number “2”.

Task 15 Which city, located on the shores of the straits connecting the Black and Mediterranean seas, did merchants from Scandinavia strive to?

Task 16. Which judgments regarding the ancient river routes indicated on the diagram are correct. Choose three judgments from the six proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) from Byzantium to the Scandinavian states, merchants brought honey, wax, hemp

2) one of the reasons for the final decline of the trade route from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea was the capture of the lower and middle Dnieper region by the Mongol-Tatars in the 13th century.

3) the trade route from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea was eliminated after the Turks captured the capital of Byzantium in the middle of the 15th century.

4) between the Western Dvina and the Dnieper, merchant ships were dragged

5) one of the states that controlled trade on the way from the Baltic to the Caspian Sea until the end of the 60s. X century there was Khazaria (Khazar Khaganate)

6) Prince Oleg concluded a profitable trade agreement between Russia and Byzantium in the middle of the 9th century.

Task 17. Establish a correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding one from the second column



A) St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

1) the oldest Russian chronicle

B) The Tale of Bygone Years

2) the temple was built in honor of the victory over the nomads

C) A Word on Law and Grace

D) Tithe Church

5) the first stone temple in Kyiv

6) the temple is located in Novgorod

Task 18. Look at the image and complete the task.

Which judgments about this image are correct? Choose two judgments from the five proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) This coin was issued during the existence of the USSR.

2) The event to which the medal is dedicated is associated with the name of Prince Vladimir the Saint.

3) This image represents the symbol of royal power in Russia.

4) One of the authors of the monument depicted on the coin is A. M. Opekushin.

5) The monument depicted on the coin is located in Novgorod.

Task 19. Indicate an image of an architectural monument created closest in time to the event in honor of whose anniversary the coin was issued. In your answer, write down the number under which this architectural monument is listed.

From a historical sketch:

“In the year 6370 they drove the Varangians overseas, and did not give them tribute, and began to control themselves, and there was no truth among them, and generation after generation arose, and they had strife, and began to fight with each other. And they said to themselves: “Let’s look for a prince who would rule us and judge us by right.” And they went overseas to the Varangians, to Russia... The Chud, Slovenes, Krivichi and all said to Russia: “Our land is great and abundant, and there is order.” there is none in it. Come reign and rule over us." And three brothers were chosen with their clans, and they took all of Russia with them, and they came and the eldest, Rurik, sat in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, in Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed.”

Task 20. Give the title of the document and the name of its author. When was this document created?

Task 21. What event is being discussed in the document? What were its reasons? (Give at least three reasons.)

Task 22. What were the consequences of the event described in the document? (Indicate at least two consequences.)

Task 23 According to the chronicle legend, Prince Vladimir was faced with the question of choosing a religion between Western, Eastern (Orthodoxy) Christianity, Islam and Judaism. As a result, he settled on Orthodoxy. Give at least three explanations for this choice.

Task 24. In historical science, there are debatable problems on which different, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the controversial points of view existing in historical science

on the presence of a state in Ancient Russia.

Ancient Russia X-early XII centuries. can be called a centralized state.

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can confirm this point of view, and two arguments that can refute it.

Write your answer in the following form.

Arguments in support:



Arguments to refute:



Task 25. You need to write a historical essay about ONE of the periods of Russian history:

1) 1019–1054;

2) 1725–1762;

3) 1917–1922

The essay must:

indicate at least two events (phenomena, processes) relating to a given period of history;

name two historical figures whose activities are connected with these events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the role of these personalities in the events (phenomena, processes) of a given period in Russian history;

indicate at least two cause-and-effect relationships that existed between events (phenomena, processes) within a given period of history.

Using knowledge of historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians, give one historical assessment of the significance of this period for the history of Russia. During the presentation it is necessary to use historical terms, concepts,

related to this period.

Good day, friends, guys and colleagues! Ivan Nekrasov is with you. IN Unified State Exam tests By national history very common Various types tasks aimed at testing the ability to apperate using the material from the course “Ancient Rus'”. As a rule, these are the first 4 tasks of the part with a choice of answers, by the way, this year RIANovosti confirmed the changes in the 2016 CIMs (read here) and you know, there is an opinion on the Internet that this will not happen, it’s all complete nonsense and nonsense, but not in vain after all, for the second year in a row we have been led to this change, first introduce continuous numbering, so that tasks without a choice of answer will not have a classification, they will either be just questions with a short answer, or oral part, about which a word was said on the PDA + 1-2 short/long answer type tasks.

The price of a mistake, as you understand, is very high and you lose an extra 5-6 primary points You probably don’t want to... First, you need to familiarize yourself with the material in the articles:

Done? Excellent) Now let's self-test our knowledge on the topics covered. In the coming days, I conducted a special test in our VKontakte group to determine the level of applicants. It is still in the public domain, you can look at the assignments and the guys’ answers.

The average student score was 75 points. The result is not bad, but you yourself understand that this is only the beginning, later from such values, namely their arithmetic average, a general picture of knowledge of the course will emerge... and ancient Rus' in the 9th-11th centuries. considered one of the easiest periods to study. Where did the guys go wrong?

1. Often the failure was the inability to identify the most advantageous areas of activity, or applicants absolutely do not know what it is, although through dialogue with them, teachers explained to them the principles of working with the 40th task. If we take into account the fact that next year they may introduce an essay, instead of characterizing one historical figure and the score increases to 11 primary, the cost of error is too high!

2. Many of the students confuse events between historical figures, so for some, the treaties of 907 and 911 suddenly become the merit of Igor the Old. Result: inability to systematize information and imagine time intervals on a time scale.

3. A similar story, as with personalities, is repeated in dates; many, having not heard about the date of creation of the Notification System, try to guess, this cannot be done! It is necessary to narrow the circle of suspected dates, so to speak, to go from century to date in a logical chain: period, century, ruler, quarter or third of a century, decade, etc.

This is due to incorrect work with historical material. All this will be covered in detail and clearly in our school of preparation for the Unified State Exam from ZERO to the result...

Now remove all manuals, notebooks, close unnecessary browser tabs and read on... Your task now is to do three simple steps:

1. Solve the thematic test on Ancient Rus' in a multiple-choice form and write down your % of the topic completed in a notebook

2. Download the archive of assignment materials with a short answer. I do not include the keys to them, your task is to complete the tests on a separate piece of paper and put it aside for now

3. Like and download archive No. 2. There you will find tasks with detailed answers. You can solve them and send them to me for verification in private messages on VKontakte, or to the support service.

4. Go to the Internet and check the answers to the tasks in point No. 2 yourself. Divide 100% by the number of tasks you completed and multiply by the correct number of answers. You will receive %, which you also need to write down in your notebook.

5. Wait for part C to be checked and receive a response of % of the test completed. From these three values, you get a real level of knowledge of the topic, based on which you can work on self-improvement in your level of preparation.


Evaluation criteria:

90-100% - congratulations! You are doing everything correctly, there are practically no mistakes during preparation. Continuing in the same spirit, you will easily cross the threshold of the TOP 10 universities in Russia!

80-90% - preparation is going well, the material of the period has been mastered qualitatively, errors occur:

a) due to carelessness

b) technical related to work on part 2

70-80% is an acceptable result for those who seek to enter a contract at a local, not prestigious university. If your goals are slightly different, you should think about it...

50-70% is a terrible result, or you have just started preparing, haven’t read the articles or learned anything, and if not, then you’re thinking in the wrong direction. You definitely need the support of a mentor, because otherwise all your efforts will lead you nowhere. Or with self-discipline you will gain GPA— 47 points, or you’ll change your mind about taking history altogether

0-50% - guys, urgently get treatment and buy yourself a brain, and get hold of your head :) It’s time to gnaw on the granite of science, as an option to get a tough grip on yourself and take the time to start preparing before it’s too late. You can write me, I will help with all I can:/

By the way, more than 20 people are already ready to start studying, about 9 more people have not yet clearly declared their intention to study at school and are waiting for the rest:

Preliminary list of students from the Unified State Exam preparation school from ZERO to results

There are fewer and fewer places left. Students can't wait to start taking lessons and doing homework. And in the coming days we will continue to work on this site, subscribe to updates, there will be a lot of interesting material soon... and also, guys, be careful. Recently on VKontakte they were selling some kind of miracle book for 1200 rubles, I asked the “author” for a screenshot of the page to see what kind of 100-point tablet it was, and it turned out to be Baranov’s reference book :) Well, on such a cheerful note I end this article, Bye everyone =)

Best regards, Ivan Nekrasov

By the way, what do you think about this video:/ How can I live with this now... 😀

Good day, friends, guys and colleagues! Ivan Nekrasov is with you. In the Unified State Exam tests on Russian history, there are very often various types of tasks aimed at testing the ability to apperate the material of the course “Ancient Rus'”. As a rule, these are the first 4 tasks of the part with a choice of answers, by the way, this year RIANovosti confirmed the changes in the 2016 CIMs (read here) and you know, there is an opinion on the Internet that this will not happen, it’s all complete nonsense and nonsense, but not in vain after all, for the second year in a row we are being led to this change, first introduce continuous numbering, so that tasks without a choice of answer will not have a classification, they will either be just questions with a short answer, or an oral part, about which a word was put in on the PDA + 1-2 tasks short/long answer type.

The cost of an error, as you understand, is very high and you probably don’t want to lose an extra 5-6 initial points... First, you need to familiarize yourself with the material in the articles:

Done? Excellent) Now let's self-test our knowledge on the topics covered. In the coming days, I conducted a special test in our VKontakte group to determine the level of applicants. It is still in the public domain, you can look at the assignments and the guys’ answers.

The average student score was 75 points. The result is not bad, but you yourself understand that this is only the beginning, later from such values, namely their arithmetic average, a general picture of knowledge of the course will emerge... and ancient Rus' in the 9th-11th centuries. considered one of the easiest periods to study. Where did the guys go wrong?

1. Often the failure was the inability to identify the most advantageous areas of activity, or applicants absolutely do not know what it is, although through dialogue with them, teachers explained to them the principles of working with the 40th task. If we take into account the fact that next year they may introduce an essay instead of characterizing a single historical figure and the score increases to 11 primary, the price of a mistake is too high!

2. Many of the students confuse events between historical figures, so for some, the treaties of 907 and 911 suddenly become the merit of Igor the Old. Result: inability to systematize information and imagine time intervals on a time scale.

3. A similar story, as with personalities, is repeated in dates; many, having not heard about the date of creation of the Notification System, try to guess, this cannot be done! It is necessary to narrow the circle of suspected dates, so to speak, to go from century to date in a logical chain: period, century, ruler, quarter or third of a century, decade, etc.

This is due to incorrect work with historical material. All this will be covered in detail and clearly in our school of preparation for the Unified State Exam from ZERO to the result...

Now remove all manuals, notebooks, close unnecessary browser tabs and read on... Your task now is to do three simple steps:

1. Solve the thematic test on Ancient Rus' in a multiple-choice form and write down your % of the topic completed in a notebook

2. Download the archive of assignment materials with a short answer. I do not include the keys to them, your task is to complete the tests on a separate piece of paper and put it aside for now

3. Like and download archive No. 2. There you will find tasks with detailed answers. You can solve them and send them to me for verification in private messages on VKontakte, or to the support service.

4. Go to the Internet and check the answers to the tasks in point No. 2 yourself. Divide 100% by the number of tasks you completed and multiply by the correct number of answers. You will receive %, which you also need to write down in your notebook.

5. Wait for part C to be checked and receive a response of % of the test completed. From these three values, you get a real level of knowledge of the topic, based on which you can work on self-improvement in your level of preparation.


Evaluation criteria:

90-100% - congratulations! You are doing everything correctly, there are practically no mistakes during preparation. Continuing in the same spirit, you will easily cross the threshold of the TOP 10 universities in Russia!

80-90% - preparation is going well, the material of the period has been mastered qualitatively, errors occur:

a) due to carelessness

b) technical related to work on part 2

70-80% is an acceptable result for those who seek to enter a contract at a local, not prestigious university. If your goals are slightly different, you should think about it...

50-70% is a terrible result, or you have just started preparing, haven’t read the articles or learned anything, and if not, then you’re thinking in the wrong direction. You definitely need the support of a mentor, because otherwise all your efforts will lead you nowhere. Either with self-discipline you will score an average score of 47 points, or you will change your mind about taking history altogether

0-50% - guys, urgently get treatment and buy yourself a brain, and get hold of your head :) It’s time to gnaw on the granite of science, as an option to get a tough grip on yourself and take the time to start preparing before it’s too late. You can write me, I will help with all I can:/

By the way, more than 20 people are already ready to start studying, about 9 more people have not yet clearly declared their intention to study at school and are waiting for the rest:

Preliminary list of students from the Unified State Exam preparation school from ZERO to results

There are fewer and fewer places left. Students can't wait to start taking lessons and doing homework. And in the coming days we will continue to work on this site, subscribe to updates, there will be a lot of interesting material soon... and also, guys, be careful. Recently on VKontakte they were selling some kind of miracle book for 1200 rubles, I asked the “author” for a screenshot of the page to see what kind of 100-point tablet it was, and it turned out to be Baranov’s reference book :) Well, on such a cheerful note I end this article, Bye everyone =)

Best regards, Ivan Nekrasov

By the way, what do you think about this video:/ How can I live with this now... 😀