The Perseid meteor shower is the most beautiful meteor shower in August. Perseid meteor shower - the most beautiful starfall in August Starfall in July and August

August 2017 is replete with such events - this month you can see several beautiful phenomena with the naked eye. When, what date and where to watch August starfalls?

Starfalls in August 2017 – when, what, where will be visible.

Perseids starfall - from August 10 to 20, peak activity - 12-14. During this period, the August sky will be dotted with meteor showers, reports the Moscow Planetarium. Astronomers promise up to 1 meteor per minute! Perseids – meteor shower, passing very close to the Earth, leaving behind a very beautiful “stellar trail”, which surpasses many other stars in brightness.

Earthlings owe the Perseid starfall and the beautiful spectacle to the meteor shower of the same name, which at this time passes by the Earth. The meteor shower is especially bright due to comet Swift-Tuttle, through whose tail the Earth passes every year. The comet's tail loses particles of cosmic rocks, pieces of ice, etc., which, falling, burn up in the atmosphere, revealing beautiful lines of fire and flashes.

Starfall originates from the constellation Perseus, hence its name. The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most popular and brightest celestial phenomena, appreciated by both ordinary observers and professional astronomers.

Another meteor shower that should not be ignored is the Capricornids meteor shower., which can be viewed now. The Capricornids starfall can be observed throughout August and half of September, until the 15th.

Capricornids meteor shower leaves a trail of cosmic rocks burning in the atmosphere, and originates from the constellation Capricorn. Scientists assured that although the Capricornis starfall has been little studied, it is very convenient for observation. The path is not as intense as the Perseids, but each meteor burns very brightly. Such phenomena can be seen 5-6 per hour, however, as you move away from the earth, the starfall disappears. You can watch the Capricornids starfall all over Russia, from any point, even from the window own home– the flashes are very bright.

Starfalls in the summer, in August 2017: how to watch, where it will be visible.

Perseids– in order not to miss the flow, you need, first of all, to find the constellation Perseus. Initial reference point – Big Dipper, from its beginning (the handle of the bucket), draw a straight line so that it intersects North Star. You will come across the constellation Cassiopeia (W-shaped stars). The constellation Perseus is located right here - you can concentrate on observation.

Capricornids– accordingly, we find the constellation Capricorn. Since Capricorn is inconspicuous in the sky, it is better to first find the constellation Aquila, taking as a guide bright star Altair, which is part of the "triangle" along with Vega and Deneb. Having found this bright triangle, look below - the unclear “smile” is the constellation Capricorn. As you watch, concentrate on it.

It is best to watch starfalls away from the city lights, near bodies of water in the lap of nature. A great idea for a romantic summer activity is to set your camera to a slow shutter speed, mount it on a tripod, or simply place it with the lens facing up. The resulting photos will surprise you. August is a great time to spend at least one night without sleep and make a wish after a falling star...

Very soon, Russians in the northern part of the country will be able to watch a “fabulous”, most beautiful phenomenon - a starfall. In astrology, it is called the Perseid meteor shower and is one of the three most active and largest starfalls in existence. Read about when the peak of its activity will be, as well as when it is best to watch it, what time and where.

Starfall in August 2017: time, what date - what time in Moscow

The Perseids meteor shower generally begins on July 17, but continues for quite a long time, and its peak activity occurs on the night of August 12-13, so this time is the best for observing starfall. There is no specific time as to what time it will start. As soon as the sky is clearly visible, it gets dark normally, you can just go outside and admire. It's a pity, however, that this is only available to residents northern hemisphere, where the constellation Perseus is visible. It is in his direction that you need to look.

Meteor shower The Perseids are a very ancient meteor shower, which was recorded back in 26 AD. Already in the 8th century they even gave it a name - “tears of St. Lawrence”. This is connected with the St. Lawrence Festival, which has traditionally been held in Europe for a long time at a time when the most active starfall is observed.

By the way! Did you know that on this night ALL your wishes come true? This has been believed since ancient times. True, in order for it to come true, you need to be alone, not think about anything bad, and make a wish only after you have counted as many stars as the total of your date of birth. For example, if you were born on 06/05/1990, then you can make a wish only after you count 30 (0+5+0+6+1+9+9+0) fallen stars!

Starfall, starfall...
Fortunately, friends say...

N. N. Dobronravov

August is the time for starfalls. This month, the stars shine brighter than usual in the night sky, and meteors that have not been visible all year become visible. In the coming weeks, residents of all Russian cities will see several amazing astronomical phenomena at once - two bright starfalls and moon eclipse.


When: early August

Throughout the last month of summer and another half of September, you will be able to see a unique meteor shower – the Capricornids – in the night sky. It will be visible near the constellation Capricorn until September 15, but its peak activity occurs in early August, so observations are best made in the first week of the month.

Capricornids can be found near the constellation Capricorn

Although the Capricornids were discovered by the Hungarian astronomer de Concolli back in 1871, this meteor shower is little studied. Researchers believe that at the peak of starfall activity, only 5-6 meteors can be seen per hour, but all of them are very bright and noticeable.

We owe many modern conveniences to space. The meteor shower claims to be one of the most unusual: astronomers have proven that it consists of three equal meteor showers stretched in different directions: that is why the Capricornids can be observed from anywhere on Earth.
In order to see the starfall, you do not need special equipment: it is so bright that it is visible from dark to dawn with the naked eye. Finding the source of a meteor shower in the sky, the constellation Capricorn, is quite difficult, since there is not a single bright star in it. First you need to discover the constellation Aquila: in August it is one of the brightest in the sky, and its main star, Altair, forms a Summer-Autumn triangle with Vega and Deneb. Below the Eagle is Capricorn - it looks like a big smile. This is where you can see the Capricornids. You can watch the meteor shower without leaving your home: although Capricorn himself is completely inconspicuous, the meteor shower will be bright and spectacular.

Moon eclipse

At 21.20 on August 7, Moscow time, residents of almost all Russian cities, except the Far Eastern Territory, will be able to observe the beautiful and a rare event– partial lunar eclipse. It received this name because the Moon enters the Earth's shadow not completely, but only partially. In this case, the part of the Moon on which the Earth's shadow falls will look dark, and the rest will be in partial shade and illuminated by the sun's rays.

Residents of almost all Russian cities will see a partial lunar eclipse.

“This will be an unusually beautiful phenomenon,” notes astronomer Anatoly Ryabtsev. – Interesting fact: at the same time, being on the Moon, you can see a partial eclipse of the Sun by the Earth.”

The lunar eclipse will last about 1 hour 55 minutes, and everyone will have time to admire the spectacle from the windows of their homes and even take photographs. Experts advise that the best way to view this astronomical phenomenon is through a telescope, but even if you don't have special equipment, this event will forever remain in your memory.


The Perseids are one of the brightest and most intense starfalls: at the peak of its activity, up to 60 flaming meteors can be seen in the sky in one hour - 1 meteor every minute!

The Perseids are one of the brightest meteor showers.

The meteor shower will last 10 days, from August 10 to 20, but the largest number of meteors will be visible from August 12 to 14. You can see them with the naked eye: often falling stars merge into entire fireballs and lines, which makes the meteor shower surprisingly beautiful and unusual. The Perseids deservedly take first place among all meteor showers in terms of the number of shooting stars and fireballs - giant meteors that shine brighter than Venus.

The Perseids owe their beauty to comet Swift-Tuttle, through whose tail the Earth passes every year. The smallest particles of the comet's tail, consisting of ice, dust and various cosmic rocks, burn up in the atmosphere and fall to Earth as a shower of stars. The comet itself approaches the Earth only once every 135 years, and its next appearance is expected only in 2127, but even the burning trail celestial body looks very impressive: the starfall will be appreciated by all astronomy lovers.
You can see a fascinating phenomenon in the sky near the constellation Perseus. Everyone can find it. To do this, you need to draw an imaginary line from the extreme star of the “bucket handle” Ursa Major through the North Star. A little higher you will see Cassiopeia - a constellation in the form of a large letter "W". Directly below this constellation is Perseus, in whose area meteors will fall.


7: Partial lunar eclipse.

The Moon will pass through the Earth's penumbral region, and a small part of it will pass through the total shadow region.

12–13: Meteor shower.

The famous Perseid meteor shower with a frequency of up to 60 meteors per minute.

21: Total solar eclipse.

The Moon will completely eclipse the Sun, making its corona (the outer layers of the atmosphere) visible.


Occurs at 20:02 UTC, when the Sun will shine directly on the equator and throughout the world day and night will be approximately the same length. This will be the first day of autumn (autumnal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of spring ( the vernal equinox) in Yuzhny.


7: Meteor shower.

The Draconid meteor shower differs from others in its low frequency (only about 10 meteors per hour) and in that it is best observed in the early evening rather than early in the morning.

19: Uranus at opposition.

Although this planet will be as close as possible to Earth, it will only be visible as a tiny bluish-green dot - we are too far away from each other. Unless you have access to a powerful astronomical telescope.

21–22: Meteor shower.

The Orionid meteor shower allows you to observe about 20 meteors per hour.


4–5: Meteor Shower.

The Taurids meteor shower has a frequency of only 5-10 meteors per hour, but is unusual in that it consists of two branches.

13: Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter.

These two bright planets will be extremely close - before dawn they can be observed in the east at a distance of only 0.3 degrees from each other.

17–18: Meteor shower.

The Leonids meteor shower, at its peak, produces about 15 meteors per hour.


3: Full moon, super moon.

The moon will be on back side Earth, fully illuminated by the Sun. This will be the only supermoon in 2017 where the Moon will be very close to Earth.

13–14: Meteor shower.

The Geminids meteor shower is truly the king of all meteor showers. It will be possible to observe up to 120 colorful meteors per hour!

Occurs at 16:28 UTC when South Pole The Earth will tilt towards the Sun. This will be the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the Southern Hemisphere.

21–22: Meteor shower.

The Ursid meteor shower has a frequency of 5 to 10 meteors per hour.

Starfalls can be observed from anywhere on the planet. This unusually beautiful spectacle attracts many people who enjoy the beauty of the night sky and make their deepest wishes.

IN summer time You can watch the most powerful starfalls that fascinate with their beauty. They can be seen not only with the help of telescopes and other special instruments, but also with the naked eye. In August, the strongest meteor shower is expected, which will occur due to the most common meteor showers - the Perseids.

Starfall in August 2017: Perseids

In August, the peak of falling stars will be observed from the 9th to the 17th. This month's meteor shower will be the most spectacular due to its unprecedented power. Perseids are small particles from comet Swift-Tull that burn up as they enter the Earth's atmosphere. This event occurs every code when the Earth makes another turn and passes through its long tail. Bright and spectacular starfalls always come from the direction of the constellation Perseus. The largest particles, burning in the atmosphere, leave a visible trace that fades away only after a few seconds.

This phenomenon has an impact on people, because Perseus personifies the struggle between good and evil. During this period, many feel the desire to change and change the world around them in better side. A heightened sense of justice can give rise to quarrels and conflicts, so weather-sensitive people should use meditation to maintaining internal harmony. Astrologers recommend showing a sense of tact and taking care of loved ones so that “righteous anger” does not spoil friendly and loving relationships.

The first descriptions of such a powerful starfall date back to 36 AD. Fascinated by this spectacle, people described in detail such an unusual phenomenon, giving it a mystical meaning. In Europe there is a holiday dedicated to this event - the Festival of St. Lawrence.

Where and when to watch the Perseid starfall

Scientists believe that the peak of the starfall will occur on the night of August 11-12. The massive meteor shower is so strong that it can produce up to 200 meteors per hour. However, in central Russia it will be somewhat weaker and range from 60 to 100 meteors.

To fully enjoy the gift of the Universe, it is necessary to choose places on a hill, not fenced by trees and high-rise structures. The best view will be away from cities with their blinding light. Those who do not have the opportunity to get far from home can watch the starfall through live broadcasts.

During a starfall, every person will be able not only to enjoy the beauty, but also to take advantage of the opportunity. You will be able to mentally ask questions and receive positive or negative answers. A long trail after a star’s fall will be positive, while a negative sign will be a rapid decline. We wish you all the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

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